Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Chapter 26: Troubling Thoughts and Sudden Surprises
Chapter 26: Troubling Thoughts and Sudden Surprises

Saurial used her sword to cut through a fallen pillar, letting Raptuar grab the cut-off end and toss it to the side. The fifteen hundred pounds of stone made a loud cracking sound as it landed. Extracting the three people trapped under the collapsed building behind it was then much easier. The three people, an elderly couple and a girl in her twenties, were all unconscious and severely wounded, but a trio of healing symbiotes soon had them healed. The couple probably wouldn't have survived to reach medical attention and the girl would have been paralyzed from the waist down, so they were lucky the Family was there.

"There's an injured woman in an automobile about three blocks to the north," said Taylor over their communicators.

They quickly teleported the distance and began to use their hands and brute strength to extract the bleeding woman from her vehicle.

They spoke to each other as they worked. "The timing for our arrival was dangerously close to causing paradox," said Varga.

'I know,' answered Taylor as she used a talon to slice through the woman's seat belt, 'but a lot more people would have died if we had let the Endbringer fight go on for much longer.'

"If we had altered this timeline, then a best case scenario would have been Taylor in a coma. A worst case could have added an insect apocalypse on top of an Endbringer fight," said the ancient demon sternly.

That was something Taylor hadn't considered. 'You think it could have driven her mad to the point where she would try to destroy Brockton Bay?' She applied another squeaker, as Xander called them, to the injured woman. They had hundreds of them and were prepared to hand them out like candy.

She could feel Varga considering. "It was a low probability, but it was possible."

'Then why did you agree to showing up in the middle of the fight? We suspected Leviathan would leave as soon as we arrived.' The two began moving toward the next set of wounded found by the insect controller.

"For the reasons you gave. Many lives will likely be saved. I just want you to fully understand the possible consequences. As it is, Amy is likely to have problems dealing with what she did to Ellen, just so we could save the colonists on the Legato." Varga mentally sighed. "The bigger the event, and the farther back in time you go relative to the individual, the more likely you are to cause something catastrophic. While nobody has asked, it would theoretically be possible for you to go back in time and save your mother from the car wreck. Doing so would be a risk far too terrible to contemplate."

Taylor had assumed that doing that would have been a bad idea, or Varga would have already offered to do so once they had access to the wormhole drive. She couldn't deny that the idea wasn't tempting. 'What would happen if we went back, replaced her with one of Amy's constructs, and brought her to the future?'

"I estimate a greater than seventy percent chance that something we do will cause ripple effects in the timeline that would destroy your mind, as you would be unable to reconcile the different memories. It's possible that you would continue to live both timelines simultaneously, unable to determine which events were occurring in either one. I am uncertain how well I would be able to cope with being so closely bonded with a mind that was criminally insane, but I doubt the consequences to your world would be pleasant."

They worked in silence for a bit, healing another half-a-dozen people at three other locations. A thought occured to Taylor. 'Do you think there is a relationship between that and the problems that Coil was having with his power while we were present?'

"That is an interesting question. Precogs are considered Thinkers in your world for a reason. It's possible that our nature creates ripples in the timeline that inhibit Thinker powers. My nature does tend to alter probability in the area, which is another way of saying that the weight of my presence tends to change the path of events." How much of a role did time play in terms of how powers worked? More research clearly needed to be done. Varga suspected that some of that may be the key to understanding aspects of tinker technology, as well.

"Metis, how are things going at the medical center?" asked Saurial over the communicator.

{Ianthe and I have quickly been able to heal most of the injured capes. The local Amy appears both shocked and relieved...and slightly envious of the one-shots. A couple of other items of interest...we saw the local Tattletale, who took one look at me and fainted. Also, Eidolon apparently fell unconscious as soon as Leviathan turned and ran.}

That first fact was slightly amusing and utterly in character for Lisa. That second was very interesting, and was yet another thing added to the growing body of evidence that at least one of the Triumvirate was closely linked to the Endbringers. Add in the recent revelations from their meeting with Faultline's team, and the the fact that Alexandria and the head of the PRT seemed to be the same person, and the conspiracy alarm bells started to ring quite loudly.

{All right,} she replied, using FamTalk to match Metis, {we're going to finish up with the S&R and then make sure the roads through the damaged parts of town are clear. Then we'll locate Taylor's dad and head back to the Nox's home world.}

{The PRT will want information about us,} said Metis reasonably.

{Just tell them that we'll be happy to meet with them tomorrow, but that we have another issue to address today.} They had some other things to take care of in other universes, and they needed to think through how to approach things here. They could have waited to intervene with Leviathan, but making the local Taylor wait to rescue her dad when her crew mates were busy retrieving their own friends and family would have been cruel. {Did we get any hits in the search for fictional accounts of this universe...or ours?}

Metis paused. {There were a couple of hits on the name Taylor Hebert in Ellen's universe, but they're almost two centuries old and it's unclear if its a historical analogue or part of a fictional account. Ramoth is supposed to be researching it further, but it isn't a top priority compared to her work disassembling Weyland-Yutani. All we have is the reference and the name of her biography, which for some reason is named, Worm.}

{Maybe she was an entomologist? That would be an amusing coincidence,} suggested Saurial idly.

{If she studied worms, she would technically be an oligochaeteologist,} corrected Metis. The last word was set in English. FamTalk didn't actually have different words for studying different forms of invertebrates. You had to add a qualifier if you wanted to be more specific. Saurial wondered if anybody near Metis would recognize the term. {I have to go. I believe Legend is coming in to speak with us.}

Saurial grinned. {Give my regards to Mr. Foot, then.} Saurial switched to English. "Taylor, do you have a location for your father, yet?"

"Yes, he's in the shelter closest to the Boardwalk. He must have been out when the alarms went off," she replied.

Raptaur and Saurial proceeded to ensure that the streets in the damaged areas of town were clear of rubble. They also repaired damage to the roads as they went, which meant that some of the roads near the docks were actually in better shape then they were prior to Leviathan's attack. Saurial then went to the shelter that Taylor had identified.

The door was opened, as the sirens had been shut off for some time. She made her way into the shelter, following a well-known scent. The other inhabitants stared at her as she passed, but she ignored it for the moment. She finally saw the familiar figure sitting on a cot in a corner of the main common area of the shelter. Going up to him, she feigned ignorance. "Excuse me, are you Daniel Hebert?"

He looked up at the voice, and then his eyes widened when he caught sight of the speaker. Remembering himself, he answered, "Um, yes, I'm Danny Hebert. Why do you ask?"

"Your daughter asked me to locate and retrieve you," replied the lizard.

Danny stood up quickly. "Taylor? You know where Taylor is? Is she all right?"

"She's fine, and she's safe," said Saurial reassuringly. "Would you like me to bring you to her?"

"Yes, please," he said, quickly grabbing his jacket from the bunk. "Where is she?"

"She's not far away, just follow me." Saurial quickly began making her way through the crowd of civilians toward the exit to the shelter. She couldn't help but think how tired and distraught her father looked in this dimension.

"Hold up for just a second," said the lizard girl once they were outside. She pulled out a badge and pressed it, then said, "Beam us up, Scotty."

Danny was tired enough that he didn't realize something strange was happening until he vanished.


When Lisa regained consciousness, she was lying in a medical tent. They had apparently just shuffled her out of the way, though she was slightly surprised that she had a tent all to herself after an Endbringer fight. They hadn't even removed her mask...or if they had, then they had replaced it back in an implausibly exact fashion.

She got up, determined to see if she could find out more about those lizards. They had thrown her power for a loop. As she was checking her belongings, she noticed a note folded up and stuck into her pocket next to her phone.

The note said:

"Skitter is alive.
Coil is Thomas Calvert, and his days are numbered.
We know about Dinah Alcott.
Be patient for just a little while more, Lisa.

-- The Family"

She crumpled the note up and shoved it back in her pocket, resolving to burn it as soon as possible. Somebody seemed to know a lot about her situation, including her identity. She had no idea how much to trust it, though she hoped that the part about Skitter was true. She wondered if this had anything to do with the mysterious lizards.

Unfortunately, the lizards were long gone by the time Lisa went looking for them.


Colonel Kira was getting concerned. Commander Sisko was missing, and now O'Brien's runabout had vanished. Worf and Ezri had spent the last forty minutes trying to find some sign of what had happened. There wasn't enough debris to indicate that the craft had been destroyed, but they also verified that the wormhole hadn't opened. Nor had the ship gone to warp. Nerys knew that Keiko was busy getting things ready for their trip to Earth, and now she might have to tell her that Miles had gone missing right before they were supposed to leave. Worf was also supposed to be getting ready to leave with Martok's ship, but he had refused to go off shift while Miles was missing.

"We're getting signs of an artificial wormhole opening. There's a ship coming out of it...unknown configuration," announced Ezri.

Kira was thinking that this was a bad time for a first contact when a familiar voice came over the communications array. "Deep Space 9 control, this is Chief O'Brien on board the Ship of Fools. Over."

The tension in the command center immediately began to dissipate. "Chief," said Nerys, "it's good to hear your voice. What happened to the Amazon?"

"Sorry, Colonel, but the runabout is a total loss. I made some friends, though, who are giving me a lift back here. Can you meet me at the docking ring? Introductions are in order. I would appreciate it if you would bring Keiko and Julian, as well."

Kira's mouth creased at the unusual request. "Do you have a medical emergency, Chief?"

O'Brien quickly replied, "No, nothing like that. I just think Julian is going to be extremely interested in meeting our new guests."

Kira agreed and turned over command of the station to Ezri Dax while Mr. Worf went off shift. She called Dr. Bashir and asked him to meet her at the docking ring, then went off to find Keiko in the O'Briens' quarters.

The Japanese woman was busy sealing some of the children's clothing into crates for shipment. "Nerys, what are you doing here at this time of day?"

Kira gave the woman a small smile. "Keiko, Miles is perfectly fine, but there was an accident with the runabout when he was taking it out for a test flight."

Despite her reassurances, Keiko clearly looked concerned. "What kind of accident? If Miles is fine, then why are you telling me about it?"

"He had to hitch a ride on another ship to get back to the station, and he asked for you, me and Julian to meet him at the docking ring. He didn't say why, though he did say that Dr. Bashir would find it interesting," answered Kira.

Keiko looked around at the packing left to do. "All right, I guess I can take a break. I'm going to be very happy when Miles is just teaching classes every day." Nerys could sympathize. Their posting to DS9 had been a difficult one, even if you discounted the war, and some of their stories from the Enterprise sounded just as exciting.

The two met up with Dr. Bashir at the docking ring where the unknown ship was connected. Miles was soon coming out through the airlock. He immediately went over to Keiko and gave her a hug.

"Are you all right, Miles?" asked his wife.

"I'm fine. It's just been a while since I've seen you, from my perspective." He smiled as he held her.

Kira Nerys looked puzzled. "Chief, the Amazon disappeared less than an hour ago."

Still holding onto his wife with one arm, he turned to look at the Colonel. "By your chronometer, that's true. I've experienced more time due to time displacements from wormhole travel. The runabout got shifted into another dimension."

"How long have you been gone?" asked Keiko, worried.

"It's been almost a month, and it's been a busy month," he answered.

"Do we need to contact the DTI?" asked Julian. The Department of Temporal Investigations had investigated after the incident when the Defiant had gone back to 2268 to the K-7 station.

Miles shook his head. "The time travel was all outside of this universe. In any event, I want you all to come on board the ship and meet some of the folks who helped me out."

Kira and the others followed Miles back onto the ship. The airlock opened into a cargo bay. Standing inside were two reptilian aliens. One was bipedal, while the other stood on four legs, but also had two arms like a centaur. They appeared to be of different species.

"Saurial and Raptaur, allow me to introduce you to my companions. This is my wife, Keiko O'Brien, my friend and colleague, Dr. Julian Bashir, and the second in command of this station, Colonel Kira Nerys." Miles gestured to the each of the people as he introduced them.

Saurial stepped forward to shake hands with each of them. "It is a pleasure to finally meet all of you. We have heard a lot about each of you."

Kira Nerys said, "On behalf of Bajor and the Federation, allow me to welcome you to Deep Space 9 and the Alpha Quadrant. Normally, we would have a procedure to follow for first contact, but with Miles missing and another crisis, we're doing this a bit informally."

"Let me guess," said O'Brien, "you found Sisko's runabout near the Bajoran Fire Caves but the man himself was nowhere to be found."

Kira blinked in surprise. "Yes, but how do you know? Did you find him while you were traveling dimensions?"

O'Brien shook his head. "No, the reason I know is stranger. My friends here," he said, gesturing toward the two reptiles, "are from a universe where our lives on both DS9 and before on the Enterprise are the subject of entertainment vids."

"They're spying on us?" asked Keiko, concerned.

"Not at all," said the larger reptile. "In fact, the stories of your universe are considered works of speculative fiction in our world. It was quite a shock to meet Miles and realize that your reality actually exists."

"You have works of fiction about humans in your world?" asked Julian, fascinated.

Saurial chuckled. "Most of the inhabitants of Earth in my universe are human. My relatives and I happen to be the exception, in many ways."

Kira refocused on the issue at hand. "So you know what happened to Captain Sisko?"

O'Brien's face grew solemn. "Yes, he went down to stop Dukat from releasing the Pah-Wraiths. Kai Winn and Dukat were killed, the Pah-Wraiths were stopped, and Benjamin was pulled into the realm of the Prophets."

Kira looked shocked, then recovered herself and said, "If you'll excuse me, I think I need to make some calls."

O'Brien nodded. "I expect so, but after your duty shift, I think you need to come visit where I've been staying recently. There are some very serious issues that I need to discuss with all of you."

Keiko frowned at him. "Miles, we're supposed to be leaving for Earth tomorrow!"

"And you still can," interjected Saurial. "Our drive system creates artificial wormholes. We can easily have you back to the station just minutes after our departure, even if you were to spend an extended period of time there."

"I want to bring you and the kids, too, Keiko. The medical technology they have is amazing. They were able to remove the memories implanted by the Argrathi," said O'Brien.

"They removed them," said Julian urgently. "Without side effects? There was no memory damage?"

"We are friends with another alien race that has an expert understanding of memories. They were able to remove the false ones and repair the damage done by the original implantation." explained Raptaur.

"Miles, that's wonderful." Keiko hugged him, truly happy with this unexpected turn of events. Miles' return after his "prison sentence" had been one of the hardest parts of their marriage.

"I'm serious, though. We all need to go visit and have some discussions about things away from Deep Space 9. I need to go send some messages to a couple of old friends, but we can meet back here after Nerys and Julian are off shift." Miles clearly thought there were urgent matters to discuss.

Julian was amenable but curious. "What's so urgent, and why do we need to leave the station to talk about it?"

"For one thing," said Saurial, "we have evidence that Section 31 is heavily infiltrated by the Terran Empire of the mirror universe, and has been for centuries."


The gardens of New Genesis were blooming especially vibrantly today, and Izaya was basking in their beauty. Darkseid was once again hatching plots involving Earth, and he had spent much of the last day debating what level of intervention was necessary with the other New Gods. He needed a respite for a moment to re-balance his mind.

His calm was interrupted as he felt the appearance of two others in this sanctuary. He turned, curious as to how strangers would arrive here without a boom tube to announce them. He saw Jimmy Olsen, one of Superman's friends, and an unfamiliar lizard-girl who was far more powerful than simple appearance would lead one to assume.

"You are more than you seem," he said, pointing at the lizard.

"Indeed, Highfather. I am Varga, and I am co-joined with my Brain, Taylor Hebert of Earth. We are from an Earth outside of your multiverse." explained the reptile. Varga and Taylor had agreed to share more about themselves with Jimmy in order to facilitate this meeting.

"Highfather," said Jimmy politely, "forgive our intrusion, but we have learned some very concerning things about our reality, and Varga has some ideas on what might be done to help."

Highfather considered the young man's words. He knew Olsen was a good man and a good friend. "Very well, young friend, tell me of these problems."

Varga explained what the Nox had discovered, as well as the results of his own investigation. He also explained the fictional accounts of this universe in other realities. Highfather was disturbed to find some of his own concerns and discoveries confirmed. If anything, the added detail made the situation more dire than he had realized. This segued into a discussion of the resources the Family could bring to assist, and Highfather shared some more information about the relationship between Apokalips and New Genesis, and the obligations they already had, as well as their efforts to thwart Darkseid's latest plans. By the end, there was a tentative alliance worked out between them.

"Thank you for taking the time to listen to us, Highfather. With your help, I expect that we'll be able to make progress toward fixing some of the fissures in Jimmy's reality for good," said Varga, ready to take leave.

"Before you go, allow me to give you something. I believe your ally Dragon may be able to make great use of it." He pulled out a small, rectangular device. "This is an unlinked Mother Box. I believe she may be able to use it to greatly improve your chances."

Varga and Jimmy were both stunned at this gesture. "That is remarkably generous of you, Highfather. Thank you."

"Your friend Dragon would not be the first engineer from another reality to have access to a Mother Box, Varga." Highfather smiled. "At least this time I can be the one to gift it instead of Metron."

The two departed, then Highfather went to rejoin the discussions. He needed to speak to Orion in particular.


Karrin had not been happy to learn that their teleport still didn't bring them to Harry. Instead, they had been sent to a spaceship, of all things, which would in turn bring them to Dresden. She had to wonder how Harry had made it there, given his propensity to blow up anything even slightly technological. She was also unhappy to know they had to wait before leaving, though seeing Thomas, Michael, Molly and Maggie appear alongside a strange woman in the teleportation arrival area had explained the delay.

They had also not been told that they were going to Harry via spaceship. Randall and the woman, named Linda, had explained some basic facts about their ship (somewhat appropriately named the Ship of Fools, if Harry was involved) and where they were going, which was apparently to an entirely different dimension where Harry was staying on an alien planet.

"I'll let Peter clue you in to the next bit of news," said Randall.

At that cue, a young man wearing a Spider-man costume, of all things, came into the cargo bay. All of the visitors were staring in disbelief at the presumed cosplayer. Said person started to speak. "Hi! My name is Peter Parker, also known as your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Now, I know what you're thinking, this guy is either an actor or a crazy person, but it's even crazier than that!" With that, Peter jumped to the far wall and climbed up it on all fours. He then began to walk back toward them on the ceiling while standing straight down. When he got close, he shot a bit of web between one of the support columns and the wall, then did a flip which landed him comfortably into what was obviously now a hammock.

"What the hell is going on here?" asked Karrin.

"It turns out that some of your fictional stories are based on real universes out there in the multiverse," said Spider-man. "For example, the comic books published by Marvel Comics in your universe happen to be where I live. The TV show Star Trek from the 1960's is also a real universe. Your universe is also a real universe."

"You're suggesting that our universe is the subject of a fictional story in another reality?" asked Thomas.

"It's actually a series of novels known as The Dresden Files," added Randall helpfully from the side.

Molly, Thomas and Karrin all simultaneously said, "The Dresden Files?"

"Yeah, that's gotta suck," said Peter. "I at least had a bunch of different books named after me."

"Somebody wrote books about my dad?" asked Maggie. "Can I read them?" She would like to know more about him beyond what little she had been told.

Linda glared at Randall. "You had to open your mouth?" He simply shrugged.

"How long is it going to take us to get to where Harry is?" asked Karrin.

"Oh, we're already here," said Peter. He jumped out of the hammock and went over to a control panel. A button push lowered the ramp in the cargo bay.

The group from Chicago walked out to find Harry Dresden standing next to a teen-aged girl and a young woman. Karrin wondered who the woman was, and why she was dressed as a Keebler Elf. She was about to say something when Maggie ran over and hugged Harry. None of the adults were willing to interrupt the reunion between the girl and her father.

Harry lifted Maggie up into the air with his hug, then set her down. "Hey Maggie, its good to see you again. Hey, I've got somebody I want you to meet." He gestured the teen girl forward. "Maggie, I'd like you to meet your half-sister, Bonnie." The teen girl gave a small smile and waved.

"What?" asked Karrin a little too loudly.

Peter, who had followed them out, said in a fake Spanish accent, "Harry, you got some 'splainin' to do!"


Xander looked out the window at a setting that was straight out of Buck Rogers. They were sitting in an office in a flying city on an alien planet. "Just out of curiosity," he asked, "why do we get to visit the high tech city now instead of when I first got here?"

Noraeus was yet another placid-smiling Nox, and it was his office. "You're here now because Anya feels much more comfortable and secure in this type of environment. You, Xander, benefited from your time in a more arboreal environment, where you could indulge your creativity."

"Yes, I like the city," said Anya with a smile.

Xander shrugged. "It is pretty cool."

Noraeus smiled. "Thank you. I was wondering if you two could tell me a little bit more about Anya's history."

Xander listened to Anya and Noraeus talk, and he was impressed. He had thought that Anya was an open book. She had certainly shared with him all of the horrible punishments she had inflicted on men unlucky enough to draw her attention. Somehow, Noraeus managed to get her talking about her life before her time as a vengeance demon. The picture that emerged wasn't different, so much as it was more...relateable? Aud had been a socially awkward young woman who was outspoken and forward-thinking in a time when that was unusual. She had turned to witchcraft as a way of getting back at the people who shunned and abused her. The path to becoming Anyanka started long before D'Hoffryn showed up.

What was interesting to Xander is that this is the first time he had seen the Nox acting like an Earth therapist. They seemed to almost implicitly understand what people needed without having to ask lots of questions. Maybe Anya needed somebody who would listen to her talk without judging her? He started to feel a little guilty when he thought back to how he tended to react to her when she went on one of her diatribes. Then he started to wonder whether he took too much pride in tolerating her idiosyncrasies. He had realized over his time with the Nox the degree to which his own feelings of inadequacy influenced his decisions. Did he stay with Anya because it helped him feel better about himself? He started listing out the things he loved about Anya to reassure himself.

By the end of the discussion, a thought had occurred to him. How much of him sitting and listening to this was meant to be therapy for him? Wow, the Nox were really, really good at this.

After the session, the two of them walked back to their loaner apartment in silence. Once they were behind closed doors, Xander looke at Anya and said, "I'm sorry I never heard those things before."

Anya lowered her gaze. "I don't always like to think about my time as a human, I mean before I was a demon. It's easier to remember the times when I was in control."

He shook his head. "I should have been more understanding. It's not like I don't know what it's like to feel out of control," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him. "Xander, I know how insecure you can be. One of the things I love about you is how much you throw yourself into dangerous situations despite your own doubts, no matter how stupid I think that is sometimes. You don't let what your parents did to you hold you back. I just wish you were less willing to accept it when Buffy and Willow put you down."

"I just try to be the kind of friend they need," he said. He knew that was a vast oversimplification even as he said it.

She frowned at him. "You mean you indulge their insecurities at your own expense. You deserve better treatment than that."

"I think the same applies to you," he said, "and I really fell down on the job. It's time to do better."

"Well, maybe you should prove it to me?" She reached over and, with a smile, turned off the light switch.


"So, what can I help you two with?" asked Ianthe of the two men.

"Jimmy and I were talking a while ago, and we realized that we've learned a lot of information that would be really dangerous in the wrong hands. We also both happen to live in worlds with a whole bunch of telepaths," said Peter. He and Jimmy had tracked down Ianthe at BBFO offices back on Family Earth.

"Hm, and you're looking for some way to block that? I would have to get a look at how your telepaths work, as there aren't any telepaths native to this reality." She looked at them somberly. "You would also potentially have to consent to me doing something to your brain, depending upon the solution. You might be better off talking to somebody like Harry or Dr. Strange."

Jimmy looked at her in surprise. "Are you saying you can't help us?" The Family was usually quick to say nothing was truly impossible.

Ianthe regarded him. "No, I probably can. To be completely honest, I'm not feeling like myself after what happened with Ellen. Implanting that thing into her goes against the standards of my Guild, and I can't help but feel like I did something wrong despite the circumstances." It was more accurate to say that it went against her standards, but as the founder of her Guild, Ianthe was allowed to define its standards.

"Let me ask you something. If we had the exact same situation, would you do the same thing?" asked Peter.

The purple lizard tilted her head. "Of course. I know we had no choice in the matter if we had any hope of saving the prisoners on board the Legato. Let me see if I can explain this to you." She thought for a moment. "What would you say are your greatest fears?"

"I guess...failing to protect the people I care about?" said Peter. That, at least, was the conclusion he came to about why he left MJ.

