So a quick note about the Super Robot 1.0 build.
I'm almost done typing up your options (it's helping to speed along this update, actually), but keep in mind a few things.
The most readily available options are going to be the cheapest. That means:
1. If you have already researched it, it's going to be cheaper to do.
- So, making an even
stronger Timberwolf-class is perfectly doable, if not pushing the boundaries.
- You can mix and match certain weapons and abilities, it is just going to incur a slight cost in applying it. So, for example, the Arc Cannon is normally restricted to the Foxhound. Want to give it to the Timberwolf? Or some other configuration? Go for it; you just need to apply some resources to retrofit it.
2. If it's theoretically possible but hasn't been quite tested yet, it's going to be pricier. But it can and will be done; your people are experts in their fields by now, and they will make it happen.
- So you know, for example, that the SV-10 Shepherd and the V-33 Falcon can Combine with the Beowulf-class. But some of you have already asked about the logical next step: can ALL THREE combine? The answer is: yes! Do you know what it does? Nope! Not a clue!
- In that respect, you can aim to try and make a configuration that combines all three. But while you will know the stats of the Timberwolf and the Foxhound respectively (your prototypes are a baseline), you won't know what a theoretical combination will be. GGG wasn't sure what they were getting when they first fielded GaoGaiGar, they just knew it was theoretically possible.
3. You can make
any given combination work, so long as you can write a good justification for it. If you convince me, I'll roll for it and see how it turns out. But aside from what you have already prototyped and their stats, you're throwing Science at the wall and seeing what sticks.
-I will give hints, but the fun here is the discovery! That, and this is using anime physics; whatever you make, it's going to be spectacular. It's just the method of getting there.
This will make more sense when I post the production sheet, but that will come tonight.