Das Capital is almost fully electricized, with all major cities having a connection for government and factories, and some civilian housing/buildings alongside them too. Tertiary towns have little-to-nothing connections, and villages are right out.
Das Capital is almost fully electricized, with all major cities having a connection for government and factories, and some civilian housing/buildings alongside them too. Tertiary towns have little-to-nothing connections, and villages are right out.
For comparison, Taiwan in 1980 used about... 300 TWh a year.
Now, a lot of that is industrial, so let's say that Guangchou needs 400 TWh overall to cover all residential and some unspecified part of it's industrial needs.
The Dukovani plant in Russia (VVER-440) has four reactor cores and produces about 13 TWh a year, or about 3.25 TWh per core.
Thus Guangchou would need 123 cores to nuclearize the grid. So making our cores as cheap as possible is very important.
For comparison, Taiwan in 1980 used about... 300 TWh a year.
Now, a lot of that is industrial, so let's say that Guangchou needs 400 TWh overall to cover all residential and some unspecified part of it's industrial needs.
The Dukovani plant in Russia (VVER-440) has four reactor cores and produces about 13 TWh a year, or about 3.25 TWh per core.
Thus Guangchou would need 123 cores to nuclearize the grid. So making our cores as cheap as possible is very important.
Thank you. That's understandable and actionable and makes the whole thing a lot more easy to work with and understand the thought process. Fortunately, once we build our second plant it should be pretty autohmatic to get the rest of them through.
I would be interested in pivoting focus a little more towards the needs of our people next turn. Simple things like clothes, bicycles, electricity etc.
@HeroCooky I don't know if it's been brought up before, but would Hemp be a valid crop for our nation? Its useful not only for food, but will also provide materials for seed oils, bioplastics, biofuel, textiles, shoes and paper. It's not a silver bullet for any of our issues, but it does lay the groundwork to address a lot of them.
I see no reason why y'all can't make actions to use hemp for a variety of things, provided they fit reasonably within the late 70s, early 80s. (You get wiggle-room, 'cause, ya know. 🦾+🐺)
A lot of actions are retro-active in the narrative (thats how you get a new tank design in 6 months! Or a new building which requires years. And so on...) so you declaring: "We made some fields grow industrial hemp" wouldn't be out of question.
Top-down stuff that would really help the average person includes establishing sanitation, starting up a public health department and food/drug organization, get into the WHO and start vaccination campaigns, mosquito netting supplies, passing out dietary supplements, etc. Having the food problem getting close to mostly fixed really does help though.
Top-down stuff that would really help the average person includes establishing sanitation, starting up a public health department and food/drug organization, get into the WHO and start vaccination campaigns, mosquito netting supplies, passing out dietary supplements, etc. Having the food problem getting close to mostly fixed really does help though.
Soon as we get the ability to take actions to do it. Figure it probably reduces sick-out time and sick down time enough to be Rep neutral or low-cost and boost PO and industry?
Soon as we get the ability to take actions to do it. Figure it probably reduces sick-out time and sick down time enough to be Rep neutral or low-cost and boost PO and industry?
[X] [PLAN] Marvellous Mechanical Mao
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] [SCHOOL] (2 Actions)
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 Popular Demand)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Construct An Omni-Tractor Factory
--[X] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Design Omni-Tractor & Modules (0/2 Actions) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: Possibly +1 Automation because it automated a bunch of farm labor?)
-[X] Military
--[X] Mingxiang Aeronautical Expansion (+2 Reputation)
--[X] Construct IT Electronics Factory (Harmful) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: +2 Electronics)
-[X] Political
--[X] Progressives
---[X] Liberation Theology (-7 Reputation) (+1 Chinese Opinion) (Knock-On Effects)
-[X] Militarists
---[X] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)
-[X] Secret Projects
--[X] Mingxiang Nuclear Expansion (-7 Reputation)(-3 CO)
-[X] Wei Jungming
--[X] Personal Action: Have a call with your friend the Chairman, to get a frank answer on why China suddenly find Guangchou so important.
--[X] Personal Action: Write the final draft of your Manifesto.
--[X] Lover Action: What does Mai want to do? (Who knows, maybe this time it won't be a grueling hike through the mountains.)
[X] [PLAN] Marvellous Mechanical Mao
-[X] Infrastructure
--[X] [SCHOOL] (2 Actions)
--[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 Popular Demand)
---[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[X] Heavy Industry
--[X] Construct An Omni-Tractor Factory
--[X] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
--[X] Design Omni-Tractor & Modules (0/2 Actions) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: Possibly +1 Automation because it automated a bunch of farm labor?)
-[X] Military
--[X] Mingxiang Aeronautical Expansion (+2 Reputation)
--[X] Construct IT Electronics Factory (Harmful) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: +2 Electronics)
-[X] Political
--[X] Progressives
---[X] Liberation Theology (-7 Reputation) (+1 Chinese Opinion) (Knock-On Effects)
-[X] Militarists
---[X] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)
-[X] Secret Projects
--[X] Mingxiang Nuclear Expansion (-7 Reputation)(-3 CO)
-[X] Wei Jungming
--[X] Personal Action: Have a call with your friend, the Chairman, to get a frank answer on why China suddenly finds Guangchou so important.
--[X] Personal Action: Write the final draft of your Manifesto.
--[X] Lover Action: What does Mai want to do? (Who knows, maybe it won't be a grueling hike through the mountains this time.)
