It's not just a VTOL, it can switch between jet and helicopter modes. So it can VTOL, sure, but it can also hover in place for extended periods (useful for dropping fastroping infantry or picking up cargo or soldiers), seamlessly transition from high altitude to low altitude flight, and act both as a high-level support unit or perform CAS.

The real killer is the completely modular capability. So it can be a cargo bird, an aerial transport (likely multiple packages so it can be used as just a transport or something similar to the Hind, which can drop of infantry then act as a gunship), an aerial ambulance, a close quarters gunship, AWACS, or any of the fighter aircraft roles. This simplifies production because you need fewer specialists.
Not that it would be useful against mecha-scale enemies.
Psi weapons in genre usually inflicts some kind of physics defying/morale/conceptual damage due to tapping into exotic physics.
Our current closest mecha scale weaponry would probably come from biotech for now though.

The early SRX T-Link weapons were also pretty shitty. Most of them are just TK coordinated drones.
The real killer for Psi probably is going to be enhancement of the pilot. A limited telepathy or battle precognition could be highly useful. Enhancement of the Pilot's mental processes combined with the mind machine interface and artificial intelligence support could also lead to a battle reflex mode in which the pilot thinks several times faster than normal. With AI support leading to aimbot targeting, weak spot identification, and precise choreography of movement, the result is an incredibly efficient pilot that never misses a shot, always has the perfect footwork and melee strikes, and reacts to enemy movement before the enemy can even act. It would probably be eerie to watch. Uncanny valley CGI style.
'Exactly what you asked for' - V-33 TMU
There are days when you feel absolutely blessed you are a loggie.

It's true. You and your peers are often overlooked, ignored during the moments of glory (with some exceptions) and are often just taken for granted. You have to move heaven and earth often times to make sure the actual warfighters can do their damned jobs. No matter how stoic or driven a Soldier, said Soldier can't keep going without ammunition, food or water for long.

It's all in movement, you see. Achieve as much as possible in the fewest amount of movements. It's not often you can do that; an old instructor of yours compared it to the famous double envelopment. It's glorious when it happens, but more often than not it doesn't. Too much is going on, too much movement means you have to keep up and your old schemes are upset by some random action by friendlies or enemies. It's not quite the same, but you certainly appreciate how close you're getting.

You know General Armistead is trying to set you up for failure. Peters knows it as well, but she seems absolutely confident that you can sway his peers. And if you are gauging the expectations right? You're confident they are expecting you to come up with some derivative combat frame that can transform, in which case they would simply nitpick on what they have is already better. Hence discrediting Variable Configuration before it can even get started. You're not falling for that trap. You're instead going for efficiency of movement.

After conferring with Wilde and Henry, with input from Sasaki, you all decide that a dedicated combat frame simply will not do. Putting forth Captain Heyonja's specifications – along with her delivery of the 360-HC Gargoyles – you decided that you would give General Armistead a configurable vehicle. Without a Mecha mode. No, you would grant this rotary craft design a configurable jet form as well.

The means to do this came from a design that fell from grace – the V-28 Redtail. Along with the Gargoyle, the Redtail was meant to represent a new generation of craft. However, technical flaws, consistent manufacturing faults, and simple unpopularity from the EUADF pilots saw it mostly disused in favor of its predecessor, the Sparrow Hawk. The Gargoyle was a similar story, but this was less to do with its performance than that the divas known as the EUADF pilots simply did not like operating them. Well, now you were going to take that argument away.

You put in a word to BG Peters and briefed her on your design. You then added in that she might be able to gain additional contacts if she were to be seen as giving a new life to both the Gargoyle and the Redtail's producers. No fool, Peters had a quiet word with the parent companies, and before long your workshops were flooded with excess – and sometimes rusting stock – of Redtail fighters.

Sasaki, of course, protested. Quiet loudly, in fact, enough for it to be caught in the minutes of a meeting between you and her. All very official. And altogether not that strenuous. "The Air Defense Forces need all the advantages they can obtain," she protested. "Why would we not provide a mecha form?"

"Because I don't believe that meets the intent set forth by General Armistead," you responded easily enough. "He is unconvinced by the Mecha form of the Jackal, and providing it in the form of a Redtail or Gargoyle alone won't convince him." You added later in another part of the meeting, "I asked Wilde and Henry to describe the new design in a single word. They told me, 'Modular.'"

Sasaki didn't protest too much after that. Perhaps, though, whatever she was informing Armistead was being overlooked or not being taken seriously. You don't know, but honestly right now that is not your concern.

