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@HeroCooky Our country being a dictatorship and our father obviously an asshole, does Guangchou suffer from the usual stupid laws that we tend to find in this kind of place?
such as "walking on a newspaper is a crime because the face of the dictator is on it", "Only government-approved haircuts", "Making International calls is a crime", "Three-generation punishment","not allowed to leave the country" or "Foreign movies, songs and book are not allowed"

Ps I think I've more or less finished finding new ideas to threw them on the wall and see what stick for the list, if anyone has thought about what already exists (how to improve, a precision to do, a something unclear that needs to be clarified or a counter-argument) I would be happy to add it, to clarify the idea
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Speaking of, we still haven't made any fundamental changes to Guangchou's constitution. On paper, The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth, is still a Marxist-Leninist pseudo-Juche totalitarian nightmare.
For many, many, many reasons (domestic and foreign PR, day-to-day administration, fulfilling the ideals of the thread, Cybernetic Feedback From The People in The Form of Democracy (thanks MNKh Voznesensky), etc), this is a bad thing for us and for Guangchou.
We should probably start thinking of doing something in that direction.
There is a few crisis is happening right now or about to happen so don't know if he is going to have any free time to come up with something?
Our country being a dictatorship and our father obviously an asshole, does Guangchou suffer from the usual stupid laws that we tend to find in this kind of place?
You had, but ya boi got rid of them as one of the first things he did, as he is an idealist communist, and that crap doesn't mesh well with that.
Speaking of, we still haven't made any fundamental changes to Guangchou's constitution.
You can see here exhibit #1 as to why. ⬇️
HeroCooky said:
[] Political
-[] Leader Pushed Developments

--[] Reform Government Structure (Mega-Project - 0/10 Actions) (Triggers Sub-Vote) (-50 Reputation)
just finished to read again the quest and i have a few quest-ion if it's okay:

1: What is the state of religion in guangshou? Is this legal, is there a separation of church and state, how widespread is this, what religion, cult and belief are prevalent, are there problematic sects (scams, violent, manipulative, oppressive, non-consensual, etc.), etc.
2: what happened to mc's mother
3:turn 5.1 "It is also how you found out that the brick numbered "1" was the first, and last, part of his brilliant plan of stealing the actual tomb of Karl Marx. You had to take a minute at the sheer idiocy , ludicrousness, and disappointment you felt that he actually tried, failed and got booted out of England straight into Germany." is the brick in the museum with the censored version of the diary?
4: How are Zhao Chin (the Chinese ambassador) and Li Jia (the cute assistant we assigned him) doing?
5: Do we know and get along well with our wife's family
6: what happened to Admiral Sam Nigel (The Iwo Jima Crisis of 1974 - Part 2)
7: did the Americans manage to take out their aircraft carrier which landed on our shores, if so how and did they reimburse the man whose farm was under said aircraft carrier, if not what have we doing with it and is there any recoverable technology/info?
8: is our educational system finished/implementd/built ?, how full or too full are the schools built during the educational plan?
9: how guangchou, his culture, the comiwood projects,cypac and we personally are perceived in the world ?
10: how advenced is the progress of the integration of refugees
11: with the revelation of lupi is it still useful to hide the origin of the first iron tiger?
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just finished to read again the quest and i have a few quest-ion if it's okay:

1: What is the state of religion in guangshou? Is this legal, is there a separation of church and state, how widespread is this, what religion, cult and belief are prevalent, are there problematic sects (scams, violent, manipulative, oppressive, non-consensual, etc.), etc.
2: what happened to mc's mother
3:turn 5.1 "It is also how you found out that the brick numbered "1" was the first, and last, part of his brilliant plan of stealing the actual tomb of Karl Marx. You had to take a minute at the sheer idiocy , ludicrousness, and disappointment you felt that he actually tried, failed and got booted out of England straight into Germany." is the brick in the museum with the censored version of the diary?
4: How are Zhao Chin (the Chinese ambassador) and Li Jia (the cute assistant we assigned him) doing?
5: Do we know and get along well with our wife's family
6: what happened to Admiral Sam Nigel (The Iwo Jima Crisis of 1974 - Part 2)
7: did the Americans manage to take out their aircraft carrier which landed on our shores, if so how and did they reimburse the man whose farm was under said aircraft carrier, if not what have we doing with it and is there any recoverable technology/info?
8: is our educational system finished/implementd/built ?, how full or too full are the schools built during the educational plan?
9: how guangchou, his culture, the comiwood projects,cypac and we personally are perceived in the world ?
10: how advenced is the progress of the integration of refugees
11: with the revelation of lupi is it still useful to hide the origin of the first iron tiger?
Hey, you should know that people asking questions because they are interested/invested into a writers story/world is akin to you feeding us writers pure crack. We love the chance to go off the deep end and ramble about our stories. Or, at the very least, I do!

