Super Robot Quest

It's okay if they're dark. The problem IMO is when they try too hard for the sake of being edgy, different or even "realistic", somehow.

Again, if they're grim it's acceptable, practically every anime from the 80s was, but that doesn't mean one should wallow in self-pity and cry one-self to death. Then Evangelion came and many tried to ape it, making the problem worse.

Being a kid who grew up at the end of the 90s, I know that feel.

I know it too well.
Plan: Getting Out of Beta we're releasing on time!
-Motor Pool - Additional Acquisitions (2 RP)
-Aviation - What else can we do with this? (3 RP)
--Diana's Support
-K-Class Materials Experiments - This Hand of Mine... (2 RP)
---Katarina's Support
-Ivanna's Support on Energy Shard Processing

You have 7 RP remaining! This will be carried over to next turn only!

What is Gattai? Why does your pilot keep saying that? - You aren't surprised that additional details about the Timberwolf and the Foxhound have already filtered back to Galbinus. But he's approached you with a surprise offer: could you modify several Legionnaires to conduct combining configuration?

He understands this is asking quite a bit out of you, but he's willing to compensate you for your assistance.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Chance to gain bonus to future Combination experiments. Gain greater relations with Legion. Will be able to call upon Legionnaire Combiner on occasion for reinforcements. Will gain Temporary RP income for the next four turns

Rolled: 2+6!
Success! The Legion now has a Combiner!

Aviation - What else can we do with this? - The Pegasus has become jealously guarded by Sasaki, having grown immensely attached to the thing. But she also wants to see if there's anything else we can do to really improve it before it gets sent out to its first deployment.

Wilde and Henry have ideas.

Cost: 3 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Pegasus random improvement at 2d6 (Threshold of 4-6, Diana's Creativity Applied)

Rolled: 4+1!
A bare success. You get a little extra performance, but that's it. You can thank Diana for that.

K-Class Materials Experiments - This Hand of Mine... - The Blazing Fist on the Timberwolf Formation is potent. But Wilde and Henry think they can make it even more destructive. Who are you to say no to that?

Cost: 2 RP (One Time Investment)
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance to greatly increase Blazing Fist's capabilities (2d6+1d6, Threshold of 4-6, Katarina's Support Applied)

Rolled: 6+3+4!
It's on fire. Objectively speaking.

Energy Shard Processing – The lifeblood and currency of Kausen society apparently. It seems straightforward enough to Max: processed energy essentially scrunched into a tiny package. Human energy processing such as oil, gas and fusion power apparently translate quite nicely into Shards (which explains the constant raids from the Free Brothers). Max is confident she can replicate it, but the bigger question to her is how we can use it safely.

With everything else that you've been doing for the Legion, Galbinus has offered to detach one of his specialists to come help you establish this. He points out it's only fair after having given him both the Configuration methods, built a new home, and gave him a brand new alt-form.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Ivanna's Calm applied, will re-roll a failure
Progress in Xenotechnology, Bonus RP Generation Option

Rolled: 1+6!
Welcome to the First Bank of DFRI.

Kaiju Biotechnology - A Smart Suit - "True Fact: the K-Suits are emitting psychic energy, but we don't know how or why. We know for a fact that we can make use of psychic signals, but we want to know if we can put this to use with the Super Robot. Can we turn a spiffy suit of dead kaiju armor into a supplement for the MMI?"

"No idea. But we're gonna find out. Sam Carlson, we're done here."

Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6)
Progress in Kaiju Biotechnology

Rolled: 1+3!
Failure. But the insights you have are good enough.

Edit: I forgot that you still get a roll for the Pilum. This will be to see if you get one additional item for the Super Robot Construction.
Reforging the Shattered Spear - Due to the...mishap with the chemical composition of the Pilum's remains, this is easily going to be the most expensive project to re-initiate. At the rate it's going, it's actually just slightly less expensive than the damned dropship! But this promises to easily be one of the most potent projects you get your hands on, and you'll be able to produce your own versions of it! Like hell you're letting anyone else get their hands on it though.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Applying Lana's Stubbornness
Rolled: 3+5!
You were able to eke out just a little more performance out of it.
Construction Complete. New Construction Options. Training...
We have to commit rerolls proactively, because they're so powerful.

We didn't beforehand. It was just assigned proactively because plan-makers (i.e you :V) wanted to be sure that a specific action would get a reroll because it was the most important.

EDIT: The original text was
New Science Adviser, 'Ivanna,' gained!
Calm - You may re-roll a failed Science Action ONCE each turn! Takes effect on Turn Twelve!
Last edited:
Lets plan on doing the Steel project next turn alongside everything else that goes with the Super Robot. I would like to get it done as soon as possible considering how much attention we are about to get both good and bad.

@Basarin are there any other options we can use to beef up our defenses outside of what we already have?

Sure, I can run with that. Rolling for it then.

Re-Roll is: 5+1

Hmm. That success, combined with the past roll, gets you an additional option for the K-Suit upgrade payment option.

@Anime_Fan35, At the moment your defenses are as good as it gets, at least with the current level of secrecy you have. Once the changeover is finished, you'll have an option to conduct a blind investment into Security Net even further if you are so inclined.
@Anime_Fan35, At the moment your defenses are as good as it gets, at least with the current level of secrecy you have. Once the changeover is finished, you'll have an option to conduct a blind investment into Security Net even further if you are so inclined.