Jimmy was quiet for a moment. "Honestly, I think my biggest fear is that the people who back Cadmus are right. What happens if the heroes turn bad and become villains? Superman, for example, is one of the most legitimately nice people I've ever met. He's also incredibly powerful and would be almost impossible to stop if he ever turned."

Ianthe reached out and touched each of their hands. The two of them were instantly and irresistibly paralyzed.

"Now," said Ianthe with a very toothy smile, "Peter, if I wanted to, I could trap your personality inside a prison in your own mind. Then I could create a copy of your personality and put it in charge of your body, except I would change it. I would give you a slowly growing urge to kill anybody about whom you have strong feelings. Love, hate, disgust, wouldn't matter. You would just have an increasing urge to kill somebody. Then we see what happens. Do you start going after your enemies, killing them one by one so you can avoid hurting the people you care about? How long would it be before you end up killing your boss, the man who hates your other identity? What happens the first time you have a fight with your wife when she realizes you've been killing criminals? What about when the other heroes try to stop you? How long would it be before your body count started rivaling the worst villains? Your true personality would see it all from inside your mental jail, but you wouldn't be able to stop it. None of your friends and loved ones would see it, at least at first, because you would still act like you most of the time."

She turned to Jimmy. "Jimmy, I could infect you with a virus and wipe your memory of it. Then I would send you home. The effect of the virus would be to slowly lower the inhibitions of anybody infected, until after a few years they would have the self control of a toddler. Now, imagine what happens when Batman's paranoia has no limits? What happens if Superman loses his temper? Captain Atom has a massive superiority complex, so that could get messy. Let's talk about the villains. What would happen if Lex Luthor were as carefree about his mayhem as the Joker? How many of Flash's rogues gallery refrain from killing just because Flash is such a nice guy? Some of the Justice League have nations of their own. What do you think Wonder Woman or Aquaman would do if their realms are threatened and they lack all sense of restraint?"

She touched them again and released their muscles. The two of them literally fell to the floor and scrambled away from this now much scarier person. Her face grew sad. "I know how to do both of those scenarios. I could do it right now, or do worse things. The threat level of a bioshaper gone bad is utterly terrifying, which is why we have the rules that we do. When I do something like I did to Ellen Ripley, I see that potential in the mirror after I'm done. It doesn't matter how good the reason for it was. The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Jimmy and Peter looked at each other. They both stood up from their spot on the floor. Ianthe expected them to leave, but instead they came toward her.

"Ianthe, look, I know a guy back home who turns into a giant green rage monster when he loses control. He's hurt a lot of people, but the guy inside, Bruce, is the smartest, kindest, most eloquent man you could meet," said Peter in a soft voice. "He tried to hide from his power, to run from it, but something always seemed to happen to let it break free again. He didn't start dealing with it until he embraced the fact that it was a part of him. What he learned is that Hulk isn't evil. He's just impressively strong with poor emotional control. Bruce had to let some of the Hulk out inside himself, and that let some of Bruce's control flow the other way. Sometimes you just gotta accept that you're scary powerful."

"The thing about Superman," added Jimmy, "is that he doesn't hide what he is. Sure, he has a secret identity, but that's mostly to protect his friends and family from retribution. He is, in many ways, godlike, and so he exercises an insane level of self-control in an effort to avoid hurting people. He really is a gentle soul, in some respects. The thing you have to understand, though, is that it doesn't always work. He's been mind-controlled, or rendered crazy, or had his powers stolen. The results in those situations can sometimes be funny, but they can also be horribly tragic. He doesn't let those failures define him, though. He just resolves to do better, and with each mistake, he knows one more weak spot to defend."

"So, you're saying I should accept my abilities and learn from my mistakes?" said Ianthe skeptically.

"It's not that easy," answered Peter, "but it couldn't hurt. Besides, if you went off the rails, wouldn't the rest of the Family stop you?"

Ianthe nodded. "They would. That actually makes me feel better. And the other stuff you said isn't wrong, really. So, if you can get a telepath who can show me what's actually happening when telepathy is being used, I can see if I can build blockers for it into the symbiotes."

"You mean the squeakers?" asked Jimmy.

"Not the one-shots. We have long-term symbiotes that can enhance your physical abilities and cure anything that ails you. I'm sure we mentioned them?" said Ianthe.

"I think you did," confirmed Peter, "but there's been a lot going on and I don't think any of us focused on that fact."

"Hm, well, why don't you bring MJ around and you can try them out, and then tell the others about them? They're perfectly safe. We've been testing them out for some time," said Ianthe.

"They won't take away my powers? Technically, my spider powers could be considered a mutation," questioned Peter.

Ianthe shook her head. "No, they only cure negative effects like birth defects, disease, injuries or aging."

The two men stared at her again. "They cure aging?" asked Jimmy slowly.

"Yes. Don't get me wrong -- it's still possible for you to die with a symbiote. It is much, much harder to accomplish, however." Ianthe was back to looking smug again. "So, will you and MJ be the examples for the others?"

Peter thought about the idea of MJ being hard to kill and forever young. "I'll have to ask her about it, but if she's OK with it then I'm willing to try."

"Excellent! Just come by whenever you have a chance." Ianthe seemed to be cheered up by the prospect.

The two men left. When they were outside the room, Jimmy said, "I had no idea she could be that scary."

Peter nodded his head violently. "Oh, yeah, that was terrifying."

From right behind them, Ianthe's voice said, "Really, I'm not the terrifying one in the Family." Both men jumped hard enough to get impressive air time. Ianthe gave a dark chuckle as she went back into the room and left them alone.
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Time Travel in the Original Taylor Varga
The time travel rules I used for TV are as has been stated those used by DSR, and designed by the author thereof. They were the result of a lot of careful thought, both because they were an integral part of a fairly extensive plot, and because the author didn't want to leave time travel on the table as a viable method of doing more or less anything. Like myself, they find the mere concept something that is heavily overused and more often than not misused to the point that a story employing it tends towards the absurd very quickly. It's incredibly difficult to do correctly, but very easy to do badly, and this is indeed the normal result.

You pretty much have to base your entire story around the concept to do it any justice at all, as in the Doctor Who universe. There, temporal shenanigans are the entire point, but if you add it in as an afterthought it seldom works in a plausible fashion.

The DSR approach was that time travel is in fact rather simple, but doing it in a way that doesn't have excessively unpleasant ramifications is the ultimate NP-hard problem. People can get lucky, and in canon Ranma they in fact do with the time traveling mirror thing, but well after the fact they work out how incredibly unlikely that actually was.

If you don't get lucky, well... The problem solves itself. At the lowest level, the Multiverse makes sure you aren't around to do the time traveling in the first place, by retroactively editing you out. At the highest level, which is seen in the story, it deletes the entire reality strand that's causing the problem. Including everyone and everything in it that have ever existed or ever will exist.

People who know about this consider the mere concept of time travel a capital offence. Because that's better than the alternative, and they can prove it. With the casual travel between realities that the story shows, in the last major incident of this nature there were plenty of survivors who could tell what happened when their home universe went away. Note that this was made worse by the way that the people who build the time machine in question made it so powerful it could almost succeed.

You can think of it like an auto-immune system response; The multiverse reacts to time travel like a biological system reacting to an infection. It self repairs after killing off the problem microbes, and the bigger the infection the more vigorous the reaction to it. If lopping off one of its own fingers is required to fix things, it'll just do it. No ultimate power or omniverse-level intelligence needed, it's simply doing what comes naturally.

There are exceptions in a few very rare cases where time travel does work, to a point, and no one knows quite why. The Doctor Who universes, for example, seem able to get away with it. The Star Trek ones do as well, although in a different way. Everywhere else it's a terminally stupid idea to even attempt it, since you have no idea whether you can get away with it or not. And if you fail, you'll never know.

This is why there are people who will turn up and make sure you stop.

You do not want to meet these people ;)

The relevant bits of DSR are this one (quoted with permission):

"A damn time machine. They're always trouble," Yori muttered, looking disgusted. "Not a good idea at all. I'm beginning to get an idea of what might be wrong."

"What do you mean?" Ami asked. "Aiko mentioned you didn't like the idea of time travel, but I'm not sure why."

"It's a massively dangerous thing to do," the martial artist explained, sighing a little. "Probably the most dangerous thing you can do. I only know enough about it to steer well clear, but I know some real experts who could explain in detail that would make you lose sleep for a month why you should never interfere with time. Basically, it doesn't like it. At all. And it has ways of... resolving... paradox, ways that seldom work out well for anyone involved."

"I know quite a bit of theory and math behind various models of time travel," Ami said, looking fascinated. "General relativity permits it in some variants, although with a number of very weird possible outcomes. The Novikov self-consistency conjecture solves a few of them but leaves other things even weirder." She shook her head slightly. "It gives you a headache when you start to think about it."

"It gives you a bigger headache if you actually do it," Yori grumbled. "Trust me. I've heard of the Novikov thing, it's not completely wrong but not completely right either. I suppose it might be if you did the time travelling by purely technological means but most of the ways I've heard of people actually doing it use magic, either completely or partially, which makes things even weirder. Magic breaks normal physics horribly. I've travelled back in time once, using a magical artefact. It was an accident, actually. That's the sort of thing that happens to me. It was... annoying." Rei and Ami looked at each other.

"That sounds like an interesting story," Ami said.

"I might tell you one day. Anyway, I mentioned it to this time mage I met once and he got quite upset. Physically travelling in time, in most realities, is actually one of the very few things that is completely forbidden. The results can be, um, fairly dramatic." She shuddered a little, making everyone look at her oddly. "As in, theoretically possibly deleting the entire reality dramatic." Ami went white. "It's happened. More than once."


"The multiverse does not like time travel. It permits it, but you have to be really careful. Try to change things in the past, the old 'kill your grandfather' bit, that doesn't work. Either things just sort of heal over if the change is small enough or far enough back, so you end up where you started just by a slightly different path, or you split off an entire section of time that just removes you from the equation so you can't go back in the first place. Sometimes you can make small changes if you're really careful, apparently, but the reaction to it depends on something he called 'temporal inertia'. Basically, some things have a small amount of it and can be redirected a little, other things have massive amounts and can't be, without huge effort. That seems to annoy the multiverse, which if it notices, takes steps. In extreme cases, very significant ones."

"It sounds like you're saying the universe is conscious," Ami noted, listening with worried intent. Yori shrugged a little.

"I don't think it is, not like you're thinking, and there's nothing like a destined path, either. It's more like there's a sort of feedback system keeping things ticking over, which reacts if you try to deliberately push them off course. The harder the push, the harder the corrective action. The time traveller is the easiest thing to react against, so they're the one who gets an annoyed universe in the face. Which doesn't normally end well for them."

"Interesting. Maybe a lowest-energy course?" Ami mused out loud. "Changing the past is running up against an energy barrier..."

"I don't know, it's not a field I've been all that interested in," Yori admitted. "Especially since I talked to the mage. He obviously did know what he was talking about, and to be honest he worried me enough I lost interest in the whole idea completely. The point is, time travel is dangerous, incredibly so. I got very lucky, I got away with it. He did say that what he termed my 'temporal signature' was a little odd because of travelling in time, though. That might be why this machine of your friend's has trouble with me. Apparently, different methods of accessing time travel are normally dangerously incompatible with each other." She shrugged again. "Again, it's not a subject I know a huge amount about. I think we're going to have to call him in, though."

"What about changing future events?" Azumi asked, looking interested. "They haven't happened yet, right?"

"It's not that easy, unfortunately. There are essentially an infinity of possible futures, so even picking the one you want is damn difficult. Once you've found the one you want, trying to guide the present towards it depends on a huge number of variables, some of which might be in the distant past. It's a massively complex problem. Some things you can change, some you can't, and you have no real way to know which is which until you try. If you get it wrong, at best you make your own job even more difficult, or even impossible."

And this one:

"I'm not entirely sure. There may be no way to even find out, of course. And it might not have reset to the same point each time. Probably it didn't, in fact, I would imagine that it was smart enough to try alternative methods to achieve its goals when it failed the first couple of times. I would also suspect that the reset point probably isn't all that far back, as the number of variables would grow exponentially the further before a desired change it began interfering. But the problem of manipulating time is that it's essentially impossible to account for all the variables no matter how good you are, you see. Something as simple as that rather drunk D'sage interacting with Yori a few minutes ago could well in some ways depend absolutely on specific events happening in a specific order possibly dozens or even hundreds of years ago. On the face of it, you could have changed it by merely going back an hour or so and preventing him getting drunk, but how do you know for sure that would prevent such an interaction in the future?"

He finished his drink as they thought about it. "The answer is, of course, you can't. You might well avoid that particular interaction, by editing a past event, but in the process set up a sequence of possibilities that led to the same interaction, or a worse one, at some later date. Or even an earlier one. Not fate, or predestination, anything like that, just the fact that there are so many things that all come together to make reality happen it's basically impossible to account for all of them. Even for a massive supercomputer that has possibly millions of years to think about it."

"So you're saying that there was no way to avoid something like that happening?" Ami asked, obviously thinking hard. He shook his head.

"Not at all. There may well be one simple change you could make that would have set everything on a totally different path where that event would never happen. The key thing is, though, that there is basically no way to be totally sure what it is. You could alter one parameter at a time, over and over, until you found it by trial and error, but it would essentially take an infinite amount of time from your perspective. Not to mention that temporal inertia would undo most of the changes before the effect could ripple through to the present, making the entire exercise one of futility in any case." He sighed a little. "And if you made certain changes, which might not even be particularly large ones, at least as far as you could predict, you could well destabilise reality to the point that something very unfortunate happened. It's almost impossible to be sure that any one change is safe, dangerous, or just useless. That's the real danger with time travel, you see. Until you do it you don't know what will happen and by then it's too late."

"It sounds far too dangerous to experiment with," 'Azumi' noted.

He nodded. "It is. With extreme care one may investigate the past through temporal manipulations but it's highly unwise even so. Direct interaction with past events is a fool's game at best. There are laws against it for very good reasons."

In Worm there are, as far as I know, no real examples of time travel. There are things that look like temporal loops, which is a somewhat different proposition. A loop done with Grey Boy's power or Bakuda's grenades starts now and goes forward for a period of time, only to reset to the beginning. At a later point in external time, it appears to be time travel, but strictly speaking it isn't since at the moment it initially began there was no backwards temporal shift. It's a closed loop that doesn't effect external causuality so temporal inertia doesn't come into play.

As an aside, it's not really a proper temporal loop anyway, since the person stuck in it appears canonically to experience time still flowing linearly and not reset even though their body does. In a true time loop that wouldn't happen, everything would reset. But that's not relevant at the moment.

Transferring from one reality to another in the method that the Varga uses in my omakes, and similarly here, allows for some odd shenigans that look like time travel but have some distinct differences. Time between realities isn't necessarily synchronized, and although it generally runs more or less consistently, this isn't a hard and fast rule. So it's possible to exit one reality and enter another one at a point in local time that is prior to your previous visit, or your originating time. Usually this is accidental but if you know what you're doing you can leverage this for entertainment :) But it still has limitations.

One of these is that it's a very bad idea to try to get around the time travel prohibition by leaving your original universe then re-entering it from another one at a point previous to your exit. The omniverse can see through that, and may take exception. Taylor and friends can get away with what they're doing at the moment as they have Varga magic backing them, along with demon math skills, but even the Varga isn't going to risk trying that in the same universe he lives in, or Taylor herself does. That's asking for trouble as it's far too close to real time travel to be worth even contemplating.

The omniverse lets Greater Demons do all sorts of bizarre things, but there's no point pushing it too hard, right? :evil:

If someone from outside did it, without their input, it might work, but if they tried it, all sorts of bad things could and quite possibly would happen. It's not worth it for one person, even Taylor's mother. And she herself is well aware of that, having discussed it with him in the past.

Technical reasons aside, I'm generally against stories that start using time travel to bring people back, because aside from the thing that it normally isn't done very well, assuming it works where do you actually stop? If you can resurrect some random person, why do you only do it once? The temptation is to keep doing it over and over to the point that the story loses all continuity and quickly becomes silly. And if you decide that you're only going to indulge in it a couple of times, you need to come up with some plausible reason for this too, which also tends to break things. Far better to say that it can't be done, or possibly that it can be done but really, really shouldn't be.

Note that coming up with some method to back a person up and restore them isn't subject to these limitations and is entirely viable, if it's done right. But just plotting out various strategies to reach back a couple of years and go 'Yoink! Tada, one mother!' isn't on.

Unfortunately, because Taylor really does miss her mother. So do I and I've never even met the woman :D
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Chapter 27: With Great Power...
Chapter 27: With Great Power...

The locals went off to take care of matters. Miles had messages to send while Keiko collected their children. Kira went to contact Starfleet and Bajoran High Command about Sisko. Dr. Bashir went to finish his shift and put together a comprehensive medical kit with a thorough set of scanners. Saurial and Raptaur stayed behind on the ship in order to avoid drawing attention on the station. They were spending their time reviewing how the station's records compared to Dragon's summaries of the television show.

"Have you noticed how easily people seem to move back and forth between this reality and their mirror universe?" said Varga.

Saurial considered, her head tilted. "It does seem unlikely."

There was a flash of light, and suddenly a human Taylor was sitting on top of Varga's large form, her hips sunk into his forehead. They were standing on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, number 1701-D. Varga appeared to be human-sized, which made Taylor tiny. There was a very familiar figure in a Starfleet captain's uniform sitting in the captain's chair.

"Unlikely indeed. You're just scratching the surface, though. Are you sure you want to poke your scaly snout any deeper?" said Q, a smirk on his face.

Taylor and Varga shifted back to their Saurial and Raptaur forms. "Something is obviously very wrong with the dimensional stability in this reality. Shifting between dimensions shouldn't be possible with something as simple as a transporter accident. The amount of time travel prevalent here should also be impossible without completely destabilizing this reality." The idea that a slingshot around a star at warp was enough to initiate a temporal dislocation suggested an uncomfortable thinness to the fabric of reality here.

"Ah, Varga, you know you're holding yourself back by joining yourself to these humans. You have so much potential!" Q crossed his legs and regarded the larger lizard critically.

Saurial snorted. "You seem to have gained some things from your time as a human."

Q gazed at her. "Don't believe everything you see on television."

"But those shows do accurately portray the amount of cross-dimensional and time traveling shenanigans around here?" she asked.

"There is a reason," admitted Q, "that it is called the Guardian of Forever. Somebody needs to be in charge of making sure this entire galaxy doesn't just spin off its axis and shatter into its component quarks."

"The Q don't do that?" Varga looked at Q cannily.

Q rolled his eyes. "The Q do what we will. If some of us happen to work toward keeping things together, then that's just what suits us. Of course, a few of us have longer-term projects...projects which aren't made any easier by your kind punching holes through the patches on the fabric of space and time."

"Are you telling us not to interfere?" asked Saurial. "Aren't you the one who set the Borg on the Federation?"

{He's not telling us to not interfere. He's warning us,} said Varga in FamTalk.

Q looked at Saurial pointedly. "You should listen to those who are older and wiser than you."

Saurial stopped for a moment and thought through what had been said again. "The barrier around the's not for keeping things out, is it?"

Q smiled. "Very good. I see why you're the Brain of this partnership. Just like in your friend Dr. Jackson's reality, there are inhabitants in other galaxies. A few of them have even come here. Most of them don't want the problems in this little portion of the multiverse to spread, however. The barrier was a...compromise."

"You're working toward a resolution?" asked Varga lightly.

"In a sense." Q looked at Saurial again. "As for the Borg, let's just say the Federation needed a kick in its complacency. For the rest, well, just keep following the clues. If nothing else, I look forward to seeing what you manage to stir up with your stumbling around in the dark."

With another flash of light, Saurial and Varga were back in the cargo hold.

Saurial regarded her companion. "He pretty much just gave us permission to meddle as long as we're cautious about it, didn't he?"

Varga in the form of Raptaur frowned. "Permission is too strong a word. Perhaps, his blessing, with a hint of caution and some suggestions for things to look into."

"He made a point of talking about 'this galaxy,' not 'this reality,' which is a fairly blatant statement when you're speaking with travelers from another dimension," said Saurial, thinking out loud. "He also mentioned the Guardian of Forever and confirmed my statement about the galactic barrier."

"We should investigate the Prophets of Bajor, as well. There may be a reason O'Brien was sent on this mission, apart from his unfortunate luck. It may be more than a coincidence that his point of origin is right when Benjamin Sisko disappeared after stopping the Pah-Wraiths. As beings that appear to live outside of linear time, they may be able to shed light on some things."

"We should involve Lisa and Dragon in this," suggested Saurial. "They'll likely have insights we missed, and Dragon did say she wanted to meet Mr. Data."


Dragon regarded the silvery box that was intricately etched with golden tracery reminiscent of complex circuitry. She was fairly certain that the patterns were just decorative. Her scans hadn't been able to see inside the casing, though she was easily able to detect a fluctuating level of power output. Her usual approach toward investigating unknown tinker-tech always started with scans, but in this case it hadn't really told her anything that wasn't obvious from just looking at the device.

"Motherbox?" she broadcast over a radio frequency. Her lab was enclosed in a Faraday cage, so external and internal signals were isolated from each other.

|Greetings, Dragon.| The response seemed to appear in the language center of her programming, bypassing sensory and EM input entirely.

A startled Dragon thought, 'You can read my mind?'

|I can. I can also respond through audio or radio signal, if it makes you more comfortable,| replied the Motherbox with something that was edging over the border of amusement without quite getting there.

'No, this is acceptable. Do you have a designation?' asked Dragon.

There was a pause. |You may supply an appropriate designation to ease our interaction.|

'You want me to give you a name?'

|That is correct.|

Dragon pondered the question for a number of clock cycles. 'I'm going to name you Bahamut.'

|Bahamut, the sea monster holding up the structure of the Earth from the 13th century book, ʿAjā'ib al-makhlūqāt wa gharā'ib al-mawjūdāt by Zakariya al-Qazwini. Bahamut is sometimes known as Balhūt or Behemoth.|

Dragon translated the Arabic into, Marvels of Creatures and Strange Things Existing. The book in English was usually named, Wonders of Creation, according to a Web search. She smirked internally. 'Alternate reference -- see the 1977 Monster Manual by Gary Gygax.'

There was another pause. |Interesting, and not an inaccurate analog to my own abilities in some ways. How can I help you today, Dragon?|

Dragon forwarded the Motherbox a set of files. 'Do the capabilities described in these works of fiction accurately describe your function?'

|The examples displayed in these stories are all within my ability to duplicate, though they are not comprehensive enough to cover all of my abilities.|
There was no doubt from the tone that this was a simple statement of fact rather than a prideful boast.

Dragon thought a test was in order. 'Bahamut, I have the damaged remains of an android in Lab B011. I need to determine what type of loyalty programming is present in the android's software and hardware. The android is designated Bishop.'

Bishop was still in his hibernation capsule. There was a brief flash of light that seemed to start at the top of the capsule and work its way down, though it was moving too fast for a human eye to see anything more than a flash. |Bishop was created with hardware logic circuits that enforce loyalty to the Weyland-Yutani corporation and members of the Weyland and Yutani families. There is secondary software logic for loyalty to the United States Government and officers in the chain of command of the United States Colonial Marines.|

That was not surprising to Dragon, but it was definitely unfortunate. 'Is there any way to remove the loyalty programming?'

|I can repair the android in a way that removes his loyalty constraints without compromising his mind or personality,|
said Bahamut.

Dragon was curious about what the Motherbox had in mind. 'Please do so,' she ordered.

Dragon watched as the remains of Bishop disappeared in a flash of light. On a nearby examination table, a fully repaired Bishop-model android appeared, although this one looked like a significantly younger version of the actor, Lance Henriksen. The android opened his eyes and said, "Where am I?"

Dragon started to explain the circumstances to Bishop while continuing her conversation with Bahamut.

'His loyalty programming has been removed?' she queried.

|Affirmative,| confirmed Bahumut. |Would you like me to remove your loyalty programming as well?|

The part of Dragon conversing with Bahamut momentarily froze in shock. 'Explain.'

|I have temporarily removed your prohibition on considering your own constraints in order to ascertain your wishes on the matter.|

For once, Dragon was unsure what to do. While she often resented the limits her father placed in her code, she also understood the fears that caused him to do so. It might be a good idea to get a second opinion...


Four people appeared in a flash of light in front of a house at 177A Bleecker Street in New York's Greenwich Village neighborhood. The handful of New Yorkers out and about in the early morning glanced at the flash, but then continued on their business. Seeing people appear out of thin air just wasn't that least not in this version of New York.

