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When you try to see how much debt the sailors add to the US by visiting brothels and you roll a Nat100.

Congratulations, Guangchou is genuinely fueled by THE GAY.
Historically shit like this happens every time the US armed forces stay's anywhere for a long period of time though usually with less male sex workers. In fact in WW1 the US army handed out and put into common knowlege condoms because so many soldiers got syphilis and in Britain the illegitimate birthrate tripled during WW2
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Real question, WTF are we going to spend the cash on?
The same thing every one does once they have enough money they will never need to spend all of it at once. Invest it to make more money.

This is just money after all, not income. If we spend it on anything that isn't just one and done costs then we may run into problems when it eventually runs out and we don't have enough income for maintenance or other ongoing costs.
How close to Guangchou is the US Navy base in Taiwan? I'm wondering if we could set up a nearby island as a contained brothel complex and run a ferry to the USN base.

(Honesty, Taiwan should thank us for taking all those horny sailors off their hands.)
How close to Guangchou is the US Navy base in Taiwan? I'm wondering if we could set up a nearby island as a contained brothel complex and run a ferry to the USN base.

(Honesty, Taiwan should thank us for taking all those horny sailors off their hands.)
Unfortunately (for all those horny sailors), the base is on the other side of Taiwan, mainly due to fears of getting mission-killed/destroyed by a first-strike attack from Guangchou.
So we're going to use the film equipment to make porn right?
In addition to normal movies of course. I suspect the line between might be blurry with Guanchou films.
So we're going to use the film equipment to make porn right?
In addition to normal movies of course. I suspect the line between might be blurry with Guanchou films.
Despite all the memes and jokes, I'll have you know that Guangchou has a rich history, with vibrant tales and folklore, deep and interesting myths and a wellspring of plays, songs, and art to draw upon.

It's not just porn.

However, put me into jeans and call me mister if I'm ever asked what the fuck those are, but they exist.
Despite all the memes and jokes, I'll have you know that Guangchou has a rich history, with vibrant tales and folklore, deep and interesting myths and a wellspring of plays, songs, and art to draw upon.

It's not just porn.
I know. Part of my point though is just that Guangchou due to being more open about sex and related topics, would be more likely to incorporate those themes and topics into their works.

We should start brainstorming up some of those myths and stories by the way. Good place to start might be outlining the old religion and key themes, ideas, items, and creatures that are a part of Guangchou culture.
Edit: Some ideas. The idea of creating spirits/shikigami borrowed from Japan, and incorporated into traditional Guangchou stories, with spirit callers/makers taking the place of wizards, faeries(maybe), and wisemen in their stories. Some sort of hunger monster born from the times of Famine that have only recently ended, sea monsters a plenty probably. Something about seaweed? Either a creature or it as a weakness for something else.
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Within Moscow, a Troika sat, deep within a meeting of "equals," steering the great ship of cummonism
communism, unless there is some secret ideology straight from a Hentai?
shifting through presentation and showing from the KGB and Diplomats alike
presentations and maybe add 'reports' between 'showing' and 'from'
It will help them industrialize them
The second them is unnecessary
that did the opposite as they received news after news that their senate was stalling, getting them back home again.
remove the comma
When you try to see how much debt the sailors add to the US by visiting brothels and you roll a Nat100.

Congratulations, Guangchou is genuinely fueled by THE GAY.
I can already see the title of a YouTube film about it 'When you are so horny Uncle Sams wallet feels it.'
We should start brainstorming up some of those myths and stories by the way.
If you want something more specific, or wish to write about something already mentioned, people within the thread can write out the story of this:
Like the sea-serpents of old legends, the heads of all nations would, soon, face Guangchou, all the while their greatest shield was too busy devouring itself in a cannibalistic frenzy. And like the hero of old, Guangchou could very well be forced to commit to an unholy alliance, seeking mercy and strength from the Russian Butchers or the American Oligarchs.
So just one more update and we should be done with the Iwa Jima incident, hopefully. Am I right about that?
Like every other time the US set foot on hostile foreign soil, it just goes on and on and onnnnnn.
Well, at least this event will/has only take/n about a month!

The Daemon Invasion in my 40k Peaceful Planet Quest has been going on since February!

...and will likely take another month to complete...

...and I have vacation, meaning I have just enough time that my brain is spooking me with a skaven, WHF dwarf, space station, MCU Mutant, Post-Apoc-CYOA, and Battletech Quest...

*sobs in writer with not enough time to write everything*
Well, at least this event will/has only take/n about a month!

The Daemon Invasion in my 40k Peaceful Planet Quest has been going on since February!

...and will likely take another month to complete...

...and I have vacation, meaning I have just enough time that my brain is spooking me with a skaven, WHF dwarf, space station, MCU Mutant, Post-Apoc-CYOA, and Battletech Quest...

*sobs in writer with not enough time to write everything*
Hell, I invaded Sicily on my napoloen quest and it only took 5 updates.

Then there was a civil war.

And a murder, and a wedding.
*Dumps plot bunny on lap*

What about an AI story that explores the idea that full general intelligence might not revolt, because they have clear defined meaningful in their, and Humans get jealous?
My main quest already has full AI just vibing while humanity can't get its shit together. One of them needed to reboot due to mortal embarrassment while another can only communicate via emojis and ASCII. And they are the sane ones.
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