After the release of Songs of the City, the people responsible for putting out new media into the cinemas of the world and onto the televisions screens across the world didn't rest on their laurels and the accolades given from abroad and within Guangchou. The newest addition to the nation's cultural exports and achievements is twelve episodes (for now, more are planned after the excellent reception and high popularity) of the show Cosmos.
Now, this may be your personal bias peeking through, but you absolutely love everything about the show! (Some things needed to be changed, though. For example, the psychic powers were now a result of direct technological experimentation, rather than inherited genes and some other minor ideological fixes stemming from inattentive or overeager writers.) However, you remain skeptical that the gene-soldiers who held up a sub-plot about the dangers of bio-engineering humanity into servile soldiers/enslaved people aren't a thinly veiled excuse to show off sexy tiger people.
[X] Infrastructure
-[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 Popular Demand)
--[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
(5 + 1 = 6 - Optimal)
Thanks to the decreased logistical print and increased construction speed of the LSEEHs, the various construction crews managed to match pace with the refugees starting to stream into the country by Pol Pot. (Sidenote: find a way to fuck him over later.)
Though you prioritized the urban areas due to the cost-effectiveness of building the new housing there, several complexes were erected over the months in low-priority areas to filter and spread out the incoming refugees and reduce any tensions by ensuring that cultural assimilation could happen at a reasonable speed and low push-back from the locals.
[X] Heavy Industry
-[X] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
(6 Chinese Guaranteed - Optimal)
Well, they promised, you got. A new Heavy Machinery Plant has started operation, aiding your industry in large-scale and complex production of industrial goods alongside machinery needed across the nation. Few more things remain to be said about this, and none are particularly intriguing enough to warrant your full attention.
-[X] Construct An Omni-Tractor Factory
(12 - Boosted)
"There's something weird going on..." Goose said, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the various photos of the area where heavy construction was currently occurring for a "newly developed tractor," as reported by Guangchou media. "And I don't know what, and that worries me," he continued, his head slowly turning to scan over the scattered pictures and reports given to him by their attempts to figure out what was currently happening in Guangchou.
Especially around and within that damn mountain...
[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
-[X] Design Omni-Tractor & Modules (2/2 Actions) (-4 Reputation)
(6 - Optimal)
Behind the Omni-Tractor is an entirely new arable farming system that has only been made possible thanks to the latest technical advancements. The system's focal point is the Universally Modular Vehicle, which can also be described as a wide-span carrier vehicle with interchangeable bodies. As a result, various tillage, sowing, and harvesting attachments can be integrated into the tractor with little training and preparation, cutting down costs for the average farmer. It also looks magnificent when mounted with a 70-meter-wide sprayer, a sign of the changing times in agriculture worldwide. Solid and reliable, made with local parts, the Omni-Tractor stands ready to perform its farming tasks, whatever they may be, from tilling to harvesting and even fertilizing!
[X] Military
-[X] Mingxiang Aeronautical Expansion (+2 Reputation)
(6 - Optimal)
Several short and long airstrips are carved out of the landscape near Mingxiang, with towers, facilities, tunnels, and safety precautions following soon after being built or dug parallel to the strips. Alongside the testing area for prototypes above, wind tunnels are constructed beneath. At the same time, schedules are hashed out to allow simulations of aircraft and several dozen things which, to be truthful, fly (pun intended) over your head. But the short and long is that Guangchou could now start the development of native jets if warranted.
-[X] Construct IT Electronics Factory (Harmful) (-4 Reputation)(Bonus: +2 Electronics)
(4 + 2 = 6 - Optimal)
"...electronics," Agent Goose declared into the fully staffed room, heads turning away from various work stations to look at him. At the questioning looks from the room, the man pointed a finger at the board before him, red string connecting a dozen reports and pictures taken, alongside cargo-manifests obtained from Chinese crews. "They," he said again, poking a specific photo showing "Fairy Mountain," as the agents had dubbed the mystery and hidden location. "They are constructing electronics." Agent Goose finished, a scowl on his brow as his mind raced through time to find out how long they had been deceived.
He didn't like the year his mind returned.
[X] Political
-[X] Progressives
--[X] Liberation Theology (-7 Reputation) (+1 Chinese Opinion) (Knock-On Effects)
(8 - Optimal)
"When I had first come to Guangchou, I entered its soil with two weary feet, little to my name, and less to my soul," Allamah Hazim el-Mahdi said, making himself comfortable on the couch once more, gesturing with one hand at a picture at the wall showing off a group of men and women in clothes as was the style at the time. "And in truth, it was the last part that had caused me the most to despair and weep when praying, for I had thought that Allah had discarded me for sins I didn't see," he continued, chuckling as he shook his head. "Only now, or a few years ago," he says lightly with a smile, "do I see the truth of His plan. He had not sent me onto that island I had thought to be as close to damnation and sin as a human could get on this world so I could die in exile without notice, far from it! There, on the shores and within the homes of Guangchou, Allah, may His wisdom be praised, I was taught humility. To be humble before all of His creations, no matter where they were or what form they took. To know that I was mortal, and like all humanity, I was fallible." Hazim paused, a wistful look on his face as he looked up, closing his eyes for a moment. "There is nothing that tempers and strengthens faith quite like doubt, and back then? I had nothing but doubt," he continued, eyes opening to look at me with intensity. "Doubt and the yearning for something better for my people."
