I don't read the vote as not mentioning the other option, just putting our preferred option forward. I guess you could read it as you do but it seems pretty out of character of Rhaenyra to do so. I'd certainly be in favor of a write-in that makes that clear if that's how the vote is meant to be interpreted.
The QM also has eyes, I don't think such a write-in would be neccessary when the QM can just read the reasoning your giving and then have Rhaenyra do that in the next update if it wins.

Cmon lads, let's not add a write-in for every small detail, my eyes already glaze over when reading a write-in more than two sentences long.
[X] Promise to Take Both Proposals to Your Father

Oh this is gonna be fun.

I wonder if we could us the "Dorne seems to think I'm cool" card for a bonus somewhere in the upcoming "discussion."
I think it's also worth considering the optics of just kicking the issue upstairs as you so elegantly put it. It plays into the hands of certain nobles who'll seek to portray Rhaenyra as an indecisive woman who needs a man to make her decisions for her.
As opposed to a wilful woman emotionally making decisions on the spot that are bets reserved for the proper authorities? I am all for considering our reputation, matters of legitimacy, "PR" and so on, so it's good to see that regarded, but well - that in particular is a game we just can't win. And right now, we are in fact much closer to the latter than the former. We have already proven to be quite wilful on the matter of the tourney, and to a lesser extent the matter of fighting a juidicial battle ourselves instead of using the Kingsguard. Our reputation will very much go more towards "wilful" rather than "indecisive" right now.

Which is a concern regarding our father, too. Outside our, ah, special fields of interest it may be wise not to be all too bold and forthright for some time. Frankly, we already (mildly) fucked up with our interest in the Arryn succession. Perhaps that should be a lesson to us.
So I'm gonna close voting in one hour both because the voting is very one sided and because I uh, already wrote the next update

Edit: Make that an hour, cause I got stuff I need to do.
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Jan 20, 2025 at 5:18 PM, finished with 89 posts and 57 votes.
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So I'm gonna close voting in two hours both because the voting is very one sided and because I uh, already wrote the next update
Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Jan 20, 2025 at 5:18 PM, finished with 89 posts and 57 votes.
My birthday is still 7 months away Teen, cmon you don't have to spoil me like this.

Edit: Side note for those of you in suspense for Viserys' response to our actions, our bastard of a QM writes really quickly when he's excited about the topic, such as things he's had floating around in his head for a while.

Likely our knighthood, but there's a chance it's something else interesting too, like maybe he just had a lot of ideas for when we got to regular turns again.
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Voting Closed
Voting is closed, sorry for being so short and I promise I will never do this short a vote for something major

Adhoc vote count started by Teen Spirit on Jan 20, 2025 at 5:18 PM, finished with 89 posts and 57 votes.
Interlude: Arrivals Part I
Interlude: Arrivals Part I

You flew back home, unsure if you were about to hailed as warrior without peer and legend of this age, or condemned as a foolish little girl who grossly overstepped her role. You knew the latter was unlikely, but you couldn't completely get the fear out of your mind as King's Landing came into view.

When you landed at the Dragonpit, the Dragon Keepers were quite annoyed to find an Andal like Rhea Royce riding with you. You heard them curse her out in Valyrian and chide you allowing the bronze armored woman to be riding on Syrax. You snarled back at them, demanding they respect your guest. Rhea watched in bemused confusion, unsure what anyone was saying.

Ser Steffon Darklyn was awaiting you with a carriage outside the pit. A good sign. You got along with Darklyn well enough, despite defeating him in practice once. Ser Darklyn welcomed you home, though said little else.

The ride to the Red Keep was quite. Rhea offered her assurances that everything was fine, but little could put your discomfort to ease. Canceling the Progress was a big deal. Dozens of noble houses would have to change their plans radically and wait for years for your visit. This was not something you father did on a whim.

