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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 5, 2023 at 4:06 PM, finished with 58 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Political Sausage Making
    -[X] North Korea - Counteroffer: Patience Is a Virtue
    --[X] NK can borrow time on Guang SupComs and send over people to be trained on their operation and maintenance in the short term, but building one of their own will have to wait until the next 5 Year Plan due to foreign and domestic economic commitments.
    -[X] Industrial Aid - Yes (Mongolia, Iraq, Tanzania)
    -[X] Iran - Diplomatic Solutions: Sideline the Fundamentalists
    --[X] Unite the leftists, Islamo-liberals, and nationalists (the OIPFG and tudeh) behind CyPac's platform of non-USA and non-USSR anti-imperialism and Islamic socialism and send representatives to inject some intersectionality theory directly into their organizational veins to get them to support the women's protests. The resulting coalition will force the fundamentalists to either grumble and fall in line, or explicitly lay out their desire for a autocratic theocracy that has so far been hidden behind vague appeals to anti-imperialism and revolutionary fervour. If the Khomeinists don't play ball, the next arms shipment isn't going to the Kurds, it's going to the militant women in Tehran. [1]
    -[X] Syria - Military Aid - Yes
    -[X] SY - Military Aid - Yes
    -[X] Benin - Military Solutions: Strange Bedfellows
    --[X] See if the Communists and the Democratic Socialist Youth Liberation Associations can agree to a negotiated ceasefire that allows for some sort of political compromise, in exchange for being supported in the fight against everyone else. If not, support the DSYLAs.
    -[X] Mozambique - Other Solutions: Yes & Later
    --[X] Military aid now. Training people in computer engineering will take time (Native Mingxiang will be completed before the end of this 5YP).
    -[X] Somalia - Other Solutions: My Expectations Were Low, But I'm Still Disappointed
    --[X] Guangchou will take in any Somali LGBT+ refugees who wish to immigrate and coordinate with other member nations to set up sanctuary cities in the more socially progressive parts of African CyPac nations that could take in the ones who don't want to uproot their lives to such a degree. Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer.
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 17, 2023 at 12:52 PM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.
Wow, such debate, much uncertainty!

