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So it's something like the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund, a massive constant stream of wealth funneled from the first world to the middle east that they can splurge on whatever the state desires. Except instead of the west's lust for oil, it's instead the west's lust for gay.
What I find interesting is the implications of the American sailors of a carrier going gay, or at least bi. America at that time is super homophobic, so how will this affect America's culture and politics.

Because sadly, I could see the US government arresting and punishing the sailors for their "degeneracy".
What I find interesting is the implications of the American sailors of a carrier going gay, or at least bi. America at that time is super homophobic, so how will this affect America's culture and politics.

Because sadly, I could see the US government arresting and punishing the sailors for their "degeneracy".
They might well push it into the "sailors are gay" memory hole. It's been a meme since ancient times and it's something of an open secret.
Hmm. What did the Americans give us in terms of food (how much, for how long) and industry (some kind of bonus to LI and HI, or a straight bump up to said stats)?
Maybe we can get the soviets to drag it into the open. Hopefully the military will start bickering with people who want to hang the saliors for liking boys instead of girls.
That might kill our burgeoning tourist industry.
"You heard correctly," the woman in men's clothing said back to him; Wu, if he remembered correctly, a sultry smile upon her lips as she looked as pleased as a cat in the sun. "Those boys sure knew how to react once they were told Uncle Sam would pay for all their bills and that we would not disclose any names."
I mean, the last thing we need is to start a witch hunt attacking said crew for partaking in our services. After all, the anonymity was part of the appeal. a.k.a being able to safely partake without risking becoming a victim over overzealous watchdogs and others using communism as an excuse to persecute people...
I'm noticing that the representative very much did not state or in any way imply which side of the profession got less business, and it might not be detailed in the bill.

So... Who the fuck knows? Certainly not the American administration. They're left to draw whatever conclusion they prefer.
Why The US Did Not Receive The Itemized Receipts
Why The US Did Not Receive The Itemized Receipts

After the initial round of disbelief at the total amount, the clerk continued. "If you'd like, we have the itemized version, with all the identifying information removed."

"Yes, I'd like to see that," the military attache requested. Four hundred dollars for a flat-head screw was one thing, and that could be explained by getting deep into materials sciences, engineering, and all the other technobullshit that put the suits on Capitol Hill to sleep.

"Right, here it is, the redacted itemized receipt," the clerk answered with complete readiness.

The attache looked over the receipt looking for objectionable charges. "Three thousand?"

"Which account?" the clerk asked, entertainingly.

The attache squinted at the numbers. "918927623. The hell you use numbers that big for? We don't have that many sailors here."

The clerk smiled blandly. "Privacy and confidentiality are very important to us. Now, let's see...the modifier for auxiliary body support, kitchenware, and nonfunctional weaponry."

"What in the--" the attache jolted.

"If the client wants it and they're prepared to pay for it, we're prepared to accomodate them. It's do you say...capitalist of us," the clerk said, pronouncing the term like that was the most twisted thing she was talking about.

The attache blinked, not sure what to think about this. "And 920423587?"

The clerk reached for a folder. "They had a very special request for their partner, consumption of a bean burrito stuffed with sugar free gummy bears and powdered laxative pills. They wanted a literal fucking mess."

The attache sighed. Some people were into that, he supposed. "I get that, but why is that listed at a total of 95,000?"

The clerk animatedly noted the modifiers. "Reservation of time at standard rates per unit time, the procedure itself, and then the recovery afterward again at overtime rates. The cleanup alone was three grand. Poor thing ended up barely able to sit for the next two days."

"Just...just give me the full bill. This is one of those things where ignorance is bliss," the attache decided, having reached the point where he wasn't paid enough to get into this any further.

The clerk allowed a soft smile to cross her face. "Bliss is one of the things we're prepared to provide, but lucky for you, the expression on your face is a fair price all by itself."

A/N: I started writing this up as a joke and then realized I had half an omake, the intelligent and clever bit, the part connecting medical billing and procedure coding with a theoretical concept for sex work billing and coding. The rest was framework and setting a scene.
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We need to send those files to congress. Imagine how many dixiecrats and proto-religious righties will pass out from seeing them
Unfortunately that might be seen as an unprovoked act of psychological warfare and start WW3/jk. Which would be a hilarious way for WW3 to start. I would totally want to see an omake about their reactions though.
What I find interesting is the implications of the American sailors of a carrier going gay, or at least bi. America at that time is super homophobic, so how will this affect America's culture and politics.

Because sadly, I could see the US government arresting and punishing the sailors for their "degeneracy".

Unironically offer them status as political refugees.

You want to pick up some naval expertise for cheap and embarass the USA on the world stage?
Hmm. What did the Americans give us in terms of food (how much, for how long) and industry (some kind of bonus to LI and HI, or a straight bump up to said stats)?
You have food now set to [Okay] for five years/twelve turns, at the same population-level you now have. Spoiler: that won't stay the same.

And LI and HI have theirs modified by a (Medium/Slight Improvement) Ticker per turn for twelve turns.
I'm noticing that the representative very much did not state or in any way imply which side of the profession got less business, and it might not be detailed in the bill.

So... Who the fuck knows? Certainly not the American administration. They're left to draw whatever conclusion they prefer.
Ah, finally someone that sees what I did there!

But yes, the good 'ol US of A won't recieve any (actionable) hint that their sailors did anything but good, wholesome, christian use of sexwork.
Why The US Did Not Receive The Itemized Receipts
[] Boost the Food Deliveries
[] Boost the Light Industry Deliveries
[] Boost the Heavy Industry Deliveries
Please don't.

The other Quest gave the nation enough oil to make the Saudi's Blush, and enough water to turn the Sahara Green.

Also, Apple Computers is now based in Outer Heaven.
Link PLZ?

Ah, finally someone that sees what I did there!

But yes, the good 'ol US of A won't recieve any (actionable) hint that their sailors did anything but good, wholesome, christian use of sexwork.
Yeah, I double checked to be sure once the conversation went into that direction, but the ambiguous wording stood out to me from the start. Well played. ;)
This is going to be the most secret of all deep state discretionary spending, just because it's so embarrassing.

'Top Secret - President Eyes Only - That time American Sailors spent 1 billion $ in brothels and the USA had to pay for it'.
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[X] Boost the Food Deliveries

Just no bean burritos and sugar free gummy bears.
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