Much of the court was waiting for you at the entrance to the Red Keep, though you noticed the absence of the queen, no doubt confined to bed rest by the maesters. Your father was smiling broadly at your arrival, which was another good sign. Though any joy you took in his expression was sapped away after you stepped out and noticed his gloved hand was missing another finger. He had not improved. Six months gone and he had only gotten worse.

"Welcome home," your father said warmly as the two of you hugged. "It is good to see you back, Rhaenyra."

"It's good to see you as well, father," you replied earnestly. While you were undeniably nervous and worried, seeing your father again was great. You had never been away from him for so long and you couldn't deny you had missed him. You were so grateful to have Alicent with you for most of the trip or you would have been horrifically homesick.

The mood of the rest of those gathered to greet you was decidedly mixed. Lord Beesbury looked happy to see you again, while Lord Strong had a kind smile but uneasy look in his eyes as he welcomed you back, an expression shared by Lord Commander Westerling. Otto Hightower could only stare at you with a look of befuddlement, while Lord Westerling looked as though he had been forced to swallow an entire lemon, peel and all. Tyland Lannister's face was tense and unpleasant, like he wanted to sneer and was only barely able to stop himself from doing so. It seemed the court had decidedly mixed opinions, at best, of your recent behavior.

"What a fine cloak," your father said. "Where did you get it?"

"Around Winterfell," you remained evasive on the subject. The shadowcat was a conversation for later.

Commander Westerling escorted you and your father to his chambers. Little was said on the way. While Viserys didn't seem angry, his expression was less overjoyed now and you could tell he was preparing something in his head. As soon you were in his room and the door was closed, Viserys unloaded.

"What in the seven hells were you thinking Rhaenyra!" He all but exploded the moment the door fell into the lock. "Do have any idea of how much danger you put yourself in with this escapade?!"

"No more than anyone else on that field. Countless lords and heirs were out there and I was better trained than most," you argued. "Daemon's entered countless tourneys and you've never once complained."

"Do not compare yourself to Daemon!" Viserys nearly roared. "You know that's completely different."

"Why? Because I won?" you snapped back with a smug expression. "I won that tourney fair and honestly with my own skill and strength."

"And you humiliated three major houses in the process," Viserys shook his head in frustration as he paced towards his model city. "Lord Baratheon is an uproar and House Peake is demanding an apology."

"House Peake should be lucky Unwin wasn't sent to the wall after I heard the vile things he whispered about me and my handmaiden," you said sharply. "And if Borros had been injured by Ser Criston Cole or any other man on that field, his father wouldn't dare to raise a complaint. He's only doing so because his son's ego couldn't stomach losing to a woman."

"Yes," you surprised to hear your father agreed with you. "If you had been a man, Boremund's reaction would be different. That is the nature of things. There are different standards for men and women. As unfair as it is, it does not serve you to enrage your future vassals like this."

Viserys took a deep breath as he sat on a chair, gesturing for you to do the same.

"You don't understand the consequences your actions have brought," his voice was calmer, but weary. "Half the lords of the Seven Kingdoms think you've become some wild and uncontrollable child who is indulging in whims the moment she's away from home. Jason Lannister all but told me that he didn't want the progress to come to Casterly Rock because he feared you behavior would influence the women at his court."

"Then tell Jason Lannister than I am heir and should be treated with more respect," you grew forceful in your words. "This what I'm good at, father. This is my strength. I am warrior and the realm needs to respect that."

Your father covered his face with his good hand.

"Rhaenyra, we live in a world bound by traditions and duty," he explained wearily. "Even we are not above it's conventions."

"There are exceptions to every rule though," you argued. "It's why we're allowed to fly on dragons and marry our own blood without being condemned. Am I not an exception already as heir?"

"And I did my duty," you pushed on, your tone gaining more of an edge as you did. "I feasted with lords, made alliances for myself and the Iron Throne, and delivered justice in your name. Talk to any of the Lords I visited and they will say I did a fine job. I did what was expected of me, so why can I not persue my dreams as well?!"

"Because your dream is impossible," your father replied, clearly losing ground against you. "I have told you time and time again, a knighthood is simply not possible."