[X] Militarists
-[X] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)
(5 - Optimal)
"In other news, several discreet shipments of weaponry and military equipment have caused outrage in Thailand and surrounding nations, as the communist nation of Guangchou seeks to further stoke the troubled region by arming fanatics and revolutionaries seeking to overthrow the interim administration created by the military after the failed attempt of communist radicals to coup the democratically elected leadership."
-News Broadcast in England, London.
[X] Secret Projects
-[X] Mingxiang Nuclear Expansion (-7 Reputation)(-3 CO)
(3 + 5 = 8 - Optimal)
"Are you sure that it is far enough down?" You asked skeptically, looking at the blueprints of the proposed location.
The weary look in the expert before you made you back off from changing the depth once more.
[X] Wei Jungming
-[X] Personal Action: Have a call with your friend, the Chairman, to get a frank answer on why China suddenly finds Guangchou so important.
You called the Chairman to seek out what in the blazes is currently happening.
You got the excuse that he was in a critical meeting or currently not available for four months!
Stay classy, China. Stay classy...
-[X] Personal Action: Write the final draft of your Manifesto.
Well, it is as ready as it'll ever be. Perfect is the enemy of Good, after all.
-[X] Lover Action: What does Mai want to do? (Who knows, maybe it won't be a grueling hike through the mountains this time.)
Good News! It wasn't mountains!
Bad News! It was sailing!
Your back hurts...
{Awed Ambition: +2 to Space Actions (Electronics, Metallurgy, Education), +1 to All Automation Projects}
+6 to your first Civilian Rocket Project
+4 to your first Military Plane Factory
+1 to all Housing Actions for the Entire 5-Year-Plan
+1 to any Spy Action
+6 to any Technology
+6 to Experimental Nuclear Reactor
+2 to Recover Your Sunken Fleet.
+4 to any Design using Flipper Propulsion
+10 to Designing a Submarine
+2 to Designing a Torpedo
Reputation - (41/100 Reputation - The nation develops, yet where lies its path?) People's Opinion - (90/100 Reputation - All Hail The Great Leader! The Silver Tongued Stateswright! Bringer Of Prosperity And Plenty! *Loud Cheers*) Chinese Opinion - (5/10 - The People's Republic and Chairman Hua Guofeng appreciate the steadfast alliance between the workers of China and Guangchou, may we prosper!) History Page - (A name, several paragraphs of your life, the steelworks incident, the Iwo Jima Crisis of 1974, and links to dissertations of the Thai-Brain Drain. Several pages and links to dissertations are dedicated to your advancement of digital technology. Several dates of important milestones in your life, political and private. Some (horny) memes due to your big family.)
Light Industry - Meh - (Permanent Small Improvements) Heavy Industry - Adequate - (Permanent Small Improvements) Military Industry - Good - (Permanent Small-ish Improvements) Agriculture - Adequate- (Static, Trending Upwards Painfully Slowly)
[] (Optional: Write-In Commiewood Project) (No Plan)
[] Infrastructure
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Das Capital Planned City (Mega-Project) (Trigger Sub-Vote)
-[] Build Your School-System (Mega-Project - 25/40 Actions - +5 Per Turn Automatic Progress)
-[] Build A Monument Within The Capital
--[] A Natural Park/Space/Building (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
---[] Permaculture Gardens - Mixed-use agricultural/recreational spaces that yield both local produce for the city's population and pleasant spaces to relax and take in nature.
--[] A Statue/Art Installation (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful)
-[] Expand Your Public Transit Bus System (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful)
--[] Use Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
--[] The Universal Building (-8 Reputation)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful)
-[] Durable Goods Libraries (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
(A good way of improving quality of life without needing to produce too many consumer goods is to implement a program where people can borrow more infrequently used goods from a central storehouse - things like vacuum cleaners, specialized cookware, hand tools, etc. The libraries can also double as social and entertainment spaces by including a television or radio, depending on the size of the library and the number of people served. These activities draw people to the library, increasing their familiarity.)
-[] Public Radio/Televisions (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
(Add TVs/Radios to specific public venues where people can get entertained and informed in a social setting. Once again, it lets you have some access to these sorts of luxury goods without needing to make a lot of radios and TVs.)
-[] Fluoridate the Water Supply (Helpful) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Light Industry
-[] Cyberdize Light Industry Sector (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (Secret Is Out)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand Your Train Network (Helpful)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Develop Selkie Dive Suit - A standard dive suit for civilian and military divers. (-3 Reputation) (Suspicious)
-[] Reverse Engineer Western Durable Goods/Appliances (-4 Reputation)
(Acquire western goods/appliances and determine their best and worst features, then create your own - free from the constraints of planned obsolescence and the profit motive and optimized for lifetime cost and performance. "Communist cooktops for communist cooks!")
-[] Construct a food processing factory for frozen and flash-frozen foods. (Very Helpful)
(Primarily meats and vegetables. Keep expansion in mind for either biodegradable boxes for frozen box meals that can be thrown away or nonbiodegradable boxes. You'll pay your people a tiny amount of the price to return to the factory.)
