The General can go a few ways:

Worst Case Scenario: He starts becoming so delusional and unable to accept that we're something good for the EUDF, he actually joins forces with the Bad Guys just to get a shot at us.

Best Case Scenario: He's able to get whatever stick is up his ass and promises to actually help us.

....Is it bad that I'm hoping for the former?

...just a bit yeah.
What a cock. Have we even met the guy? Seems odd that he comes off as such a dick without really knowing him.
Nope. In much the same way Horatio Nelson or Napoleon Bonaparte never met Sidney Smith. So far anyway.

Is he actively malicious or just delusional! I'll let you all figure that out.
Eh, he's probably just some old glory hound who can't see the big picture if it doesn't involve himself.

These comments together reminds me of some early choices in the quest:

[] A young man dressed in - surprisingly - no national uniform almost saunter into the office. He is dressed in the EUDF First Response Corps uniform. He seems to be treating everything as an amusing joke, a wry smile etched onto his face, but the commendations on his uniform speak to significant achievements.

[] An older-looking man slowly and ponderously enters the office. Dressed in a Russian Ground Forces uniform, a weathered and scarred face openly displays a history of hard-won experience in the face of battle.

The first sounds like he could be arrogant enough to say this. The second sounds old enough that he would respond to the press briefing as it's stated if only to feel helpful.
Literally super robot first episode thing

I know Veekie I'm familiar with the trope. Just being salty. :p

<...wounded Kausen brought on board for preliminary repairs and treatment. Point of contact is Cadet Jessica Satsuma, who appears to be familiar with this particular Kausen. 'Cavalier' was positively identified by Lieutenant Callaghan as going out of his way to protect Cadet Satsuma...>

Result: Additional data on Kausen gained! Damaged Kausen Weapon gained! CDT Jessica Satsuma, Cavalier, being brought back to DFRI!

New Pilot get! I'm curious though to see if Peters will automatically shield Cavalier or if we will have to spend an action to keep him safe.
I think we need another science team lead.
Sam Carlson is good at brains and somewhat passable at biotech, but High Energy Physics - or Theoretical Physics - branches we want for researching principles behind alien gun and shield - aren't his expertise.
Sam Carlson is good at brains and somewhat passable at biotech, but High Energy Physics - or Theoretical Physics - branches we want for researching principles behind alien gun and shield - aren't his expertise.


Where is his lack of knowledge of those subjects implied? Don't quite recall that...

Where is his lack of knowledge of those subjects implied? Don't quite recall that...
Nor lack, nor presence of knowledge on those subjects was implied. I elaborated based on current and past projects.
I just find those subjects unlikely to be his expertise, simply due to there being only so much time to learn.

Well, that and desire to have another scientific character that will... play against his approach to science with his own flavor of insanity.
We've got one coming in the form of his new AI assistant.
That's GLADOS to our Cave Johnson. I want kind of a scientist who runs a marathon to really concentrate on a complicated problem, then writes five or ten pages of equations and notes and sends them to mathematician to expand and elaborate and verify.
Yes, there are actual scientists who do that.
After thinking about it, I agree with the minority sentiment of letting Armistead get the glory.

We're still doing baby steps and we can't realistically afford any heat on us from ANY of the known hostile factions. If we keep our heads down for now, there would be minimal opposition to our actions, and besides... as Major Devin said, those who are important already know who the real "heroes" are.

Besides, when the hostile Kausen (and the Westphalians, and Dr. Sheol) decide to track down the group that's trying to stop them, will they go straight for us, the currently-anonymous Institute? Or the guy who kept on getting the spotlight?

tl;dr - Some of us may call Armistead "a glory hound". I call him "ablative armor".
Turn Eleven: Taking a Breath
1100, 2 November, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

"I'm surprised you didn't just try to brush off my call," Peters says wryly.

You blink blearily at her as you down another cup of coffee. You're thinking it's losing its potency. Not a good thing. "In favor of what, exactly?"

"Sleep?" Peters suggests.

"It's a good idea, Ma'am," you say. "Which I'll get to after we're done here."

"Good," she says. "No sense in having my people go around the bend from lack of sleep." She leans back in her chair, and has a genuine smile on her face. "So before we continue further: a job well done, Major. You've done quite well for yourself out there."

"Don't give me that, Ma'am," you say quickly. "Captain Sasaki and the folks on ground did everything worth praising."

