Super Robot Quest

To be fair, he got SUPLEXED!
Or to put it in other terms:
"Did you see that Brother Vent!?"
"I did Sister Veil. We don't have agents around there do we?"
"I concuuuur. That guy? That's a winner of the human race."
Orders were that protecting the defector and his contact were more important than confirming the kill.

As it stands, he took 11 HP damage to our three. That's probably not a small number, I'd be surprised if whatever it is that blocks scans of the Kausen failed by the time he booked it, because we fucked him up good. And I find it unlikely he'll have spent time to recover his disarmed weapon either, not when the alternative is getting run down by the fucking combining pro wrestler that nearly killed him.

Ah true I forgot about that part of the plan. Well at least we got some tech out of it in the form of what is probably his most powerful weapon. I'm just a little salty that we didn't manage to get his energy dispersion tech.

Actually wait a sec I forgot that there was another Kausen mech sitting right next to us that probably has the same tech. I hope we can convince this Cav dude to let us study that shit but if not then we can prob get away with yoinking it, he is a member of an alien race that we are basically at war with.

I will say this. You nearly killed him. Nearly. A lot of that was him just being absolutely cocky, and you will see later on that the garrison at Fort Brenner actually fought like beasts before they were taken down. You showing up was absolutely not expected, and you capitalized hard on it.

I won't say by how much, but he's going to be carrying a grudge for this one.

Well I guess every Super Robot needs an annoying repeat antagonist.
Also I'm a little confused, are the Kausen transformers? Like are they actually robotic life forms or are they just people inside mechs?
If we end up having to fight these guys again, we should look into some modernized Davy Crocketts. A pure fusion version would be fairly safe to use in a fight.
If we end up having to fight these guys again, we should look into some modernized Davy Crocketts. A pure fusion version would be fairly safe to use in a fight.

By the time we fight again (Unless they're going to show up in like, two months or something in force), we'll have an actual Super Robot instead of a Dai Guard without the Knot Punisher.

K-Tech matscience is going to be ready soon after all.

Hell, we can get Cavalier a new home and sanctuary if he's willing to give us some advice. We got here soon enough with enough time to spare that we could slip him onto our dropship before anyone's the wiser.
Cavalier's voicebox-analogue is on the fritz.

Until we can repair that, let's hook him up to the radio so he can speak in radio chatter segments.
What I wanna know is which of the techs we've encountered can be used in concert with each other.

I can see Psionics and Kaiju Bio-Tech being used together but would Kaiju Flesh and Kausen Energy Dispersion be able to be used at the same time or nah? Also if the Kausen are AI then are they even capable of using Psionics? Or is psychic energy something that is uniquely manipulable through biology? If that is true then are Kaiju themselves capable of using Psionics?

Also if the Kausen are from another solar system does that mean that they have Quantum Gate tech?
I don't think we got Energy Dispersion, Bandit's perspective had it that it was something he bought from... Whatever black market the Kausen buy their gadgets from.
Deployment #1: Grand Coulee Dam Relief, The Victorious
0844, 1 November, A.D. 2070
Ruins of Fort Brenner

Combat, Turn Four


Green-tinted optics zoomed in on the monstrosity the humans had just brought to bear. The transforming vehicles were already a boon, ones that he'd already brought a few of to the boss man. Curiosities, but the big bot had his eye on making use of them, and he paid well. Who was he to argue with a customer?

But…this thing?

The humans might have actually made something worthwhile.

He wanted it.

"Okay, I'm done playing around, human." A compartment on his waist opened, allowing a sphere the size of his fist to fall into his palm. "Time to break out the good stuff."

"The what-?"

Not letting the dead human walking even ask the question, Bandit primed the P-Sphere and let it loose in a pict perfect (in his unbiased and balanced opinion) pitch. "He shoots, and-!"

The giant warform the humans brought to bear immediately disappeared in a dazzling display of light and reacting protons. "Aaaaaand it's gooooood!" Bandit crowed, hold both servos into the air as he walked back and forth strutting his stuff. "Oh yeah! Oh, yeah! Scratch another possible headache outta the way!" He grasped both hands together, his optics already reflecting energy shards. "Oooh, the upgrades I could fit myself with from this run! And…"

"Uh, think you're celebrating a bit early, man."

"Huh?" Abruptly pulled from his process queue, Bandit turned around. In the clearing smoke, the warform still stood. Badly singed, and missing a few pieces of armor plating, but it simply gave the impression of being annoyed.

"My turn." The shoulders of the warform abruptly slid open as what looked to be launcher tubes surfaced, all while a strange cannon thing emerged from the warform's back. "And for the record? That was a cheap shot."

0846, 1 November, A.D. 2070
Ruins of Fort Brenner

Jessica peered over Cavalier's fingers as she watched the confrontation unfold between the two.