It does not take Wilde or Henry very long to create a genuine fusion of the design. Within a week, the workshop was all but overflowing with disassembled frames. The actual frame itself? Only took about a week.

The real work came from all the add-ons.

If Armistead wants something that can keep up with the flow of battle, then it would have to change its roles to fit the flow; very few vehicles in the EUDF can say they can do this. The frame of the generically sounding "V-33 TMU" (your own snub back towards Armistead – yes, you can be petty too) was a compact, skinny thing with a horrendously powerful engine set. It looks plain enough – It matches the original Gargoyle's profile with two forward-sweeping wings bent forty-five degrees towards the ground from the sides of the cockpit, with a large set of modular hardpoints installed in the empty space between the cockpit and the rear engines. Upon configuration, however, the rotary blades would retract, the wings would elevate until they assumed a fixed wing configuration, and the rear jet engines and structure of the Redtail would assume control.

All the while, you had the Duo spent the rest of the month on quality control and compatibility with the wider EUADF's arsenal. Crew compartments, cargo modules, rocket pods, air-to-air missiles – if it could go onto a comparable fighter frame to the Redtail or the Gargoyle, you wanted it to be able to be installed on a TMU. True, other craft could do a certain job better, certainly jobs they were designed to do. But, you would argue, how likely are you to have those frames at that given moment? With the TMU, you had something that could do the job now.

You even find time to pay homage to a design that was discussed but ultimately passed over. The 'Viking' fighter/mecha hybrid was considered, but Wilde didn't think they could finish it safely within the time frame. While you erred on the side of caution, some of the old ideas still found their way into the TMU. The 'Longship' configuration offered additional seats for gunnery officers, all independently controlling weapon modules that could fire on their own volition when in rotary craft form. While at a disadvantage in jet craft form, the same officers could immediately transition to electronic warfare and weapons while the pilot focused on keeping the craft airborne.

You now realize your target audience. It's not the generals you're convincing. It's their quartermasters and their maintenance officers. They were going to worship this damned thing, something that will be impossible to run out of supplies for.

And all it took was a single idea, a kind word, and a simple design that fulfilled the request in every way.

No Mecha, though. Armistead would have to ask nicely for that. And Henry already has ideas for how to get this to fit into the Super Robot scheme…

1332, 28 August, A.D. 2070
The Proving Grounds

"You realize the sappers really will need to construct a runway," Sasaki idly mentions as she watches the test pilots.

"Mhmm," you idly agree as you watch the same test pilots fly dangerously close to the treeline in rotary craft form.

"You also realize General Armistead will start paying greater attention to you and the Institute," she continues, still in that casually neutral tone.

"True," you agree as you watch the TMUs abruptly transition into jet fighter mode. The acceleration was always jarring to watch, but they were off and away relatively quickly. "He might start taking us seriously, even when he's supporting us. Unity Station could also theoretically give us a paid for trip to the Bahamas. Unlikely, but technically both could happen."

"You are the one who is not taking things seriously," Sasaki huffs. "Are you not concerned about his response to the prototypes?"

"I gave him exactly what he wanted," you calmly point out. "And with his own words. If he wanted something more, he could have asked." Before Sasaki can say anything, you hold up a finger. "And don't give me that 'implied task' speech. There was nothing implied about a Mecha form. You know it."

Sasaki simply sighs. "And if he chooses to retaliate?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there," you shrug as you also watch technicians installing modules onto more of the TMUs. The strange craft looked very skeletal, almost like a spine or empty ribcage, without any modules. Installing those modules gave the TMUs a much more completed appearance, though each differed dramatically. The bulky outline of a medical evacuation module set differed a lot from the sleek forms of the Longship tank-hunter modules.

You sigh in satisfaction. You wonder how the EUDF was going to receive either the Jackal or the TMU. You figure you'll learn in a few months.

Result: V-33 TMU gained!
Submitted for mass production; credibility within EUDF will grow
New Engineering Actions Unlocked!
Temporary Bonus Gained! Will be revealed next turn
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"I gave him exactly what he wanted," you calmly point out. "And with his own words. If he wanted something more, he could have asked." Before Sasaki can say anything, you hold up a finger. "And don't give me that 'implied task' speech. There was nothing implied about a Mecha form. You know it."

Sasaki simply sighs. "And if he chooses to retaliate?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there," you shrug as you also watch technicians installing modules onto more of the TMUs. The strange craft looked very skeletal, almost like a spine or empty ribcage, without any modules. Installing those modules gave the TMUs a much more completed appearance, though each differed dramatically. The bulky outline of a medical evacuation module set differed a lot from the sleek forms of the Longship tank-hunter modules.

