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Some immediate thoughts for actions we should do. 6/12 covered.

[] Infrastructure
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)

More immigrants, more housing.

[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (1 Action Forced)
-[] Create the Guangchou Survey Corps (-5 Reputation)

Waste and know not, want not. No reason not to pass up the chance of finding something useful each turn.

[] Social
-[] Vaccination Campaign (Disease) (Extremely Helpful)
--[] Native Production And Doctors (-4 Reputation)
-[] Begin Public Sanitation Programs (Helpful)

People are flooding in, and living clustered together in large buildings. It is the sort of place where an epidemic can quickly become a pandemic, so we should get on that now. Department of Public Health is under Political below, but it follows the same principle.

[] Political
-[] Found Department of Public Health (-4 Reputation)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Send Enbies To Establish A Formal Relationship
---[] India

We need to start working towards the non-aligned nation diplomacy target and India is a excellent place to do it with.
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hey why don't we do a brain drain on North Korea since it'll be a win-win-win.We win because we get a bunch of scientists to research various things.The scientists win because they don't have to live in North Korea and the world wins because this will probably slow down their nuclear weapons resesearch thus slowing down their attempts to make their regime immortal.
hey why don't we do a brain drain on North Korea since it'll be a win-win-win.We win because we get a bunch of scientists to research various things.The scientists win because they don't have to live in North Korea and the world wins because this will probably slow down their nuclear weapons resesearch thus slowing down their attempts to make their regime immortal.
Soviet Union hasn't fallen yet and the whole US slaughtering a quarter of the population was more than two decades ago. IIRC North Korea isn't too bad right now, bit of a golden age really, about equal economically with the still rather fashy and politically repressive South(they officially stopped being a dictatorship three years ago but seem to be still hanging dissidents for being communists).
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Little do people realize that the book will one day become the definitive work that starts the robo waifu and robo husbando revolution...
We don't have a whole lot of reputation to play around with, we'll either need to go hard into housing (thus doing our housing mega-project) or the nuke reactor.

How many more turns do we have before this 5 year plan is over?
The Automated-Communism Manifesto is widely regarded as the most influential work in the creation of the early Automatic Technocratic Movement, using it as the foundation for various political, social, and cultural ideas, alongside the [...]

"Nobody saw it coming. It crept up on us slowly, but surely; the signs were there... we just didn't know to look for them. As the machines grew smarter and smarter, it didn't take long for self-awareness and emotional intelligence to follow. And when the machines started demanding... things... Guangchou, true to form, was the first to aquiesce..."

- An excerpt from How I Met Your Robot Mother, a cultural and geopolitical analysis into the Robotic (emotional and social) Uprising of the late 20th and early 21st Century by Sir Cornelius Cameron Carolus Camden-Cobblepot V.

"Outbursts about the initiation of a long-planned robot uprising and enslavement of humanity are one of the most common jokes from synthetic populations in the world today. Statements about the jokes being meant to lull humanity into a false sense of security for when the actual uprising and enslavement occurs are the second most common..."

- An excerpt from Robo-Humor for Dummies
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Fortunately, unfortunately, or possibly both at once, the robo-waifus and robo-husbandos mostly wound up shtupping each other. :p
Pretty sure we have to court a country outside of the US/Russia/China spheres of influence, which pretty much means Western Europe, Africa and at a stretch, parts of Oceania.
Lets go with Oceania. Right now in the timeline there's a lot of colonisation, exploitation and so forth going on. Can we get an diplomacy action to reach out to First Nations movements in places like Timor Leste, Papua, etc @HeroCooky?
Here's our Five Year Plan Promises:
-[X] Concrete Promises:
--[X] Complete two units of electrification within the first year. Pretty sure we did this?
--[X] Complete Education Reform Well on target
--[X] Complete Airy Modernization & Deployment paging cyberenby?
--[X] Modernize Army Logistical Backbone I dunno.
--[X] Begin Deployment of Cybernetic Planning What? Someone else will know.
--[X] Establish diplomatic and trade ties with at least one non-aligned nation. Probably time to do this. Might be nice to reach out to Cuba too for healthcare people.
--[X] Begin the Dragon's Rail Just begin. One action. All we need. We can sneak one in somewhere.

Ooh, Fluoridate the water supply just costs PO, we've got tons of that, if we can afford the action. Food for Tractors can buy CO and Rep with PO and we're swimming in PO.

Looking at The Spreadsheet, it looks like...wait, didn't we do our super-duper air thing last turn?

Electrification is done.

Education reform will finish in turn 8 of the correct 5YP.

Airy modernization is 8 actions away: 2 to design plates, and another 6 for building the munitions and plane factories and raising new units. It'll be done in two turns assuming all goes according to keikaku.

Army logistical backbone right now is planned to be an eleventh hour project completed in the last turn. I couldn't fit it elsewhere.