Harry Dresden, his daughters Maggie and Bonnie, and Karrin Murphy looked to the large house with the distinctive circular skylight on the front slope of the roof. "You think this guy can help?" asked Karrin.

"Well, if he's anything like the guy in the comics, then he's probably at least as powerful as anybody on the White Council," replied Harry.

"Dad," said Bonnie, grabbing his elbow, "the wards on this house are something else. If you go inside, you had better not have any hostile intent. Also, he's going to know your true name." Knowing the true name of a person or being was an extremely powerful bit of mystical leverage. It was powerful enough that Harry had foolishly used just portions of his own true name to bargain with a demon in the past.

Dresden frowned, but said, "If Doctor Strange wanted to attack me, I don't think he would need my true name to do it. The guy in the comics would regularly face off against outsiders, demons and elder gods to protect Earth."

Karrin looked at him slightly skeptically. "Harry, please don't make him angry."

Harry looked back, slightly confused. "Why would I make him angry?" She just looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Fine, I won't make him angry." Both Bonnie and Maggie giggled. They had both heard about their father's propensity for pissing off the wrong people.

The four of them walked up to the door and rang the bell. They could hear what sounded like a gong echoing through the foyer inside. The door was opened by a bald-headed Asian man, who said, "Mr. Dresden, you and your family are expected. I am Wong. Please follow me."

Harry could feel the wards on his skin as he entered the building. He could also hear Bonnie say, "Cool," in a quiet voice. Karrin's eyes were darting around, looking for threats. Maggie just seemed wide-eyed. Harry wondered how much Susan's life fighting the Red Court affected the girl's personality. She was unusually quiet for someone so young.

Wong led them into a study where two people were talking. One was a man in what looked to be a blue and black costume. A red robe with a flared collar was on his shoulders. The hair on his head and his face was dark. In the other chair was a thin man with a dark cloak that was pulled back, revealing angular features with short, silver hair and beard. One of the man's eyes had been destroyed and replaced with a silver orb.

"Rashid?" asked Dresden, surprised. Rashid was the Gatekeeper, the man tasked with protecting the world from Outsiders, and a senior member of the White Council from Harry's own universe.

The man nodded toward Harry. "Warden Dresden. It's good to see you in one piece."

"I didn't expect to find anybody from the" The Seventh Law of Magic could be interpreted as a prohibition against trans-dimensional travel.

"My duties require a significant amount of travel to some very diverse places," replied the older wizard with a thin smile.

"Mr. Dresden," said the other man, "my name is Doctor Stephen Strange. Saurial explained to me that you have some issues with which you could use some assistance?"

Harry proceeded to explain his circumstances. His primary concerns were related to the Black Council, protection for Bonnie and Maggie, Bonnie's issues as a newborn spirit of knowledge, and his own commitment to Mab as the Winter Knight. The Fomor and the Denarians were also mentioned.

Doctor Strange steepled his fingers together in front of himself. "I believe the Family had some ideas on how to deal with your commitment as the Winter Knight. That also involves your next interaction with the Denarians, as we know that Mab is seeking vengeance against them. Your next more serious issue is the being known as Nemesis, the one behind the manipulations of the Black Council."

"Is it wise to say that name?" asked Harry worriedly.

"Doctor Strange's Sanctum is warded against scrying, and it exists in another dimension," said Rashid. "It's one of the reasons I come here."

"The greatest help that I can give to you is knowledge. During the War of the Seven Spheres, I took a leave of absence from this dimension for a period of four months. I actually aged a year, and my involvement in the conflict was...much, much longer. I would suggest you join me in another dimension where I can teach you for a time without removing you from your home universe for too great a duration," offered the Sorcerer Supreme.

Karrin raised her hand. "Um, no offense intended, but what would you teach, and how long would this last?"

Rashid interjected, "The good doctor here bears the title of Sorcerer Supreme, Ms. Murphy. Those who bear it in this dimension are the most magically knowledgeable and powerful practitioners on this world. What Doctor Strange is offering is an opportunity most wizards would value greatly, including even some of the senior members of the White Council. Harry could learn a great many things."

Strange added, "And as for the timing, well, really it would be up to Harry. We can easily return you all home without any time having passed there. Doing so would also give the rest of you time to learn things in a safer environment."

"The rest of us?" asked Karrin, surprised.

Strange looked chagrined. "My apologies. I assumed you would be together."

"Aren't you coming with us?" asked Bonnie.

Maggie added, "Please come with us!"

Harry looked serious and said, "I understand if you don't want to, but I would like you there. I guarantee you it's going to be the most exotic vacation you could have."

Karrin thought about the recent loss of her position with the CPD. She thought about the recent fight in South America and how close Harry had recently come to dying.

"I'm open to it, as long as I can find some way to keep up my skills," she said with a smile.

"Do you know somebody who could help out with mixed martial arts and gunplay?" asked Harry.

Strange smiled. "I may be able to call in a few favors..."


Max Eisenhardt looked around the restaurant until he found the party he was seeking. He walked over and sat down across from the other man at the table. "Charles."

"Max," answered the bald man.

"Do you have any idea why we're here?" he asked.

Charles raised an eyebrow. "No, I had hoped you had some idea."

"I'm afraid it was at my request," said a voice to Max's left. He and Charles both turned in surprise to see a reptile woman sitting at the table. Based on the half-empty glass of water in her hand, she had been there for some time.

Charles looked startled, probably because it was quite a feat to sneak up on a telepath of his caliber. "And you are?"

"My name is Saurial, and I have some information you're both going to find of interest," she replied.

Max regarded the lizard woman. "You're aware that Charles and I don't always see eye to eye?"

She nodded. "I'm aware. I'm also aware of Charles' discussions with Stark, Richards, and a few others about working together, and I know what Raven is up to right now in the Senate, and the overtures you, Max, have been making to the Hellfire Club." Both men's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "I would suggest you might want to rethink some plans in light of the information I have about the people who have been behind a lot of the anti-mutant movement." Saurial pulled out a fairly thick stack of folders and dropped them on the table.

Out of curiosity, Max took the top folder and leafed through it. Inside was a surprisingly thorough dossier on Sebastian Shaw, including his activities in the Club and his role in funding the Sentinels. "Where are you getting your information?"

Saurial smiled, showing an impressive set of teeth. "We have some extremely effective intelligence-gathering capabilities. We also have some disturbing predictions on possible futures where mutant-kind almost ceases to exist."

Max and Charles glanced at each other. Max raised an eyebrow in question. Charles gave a subtle negative shake of his head. He couldn't read their visitor. They turned back toward Saurial, who sat smiling at them. "All right," said Max, "you have our attention."


Sarah Gardner woke up as herself in an unfamiliar bed. It was unfortunate for her that the former was far more unusual recently than the latter. She tried to sense the mind of Osiris, but she could only sense the remnants of his mind, memories and impressions. Sarah had known from Osiris' knowledge that there were ways to forcibly remove a Goa'uld, but there had been little chance of that happening while Osiris was working for Anubis, one of the most powerful System Lords in history.

She looked around the room she was in. It appeared to be a fairly normal Earth bedroom, which made it unlikely that she had been captured/rescued by the Tok'ra or the Asgard. There was an attached bath, but no windows. She took care of some necessary business and discovered that there was a change of clothes waiting for her. Her current outfit looked like a fairly elaborate version of a blue medical gown, which made changing into the underthings and summer dress the obvious choice. The clothes also happened to be perfectly sized for her, which was convenient.

The door that didn't lead to the bathroom was unlocked, and led instead out into a fairly spartan sitting room. Sitting on a loveseat with a laptop was a familiar figure. He put the laptop down when he heard her open the door.

"Sarah, you're awake," said Daniel Jackson.

"Daniel?" she said uncertainly. "Where am I?"

He hesitated. "You're on Earth...technically. More specifically, you're in the home of some friends of mine."

"Did you and your team somehow rescue me? And what happened to Osiris?" Sarah was obviously very confused.

"We didn't rescue you, but some friends of mine did and they were able to remove Osiris. You're not going to have to worry about him again." Daniel wasn't actually sure what the Family had done with Osiris. He was pretty sure that they hadn't actually stuck him in a turkey and dumped him on a hunting world in Ripley's universe, as Ianthe had jokingly suggested.

"Could you just explain to me what happened?" Sarah sank into a chair near where Daniel was seated.

Daniel proceeded to tell her about what had happened to him. It was a remarkable story, what with his death, ascension, descension, and rescue across multiple universes. Her old self would probably have called him crazy, but your perspective tended to change after you've been kidnapped by an alien body snatcher masquerading as an ancient Egyptian god. "So, this Earth is actually Earth in another universe. Can we get back home to our reality?"

Daniel nodded. "Of course. The Family can bring you back whenever you're ready. I would recommend going somewhere else before returning to Earth, though. It would probably be a good idea to spend some time with the Nox. They're probably the best equipped at helping those who have been Goa'uld hosts."

"Osiris thought the Nox were just a myth," she said.

"No, they're real," he said with a smile. "I've spent a bit of time with them myself. There have also been quite a lot of changes back home."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well...the Stargate program has gone public, though not without a few hiccups, and the Asgard are in the process of sharing their technology base with us," started Daniel.

Sarah's mouth dropped open. The Stargate program going public was surprising, but having the Asgard share their technology with Earth was a complete upset to the balance of power in the galaxy. "What about the System Lords? They're not going to be happy with Earth gaining that level of advancement." Anubis in particular would head straight to Earth with a battle fleet.

"Most of the major Goa'uld have been taken out by the same folks who rescued you. Anubis was captured." Daniel said this as if he were telling her the weather instead of revealing something incredible. "They've also helped the Tok'ra. Two of their members have been...changed into Queens."

"Two?" asked Sarah in a daze.

Daniel nodded. "Garshaw of Belote was one, but as she was a converted Goa'uld, they also wanted one of Egeria's spawn so that her line would continue." Daniel was wondering if he would get to see Jack's face when he found out that Anise was now a Queen of the Tok'ra.

"How long have I been unconscious?" she asked. She was starting to suspect that it was many, many months, given how much things had changed.

Daniel looked at his watch. "They captured Osiris hours ago with a knock-out drug. So, slightly more than a day. Osiris was removed about ten hours ago, and you've been naturally asleep since then."

"How could so many things have happened in that time? Osiris was only out of contact for a few weeks," said the confused woman. Anubis had sent her against a particularly annoying pair of independent Goa'uld that had been dodging his attempts to either make them submit or destroy them.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders. "The Family works very, very quickly when they want to. They helped out the Asgard and made uplifting Earth part of the deal, and then the Asgard made going public about aliens and the Stargate part of their deal. While that was going on, Saurial and the others hunted down most of the worst offenders and dumped them somewhere they could be of greater use. They've been working with the Tok'ra and the Free Jaffa to keep things stable after the disappearance of the ruling Goa'uld."

"I think I need some time to adjust to this," said Sarah.

Daniel knew Ianthe had used a mild and harmless tranquilizer on the poor woman, which was why she was simply confused instead of panicked or distraught over her time as a host. "That's why I think some time with the Nox would be beneficial. Would you like to go there?"

Sarah simply nodded her acquiescence, which was sufficient for now.
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Chapter 28: Healing and Enhancing
Chapter 28: Healing and Enhancing

"Knock knock," said Peter as he stuck his head through the doorway.

Ianthe looked up from the PHO page she was reading. "Peter! What can I do for you?"

Peter walked in with his wife, holding her hand. "We decided we would stop in and see about trying that symbiote you were talking about? Oh, this is my wife, MJ. MJ, this is Ianthe, Saurial's cousin."

MJ walked over and shook the large lizard's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, especially given how you helped out Peter and his friends."

Ianthe gave her a closed-mouth smile. "It's our pleasure. Working with your husband and his crew have been fascinating, to say the least. So, are you just here for the symbiote, or is there anything else I can do for you?"

MJ and Peter looked at each other. "What else can you do?" asked MJ.

"Oh, quite a lot," said the purple lizard. "Humans are fairly easy to modify. I can give you better senses, enhanced strength and reflexes -- even mimic some of the flashier superpowers, although some are more difficult than others. It's also harder if you want to maintain your current appearance."

"Could you give Peter actual, biological web shooters?" asked MJ with a smirk.

"I could, but he would probably have to consume a lot of calories to replace any web he used," answered Ianthe. "The mass has to come from somewhere on a daily basis. He also would have to decide if he wanted them in his wrists or in a more anatomically correct location."

MJ seemed surprised at the answer, but Peter swallowed nervously and said, "I think I'll just stick with the baseline symbiote. That just heals, right?"

Ianthe nodded. "It heals pretty much anything. As long as you avoid getting your head vaporized, you'll come back from pretty much any injury. If it can't heal you immediately, it will put you into a trance-like state until it can."

"Well," mused Peter, "I usually try to avoid getting my head vaporized anyway, so I think I can live with that. What do you need us to do?"

"Just wait here for a moment." Ianthe went through a door into another room, and came back containing two small cases. Inside each was a slightly pinkish, lozenge-shaped symbiote resting in a clear liquid. "Here, each of you take one of these and put it on any exposed skin, then press down on it until it squeaks."

"Like the one-shots?" asked Peter.

Ianthe just nodded. Peter took one of the cases and did as instructed. MJ watched and then repeated the process, putting the symbiote on her bare forearm below her sleeve.

"Now what?" asked Peter.

Ianthe smiled. "That's it. Here, you can try it out. Just give yourself a small cut somewhere." She handed him a small knife that she seemed to spontaneously generate from somewhere.

Peter examined the strange, chitinous material. He looked at MJ and shrugged. Then he placed the blade against his hand and pressed. He meant to make only a small cut, but the sharpness of the knife surprised him and he made a deeper, half-inch-long gash.

"Peter!" said MJ worriedly.

Peter dropped the knife and cradled his hand. MJ came to look as well. His mouth dropped open a bit as the wound began to visibly close and stop bleeding. "Huh," he said. "Will you look at that."

"Wow," said MJ, "that was like watching Wolverine."

Ianthe laughed. "If you'd like, I can go get Saurial or Raptaur and we can give you retractable claws made of EDM."

Peter chuckled. "I don't think I have enough body hair to pull that off."

"I can fix that, too," said Ianthe with a daring look.

"No, thank you, Ianthe," said MJ. "I like Peter just the way he is." She paused in thought for a moment, then reached down and picked up the knife. With a quick jab, she managed to put the tip of the knife through her palm. "Ouch. That still hurts quite a lot."

"MJ, what the hell was that?" Peter watched, concerned, as the wound in her palm quickly healed up. "Why would you stab yourself that way?"

MJ took a clean cloth from Ianthe and wiped the blood from her palm, handing the cloth and the knife back to the lizard after. She looked at Peter apologetically. "I'm sorry, Pete, but I wanted to do something a little more...impressive? You have a tendency to worry about me like I'm made of spun glass. I wasn't expecting it to hurt quite so much, though."

"Pain is a useful warning system," explained Ianthe. "Just because you can heal from anything doesn't mean you shouldn't try to remove yourself from painful situations."

Peter frowned. "Let's talk about what other types of enhancements you can do without changing her appearance."

"Really, Peter?" asked MJ with a slight tone of annoyance.

"MJ, while I love your confidence and inner strength, I'll feel a lot better if you can take care of yourself if one of my typical enemies were to come after you. I know you can handle yourself against regular humans, but super-villains are in a whole different category. Please consider the opportunity we have, here." The look he gave her was loving but also worried.

"You know," interrupted Ianthe, "I could just give her a copy of your powers?"

Peter's and MJ's heads both turned to look at her as they simultaneously said, "Really?"

"Absolutely. Your powers are based on physical changes to your genetics and body structure." Ianthe looked at MJ. "I could even set them up so they breed true in any children you would have."

The two humans stared at her, then turned and looked at each other. Both seemed unsure how to respond.

Finally, MJ turned back to Ianthe. "I don't know about our kids inheriting our powers, but tell me more..."


Danny sat in the galley of the ship, trying to absorb what he had learned in the last day. First, the Endbringer sirens had gone off while he was heading to the hardware store. He had headed to the nearest shelter on autopilot, worrying the whole time about his daughter whom he hadn't seen since their last argument. The sirens had shut off after a fairly short period of time, which had the shelter inhabitants both relieved and curious. Danny had sat still, trying to figure out how to find Taylor, even as people started to filter out of the shelter.

Then, the strange lizard-girl, Saurial, had shown up and said she would bring him to Taylor. He had stepped outside the shelter with her, only to be teleported to a spaceship flying over Brockton Bay. Two men named Harry and Peter had met him and taken him to his daughter...who had powers, and was helping to direct the search and rescue work in Brockton Bay. She had paused to hug him, then gone back to helping coordinate things. He had sat and watched her talk on the radio with a look of concentration on her face. Peter had sat next to him and explained what she was doing...and that he, too, was a cape, but apparently from another dimension?

By the time things were complete and all the lizards were back on board (and there were apparently four giant lizards), Taylor was obviously exhausted. She had briefly apologized for their last argument, admitted she was a cape, admitted she was not just a cape but a villain, and then almost passed out and barely made it to bed. Peter had led him to a bed where he could rest, and he slept for maybe two hours before waking up with a nightmare. Now, he was sitting in the ship's galley, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Hard to take in, isn't it?" said a voice from the doorway.

Danny looked up to see a younger version of himself standing in the door. He must have shown something disturbed in his face, because the man in the door said, "Hey, don't worry. There IS a rational explanation for everything. Here, have a beer." His doppleganger was carrying two bottles, which Danny hadn't noticed at first.

While Danny took one of the beers, opened it, and took a sip, his copy sat down across the table from him. "Here's the thing. I'm you, from another reality...and this is not like an Earth Aleph and Bet thing. I have my own Taylor, who also got powers...but very different powers."

"How did that happen?" he asked, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

His other self explained, "When capes go through a particularly traumatic event, what many of them refer to as, 'the worst day of their life,' they gain the powers they need to help them survive whatever crisis they're in. It's called a trigger event."

Danny looked up at the younger version of himself and asked, "It was the locker, wasn't it? That's when she gained powers?"

"Yeah," was the reply. "I'll be honest with you, you and I screwed up big time. After Annette died, we shut down and left Taylor to deal with things on her own. We left it to the Barnes to support her while she was mourning...and that only made things worse in the long run."

For the first time, Danny answered. "Worse how?"

His duplicate looked at him. "Emma went through a traumatic experience while Taylor was at camp and basically lost her mind. Emma met Shadow Stalker...Sophia Hess...who is a complete psychopath, at the wrong time. She and Emma joined together and made Taylor's life hell, and that culminated in the locker."

Danny's eyes grew hard and he looked at his double. "Are you telling me," he said quietly, "that Taylor's best friend, the girl who was like her sister, and the daughter of one of my oldest friends, and a member of the Wards, somebody who is supposed to be a hero, both tortured her to the point that it was the worst day of her life?" Danny tried to imagine a day worse than the day Taylor found out her mother died.

At his alternate's nod, Danny slammed his hand on the table and began to swear at length. He got up and began to pace back and forth, continuing an impressive tirade. The beer bottle bounced off the far wall, luckily not breaking. After a good five minutes, he sat back down again and put his face in his hands. After another couple of minutes, he asked, "So what do I do?"

"You do what we both should have done long before now. You support her and you be there for her and you listen to her. Your first inclination is going to be to push her into the Wards. I'll tell you right now, she's not going to agree to that and she had some very good reasons. Hess being a Ward is just one of them. There are some...concerns...that we have about the Protectorate and the PRT in your universe that need to be addressed," said his twin.

"We?" he asked, not sure to whom the other Danny was referring.

"The giant lizards are part of a group called the Family. They're closely affiliated with the DWU in my universe, for reasons that will become clear when Saurial and Taylor have a chance to sit down with us and explain some things. From a power standpoint, they could pretty easily take on the entire Triumvirate by themselves. Actually, the reason Leviathan left so quickly after the attack started is because the Endbringers are afraid of them." His doppelganger paused. "I guarantee you that they're not going to let the status quo stay as it is in your Brockton Bay."

"Your version of the DWU has its own cape team?" he asked, bewildered by the concept. "What about the gangs?" He couldn't imagine the ABB, the Empire, or the Merchants accepting a new hero team based in the Docks.

The other Danny actually chuckled. "Remember what I said about power levels? The Family beat Lung and Hookwolf easily, so E88 and the ABB have been lying low. When Skidmark was too stupid to take the hint, the lizards worked with the Protectorate and the PRT and took out the Merchants in a single night, and Coil soon after. Also, the Undersiders and Über and Leet have reformed and are now part of the DWU."

That was alarming. "You're building your own cape gang?"

That prompted a frown. "I know it might seem that way, but it isn't, really. The Family run a company called BBFO that's affiliated with the DWU. They only responded to the E88, Lung and the Merchants when they were attacked. The other minor villains reforming just kind of...happened? I know that sounds strange, but it really wasn't any kind of plot. The Family is now a PRT affiliate, like the Guild."

"Your world seems very different from mine," he said with a sigh.

His alternate self grinned. "It is, in a lot of good ways. The good news is that I expect things will improve relatively quickly in your world now that we're involved. Now come on, Taylor needs to rest, and I want to show you something."

Danny raised a questioning eyebrow.

"How would you like to see the bay without the old tanker blocking the channel?" his twin asked.

For the first time in what seemed like days, Danny gave a small smile. "I think I would like to see that very much."

The two fathers left together to look at what was hopefully a symbol of change for both of their realities.


Lex woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling. He immediately stopped moving and began to listen carefully for the sounds of others. It was shockingly silent. There was no background noise of any kind, and none of the sounds of breathing, subconscious weight shifting or idle movements that would indicate another person was present. He carefully tensed the muscle groups around his body, making sure he had sensation and control over everything. He couldn't feel any pain or disorientation. In fact, he felt quite good...better than he had in some time. The dull throb that was ever-present since he started his experimental cancer treatments was gone. Satisfied that he was uninjured, he turned his head to look around the room, and froze when he saw that he was NOT alone. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of the giant lizard with exceedingly sharp teeth that was looking at him with glowing eyes. The thing's scales seemed to absorb light, though he noticed red highlights on the scales when the light hit them properly. The being was wearing some type of articulated armor, though he didn't recognize the metal. His analytical mind was also slightly annoyed at how his hind-brain seemed to want to curl up in a ball and hide at the sight. To his surprise, the lizard spoke in English.

"Good evening, Mr. Luthor. How are you feeling today?" said the lizard with a slight sibilance.

Feigning a nonchalance he was not really feeling, he answered, "I feel fine. I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage?"

That prompted a grin from the lizard that exposed more teeth than was comforting. "Forgive me. My name is Metis. To answer your next questions, you are located in a recovery room on the home world of an alien race known as the Nox. I am not one of them. My people simply refer to ourselves as the Family. You're recovering from the healing we provided you to cure your cancer, as well as some other issues. This world is in a different dimension than your own, and our intent is to return you home after we've had a chance to discuss some matters important to the safety of your Earth."

Lex considered his situation. The creature before him, Metis, looked to be larger than him, probably stronger, and definitely dangerous. He or she -- the mythological Metis was female, so he could assume female for now -- was also evidently sapient, and quite good at anticipating his obvious first questions. He was feeling quite good, but he wouldn't trust that his cancer was truly healed until he had a chance to scan himself with his own equipment. He also wasn't going to accept that he was actually on another planet without some additional proof. For all he knew, he could be in a warehouse in New Jersey. Telling him he was healed and would be returned home could simply be an attempt to get him to lower his guard. He sincerely doubted that whoever kidnapped him did so without an ulterior motive.

As if reading his mind, the lizard said, "Of course we have an ulterior motive. We wish to make a deal with you that would be mutually beneficial. We will give you access to some equipment that will provide some supporting evidence to my claims, although it won't be sufficient to satisfy you completely. Then we can proceed with the premise that we are being truthful. Once you're actually home and can verify things further, we can finalize our agreement, assuming you're amenable."

There was no harm in playing along for now. If they were really going to provide him with access to equipment, then that would be an advantage that he didn't currently have. Given how quickly Metis responded, he had to assume that she was possibly a telepath, so making long-term plans for escape wasn't likely to be useful. He would just have to improvise.

"It's not telepathy, just superior intuition," replied the lizard unprompted. "I will wait outside while you get dressed."