Retaliate? I realize we're on his bad side, but retaliation seems a bit strong here, especially since we've given him a logistical godsend. Goes a bit beyond standard service rivalry pettiness. Then again my military knowledge is bare-bones, so what do I know...
I use retaliate in a very general sense. He may try other political games to just make a point for instance.

This is of course somewhat over the top. But I've seen worse portrayals in other media. :p

He may ease up his opinion, or he may feel you took a shot at him. Some people are that irrational.

Anyway, I'm fairly tired and its been a long day. Hope you enjoyed the write up!
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Zora: The TMU...? Hey George, you ever feel like something's going over your head?
Armistead:...You really doing this? You really trying to say you don't know!?!
Zora:Hey if I don't know I don't know.
Armistead: TMU. Tee Mo.

I uhh, was checking something and I realized a bit of a lore problem with what I had planned so this might have to suffice unless I can figure something else out.
And now we have the standard pissing match between the MC and some rival that for no really good reason whatsoever, absolutely hates the MC and everything they stand for....even if said MC is the only thing standing between them and absolute destruction.

Not saying that's a bad thing.

Just checking another thing off the SR/SRW checklist.

Now then, where is the masked asshole who constantly taunts us with vague threats and misinformation?
Test Case #1: The Effectiveness of Red-Themed Camouflages on Vehicle Speeds

Test Case #2: The Effectiveness of Using Certain Songs at Sufficient Volumes for Enemy Interruptions

Test Case #3: The Effectiveness of High Volume Voice Commands during Combat
Small scale, probably.

Ramp it up with advanced psionics (unlikely within the next 3~4 generations) or advanced psionic amplifiers (somewhere down the Psionics Research line), and we might have T-LINK KNUCKLES and T-LINK CRUSHER SWORDS flying about.

This. Even if personal-scale psionics are not available yet, mecha vehicles should have psionic amplifiers to help with.

Wait we were supposed to be voting for the vehicle choice? I don't really care what we give General Curious George since he's kinda been a dick about all of this but aren't we basically just voting to give him a VTOL?

The tech level of this world seems somewhat irregular, seeing they still don't have energy weapons as far as we know.

Psi weapons in genre usually inflicts some kind of physics defying/morale/conceptual damage due to tapping into exotic physics.
Our current closest mecha scale weaponry would probably come from biotech for now though.

Psi weapons might not be as useful against Mecha and Kaiju themselves though. We'll see. At our rate of advancement, it might take at least one year in-game to have something closer to a super-robot, seeing that turns are slow (1 turn being one month). Plenty of time to develop overtly dramatic romances with the support staff, as genre conventions dictate.

The real killer for Psi probably is going to be enhancement of the pilot. A limited telepathy or battle precognition could be highly useful. Enhancement of the Pilot's mental processes combined with the mind machine interface and artificial intelligence support could also lead to a battle reflex mode in which the pilot thinks several times faster than normal. With AI support leading to aimbot targeting, weak spot identification, and precise choreography of movement, the result is an incredibly efficient pilot that never misses a shot, always has the perfect footwork and melee strikes, and reacts to enemy movement before the enemy can even act. It would probably be eerie to watch.

So, artificial New-Types?

along with her delivery of the 360-HC Gargoyles

Such an ugly word for an helicopter. No wonder it failed.

. The 'Longship' configuration offered additional seats for gunnery officers, all independently controlling weapon modules that could fire on their own volition when in rotary craft form. While at a disadvantage in jet craft form, the same officers could immediately transition to electronic warfare and weapons while the pilot focused on keeping the craft airborne.

Interesting addition for an airship, seeing that space is limited here. Also, we need to develop nuclear-powered laser cannons for this vehicle to be fully autonomous.

Now then, where is the masked asshole who constantly taunts us with vague threats and misinformation?

Not yet, this is the Origins stage of the show that was part of the marketing campaing for the "main" series, or perhaps a flashback OVA. Either way, we don't even have a proper robot yet.