"And all you had to do was stonewall me for an hour," Peters says with a smirk.

"If it let them work without pressure, sure," you shrug. "As it is, they recovered a lot. And I'm going to let them sleep it off for one more day before I start really digging into what exactly we found out there."

An image of 'Bandit' appears in the corner of the sat-link. 'Cavalier' appears in another. "You are sitting on a hot commodity, Major," Peters says conversationally. "Between you, me, and your away team, no one knows we have recovered a wounded Kausen. Much less actually fighting off a hostile one."


"Just shut up and take credit when it's offered, Major. Feel free to offload it onto your subordinates after the conversation, hmm?"

It's a fair point, so you dutifully shut up.

"So I don't feel terribly bad for rerouting some resources your way," she says. "It's a pittance compared to what you spent to make this mission possible, but I can guarantee you that come the New Year I am going to be able to justify sending you much more."

"Understood, Ma'am," you say as you down the last cup of coffee. "Pending further questions, we'll get to work."

"Please get rid of the leaning tower of cafe behind you. It's unseemly."

Available Resource Points: 11 RP - 5 RP (Deployment) = 6 RP+ 2 RP (Re-Routed Resources) = 8 RP

Available Supercomputer AI Personalities: 1

Special Actions

[] Trauma Center – You have a Kausen under your custody who is in severe condition. You also have an ally of the Kausen – an FRC Cadet – who definitely knows a hell of a lot more about how to treat the Kausen than you do. From what little you have been able to glean so far, the Kausen can, if given time and security, slowly repair themselves similarly to how the human body does.

You aren't too keen to wait. You have a lot of questions. And this 'Cavalier' might have some of the answers.
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for effective accelerated healing/repairs at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Accelerates healing of Cavalier, Leads into Interlude, ???
Exception: 'Katarina's Support' May Be Applied!

[] Xenotech – Sam is quite excited to look at the salvage you managed to bring in. He fully admits that it's not exactly his field – ESP and kaiju biotechnology don't exactly mesh with alien physics – but he has a solution for that in mind. For now, he can start examining the thing and start making observations, at least until he can reach out to someone who's willing to sign on for long-term.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)

Defense Force Actions

[] Official Debrief – CDT Satsuma – Apparently Jessica Satsuma has known of a new faction of Kausen for quite some time. For whatever reasons, she has kept quiet about it, but she seems to strongly trust the injured Kausen.

She was also just extracted from a high intensity operation in the middle of a warzone. And she needs to be debriefed. So soon after the operation, now is the best time.
Cost: 1 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Gain additional information on the Kausen

[] Eye in the Sky – The dropship was really handy to have in this operation. It's a shame you had to give back the Gagarin, though it's understandable. But Sasaki is now inspired. Could we modify the Stork-class to overcome the setbacks it faced at Grand Coulee? If not the Stork-class, is it at all feasible to make our own?

Cost: 4 RP (2 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Aviation, Gain ?? Blueprints

[] Lessons Learned – The Grand Coulee relief effort was a major first for your organization in a lot of different ways. There really isn't much else to say in this regard: Sasaki wants to put together an official study documenting everything that was observed, seen, acted upon.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Develops Combat Support Options for Battle Deployments, Unlocks New Actions

[] Tactical Options – The Jackal and the Timberwolf Formation have proven themselves. But their options were limited, given that the Engineers and the Scientists are still playing catchup.

Sasaki doesn't think that's a proper excuse for not coming up with new options with what we have available now.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Develops new Attacks, Actions for Timberwolf

[] Expansion - Motor Pool - Sasaki is very happy with your current capabilities. But she is not one to rest content on her laurels. As unorthodox as the Duo's designs are, the Coyote prototype plans she sees is enough to convince her of the merits of Variable Configuration.

She wants to kill two birds with one stone. She wants to requisition from Unity Station armored personnel carriers. This is both to gain even greater protection and firepower for the regular patrols, and to give Wilde and Henry something else to try configuring.

That, and she really wants to see a configuring armored personnel carrier. Is that too much to ask?

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Progress to Variable Configuration
Unlocks New Actions

[] Fact Hunt – You have recently gained a lot of goodwill in certain circles. BG Peters still doesn't want you to stick your head out necessarily, but a few people of note – particularly in the FRC – have expressed an interest in extending an official liaison with your organization. Peters assures you that there is no rush; people remember when you do good by them it seems.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Gain New Contacts, Unlocks New Actions

Engineering Actions

'Katarina's Support!' – You may add +1d6 to an Engineering Action ONCE THIS TURN. Refreshes for next turn!