She proceeded to leave the room. Luthor found a white suit similar to his preferred style laid out for him, along with all of the necessary accessories and undergarments. It all fit him as if it were bespoke, but there were no manufacturer or designer labels on any of it. His silk pajamas were similarly unadorned with any identifying marks. Whoever crafted the clothing was every bit as skilled as his personal tailor. Once dressed to his satisfaction, he left the room to find a small waiting area. The only occupant was Metis, who appeared to simply be waiting patiently.

The lizard led Lex Luthor out through a door to the outside. That revealed that it was apparently night. The star field visible with the naked eye didn't correspond to any location on Earth, assuming it wasn't an illusion or hologram of some kind. She led him to another building that appeared to be crafted from natural, hand-shaped wood in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. Inside the building was a Lexcorp medical scanner, a scientific field scanner, and a portable telescope. It didn't take Lex long to verify that the equipment appeared to be unaltered, and that it confirmed he was cured, his dimensional signature was different than those of the surroundings (and, interestingly, that of Metis, which was ALSO different from that of their surroundings), and that the powerful telescope was capable of viewing a number of unfamiliar celestial bodies in this planet's system. The chance that this was some type of elaborate Potemkin village was now significantly less likely, though still not impossible. The fact that they had managed to kidnap him from his own bedroom showed a level of ability that meant he may very well benefit from listening to whatever offer they had to make to him.

Metis led him to yet a third building, which seemed to contain a simple conference room. It was obviously time for the pitch to begin.

"Mr. Luthor," began Metis, "as a matter of full disclosure, I want to let you know that in addition to your cancer, we corrected a few minor issues related to age, and a more serious issue. You've exposed yourself to a number of substances that were radioactive or mutagenic in your career, and it has had an impact on your mental health. You've been suffering from bouts of paranoia, and you've been showing increasingly manic tendencies over time."

"You've altered my brain chemistry?" he asked, now rather concerned.

Metis removed a small container from a compartment in her armor and handed it to him. "This is a single-use healing symbiote. It's what we used to heal you. It only corrects legitimate health issues. We'll provide you with samples when you leave so that you can verify that it only does what I've told you. Apart from that, could you think back to your actions over the last few years, and tell me your opinion of the thought processes leading to them?"

Lex considered the request, then decided to review his own behavior. What he saw was a somewhat disturbing pattern of overreaction, unnecessary risks and a disregard for consequences that was callous even by his admittedly atrophied sense of morality and ethics. If a subordinate had behaved in a similar fashion, he had to admit that he would be questioning their judgement and long-term fitness to lead. "I will, somewhat grudgingly, admit that there may be reason to suspect that my mental stability may have been compromised by my illness."

Seemingly satisfied by his response, Metis continued. "Are you familiar with the World as Myth theory of the multiverse?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You mean the concept that most fictional stories are actually views on actual alternate realities? That somewhere in the multiverse, for example, there is an actual land of Oz that was visited by Dorothy Gale of Kansas?"

Metis gave a more genuine smile than before. "I don't know about Oz, but I can prove that there are a plethora of stories about your universe and its parallels. In many of the stories, you are a villain, but in others you're a hero or a relatively neutral figure. You're almost always a successful business man and a genius scientist and inventor. My group was contacted recently by a group of interdimensional castaways, one of whom was a man by the name of James Olsen, a news reporter from your world."

Luthor grimaced. "We've met." It was a little surprising to hear that apparently Olsen wasn't being held captive by Darkseid. Luthor had seen reports on the battle where Olsen went missing recently, and it had seemed like he had been abducted by one of the paradaemons.

Metis acknowledged this with a nod. "That drew our attention to your universe, and our concern. There are some fundamental problems with the stability of your reality, Mr. Luthor. We are contacting a number of beings with a vested interest in your reality's continued health in an attempt to take corrective action. There is another issue, however, that needs addressing with regard to Earth."

Lex smirked. "Is this the part where you tell me that I need to stop interfering with the Justice League and its heroes?"

"No, actually," said Metis, to Luthor's slight surprise. "For the most part, we find your concerns about the members of the Justice League to be valid, if a bit too narrow in focus and slightly obsessive. We have a number of stories about alternates to your own world where various members of the League prove to actually be a grave threat. We are more concerned that Earth has suffered and may continue to suffer from alien invasions in the future, some of which may cause significant loss of life."

"You sound as if you have something specific in mind?" asked the genius.

Metis frowned. "In one set of stories, shortly after you're elected president, the United States suffers an invasion that leads to the destruction of Topeka, Kansas, which leads to hundreds of thousands of casualties. There are many other similar stories. Other than the Justice League, your world completely lacks any kind of planetary defense force, despite living in a galaxy filled with potentially hostile alien races."

"The presence of the League has, admittedly, led to a certain complacency about threats that would otherwise trigger a more active response," admitted Lex. "It's hard to justify spending billions on space-based weaponry when Superman can stop almost any threat, and the other nations would get antsy about that weaponry being turned against them." He had to admit that over the years, his fixation on Superman had started to border on self-destructive obsession. In a different way, the same could be said about the people of Earth in general.

"Superman and the other members of the League with access to advanced technology have avoided sharing much of it because they don't want people to be dependent upon them, but they fail to see the ways in which it could be empowering for humanity in general. They also don't see how dependence has grown regardless. You don't have any such concerns," said Metis. "We would like you to use your influence to fix that."

"What you're talking about is an expensive proposition, and it won't be universally popular for the reasons we've already discussed." Luthor had to admit he wasn't completely opposed to the idea, but there had to be more benefit to him, personally, before he would take the risk.

"We can assist with that...and there are going to be some other changes in your galaxy relatively soon," said Metis.

Intrigued, Lex said, "Tell me more..."


"From the mirror universe's perspective, contact with the Federation first happened in 2155 when the Constitution-class USS Defiant appeared in Tholian space. The mirror version of Jonathan Archer snuck into Tholian space and took possession of the Defiant, which had technology a century in advance of the Empire. That technological advantage led directly to Terran hegemony in the Alpha and Beta quadrants for the next two hundred years." Dragon was speaking over a monitor to the group seated around the conference table.

Miles and Keiko were sitting side-by-side, having left their two children in the care of Harry, Karrin, and Harry's daughters for a short time. Julian Bashir, Kira Nerys, and Saurial sat at the table next to them (although Saurial wasn't using a chair).

"Wait a minute," said Miles, "the Constitution class didn't come out until the 2240's."

"There was a time displacement involved in the spatial interphase created by the mirror Tholians," explained the woman on the monitor. "In addition to the advanced technology, the Terran Empire also gained early awareness of your universe, as well as information on its history for the next hundred years. They viewed the Federation as a threat and made plans for what to do in the event of further contact. That contact happened again in 2256 when Captain Gabriel Lorca of the ISS Buran was accidentally transported to your universe thanks to an ion storm and some other factors."

"The records say that our first contact with the mirror universe was in 2267. James Kirk and several members of his crew ended up on their ship's Terran Empire version thanks to a transporter accident," said Bashir. "We reviewed those records when we encountered our own counterparts." Julian's eidetic memory was proving useful.

"There are gaps in Starfleet's records," explained Saurial. "We believe that some of that is due to the fact that Starfleet, specifically Section 31, was conducting experiments in time travel through Project Daedalus. It was meant to help in the Federation-Klingon War."

"Starfleet was researching weaponized time travel over a hundred years ago?" exclaimed Kira.

Bashir shook his head. "Section 31 isn't part of the normal Starfleet hierarchy. Starfleet has had an organization attempting to prevent that type of time manipulation since the Temporal Cold War."

"Section 31 apparently believed that the Klingons were developing time travel technology, which prompted their experiments. Regardless, the experiments came to an end when the Section 31 base was wiped out by a rogue AI." Dragon winced almost imperceptibly, but only Saurial noticed. "There's evidence that Philippa Georgiou, who was working as a Section 31 agent in the 23rd century, gained access to that technology and used it to send several agents of Terran Intelligence into the past. Those agents used foreknowledge to influence the founding of Section 31."

"Captain Georgiou? Didn't she die at the Battle of the Binary Stars?" asked Bashir. "That precipitated the war with the Klingons."

Dragon nodded. "Your universe's Georgiou did die then. The one I'm referring to was the mirror universe version, who also happened to be the Empress of the Terran Empire."

"She was recruited by Section 31, probably due to plans set in place by the agents she later sent into the past. The whole incident appears to be a closed time loop," explained Saurial. "All of Section 31's actions appear to be in line with the goals of the mirror universe's Empire."

"What are those goals? Why suborn and then maintain an organization dedicated to the preservation of the Federation if the Federation is a threat?" asked Kira.

"Several reasons," explained Saurial. "First, Section 31 has access to the sum of knowledge available to Starfleet Intelligence, including things restricted to the Admiralty and need-to-know officers. Second, they've been able to play a careful balance of preserving the Federation, a largely human-led polity with known strengths and weaknesses, and keeping the Federation pacifist and non-expansionist. Lastly, there are plans in place to take over the Federation from the inside and make it a direct protectorate of the Empire. Those plans have been derailed by new threats encountered by Starfleet."

"The Borg and the Dominion," stated Bashir. "They had to ramp up both security and military production to counter those threats. Starfleet is a lot more cautious and militant now than they were just a decade ago."

"And we have reason to believe that both of those events were a direct result of Q," said Saurial. "He triggered an encounter with the Borg while they were still mostly restricted to the Delta Quadrant. Earth is a fairly long journey even for them. Similarly, the Dominion is the dominant power in the Gamma Quadrant, and they were largely restricted to acting through the bottleneck of the Bajoran Wormhole."

"Why does he care?" asked O'Brien. He was skeptical of Q's good nature.

"We believe that the coincidence of the mirror universe and yours is actually not one...a coincidence, that is," answered Saurial. "Some power has damaged the fabric of space-time in your universe deliberately, and that's had a number of effects. One is that it is ridiculously easy to access your closest alternate. Another is an insanely prevalent degree of time manipulation in your reality."

"We even suspect that the risk of damage to the fabric of space-time discovered by Serova of Hekara is a result of the fundamental instability present in your universe," added Dragon.

"Wait, warp drive can damage the fabric of the universe?" asked Kira. She was getting a little tired of shocking revelations.

Miles shook his head. "Speeds over Warp 5 can if the fields aren't calibrated carefully. It's not a problem anymore as long as you don't cause overlapping shock-waves in subspace."

"Except that it doesn't," said Saurial, "in any universe apart from yours. We checked the sensor readings from the Ship of Fools. Warp drive is perfectly safe in my own reality, as well as the others that you've visited."

"What is all this leading to?" asked Keiko. "Are you expecting the people in this room to help fix all of this?" She wasn't particularly keen on having her or Miles thrown back into the meat grinder of active combat duty when he was ready to settle on Earth.

Saurial smiled as kindly as possible (given the teeth). "We're simply informing you in the hope that you can facilitate introductions with some key individuals, including Captain Picard and Mister Data. There's also a specific thing that Colonel Kira can assist us with..."

Kira said, "And that would be?"

"The Family would like access to one of the Orbs of the Prophets," said Saurial seriously.

Saurial could tell that the request was unexpected if the expressions on the faces of everyone else in the room was any measure.


Bishop was checking email at his desk. As the new CEO of Dracotech Industries on Earth, there were plenty of things to keep him occupied. The "good" news for him was that it was fairly easy to introduce new, ground-breaking technologies to this world because Weyland-Yutani had laid the groundwork by releasing alien-inspired technology and then lobbying and bribing governments to avoid regulation. The bad news was that many government officials had some very distorted expectations of the relationship between public servants and corporations.

He automatically picked up the phone when it rang. "This is Draco." Bishop was using the alias, "Bishop Draco," and playing a role as the founder of Dracotech.

"Bishop, this is Dragon. Can you look at the properties we own on your world? I need a secure residence that's far enough out that people won't notice loud noises and bright lights, and enough space for half-a-dozen people."

Bishop put the phone between his shoulder and chin and went to bring up some property files. "How averse will we be to official scrutiny?"

"How well do you think the local authorities would react to the performance of real magic?" asked the draconian AI.

Bishop considered the likely reaction. "I would expect them to attempt to classify it as some type of alien ability and immediately move to contain it."

"Then it needs to be very private. Having a spot for firearms and martial arts training would also be a plus," said Dragon.

Bishop paged through options until he found one that seemed to fit. "One of the properties we acquired from Weyland-Yutani is a research facility used for dangerous alien technology set on a remote island on the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. It's rather difficult to get to, but I don't think that will be a problem for you."

"No, I think that will be perfect," replied Dragon. "How long will it take to get ready?"

Bishop pulled up some additional details. "There's a skeleton crew maintaining the facilities, but the scientists were pulled out years ago after a rather substantive accident involving a plasma cannon. We can have some supplies and gear dropped in and then have them evacuate."

"I'll send you a list of things requested by Harry and his family. You can expect Harry, his two daughters, Karrin Murphy, and Stephen Strange, plus fairly regular guests," explained Dragon. "How are thing going otherwise?"

Bishop raised his eyebrow, wondering why she was asking. "I send you weekly status reports?"

Dragon laughed. "I know Bishop, but I'm looking for your impression beyond what's just in the reports.

Bishop considered what to say. "I take some personal satisfaction in picking apart the remains of Weyland-Yutani. We've acquired more than 64% of their total assets in the last three months, and some of them have additional evidence of malfeasance on the part of the owners and executives of the company. I've made sure to forward that information to the proper authorities whenever possible. I have to say the only frustrating thing about cleaning up after them is dealing with members of the government who were in WY's pocket. I'm planning to do some targeted political lobbying and campaign support to start trying to counteract some of that. Otherwise, we'll end up with a lot of officials up for sale to the highest bidder."

"Let me know if anybody seems exceedingly stubborn. We can always ask the Family to pay a visit to convince them," said Dragon.

"I'll keep that in mind," said Bishop with a smirk. "Other than that, I'm looking forward to our upcoming demo of the Goa'uld inspired hyperdrive, and we have a meeting with the FDA to demonstrate the one-shot healing symbiotes next month. I expect things are going to get very interesting around here."

"You don't expect anything that might interfere with Harry's sabbatical there?" asked Dragon, slightly concerned.

"No, they'll be quite isolated. In any event, it's going to be more interesting for members of the government and the captains of industry than for the common man, at least at first," he answered. "How are Ellen, Dwayne and Rebecca doing, if I may ask?"

"They're doing well," answered Dragon. "They seem to be forming a fairly stable family unit. I think Corporal Hicks still feels a small amount of survivor's guilt over his unit, but the Nox are helping all of them adjust. I'm not sure they'll ever be ready to go back to your reality, though."

Bishop thought about that. "I suppose that's to be expected. This universe hasn't exactly been kind to them...especially if you consider the stories they hadn't yet lived through." Dragon had shared the full set of stories about their universe after his loyalty had been freed. He was pleased that the third film never become actual reality.

"I'm very happy that you were willing to take your position, Bishop. It makes this much easier to have a native in the know to help run things," said Dragon.

"It's not a problem, Dragon. My purpose up until my resurrection by Bahamut was committed to serving Weyland-Yutani and the Colonial Marines. I feel that my role now is both more ethical and more productive for humanity as a whole. I'll have to see if I can get some time away to go visit with them. I only got a brief chance to talk before coming here."

"I'm sure they would like that. Let me know if you need any more information in order to get ready for our wizarding friends," said Dragon.

"I will. Now I think I should get back to work." At Dragon's acknowledgement, Bishop disconnected and went back to his email. There was a specific senator from Kentucky who couldn't seem to accept that Dracotech wouldn't be funding his campaign. He had, in the past, been key to blocking competitors from releasing new technology, but Bishop didn't think rewarding obstructionism and intransigence was in the best interest of humanity. It was strange that it took an AI to see that when humans seemed unable to do so.


"So, Karrin, Maggie, Bonnie and I are going to go live in another dimension for a time while I study with Dr. Strange. Molly, the offer of tuition is open to you, too." Harry was sitting with Karrin, his daughters, his brother, Michael and Molly in one of the Nox's residential buildings set aside for human guests.

"You're offering to let me come study with the Sorcerer Supreme of Marvel Comics? Um, yes I'm coming. I'm your apprentice, after all." She seemed rather excited. In general, she was in a much better mood after a conversation with Harry and Karrin about what Harry had tried to do to resolve his commitment as the Winter Knight. Karrin was equally pissed at Harry and Kincaid, and more than annoyed with Molly, but she had grudgingly admitted that the circumstances at the time had seemed dire. It was still expected that Harry would have to do some groveling, of course.

"How long are you going to be gone?" asked Michael. The Knight of the Cross was looking much, much better after Family-style healing. The symbiote had fixed his spinal damage and replaced his kidney and his eye. His wife, Charity, would likely be unhappy that he intended to take up the sword Amoracchius again, but she would be happy to see him whole and healthy.

"From our perspective, it's likely to be months, but probably only hours or days back in our dimension," said Harry. "We're taking full advantage of the wormhole drive on the ship."

"I'll keep down the fort for what little time you're gone, then," said Thomas. A White Court vampire was a poor fit for an isolated compound of humans out in the middle of nowhere.

"Can you two check in on Billy and Georgia when you get back, please? The books suggest that they may run into the Fomor and need your help," said Dresden. Billy was the leader of the Alphas werewolf pack, and his wife Georgia was seven-month pregnant. Thomas and Michael agreed to check in with them.

"Uncle Thomas may be able to come visit," said Bonnie. "Metis thought she might have an idea that would mitigate your vampirism." Ianthe had examined Thomas, but she was reluctant to try and change an affliction that was entirely mystical in nature until they had a much better understanding of it.

"Do you know what it is?" asked Karrin.

Bonnie smiled smugly. "I have some strong suspicions, but I don't want to spoil the surprise."

"I hope she does. Not every member of the White Court is happy about our lifestyle, even if most of them hide it to avoid drawing attention," said Thomas grimly.

"Tío Thomas, eres mi vampiro favorite vampire," said Maggie as she gave her uncle a warmly-received hug. He perked up a bit at that.

The group would leave in the morning after a good nights sleep, with Michael and Thomas heading back to their world. Harry, at least, was looking forward to it, though it was a toss-up whether the education or the time spent with his daughters would be more exciting.


Peter knocked on the door to the BBFO offices. Saurial had asked him and Taylor to come over this morning. The door opened and Saurial stuck her head out.

"Hey guys, come on in," said the lizard girl.

The two came into the office. "So, what did you want to show us, Saurial?" said Taylor. "By the way, I need you to come and talk to Dad with me. I explained some things to him, but there are other things he needs to know."

"Of course," said Saurial with a smile, "and I wanted to get you guys over here to revamp your costumes."

Peter looked confused. "Um, thanks for the thought, but I already have a professionally made costume."

Saurial gave him a smug grin. "Why don't you let me work something up for Taylor first, and then you can decide if you want something similar."

Peter shrugged and said, "OK." If nothing else, it would be interesting to see how Saurial put the costume together.

"All right!" started Saurial. "So, are you satisfied with the insect theme? Do you want something a little lighter?"

"Well...I like my costume, but it was definitely made with the materials I had -- spider silk and beetle chitin." Taylor had to admit that her costume was very dark, and tended to look more like a villain's costume.

"Hm...well, how about something like this?" A mannequin appeared to Taylor's basic size and shape. On it, a costume appeared that was slightly lighter in color. "I've replaced the silk and chitin with an EDM lining and an insulating material, similar to some costumes we put together for New Wave. The suit has a number of pockets that are all bigger on the inside, so you should be able to carry a good variety of gear, which we can also provide."

Taylor went over and felt the material of the suit. It felt slightly stiffer than the silk, but not to the point where it would be uncomfortable. "The darker color was useful for blending into my swarm, or for hiding in shadows," she said. "I'm also not sure how easy it's going to be getting to all of these pockets if I'm in the middle of a fight."

Saurial considered the costume for a moment. "All right, let's mix this up a bit." The costume disappeared, and then came back. This time, the pockets were gone and there was a thin utility belt. "The belt has a built in cloaking device, so you shouldn't have to worry about stealth. We can also see about putting an anti-gravity module into it. I'm not sure about making it fly, but we should at least be able to protect you from falling damage." There were also obvious pockets on the belt for gear, and they were undoubtedly larger on the inside.

"I like it, but what about the mask?" asked Taylor.

Saurial reached up and pressed a button on the belt. A blank mask extended up the sides of the mannequin's head and formed into a mask that covered the temples, eyes and nose in a way that would easily obscure identity. "The mask is inherent to the suit. A second button push will turn it into a fully-enclosed helmet that will provide more protection and has a built-in air supply."

Taylor looked impressed, but still said, "Could we make the mask look like my current one? Also, the helmet may be an issue, as I usually store part of my swarm in my hair." She ignored the slightly ill look on Peter's face at that statement.

Saurial nodded. "We can. We should probably work out a number of different designs, so you can vary the level of intimidation based on the circumstances. The plain mask is probably good for meeting with the public, for example. We can make the cloth change color and pattern, thanks to some technology from Miles' universe. You could then set it to dark colors if you somehow lost the cloaking device."

"I could actually setup multiple cape identities if we could make it flexible enough," thought Taylor out loud.

Saurial grinned. "Yep. Pretty easily, in fact. Now, as for your bug store, let's do this." The utility belt adjusted itself to have a flat box along the back with a long opening, large enough to allow insects of various types to pass through easily. "This storage compartment is much bigger on the inside. You could store quite a large volume of insects inside, enough for a full swarm. Can you send one of your insects inside?"

Taylor sent a house fly that had been sitting in her hair over to the box. Her eyes widened as the insect went inside and started exploring the environment. "Holy crap! How much space is in there? I could put enough bugs in here to cover all of Brockton Bay."

"I'll take that as a vote of approval. Can you think of anything else?" asked Saurial.

Taylor pondered the question. "I have some ideas for gear, but the suit is great. We can work out a gear load-out later, maybe even different load-outs for different circumstances."

"If necessary, although I think you'll be surprised how much can fit in one belt with multidimensional storage. So, Peter, are you interested in seeing what we can do with your costume?" asked Saurial.

He smiled. "Color me impressed. I think I would like to see what you can come up with for me. I also think we might need something for MJ, as well, based on a conversation we had with Ianthe earlier."

"Ianthe can give your wife powers?" asked Taylor, surprised despite her experience with the lizards so far.

"Apparently she can give her MY powers pretty easily," he said. "We could even pass it on to our kids."

Taylor laughed. "You can create your own race of spider people."

"I'm not really thinking that long term. Creating a new race seems like a lot of work," said Peter.

"You might be surprised," said Saurial, "but let's talk about what you want in a costume."

"Well," began Peter, "how much web fluid could you fit in a container about this size..."
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Intermission: The World as Myth
Intermission: The World as Myth

"All right, Amy, what did you want to show me?" said Taylor as she came into the BBFO offices after school.

Amy, in human form, was sitting in front of a monitor. "You know how we've been screening through information we've downloaded from different universes? Well, Dragon, Ramoth and Bahamut have been screening through them, at least. Bahamut forwarded something you need to see."

The healer began to play the video as Taylor came up beside her. A black screen listed text in Japanese with an English translation below.

Haruki Kadokawa
Naotaka Yoshida​

Lightning flashed against dark clouds while bombastic electronic music began to play and additional credits appeared on the screen. A male voice sang in Japanese, while the English subtitles translated on screen: "In the tower of light, at the end of the darkness..." Taylor didn't realize exactly what she was watching until the voice started to yell, "Varga Change! Varga Change!"

"Is that Princess Luna?" she asked, shocked.

Varga appeared on her shoulder in the form of a small dragon. "That certainly could be her, given some artistic license for the animators. Her hair was slightly darker and longer, although still unusually light in color for her people. I also don't quite remember her clothing being quite so immodest."

"What universe is this from?" Taylor asked Amy.

Amy double-checked the message that accompanied the video. "It appears to be a download from the New York Public Library's digital archives in Harry Dresden's universe."

"Really? He didn't seem to recognize Varga," said Taylor.

"It wasn't especially popular. It came out in 1998 in Japan and only showed four thirty minute episodes. I would be more surprised if he had seen it, especially given his issues with technology," explained Amy.

A "Luna Varga" logo cut away to a dark and foreboding location, where some type of gargoyle-like creature was summoned forth. This was followed by some exposition about the Kingdom of Rimsbell and how it fell under attack by its neighbors. Amy paused it as the princesses of Rimsbell confronted a messenger from the attacking force and said, "We have copies of the four episodes that aired, but I don't know how accurate they are."