When did her life become so crazy? One moment she's just on an advanced training course to pay for college as a cadet, the next she's caught up in some strange alien Legion's adventures to fight off a rampaging band of criminals. If you believe their half of the story, though considering what the other side got up to that wasn't hard to believe.

Now there was an EUDF combining Super Robot that was about to unleash all sorts of firepower on Bandit.

"…huh," she heard Cavalier crack. Turning around, the bot's reddish-yellow optics was focused squarely on the EUDF robot. His voice at least seemed to have stabilized. A bit. "Your *zzr*ys…finally ha*qrrt* somethin'…"

Before she could respond, Jessica was forced to hold her hands over her ears as the most ungodly racket echoed across the ruins of the base. Missile salvos left nothing but giant wisps of contrail smoke in their wake, punctured occasionally by the rapid and loud fire of what looked to be a massive chain-gun.

And even this didn't seem to take. Bandit's purple Dispersion Field reactivated, and all but negated the veritable thunderstorm that the robot – the Timberwolf? – was unleashing. Damaged or not, however, the kinetic force was enough to send the stupid little freak flying into another pile of rubble, all but burying him halfway in.

The wolf apparently wasn't happy with this. Allowing the chain-gun to detach and fall to the side, the Timberwolf strode towards Bandit with thunderous steps before all but leaping towards the rubble pile. Rearing back a great fist, the robot slammed hard into Bandit's face, hard enough that she could see something crack even from this distance.

Combat, Turn Five

It managed to get another earth-shattering punch across his jaw before Bandit blasted at the robot at point-blank range, forcing him to take a few steps back. His arm-mounted cannons unfolding from their braces, rapid fire plasma bore their way into the robot's hull. Great chunks of paint and hull flicked away from the impact, but the Timberwolf seemed unconcerned.

"Oh no," she whispered. She saw the telltale sign of a heat razor emerging from Bandit's underarm. "He's going to-!"

0849, 1 November, A.D. 2070
Ruins of Fort Brenner

Richard jerked slightly as he felt the sharp edge of a heated knife thing jam itself into his gut. "Heheheheh," he heard the Kausen cackle. "Always looking at the guns, never at the knife. Tsk, tsk…"

"Funny," Richard croaked. Sure, it hurt, but from his new perspective as a giant eff-all robot, it hadn't stabbed anything important. "Because I'm not done yet." Before the Kausen's skeptical eyes (at least he thought they might be skeptical), the Timberwolf raised both arms together into an attempted haymaker.

"Scrap, no!" The knife withdrew immediately and Richard connected with nothing but thin air.

Richard brought both his – no, the Timberwolf's – fists into a fighter's stance. His blood was now pumping, the residual anger from before now combining with the sheer adrenaline from the situation now. "C'mon, you think you're tough enough? Show me!" he abruptly shouted before launching himself at the Kausen.

0855, 1 November, A.D. 2070
Yuri Gagarin Command Bridge

"Please tell me we are recording this," Wilde pleaded over the secure comms.

"Oh we are," Henry said grimly. "Rearming done in two minutes. We're not letting that Kausen get away without a fight, Ma'am."

"Do not wait for authorization!" Haruko snapped, her gaze still transfixed by the on-screen footage from Callaghan's feed. "Take off
immediately!" It incongruously reminded her of some of the 'retro' arcade machines where one was to physically punch targets as they appeared.

Only this time, the camera jerked and shook badly whenever the Kausen landed a blow against Callaghan, only for Callaghan's fists to slam into the Kausen with just as much force. The two combatants were utterly destroying what was left of Fort Brenner.

Each blow shook the surrounding area with enough kinetic force to be felt, even from the camera feeds of the Gagarin.

The Kausen latched onto a piece of remaining Coyote chassis, and slammed it into the Timberwolf's face.

The Timberwolf, nonchalantly, simply slugged Bandit in the 'gut' and hurled him into another pile of debris.

Bandit countered, recovering unusually quickly from such a blow. Using the rubble as a springboard, the Kausen launched himself at Callaghan, his fist raised in anticipation of a flying strike.

Callaghan then proceeded to do something very foolish.

0900, 1 November, A.D. 2070
Ruins of Fort Brenner

"Urk!" Before Bandit could launch the follow-up strike he planned, the warform's massive arms simply latched onto him around the waist.
"Oh, no you don't," the human said over the comms. "You're with me." With that, the ground abruptly was approaching very very quickly oh Metatrine what!? "We're going on a trip!"


The comforting flow of the purple shield encased him, but Bandit's head still slammed hard into the ground. Rolling away rapidly from the crazy lunatic human warform, Bandit groggily got to his feet. "What the depths, human!?" he yelled. "That was uncalled for!"

Combat, Turn Six

"Yeah?" the human scoffed. The expressionless visor and faceplate seemed to give the human an air of disdain and scorn, though Bandit was probably just imagining that. "So's this."

Warning: human aeros en route.