If you were ever going to become a knight you had to convince him now or it would never happen.

"Why not?" you said as you leaned forward in your seat. "There is no rule saying a woman can't be a knight. No law on the books that say so. And if there was one, you could remove it. The only thing holding you back is convention, which you already broke by naming me heir."

"You don't understand what you're asking for," your father argued. "The realm would think I was enabling your whims. They would see your knighthood as false."

Good. He was talking about it like it was an actual thing that could happen.

"I have defeated the strongest knight in the seven kingdoms and knocked flat men of the Kingsguard!" you argued. "Came second in the Melee and then defeated the only man to beat me along with three future lords. What more could I possibly do to prove I am worthy of the honor?!"

Your father Leaned back in his chair, looking utterly exhausted.

"Most men would have removed you as heir for that tourney," he pointed out.

"I have wanted to become a knight long before I was heir," you replied. "That wouldn't stop me."

"What you ask..." he sighed. "It would make a great many enemies where you could have had friends. It would provide you no benefit."

"Those kinds of men would never have been allies," you insisted. "And it will give me great peace of mind."

Your father was clearly frustrated with you, but he had no arguments left.

"The Small Council was divided on what we should do once we learned of the tourney," your father explained as he suddenly shifted the conversation. "Otto suggested having Ser Raylon removed as your Sworn Shield and banning you from the training yard for two years. Lord Westerling went a step further and said Tarly should be sent to the Wall. When he returned, Lord Beesbury said we should just tolerate your behavior. Of course, he had made a small fortune betting the Silver Falcon would defeat Ser Criston Cole, so he had considerable bias on the matter."

Viserys chuckled at the thought, earning a smile from you as well.

"But Harwin made the same point that you have," he went on. "While he found your duel with his son frustrating, your behavior otherwise was excellent and he was looking forward to training you to one day hold his seat on the Council. And you are right. Lord Stark praised your judgement in Winterfell, said you will make a fine queen one day."

You found yourself straightening your back at the praise.

"I had hoped I could convince you to drop this matter," you father's voice full of defeat. "I still firmly believe this will not help you in the long term. But it seems Lord Strong has the right of it. To help make you the best heir you can be, you must be appeased on this matter, allowed to be the Dragon Knight that you so clearly want to be."

Your heart was hammering in your chest hard. You could feel your breath quicken and sweat begin to form on your brow.

The King stood up and you nearly knocked your chair over as you rushed to follow him.

"Here's what is going to happen," he explained as he grabbed you by the should. "The High Septon will arrive in three days time. Ser Tarly and the others should be here by then as well. Once they have arrived, you will be knighted in a ceremony in the throne room."

You felt light headed at those words. Your father increased his grip as if to steady you.

"This is not something I do lightly. You need to behave as a proper knight should from here on out," he said sternly. "The eyes of the entire kingdom will be on you more than ever now. In addition, you will be granted Blackfyre upon your twentieth nameday. You are too young for Valyrian steel now, but I do not want you making a fool of yourself in an effort to earn it."

That really surprised you. Blackfyre was almost a badge of office. You had not expected him to give it so freely.

"Father," you could barely find your words. "I am beyond honored."

"The realm needs to see that you were not given this title on a whim," he explained. "That it was earned with skills worthy of Valyrian Steel."

"What of the royal progress?" you asked.

"As I said, it will begin again come spring if you so desire," he assured you. "Give the lords time to cool their heels."

That was perhaps disappointing. You had plans for the rest of your progress and now those plans would be delayed for years.

"On that note," your father's voice grew stricter. "While I will not force the issue, yet, I would strongly advise you find a suitable husband by the time spring arrives. It would do much to ease tempers if the Lords of Westeros knew who their future king-consort will be."

Oh. That was less than ideal. It wasn't a hard limit, but it was a narrower time frame then you had hoped.