Test Case #1: The Effectiveness of Red-Themed Camouflages on Vehicle Speeds

Test Case #2: The Effectiveness of Using Certain Songs at Sufficient Volumes for Enemy Interruptions

Test Case #3: The Effectiveness of High Volume Voice Commands during Combat

I see you're using the good known examples. Unfortunately, the 2nd we need a singer for, while the third won't be available until we unlock Drop Kick Maneuvers.
I'm glad we got the vehicle to work, but I have to say, I don't understand the joke with it's name. Tee Mu? Like the plane itself, the reference or joke goes over my head.
Psi weapons might not be as useful against Mecha and Kaiju themselves though. We'll see. At our rate of advancement, it might take at least one year in-game to have something closer to a super-robot, seeing that turns are slow (1 turn being one month). Plenty of time to develop overtly dramatic romances with the support staff, as genre conventions dictate.
We aren't actually that far away by mecha genre standards. Only things we need right now is the "Unique, unreplicable super quality" for effective mecha scale psi weapons.

So only one or two of the following is needed:
-Psi-augmentation artifact - G-Stones, Psionic Amplifiers, Core Drills, Raising Heart, etc. Something of alien or extradimensional origin that vastly boosts output to mecha scale. Not replicable for a long time, but hard to destroy.

-Psi-resonance technology -One psychic doesn't do enough? Synchronize multiple psychics into one mind. Could do pair Love-Love power or squad harmonization. Technically replicable, but you need people to build group understanding, so it can't really be forced easily.

-Lobotomized hostile psychic - Basically Evangelion. You plug your psychic into a brain damaged psychic kaijiu and use them to steer its vaster, but dumber powers.

-Rare Talent Doping - Find your one in a million psychic, put them through a hellish training regime, dope them up with a tailored cocktail of drugs and put them in a mecha for their own protection while they perform Akira feats.

Not too bad! We could probably get the evangelion working pretty fast if we focus on it.
Facilities Progress Report #1: SEP 2070
Just thought I'd try writing something like this. Also do need to do some cleanup on the lore sections, but I'll get to those. Eventually. For now, have at this. It's not a complete list, but I felt this would be fun to do.

From: Sasaki, Haruko, Captain
To: Devin, Johnathan, Major
Subject: Facilities Progress Report


As we are entering our ninth month in operation, I felt it prudent to keep you updated on the current state of operations. This should hopefully help quantify our achievements beyond the breakthroughs we have achieved.

I have no doubt that attention beyond the establishment in the EUDF will soon turn to us. As such, I am working with BG Peters' public relations officers to provide just enough information to satisfy curiosity, but not enough to give away our developments.


Sasaki Haruko
EUADF, Captain
Executive Officer

The Defense Force Research Institute

Since beginning operations in January of 2070 the Defense Force Research Institute (DFRI) was granted the ruins of a university campus dating back to the Old World. Though destroyed in a Kaiju attack, within nine months the personnel of the DFRI have turned the situation around. What began as a set of ruins too costly for any private venture to consider investing in has abruptly become an established Earth Union Defense Force (EUDF) base of operations.

Its stated mission, as laid out by Brigadier General Louis Peters, is to conduct research and data collection in the nature of the extraordinary threats facing the Earth Union, and then research and develop the means through which to defeat them. With a steady stream of resources being granted to the DFRI, the hardworking personnel of this establishment are already responsible for revolutionary designs making their way towards EUDF distribution.

Defense Force Assets

Much of the credit to the campus' restoration falls with the engineering units attached to the DFRI. What began as a dilapidated ruin has now become a rapidly growing bastion of security and research.

Defense Net: (Strong): Though the wider counties near Gasparton were never particularly unruly before, it is now actively patrolled and protected by the EUDF. Especially in uncertain times when the threat of kaiju attacks, terrorists and kausen raids are the norm, their presence is a reassuring one.

Local authorities have already proclaimed citations of the Soldiers of the EUDF, and are held as spearheading the effort to uncover a previously undetected Westphalian terror cell, dispatching the cell before they could inflict any damage to the surrounding communities.

Sasaki: If this is as far as their narrative goes, then so be it. We do not need to advertise the Jackal just yet. We can let the FRC handle this.

The campus itself is now home to hundreds of EUDF personnel. Refurbished dormitories are now (rather luxurious) barracks, walls expanded to fortress levels, and more. Even local businesses are beginning to make inquiries as to expanding services to the Soldiers within.

Sasaki: Unlikely. The actual local businesses in Gasparton and the surrounding areas would get rather upset.

Engineering Assets

Campus Ground Repairs (Pristine): If there lies any reason why the personnel of the DFRI can live in comfort, it is due to the efforts of young, talented officers and non-commissioned officers. Where before there was nothing but tents and field works, now there is a modern campus with all basic services restored. Already safe behind expanded walls, the grounds enjoy their own independent power supply and running water.