"…oh, scrag this," Bandit said abruptly. He'd already snatched more of those shifting warforms, and he'd nearly scrapped Cavalier. He'd have to be fine with that; he couldn't make shards if he was scrapped. He activated a signal before abruptly hightailing it out.


"I'm outta here!"

0902, 1 November, A.D. 2070
1SW-1, 1st Support Wing Craft

"Wait, what?"

Henry scowled as he saw the giant mecha turn tail and run. "LT, hit him hard. Sergeant-"

"Already ahead of you, Top. All units, light 'em up."

The contrail concert of five Hellstrike missile salvos chasing after one target never failed to impress Henry, even after seeing this for the second time in a single day. The sheer volume of volley fire coming from the LT from his discarded chain-gun only added to the absurdity of the situation. "Bingo on ammo," the pilot said abruptly, "All break, repeat, all break."

As the formation broke off pursuit, Henry saw one last flash of purple emerge from the Kausen's retreating form…only for the field to break down from the sheer amount of rounds being lobbed at him from the Timberwolf's cannon. It was something interesting to note. The technology was leagues ahead of the Union's, but if it had limits-

His thought process was immediately derailed when the pilot was forced to bank right hard. "What the-?" the pilot said calmly, though confused.

A strange, glider-like contraption swooped down onto Bandit's retreating form. Without missing a beat, the Kausen, sparking somewhat and looking more than a little battered, latched onto the glider. "Pilot, can you-?" Before he could say anything, the glider abruptly plowed through the air and far into the horizon. "…disregard," he lamely finished.

"That's it?" Callaghan's voice said incredulously over the radio. "Cop out! Get back here! We're not done!"

0909, 1 November, A.D. 2070
Yuri Gagarin Command Bridge

Haruko sighed, finally allowing herself to visibly relax. If just for a moment.

She then turned to the sat-link of Major Devin, who had remained quiet throughout the entire duel. "Pending questions, Sir, I will initiate clean-up operations immediately," she said.

Major Devin simply nodded and dismissed the link.

Now she allowed herself a smile.

No matter how ridiculous it had turned out…it was her first combat command.

She had won. Against the Kausen.

The Union had won against the Kausen.

In times of great adversity, our champions have emerged triumphant.

Yet they must not lower their guard. For though they have scored a great victory, their struggles are just beginning.

Go forth, men and women of the Defense Force Research Institute! Fight, for your family, for your nation, for the Earth Union!
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Cleanup and post-battle will be rolled up into Turn Twelve's post. That will be tomorrow.

That was a lot of fun to write out. If anyone has any feedback on my action sequences writing, please let me know. I'm always looking to improve.

Hope you enjoyed it!
*grins* Yep this was definitely a great read. This quest just gets more and more fun! Seriously I probably really should look deeper into Super Robot anime in general because so far I'm hooked!
The transforming vehicles were already a boon, ones that he'd already brought a few of to the boss man. Curiosities, but the big bot had his eye on making use of them, and he paid well.

This is great, but I think we all have to ask ourselves, in-universe and in the meta, is there rat?

Considering the setup of this mission and this statement here about, 'transforming vehicles.' Especially, if I'm not mistaken, then we should be the only ones engaging in Mecha-Shift Tech. Sure other groups might experiment since we launched that video back in turn 3, but unless someone has been doing something they shouldn't have then it should be impossible to get, ' transformering vechicle,' for his employer.
This is great, but I think we all have to ask ourselves, in-universe and in the meta, is there rat?

Considering the setup of this mission and this statement here about, 'transforming vehicles.' Especially, if I'm not mistaken, then we should be the only ones engaging in Mecha-Shift Tech. Sure other groups might experiment since we launched that video back in turn 3, but unless someone has been doing something they shouldn't have then it should be impossible to get, ' transformering vechicle,' for his employer.


The FRC was going to get the first of the MP-Jackals.

This was an FRC base.

Likely, the existence of the Jackals leaked once they entered mass production, and the Big Bad decided he wanted a few.

Not sure where Cavalier and his buddy come in, but we had confirmation that Cavalier is from the Not!Autobots, who legitimately didn't seem to know what was going on until just recently, and he seems to be a forward scout or something?

EDIT: On review of earlier material, I guess he's one of the guys who were with that big defector group? It's a neat twist that the Not!Autobots are the minority this time I guess!
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Also on the subject of mecha shift tech, I'm not certain if the Kausen now have the TMU and the Jackal or just the TMU.

On a side note if I recall correctly there was a blurb in the world news section a few turns back about the Valiant combining from its component forms so apparently the Valiant also has some form of mech-shift/combination technology?
We have a named antagonist. We have a named antagonist with a grudge now!

Need to gofast? Bodycheck!
Tech disadvantage? DAKKA.

That was hella fun.
And we're just getting started. :D
I wonder why reinforcements were withheld for so long? No one would ever ignore a silent base for hours without at least a partial explanation of some kind. I think we should investigate that particular problem if we get an option to do it.