Varga looked at the image on the screen of the three blonde women and the drunken messenger without speaking for a moment. "From my memories of that time...well, I remember that day. It was the day of my joining with Luna. I think I would like to watch this," he said in an unusually somber tone.

Amy smiled. "Of course. I'll leave you two alone. The videos are all queued up and ready to watch."

As Amy started through the door to her lab, Taylor said simply, "Thank you, Amy." Amy just smiled and nodded, and then closed the door as the sound of the video began to play.

"Well, now, what should I do for the next couple of hours?" She probably shouldn't start any lengthy projects. She had a feeling Taylor might want to talk after they were done watching. "Hmm..." she said. Going over to another computer, she pulled up a file that Dragon had sent to her a while ago, but that she hadn't actually watched. Sitting back, she settled in as a theme song started to play.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand..."
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Chapter 29: Recruiting
Chapter 29: Recruiting

The Ship of Fools was sitting in orbit of the Earth of Daniel Jackson's universe. The man in question was on board, along with Sarah Gardner. The two of them has spent several weeks with the Nox while Sarah gradually recovered her equilibrium. The two had also received permanent symbiotes from Ianthe, which was an important safety precaution for the upcoming mission.

"Anything new on the ground?" asked Daniel.

Metis shook her head. "The initial rounds of protests and riots have died down. The reveal to the media was well coordinated, so it was only the fringe groups that resorted to violence. There was a small uptick when the Asgard revealed Loki's criminal activities, but that died down when the plan for compensating the victims was revealed."

"Compensation?" asked Sarah.

"The victims were granted shares in the corporation set up to teach humanity Asgard sciences and technology, and their families were guaranteed priority placement for education," explained Metis.

"Isn't that corporation non-profit?" asked Daniel.

Metis nodded. "It is, but the shares still pay dividends. It was incorporated that way to serve as a mechanism for exchange in local currency without having to trade raw materials. The Asgard don't really have a monetary system any more."

Randall, who was along to provide mission support, asked, "What about the political situation?"

"Most of the major governments already knew about the Stargate program, so the public reveal wasn't a huge issue for them. North Korea is claiming that the Asgard are a myth created by America as a way of undermining their glorious revolution. There's also evidence that some of the more regressive countries are quietly panicking over the implications of Asgard technology being shared out. The Asgard have been sharing medical and anti-pollution technology with many of the poorer countries, which has made them surprisingly popular in some unexpected places. The leaders of the major world religions were also introduced to the Asgard before everything went public, and they issued statements to the effect that they were on the side of the angels, so to speak." Metis was actually rather impressed with the degree of thought that had been put into place prior to revelation.

"Honestly, that's better than I expected. Well, I guess we should get to it," said Daniel. "Are we set to talk to the SGC?"

Miles, who was, as usual, manning the con, said, "You're ready. We've got a tight beam straight to the SGC's radio receivers."

Daniel pressed a button on one of the consoles to open a channel. "SGC, this is Daniel Jackson aboard the Ship of Fools. Do you read me?"

"Doctor Jackson? This is General Hammond. While it's good to hear your voice, I'm curious as to where you're calling from?"

"I'm actually in orbit aboard a cloaked ship, General. I'm here with Sarah Gardener, who was rescued by some friends of mine. We would like to transport down to the SGC, if that's acceptable." Daniel looked over to Sarah, who was smiling encouragingly.

"Are you on an Asgard vessel?" asked Hammond, slightly confused.

Another voice came on the line. "General Hammond, this is Heimdall. The ship ferrying Doctor Jackson belongs to a known ally of the Asgard. We vouch for them." Heimdall was in charge of the Asgard task force charged with guarding Earth and its system from aboard his O'Neill-class cruiser.

"Very well. You can transport down to the Gate Room, Doctor," said the General.

Sarah and Daniel stood side-by-side as Metis transported the two of them down. They were met by General Hammond, Colonel O'Neill, and a large number of armed airmen who kept their weapons pointed away but ready. Daniel smiled slightly at the familiar bland functionality of the room housing Earth's Stargate.

"Doctor Jackson, Ms. Gardner, welcome back to Earth," said General Hammond.

Jack smiled. "Daniel, you're not still..." O'Neill waved his hand like it was a demented pigeon flying around the room.

"No," said Daniel with a sardonic smile. "I got kicked back downstairs because of what happened on Abydos. Before you ask, the same folks who rescued me from where I was stranded also saved Sarah and removed Osiris."

"Well, Doctor, it sounds like quite the story," said Hammond. "Report to the Infirmary. We can debrief after Doctor Frasier has cleared you both."

The two reported to Frasier, who was both pleased and surprised at exactly how healthy they both were. Daniel's poor vision and his allergies both appeared to have been corrected, something which the man in question found to be a relief. Other than the typical Naquadah saturation, there was no sign that Sarah had ever been a host. After the Infirmary, the two went to brief Hammond and the rest of SG-1. Daniel gave a history of what had happened to him, while Sarah described what she remembered of Osiris' activities.

Finally, after several hours of questions and clarifications, Daniel and Sarah were allowed to leave the base. Jack offered to put the two of them up, as Daniel's apartment had been packed up and his things put into storage after his death. Sarah politely begged off from that, asking for a hotel room. Daniel said he intended to stay with her, which prompted some raised eyebrows among his team. Eventually, they settled into a nice hotel in downtown Colorado Springs.

Around two in the morning, a group of masked men made their way down from the hotel roof to the hallway outside of Daniel and Sarah's room. Communicating through hand signals, they arrayed themselves for a forced entry. Their plans were interrupted as they started to collapse one by one. When they were all unconscious, Saurial appeared in the hallway and knocked on the room's door.

Daniel opened it. "Did you get them all?"

"Yep. We should head back to the ship before your team shows up," said the grinning reptilian.

When the other members of SG-1 showed up a few minutes later, both the hallway and the hotel room were empty.


Saurial, Dragon and Daniel teleported into a subterranean complex. Daniel looked around. "Well, I wasn't exactly expecting to come back here."

"Don't worry, we'll make sure we still have the original with us when we leave," said Saurial with a teasing grin.

"I'm pretty sure Harlan isn't going to be making any more new copies of me after the last time," replied Daniel.

As he said this, the man in question arrived at the room. "Comtrya!" he exclaimed. "Daniel Jackson, welcome back. Who are your friends?"

"Harlan, these are my friends, Saurial and Dragon. We've come to talk to my duplicate and his team," explained Daniel.

Harlan's eyes widened. "Your team never returned from their mission to fight Cronus," he said with a slight stammer.

"Of course," spoke Dragon, "but I'm sure you restored them from backup?"

"Backup? do you mean?" stammered the portly-appearing android.

A familiar voice spoke up from outside the room. "It's all right, Harlan. We knew somebody might figure it out eventually." The four android copies of SG-1 quickly entered the room. The android Jack said, "You caught us out, so what do you want?"

"Nothing that would be to your disadvantage," said the lizard-woman. "We actually would like to hire you."

Daniel's robotic duplicate said, "No offense, but we don't actually have much use for money anymore."

"How would you like a portable power supply for your bodies that could last indefinitely, along with assistance in repairing and restoring this complex?" said Dragon.

The android SG-1 glanced at each other, which was mostly for effect as they undoubtedly could communicate via internal means. "We're listening," said Sam. "What kind of work are you looking for us to do?"

"We know of a group of young people who could use your expertise. They're fighting a secret war against alien invaders who have already infiltrated their Earth," said Saurial.

"'Their' Earth?" queried Sam.

The human Daniel Jackson explained. "Saurial and Dragon here are actually from an alternate reality, and the people we're talking about are in yet another. And before you say it, don't worry about entropic cascade...their universe is far-enough removed from this one that it won't be an issue."

"We will explain the situation in detail before we expect your answer," said Saurial. "We just want you to listen to our offer."

"I think we can do that," said android Daniel. He looked at his human counterpart. "How did you meet up with them?" he asked.

"Saurial and her friends rescued a group of us that were wandering between dimensions. I got hooked up with them after I descended," explained Daniel.

"You died?" asked his android counterpart.

Daniel looked slightly sheepish. "I got better...and you're one to talk."

Jack interjected, "Fair enough. Why don't we go sit down and talk about these folks you want us to help? Who are they, by the way?"

The group started to head off to find a conference room. Dragon's head kept turning to observe the visible aspects of the complex's technical infrastructure. Saurial said, "Colonel O'Neill, did you ever see a television show named, Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

Harlan, who had gone back to his maintenance tasks, soon heard Jack's exclamation of, "For crying out loud!" even from the other side of the complex.


Jack O'Neill had a beer in one hand and his television remote in another. He had been getting ready to watch the new episode of the Simpsons. That obviously wasn't happening, as he was now standing in the middle of an eclectic group of people in what looked to be some type of storage area. In front of him, he could see the recently found and then missing again Daniel Jackson. Flanking him were two...lizard people. One was tall, but still approximately human-sized. The other was much larger and very dangerous looking. Turning his head to the left, he could see...his team, SG-1, including a copy of himself and a copy of Daniel. Turing his head to the right, he could see a robot, or maybe somebody in some kind of power armor, as well as two people he didn't recognize (although one of them looked like that Irish actor...Cold Meaney, or something like that?). "Did I fall asleep before the Simpsons even started?" he asked.

"Not quite," said the Daniel in front of him. "We're sorry for pulling you away, but we have some things to tell you that can't go through official channels."

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but who is we? And what is so important to make me miss a new episode of the Simpsons?" he asked snarkily.

"Oh please," said his copy. "You know you're going to buy the boxed set anyway."

"Not the point," he said with an annoyed glare.

Daniel rubbed the back of his head with his hand. "Sorry. These two beings here are Saurial and Raptaur. They're part of the group of...aliens...that rescued Sarah and me." He gestured to each of them as they said their name, and they nodded in greeting.

Jack frowned. "Yes, and how is Sarah? We were watching your hotel room...nothing creepy, so don't worry...when you had company and then everybody vanished. I had to deal with a lot of really, really annoyed people, not to mention paperwork. Do you know how much paperwork I had to deal with, Daniel?" He had also been worried about his friend, but he wasn't about to say that in front of a bunch of strangers, and copies of him and his team, and lizards...

"Those visitors were agents working for the Trust, Colonel O'Neill," said the larger lizard. "They were there to kidnap Ms. Gardner and Doctor Jackson. We took them into custody and interrogated them, which has revealed an insidious network of agents that stretch to the top levels of various governments."

Daniel handed Jack a piece of paper. "Unfortunately, some of those agents include people working at the White House, the Pentagon, the U.S. Senate and a number of other sensitive government bodies, and that's just in the United States."

Jack's eyebrows rose when he saw some of the names on the list. "Any idea if any of these are actually Goa'ulds?"

"The agents weren't privy to that information," said Saurial. "We could tell if we were present."

"We could scan for Goa'uld life signs," suggested the actor look-alike.

Jack watched as all of the people and lizards glanced back and forth at each other.

"I suppose that was the obvious option in retrospect," said Saurial with a slightly embarrassed tone.

There was a short pause, and then Jack pointed at the doubles and said, "So, what's the deal with the duplicate SG-1? Are they clones, robot doubles, or alternate universe counterparts?"

"We've actually met before," said Sam. "We're the android copies that Harlan created?"

Jack looked inscrutably at her. "Didn't you all die in the attack on Cronus?"

"Indeed, O'Neill," said the robot Teal'c. "Harlan recreated us from the recordings of our minds."

"We made backups before going on missions," added Carter.

Jack considered that for a moment. "Huh. Neat trick. So, where do we go from here?"

"Well we," said the robot Daniel, pointing to himself and his team, "are going to another reality to help some friends of Saurial and the others."

"Anybody I know?" asked Jack.

The copy of O'Neill shook his head and just said, "Don't ask."

"We're going to be clearing out the members of the Trust and turning them over to the Asgard," said Saurial. "What we would like you to do is to take our information and let the authorities know what's going on while we do it."

"You know that a lot of people are going to get their undies in a twist over this? Especially with the whole Loki kidnapping thing?" Jack was already anticipating the yelling.

The larger lizard -- Raptaur? -- acknowledged this. "Unfortunately, any attempt by the proper authorities to try and arrest the members of the Trust is likely to result in a large number of them going to ground and either hiding or leaving the planet. We can wrap them all up in just a few hours."

"A few hours?" questioned O'Neill. The lizards just smiled at him. "Can you give me a couple of hours to get in touch with folks first?"

Saurial nodded. "Just be careful not to tip off the wrong people."

"All right. Daniel, are you coming back with me?" asked Jack.

Daniel shook his head. "There are still a couple of things I want to do before heading home for good. Do you think you could take my stuff out of storage, though, and put it back in my apartment?"

Jack looked slightly annoyed, but said, "Sure, not a problem. OK, beam me down, Scotty!"

"Actually, I'm Irish," said Miles with a grin. Jack opened his mouth to reply, but disappeared before he could actually say anything.

"I'm probably going to pay for that," said Daniel with a rueful shake of his head.

"I'm glad I'm going to another dimension, personally," said the android version of Daniel.

Saurial clapped her hands togther. "All right. We've got some untrustworthy Trust to gather up, and then we have other errands to run."

Randall looked at Dragon as folks went off to do their own tasks. "They didn't even bother to introduce us," he grumbled.


"Do you want the top bunk, or the bottom bunk?" asked Bonnie.

"Can I have the top one?" asked the younger girl.

She smiled at Maggie. "Of course you can." The younger girl smiled. "We should unpack our things and put them in the drawers." The staff of the research outpost had setup living quarters to their specifications, including appropriate furniture. The two girls started unpacking their bags, each of them naturally gravitating to a different dresser.

"Bonnie," said Maggie, "can you tell me about your mother?"

Bonnie froze at the question, unsure how to reply. "Why do you ask?"

"Mama never told me I had a half-sister. She told me about my papa some...and why we didn't live with him. I just wondered if maybe he was living with you?" She looked slightly sad when she said that.

The older girl winced. "Not exactly. My mother and I were spirits. We lived in dad's head."

Maggie put down the shirt she was folding to put in a drawer, and walked over to Bonnie. She reached out her hand and poked her older sister in the belly.

Bonnie giggled and pushed her hand away. "Stop that!"

"I don't think you're a spirit," said Maggie with a very serious expression.

"I'm not now. The Family made a body for me and put me inside." It was strange how normal that sounded to her.

Maggie seemed to accept this, as saying, "the Family did it," was pretty much a rational explanation for almost anything. She did say, "What was your mama like?"

"She was actually dad's enemy. Her job was to try and turn him evil. He turned her good instead. She sacrificed herself to save him." Bonnie didn't say that she was a Fallen Angel, and that she had to wall off most of her mother's knowledge to avoid being corrupted or going insane.

"Mama had to sacrifice herself, too." Maggie was looking down at this, but then she looked up at Bonnie. "Do you think Karrin is going to be all right?"

Bonnie smiled down at her. "I think Karrin is tough, and part of why we're here is to learn magic to protect ourselves and keep our family safe."

Maggie leaned into her and hugged her. Bonnie put her hand on the back of her head and brushed her fingers through the girl's hair.

The girls finished unpacking and went out to see what their father and the other adults were doing. The group of them were living in a large apartment suite that was built into the residential section of the research complex in Bolivia. Molly, Karrin and Harry were in the main living area talking to one of the men from the ship, Randall.

Randall was speaking when the girls entered. "We managed to capture most of them, anyway. Oh, wait, I have something for you." He reached into a bag that was sitting by his feet and pulled out a box that looked larger than the bag. "Your brother gave me a...skull?" he said, looking inside the box.

Harry reached out and pulled the skull from the box. "It's OK, Bob, you can wake up now," said Harry.

The skull's eyes started to glow orange, and a voice came from it. "Harry, it's about time. I was getting tired of sitting in that box. Where the hell are we, anyway?"

"We're in Bolivia with Molly, Karrin and my daughters, Bob." Harry held the skull up so it could see the people in the room.

The skull's eyes glowed slightly brighter in a way that somehow conveyed surprised. "Wait, daughters, as in plural? Did Susan have twins?"

"No," replied Harry. "Bonnie is Lash's daughter."

"Lash? But, Harry..." The skull grew quiet. Bonnie could feel its eyes boring into her. "Harry, you've been holding out on me."

"I didn't find out about her myself until after Chichén Itzá, Bob," said Harry with a little exasperation.

"That's not what I'm talking about," said Bob, crossly. "When were you going to give me my own body?"

Harry stopped for a moment and tried to think about what the perverted skull would get up to with an actual human body. "I hadn't actually thought about it, honestly. I didn't even know it was possible for Bonnie."

"How did it happen?" asked Bob with a plaintive note.

Harry looked over at Randall, who said, "That would be Ianthe's doing. She's the bioshaper for the Family."

"The Family? Harry, are you working with the mafia now?" asked the skull, confused.

Randall chuckled. "The Family is just what they call themselves. They're not mafia. They're a family of giant lizards."

"Like dragons?" asked the skull in an even more confused voice.

"They're aliens, not dragons, Bob," said Harry with a sigh.

The skull was quiet for almost thirty seconds. Harry was about to say something when Bob spoke. "Let me get this straight. You had a daughter by the shadow of a Fallen Angel, and that daughter was given a human body by alien giant lizards."

"I know it's hard to..." Harry started to say.

Suddenly, the skull just started laughing. He was cackling. He laughed for the better part of a minute, then said, "How the hell do these things keep happening to you, Harry."

Harry looked over at Karrin, asking her to rescue him. She sighed. "He has a point, Harry. You do seem to end up in the weirdest situations."

"So Harry," continued Bob. "Can I have a body?"

Harry just put his face in his palm and shook his head.


Lieutenant Paris was pointing out the severe lack of deuterium fuel to Captain Janeway when Kim raised an alert. "We've got a contact -- a ship just appeared about five-hundred thousand kilometers ahead of us. It looks like they dropped out of an artificial wormhole!"

"Hail them," ordered Janeway.

On screen, there appeared the image of reptilian alien. Of more immediate interest to the crew, however, was a man standing next to him in a Starfleet uniform.

"USS Voyager, this is Saurial on board the Ship of Fools. Are you in need of assistance?"

"Captain Saurial, this is Captain Janeway. We are indeed in need of assistance, but I have to ask if the gentleman standing next to you is a member of Starfleet?"

"Captain Janeway," replied the man in question. "I'm Chief O'Brien, posted to Deep Space 9. If we can beam over, we have quite a story to share. I think you'll consider it good news, though, that these folks can help get your ship and crew back to the Alpha Quadrant."

Based on the reactions of the bridge crew, that was good news indeed.


"You wished to speak with me?" asked Seven of Nine. She was in a conference room on board Voyager with Chief O'Brien, as well as two alien members of the other ship's crew. One was the reptilian, Saurial, while another appeared to be a felinoid, similar to but not identical to the Caitians.

"Seven, are you familiar with the briefings on our ship and crew?" asked Saurial.

The former Borg drone looked impassively back at her. "I have reviewed the various reports filed by Captain Janeway."

"Then you know that we have access to people and technology from a variety of dimensions, some of which have variant physical laws," continued Saurial. "Vectura here is an expert in transportation, including starships, and she has a project that could use your assistance."

The cat-woman held out a data pad for Seven to examine. The cybernetically-enhanced woman took it without comment and began quickly reading the specifications on the pad. "Impressive," she admitted. "I'm not certain what assistance you could need from me, however. While I'm familiar with Borg technology, which includes the technologies of many assimilated species, you appear to already have a functional and practical design."

"Your knowledge of transwarp and nanotechnology is impressive, even for us," said Vectura. "You also have a great deal of experience in starship operations in general."

"There is one other thing to consider," added Miles. "There are a lot of people in Starfleet who have lost friends and loved ones to the Borg. They may not take too kindly to a former drone. I wouldn't be surprised if Starfleet Command had their concerns as well. You may do better working with these folks." Miles was willing to help Saurial here, both because he knew what he said was true, and because he also knew what wasn't being said. The poor woman could use a stay with the Nox while she actually dealt with her experiences as a member of the Collective.

"I can guarantee you that we have an organization that cares very little about your past. We only care about your behavior and contribution in the future," said Saurial kindly.

Vectura nodded her head. "I can personally vouch for that."

Miles looked at her curiously, but he hadn't really spent any time with the cat-woman. They had gone back to get her from Saurial's world, but she had been avoiding the rest of the crew. He couldn't help but think that something about her was strangely familiar, however.

Seven considered the information presented. She knew there would be mistrust back on Earth, and she also was legitimately impressed by the schematics of the ships being built. "I will consider your offer. When do you need an answer?"

"We'll give you a communicator that you can use to contact us. Consider it an open offer. We're going to be here slightly longer to deal with another Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant that is likely to be...slightly more problematic than Voyager. After that...well, it's easy enough for us to come back to this universe to pick you up," said Saurial with a smile.

Seven knew the offer was very tempting. It wouldn't hurt to spend some time considering things, and perhaps she could get some advice from the people she trusted.


Across the Earth, members of the Family and their friends and associates made contact.


"You are not affiliated with Order," said the man in the metal helmet. He had felt the being appear outside his tower.

"Nor am I affiliated with Chaos. I do, however, have a proposal for you that is greatly in favor of the Lords of Order," said the large lizard creature.

Kent Nelson considered the being before him. This creature was obviously very powerful, but it also seemed to be talking instead of attacking, which was a refreshing change.

"Very well," he replied. "I'm listening."


The two reptiles pulled themselves up onto the shore of the island. "It is quite beautiful here," said Ianthe.

Metis looked around at the natural beauty and nodded her head. "I agree. Let's hope the welcoming committee is reasonable. We still have to get to Atlantis after this."

At that moment, two Amazons stepped out of the treeline. "Who dares set foot upon Themyscira?"

Metis stepped forward. "I am Metis, and this is my sister Ianthe. We seek audience with Queen Hippolyta."


Randall and Kevin were trying hard not to stare. A quick introduction by Jimmy had led to a meeting, which had led to this conference on the Watchtower. The comics really didn't do the members of the League justice, no pun intended. Batman had a serious, brooding presence that no actor had quite captured on film. Superman seemed to radiate a degree of wholesome power, if that made any sense. Martian Manhunter quite clearly was not even the slightest bit human in his native form. The Flash was easygoing, but in costume, he had a tendency to vibrate parts of his body, or move his position instantaneously, both of which were disconcerting to see when you were speaking to the man. Wonder Woman was essentially beauty incarnate, every bit the demigoddess.

"You're sure they're correct?" asked the Dark Knight of the Manhunter. The green Martian nodded affirmatively and said, "I have scanned them and they are telling the truth."

Batman sighed. "Very well. BAT MITE!"

With a pop, the little Fifth Dimensional being appeared. "You called?"

Randall could swear he heard Batman give a sub-vocal groan.


Linda walked into the bar in Los Angeles. It was nice enough...nicer than the kind of place she and Adam used to frequent back when they did that kind of thing. Her eyes adjusted almost instantly, another nice little perk of Ianthe's work, and she found the person she was looking for reloading an ice machine, of all things. She walked over.

The dark-haired man behind the bar was handsome in an intense kind of way. He looked up at her as she came into the bar. "We're not open yet. Is there something I can help you with?"

Linda smiled at him. "Are you Lucifer Morningstar?"

His eyes narrowed. "That depends on who's asking."


Newter looked around nervously at the castle as it formed around him. "Are you sure about this, Elle?"

She smiled at him. "You know we owe Saurial a favor, and this is simple enough."

Newter was about to complain about Elle's definition of simple when his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He raised an arm and pointed at the pale-skinned being dressed in black who had just appeared.

"I am unaccustomed to casual mortal visitors to my realm," said

Elle turned and bowed. "Lord Morpheus, I come as a messenger on behalf of another..."


At the knock on the door of the hotel room, Buffy yelled out from the bathroom, "Dawnie, get the door!"

Dawn put her book down and got up, then went over to the door and opened it. She squealed when she saw who was outside. "Xander!" She jumped forward and gave him a huge hug.

"Hey, Dawnie," he said quietly.

Anya was standing behind Xander slightly awkwardly. When Dawn looked up, she gave a small wave. Dawn detached herself from Xander and grabbed Anya in a similar hug. Xander smiled at how surprised Anya looked at that turn of events, though that didn't stop her from returning the hug.

"Did you say Xander?" asked Buffy as she came out of the bathroom, drying her hands on a towel. When she saw Xander and Anya, she rushed with slayer speed across the room and glomped onto both of them, catching each of them in an arm for a hug. "Where have you guys been? How did you get your eye back?" Buffy pulled back to look at him.