Variable Configuration (Capable): The DFRI is understandably quiet about what they are developing at this time. While instructed to do so on orders of Brigadier General Peters, Major Devin, the commandant of the facility, did hint that the new innovations promised by BG Peters in a previous speech could be expected within a few months. "I won't promise anything," Major Devin was quoted as saying, "but I have some very bright and established people working on something both familiar and new. You'll know it when you see it."

Sasaki: Excellent deflection, but do please be careful with your words, Sir.

Science Actions


Sasaki: What part of 'this is confidential information' did that lieutenant not understand?

From: Devin, Johnathan, Major
To: Sasaki, Haruko, Captain
Subject: RE: Facilities Progress Report


For public dissemination, this will do after we get some editing done (see attached). I'll want to do our own internal one later, though. There is still a lot we aren't going to disclose to the public for reasons of confidentiality.

I'd better get in touch with BG Peters though. Thanks for this heads up.


Jonathan Devin
EUGDF, Major
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We aren't actually that far away by mecha genre standards. Only things we need right now is the "Unique, unreplicable super quality" for effective mecha scale psi weapons.

So only one or two of the following is needed:
-Psi-augmentation artifact - G-Stones, Psionic Amplifiers, Core Drills, Raising Heart, etc. Something of alien or extradimensional origin that vastly boosts output to mecha scale. Not replicable for a long time, but hard to destroy.

-Psi-resonance technology -One psychic doesn't do enough? Synchronize multiple psychics into one mind. Could do pair Love-Love power or squad harmonization. Technically replicable, but you need people to build group understanding, so it can't really be forced easily.

-Lobotomized hostile psychic - Basically Evangelion. You plug your psychic into a brain damaged psychic kaijiu and use them to steer its vaster, but dumber powers.

-Rare Talent Doping - Find your one in a million psychic, put them through a hellish training regime, dope them up with a tailored cocktail of drugs and put them in a mecha for their own protection while they perform Akira feats.

Not too bad! We could probably get the evangelion working pretty fast if we focus on it.
That sounds like a bunch of recipes for insane pilots either possessed by an alien intelligence, or driven insane by the process. You mention Akira feats, but things did not end well for the city of Tokyo in Akira.

I think we can wait a bit. It doesn't sound like we are in a rush. Besides, if we can get the AI to work, I'm sure it will speed up our Super Robot process.
That sounds like a bunch of recipes for insane pilots either possessed by an alien intelligence, or driven insane by the process. You mention Akira feats, but things did not end well for the city of Tokyo in Akira.

I think we can wait a bit. It doesn't sound like we are in a rush. Besides, if we can get the AI to work, I'm sure it will speed up our Super Robot process.

To be fair, of the four options, only the Lobotomized hostile psychic is the one I would say absolutely not. The others all have the capacity to be good. Yes, even the rare talent doping can be used for good. If done right, we would have someone like Captain America, rather than barely functioning druggies.

It's all in how we approach it. Just don't be cruel for the sake of results, and we'll be fine.
"HEY! Loosy-Goosey!"
"Oh. What's bugging you? Besides me."
"Intensifiying paranoia about me trying to use the MMIs to interface with a Kaiju symbiotic machine. Or anyone, for that matter. Your thoughts?"
"I...I think I agree with you."
"Well, you remember when that thing came smashing through here, you can still even tell where it marched through this place if you know what to look for! And it's not like Sheol's creations are anything if not destructive. But that's why it's up to you girls to make sure when we repurpose it, we make it into good science that's safe to use!"
"hehe, yeah...Certainly, tolerating this particular concern as opposed to the fear of detonating my skull across my surroundings overtaxing my brain is foolishness, isn't it?"
"Yeah! But I can see why you're more scared of the Kaiju. I still remember hiding in the shelter hoping that monster didn't step on the shelter and crush us! But ESP, you're the one who decides what happens-you can pull out if you think you're about to do a Jack, and you probably have a decent feel for your capabilities. The Kaiju are still so mysterious even now...But hey! We'll figure it out, and maybe you'll even get to throw a car at one the next time it shows up!"
"That...Sounds ridiculous but considering I'm one of many burgeoning psychics now, who can say what's possible?"

...A shorter Omake, but this was something I had always intended-that Lucy was local to the area, and through her, Ashley as well. Not sure how great a job I did of building towards that...
We aren't actually that far away by mecha genre standards. Only things we need right now is the "Unique, unreplicable super quality" for effective mecha scale psi weapons.

I think we need to develop Super Robot weaponry first. right now we have a somewhat functioning "Real Robot" model.

