Well, I suppose we can put the Health stuff on the back burner until 1980 - we can make that an easy to fulfill part of the next 5YP. But we do need to fix the Language, even if it might mean slightly going into Overwork.
I'd like to do it early in the next 5YP because I think we should focus on international diplomacy while everyone is awed by mechs, and having a language that's easier to learn would help.
The first turn of the next plan however is off limits: 4 actions to 800nm Process, 8 action into 2 supercomputers.
And another 4 actions into a third supercomputer the next turn. That will bring up to 15 actions/turn for the rest of the plan.
@HeroCooky, please sir, may I have another
Remember when you said we have really reliable turbines? And I suggested magnetic bearings as a explanation in the fluff? It turns out that the bearings are pretty far from what actually determines the reliability and lifetime of the turbine. The actual bottleneck is hot corrosion of the turbine blades in the high pressure compressor and the power turbines.
In fact, this is the reason we don't use tungsten airfoils for those, even through tungsten has such a high melting temperature - because tungsten oxide has a lower melting point than the engine generates. I've heard an apocryphal tale of an early experiment with tungsten blades, where they cracked open the engine and found that the only parts of the blades left were the hollow shells of the thermal barrier coatings - the tungsten itself had melted away.
With that in mind, since I don't think we've actually done anything with our magnetic bearings to date, can I request we retcon 'magnetic bearings' to 'inconel alloys'? It's still anachronistic, but a
lot less so than magnetic bearings, which we still don't have for this particular application IRL, and it would make narrative sense given our bonus to metallurgy.