It isn't even our position going into the negotiations. This is purely Rhaenyra's preferences for what House Targaryen's positions should be going into the negotiations.
Viserys called it a starting point. Teen Spirit said that it's going to cause debate between Viserys and Qoren. That all sounds very much like this is going to be (at least part of) what Viserys enters the negotiations with, if not necessarily what comes out of them.
Anyway, I was rereading, and stumbled across a great bit in hindsight:
"My advice would be, when you eventually marry, encourage your husband to seek the position for himself," Lyonel advised. "That way, when you attain a position of your own, you will have another voice on the council who will be on your side."
I'm sorry, Lord Strong, our (potential) husband is too busy with his duties as the Prince of Dorne to command the City Watch :V
Anyway, I was rereading, and stumbled across a great bit in hindsight:

I'm sorry, Lord Strong, our (potential) husband is too busy with his duties as the Prince of Dorne to command the City Watch :V
As I have said before, it is not completely ludicrous. After all, if you follow that logic through, that he has to be in Dorne, that means we would have to be, too, and thread consensus was against that last time it came up.

Now, if he swears the oath of fealty he will become one of the Realm's Lords Paramount. And it has happened that Lords Paramount reside in the capital... if they do have an office there. And Lord Commanders of the City Watch have sat on the Small Council before. But in any case, it would probably have to be a SC seat.
After all, if you follow that logic through, that he has to be in Dorne, that means we would have to be, too
Does it, really? We have a dragon. I'm not sure about the exact travel times, but if going all the way to the Vale with a message takes just half a day, then we can, in fact, go back and forth (with him or without) and stay in touch quite easily, even if he spends the majority of his time in Sunspear and we in KL. Marriage doesn't have to mean being joined at the hip.

(And, as an example - if each of us spends ⅔ of the time at home and ⅓ at the other place, that's ⅔ of the time at the same place. That's not a little.)
Does it, really? We have a dragon. I'm not sure about the exact travel times, but if going all the way to the Vale with a message takes just half a day, then we can, in fact, go back and forth (with him or without) and stay in touch quite easily, even if he spends the majority of his time in Sunspear and we in KL. Marriage doesn't have to mean being joined at the hip.

(And, as an example - if each of us spends ⅔ of the time at home and ⅓ at the other place, that's ⅔ of the time at the same place. That's not a little.)
The problem I see comes from needing to have Ser Tarly with us when we are in both Dorne and Kingslanding since he's supposed to protect us meaning we'd need to put him on our dragon or travel by ship which is much slower.

Also there is the question of where will Rhaenyra and Qoren's children live, we can fly to where ever but Qoren would have to move by more mundane means to see any future kids.
The problem I see comes from needing to have Ser Tarly with us when we are in both Dorne and Kingslanding since he's supposed to protect us.

Also there is the question of where will Rhaenyra and Qoren's children live, we can fly to whereever but Qoren would have to move by more mundane means to see any future kids.
Well, someone has managed (or will have managed? never been clear on the timeline) to put a four-headed beast on a dragon, and Syrax is rather large for her age, so I'm sure we can figure this out as well. I don't think they'll end up living in any one place permanently tbh, at the very least they should be familiar with both KL and Sunspear, and with both the royal and the Dornish courts. I'd be entirely fine with, like. Flying them over to their dad for half of every year or something like that. Maybe less if the balance swings more our way, or if the presumed heir to Dorne gets a different upbringing to their siblings.
Does it, really? We have a dragon. I'm not sure about the exact travel times,
There is a bit in Fire and Blood that the route from KL to Oldtown on dragonback took three days/two stops for the night.
That means KL-Sunspear is two days or, because the sea makes landing spots less available and it's the most stormy part of Westeros, also three days.

This would be a wee bit more than the daily commute.
There is a bit in Fire and Blood that the route from KL to Oldtown on dragonback took three days/two stops for the night.
That means KL-Sunspear is two days or, because the sea makes landing spots less available and it's the most stormy part of Westeros, also three days.

This would be a wee bit more than the daily commute.
I see, thanks for the info. That said, we are measuring time in months and having ~4-6 meaningful interactions every quarter of a year, so a commute a few days long shouldn't be a major strain either. Certainly beats what a typical dragon-less marriage between people who have important duties in geographically distant places would deal with...
I see, thanks for the info. That said, we are measuring time in months and having ~4-6 meaningful interactions every quarter of a year, so a commute a few days long shouldn't be a major strain either. Certainly beats what a typical dragon-less marriage between people who have important duties in geographically distant places would deal with...
Well, not to put too fine point on it, but while that absolutely is more than enough to stay in touch, the central issue of a political marriage is creating and raising a family. For which there are, uh, physical limiting conditions.
Well, not to put too fine point on it, but while that absolutely is more than enough to stay in touch, the central issue of a political marriage is creating and raising a family. For which there are, uh, physical limiting conditions.

Could have it be a seasonal (as in the Little Seasons fan idea which I can't remember whether it's canon to this story) thing, honestly. Like, him staying in or near Kings Landing in a slow period or one where not much is happening or so on.

It at least would give a few months a year where everyone's all together or so on? Combined with occasional visits and so on? Also probably holidays, tbh.
Could have it be a seasonal (as in the Little Seasons fan idea which I can't remember whether it's canon to this story) thing, honestly. Like, him staying in or near Kings Landing in a slow period or one where not much is happening or so on.

It at least would give a few months a year where everyone's all together or so on? Combined with occasional visits and so on? Also probably holidays, tbh.
Also, iirc, Dorne is significantly more pleasant in Winter, and Crownlands in Summer. While those last years and would be inconvenient to base visitations on, I'd bet that little winters are the slow season in KL, and little summers in SS.