Also, random comment: For Transformers, I would say they were actually overpowered "Real Robots", since everyone was a Super Robot to the point they cancelled each other. However, Cybertron had crazy hax tech: In the Fall of Cybertron game, micro-black hole grenades are considered basic weaponry.

-Psi-resonance technology -One psychic doesn't do enough? Synchronize multiple psychics into one mind. Could do pair Love-Love power or squad harmonization. Technically replicable, but you need people to build group understanding, so it can't really be forced easily.
-Lobotomized hostile psychic - Basically Evangelion. You plug your psychic into a brain damaged psychic kaijiu and use them to steer its vaster, but dumber powers.

The latter is probably the fastest we can achieve: Hollow out a Kaiju, or grow one, then add a psychic pilot to control it. In order to increase chances of success, we could try installing a brain-computer to help with the mental workload. Extra points if said brain was one person that had a positive relationship with the pilot, thus increasing chances of sucess. Actually, let's make it two brain computers, the last one kept in reserve.

What could go wrong?
We'll need tons of PR power to do this though.

-Rare Talent Doping - Find your one in a million psychic, put them through a hellish training regime, dope them up with a tailored cocktail of drugs and put them in a mecha for their own protection while they perform Akira feats.

That sounds like Mecha-sized Eversors. Amazing if collateral damage isn't a concern.

Just thought I'd try writing something like this. Also do need to do some cleanup on the lore sections, but I'll get to those. Eventually. For now, have at this. It's not a complete list, but I felt this would be fun to do.

Take your time, you don't have to update every day, you know.

What began as a dilapidated ruin has now become a rapidly growing bastion of security and research.

Yep, in 9 months. That's fast indeed, but not enough.

Variable Configuration (Capable): The DFRI is understandably quiet about what they are developing at this time. While instructed to do so on orders of Brigadier General Peters, Major Devin, the commandant of the facility, did hint that the new innovations promised by BG Peters in a previous speech could be expected within a few months. "I won't promise anything," Major Devin was quoted as saying, "but I have some very bright and established people working on something both familiar and new. You'll know it when you see it."

Only capable? We need moar ASAP!

Science Actions
Sasaki: What part of 'this is confidential information' did that lieutenant not understand?

I'm surprised a mention of "SCIENCE!" somehow didn't get written here.
Take your time, you don't have to update every day, you know.

I strongly disagree! :p

Though yeah, there'll be days when I just can't. But honestly, this job I have large amounts of quiet time followed by several quick moments of "OHGODWHY" so this helps to kill time quite nicely. Helps that I enjoy writing about Super Robot silliness as well.
Turn Nine: Climbing the Mountain
Turn 9

1650, 1 September, A.D. 2070
Commandant's Office

"This is the most resources we have ever had at our disposal," Sasaki says bluntly one afternoon.

The campus grounds are a madhouse of productivity not seen since January. From your vantage point, you see…all sorts of things going on.

The Jackals in the proving grounds are apparently engaging in joint exercises with the few TMUs that have just entered your inventory.

The site of the new landing pad is…well, the sappers have somehow corralled some of the test pilots in the Jackals into helping with construction efforts. That's something you'd not even thought of before, and something to consider later.

And the workshops continue to produce at least one Jackal for your patrols, ensuring that each patrol has some nasty surprise in case the Westphalians decide to return.

As ever, Carlson Laboratories is a hive of activity, with researchers and volunteer test candidates constantly streaming in and out doing God knew what.

You nod in satisfaction.

"And we'll be even more productive with the new resources Unity's sending our way," you agree. "Best we get to it."

RESOURCE INCOME: 11 RP - 2 RP (Dreaming of Electric Sheep, ESP - Pushing Limits)

FREE BONUS ACTION - Combinable Configuration - TMU Experimentation - Wilde and Henry have so many leftover Redtail and Gargoyle parts, to say nothing of all the new TMUs flying around. They have a new crazy idea that's been brewing since last month: can they plug this into the Hound as a missing link component? They certainly think so.

But how?


[] Wilde think he can make the TMU plug into the Hound directly as a component of the Combination process. They're not too sure how they're going to go about it, but they have enough spare parts from both sides of the equation that they're confident they can make it work.

[] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.

