[X] Military
-[X] Airy Modernization (Mega-Project - 8/8) (+1 Reputation) (Triggers Sub-Votes)
(8 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 41 / 8 = 5.125 = 5 - Optimal)
It had been the work of several grueling years where scientists and engineers worked with old-fashioned human minds and hands coupled with the awesome might of computational power that dwarfed anything most other countries used, much less solely for their military programs. Yet, throughout these massive efforts, one thing became transparent above all else. That frightened and excited the people sequestered within Mingxiang more than anything, not only for what it suggested but also what it meant straight out the front.
The budget had been, though not effectively, virtually limitless, with hundreds of projects being approved for testing and prototyping. At the same time, space and time were dedicated to working out any faults or finding what avenues were not to be pursued further to cut the losses of the program.
And, within those years of testing, creating, prototyping, and slashing projects, one name gained as much infamy as it did a reputation of inevitability, the looming, yet not overshadowing, visage of one person inspiring every worker to do their hardest to ensure they would not receive the "Blue Envelope" as it was called. The envelope that carried with it reassignments and the cessation of a program, all at the behest of Director
And yet, after much time, sweat, blood, nervous breakdowns, fights, broken bones, three marriages, two divorces (not related), a scandal that required therapy for fifteen engineers upon entering Doctor Su's office after she accidentally sent the drafted Tigermail instead of deleting it, and more than one metric ton of coffee being consumed in a day, their efforts had paid off.
They had finished everything, every project had been pushed from the prototyping stage to production-ready, and all that needed to be done was to show off their projects to the Great Leader Jungming, Commander in Chief Mai, and the High Staff of the Military.
Marx help them all.
Principles of RCS Reduction - Done!
Result: Permanently reduced radar signatures of all planes, incremental updates to signature reduction every year/design, got that snazzy stealth look for your aircraft!
The Iron Phoenix X-Plane Program - Done!
Result: EHA's, Fly-By-Wire, and prototypical Glass Cockpit tested and approved for further development (Glass Cockpit) or ready for implementation now. (EHA's and Fly-By-Wire)
AWACS - Done!
Result: You can now create AWACS.
[] Jet Engine - (Description of capabilities/design/look)
[] SRAAM - (Description of capabilities/design/look)
[] MRAAM - (Description of capabilities/design/look)
[] LRAAM - (Description of capabilities/design/look)
[] ASCM- (Description of capabilities/design/look)
AN: Look. It is a bunch of technical things. I got introduced to the concept that letters will be used in math and got left behind ever since. There's not much for me to write about for my smooth brain, especially as I can't throw up Eldritch Science Fantasy bullshit like in Cult Creator as to why things Just Work™.