"Though, if it helps, while your victory at the Tourney has deterred some, it seems to have caught the attention of several others," your father noted. "Ser Harwin Breakbones has expressed interest in a match, as has the new Prince of Dorne, much to my surprise."

You were barely paying attention to his words, your mind focused on what was to come. You grabbed your father and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you father," you said softly. "This means so much to me."

"You are welcome. I suppose I should have expected this when I started calling you the next Visenya," he was sighing but he had a half smile at least.

Your Relationship with Viserys has Deteriorated
New Status: Warm but Frustrated

Your Relationship with Otto Hightower Has Deteriorated
New Status: Skeptical

Viserys Health has Deteriorated.
New Status: Beginning to Decline

You stood in front of the Iron Throne, your hair loose. Your outfit was less fancy than what you wore when you were named heir, simply a black tabard with the Targaryen sigil on both your chest and back. The crowd was smaller than that day as well, mostly lords of the Crownlands and those who were in court already, along with Alicent and everyone from your progress. Thankfully the ship had arrived in time. Alicent was beaming with pride as she watched you, even if her father looked displeased. Your cousin Rhaenys was here as well, much to your surprise. She watched the whole thing with a decidedly skeptical look.

You didn't care much about your attire, and the crowd mattered little, though you were grateful to have Alicent here. What matters was that it was finally happening. Your longest held dream was becoming a reality.

The High Septon and your father stood before you, in his hand your family sword, Blackfyre.

"Rhaenyra, kneel," the King commanded.

Despite your nervousness and eagerness, and your stomach twisting into more knots then you ever believed possible, you kept a calm exterior as knelt before them. The High Septon sprinkled seven holy oils upon you, starring down skeptically into your face as her uttered a prayer.

Then your father placed the blade of Blackfyre upon your shoulder. It felt heavier than you had ever imagined.

"In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave," He declared before moving the blade to your other shoulder. "In the name of the Father I charge you to be just."

You would not cry, you told yourself. You had not come all this way, trained so hard, just to be mocked now. You would not have them calling you the Knight of Tears.

"In the name of the Maiden," the King went on, "I charge you to defend the young and innocent."

As you stood there, listening to your father recite the oaths, you thought back to all that you had done to get here, and all you could achieve going forward. Your mind raced with a hundred ideas for a moment before one stuck in your brain above all others.

What Do You Focus On?

[] [Trait] The Hard Work That Brought You Here

You had a natural talent for the Blade, but it wasn't talent alone that brought you here. It was the hard work you put in that gave you this honor. Long hours in the training yard, knocking swords against training dummies until you could barely feel your arm, getting knocked off your horse over and over again only to get up and get back in the Saddle. You and Ser Tarly had trained hard these past few years and it had paid off more than you could ever imagine. It was clear to you now that to accomplish your goals you needed to be diligent and persistent in your work. Put in more hours than anyone else. Keep at something until it is done.
Gain Trait: Diligent

[] [Trait] The Honor You have Been Given

This was not just a title you had been given. This was tradition stretching back thousands of years that you had just sworn to uphold. The words your father were saying weren't just wind. They were a code you were expected to uphold. A knight was supposed to be many things. Just, honest, a deliver of justice and protector of the innocent. You knew not every knight took their oaths seriously, but that would never be you. You had been given an honor no other woman had ever been given, and you had no intention of tarnishing it. You would hold yourself to higher standards from now on.
Gain Trait: Honorable

[] [Trait] All That You Could Achieve

Here you were, being made an anointed knight at barely six and ten years of age. Few your age could claim such and honor and none of them were women. If there had been any other female knights, their names were lost to the ages or they had been hedge knights who hid themselves from the world. As far as history would be concerned, you would be the first woman in history to earn a knighthood. And that left you with some questions, such as what else could you accomplish if you set your mind to it? You had already made history twice by being named heir and now made a knight. If you pushed yourself, how much more could you accomplish?
Gain Trait: Ambitious

The king finished his speech and removed his sword. Your father looked down at you, despite his misgivings his eyes were filled with pride in that moment.