Onto answers;
1. The State Religion is Atheism, with ~70% being Atheistic or Agnostic, and the rest being either the local flavor of Buddhists, Shintoists, or local Animist faiths, with the latter taking up around ~40% of the spiritual population. Religion is legal, but only in private, not public. You won't get fined/arrested for saying "Oh God," but you will if you start praying. There are no cults/sects that you know of that are operating.
2. Smoking a fat one and helping raise the kiddos. Also being the epitome of all Cool Old Lady tropes. (If I ever said otherwise, disregard old canon, this is new canon, and, therefore, better. :V)
3. Yes. The English are furious about it, and have constantly demanded "their belongings to be returned posthaste!"
4. Retired and married. They are adopting a young girl this year!
5. With those she is one speaking terms, she is well, with those she is not, not well. (An old argument over her joining the army that went sour and festered.)
6. "Suicide due to not being able to live with the shame."
7. You scrapped the carrier (it was a WW2 one, so not much technological salvage, and documents/aircraft were destroyed by the crew) and billed the US for their sailors enough to pay for a shitload of stuff on a national scale.
8. Pretty much, but you are still having a lack of teachers that is slowly diminishing.
9. Guangchou and Culture are seen as odd/queer (slur), weird, technologically advanved and interested. Commiewood is seen as either a propaganda tool or a very good animation producer. CyPac is... "screaming internally" for the West and "screaming externally" for the US, with faint interest/curiosity for the rest. And the Twink Supreme is seen as a either a political genius or a strong father of a nation and an army of kids, depending on how you dis/like him and Guangchou.
10. Struggling. You never did more than passive actions, to my knowledge, after all.
11. Depends on if you care or not.
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It does look more badass if we pretend to have invented it all ourselves.

Then again, by this point it's not exactly a secret that the Nazis did in fact do some pretty advanced research in a bunch of areas, including rocketry and, yes, bizarre genetic mutation stuff. We might be able to get away with it and it might not really matter much.
2. Smoking a fat one and helping raise the kiddos. Also being the epitome of all Cool Old Lady tropes. (If I ever said otherwise, disregard old canon, this is new canon, and, therefore, better. :V)

I think I did right about our great leader wondering about where she was and if she was alright. If this is new canon, then we can just say she was just in hiding but eventually came out after things died down.

Also, because there was nothing that can stop her from meeting her grandkids. :V
Giving the knowledge that the mecha were Nazi technology is probably very bad for pr.
It does look more badass if we pretend to have invented it all ourselves.
Seconding Simon_Jester. The legacy of Nazism has a curious way of tainting everything it touches, regardless of whether it was positive or negative.

It's best if we scrap all mentions of Nazis being involved with our mechas. As far as I'm concerned, Guangchou came up with it through sheer bullshittery.
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jun 20, 2023 at 2:24 PM, finished with 34 posts and 0 votes.
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Okay, so.

I'll be going over the last page and the proposed changes to scrape together what you want/can do, and then hold a confirmation vote about that.

This may take a while, as I am currently restricted to typing on my phone until I can get my hands on a technically minded person to look at my pc and tell me why I can't get internet. Which may take a bit.

Other than that, a spoiler for next turn:
A certain US of Middle North A gets twitchy, a certain Middle American Country tries to join CyPac, the former invades the latter, and the Frogs get kicked in the nuts by the most fabulous of gay mech-pilots in Africa.
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A certain US of Middle North A gets twitchy, a certain Middle American Country tries to join CyPac, the former invades the latter, and the Frogs get kicked in the nuts by the most fabulous of gay mech-pilots in Africa.
Please say it isn't Mexico because PRI/PAN can burn in hell for all I care and the fucking crime syndicate masquerading as a union called CROM can be blown to bits.
Please say it isn't Mexico because PRI/PAN can burn in hell for all I care and the fucking crime syndicate masquerading as a union called CROM can be blown to bits.
No, this time the historical path is being trodden. Mexico is...actually doing well, all things considered, TTL. Not "fixing the country" well, but "things are getting better" well.
comiewood proposal:

The Japan Guangchou war.
Not a film but a documentary (or a series of) on the relationship between japan and guangchou before, during and after the war and all the events that happened during all that (including their refusal to acknowledge anything they weren't obligated to and their refusal to send more reparations than the absolute minimum), we must not hide the eventual thing that we would have done to them the goal is to be of absolute historical rigor, that 'there is not a single fact not mentioned,approximation or theatricalization for the Japanese to point the finger to say "it's propaganda and lies", given their behavior during the war no lie is necessary to make them pass for the monsters of history
Funded some archeology, research and excavation work could help with the final result of the film, as well as sent spies to Japan to find out if our suspicions about the fate of the 135,000 (If i remember well) citizens of Guangchou at the hand of the unit 731 are true could add spice to the slap in the face of japan what would this(these) documentaries be

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".
A series based on the investigation (and systematic demystification) of "extraordinary" things, explained why the rhino horn does not heal, demonstrated that "psychics" and others are either crooks or honest people who suffers from confirmation bias, explained the mechanisms of human thought that lead to this kind of belief to spread and how to avoid falling into it,explained the photo and video montages, showed the lack of scientific, medical and historical rigor, how to know when someone is trying to trick you, disassemble conspiracy theories, etc etc
Basically the kind of thing that James Randi did but with more means, planned for international distribution, more expert, etc etc.
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OK! This is literally only part 1 of 3 but it's late and i need to go to sleep:

Stage 1

Triage, target the biggest issues that can be solved with the least amount of resources in order to free up capacity for further expansion.

Penglai Open City
  • A mirror to Minxiang, Panglai is envisioned as a central focus for the country's biological research, across both medical and agricultural fields.
  • It will involve constructing a new medical campus adjacent to the Twin Sickles and Twin Pearls institutes near the site of the old capital (Das Capital being on the north side of the Bay of Guangchou where most of the industrial capacity is located, while the south of the bay is the location of the old capital and a nexus for its agricultural capacity).
  • Initially it will act as a headquarters for the country's massive healthcare reform and expansion efforts, as well as the location of specialized healthcare facilities that can provide services that require centralization in order to be provided in a cost effective manner.
  • As basic healthcare needs are met, it will expand to serve a similar role in the development of medical technologies and techniques as Mingxiang does for electronics and engineering. As it doesn't deal with matters of national security, this hub of research and innovation is open to researchers from all over CyPac and the USSR, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the world.
Expand Medical Personnel Pool
  • Immigration Reform: Make immigration easier, with expedited entry for medical experts. There are bound to be plenty of queer professionals across the world who would prefer a fresh start in a nation where they're free to be themselves. Include settlement services where emigrees can learn the language, get help settling into new accommodations, reduce culture shock, etc.
  • Adult Education: We have an abundance of labor right now due to automation, and some of them are going to want to switch careers. There were already plans to eventually expand our education system with more expensive options for adult education, so this would accelerate those plans.
  • Detectors for Doctors: We can produce high quality medical imaging equipment and serology automation, these can be exported in order to secure medical supplies we have shortages of, and maybe even buy out some temporary contracts of foreign doctors who can come to Guangchou for a few years to tide us over.
  • Student Recruitment: Coordinate with student councils about outreach and recruiting efforts to ensure that there's enough students going into medical training in order to have sustainable turnover in the field long term as people retire.
  • Medical Regulation and Enforcement Agency: Keep our doctors honest and competent.
  • Medical Training Rationalization:
    • The following professions shall be recognized: Physician, Physician's Assistant, Registered Nurse, Nurse Assistant, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Radiation Technologist, Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic.
    • Physician: Five year training path in education followed by variable training pathway post-graduate to independent practice, known as residency. Two year general practitioner pathway for outpatient medicine. Other types will be more variable. Work/life balance will be better than other residencies of the period, <80hr/wk (and actually enforced tyvm unlike RL residency).
    • Physician Assistant: Two year training path, but only accessible by those who have a credential already. Intended to feed in Nurses, Therapists, and Paramedics who want to get away from the bedside. Limited scope of practice compared to physician, overseen by physician. Intended to perform scut work duties for physician that require more knowledge and independent capacity than RN or Paramedic can provide.
    • Registered Nurse: General healthcare worker who provides the majority of hands-on care in all specialties, from working in the clinic to the intensive care unit. Two year training path after high school with 6-12 month post-graduate residency program in specialty area of interest. Leadership in most areas of medicine provided by nurses with post-graduate training in leadership. Mandatory: all members of leadership positions who hold RN licensure must complete one (1) standard bedside shift caring for patients regardless of seniority or leadership status. If you can't work the bedside anymore then your license deserves to be struck.
    • Nurse Assistant: Relatively minimally skilled healthcare worker. Under RN supervision, assists in providing hands on care. Inpatient, cleans/toilets/feeds patients who needs it, transports them in the hospital, etc. Outpatient, provides clerical and simple medical procedure skills for the physician under RN supervision. 3 month training pathway.
    • Emergency Medical Technician: Provides first on the scene basic care. Six month training pathway.
    • Paramedic: Advanced life support in the field. 18 month training pathway. Considered roughly equivalent to registered nurse, but has training and skills tailored to very high level but limited scope care in a specifically delineated area of practice. Six month post-graduation residency training.
    • Imaging Technologist: Operates medical imaging equipment. One year training pathway for basic rads, 3 month post-graduation certification in specific discipline (ultrasound, CT, MRI, nuke, etc).
    • PT/OT/SLP: Three year degree pathway. Provides rehabilitation services. Works with and oversees nurse assistants.