LOCKED – AI Supercomputer Advisers – The New Help! - Sam's new assistant will have fully developed and have absorbed the education packets Sam has provided by the end of the month. Katarina and Ignatov hinted that it would probably be for the best if you were to attend the AI's formal entry into the team.
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Supercomputer AI

LOCKED - What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough? – Strange references from Ignatov aside, the Engineers bring up a good point. Your Mecha are still using weapons meant for infantry engagements. Henry is confident that the Jackal and the Hound (when it's finished) could handle the strain of better firepower, but so far you've been modifying existing weapons to a frame that was never meant for them. You have nothing against using existing ammunition – the logistician within you sings at the streamlining – but taking advantage of the Jackal's unique traits is a must.

Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Unlocks Mecha-Scale Weapons, Progress in Mecha-Scale Weapons

[] Variable Configuration: Change! – The Timberwolf Formation proved something: it was pretty damned tough, and mostly laughed off whatever Bandit threw at it. However, you do have three configurable vehicles and/or Mecha. Could you make them all combine? There doesn't seem to be any damned reason as to why not.

Wilde and Henry, after witnessing the Timberwolf in action, want to add even more if they can get away with it.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Combinable Configuration
Unlocks new Formation (Write-In Name)

[] Hell on Wheels – It's time to try expanding our horizons. Wilde and Henry have plenty to do as it is, but with the resources available from the motor pool, they think they can have a basic configurable prototype of a new vehicle ready to go in a month. With the Timberwolf having proven its mettle in such a convincing fashion, the Duo are ready to try experimenting.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Combinable Configuration mode (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Development of new Configurable Vehicle (Write-In)

[] Variable Configuration – Rescue Team – Wilde has been inspired by the rescue operation he was a part of the other week. The Coyotes did a passable job, but he wonders if he could create Variable Configuration vehicles tailor made for the job. With your warming relations with the FRC as it is, you could even give the prototypes to the FRC and have them be the first to field-test them.

These would be simpler machines, but giving their primary mission even just one more tool to their arsenal would go a long way. Naturally, you would also retain some for your own use.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain new vehicles/Mecha, Rescue/First Response Operations

[] AI Supercomputer – Networking – Katarina is really eager to get started on helping out the rest of the facility. But that said, you're going to want to ease the majority of people into the idea that yes, you have an intelligent AI as their neighbor, and no, she doesn't have an inexplicable urge to kill everyone. She's actually quite bubbly and cheerful. Still, best to take this slow and steady.

Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Supercomputer AI
Expands 'Katarina's Support' to Defense Force and Science Actions. Bonus still only applies ONCE per turn.

[] AI Supercomputer Advisers – The New Help! – You have two basic Supercomputer AI personalities hanging around. They're turning out to be just as curious as Katarina was, albeit in a much more limited capacity…but limited in this context means comparing Albert Einstein or Werner von Braun to the winner of your local Science Fair. They seem to want to help, you'd love for them to help. But how exactly?

You may only choose ONE this turn. Each action shares the same cost and duration.

- [] Defense Force Coordinator – You could slowly introduce one of the AI personalities to helping out as an assistant to Sasaki. She would appreciate the help and would help develop new ideas as well as assist her in managing the crazy crowd of cats called the DFRI.

- [] Engineering Coordinator – Though Katarina herself is filling this role currently, she sees herself as Dr. Ignatov's student and assistant first. One of the personalities could be detached to help the Duo with designs and construction, while also extending help indirectly to Ignatov's team.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Supercomputer AI
Introduces New Adviser/Assistant in Science Category. Will Roll for Trait.

[] Supercomputer AI Mecha Pilot – This one is suggested by 1LT Callaghan. They would be operating independently and would effectively become the mecha frame they are installed into. They would be outfitted with an extremely powerful wireless link in touch with the central mainframe of the DFRI's networks, so they would be able to escape destruction (if somewhat frazzled). He suggests installing the AI personality into the customized Jackal while he changes gears and learns how to pilot the TMU.

This is somewhat delicate, and you would have to create additional facilities and services to accommodate what is effectively an entirely new demographic, so this will require more time and resources. But the AI would be much more capable of actions the human brain simply isn't.

NOTE: If you choose this option, you cannot choose AI Supercomputer Advisers!!!