Next up: Rocketboi does a move and Spacetwink goes BRRRR.
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 12, 2023 at 8:24 AM, finished with 99 posts and 13 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Apr 7, 2023 at 7:49 AM, finished with 60 posts and 28 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Apr 9, 2023 at 4:23 PM, finished with 20 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Commiewood: JANES
    [X] Plan: Beans, Bullets, and Bandages
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    --[X] Medical Imaging Plant (-1 Rep) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
    -[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
    --[X] Medicinal Crop Breeding Programs (+4 Reputation) (Helpful) (Bonus: 1 PttF = + 2 Focus +1 TffF = +3 Total)
    -[X] Social
    --[X] Vaccination Campaign (Disease) (Extremely Helpful)
    ---[X] Domestic Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    -[X] Political
    --[X] Found Department of Public Health (-4 Reputation) (-8 People's Opinion) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    [X] Secret Projects
    -[X] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 3/3 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (-6 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Industrial Aid - (Mongolia, Iraq, Tanzania) (FREE ACTION) (Bonus: 1 PttF = +1 Total)
    --[X] Famine Relief - Mali (URGENT) (Bonus: 1 PttF = +1 Total)
    --[X] Military Intervention - Iran (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+1 Reputation) (Bonus: 1 PttF = +1 Total)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Personal Action: Learn Arabic.
    --[X] Personal Action: Model Rocketry
    --[X] Lover Action: Volcano Hike
And thus, Chairwoman Cyber has decided the fate of Guangchou for the next six months. :V
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Apr 24, 2023 at 2:52 PM, finished with 31 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Managing Expectations
    -[X] Infrastructure
    --[X] Found the Ouvry (+3 Reputation) (Bonus: + 1 PttF = +1 Total)
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    --[X] Expand Medical Imaging Plant (+0 Rep) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
    --[X] Auto-Serology (+0 Rep) (Bonus: + 2 Electronics + 1 Automation + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +6 Total)
    -[X] Generic Appliance Factory (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
    --[X] Expand Crop Breeding Programs (+4 Reputation) (Helpful) (Bonus: +1 PffF = +1 Total)
    -[X] Political
    --[X] Healthcare Reform (Sub-Vote) (-7 Reputation) (-9 People's Opinion) (Bonus: + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +3 Total)
    --[X] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
    ---[X] Thailand (Easy - +5 Reputation if successful)
    -[X] Secret Projects
    --[X] Develop Native Supercomputer (Mega-Project - 3/3 Actions) (-8 Reputation) (-6 People's Opinion) (Bonus: +2 Electronics + 2 Focus + 1 PttF = +5 Total)
    -[X] CyPac
    --[X] Military Intervention - Benin (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
    ---[X] Optional: Dispatch forces.
    --[X] Military Intervention - West Saharah (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Personal Action: PRESENTATION!
    --[X] Personal Action: You need more friends, loser.
    --[X] Lover Action: Go trekking with your wife in the beautiful wild environment of guangchou.
    [X] China: Secure, Contain, Protect
    [X] Commiewood:Greeting Dish
    [X] Plan: the quest for fun
    [X] Infrastructure
    -[X] Build A Monument Within The Capital
    --[X] A Natural Park/Space/Building (Sub-Turns) (+/-??? Reputation/People's Opinion)
    ---[X] Permaculture Gardens - Mixed-use agricultural/recreational spaces that yield both local produce for the city's population and pleasant spaces to relax and take in nature.
    -[X] Create New Housing (Helpful)
    --[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (-3 Reputation)
    -[X] Durable Goods Libraries (-2 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] (WRITE-IN)Ask your researcher to look for methods to help people with reduced mobility/perception by adapting the infrastructure or by means of tools that would be provided to them.
    [X] Light Industry
    [X] Pharmaceuticals Plant (+2 Reputation)
    [X] Social
    -[X] Vaccination Campaign (Disease - malaria) (Extremely Helpful)
    --[X] Native Production And Doctors (-5 Reputation)
    -[X] Begin Public Sanitation Programs (Helpful)
    -[X] Rationalize the Language (Mega-Project - 0/5 Actions) (+2 Chinese Opinion) (-5 People's Opinion)
    [X] Political
    -[X] Leader Pushed Developments
    --[X] Create a Commission for the Upkeep and Conservation of Guangchou's Natural Spaces anf Habitats for the Workers Health and Enjoyment (Helpful) (-1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Populists & Internationalists
    --[X] (Gay) Immigration Propaganda (-3 Reputation) (-1 Chinese Opinion)
    --[X] Brain Drain Time! (+4 Reputation)
    ---[X] Thailand (Easy - +5 Reputation if successful)
    -[X] CyPac
    -[X] Military Intervention - Mozambique (Optional: Volunteer Forces) (+2 Reputation)
    -[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Cuba (Trade and Aid) (+4 Reputation)
    -[X] Fuck The US of Middle North A - Nicaragua (Show the world what the US is sponsoring) (+7 Reputation)
    -[X] Economic Cooperation - Tanzania (Promised Industrial Aid)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Personal Action:Create your with your advisers and apply a personalized learning program for you.
    --[X] Personal Action:Go sailing on a boat along the coast and in the bay with your family to fish, scuba dive, learn to sail and have fun.
    --[X] Lover Action: Go trekking with your wife in the beautiful wild environment of guangchou.
    [X] China: Secure, Contain, Protect
    -[X] Loyalist areas of operation will be covertly fortified ahead of time and staffed by reliable personnel.
    -[X] Representatives will be sent to Tibet to negotiate for its support of the Loyalist cause in exchange for post-war independence (and generous developmental aid from CyPac).
    -[X] A few squadrons of Anatas plus a few Taos will be moved to Vietnam ahead of time on 'training exercises' for CyPac.
    -[X] The Chinese fleet moored in Guangchou will be resupplied for interdiction of sea based smuggling routes and shore support.
    -[X] When the balloon goes up, the Guang and Soviet air forces will move in from the north, east, and south and shoot down every enemy plane they come across. They have the technological edge here, and establishing air dominance will be a huge boost to the effectiveness of the allied forces assisting the Loyalists.
    -[X] A no fly zone will be established that will make it harder to smuggle shit into the country by air. Patrolled by Soviet and Guang aircraft on the coast once the initial air campaign winds down, with the aid of our AEW&C aircraft.
    -[X] Soviet armored columns will reinforce loyalist forces on the ground, providing the bulk of the infantry, tanks, and IFVs.
    -[X] Guangchou will provide combined arms IT units for use in urban and hazardous terrain and logistic support.
    -[X] The first priority of the ground campaign is to secure the coastline in order to make smuggling supplies by sea more difficult and hopefully degrade the logistics of the NLA and Warlord forces in the interior.
    -[X] The second priority will be to seize and maintain control over key industrial and agricultural sites to both fuel the loyalist war effort as well as minimize the humanitarian crisis.
    -[X] The bulk of Guanghou's contribution of non-IT military personnel will go towards securing and maintaining refugee camps for those displaced by the fighting. The language is closer to Mandarin so they'll have an easier time of this than the Soviets.
    -[X] Vietnamese forces will move to reinforce Loyalist forces in Yunnan province, where their experience in guerilla warfare will hopefully be useful to closing off the Burma road which is absolutely going to be used to try to smuggle weapons and equipment to the NLA and Warlords in order to prolong the conflict.
    -[X] The overall allied strategy is to prevent foreign influences from prolonging the conflict, and supply loyalist forces so they end up as the last ones standing. Securing the peace will take some serious work later, but that can wait until the war is won.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jun 20, 2023 at 2:24 PM, finished with 34 posts and 0 votes.
No votes were able to be tallied!
Okay, so.

I'll be going over the last page and the proposed changes to scrape together what you want/can do, and then hold a confirmation vote about that.

This may take a while, as I am currently restricted to typing on my phone until I can get my hands on a technically minded person to look at my pc and tell me why I can't get internet. Which may take a bit.

Other than that, a spoiler for next turn:
A certain US of Middle North A gets twitchy, a certain Middle American Country tries to join CyPac, the former invades the latter, and the Frogs get kicked in the nuts by the most fabulous of gay mech-pilots in Africa.
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