Defense Force Actions

Locked Actions
Landing Pad – With your infrastructure much more established, Sasaki believes this is becoming a more viable and pressing option. The creation of dedicated landing facilities for vertical landing vehicles is something to consider, especially considering that the Gagarin makes a lot of trips between here and Unity Station. Creating a dedicated landing pad would perhaps enable more resources to come in.
Duration: 1
Progress to Security Net, Unlocks Aviation Actions, Increase of RP Income (+1/+2 per turn)

[] Field Test – Customization and Calibration – The Jackal works. The Man Machine Interface works with it. But the Jackal, as it stands, is not Super Robot material. Not yet.
Sasaki wants to fix that. She is already envisioning the Jackal as a 'core' unit of your current Super Robot technology. Why not start on that now?
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Super Robot Chassis
Unlocks New Actions

[] Field Test - Conventional Weaponry - The frames you have right now are marvels of engineering...with very little offensive punch. The Engineers are considering custom made weaponry, but for now, they only have machine guns and the occasional cannon. Sasaki figures that it would be prudent to go through the current stockpile of weapons and equipment on-hand, and see what the Jackal is capable of.

Naturally, she volunteered Callaghan. He didn't have a choice in the matter.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Unlocks Conventional Armaments for Variable Configuration Mecha

[] Expansion - Motor Pool - Sasaki is very happy with your current capabilities. But she is not one to rest content on her laurels. As unorthodox as the Duo's designs are, the Coyote prototype plans she sees is enough to convince her of the merits of Variable Configuration.
She wants to kill two birds with one stone. She wants to requisition from Unity Station armored personnel carriers. This is both to gain even greater protection and firepower for the regular patrols, and to give Wilde and Henry something else to try configuring.
That, and she really wants to see a configuring armored personnel carrier. Is that too much to ask?
Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Security Net, Progress to Variable Configuration
Unlocks New Actions

[] Fact Hunt – BG Peters has bluntly advised you to hold off on attempting to send your own agents on independent missions for a few months. Despite helping General Armistead, he's apparently quite embarrassed and irritated by the whole TMU issue, and both you and Peters (with the DFRI) present an easy target to which to vent towards. Best to keep your profile low for now, and to announce any new breakthroughs as a batch later. That said, you can have your agents at least engage with other EUDF agencies who are fully tasked with finding out new information; cross-agency training is as natural as breathing in the EUDF.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Gain New Contacts, Unlocks New Actions

Engineering Actions

Lowers threshold of One Engineering Action success to 3-6. Must be used this turn! Any additional Engineering Actions taken beyond applied bonus must meet regular 5-6 threshold.

Locked Actions
Dreaming of Robotic Sheep - Katarina
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
So Ignatov and Katarina have discussed their options. But they're still options with unknowns in them. Ignatov can't guarantee what you're facing, and Katarina certainly can't. But the goal is to help the codes running amok in the server hubs to calm down and perhaps integrate them into the wider network. The only question is how.

[] Leave them be – One option is to simply give them space, but to always remain within an accessible distance. You may cause more harm than good if you simply try to step in and force the issue, but if they want to approach you, you should let them. Neither Ignatov nor Katarina are especially happy with this option, but they agree it may be best to simply let them develop 'naturally' as it were.
(Chance to develop Random AI Personalities, Comes with Unpredictable Traits, ???)

[] Guided Development – On the other hand, it may be safer if Ignatov and Katarina do step in. While you could cause some harm, you also have the wider network coherency to maintain, and there's no telling if the codes decide to become malicious. Ignatov and Katarina have already devised a way of 'grounding' the personalities and getting them to calm down. Then they will learn at their own pace, all the while guided by Katarina and Ignatov. They are equally unhappy with this option either, but this is not an easy problem to consider.
Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6 (+1d6, Katarina's Support), Threshold of 5-6)
(Chance to develop basic personalities, will not develop traits to start, ???)

[] Unleash the Hound – The Hound remains unfinished, a state of affairs that displeases the Duo. With your permission and enough resources to try it out, they want to take another crack at it. For now, Wilde and Duo want to go with the 'Armor Module' method.
The work is mostly done on both ends. The Jackal works already and can be modified in a month, and the Hound just needs some final touches. Once this concept is complete, we can move on to making it super.