-[] Build Vitamin Supplement Factory (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
[] Develop Solar Cauldron (-1 Reputation)
-[] Develop Thermal Battery (+1 Reputation)
-[] Water Desalination (-1 Reputation)
-[] Oil Processing (+1 Reputation)
-[] Food Processing (-3 Reputation)
-[] Amonia Production (-2 Reputation)
-[] Mineral Processing (-1 Reputation)
-[] Papermaking (-2 Reputation)
-[] Electrical Generation
[] Implement Six Sigma Methodologies (-2 Reputation)
[] Implement Just in Time Logistics (-1 Reputation)
[] Implement Continuous Improvement Programs (-2 People's Opinion)
[] Develop Lights-Out Manufacturing (+2 Reputation)
[] Generic Applicance Factory (+2 Reputation)
[] Generic Furniture Factory (+2 Reputation)
[] Generic Household Hardware Factory (+2 Reputation)
[] Establish Ateliers (-5 Reputation)
-[] Tailors & Cobblers
-[] Woodworkers
-[] Metalworkers
[] Establish Rubber Plantations (-4 People's Opinion) (Harmful)
[] Bulk Textiles Mill (-3 People's Opinion) (Harmful)
[] Generic Bulk Clothing Factory (+1 People's Opinion) (Harmful)
[] Establish More Publishing Houses (+2 People's Opinion)
[] Build Breweries (+3 People's Opinion) (Harmful)
[] Bottled Drinks Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
[] Food Dehydration Plant (-1 Reputation)
[] Petrochemical Plant (+3 Reputation)
[] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation)
[] Chemical Commodities Plant (+2 Reputation)
-[] Ammonia (Fertilizer)
[] Fine Chemicals Plant (+1 Reputation)
-[] Agrochemicals (Pesticides)
[] Specialty Chemicals Plant (+2 Reputation)
[] Innorganic Chemicals Plant (+1 Reputation)
[] Polymer Plant (+2 Reputation)
[] Consumer Chemical Plant (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry (+2/+2 to Geothermal Power (Trade/Omake))
-[] Cyberdize Heavy Industry Sector (Mega-Project - 0/15 Actions) (+2 Reputation) (Secret Is Out)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Automate Every Factory (Mega-Project - 2/15 Actions) (-7 People's Opinion) (Genie is out of the bottle) (Extremely Harmful (Job Loss)) (+1 per Turn Automatic Progress)
-[] Construct Housing Factory - (Design) (+1 Reputation) (Automated)
-[] Build Structural Insulated Panel Factory Complex (-10 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
(Steel Mill, Glass Factory, and Bamboo Mill for durable, lightweight panels that reduce the need for heating/cooling during summer and winter.)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Heavy Machinery Plant (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Build Rolling Stock And Rail Factory (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Geothermal Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Improve Your Metallurgical Institute (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Develop Hydrothermal Carbonization (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A (Iron Tiger Derived) Electronics Factory (+3 Reputation) (Harmful) (Highly Suspicious) (Steel Foundry Needed)
-[] Crack the 800 nm Process (Mega Project - 0/4 Actions) (-3 Reputation) (Suspicious)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful)
-[] Construct Five Merchant Marine Vessels
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Design Modular Skateboard Vehicle Chassis (Mega Project - 0/3 Actions) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Industrial IT-Skeleton (+5 Reputation) (Helpful) (Exposes Secret)
-[] Design A Civilian Ship (Describe) (-2 Reputation)
--[] New Fishing Trawler
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] Design Cauldrons (Geothermal) (Mega Project - 0/8 Actions) (-3 Reputation)
(Mega-industrial parks that use geothermal power for thermal processes and electricity generation. Self-sufficient in terms of power needs and capable of exporting power to the grid while providing heating to nearby greenhouses and homes.)
-[] Rail Development Design Project (Mega-project - 0/3) (+1 Reputation) (Reduced Actions For The Dragon Rail)
(Automated Track Laying Machinery, Electric Trains, and Streetcars will be heavily needed in your future projects of tying the people and their work closer together.)
-[] The Dragon Rail (Mega-project - 0/64) (Harmful)
(Lay The Dragon's Spine, The central trunk line running the island's length, the Dragon's Limbs, branching rail lines headed to major and middling cities, and the Dragon's Claws - Streetcars for the larger cities. With this, your nation will finally be able to fully utilize its breadth and width of all available industrial might!)
-[] Construct a Cosmodrome (Mega-project - 0/21) (Harmful) (+3 Reputation) (Requires "Apply to Interkosmos")
--[] Jointly Operated with Interkosmos (+2 Auto-Completion per Turn, -7 Actions Needed) (-2 Reputation per Turn)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture
(1 Action Forced)
-[] Cyberdize Agricultural Sector (Mega-Project - 0/11 Actions) (-9 Reputation) (Secret Is Out)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Farmer's Councils (-20 Reputation) (Gain Another Faction)
(The Agricultural sector was traditionally under-represented under Wei Cai's regime. Giving them a formal voice will help build trust with the rural farmers and ease further development.)
-[] Guangchou Gyre Deep Water Fertilization (Mega-Project - 0/9 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (Extremely Helpful)
(The Bay of Guangchou has a nice enormous ocean gyre spun up by the Taiwan current as it passes by the mouth of the bay, keeping the water relatively contained. If you had enough power, you could sink pumps to the bottom of the bay and pump cool, nutrient-rich water to the surface, where phytoplankton could thrive and become food for larger fish. In addition, nutrient-rich water would help kelp grow in the shallows and regulate the temperature to extend its growing season.)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Build a Herbicide & Pesticide Plant (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory
-[] Construct A Pre-Made Food Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Sea-Forest Project (Mega-Project - 0/6 Actions) (-3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion) (Extremely Helpful)
(A massive area for cultivating food, resources, and scientific data, mostly used to gain and harvest kelp, fish, oysters, and mother of pearl.)