"Arise, Rhaenyra Targaryen," he declared, "Princess of Dragonstone, and knight of the seven kingdoms."

You stood, smiling broadly despite your efforts to maintain a stoic exterior.

Nothing had changed. You were still the same woman you were when you woke up that morning. Being able to call yourself Ser changed nothing about you physically.

Yet, everything had changed. You had dreamed of the impossible and despite everything, you achieved it.

You turned to face the crowd. Alicent was covering her face with her hands, her proud smile apparent even though it was hidden. The rest wore a variety of expressions as they clapped. Some were proud or impressed, others skeptical or even disgusted. You didn't care. This was your day. Your accomplishment. You had earned this honor and no one would take it away from you

-30 Stress

Ser Rhaenyra Targaryen is Now An Anointed Knight

Rhaenyra Has Fulfilled One of Her Dreams

Achievement Unlocked: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

-You Have Become A Knight

Achievement Unlocked: Early Achiever
-Fulfilled a Dream before you turned 18 Years Old

After the Ceremony was over and people went about the rest of their days, you found yourself restless. You had just achieved something many would have considered impossible a day ago. You wanted to spend the night celebrating, but how?

What Do You Do That Evening?

[] [Celebrate] Celebrate Your Success with Ser Tarly

[] [Celebrate] Spend Some Time With Alicent

[] [Celebrate] Visit Your Father

[] [Celebrate] Sneak Out into King's Landing.

[] [Celebrate] Write-in (Subject to QM Approval)

6 Hour Moratorium on Voting

QM's Notes: So, I had not intended this particular dream to be something accomplish so early, but this was enabled by a very particularly set of actions you guys have taken. Had your relationship with Viserys been lower this would not have worked, and the main reasons your relationship with Viserys was so high was due to having the Romantic Trait and speaking to him first turn synergize incredibly well. Had you not gotten Ser Tarly as a Trainer, Rhaenyra probably wouldn't have been skilled enough to win the tourney. The tourney itself would not have been enough had you not already defeated a Kingsguard and Ser Harwin in combat, not to mention killed Ser Arnold. You treaded the very narrow path needed to put Viserys in a position this early where he felt he legitmately had no other choice but to knight Rhaenyra. This was earned through good choices, good dice rolls, and drugs.

If you're wondering about new goals, that will be next turn (Edit: For Clarity, What Trait you pick will effect the options you have for a new Goal). Also, not every Goal will give you the option of getting new traits but this is one of the bigger ones.

Putting a Moratorium on this one because it's kind of rather important. Also this vote will probably go for a while since I intend to improve the Character sheet before the next update
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Of those three traits, "Diligent" sounds best to me. "Honourable" has its place, but let's not forget it was also Eddard Stark's primary trait in ASOIAF. It can end up being... restrictive. And "ambitious" can easily become "grasping". We are already on course towards the highest position of power in the realm. What more ambition do we need? In fact, we'll propbably end up as a legendary monarch in history (...if we win whatever Dance there will be...), the first woman on the throne, the Warrior Queen. Do we need to go on to conuqer Dorne or the Three Daughters or whatever?

So I don't think we need ambitious, and honourable is a double-edged sword. But diligent, that can only be helpful.
Of those three traits, "Diligent" sounds best to me. "Honourable" has its place, but let's not forget it was also Eddard Stark's primary trait in ASOIAF. It can end up being... restrictive. And "ambitious" can easily become "grasping". We are already on course towards the highest position of power in the realm. What more ambition do we need? In fact, we'll propbably end up as a legendary monarch in history (...if we win whatever Dance there will be...), the first woman on the throne, the Warrior Queen. Do we need to go on to conuqer Dorne or the Three Daughters or whatever?