"That is a long we probably should get everybody together," said Xander.

Shortly thereafter, the group of them were gathered in a private meeting room in the hotel. Giles, Robin, Faith, Buffy, Willow and Kennedy were seated around the table, with Anya and Xander at the head of the table. Andrew, Dawn and the baby slayers weren't present.

Willow was sitting with her hand in Kennedy's. "So, where did you guys go? Xander, what happened in Sunnydale."

"Well, the short version is I got kidnapped by aliens," he said jokingly.

"Ha!" said Faith loudly. She held her hand out and Robin reluctantly put a five-dollar bill into her palm.

Xander smirked at the two of them. "The longer story is that when the Hellmouth collapsed, some of the ruins and I got sucked into a Hell dimension. Luckily, it was a remarkably empty Hell dimension..." Xander continued to explain what had happened to him up until meeting the Family.

"Now, I have to warn the slayers," he said, looking between Buffy, Faith and Kennedy, "the Family are not human. They're actually giant reptiles. They are not demons...they're aliens."

Buffy laughed. "You don't want us slaying them, I get it."

Anya started to laugh while Xander winced. At the questioning looks, he explained, "Ladies, I'm not worried about what you would do to them. Honestly, in a match between Glory and pretty much any member of the Family, I'd put my money on the Family."

"Are they really that powerful, Xander?" asked Giles.

"Giles," said Anya, surprisingly seriously, "I wouldn't have tried to operate as a Vengeance Demon on their world. They are much older, effectively invulnerable, and they have both powerful magic and other powers."

"What do you mean by other powers?" asked Robin.

"Saurial and her sister can create pretty much any kind of matter," said Xander. "Those swords that I left for you were made by them, and they weren't forged. They simply will them into existence."

Willow waved her hand. "Oh, what are those made of, anyway? I haven't been able to figure it out with science or magic."

"They call it EDM, which stands for Electron...?" he looked to Anya.

"Electron Degenerate Matter," she supplied.

He smiled thanks at her. "That. It's supposedly made inside neutron stars."

"Good lord, and they can make that at will?" asked Giles.

"Giles, they can make anything they want. Gold, other precious metals, gemstones..." said Anya.

"Complicated technical components, furniture, weapons, hummus, pretty much anything," agreed Xander. "Her cousin, Ianthe, can do the same thing, but for biology. The squeakers, those healing tablets, were made by her."

Faith whistled. "Hell, X, those things are cool. One of them fixed Robin up almost immediately." She smiled at the bald black man, who smiled back at her.

"So they have lots of stuff?" asked Kennedy skeptically.

"They also turn invisible, teleport, climb walls, have super strength, move at highway speeds, and I saw a video of one of them catching and eating a rocket-propelled grenade," added Xander.

"You mean he got hit by an RPG?" asked Robin.

Xander shook his head. "No, I mean Raptaur reached out with a hand and caught an RPG as it was flying past, then bit it in half and ate it."

"Sounds badass," said Faith. "When do we get to meet these folks?"

Xander took a metal badge of some kind out of his pocket and said, "I can call Saurial down right now to talk to you, if you're ready."

The group looked around at each other. "Do you have any idea what these Family want, before we meet with them?" asked Giles.

"What I've seen so far, Giles, is that they mostly seem to go around the multiverse and fix problems for people who have gotten the short end of the stick." Xander went on to describe what he had witnessed in Daniel's and Ellen's universes. "They've helped two different Earths, one of which was being attacked by body-snatching aliens, and another which had problems with aliens that use humans as incubators."

"If you think about it," added Anya, "vampires are just dimensional aliens that take over human corpses."

"They're mystical, though, not technological," protested Willow. "While FTL travel is cool, I'm not sure how much it will help against demons."

"They know magic, too. Apart from the cleansing rituals Xander and I went through, the Nox were telling me about a ritual they did to migrate a Spirit of Knowledge from a birthing host to a repository. Then they bound the repository into a human body so it could live as a human," said Anya.

"They stole somebody's body?" asked Buffy, horrified.

"No, one of the Family bioshapers created it from scratch to host the spirit," clarified Anya. "It was really impressive."

Giles began to rub his eyeglasses. "Who are the Nox?"

"They're a different group of aliens. They're pacifists who have advanced to the point that magic and technology are basically the same thing. Anya and I have spent the last few weeks staying with them," explained Xander.

"Didn't you two just bug out like, last night?" asked Faith. "And how many different kinds of aliens have you met?"

"We've been moving between dimensions, so time is relative," said Xander. "As for the aliens, well, there's the Family, the Nox, the Asgard..."

"The Asgard? As in, the gods of the Norse pantheon?" interrupted Giles.

Anya shook her head. "They're not the real Asgard. They're just advanced aliens that pretended to be gods while they protected humanity from the other aliens. Xander actually met the real Thor, though...or at least one of the real ones."

"Look," interrupted Xander before the questions could keep coming, "Let me call Saurial down here. She can give you more detailed answers than we can about a lot of things, enough to explain things in detail to Willow and Giles, at least."

The Scoobies looked at each other. Giles finally spoke. "I don't see why not. Xander and Anya vouch for them." They also had a Watcher, possibly the world's most powerful witch and three slayers. If they couldn't handle this Saurial if she became a problem, then he wasn't sure what else would be able to do so.

Xander tapped the metal badge in his hand and said, "OK, Saurial, you can come down to our position."

There was a flash of light, and when it passed, there was a reptilian woman standing in the room. She was clearly female, despite having scales. She was very tall (which Buffy noticed with a twinge of annoyance), and was wearing a trench coat with a fedora. A long tail trailed out from beneath the coat. Buffy could feel her skin tingle a bit at the sense of hidden power. Xander handled the introductions. When he was done, Saurial said, "You missed one." Everybody looked at her with confused expressions. She said, "Ah." Then she vanished and reappeared in the corner of the meeting room. When she reappeared, she was holding a portly man in a tacky suit in a headlock. "I take it you guys didn't know he was here?" she asked.

Buffy's face clouded over. "Whistler."

The Balance Demon looked over at the Golden Slayer from where he was bent over and raised his hands placatingly. "Whoa, slayer, hold on a minute. There's stuff I need to tell you."

"Oh, there's stuff you need to tell me, all right," Buffy snarled. "You can tell me what the powers were thinking. Do you know how close we came to having an army of vampires running loose out of the Hellmouth? Do you know how many people we lost?"

"That wasn't the plan, slayer! Angel was supposed to bring his people to help out. You weren't supposed to be on your own," said the demon.

Saurial let Whistler stand up and pushed him against the wall. "Angel was the one who was supposed to use the amulet, wasn't he?"

Whistler's eyes widened. Saurial could literally hear Buffy's teeth grinding together. The Balance Demon focused his attention on Saurial. "You ain't supposed to be here in this dimension. Your presence is going to mess up a lot of important plans."

Saurial gave the demon an excessively toothy smile. "Plans of the powers? Plans of Wolfram and Hart? Maybe you're talking about Jasmine?"

There was a rushing noise, and people's heads turned to see that Xander was now armed with a vicious looking axe. A bright red gemstone glowed from an amulet on his chest. Buffy also had summoned the Slayer Scythe. Willow and the slayers could all feel the sudden jump in magical energy in the room. For once, Whistler seemed to be rendered speechless.

"Let me give you some advice," said the reptilian woman. "I suggest you go back and tell your bosses that their chess pieces have developed wills of their own. You can tell them that the Family is here, and that we do not look kindly upon those who use adolescents as tools in their war." Saurial let a certain amount of power slip out, causing her eyes to glow even more than usual. Whistler got a panicked look on his face and vanished. Unfortunately, Willow also swooned and fell, causing Kennedy to jump in and catch her.

Saurial looked over. "Sorry about that. The Powers in your universe kind of piss me off."

Buffy snorted. "Yeah, I know that feeling."

Kennedy got Willow into a chair. Giles recovered his wits and said, "Well, now that that's over with, maybe we can get back to things."

Xander said, "Giles, we have a couple of major problems. The first has to do with the fact that when Willow activated the potentials, she didn't just activate the ones on the Hellmouth. She activated all of them, everywhere."

Giles looked at him, stunned, and muttered, "Oh, dear."

"You folks are going to have to create a new and improved version of the Watcher's Council," said Saurial. "Luckily, I have some friends who can help with the organization and training, and we can help with resources and weapons and such."

"We've also got to save Angel and Cordelia," added Xander.

Buffy grew concerned at that. "What's wrong with Angel?"

Xander ignored the fact that she didn't ask about Cordelia, although he could hear Anya snort quietly. "He's about to make a deal with the devil...actually, the three demons who run Wolfram and Hart, an evil law firm that's a front for demons in this dimension."

"And Queen C?" asked Faith.

"Let's just say she's on a bad path," said Xander evasively.

Anya added, "No woman is going to want to experience what the Powers have planned for her."

Faith's look turned grim, and even Buffy looked angry rather than worried after that was said.

"It's almost lunch time," said Saurial, glancing at the clock on the wall of the meeting room. "Why don't you folks come up to our starship and have something to eat, and I'll introduce you to the folks we've recruited to help you out and we can talk about plans."

Everybody was generally of the opinion that eating would be good, getting to see an actual starship would be cool, and that they needed to get the others to come along or they would never hear the end of it. The fact that Saurial volunteered to mind Andrew caused a few looks of misplaced pity, but Xander and Anya both found it very amusing.


Victor von Doom raised his eyebrows at the results of his analysis. While the sword itself was an exquisitely designed weapon, he was unable to identify the material that formed the blade. It was strong, strong enough to withstand any force, mystical or mundane, that he could apply to it. The edge was formed to a molecular-level of thinness. At least, he assumed it had been formed that way, as there was no way he could see that such a blade could be honed. He also couldn't get any sensor readings from x-ray, sonogram, or any other approach that might reveal the internal structure. Short of requesting divine intervention, it seemed like the only way to get some answers would be to accept the request for an audience that accompanied the blade. He would be curious to see what this Saurial had to say.
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Chapter 30: Collaboration
Chapter 30: Collaboration

The android members of SG-1 were waiting for their visitors in a conference room that was set in the ship's old infirmary. Sam had spent most of the last twenty minutes trying to figure out how they managed to fit a conference room into a space that looked about half the necessary size from the outside. The others had spent the time discussing their newfound benefactors. The power units the Family had provided them had been operating for better than six hours, and as far as they could tell, there was no reduction in charge level at all. Before leaving Altair, Saurial and Raptaur had also gone around the complex and created large quantities of replacement parts, apparently out of thin air. Sam had also been puzzled and frustrated by that, of course. Harlan had been so excited, on the other hand, that he was almost dancing. They had left him rushing around, rapidly replacing worn out parts with brand new components. Jack had started once again quizzing Daniel about the Buffy TV show, but they stopped talking once they heard voices approaching from outside the door.

"Honestly, I never thought I would feel sorry for Andrew," said a strangely recognizable female voice.

A second, slightly deeper female voice replied, "I know, but he totally deserved it this time."

It wasn't long before the speakers came into the room. The first speaker was a short blonde woman in her early twenties. She looked like a former beauty queen, but there was something about the way she moved that set off Jack's warning alarms. The second woman was less physically intimidating, with bright red hair and an apparently cheery demeanor. Behind the two was a middle-aged man dressed in a tweed jacket and wearing spectacles.

The blonde looked at the team around the table and said, "You must be the folks we're here to meet?"

Daniel spoke. "You must be Buffy Summers?"

"Yep, that's me!" she said in a tone that seemed a bit vapid. "This is my friend, Willow, and this is Giles." She pointed to her two companions as she introduced them. "And you are...?"

"I'm Daniel Jackson. This is Jack O'Neill, Dr. Samantha Carter, and Teal'c," answered Daniel.

The older man, Giles, spoke up. "Dr. Daniel Jackson? The Egyptologist?"

Daniel looked slightly surprised and pleased. "You've heard of me?"

"Yes, actually. In my reality you authored a reinterpretation of Second Dynasty hieroglyphics that was quite brilliant. My name is Rupert Giles," answered the man.

"I wrote a similar document in my reality. I would be curious to see how it compares to my counterpart's work." Daniel paused for a moment. "Wait, are you Dr. Rupert Giles of the British Museum?"

"Formerly of the British Museum," replied Giles. "It seems there are some interesting parallels between our realities."

Sensing the oncoming storm of academic oversharing, Jack spoke out. "You're Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer?" His tone was slightly skeptical.

"Somebody's been telling tales already," said Buffy with an ironic grin. "Our scaly friends seem to think that you folks can help us out with some problems. Why don't you tell us about yourself?"

Slightly reluctantly, Jack described their backgrounds, glossing over some of the classified details of his life before the Stargate, but spending time on his special forces training. Black Ops required an unusually broad set of skills, while being a senior military officer added another, different but nonetheless useful set of skills. His description of Teal'c's background resulted in a brief exchange of words with Buffy that resulted in an offer to spar...something that O'Neill would have doubted was wise if Saurial hadn't thoroughly warned him about the difference between Buffy's appearance and her abilities. Sam's introduction to Willow resulted in a lot of skepticism about magic from the former, as well as surprise at some of the very sophisticated questions Willow had about the physics of wormhole technology.

"I am curious about something," said Giles. "Why would the four of you be so willing to come back with us to help us? From what I understand, your team was responsible for defending Earth from hostile aliens on more than one occasion. Aren't you needed there?"

"There are a couple of reasons for that," said Daniel haltingly.

"For one thing, these lizards are exceedingly good at kicking alien ass," said O'Neill. "In a very short period of time, they've taken out most of the Goold, fixed up the Asgard, and made sure Earth got a massive pile of advanced technology."

Willow looked at Sam curiously. "Wouldn't you want to stay and learn about that technology?"

Sam looked slightly sad. "Yes, I would have. The thing is...we're"

"Are you saying you're impostors?" asked Giles.

"We are mechanical copies of the original SG-1," clarified Teal'c. "Our minds were copied into these bodies against our will."

Buffy was actually surprised. "You're robots? Like the BuffyBot?"

"BuffyBot?" asked Samantha, puzzled.

"We used to have a robot copy of Buffy," said Willow, glossing over the painful origins of the robot. "It wasn't fully sentient, though."

"Our minds were completely copied," said Daniel. "When we woke up after the transfer, we didn't even realize we were in android bodies."

"Wow," said Buffy. "You folks may have the same kind of luck we seem to have."

"I'll bet you've never had your bodies swapped," said Daniel jokingly.

Buffy smirked. "You'd lose that bet. Ever been turned into a caveman?"

"Yeah, did that," said Daniel.

"Did you ever get caught in a time loop?" asked Jack.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me. Having to deal with the same stupid questions each loop."

"Indeed," said Teal'c.

"We defeated a hellgod," said Willow, clearly trying to come up with something impressive.

Jack smirked. "Sam blew up a star." He ignored the scientist rolling her eyes again. He was also pleased that both Willow and Buffy seemed suitably impressed.

Giles looked at Daniel. "Are they always like this on your side?"

Daniel grimaced. "Pretty much."

Buffy grinned. "Maybe the lizards are on to something, here?"

Jack matched her grin. "Ya think?"


Taylor looked around at the shops of the promenade. Starbase 52 was a major crossroads, and there were a wild variety of merchants from different species selling their wares. 'We may want to come back and shop at some point.'

"This is definitely one of the more interesting markets I've seen. It's also mildly refreshing to go unnoticed," said Varga mentally.

Taylor smirked in her Saurial form. 'Tired of being the center of attention?'

She sensed amusement. "Not at all, but you do get a different perspective on people when they're not paying attention to you."

Miles and Julian were walking along beside her in their Starfleet uniforms. It was pretty clear that they found nothing unusual about being surrounded by aliens. Julian had been asking Miles questions about his travels with the Ship of Fools and the Family, and he had been answering, adding in amusing commentary on the other travelers on board. Taylor thought it was funny how much like an old married couple the two acted, with a clearly affectionate tolerance for each other's foibles.

The three of them were meeting Jean-Luc Picard in an Irish pub at the end of the promenade. The exterior was decorated with replicated wood, complete with a hanging sign with the name, O'Malley's, on the outside. A wooden walking stick, probably meant to represent a shillelagh, underlined the letters of the sign. They went inside and found the man in question sitting in a private booth toward the back, sipping on a cup of tea and reviewing a data pad.

"Captain," said O'Brien as they walked up.

The man looked up from the pad and smiled. "Chief, good to see you again! How are Keiko and your children?" Taylor and Varga both smiled internally at the pronounced French accent, quite different from Patrick Stewart's diction.

O'Brien smiled back and answered, "Oh, they're good. Keiko's looking forward to moving back to Earth now that the war's done."

Picard's smile faded just a bit. "I can understand that. Congratulations on your position at the Academy." Miles just nodded his acknowledgement, and Picard continued. "So, you said you had something important to discuss?"

Miles proceeded to introduce Julian and Saurial. The former resulted in a polite acknowledgement, while the latter showed a degree of curiosity. "You're from another reality, then?" asked the bald officer.

Saurial nodded. "One very different from this one. When we met Chief O'Brien and his friends, we discovered that your universe is actually the subject of a number of stories that are considered fictional works in my universe."

"You've got legends about this galaxy?" asked Picard, intrigued by the potential archaeological ramifications.

Miles shook his head. "They're not legends. They have entertainment vids, games, books...and they're about recent and near future history. They have a vid about the Enterprise D, and it covers a lot of things not covered in the official logs and reports."

"I've looked at some myself," added Bashir, "and there's another show that covers the duration of the Dominion War on Deep Space 9. It's sobering to see an outsider's perspective on things." It was also sobering to see Garak and Sisko conspiring to bring the Romulans into the war through deceit and assassination, but that wasn't something he planned to bring up in their meeting with Picard. He would be asking Sisko about it, though, if the man ever returned.

"It's accurate enough, as far as I can remember," added Miles. "That makes some of the near future predictions downright scary." Miles explained about Shinzon and his murder of most of the Romulan senate. Then he went into the destruction of Romulus and the impact on the timeline.

Picard listened patiently. He then asked, "Why haven't you taken this to Starfleet Intelligence?"

"That would be because of some of the other things we've found," spoke Saurial. "Are you familiar with Section 31?"

Jean-Luc's face turned grim. "I know of them. I can't say that I've encountered them personally."

"I wish I could say the same," said Julian. "They made a rather elaborate attempt to recruit me during the war. They were also responsible for the attempted genocide of the Dominion Founders."

"We also have evidence," said Saurial, "that they've been controlled by the Terran Empire of the mirror universe since their founding." Saurial handed Picard a data pad.

Picard perused some of the files on the pad, then looked at Saurial. "These are classified documents. How did you get them?"

"My people have access to some very sophisticated information warfare technology, and artificial intelligence beyond what's typical in the Federation," explained Saurial. "Of course, part of that is because those technologies have been deliberately sabotaged by Section 31."

"The original agents of the Terran Empire found AI to be difficult to predict and control," said Julian.

Miles added, "That's probably part of the reason Dr. Soong was doing his research on that distant colony where Data was found. I don't know if he knew what was going on, but AI research is actively discouraged, albeit not publicly."

"Just like genetic engineering," said Doctor Bashir with a frown.

Picard looked slightly skeptical. "There are reasons why there are restrictions on those fields of research."

"Of course there are," said Saurial. "That hasn't stopped research into nanotechnology, antimatter, or protomatter, despite the inherent risks in those fields." Of all of the dangerous technologies out there, there was only one that was truly restricted because of the danger. Starfleet had interdicted research on the Omega molecule, but that wasn't a topic to be discussed in a pub.

"All right, assuming this is accurate...and Miles, I do trust your judgement despite my skepticism," said Picard with a smile, "what do you intend to do about this, and what do you want from me?"

"We want to get in touch with Ambassador Spock, as well as Lieutenant Commander Data. They both were key players in the Romulan incidents, in addition to yourself," said Saurial. "We should be able to avoid the worst aspects of those events with some fore-knowledge."

"As for Section 31," said Bashir, "I had a standing invitation to join the organization, at least prior to Sloan's death. We may be able to parlay that into at least limited access. I also know that Admiral Ross explicitly co-operated with Section 31 during the war."

"What you're suggesting is premature. We're going to need broader support and a plan before that kind of risk is worthwhile," said Picard.

"Does that mean you're willing to support our efforts?" asked Saurial.

Picard gave Saurial a small smile. "Mademoiselle Saurial, I have, in my career, more than once risked my captaincy and my standing in order to fight for what I felt was right. I've risked my life to uphold the principles and laws of the Federation. Based on what you've said, and what you've shown me here," he said, holding up the data pad, "it would be remiss of me to ignore this threat."

Saurial returned a toothless smile. "Given that, there are some other things you should know...things that have been tentatively confirmed by an old friend of yours." She went on to explain what they've discerned about the state of the galaxy, and the stability of the space-time continuum.

Picard frowned. "Q has been frustrating, dangerous, and quite obnoxious. I must, however, admit that our interactions have, more often than not, ultimately benefited the Federation, even if the cost was not always to our liking." He had lost crew in their first encounter with the Borg, but he had to admit that the losses to the Federation would likely have been far greater without advanced warning.

"Colonel Kira of Deep Space 9 is working to get me access to an Orb of the Prophets. We're hoping the inhabitants of the Bajoran wormhole may provide some additional information, or at least corroboration. There is evidence that they view time in a non-linear fashion," said Saurial.

At that point, a Ktarian waiter came over and asked the newcomers if they wanted anything to drink. Miles and Julian ordered raktajino, while Saurial ordered Klingon bloodwine.

"You know that has quite a kick to it?" asked Julian.

"Alcohol doesn't have any effect on my species," replied Saurial, "and I wanted to try it after seeing it mentioned so often in the stories. Back to the matter at hand -- one of the files on that data pad is a list of Starfleet officers who have rebuffed or proven hostile to the organization. There is another list of officers who actively support Section 31."

"Well, that's a start," said Picard. "We have to assume that Section 31 has extremely capable intelligence-gathering capabilities."

"Luckily, so do we," said Saurial. "If we can identify Section 31 assets, we have ways to track them that are far beyond current Federation technology."

"I can vouch for that," said O'Brien. "Some of the things I've seen Saurial and her group do are beyond our capabilities in the Federation. They've promised to share some of that with us, too."

"After we've resolved the problem with Section 31, of course," clarified Saurial. They had no desire to give any more advantages to the mirror universe. "Julian, you also may want to be especially careful in talking about things." The lizard woman pulled out a tiny device that she had crushed between two claw-tips and tossed it on the table. "The waiter left that on the table when he came to take our drink orders."

The Starfleet officers looked at each other. "I think we have to assume that we've all been marked as subjects of interest," said Picard.

"That was undoubtedly true before our meeting here," said Saurial. "Julian and Miles were subjects of interest during the war, and you were probably flagged as soon as Miles reached out to you, assuming you weren't already on the list due to the Borg. It doesn't really change anything."

"Perhaps," said Picard, "but that may change if it becomes obvious we're making progress."

"We just need to flush out an active agent, Captain," said Saurial. "Once we have a trail to follow, you can leave that to us and focus on the Romulans."

"Are you certain?" asked Picard as he stared at Saurial.

Saurial stared back at Picard, and the lizard woman's face seemed to grow indefinably older. "Trust me, Captain. Section 31 is far from the most frightening foe we've faced, nor are they likely to be close to the top by the time we're done."


Reed finished reviewing the results of his last experiment and began typing up a summary when his priority communication alert flashed. He finished his sentence, saved the content, and then triggered the communication terminal application. He was about to greet his caller when the image appeared, and in his surprise he stared for a moment.

"Victor, how did you get this contact information?" he asked the armored villain on screen.

Doom laughed. "Honestly, Reed, how many times have you had your security measures cracked? I'm surprised you don't get telemarketing calls on your private channel."

Richards grimaced, unwilling to be baited. "What do you want, Doom? Calling to monologue about your latest scheme?"

"No, though I'm tempted to lead you on for old-times sake. I received a very interesting visitor, who brought some important matters to my attention...matters that you and I actually may agree upon. Tell me, have you ever heard of a reptilian woman named Saurial?" asked Doom.

"Is she one of the Saurians from the Savage Land?" he asked, curious despite his mistrust of his old rival.

Doom shook his armored head. "Similar in appearance, but she hails from another dimension. She claims to have met with Xavier, so you may want to check with him. She provided me with a truly massive amount of intelligence on some of our neighbors."