Oh I'm Inclined alright. Especially since we are going to be attacked at some point. Worst case scenario is we get attacked by all three groups at once. best case they don't attack at all. But that last part is not likely to happen at all so the sooner we get the Super Robot ready and our defenses improved as best we can the better.
Success! The Legion now has a Combiner!
Cool! But, weren't they suppsoed to give us extra resources? Was that taken into account?
Will gain Temporary RP income for the next four turns

A bare success. You get a little extra performance, but that's it. You can thank Diana for that.

An extra laser cannon then?

Rolled: 6+3+4!
It's on fire. Objectively speaking.

Blazing fist! Or Shining Finger!!

Rolled: 1+6!
Welcome to the First Bank of DFRI.

Oof, a crit fail and crit success. Unless the former only counts for multiple 1s.

ress in Xenotechnology, Bonus RP Generation Option

More gold!

Rolled: 1+3!
Failure. But the insights you have are good enough.

Ouch, that's a shame. No merchandising for us.

Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Applying Lana's Stubbornness
Rolled: 3+5!
You were able to eke out just a little more performance out of it.
Construction Complete. New Construction Options. Training...

YES! The not-Alteisein is ready! Now, time to figure out how to apply a spaceship-class engine to it...

Soon is the hour of our masterpiece. Version 1.0.

We need good names for it. What about Ares? Or Zeus?

So, Do we get to give a press conference like it's E3?

Hopefully not like the one from Bethesduh.
So a quick note about the Super Robot 1.0 build.

I'm almost done typing up your options (it's helping to speed along this update, actually), but keep in mind a few things.

The most readily available options are going to be the cheapest. That means:

1. If you have already researched it, it's going to be cheaper to do.
- So, making an even stronger Timberwolf-class is perfectly doable, if not pushing the boundaries.
- You can mix and match certain weapons and abilities, it is just going to incur a slight cost in applying it. So, for example, the Arc Cannon is normally restricted to the Foxhound. Want to give it to the Timberwolf? Or some other configuration? Go for it; you just need to apply some resources to retrofit it.

2. If it's theoretically possible but hasn't been quite tested yet, it's going to be pricier. But it can and will be done; your people are experts in their fields by now, and they will make it happen.
- So you know, for example, that the SV-10 Shepherd and the V-33 Falcon can Combine with the Beowulf-class. But some of you have already asked about the logical next step: can ALL THREE combine? The answer is: yes! Do you know what it does? Nope! Not a clue!
- In that respect, you can aim to try and make a configuration that combines all three. But while you will know the stats of the Timberwolf and the Foxhound respectively (your prototypes are a baseline), you won't know what a theoretical combination will be. GGG wasn't sure what they were getting when they first fielded GaoGaiGar, they just knew it was theoretically possible.

3. You can make any given combination work, so long as you can write a good justification for it. If you convince me, I'll roll for it and see how it turns out. But aside from what you have already prototyped and their stats, you're throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks.
-I will give hints, but the fun here is the discovery! That, and this is using anime physics; whatever you make, it's going to be spectacular. It's just the method of getting there.

This will make more sense when I post the production sheet, but that will come tonight.
I like Atlas myself. The Titan who carries the sky on its shoulders.

Meh, it's been overused, especially by Battletech, where it is an ugly, bulky mech quite outdated.

Yup! A Super Robot is entitled to a grandiose name.

Hence why they should have divine names, preferably "real" ones, not stuff taken from Fate or Dark Souls-wankery.

You can mix and match certain weapons and abilities, it is just going to incur a slight cost in applying it. So, for example, the Arc Cannon is normally restricted to the Foxhound. Want to give it to the Timberwolf? Or some other configuration? Go for it; you just need to apply some resources to retrofit it.

Would having both weapons at once be doable then? I thought we were going to make a completely new chassis.

you won't know what a theoretical combination will be. GGG wasn't sure what they were getting when they first fielded GaoGaiGar, they just knew it was theoretically possible.

We need more simulation tests and more grandiose gestures, as well as a combat cyborg for the main pilot.
Thankfully, we have more pilots to spare than GGG, which means one won't be literally overworked to near-death.

3. You can make any given combination work, so long as you can write a good justification for it. If you convince me, I'll roll for it and see how it turns out. But aside from what you have already prototyped and their stats, you're throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks.

What about combining EVERYTHING!?? The reasoning? The ultimate form requires the transformation of all of our available vehicles for maximal cheese and epic transformation sequence.
Speaking of: How will the magical girl thing factor here?

That, and this is using anime physics; whatever you make, it's going to be spectacular. It's just the method of getting there.

Good thing we're not going with "Evangelion logic" then. It's also anime physics, if warped to always favor your enemy.
Edit: I forgot that you still get a roll for the Pilum. This will be to see if you get one additional item for the Super Robot Construction.
Reforging the Shattered Spear - Due to the...mishap with the chemical composition of the Pilum's remains, this is easily going to be the most expensive project to re-initiate. At the rate it's going, it's actually just slightly less expensive than the damned dropship! But this promises to easily be one of the most potent projects you get your hands on, and you'll be able to produce your own versions of it! Like hell you're letting anyone else get their hands on it though.

Cost: 1 RP Locked
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of 5-6); Applying Lana's Stubbornness
Rolled: 3+5!
You were able to eke out just a little more performance out of it.
Construction Complete. New Construction Options. Training...

Ooc @Basarin can we eventually use our knowledge of the Pilum and the Kaus beam weapon to make an R-Gun equivalent or would that be a separate tree we would need to unlock?