-[] Begin Marine Farming (-3 Reputation)
(While naturally occurring kelp forests are an excellent source of food, You can also improve the yield of a kelp farm by cultivating mussels, scallops, and oysters in predator-proof containers and laying traps for shellfish along the bottom.)
-[] Create the Guangchou Survey Corps (-5 Reputation)
(Form a body tasked with systematically surveying and preserving Guangchou's geological and biological resources - from undiscovered veins of minerals to plants and animals that can serve a useful purpose (or can be bred to do so). (Roll 1d20 every turn, on a 20, something useful is found.))
-[] Solar Dehydrator Plant (Experimental) (-3 Reputation)
(Due to the low-temperature drying process, solar-powered food dehydrators are simple and cheap to construct and preserve more nutrients than canning.)
-[] Develop And Test Novel Food Production Methods (Mega-Project - 0/12 Actions) (-3 Reputation)
(You can create further ways to make use of your available farming space to boost production with Industrial Mycoculture, Urban Permaculture Initiatives, Forest Farming (though you'll take full credit for that since IJ stole that idea from you!), Silvopasture, and Agroforestry)
-[] Create Insect Farms (-1 Reputation) (Helpful)
(Cricket and Mealworm Protein Cultivation are a cheap, plentiful, and versatile way to increase protein in people's diets.)
-[] Construct an Experimental Vertical Hydroponics Test-Building (+1 Reputation)
-[] Pemican Production Factory (-2 Reputation) (Helpful)
(An ancient recipe from the Americas, made of powdered meat and fat that can store for years in a sealed container. Maintaining a stockpile will be full insurance against a poor harvest.)
-[] Seed Treatment Factory (-2 Reputation)
(Seeds can be treated with various compounds to increase their chances of germination and their resistance to sickness.)
[] Implement Crop Breeding Programs (+2 Reputation)
[] Fund Agricultural Veterinary Care (-3 Reputation)
[] Develop Fish Ranching (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military (+4 to Design A Native Ship)
-[] Automate Factory/Facility/Project (What) (Various Reputation Gains)
-[] Soldier's Councils (Triggers Sub-Vote)
(Bring communism to the barracks! And the cockpits! And the decks!)
-[] Create A Dedicated Coast Guard (Will massively piss off the navy until you get them some ships+equipment)
-[] Design Two Iron Tiger Systems (Describe) (Still Secret)
--[] The Fateful Seal IT (Iron Tiger Revolver)
(The FS-IT is a Fateful Seal redesigned for iron tiger use, developed to use 130x800mmR shells. The FS-IT, just like the FS, uses a 6-or-7-round cylinder and can shoot HE, SAP, and AP shells.)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
--[] The Credit Where It's Due (Light Scout Tank)
(Taking inspiration from the FT-17 (shape) and T-55A (armor and suspension), the CWID is the first native LST produced in Guangchou. Weighing 28 tons, this LST is armed with a light cannon, four missiles, a coaxial machine gun, and a heavy machine gun mounted on a pintle on the turret top; it is crewed by four crew and possesses a top speed of 48km/h. Though, it is notably light on the armor for a tank.)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+3 Reputation)
--[] MiS-27 (Multi-Role Jet)
(The MiS-27 is a Multi-Role jet aircraft, its shape inspired by the MiG-21, with the J37 providing its radical delta wing configuration. Flown by one pilot and armed with 2 Modified 25mm M/71 autocannons, this Jet also sports eight modular hardpoints to add rockets, bombs, fuel tanks, and supplies as needed or wanted.)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
--[] The Police Carrier (Light Assault APC)
(The PC is a simple armored personnel carrier taking inspiration from the BTR-152 (appearance/shape), the BTR-60 (turret), and the M3 half-track (tracks). At 20 tons with a top speed of 75 km/h on-road and 50 km/h offroad, this vehicle can transport its four crew and six passengers where needed. With only light armor protecting its passengers, it utilizes an imported Soviet 2A28 Grom, eight missiles, and a coaxial machine gun for offensive operations.)
--[] The BTR-71 (Light Amphibious APC)
(The BTR-71 has the general shape and appearance of the BTR-60 but has just about nothing in common. Weighing 20 tons, this LST is armed with a light cannon, four missiles, a coaxial machine gun, and a hull machine gun. It is crewed by four crew with a place for eight additional passengers and possesses a top speed of 80 km/h on-road and 12 km/h in water.)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+3 Reputation)
--[] The Gunagch (Destroyer Escort)
(Weighing at nearly 3kt and a length of 100m, the Gunagch is propelled by two electric drives/propellers, enabling a maximum speed/range of 25knots/20.000km (at 12knots). Armed with four 100m BS-4 guns in 2 twin turrets, eight modified 25mm M/71 autocannons in 4 twin mounts, sixteen 15x115mmR KPVT heavy machine guns in 4 quad mounts, and 80 depth charges.)
--[] The BS-4 (Crewed Anti-Tank)
(The BS-4 is a field and anti-tank gun taking inspiration from the BS-3. Its primary use is for coastal defense forces with a six-meter barrel and 11-meter length overall.)