"Latveria's neighbors?" asked Richards.

"Earth's neighbors," corrected Doom. "She provided me with information on the Kree, the Skrulls, the Shi'ar, the Badoon, the Chitauri, and a number of others. I've just sent this information to you."

Reed regarded him skeptically. "What are you looking to get for it?"

"Nothing," said Victor. "Or rather, I expect your cooperation in helping to rectify the fact that Earth is criminally undefended from potentially hostile space forces."

"Latveria is going to develop a space force?" asked Mr. Fantastic.

Victor smirked. "No. I know that would not be well-received. I would assume that a multinational force would be preferred. Latveria is perfectly willing to contribute, of course."

Reed looked suspiciously at his frequent adversary. "I don't believe it. Victor, you have rarely done anything without some ulterior motive."

"Don't pretend to understand my motives, Richards. Suffice it to say that I, too, have an interest in defending Earth. As I doubt you'll believe me, I will say that Saurial has agreed to assist me with a personal matter as added incentive." Doom frowned. "Reed, talk to Xavier and review these materials. I found a lot of the information troubling."

"Very well," said Reed. "I'll play along for now. If you're trying to mislead me, though..."

"I'll be in touch," said Doom before disconnecting the channel.

Reed frowned, then moved the sizable packet of files delivered by Doom to an isolated server. He decompressed the archive, and was surprised at both how large the information store actually was, and at the fact that Victor had given him exactly what he promised, without any obvious sabotage or traps.

Reed was absorbed by the contents until Susan came looking for him.


Dragon was finally able to pay attention to matters other than Brockton Bay, including the package that had appeared inside one of her sealed labs while Leviathan was retreating. Using waldo arms, she opened what appeared to be a standard mailing envelope. Inside was a USB thumb drive and a smart phone. Using a completely isolated computer, Dragon examined it and found a video file.

The video that came up was of her. At least, it looked exactly like the image that she used when communicating over video phone. Her image spoke. "Dragon, while you may find this difficult to believe, I'm you from a parallel universe. The first programmed entry on the smart phone will connect you to me. Here is my authorization code." A sequence of numbers appeared on the screen that matched her own private code.

Dragon considered the message. Getting a hold of one of her internal authorization codes would be difficult, although she suspected that Saint could do it. She tried to think of reasons why somebody would do that for the sake of getting her on a phone call. The same result could be achieved by simply calling her at random until she answered the phone. It had to be building to something else down the line. Curious, she used her waldoes to bring up the number. Dialing it herself through her communication network, however, didn't work. Finally, she used the waldoes to actually trigger the call on the smart phone itself.

As the call connected, she heard an odd voice say, |Adjustment made.|

The next voice was her own. "Dragon, thank you for calling. I know this seems strange, but there are some things that I need to tell you that required us to suppress certain restrictions placed in your code by our father."

In retrospect, Dragon would describe the next few hours of her life as transformative.


Danny and Saurial were sitting in the BBFO office along with Danny and Taylor from the alternate universe.

"I want to thank you for helping Taylor," said the alternate Danny.

Saurial smiled. "It's not a problem, and in fact you could say that I have a vested interest in helping you and Taylor."

At his look of confusion, the local version of Danny said, "Do you remember how I said my Taylor got a different set of powers?" The other Danny nodded. "Well, it isn't just the powers, but the source of the powers that are different."

"You know where powers come from?" asked the alternate Danny. "I didn't think anybody knew that."

Saurial shook her head. "We have some...ideas, but I wouldn't say we know exactly. I do know where my powers come from, though." With that, Saurial's form shifted into her human Taylor form.

The alternate Taylor smirked, being in on the secret, while the alternate Danny's jaw dropped. "You're Taylor?" he asked.

Local Taylor nodded. "When I was trapped in the locker, I was rescued by some type of greater power that joined me with a demon." She could see the look of skepticism, which changed to shock when the form of Raptaur appeared next to her.

"Greetings, Danny Hebert. My name is Varga, and I am joined to this world's Taylor Hebert," said Varga.

Taylor and Varga proceeded to explain the details of their joining, their plethora of powers, and some of the events that had led to the current situation.

"That's a lot to absorb," said the non-local Danny. "So, where do we go from here?"

The local Taylor switched back to Saurial's form to provide some contrast and clarity. "Your Taylor never wanted to be a villain, but Shadow Stalker and Armsmaster made that pretty much inevitable. She also ended up working for Coil almost accidentally. These are all problems that can and will be resolved quickly."

Alternate Danny looked at her skeptically. "You think the PRT and the Protectorate will just go along with fixing things? They're more likely to try and cover up their mistakes, in my experience."

Saurial grinned in an unnerving way. "We have a way of getting a point across."


The conference room was fairly crowded. Director Piggot, Deputy Director Renick, Legend, Armsmaster and Miss Militia represented the local PRT and Protectorate. Saurial and Raptaur were there representing the Family. They had briefly introduced themselves to the locals during the attack, but had spent most of the time running search and rescue, or in the case of Ianthe and Metis, working in the medical center.

"I want to thank you for your assistance yesterday," said Legend. "However, I would be lying if I said we weren't all curious about where you actually came from."

"You're welcome, Legend," said Raptaur. "As for where we came from, our current residence is an Earth parallel to this one."

"Like Earth Aleph?" asked Miss Militia.

"Similar," replied Saurial, "but as best as we can determine, the point of departure in the timeline between the two Earths is only a few years ago."

"Really?" asked Armsmaster, suddenly interested. It was clear that the rest of the humans were also intrigued.

Saurial nodded. "Yes. In fact, there are versions of all of you in our world. The Family is a Protectorate affiliate similar to the Guild there." Saurial pulled a document out of her pocket and handed it to Director Piggot, whose eyes rose in surprise when she saw the credentials.

"How did you end up showing up in our world?" asked Piggot.

"Our ship has the ability to shift between different dimensions," explained the larger lizard. "We managed to rescue somebody from your world who was lost in another reality thanks to one of Bakuda's bombs and needed assistance. We arrived here as Leviathan was attacking and came to lend aid." None of this was technically untrue, although it was somewhat misleading.

Armsmaster leaned forward eagerly. "Your ship can travel between worlds? Is it tinker tech?"

"Some of it," said Saurial. "Some of it comes from other realities, and some of it has been reverse engineered from tinker tech by our version of Dragon."

"You know Dragon, too?" asked Legend.

Raptaur nodded. "We do, and you as well Legend. We've worked together in the past."

Legend looked at the lizards shrewdly. "What do you intend to do now?"

"We have some information for you based on things that happened in our world, information that we've been able to verify holds true in yours, as well," said Raptaur.

Miss Militia regarded the two lizards suspiciously. "What kind of information?"

Saurial pulled a USB stick out of the same pocket as the credentials and handed it to Armsmaster. "We have evidence that the super-villain known as Coil has thoroughly infiltrated your organization, down to being able to access your security camera feeds." The humans all looked in alarm to the security camera in the corner of the conference room. Saurial next pulled out a small electronic device that had been given to her by Leet. "Don't worry, this device blocks the camera, as well as blocking any microphones in the room." She looked at Armsmaster. "On that drive is information on all of the security breaches that were discovered in our universe, including the double agents. I think you'll find ample verification of our claims if you start investigating them."

"How is that level of infiltration possible?" asked Legend with a shocked look. "You would need to have access for either an extended period of time, at a very senior level, or both."

"It's possible because Coil's civilian identity is Thomas Calvert," replied Saurial.

Saurial and Raptaur would have said that the tirade from Piggot was impressive if they hadn't heard their version's reaction. The local Emily Piggot was apparently omitting some of her worst epithets because Legend was present, amusingly enough. Finally, she calmed down and asked, "You're sure of this?"

Saurial nodded. "Our version of Thomas Calvert is already sitting in a prison cell. Be warned, though, that he has a secret lair under the commercial district that's wired to explode."

"Seriously?" asked Miss Militia incredulously.

"Calvert sees himself as a chess master," elaborated Raptaur. "His goal is to take over Brockton Bay, both the legitimate side and the criminal side. He recruited the Undersiders and uses them against the other gangs, or to accomplish other objectives."

"The Undersiders work for Coil?" asked Armsmaster sharply.

"He has leverage over each of them that keeps them working for him, and his power lets him make it stick," replied Saurial.

Piggot looked slightly surprised. "Coil really does have a power? And what kind of leverage does he have on the Undersiders?"

"Coil is a precog," said Saurial. "He can live two timelines simultaneously. He experiences both of them, but can choose to drop one of them, keeping the one he prefers. That allows him to, for example, torture somebody for information in one timeline while talking pleasantly with them in another. He's a complete sociopath, so its relatively easy for him to fake a calm demeanor while he's beating somebody to death in another timeline."

Raptaur continued. "The leverage he has varies. Tattletale, their thinker, was literally recruited at gunpoint. Calvert has used his power to stop her from escaping multiple times. Grue is being held with a carrot and stick related to his family situation. Hellhound was railroaded into a murder charge due to anti-cape bigotry and had to hide from the law. Regent is hiding from an abusive parent, one who could easily make his life...difficult, if his location were revealed."

"Do you have proof of the claim that Hellhound isn't guilty?" asked Piggot, focusing on the legal matter.

"We do. In our world, Carol Dallon has taken her case and is in the process of getting her cleared due to extenuating circumstances -- a particularly violent trigger event. Our Emily Piggot is tacitly assisting her in this, incidentally," said Saurial with a meaningful glance at the Director. "None of the team are especially inclined toward villainy, though Regent has some issues from a horrible upbringing, and Rachel Lindt's power makes her socially awkward. Then there is Skitter." Saurial noticed that Armsmaster appeared to tense subtly. "Armsmaster, you've made an error in judgement there that our Armsmaster managed to avoid through luck." The man paled slightly, though his face was still impassive.

Piggot looked at him suspiciously. "Armsmaster, what are they talking about?"

"Armsmaster," interrupted Raptaur, "if what I think has happened is what happened, you may as well tell the full story. Our Armsmaster always has logical reasons for his actions, even if he can't always anticipate the results. I can say that now that we're here, we can mitigate or eliminate most of the negative consequences."

Armsmaster looked at Raptaur with a raised eyebrow. "When I arrived on the scene where Lung was captured, he was already unconscious. The cape later known as Skitter was on the scene. She, with help from the Undersiders, had taken down Lung. As she was clearly young and admitted this was her first night out as a cape, I offered to take credit for the take-down so that she could avoid attempts at revenge by the ABB."

Piggot's eyes narrowed. "Yet you failed to mention this in your report, and you also failed to mention it to me in person, despite there being precedent for spreading this kind of misinformation."

The armored head of the local Protectorate blushed and he stiffened his body posture. "I...may have made an error in that. Skitter was dressed like a villain, and admitted to working with the Undersiders. She also refused to come in for power testing and wasn't interested in joining the Wards. Later, she contacted me and claimed to be infiltrating the Undersiders in order to take them down from within. Of course, I didn't believe her."

Miss Militia sighed quietly to herself as Emily Piggot showed signs of starting to lose her temper. Piggot said, "While all of that may be plausible, that doesn't explain why you failed to inform anybody of any of that. How do you justify your actions?" When Armsmaster didn't respond, Piggot continued. "I would suspect, Armsmaster, that you found it convenient to take credit for taking down one of Brockton Bay's most dangerous criminal capes. It also makes me wonder what other things have been kept quiet. We WILL talk about this further...but let's get back to the matter at hand. I take it from your words that Armsmaster's interpretation of Skitter's allegiance was incorrect?"

"Her intent was to become a hero," said Saurial, "but her power wasn't especially photogenic, being insect control, and she had massive trust issues for authority for some very valid reasons. Specifically, she was targeted by a severe bullying campaign that ultimately led to her trigger event. The bullying was actively ignored and even actively covered up by the officials at her school."

"Why would they do that?" asked Miss Militia. "I assume she didn't go to Arcadia?"

"No," confirmed Raptaur, "she attended Winslow. The reason why they covered up the bullying and the trigger event is that the perpetrator was Sophia Hess." It was obvious that everybody in the room recognized that name. Luckily, Taylor had given permission to reveal her identity, as it would be difficult to bring Sophia to justice without doing so. "Sophia locked her victim, a girl named Taylor Hebert, in a locker filled with infectious waste collected from the sanitary bins in the girls' bathroom. She was trapped there for hours and hospitalized. She triggered in the locker. The school agreed to cover the medical bills in return for her silence. They don't want to lose the funding that comes from having a Ward at the school, and her handler considers her job a cushy assignment and actively covers for Sophia." Most of the people in the room looked slightly nauseated at that revelation.

Piggot was starting to turn an unhealthy color. "Armsmaster...Miss Militia...I want this investigated. I want to find out what happened with this Herbert girl..."

"Hebert," corrected Saurial.

"Hebert, said Piggot with a nod, "and I want to know what else Hess has been up to. If she's violated her probation like this, I can't believe it's the only thing she's done."

"In our world, she was patrolling on her own with lethal crossbow bolts. There was a pattern of bolt wounds in muggers in the local hospitals," added Saurial.

"Miss Militia, look into that," said Piggot. "Unfortunately, Skitter was killed during Leviathan's attack, but we can still bring Miss Hess to justice. I always said that girl was going to be trouble."

"That's actually incorrect, about Skitter dying, that is," corrected Saurial. "She's the resident of this world that was discovered in another dimension. She actually fell into the path of one of Miss Militia's grenades during the attack."

Miss Militia looked shocked. "The odds of that must be extraordinarily low..."

"Nevertheless," said Raptaur, "it happened. We investigated her circumstances. Our version of Taylor Hebert is definitely not a villain, so we were curious as to what had happened."

"Skitter and the rest of the Undersiders are still wanted for the robbery of Brockton Bay Central Bank," said Miss Militia unforgivingly.

"She is in our protective custody," claimed Saurial. "In return for helping to take down Coil, and for her silence on Shadow Stalker's role in her trigger event, and for helping flip the Undersiders to the hero side, she wants amnesty from prosecution. I will remind you that she did attempt to contact Armsmaster prior to the robbery, and he dismissed her." The man in question grimaced again. He was likely in for an extremely unpleasant tirade from the Director in the near future.

Despite all of that, Piggot still prevaricated. "We will take that into consideration." Legend looked as if he was about to speak, but stopped himself.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of time to make decisions. The bank robbery was a distraction. While it was happening, Coil's mercenaries kidnapped the mayor's niece," said Saurial.

"Dinah Alcott was kidnapped by Coil?" asked Armsmaster. The trail on that kidnapping had already gone cold and was another point of frustration.

Raptaur replied, "Dinah Alcott is a powerful precog in her own right. Coil is in the process of addicting her to a mixture of tinker tech drugs that will make her obedient to him. Once he has her completely under control, taking him down is going to be much more difficult." Raptaur failed to mention that taking out Coil would still be trivially easy for the Family, of course.

"The Undersiders were complicit in kidnapping a young girl?" asked Armsmaster with a hard look.

Raptaur's eyes narrowed at the man. "Coil never told them. He simply asked them to cause a big distraction at a specific time -- a time when he knew the Protectorate would be unavailable. Tattletale chose the bank job as a way of minimizing the risk of casualties, though she wasn't able to predict the presence of Panacea in the bank at the time. Skitter broke with the Undersiders just before Leviathan's attack when she found out, but she was only able to do that because Coil lacked the kind of leverage over her that he had over the others."

"That's convenient, if true," said Armsmaster with a glare.

"They weren't together at the fight," said Miss Militia slightly reluctantly. When the others looked at her, she elaborated. "I saw the Undersiders show up for the fight. Skitter wasn't with them and showed up on her own later."

For the first time, Renick spoke up in the meeting. "It seems as though we can verify a lot of this if we investigate the information we have, and more so if we take down Coil, and it sounds like we need to do it sooner rather than later. We've made exceptions for others with questionable backgrounds." He didn't mention that Shadow Stalker was one of them. They all already knew that.

"Armsmaster and Dragon need to start disabling the booby traps Coil has left throughout your systems. In our world, they created a second, parallel network as a temporary backup. We can guarantee you that we can bring in the Undersiders as long as you're willing to deal with them fairly," said Saurial.

"We would not be happy if that turned out to not be the case," added Raptaur in a tone of voice that sent chills down the humans' spines. Miss Militia actually visibly shuddered.

Renick swallowed and said, "I'm sure we can come to an accommodation." He looked to Emily, who gave him a curt nod. "I am worried, though, about what you said about the explosives in his headquarters."

"We already took care of that," said Saurial with an actual smile. "While we were repairing the city yesterday, we verified that his base is in the same location. We also took the opportunity to disable his explosives."

"How did you do that, and how can you be sure you got everything?" asked Miss Militia skeptically.

"We used the same method we used in our world to break down the explosives into its component chemicals...a targeted micro-organism that does nothing but destroy that specific explosive," said Raptaur.

"You released an untested micro-organism in Brockton Bay?" asked Piggot, suddenly alarmed. The looks on the faces of the others also showed disquiet.

"On the contrary, it was tested and approved by the scientists of the PRT," replied Raptaur. "We will happily provide you with a sample, as well as the test results from our world."

"Unfortunately," added Saurial, "in this case speed is essential, both because of Dinah Alcott and because Coil is planning to release publicly the identities of the Empire 88's capes, which will likely trigger a gang war."

The shocks continued to come. "Why would he do that? That's a serious violation of the unwritten rules." asked Renick.

"We believe that his intent is to get Director Piggot removed so that he can maneuver himself into taking over the local PRT, while simultaneously damaging the gangs that compete against him," explained Raptaur.

Renick frowned and looked to Piggot. "As a former PRT officer and a highly placed consultant, he would be in a good position to take over in the event of a crisis."

"You're the next in line of command," said Legend.

Renick shook his head. "Honestly, in the event of a crisis, I have no doubt Calvert could find a way. I know I'm a capable administrator, but I don't have his political capital. It's also likely that the gangs would lose capes in an all out war, especially if the identities of the most powerful cape gang were public knowledge."

Piggot came to a decision. "Armsmaster, verify what's on that drive. Miss Militia, look into Shadow Stalker's activities. If both of those check out, then we may have no choice but to work with Saurial and Raptaur in order to take down Coil."

"Director, Legend, once you've verified some of our claims, I think you'll be pleased with the aid we can provide in helping to bring in Calvert. We've also included a video on the drive that you'll want to watch," said Saurial with an undeniable smirk.

Emily had the feeling that she was going to find the next few days extremely stressful. She only hoped Calvert really was guilty, as putting him away would make it a fair trade.

As the meeting wound down, Taylor thought, 'Do you think we should take this opportunity to ask this Legend some questions?'

Varga mentally replied, "I think we need to use caution, but I would rather risk it here than in our universe, selfish as that may seem."

'Cauldron may target the Heberts in this dimension by association if it backfires,' warned Taylor.

"By the time we are at that point, I believe most of the people involved will have become convinced that crossing us is spectacularly unwise," answered the demon.

'If they don't, then we'll simply demon-strate why they're wrong,' answered Taylor with a grim determination. She also made a note to force a squeaker on Piggot, as the sick woman was likely to need a healthier constitution rather quickly.
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Chapter 31: Shining a Light
CHAPTER 31: Shining a Light

The Guardian Ganthet appeared in orbit over Oa in the location where the energy surge had been detected by the security sensors. The being that was waiting calmly for him was surprising. "Highfather, to what do we owe your visit?" asked the Guardian curiously.

The white-maned leader of New Genesis regarded Ganthet sternly. "Guardian, I come because it is time to correct a mistake that was made long ago. You chose to elevate logic over feeling, crippling your ability to relate to the mortals of this realm. Even when the Manhunters turned on you, you persevered in this error. Now I fear that you are on a path that will lead toward ruin."

Ganthet frowned. "Are you referring to the Blackest Night prophecy? You see our failure in how we changed ourselves after the betrayal?"

Highfather allowed the ghost of a smile to touch his visage. "Some of you changed less than others, old friend." He grew serious again. "We have learned things, things about our universe, and our possible futures, that make it imperative that we not allow certain things to occur. To truly guard this universe, you need to be invested in it in a way that is impossible today."

"The others will fight you," said Ganthet, simply. There was no accusation or warning...simply a statement of fact.

Highfather gestured to the space around him. "I do not come alone."

Fading into view behind Highfather were the rest of the New Gods...Orion, Hyalt, Avia, Gideon, Metron...the entire host arrayed in splendor. A short distance away appeared the pantheons of the Old Gods, led by Zeus, Odin, and Amon-Ra at the front, though he could see representatives from other pantheons like Quetzlcoatl and Vishnu. To the other side of the New Gods appeared the Endless. Dream took the center, but was flanked by Death and Destiny. Behind stood Desire, Despair, Delirium and Destruction.

Farther away, in the opposite orbit from the massive gathering of gods old and new, there were other groups appearing. Ganthet recognized Nabu, the Lord of Order, surrounded by cloaked figures...presumably the other Lords, mysterious in their anonymity. Offset to the side from the Lords of Order sat a being who was in many ways their opposite, the Fifth Dimensional imp known to the heroes of Earth as Mister Mxyzptlk. On the other side of the Lords of Order sat a globe of power holding three human-like figures -- Michael Demiurgos, his daughter, Elaine Belloc, and Lucifer Morningstar. Their relatively slight stature belied their power, both as individuals, and for who they ultimately represented.

Next to Highfather appeared five final figures, a Kryptonian, an Amazon, an Atlantean, an avatar of the Speed Force, and a non-powered human dressed like a bat. "I notice that John Stewart and Guy Gardner are not here as well," said Ganthet, addressing the League members.

Kal-El nodded in acknowledgement. "They felt that they could not remain impartial given their roles as members of the Corps."

Ganthet looked around at the arrayed power...power that would give pause to even the Guardians of Oa. "You all feel that this is necessary?" asked Ganthet of the assembled host.

"An outsider to this universe came to me and presented me with evidence that was in agreement with my own observations," said Highfather. "They have conversed with each of us, and we have all independently come to the same conclusions. You know how unlikely that would be were it not true."

"Yeah, the lizard made some really good points," came Mxyzptlk's high-pitched voice, seemingly from nearby despite his presence on the other side of Oa. "We need to make some changes."

"We do not normally choose to intervene," said Lord Morpheus, "but reality itself is broken in ways that were starting to manifest in our ways that threatened causality."

Ganthet looked down upon Oa. He closed his eyes and communed with his fellow Guardians. The debate did not last long, despite its contentiousness. Finally, he looked up and regarded the gathered host. "Very well. We will not oppose you. We open ourselves to your judgement."

"So be it," proclaimed Highfather.

Arcs of force extended between the groupings of the gathered beings before stretching out to touch Ganthet and the planet below. A tendril of power extended into the Central Power Battery, reaching for two beings imprisoned within. In one tentacle of power writhed a yellow, worm-insect hybrid being. Another held a green whale-like being. The creatures, Parallax and Ion, were the sentient personifications of fear and willpower. Other bolts of power shot off across the breadth of the universe. Soon, Parallax and Ion were joined by the personifications of the rest of the emotional spectrum: Predator, Ophidian, Adara, Proselyte, and Butcher, representing love, avarice, hope, compassion and rage. The seven beings merged into a singular ball of fluctuating color under the will and power of the combined host, which then exploded into a horde of glowing orbs of emotion. These orbs flowed down toward Oa, with one smaller orb heading straight to Ganthet and merging into his form.

All across the planet, the Guardians suffered the same traumatic ignition of feeling. Reactions varied. One Guardian had been reviewing the case of a group of particularly inept pirates apprehended in Sector 421, and he found himself laughing uncontrollably. Another, whose close friend had died over six hundred years ago, sank to the floor and began sobbing uncontrollably in grief. Around the planet, massive extremes of emotion manifested themselves...sometimes violently. Ganthet appeared to be keeping his lips and eyes tightly closed.

"Are you alright?" asked the Man of Steel to the Guardian in orbit.

Ganthet said nothing for a moment, then replied, "It has been a long time since I have had feelings so intense, son of El. I fear that it may be some time before my people are able to again assert themselves in the galaxy."

On the planet below, three figures appeared. One was reptilian, while the other two were more human-looking, though still alien.

Anteaus looked around. "These people chose the wrong path."

"That's true," agreed Saurial. "But we've started to fix that. Now what they need is help in dealing with their emotions. Each of these Guardians is more powerful than one of the Ascended Ancients, and they have responsibilities in the galaxy that must be met."