So I don't think we need ambitious, and honourable is a double-edged sword. But diligent, that can only be helpful.
I should note Diligent will mean Rhaenyra will get stressed if she leaves anything half done or half assed. So it's not purely nothing but good times.
It might just be my first impression on things, but Viserys wasn't wrong when he said that Rhaenyra would need to behave as a proper knight should, especially with the eyes of the realm on her. Honorable seems fitting, in that sense. Obviously it means dishonourable conduct will likely lead to excessive amounts of stress, but I don't envisage us going to such lengths, if I'm being honest.
I feel like at this point our next goal should have something to do with actually becoming a queen. Our status as such is not secure at all, so there's a lot of work to do.

Also, I assume all traits will just make us gain stress if we act contrary to it. In this regard, Stark's behavior was as that of a player who avoided every action that can add stress to him through dishonor.
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Qoren Martell would make a fantastic king-consort.
Yeah, it'd definitely be an interesting option. Politically fraught, but he'd probably be one of the more accepting of things with Alicent.

Speaking of, I definitely want our choice of celebration to be spending time with Alicent. This is a good occasion for romance.
Also - Lannister and Baratheon shaping up to eventually be standing against us? Why, that almost sounds familiar...

I wonder, do the Lannisters have any problematic bannermen? Of course the Reynes come to mind, but in the 110s that may be anachronistic. But even so - in terms of having their own gold mines etc, they would be a primary contender in the Westerlands. Now, of course, his Lordship's hall, his Lordship's rules... but Lord Lannister couldn't really stop us from visiting Castamere. Or for that matter, maybe our in-laws at the Crag. Which would send a sign of its own.

...which is probably why Viserys would forbid it, but hey, I can muse.


As for the other choice, uh, we kinda owe a thanks to Tarly. But it's also a precious moment to share with Alicent. But we should also visit Viserys, patch things up a bit maybe. Hrrrrm. I am not sure.


And as for matches, well. We'll be stuck for years in KL due to the coming winter. Might as well let ravens fly. Negotiations are always a possibility, and I would like for us to write to Driftmark and to Sunspear.
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Qoren Martell would make a fantastic king-consort.
While Qoren Martell is the best match from a geopolitical perspective, it may cause the Dornish Marches to rise in revolt. On the other hand such a rebellion would provide us with an ideal opportunity to deal with House Peake.
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Oh wow we did it 🎉

I think we should speak to our father, to try and apologise and make amends, or alternatively at GM discretion I would like to speak to Rhaenys. I think she's a really powerful ally if we can get her on side, and even if we can't I would still like to talk to her. We are currently "set" to do what she should have done - be the first Queen Regnant of The Seven Kingdoms. I think her perspective would be invaluable - after all until her father died she was second in line to the throne and given her mothers age and the lack of any other child people had to know that she would succeed her father.

I also think we should take the Diligent choice but would settle for Honourable. I know that Diligent will bring increased stress gain, and I'm sure we'll rub some people the wrong way for being "too perfect". But in some ways we have to be perfect to break this glass ceiling.

To get GM thoughts I guess:

[] [Celebrate] Speak to Rhaenys The Queen Who Never Was (GM Discretion)
Oh wow we did it 🎉

I think we should speak to our father, to try and apologise and make amends, or alternatively at GM discretion I would like to speak to Rhaenys. I think she's a really powerful ally if we can get her on side, and even if we can't I would still like to talk to her. We are currently "set" to do what she should have done - be the first Queen Regnant of The Seven Kingdoms. I think her perspective would be invaluable - after all until her father died she was second in line to the throne and given her mothers age and the lack of any other child people had to know that she would succeed her father.

I also think we should take the Diligent choice but would settle for Honourable. I know that Diligent will bring increased stress gain, and I'm sure we'll rub some people the wrong way for being "too perfect". But in some ways we have to be perfect to break this glass ceiling.

To get GM thoughts I guess:

[] [Celebrate] Speak to Rhaenys The Queen Who Never Was (GM Discretion)
Yeah that's fine.
I'm gonna be voting for Diligent or Ambitious for trait and Viserys for who we should talk to.

Also the Qoren Martell dream? I'm going all in since it seems to be achievable.