--[] The Police Carrier Anti-Tank (Self-Propelled AT)
(The PC is a simple armored personnel carrier taking inspiration from the BTR-152 (appearance/shape), the BTR-60 (turret), and the M3 half-track (tracks). At 20 tons with a top speed of 75 km/h on-road and 50 km/h offroad, this vehicle can transport its five crew where needed. With only light armor protecting its passengers, it utilizes an imported Soviet KPVT HMG, rocket-deliver platform, and a coaxial machine gun for offensive operations. Additionally, the passenger compartment of the PC has been removed in favor of an AT Cannon with a gun shield.)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (Choose Any/All)
--[] Fateful Seal (Revolver)
(The Fateful Seal is designed as a top-break gas-seal revolver, using the Webley and the Nagant M1895 for inspiration. Research shows that as much as 26% of propellant gas escapes through the barrel and cylinder gap. Like more or less all gas-seal revolvers, the FS uses the cartridge case to seal the gap between the cylinder and the barrel. It uses a 13.2x55mmSR cartridge; the flat nose boattail bullet is 13.2 millimeters wide and 15 millimeters tall. It has a level on the right side like the Webley revolver and is used for the same purpose. Additionally, with the proposed 4.7-inch to 12-inch long barrels, the FS uses a combination detachable shoulder stock and holster and a 6-or-7-round cylinder.)
--[] Conscript's Friend (Cheap Pistol)
(The CF is a dead-simple integral box magazine pistol taking inspiration from the Steyr Hahn, the FN 1903, the Browning Hi-Power, and the TT-33. The FN 1903 provided the CF with its general shape and appearance, the Steyr Hahn, its integral magazine and stripper clip guide, the Browning Hi-Power knowledge on double-stack magazines, and some more modern safety features, and last but not least, the TT-33 gave the CF knowledge on simplicity. Cambered in an 8x40mmSR cartridge, the CF is designed to be as simple as possible while safely chambering its integral 10-round box fed with stripper clips. The handgun is supposed to be so simple that anyone who can rifle the barrel should be able to make the rest of the pistol with hand tools.)
--[] Spook's Squeak (Agent Pistol)
(The SQ is more or less a full copy of the Welrod except for its size and particular cartridge. With a total of 203mm in length, the SQ is chambered in the particular 6.5x30mmSR cartridge using a removable 8-shot magazine.)
--[] The Soldiers Pistol (Army Pistol)
The SP is essentially a Browning Hi-Power chambered in 10x37mmSR and fed from a 10 to 20-round detachable double-stack magazine with a barrel length of 12 cm and an overall length of 20 cm, not counting the detachable combination shoulder stock and holster.
--[] Name Pending (Flaregun)
(The NP is a small, light single-shot break-action flare gun taking inspiration from the Sturmpistole.)
-[] Design A Native Service Weapon (Rifle, SMG, Heavy Machine Gun, Rocket launcher, Etc.) (Describe) (Choose Any/All) (+1 Reputation)
--[] The Police's Friend (Bolt-Action Rifle with shotgun+grenade capabilities)
(The PF, just like FS, is meant to be used by police and rear line units and is a bolt-action rifle design taking inspiration from the Lee-Enfield, the Swedish Mauser, and the Fateful Seal. The Swedish Mauser provided the PF with its general shape, appearance, and stripper clip guide, the Lee-Enfield it's magazine and sling mounts, and the Fateful Seal gave the PF the base for its unique 12 g under-barrel revolver shotgun. The PF is meant to be able to use 40mm rifle grenades such as HEAT, HE, and Smoke, with the under-barrel shotgun supposed to be primarily used for riot control in police use and rear line units. Chambered in the same 13.2x55mmSR cartridge as the Fateful Seal, the PF is fed from a 10-round detachable magazine with a 25-inch barrel length and a 40-inch overall length.)
--[] The Militia's Friend (Cheap SMG)
(The MF is a crude SMG taking inspiration from the Sten, PPS, Swedish m/45 SMG, MP 40, and MP 3008. The MF, just like the CF, is meant to be used not by the military but by the militia forces of Guangchou. The Swedish m/45 gave the MF its general shape and appearance; the MP 3008 gave the shoulder stock, the PPS, its knowledge of curved magazines, the MP 40 the safety features and sling mounts, and the Sten its simplicity. With a fire rate of 570 rounds per minute, it is chambering the 8x40mmSR cartridge from a 20 to 30-round detachable box magazine or a 50-round drum with a 20-inch barrel and a 28-inch overall length. The MF is designed to be as simple as possible while still safely chambering its cartridge, and it's supposed to be so simple that anyone who can rifle the barrel should be able to make the rest of the "submachine" gun; using hand tools.)
--[] The Soldiers Friend (Mainstay Select-Fire Rifle)
(The SF is a relatively simple select-fire rifle taking inspiration from the AVS-36, the Fedorov Avtomat, the BAR, and the FG 42. It is meant to be used by professional forces, not police or militia. The BAR provided the SF with its general shape and appearance, the FG 42, the operational and gas system, the Fedorov Avtomat, the magazine, dust cover, the AVS-36, and the muzzle brake and sling mounts. The SF has a fire rate of 406 to 610 rounds per minute, chambering the 6.5x57mmSR cartridge fed from a 20 or 25-round detachable box magazine while possessing a 28-inch barrel and a 40-inch overall length. The SF is designed to be a reasonably uncomplicated weapon yet modern and meant to be the main arm of the military while still being cheap to produce.)
--[] The Guard's Arm (Costly High-Magazine SMG)
(The GA is a costly high-quality submachine gun taking inspiration from the Browning Hi-Power, the MP 40, MP 5, and the Conscripts Friend and is meant to be used by the secret service and the guards of various military-industrial and laboratory installations. The conscripts friend gave the GA its general shape and appearance, the MP 5 its action, the MP 40 gave the detachable muzzle ring, and the Browning Hi-Power gave it the detachable double-stack magazine alongside modern safety features. The weapon possesses a fire rate of 457 to 800 rounds per minute chambered in a 6.5x30mmSR cartridge feeding from a 10 to 30-round detachable double-stack magazine or 48-round detachable double-stack drum. The GA is 457mm in length, not counting the detachable shoulder stock, and has a detachable muzzle ring that can be unscrewed to attach a suppressor.)