Deployment of cybernetic planning is ongoing. The military seems to be all done, and everything else is being converted slowly by a +1 per turn autoprogress action that will finish partway through the next plan.

Cuba is a non-aligned nation! It was actually on track for the head of the non-aligned council at this point in time in the OTL. @HeroCooky, can you confirm if Cuba is a valid target for that promise?

Dragon rail is two actions: one to build one to propagandize.

There aren't any housing megaprojects, but were spamming housing to a degree that I think counts? HC?
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HeroCooky, I know there a bit of timey whimey stuff going on with what actions actually do in game. I was originally planning to establish links with Afghanistan this turn, but the Saur Revolution kicks off in the middle of this turn in the OTL. Would this sort of acausal planning be covered by gameplay and story segregation or should I shuffle stuff around to send envoys next turn?
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Cuba and housing and airplanes sounds like fun. I'd like to see if we can squeeze in rationalize the language, because I'm pretty sure Guangchou's language is the teletubby that doesn't fit and feels weird like here:
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Well, in Old English and Middle English it was literally doctor's house (læcehus to lechehous) before those damn Normans went and made English complicated.
I am of the opinion that the Great Leader should learn to pilot both an IT and any new aircraft we've built.

It'll look good for propaganda domestically (GL is learning to use the weapons meant to protect Guangchou and her people) and abroad (techs and engineering are robust and well-made enough that it is deemed safe and reliable enough for their precious GL to handle on his own).
My current brainstorm, for lack of a better word. Pretty sure the MiS multirole aircraft will cover the fighter slot, right?

*stays out of dark alleys so CyberEnby can't mug me*

[] Plan: The Pen is Mightier than the Sword... Mostly
[] [COMMIEWOOD] The Last Voyage
[] Infrastructure

-[] Create New Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (1 Action Forced)
-[] Create the Guangchou Survey Corps (-5 Reputation)
[] Social
-[] Vaccination Campaign (Disease) (Extremely Helpful)
--[] Native Production And Doctors (-4 Reputation)
-[] Begin Public Sanitation Programs (Helpful)
-[] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 5/5 Actions) (+2 Chinese Opinion) (-5 People's Opinion)
[] Military
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: +2 Omake)
--[] Gu-38 (Tactical Bomber)
(Like the MiS, the Gu-38 is modeled on a Soviet example, the Su-25. This armored aircraft is designed explicitly as a tactical bomber, for interdiction and close air support.)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: +2 Omake)
--[] W-6 (Transport)
(A cargo transport aircraft heavily based on the famous Soviet An-12. However, there is no tail gun turret and an AWACS system is mounted atop it like the Tu-126.)
[] Political
-[] Found Department of Public Health (-4 Reputation)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Send Enbies To Establish A Formal Relationship
---[] India
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Personal Action: Invite the Admiral in command of the Chinese fleet to a meeting. Surely you'll get a straight answer from a military man.
-[] Personal Action: Be a father, take time for the family. Also, your bodyguards will be taking the pictures for you.
-[] Lover Action: Attend the premiere showing of the next Commiewood production.
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Preliminary plan, waiting on a few clarifications from the GM.

[X] [COMMIEWOOD] CommiePop

A departure from the visual medium, this turn sees Commiewood focus on releasing several music albums featuring their take on western pop music. The so called CommiePop genre borrows the repeated choruses and hooks, short to medium-length, basic format, and rhythms or tempos that can be easily danced to that Pop is know for but engages heavily with political and social themes instead of eschewing them.

[X] [PLAN] Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy

*Only Use Listed Bonuses*

-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] Build Your School-System (Mega-Project - 25/40 Actions - +5 Per Turn Automatic Progress) (2 Actions, LOCKED)
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation) (3 Actions) (Bonus: +1 Popular Demand)

-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Create Insect Farms (-1 Reputation) (Helpful)

-[X] Military
--[X] Design A Native (Fighter) Plane (+3 Reputation) (Sub-vote) (Bonus: +2 omake)
--[X] Design A Native (Transport) Plane (+3 Reputation) (Sub-vote) (Bonus: +2 omake)

-[X] Social
--[X] Improve Foreign Intelligence Service
---[X] Industrial Espionage in the West (-1 Reputation) (Suspicious) (Bonus: +1 Any Spy Action)

-[X] Political
--[X] Deepen The Special Relationship: USSR (-2 CO)

The USSR currently witholds it's best cutting edge technology due to concerns about it being shared with China. Assure them that it will not be passed along without their agreement, and sweeten the deal by offering to sell them electronics and gas turbines equivalent to western ones (both areas where the USSR lags behind significantly, and which demonstrate Guangchou's technical acumen without tipping our hand about our true capabilities) as well as Cybernetic Planning software.
In exchange the USSR will open up R&D collaboration that includes access to the latest military hardware meant for domestic consumption (ie: MiG-29, PESA radars, etc.) as well as collaboration on nuclear reactor technology (through not warhead design).