Cost: 2 (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Gain new Pilot Candidate, Unlocks New Actions

Science Actions

LOCKED - Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley – So you've discovered that by keeping a kaiju sample on ice for almost a year, you can eliminate the self-destruct mechanisms of a kaiju sample. Assuming it's roughly the same size as the one you found. The facilities are ideal enough that Sam thinks he can start a growth facility for the sample.

Cost: 1 RP Locked (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 1 Turn
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Reduce Duration of all Kaiju Biotech Actions by 1 (cannot reduce below 1 Turn)
Construction of Kaiju Biotech Growth Facilities

[] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter - "Sam here. Here's another question me and the boys have been thinking about. Psychic powers are pretty cool. Just by themselves, they let us do things no one else has been able to, and probably won't be able to naturally for a few more centuries at least.

"But does psychic powers do anything else for you? Could someone theoretically become tougher or stronger or stronger-tougher (or tougher-stronger, depending on your preferences)? No clue. But we'd like to find out."

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] All the Mind is a Stage – "And we are merely players! Sam here; we weren't able to make any headway with the psychic theater phenomenon last month, but that's no excuse for us to laze around on our asses and not give it the ol' college try! The pilots recovered with no recordable side effects, we know how it happened originally, we just don't know if we can purposefully recreate or harness the phenomenon."

"We're going to fix that."

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] ESP – I'm the Mechanical Man – This is a joint venture with Dr. Ignatov. The MMI works, but can you design and create a computer operating system specifically designed to work with the human brain's psychic signals? This is all very theoretical, and both Sam and Ignatov are working at a huge disadvantage. As usual, they are breaking new ground, so temper expectations as such.

Cost: 3 RP (2 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to reduce Locked RP by 1
Progress to Advanced ESP, Progress to Supercomputer AI

[] Kaiju Biotechnology – A Natural Fit – Sam is intrigued that Kaiju tissue doesn't like it when you try to force it into a form it's not familiar with. You can do it, but it's a bit time consuming. So he's going to figure out what it will roll with, and what it will fight against.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6); Chance to Unlock New Engineering Options

[] Little Help? – Sam brings up a good point to you. He is going to eventually need to reach out to additional experts to join his team, since you're running into all sorts of science that isn't exactly his field. You're okay with this, Sam has become a much better manager of people in the last year. But the question remains who and how.

Sam wants to reach out to some old friends in the academic establishment. If you give him the resources and time, he can bring one of your choice (after Sasaki has fully vetted them) to the DFRI.

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Gain new Scientific Field, Unveiled by Interlude
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Today was ridiculous in an entire week of ridiculousness. Hence the late update. But here you are.

I will be a bit sparse for the next few days, but I will pop in and answer questions when I can. I'll try to get updates out, but no guarantees.

Now, sleep. Sleep is good.
Let me meditate on this for a moment, and I will come up with a scheme for our further development.
[X] Plan: Lessons Learned
-[X] Trauma Center (3 RP)
--[X] Katarina's Support
-[X] Official Debrief – CDT Satsuma (1 RP)
-[X] Lessons Learned (2 RP)
-[X] Little Help? (2 RP)

Basically, the idea here is to let our other projects continue cooking for a bit, while we focus our efforts on capitalizing on what we learned from this event. Xenotech is too high profile right now, and we have so few samples that I don't want to risk the one we do have.

Plus, Little Help to expand our horizons a bit.

We'll be in a good position to start doing new things next turn, but let's get what we've discovered out of the way now while it's all fresh in our head.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, shouldn't we be on Turn Eleven right now?
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[X] Plan: Lessons Learned

This is good. I like the idea of bringing in new scientists who are better suited to tackling the alien tech we managed to get our hands on.

I do think that getting our other AI's set up in the Defense and Engineering departments as soon as possible is a good idea though, might be worth considering for next turn since we'll have a bunch of RP to spend.
[X] Plan: Lessons Learned

Simple and effective. We've got plenty in the works, let's get ready for it.
[X] Plan: Lessons Learned
Alrighty. Capitalize on our latest toys and see where/how it's going to fit in with the rest of the group.
[X] Plan: Lessons Learned

Haha, time to play ER with a giant robot.
And learn xenobiology... xenometallurgy... xenoengineering... whatever.
@Mayrun You need to fix your vote. One of the brackets is missing so the Tally wont count it as part of the vote.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 24, 2018 at 10:35 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.