Super Robot Quest

Is its mouth still open?

I like the idea of giving it a blaster mouthwash.

Speaking of which, we should have three charges of it? Plus the damage on miss effect.
Well, here's an interesting idea. Sheol apparently Imprints there orders on them before releasing them.

How do you think it'll react to the Wrong Super Robot?
Personally, I want to try baiting it into discharging that horn weapon and dodging before we go Timberwolf.

Something designed to fuck up a walking fortress like Mercury V is going to go right through us.
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Also @Basarin

We can reconfigure between Formations as an Action, right?

If so, I'm thinking opening up as Foxhound, getting our licks in while pointing it someplace less devastating, and reconfiguring to Timberwolf once it discharges that horn weapon and going for the brawl while it recharges.
Well, this is obviously an endurance match until the Mazinger knockoff arrives, and given we don't know exactly how it reacts we're best served to try and change the conditions of the battlefield to see if it can adapt or not.

To that end, we're best served with that opening Full Burst to it's open mouth while we have a chance, and then see if the Foxhound formation can bait it into discharging whatever that mounted energy weapon is into open waters.

When it comes to baiting out an unknown mobility is king, rather than endurance. That can come later once all the kaiju's cards are on the table.
Ye shooting into the mouth is a good idea. If we go Timberwolf and get into grappling range we should consider trying to snap the horn off, it seems like a classic example of a bosses weak point.
Ye shooting into the mouth is a good idea. If we go Timberwolf and get into grappling range we should consider trying to snap the horn off, it seems like a classic example of a bosses weak point.
It's sparking with electrical discharge.

And we know that Kaiju physiology can adapt to serving as a fantastic conductor for the stuff.

Best to avoid grappling range until after we're sure that it's not able to counter attempts to engage it in melee with some kind of full-body taser effect or something.
Be aware people, there is a possibility it has some kind of defensive field generated by its horn.

It's open mouth could potentially not be as easy a weakness as it seems.
[X] Behold! Beowulf!
-[X] Turn One: Double Fire Blaster into the monster's open maw, if it's just going to offer a free pass, it'd be rude not to accept. Use K-Suit reroll as needed. Second action to enter Foxhound Formation. Callagahn's reroll on Evasion.
-[X] Turn Two: Begin drawing the Kaiju's line of fire away from the base, carrying it with our remaining Energy Blaster Charge and the Charged Cannon. K-Suit reroll on Evasion, Callagahn reroll on charged cannon. Also, TMU strike and a Pegasus Support Strike for good measure.
-[X] Turn Three: Hopefully we've pointed it away by now, deploy the Arc Cannon with a Callaghan Reroll supported rapid fire Strike, and a standard one with our Notable Bonus. Evasion gets the K-Suit Reroll.
-[X] Conditional: Once it fires its super move, spend the next action Configuring into Timberwolf and close to melee, see if we can break that horn while it should be weakened.
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Considering Beowolf seems to be somewhat alive I wonder how it will react to the Kaiju.

Be aware people, there is a possibility it has some kind of defensive field generated by its horn.

It's open mouth could potentially not be as easy a weakness as it seems.

I know it was a wash but Misato had a decent plan against Ramiel. Attack it from various directions to gauge and distract it while having 01 deliver the sucker punch.

Have the support fighters and Pegasus lead in with the initial attack to see how it responds and then have Beowolf move in?

*Ninja'd by Alectai.
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