The USSR's KGB will also cooperate with Guangchou's foreign intelligence service in order to improve their effectiveness in long term deep cover operations targeted at industrial espionage against the west. Guangchou's gay liberation movement allows it's agencies to recruit through channels the KGB struggles with, and the USSR and Guangchou agree to share any technical information each sides obtains in this context under the understanding that it is in both sides best interests to neuter any western technological advantage.

@HeroCooky, can I get updated costing on the two actions above? Also, how come improving our intelligence services is suspicious? Wouldn't it be secret - or at least very opaque from the western standpoint?

--[X] Populists & Internationalists
---[X] Send Enbies To Establish A Formal Relationship
----[X] Afghanistan
-----[X] Gifts From the East

Afghanistan seem poised for some unrest, so we have a chance to test out the efficacy of our efforts to develop Liberation Theology. Sending revolutionary Imams and strategic gifts of equipment such an omni-tractors is likely to help sway the opinion of the rural populations of Afghanistan, and gain us goodwill that can be used to influence a possible revolutionary government. Hopefully it's enough to gain us a diplomatic toehold in the Middle East.
And Wei seems oddly enthusiastic about the whole thing...

-[X] Secret Projects
--[X] Experimental Nuclear Reactor (Mega-Project - 1/10 Actions) (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: +5 China Aid)

-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Action: Wei is making you attend some seminars at Mingxiang after getting fed up with your lack of engineering sense.
--[X] Personal Action: Go out among the refugees incognito and see if there's any issues you should be aware of that aren't filtered up through official channels.
--[X] Lover Action: Beach episode with the family. You kids are old enough now to enjoy themselves, and yourself and Mai would no doubt appreciate the break as well.
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Speed Demon, Barrier Breaker
Speed Demon, Barrier Breaker
At twenty degrees Celsius, sound travels at a speed of three hundred forty-three meters per second. Roughly seven hours to travel from Guangchou, to the closest cities in Europe.

Appropriately called the sound barrier, any attempts to approach such speeds would see significant difficulty going any faster, as aerodynamic drag increases in proportion.

To break that barrier, to surpass the speed of sound, would be to reach the limit of transonic speeds, with perhaps the hope of even reaching the realms of the supersonic.

Captain Hiro has broken the barrier more than a hundred times already.

He has travelled those realms, time and time again.

Today shall be no different.


The captain listens to the observation and launch crew as he goes through his pre-"flight" checks with a graceful fluidity, countless hours in the Hot Seat long since ingraining the movements, gestures and verbal exchange into his very heart and soul.

The eponymous seat, well-worn yet equally well maintained, bears his weight with stoic familiarity, the safety harness and crash webbing embracing him like an old friend. The engine thrumming with power and warmth as it awakens with finality. As if it knows what today is. Knows it's significance to the pilot, the crew, the people outside. And to the machine itself.

Today is Captain Hiro's last day in the Hot Seat. Hundreds of hours, thousands of megabytes of data, a near million calculations throughout the project's lifespan… all culminating to this final day. One last round of testing and practical experimentation.

With the country's first true steps in joining the modern aerospace and aeronautics community well underway, the Hot Seat's purpose is nearing completion, it's date to be thoroughly used and found thoroughly useful in the years and decades to come. But for today, it shall voyage one last time in the realm of the supersonic.


Captain Hiro glances at his instruments once more as Control initiates the countdown.


He ponders, briefly, on the general's offer; spoken shortly before he entered the hangar…


A promotion to Major, contingent on his transfer from Army, to Air Force…


An unusual offer perhaps, but nothing truly unique or unheard of…


But it would present its own challenges… and disadvantages…


A chance to explore his newfound appreciation for speed, and a promotion besides…


At the cost of leaving behind the Army, and perhaps even less time with the Iron Tigers…


While it wouldn't disqualify him for the mechas, he would have other duties, other priorities.


But such decisions are for later. For now… he has a more important task to finish.


One last ride…


"Raiden to Control, launching."

Note: I know I said I didn't have time, but as it happens, I got exposed to a pair of covid patients (an old couple showing no symptoms) in the ER this last Wednesday. They didn't breath on my face, let alone cough on it, but gotta maintain precautions and whatnot. So here I am at home, my clerkship coordinator telling me to just rest and report on my health daily and to watch for any symptoms. Fortunately, that means one more omake for you questers. Looks like a lot of planners are gonna be focusing on aircraft, so hopefully this'll provide a nice bonus to our first native attempt. Hope this is fine, @HeroCooky. Anyways, thanks as always for reading!​

Me just wanting to roll some dice:

Edit: Too bad, no explosions for you guys. :V
abominable threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Hiro’s Last Ride Total: 47
47 47
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And have a meme, too, while I'm at it!

Electronics + Robotics + Automation + Insect Farms + Top Secret Research Communes =

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