Limited Omake Bonus (Supplied by @HeavyBane, Can be applied upon choosing this): Apparently the Duo have been looking to older animated shows as inspiration. Though obviously the physics in those shows were handwaved, Wilde and Henry, after many nights of binge watching hotly debated seasons and leaving a trail of soda bottles and popcorn tubs in their wake, decided that they can make a factory-standard (if you can call their inventions standard) vehicles work.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Bonus Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (-1 Threshold thanks to @HeavyBane))
Progress to Super Robot Chassis, Combinable Configuration

[] Hell on Wheels – The Jackal was an undoubtable success. The Hound is looking promising. So why not try expanding our horizons? Wilde and Henry have plenty to do as it is, but with the resources available from the motor pool, they think they can have a basic configurable prototype of a new vehicle ready to go in a month. Nothing combinable though, they'll need a little bit more for that. This one will not be for sale, though.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Combinable Configuration mode (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Development of new Configurable Vehicle (Write-In)

[] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough? – Strange references from Ignatov aside, the Engineers bring up a good point. Your Mecha are still using weapons meant for infantry engagements. Henry is confident that the Jackal and the Hound (when it's finished) could handle the strain of better firepower, but so far you've been modifying existing weapons to a frame that was never meant for them. You have nothing against using existing ammunition – the logistician within you sings at the streamlining – but taking advantage of the Jackal's unique traits is a must.
Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Unlocks Mecha-Scale Weapons, Progress in Mecha-Scale Weapons

Science Actions

Locked Actions
ESP – Pushing Limits – Sam's been reporting some interesting new results. A prolonged exposure to ESP usage is apparently having new effects on the users. He's still got two months left on the study, but he's found something rather interesting.
Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 2 Turns

[] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter - "Sam here. Here's another question me and the boys have been thinking about. Psychic powers are pretty cool. Just by themselves, they let us do things no one else has been able to, and probably won't be able to naturally for a few more centuries at least.

"But does psychic powers do anything else for you? Could someone theoretically become tougher or stronger or stronger-tougher (or tougher-stronger, depending on your preferences)? No clue. But we'd like to find out."

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 4 Turns
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress to Advanced ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley – So you've discovered that by keeping a kaiju sample on ice for almost a year, you can eliminate the self-destruct mechanisms of a kaiju sample. Assuming it's roughly the same size as the one you found. The facilities are ideal enough that Sam thinks he can start a growth facility for the sample.

He warns that if you do this, he's going to need the majority of the sample to have enough to grow with. If you want to take samples for other research purposes, he advises you to do it now because he won't be able to give any away safely during cultivation.
Cost: 3 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 3 Turns
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Reduce Duration of all Kaiju Biotech Actions by 1 (cannot reduce below 1 Turn)
Construction of Kaiju Biotech Growth Facilities

[] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE – Well, no, not really. But the kaiju are without a doubt incredibly hard to kill. With Wallflower's input and studies, he wants to study the composition of the scale. If you take this now, he can take a small sample of the scale and see if you can make viable building material out of the thing.
Cost: 1 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Discover ???, Unlocks New Actions

[] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick… – Sam is both ecstatic and livid at the revelation that kaiju tissue samples decided to give physics the middle finger. That said, if you're not going to try and start a kaiju farm just yet, he thinks he can coax some new weapon applications out of the kaiju scale to be fitted onto the likes of the Jackal. He just needs two months, some resources, and a hurrah for Science.

Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
Duration: 2 Turns
Progress to Kaiju Biotech Theory, Discover ???, Unlocks New Actions
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So, I think we want to go all in with the Kaiju Biotech as our first priority. Take the samples we need and use the rest to start culturing a growth factory. That should be our priority right now.

It'll cost a whopping 6 RP out of our 9, but it'll mean we can keep the Kaiju Biotech line rolling along while we get ready to produce the materials.
Limited Omake Bonus (Supplied by @HeavyBane, Can be applied upon choosing this): Apparently the Duo have been looking to older animated shows as inspiration. Though obviously the physics in those shows were handwaved, Wilde and Henry, after many nights of binge watching hotly debated seasons and leaving a trail of soda bottles and popcorn tubs in their wake, decided that they can make a factory-standard (if you can call their inventions standard) vehicles work.
Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Bonus Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 4-6 (-1 Threshold thanks to @HeavyBane))

Hell yes! My omake worked! We have to take inspiration of this ASAP! Is that the limited time bonus though?
Also, aaw, no spying.

RESOURCE INCOME: 11 RP - 2 RP (Dreaming of Electric Sheep, ESP - Pushing Limits)

Soo many RPs... Anyway, getting better weaponry is a must, followed by researching anti-kaiju weaponry for the Jackal.
[X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Unleash the Hound
-[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
-[X] Guided Development
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley

Giving the Defense team a rest this turn.
Regular tech wise, go straight to mecha weaponry. Small arms is good for sponsorship projects but useless for actual mecha
Kaijiu tech wise, grab the accelerator first and let it grow. We're going to need a lot more mass to work with!
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