Reduce Demand for Healthcare
  • A major focus on preventative medicine in order to control the need for medical services at the source.
  • Major educational outreach efforts both through the school system to teach the next generation best practices, and encourage them to pass along that information to their elders, as well as direct efforts aimed at adults via existing labor councils and mass media (mostly radio).
  • Encourage masking when sick, especially during flu season.
  • Keep up the good work vis a vis keeping the teenage pregnancy rate low. Condoms for everyone.
  • Smoking and drinking cessation programs that make obtaining alcohol and tobacco more inconvenient while pushing public programming about responsible substance use, and providing alternatives such as nicotine gum and coaching support.
  • Food handling education campaigns, inspecting public kitchens, food safety standards on packaged food, and regulatory teeth to enforce the new standards. Food traceability programs to identify bad batches.
  • Water safety campaigns, testing water sources, constructing public water fountains, education campaigns about hygiene in order to reduce the spread of waterborne illnesses.
  • Occupational Health and Safety: Work with labor councils to institute laws that cover safety in the workplace, and a regulatory agency with the teeth to enforce said laws with a focus on remediation and preventing further incidents.
  • Use our current labor shortage to reduce work hours (either 6 hours / 5 days a week, or 8 hour / 4 days a week, whichever is more appropriate for a given industry or workplace, the labor councils are best placed to figure it out). The aim is to create enough free time for people to take care of sick friends and family instead of having them take up beds in the hospital, as well as improving people's general health by reducing work stress and improving productivity and safety by keeping people fresh at work.
  • Sanitation to reduce fecal borne diseases, construct public toilets where possible, distribute composting toilets to areas without sewage connections in the interim. Garbage disposal programs.
  • Distribute mosquito netting to reduce the spread of malaria.
  • Distribute vitamin supplements to combat malnutrition.
  • Immunization campaigns for schools, and target the adult population with pop up vaccination clinics at major events as well as rolling workplace immunization events where doctors come in and vaccinate a whole workplace one day, then move on to the next. Take advantage of the WHO's efforts to expand vaccination to get supplies from abroad. The vaccinations will continue at a steady rate until they taper off as we reach full saturation and shift to maintenance mode.
  • Educational programs promoting exercises, especially among the more sedentary urban workers - exercise which they might have the time and energy for now that their work hours are lower. Focus on low cost activities like body weight exercises, amateur sports teams, etc.
  • Education campaign about reducing and controlling sun exposure to reduce the incidence of skin cancer (and keep our citizens' skin looking yourtfully smooth).

Triage Existing Demand
  • Travelling Clinics: Until new facilities are built and more personnel are recruited and trained, travelling clinics supported by Ouvry logistics will provide medical resources outside of major metropolitan areas.
  • Expanded Prehospital Care: See what can be done at the paramedic/ambulance level to deal with an issue in the field - either reducing the amount of work that needs to be done in the hospital, or removing the needs for a hospital visit altogether.

@Forgothrax let me know if I've included something dumb.
We should also educate people to trust their Doctors and go to them when they have issues instead of "toughing it out". That would really just massively improve the health of our population. Also teach people not to lie or obfuscate when their talking to the doctor. We should also educate people on how specifically to talk to Doctors, what they should specifically say in order to let their concerns be addressed and basically just teach them to be more assertive.
The following professions shall be recognized: Physician, Physician's Assistant, Registered Nurse, Nurse Assistant, Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapy, Radiation Technologist, Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic.
wich of these category would a aplt to stuff like pharmacist, dentist, surgeon or specialist (oncologist, chiropodist, psychiatrist)?
it may be the traduction that loose a port of the text but i dont see where
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