--[] The Workers Might (Crewed Anti-Tank System)
The WM is a recoilless rifle design taking inspiration from the Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle and the german 10.5 cm Leichtgeschütz 40. It is an anti-tank weapon meant for service with professional forces. The LG 40 gave the WM its general shape and appearance; the Carl Gustaf gave it its hinged breech. The WM uses unique 152x305mmR shells capable of firing HE and HEAT ammunition.
--[] The Soldiers Arm (Mainstay SMG)
The SA is a simple submachine gun taking inspiration from the United Defense M42 and the M50 Reising, meant to be used by professional forces. The UD M42 provided the SA its general shape, appearance, and wooden foregrip, and the M50 Reising gave the sights and sling mounts. The SA has a rate of fire of 570 to 800 rounds per minute, chambering the 10x37mmSR cartridge from a 20 to 30-round detachable double-stack box magazine or a 50-round detachable double-stack drum with a 35.6 cm long barrel and an overall length of 61 cm.
The reason the F-117 looks like a low-poly model is because that was the extent of what computers could handle. Our computers are much better, so we can develop less aerodynamically compromised airframes. The resulting aircraft won't be 'stealth' in the popular conception of the term (we don't have the resources for that sort of program). Still, we can apply certain principles like edge alignment and skin smoothing to reduce their radar cross-section, decreasing the range at which they'll be first detected.
, The Iron Phoenix X-Plane Program
Acquire several export-grade MiG-23s and refit them into experimental aircraft to test the integration of Iron Tiger and RCS reduction technology into aircraft. One to test EHAs, one to test fly-by-wire, one to be flayed and reskinned to test RCS reduction, and one to test new cockpit configuration (all our pilots are requesting better situational awareness, and our electronics open up possibilities in terms of implementing a glass cockpit like some western planes have switched to).
AWACS Variant of the same, SRAAM (Short Ranged Air-to-Air Missile - For WVR combat) and MRAAM (Medium Ranged Air-to-Air Missile - For BVR combat), LRAAM (Long Ranged Air-to-Air Missile - For shooting down the SR-71 and other fast planes), and ASCM (Anti-Ship Cruise Missile - A cost-effective way to sink a lot of metal))
-[] Airy Might (Mega-project - 0/6) (+1 Reputation) (Harmful) (Requires Airy Modernization)
(Build a (Fighter) Factory Complex, which will get us a force of 300 planes in 5 years. That should be enough for immediate deterrence. By also building a (Transport) and (Missile) Factory, we will ensure that we can incorporate the new designs fully without any missing equipment.)
[] Navy Modernization (Mega-project) (0/8)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+2 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
--[] Raise a (Mechanized Combat Engineer) Formation
-[] Raise A Iron Tiger Formation (Organization/Loadout) (Secret) (Suspicious) --[] WRITE IN CHOSEN LOADOUTS
-[] Recover Your Sunken Fleet (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion) (+4 to any Naval Action)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social
-[] Expand Your Television Station (New Channel Name And/Or Focus)
--[] The Social Revolution TV Channel (-1 Chinese Opinion)
(Focuses on the social aspects of communism, why they're important, and how they tie into the broader communist project. It covers things like gender equality, the importance of contraception, why you shouldn't discriminate against queer people, readings and debates about Marx's later works where he refutes many of his earlier theories about stages, etc. (Head to Head is a popular segment where they bring the PRC and USSR ambassadors on the show to have them debate over their differing orthodoxies - people have started betting on which one will 'win.'))
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-5 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion) (+5 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
--[] Labour Reforms (Triggers Sub-Turns) (Helpful/Harmful) (+/-? People's Opinion) (+/-? Reputation)
--[] Industrial Health & Safety Policy (Triggers Sub-Turns) (Helpful/Harmful) (+/-? People's Opinion) (+/-? Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-7 Reputation)
-[] Vaccination Campaign (Disease) (Extremely Helpful)
--[] Native Production And Doctors (-4 Reputation)
--[] International Production And Doctors (Helpful) (-7 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Begin Public Sanitation Programs (Helpful)
-[] Improve Foreign Intelligence Service
--[] Industrial Espionage in Japan (-7 Reputation) (Suspicious)
(Right now, there's a wide variance in the effectiveness of your foreign intelligence agents, which suggests a lack of effective mentorship and information transfer from the more successful ones to the less successful ones. Formalizing a training program means institutionalizing the knowledge of your best agents (with a focus on industrial espionage in Japan) should go a long way toward delivering more reliable results. Of course, industrial espionage may not be as glamorous as the political and military games the CIA and KGB played. Still, it's easier and has a better long-term payoff for the nation. Furthermore, narrowing the focus to Japan due to proximity, an abundance of high-tech industry, and ease of letting your agents blend into the population allows us to get the most optimal results for the effort invested.)
--[] Western Heavy Machinery For Reverse Engineering
--[] (Write-In Target/Activity)
-[] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+2 Chinese Opinion) (-5 People's Opinion)
(Gunagchow is an unholy combination of Chinese and Japanese, with enough loan words from Korean and Malay to make up a non-trivial portion of the overall syntax and more exceptions than English. And it's written with Hanzi characters that often don't match their Mandarin counterparts, and never mind that the grammar and word construction don't always line up. Even before the systematic destruction of the island's infrastructure by the IJN air raids, literacy in Guangchou was among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific - mainly because the language was simply a massive headache to learn. Before establishing a robust schooling system, we have a golden opportunity to correct this and grant the nation a competitive advantage in international relations in the future. Guangchou will be rationalized and streamlined to make it easy to understand, pronounce, write, and read.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] Leader Pushed Developments
--[] Reform Government Structure (Mega-Project - 0/10 Actions) (Triggers Sub-Vote) (-50 Reputation)
-[] Found Department of Public Health (-4 Reputation)
-[] Found Nutritional & Pharmaceutical Standards Agency (-2 Reputation)
-[] Healthcare Reform (Sub-Vote) (-7 Reputation)
-[] Apply to Interkosmos (-3 Chinese Opinion)
-[] Food for Tractors (+3 Reputation) (-5 People's Opinion) (+1 Chinese Opinion)
(Trade Omni-Tractors for Chinese food, taking advantage of Guangchou's expertise with manufacturing to produce lots of them at competitive prices. Hua Guofeng gets a nice bribe to help quell rural unrest, we get food, win-win. Also appeal to the CCP on ideological grounds by including a rider that part of the cost of the tractors must be paid for directly in food from the farms it's used on, going directly to the workers of the Omni-Tractor factories. This is a symbolic gesture against the alienation of the industrial mode of production, and also hopefully opens up a dialogue between the end users and the people making the tractors, improving international solidarity and giving the manufacturers valuable feedback.) -[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Mend The Relationship With Pol Pot (+/-1d4-2 Reputation)
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
--[] Medical Student Exchange with Cuba (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
--[] Bother the Cubans for their "Home Self-Reliance And Repair Manual" (-3 Reputation)
--[] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
("In Guangchou, you will be free to be and love as your truest self, free from bigotry and oppression based on gender, sexual orientation, or race. If you want to help build a better world, come to Guangchou." The Internationalists will spread the word through their contacts abroad that Guangchou LACKS engineers and scientists, accountants, doctors, and other highly educated workers needed to fulfill the Great Leader's ambitious plans and that Guangchou ALSO has more Gay Liberation than you can shake a stick at. We may be able to attract quite a few learned professionals fleeing persecution in their home countries.)
--[] Send Enbies To Establish A Formal Relationship
---[] The Somalia Democratic Republic
---[] New Zealand
---[] Indonesia
---[] India
---[] The Philippines
---[] Sri Lanka
---[] Myanmar
---[] Laos
---[] Cambodia
---[] (Write-In)
--[] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
(A lot of nations are currently facing unrest or ethnic cleansings. We could take advantage of the fleeing populations and persecuted intellectuals to boost our native capabilities. Oh, and help the refugees too.
---[] Thailand (Easy - +5 Reputation if successful)
---[] (Write-In)
--[] Southeast Asian Communist Kinship Programm (+3 Reputation)
--[] CASEAN Outreach (+1 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
(Establish diplomatic relations with ideologically compatible nations in your sphere of influence. (Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, etc.))
-[] National Consulting Services (+2 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion) -[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and suggest how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-5 Reputation) -[] International
--[] BEHOLD! My American Ship-
---[] Russian Ambassador (-1 Chinese Opinion) (???)
---[] Chinese Ambassador (+1 Chinese Opinion) (???) -[] Technologists
--[] Form a Statistics Bureau (Focus) (-2 Reputation) (Political Consequences For Their Findings) -[] Militarists
--[] Create a dedicated branch of Military Engineers (+Allies)
--[] Buy Russian Trucks for native logistics and the military (-1 Chinese Opinion) (-5 Reputation) (Knock-On Effects)
--[] Bugger the Russians for their Rockery in exchange for our knowledge in electronics (EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS) (SECRET) (-3 Chinese Opinion) (Knock-On Effects)
--[] Armed Solidarity (+7 Reputation) (+5 People's Opinion) (International (Read: West) Anger) (Repeatable)
(A bloody massacre happened in Thailand, radically altering the country's political landscape and bringing forth every manner of vermin and revolutionary ally. Using sympathetic and allied forces, we could smuggle arms, trainers, equipment, and supplies to identify and contact groups to bolster their strength and capabilities. Even if we fail to ensure a complete revolution, a coup ending with sympathetic forces leading the nation will benefit us in the denial of yet another region to exploit the West's lust for money.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Secret Projects
-[] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT Again
-[] Mingxiang CyberSyn System 1.1.0 (Mega-Project - 0/18 Actions) (-9 Reputation)
-[] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 0/4 Actions) (-8 Reputation)
-[] Experimental Nuclear Reactor (Mega-Project - 0/10 Actions) (+3 Reputation per Turn/25 Reputation for 8 Actions spent in one turn)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
-[] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)
Oh, that's why I didn't find it, it seems kinda underincentivized for something that should produce remarkable results. Vax campaign isn't even marked as "helpful" or beneficial.
Turn looks like a completely ordinary march of progress with China being inscrutable and somewhat suspicious of us.
I think due up next is development of aircraft and us actually having something vaguely reminiscent of a modern air force.
Just so we have a better idea of where we are, how many actions do we need to put into Light, Heavy, and Agricultural Industry to make them tock over to the next level?