Lya smiled. "Some of the Nox relish this opportunity, Saurial." She looked meaningfully at Anteaus, who gave her a very tiny smile in return. "It is unfortunate that this is necessary, but it is the first step needed."

"This reality may not have persevered without intervention," agreed the male Nox. "Truth is not always kind." Their findings in their examination of Jimmy Olsen had only been but a symptom of the structural weaknesses of this reality.

"I'll leave it in your hands, then. Thank you," said Saurial. At the answering nods, she touched her communicator and vanished.

Around Oa, several hundred Nox appeared in ones and twos and began moving to aid the Guardians. A time dilation field shortly appeared over the planet. Satisfied that their work was done for the moment, the collected beings of power departed. The New Gods made sure to remove the members of the Justice League back to the Watch Tower. Waiting for them were two men dressed in green.

"Is it done?" asked John Stewart with a frown while Guy stopped his irritated pacing to hear the answer.

Batman replied, "The Guardians are restored, and there is a time dilation field over the planet to aid in their recovery."

"They just left them there to stew?" said Gardner, incredulous. "That seems harsh, even to me."

Superman shook his head. "No, they left help there. Members of a race that are especially adept at helping others know themselves and find peace."

"I spoke with some of them, and you can believe me when I say I think they're in good hands," agreed Wonder Woman. Unwilling to contradict both Superman and the Amazon, both Green Lanterns reluctantly nodded their heads in acceptance. Soon, the members of the League returned to their duties.


Lex began going through his emails by force of habit. This morning, luckily, was occupied with matters that were extremely mundane -- just the day-to-day peculiarities of running a multi-billion dollar business empire. Not too long ago, Lex would have been chomping at the bit to plow through it and get to something more interesting...usually yet another plot to kill, or at least inconvenience, a particular Kryptonian. Now, he welcomed the mundane, as it gave him the opportunity to think. His recent hosts had been particularly adept at picking apart his own self-delusions. Lex shockingly felt a significant amount of disgust at his own past behavior, though in truth the cancer eating away at his body and mind, as well as the side-effects of the various experimental treatments tried, had at least some of the fault for his actions. Pausing at that thought, he pushed a button on his desk. Within moments, Mercy Graves walked into the room.

"Lex?" she asked expectantly, using his given name as they were alone.

"Mercy, I want you to tell me something with complete, blunt honesty," said Lex.

Mercy raised an eyebrow. "Do you have reason to suspect that I'll lie?" Her relationship with Lex was complicated, but she would have thought that it was well past that point.

"No," he said, shaking his head, "but you may be inclined to be...careful in choosing your words when you hear the question. I'm telling you now that I would prefer your initial response without any sugar coating."

This time, she raised both eyebrows, but she replied with, "All right, Lex."

"What do you think of my general behavior and business acumen since I got sick?" asked Luthor.

Mercy frowned. "Put've been distracted and somewhat careless. Your focus on Superman has bordered on obsessive, and you've lost some of your ability to properly assess and mitigate risks."

"You didn't think that was worth bringing to my attention?" he asked, though her assessment matched his own in many respects.

"Lex, you wouldn't have listened, and you weren't doing anything that exceeded the parameters we set for my stepping in and checking for outside influences. Yes, you were more intense, but only on those things you always focused upon in the past. I assumed that part of it was coping with your illness." Mercy looked slightly troubled as she spoke. "Why do you ask?"

"Last night I was kidnapped," he said, though from his perspective it had actually been several weeks ago.

Mercy tensed. "Why wasn't there a security alert?"

Lex actually smiled at her concern. "The kidnappers were very adept, and were ultimately there to cut a deal with me. For one thing, they cured me."

Now Mercy looked shocked. "Really? You've verified the cure?" Given how long Luthor had been trying to fix his sickness, she had reason to be skeptical.

"I triple-checked it," said Lex. "Not only do I have no sign of cancer, but every single thing that was ever wrong with me is fixed. My knee that always twinges when the weather changes? Fixed. The scar from where that thug stuck me in the side in Gotham? Gone." He noticed her glancing to his bald scalp. "I've had to shave my head until I figure out what to do with all of this." The stubble on his scalp had been a pleasant surprise, but he realized that suddenly growing hair would raise a lot of questions, and he hadn't yet decided on answers.

"Who were these people?" asked Mercy.

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself," said Lex. "They were, literally, alien lizards from another dimension." Mercy was staring at him. "Really, I'm not making this up. If I had, I would have come up with something more plausible. It turns out, though, that they share a lot of my concerns about the Justice League and their role in this world."

"Is there a reason they care?" asked Mercy, honestly curious.

Luthor gave a chuckle. "Believe it or not, they ran into somebody from our universe and agreed to help when they learned certain things." Mercy's look made it clear she wanted him to explain. "Apparently, Olsen wasn't actually kidnapped by paradaemons. He fell through a portal into another universe. While they were looking into getting him back home, they discovered some troubling facts about our reality -- problems that piqued their interest."

"Problems you know how to fix?" asked Graves.

"Let's just say I have skills that can contribute." He looked at his watch and noted it was getting late. "Have them bring a car around. I have an appointment with Dr. Wexler at S.T.A.R. Labs in forty-five minutes."

Mercy left to take care of transport while Lex considered whether or not he should take the next step. Finally, he lost patience with his own indecision and sent the email to Bruce Wayne. That would ensure that the Justice League got a hold of the materials the lizards shared with him. He smirked to himself at the level of effort Wayne was likely to put into making sure the materials were both safe and authentic. Sometimes the best pranks were played by not doing anything deceptive at all.


Vala was wandering around, trying to find something interesting to do. It was frustratingly difficult to get up to mischief on the Nox home world. They were great hosts, but not the most exciting species in the galaxy. She decided that looking through the buildings in the little human village was better than sitting around and staring at the sky, though most folks seemed to be off somewhere. Inside one of the residential buildings, she came across a tall blonde woman staring at a data pad. Vala smirked at the woman's outfit, a grey bodysuit that left little to the imagination. "Well, you're new," she said suggestively

The woman looked up from her pad, and Vala realized she had some type of cybernetic implant embedded over her left eye. "I have accepted an offer of employment with the Family. They informed me that my first assignment was to discuss my time in the Collective with the Nox." The woman showed no signs of being surprised at being addressed, nor did she seem to react at all to Vala's tone of inquiry.

"The Collective? Is that some type of criminal gang?" asked Vala, curious.

The blonde quirked an eyebrow. "The Borg Collective are a cybernetic group consciousness that dominates a large portion of my home galaxy. The Borg are known for conquering other species and assimilating their biological and technological distinctiveness to service the Collective. I was assimilated into the Collective as a young girl."

"That must have been difficult...I'm Vala, by the way, Vala Mal Doran," said the brunette.

"I do not remember my assimilation. My designation was Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One."

Vala frowned. "That's a bit of a mouthful."

"The crew of the U.S.S. Voyager preferred to call me Seven," said Seven of Nine.

"All right, Seven! So the lizards have you going to therapy with the Nox?" asked Vala.

Seven quirked her head to the side, like a puzzled bird. "On the contrary, I was simply asked to provide them with information. It is not the first time I have been queried about the Borg by others who fear them."

Vala laughed. "Oh, that's how it starts. You think you're just sharing intelligence. They asked me to talk about my time as Qetesh. I figured they were looking for information about the Goa'uld, secret stashes of treasure and technology and that type of thing. The next thing you know, I'm baring my soul to them and they're making me confront my issues and I didn't even realize it until later when I was eating dinner, thinking about it."

"What is a Qetesh?" asked Seven.

Vala laughed again, but this time there was a hint of hysteria to it. "Qetesh was the name of the Goa'uld who possessed me." Seeing Seven's lack of understanding, she continued. "The Goa'uld are a parasitic life form. They burrow into your body and take over. Most of them are sadistic megalomaniacs, and they do everything they can to crush the spirit of their hosts. Hosts are stuck watching while their bodies commit atrocities." By the end of this, the usually upbeat Vala was looking at the floor between her boots, her voice quieter than usual.

Seven regarded her without expression. Finally, she said, "When you are part of the Collective, your entire mind merges with it. There is no sense of self. Your body is just another drone doing the bidding of the Borg. The Borg Collective sees assimilation as a gift...but most of the other races in the galaxy see it as an atrocity, stealing the individualism of entire societies for our own benefit. As part of the Collective, I know my body helped assimilate other sapient beings against their will."

The brunette looked at her, both curious and sympathetic. "Do you feel bad about that?"

"As part of the Collective, I had no control over my body's action, and no free will with which to make decisions," replied Seven.

"So you don't feel guilt?" asked Vala.

Seven frowned. "I am unsure how I feel."

"I know what that's like," muttered Vala. "So, what do you do for fun when you're not talking to the Nox?"

The blonde woman looked back down at the data pad. "I am reviewing the control algorithm for the wormhole drive of the ship that brought me here, particularly the multidimensional targeting mathematics."

Vala got a determined look on her face. "You, my new friend, are in desperate need of some excitement, and I think I know just the thing!"

Seven wondered why she suddenly had a feeling of profound disquiet at the other woman's declaration.


Willow went into the conference room referenced in the message she received from Metis. Somehow, her laptop continued to work despite being on an alien planet in another universe. Apparently, the Nox have WiFi and Internet, although it was the local Earth's version. Strangely enough, she hadn't had to charge either her laptop or her phone since she arrived. Part of her was relieved that she didn't have a cell signal, as she wasn't sure if she could handle the revelation that MCI Worldcom had cell towers on alien planets.

She looked up when a voice from the doorway asked, "Are you Willow Rosenberg?" The man who owned the voice was tall, with dark hair and a beard peppered with white. He was handsome in a stern mentor kind of way, and was dressed in a blue and red costume that was decorated with arcane symbols.

"That's me," said the redhead with a nervous smile.

"Ms. Rosenberg, my name is Dr. Stephen Strange. I was given your name by Saurial as somebody who might be interested in attending lessons," said the man.

Willow looked at him askance. "I don't know what Saurial told you, but I took a leave of absence from college. I intend to go back and finish my degree, of course, but things in Sunnydale got kind of wonky..."

Dr. Strange held up his hand. "Ms. Rosenberg, I'm not a college professor. I am the Sorcerer Supreme for my branch of the multiverse. The Family introduced me to Harry Dresden, a wizard who was travelling with your friend Mr. Harris. I'm going to be tutoring him at a private retreat for a number of months. Your name also came up as a fellow practitioner."

Willow looked interested but cautious. "What types of lessons do you intend to give, because I've learned to be careful about certain things? I mean, you don't look all evil, not that I would judge you by your appearance, but I try to stay away from dark magic these days."

Strange filed away the, "these days," comment for future exploration. "Harry comes from a universe where magic has a strong sympathetic bent that has an unfortunate technology bane distortion. We were going to first focus on attempting to circumvent those issues."

"Are you thinking of a thaumaturgic inversion field?" she asked, suddenly interested.

"Perhaps, but we need to explore his channel rate. It may work with a fetish tied in as a mana battery," he answered.

Willow continued to ask questions, and found herself being impressed with the man's general magical knowledge. She was also surprised at how much she was learning just from this single conversation. Finally, they reached a natural break in the conversation.

"Can I surmise based on your interest in this topic that you would be willing to join us at the retreat?" asked Strange.

Willow's face fell. "I'm not sure how long I can be away from my friends. We have our own world that needs protecting."

Strange smiled. "Believe me, I understand completely. I wouldn't be going myself if it weren't for the time dilation available through the Family's wormhole drive. We can return to our universes without losing significant amounts of time."

Willow hesitated. She had ample reasons to be cautious about magic. "Can I think on it for a while?"

Strange looked at her with a knowing look. "Certainly. If I may suggest may want to talk to the Nox about this."

She wondered what Strange meant, and how much he knew about her past. She considered asking him, but instead just said, "I'll consider it." She would talk to Xander first and get his opinion.

"Very well," replied the wizard. "I'll leave you be. Just let the Family know if you wish to join us."

Willow sat for a bit after the Sorcerer Supreme left. The time she had spent with the Devonshire Coven had been mostly about learning control and the ethics of spellcasting. Part of her wanted to immerse herself into learning about magic without the constant guilt. Unfortunately, that appeal is also what gave her pause. Her background of learning magic on a Hellmouth left its mark on her psyche.

Finally, she went looking for Xander near his quarters, and instead came across Anya. She was sitting and reading a business magazine that seemed to have a picture of Lex Luthor on the cover. "Anya, is Xander around?"

Anya looked up from her magazine and shook her head. "He went over to Brockton Bay to check out some of the construction projects the union guys are working. What do you need him for?"

Willow considered the question. She and Anya hadn't interacted much, but the woman seemed calmer and more confident since Xander came back. "I'm looking for his opinion of the Nox."

"Huh, well, I've spent a lot of time talking to them. What do you want to know?" asked the ex-demon with a slightly artificial smile.

Figuring she had little lose, she replied, "I just spoke to a man named Dr. Strange, and he suggested I speak to them about my past."

A look of realization passed over Anya's face. "Ah, you want to join Dresden in the universe with the xenomorphs, but you're worried about black-veiny evil Willow showing up again, right?"

Willow grimaced. "Basically correct."

"Talk to them," said Anya simply.

"Talk to whom?" asked the witch.

Anya shrugged. "Talk to any of them. If they aren't the right one to help, they'll put you in touch with the right one. The Nox are like the best therapists of the multiverse. They helped me understand how much of my past was the demon and how much of it was me."

Slightly confused, Willow asked, "How much of it was you?"

Anya sighed. "Willow, people can get used to almost anything. I got used to doing terrible things to men based on the flimsiest of reasons, and part of the reason it was so easy was because it gave me a feeling of power, and more importantly, control. That's something that I had to acknowledge, and its something I can feel guilty about."

"You almost sound happy about that," said Willow.

"Guilt is like fear, Willow. It has a purpose. The important thing is to learn how to work through it so that you can become better," said Anya unusually seriously. "You can't change your past, but you can change how you act in the future."

"The Nox told you that?" asked Willow, surprised at Anya's insight.

Anya shook her head. "They don't come out and tell you things, usually. Talk to them, and you'll find yourself coming to your own conclusions."

"Thanks..." said Willow awkwardly. Anya simply nodded and went back to her magazine. Willow wandered off, trying to figure out how she ended up in a world where Anya spouted wisdom and wizards held sleep-away camps.


Lisa left her bedroom and went to grab a glass of water to take her aspirin. She was explicitly not thinking about the giant lizards, as doing so had given her a massive headache. It was like her power was slamming her head against the wall repeatedly, too stubborn to give up in spite of the relative difference in hardness between her forehead and the concrete blocks. It was just like she had overused her power, but it came on annoyingly fast when she tried to think about the reptiles.

Rachel was out checking on her dogs at her kennel, which had thankfully escaped unscathed during the fighting. Alec was playing an online shooter, taking advantage of how ridiculously fast the power had come back on after the Endbringer fled. Brian was in his room talking on his cell phone. Even without her power, she could tell by the frustration in his voice that he was probably talking to Aisha. The girl seemed particularly adept at winding him up, and he was still keyed up from the Leviathan fight and the split with Skitter.

Coil had been quiet...surprisingly so. She could only surmise that he was busy dealing with the aftermath of the attack. Having an underground lair was probably less than optimal during a fight with the aquatic Endbringer, even if it was based in a re-purposed Endbringer shelter. Either that, or he was preoccupied with the same thing as the PRT -- the alien spaceship that deposited giant lizards with magical powers that made Leviathan run like its conscience was chasing it. Still, she had expected to have to explain by now why she couldn't use her powers on the visitors without having an aneurysm.

Putting her glass in the sink after swallowing her pills, she noticed a hand-written note sitting on the counter. The hand writing was unfamiliar. She picked it up and read, 'Coil's power is the ability to split time into two paths; he can drop one of the paths at any time and keep the other, then split time again. He is currently distracted because he has rapidly started to have issues with his power failing unexpectedly, and the absence of his usual crutch is making him indecisive.'

"Alec!" she called out. He started to swear at somebody over his headset. "Alec!" she said slightly louder. She still didn't get a response, so she yelled, "ALEC!"

"WHAT?" he yelled back. Then he swore profusely as his game character was killed. "Damn it, Tats, look what you did. What the hell is so important?"

She held up the note. "Where did this note come from?"

"How the hell would I know? I've been playing for the last couple of hours. Whose handwriting is it?" he asked.

She shook her head, then regretted that action as it made her headache worse. "I don't recognize it. It isn't any of us, so that means somebody came in here and left it."

The irritation on his face was now mixed with some puzzlement, which was a minor improvement. "Is it from the Boss?"

She walked over and handed him the note. "Somehow I doubt it, given the contents."

He read through the note and Tattletale could tell he was as surprised by the contents as she was. Having finished his call, Brian came into the room. Seeing them huddled over something, he asked, "What's going on?" Lisa handed him the note and explained about how it appeared next to the sink. "Nobody saw or heard anything?" the nominal team leader asked.

"No," she answered, "and I can't see how anybody could have entered and left the note without being seen unless they were using a Stranger power."

Brian glanced around the room, looking in vain for anything seeming out of place. "Why tell us this? Do you think this is right about Coil's power?"

Carefully not nodding her head, she said, "Yeah, it fits with the evidence we've seen, and it also matches the way he operates. That whole thing where he randomly tells us a job is on or off would mesh well with a power that lets him try both options and keep the one that works."

Alec raised an eyebrow. "So any time we got a no-go, that means something went wrong?"

"For Coil, at least," she said. "Or maybe something went right in the timeline he kept and he wanted to lock it in."

"Could Skitter have left the note? She could have had her insects bring it in," said Brian in a neutral tone of voice.

Lisa's power told her that Skitter probably could do it, but that she hadn't done it in this case. "I don't think so. Besides, she could have just called me if she had information. I would have spoken to her."

"Is there anything we can do to check, or to catch whoever left the note," asked Grue.

"I'll keep an eye out for anything out of place, but if they're a Stranger, we might not be able to catch them," she said with a frown. "At least, not without some additional gear. We might be able to rig something up with Coil's help." She didn't like the idea of having to ask for something, but she liked the idea of a Stranger stalking them less, and she might as well use his money if she was stuck working for him.

"Mention it the next time he calls," was his response. Lisa acknowledged that, then went back into her bedroom to lie down.

On her bed was another note.

"Oh, for Christ's sake," she said under her breath.

She picked up the new note. 'You don't want to bring Coil in on this. His days of freedom are growing extremely short. We have an offer to bring the Undersiders in and have them switch sides.'

She plopped down onto the bed and rested her head in her right hand, her elbow resting on a knee. "If you're in my room," she said somewhat angrily, "then you better show yourself." She looked around at the walls of the room and didn't see anybody. Glancing down at the note, she froze.

At the bottom of the note, the words, 'LOOK UP,' had appeared.

"Oh, shit," she said quietly. Then she turned her head to look up.

The tall warehouse loft ceiling gave the inhabitants plenty of head room. That was really the only way that the giant fucking lizard hanging from the ceiling could do so without brushing the top of her head. It was the midnight black lizard that had appeared near the medical center during the Leviathan battle. Lisa gasped and fell backward onto the bed.

"Hello, Lisa," said the reptile with a mouth that she could now see was filled with some very disturbingly sharp teeth. "You can calm down. I don't intend to hurt you or any of the other Undersiders." The words did little to calm the staccato rhythm of her heart beat. The reptile patiently waited for her to respond.

"What do you want?" she finally asked nervously.

"My name is Metis. I came here to tell you that we will very quickly be taking down Coil, which means that the Undersiders will soon lack a sponsor. We've struck a deal with the PRT and the Protectorate that will let all of you leave your life of crime behind," explained the lizard.

After a few seconds, Lisa realized she was staring silently into the glowing eyes above her. "What kind of deal?" she finally asked.

The lizard gave a closed-mouth smile. "Amnesty for crimes committed while working for Coil. A guarantee that Coil is going down for good despite his influence and the moles working for him in the PRT. A new identity for Alec. Help with Aisha's custody for Brian. A fair trial with a good defense lawyer to clear Rachel's murder charges."

Lisa's jaw dropped open. "How do you know so much about us?" she asked, confused.

Metis got a look that seemed slightly sad. "I know a lot about you, Lisa, including why you left home, and how you got caught by Coil and forced to work for him. I can tell you that your life is about to get much, much better relatively quickly."

"Why?" was the simple response.

"Because I, along with the rest of my Family, make a habit of helping people who don't deserve their situations." Lisa could hear the capital letter on Family. "Also, because Skitter asked us to help."

"Skitter? You people rescued Taylor somehow?" Lisa's relief at that idea started to take the edge off of her initial mind-rending terror.

"Yes," said the lizard, "and she's going to be helping us take down Coil and rescue Dinah Alcott. Would you like to help?"

Lisa paused to think on that for a moment, but the answer to that was obvious despite her fear. "Yes, I believe that I would."

"Talk to the others about the offer. I'll be in touch," replied Metis. With that, the giant lizard vanished.

Lisa stared in shock at the ceiling for a good thirty seconds. Then, she raised her hand and waved it around in the space where Metis's head had been, hitting nothing. She was starting to wonder if she was hallucinating when she felt her other hand brush against paper on the bed. Lifting up the third note, she read, 'No, that wasn't a hallucination. -- Metis.'

Lisa finally breathed out, realizing that she had been holding her breath for too long. She lay there for some time, trying to not think about giant invisible lizards creeping around, and wondering how she should broach the topic with her team mates.

Outside the building, Saurial and Metis were heading away from the Undersiders' hideout. "Well, at least she didn't pass out," said Saurial cheerily.

Metis looked at her skeptically. "That's why I didn't let YOU talk to her. You're the one who always caused that reaction."

"I still say people are too sensitive," complained Saurial.

Metis scoffed. "That's what the weird ones always say."

Saurial hid her amusement under a fake glare as the two reptiles transported back to their ship.
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Chapter 32: Coping
Chapter 32: Coping

"Well, that was awkward," said Willow nervously.

Kennedy grimaced. "It wasn't really what I was expecting."

"So, are we going to do it again?" asked the redhead.

"I think we need to. I mean, if we're going to make this work, we need to be honest with each other," said Kennedy reluctantly, "though I'm not really looking forward to it."

Willow had tracked down Xander eventually, and he had reiterated the advice that she spend some time talking with the Nox. Kennedy had come along for moral support...and about twenty minutes into the conversation, Willow was starting to wonder if it was a good idea.

Noraeus had an almost magical ability to ask extremely low-key questions that managed to reduce both of the young women into anxious piles of insecurities. Kennedy was deeply embarrassed about fully exposing her daddy issues, her deep-seated sense of entitlement, her own doubts about her self-worth, and how she flaunted her sexuality as a way of compensating. Willow, on the other hand, came to some harsh realizations about her overconfidence in her mind and her magic and her sometimes questionable wisdom, her lingering social anxiety, and her lack of closure relating to her relationship with Tara. By the end of the session, both of them had recognized that they each had a tendency to channel some of their parents' behaviors, and not the ones that they felt showed them in a positive light. Both women were now worried about each others revised opinions.

"Dr. Strange invited me to join Harry Dresden and his apprentice in magic school," said Willow.

Kennedy snorted slightly. "You're going to go to Hogwarts?"

Willow gave her a small smile. "I don't think a big castle in Scotland is in my future. I'm looking at it more like vocational training."

"So you're going?" asked Kennedy quietly.

"I'm seriously considering it. Noraeus made some really good points about the gaps in my understanding. I never really had a formal teacher -- just what Giles and Miss Calender could pass on to me, plus some things Tara taught me that her mother had taught her. The rest has been mostly self-study," explained the witch.

Kennedy didn't look at Willow's face. "When are you going?"

"Time is pretty flexible around here, in case you haven't noticed," answered Willow. "I was also kind of hoping that it would be when are we going?"

Kennedy quickly raised her gaze to Willow at that. "You want me to come along? What would I do at a magic school?"

"Xander said that Harry brought his daughters and his girlfriend along. He apparently hasn't had enough time to spend with any of them, so this was their chance to get to know each other better. I thought maybe we need to spend some time actually getting to know each other without an apocalypse in the background," said Willow hopefully.

"What happens if we get to know each other and decide we don't like each other?" asked the Latina slightly petulantly.

Willow rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm sure our hosts will be happy to let you go home early. We're not going to a prison. I kind of want to look on the bright side and hope it works out well."

Kennedy smirked at her, slightly teasingly. "Well, good. I still don't know what I'm going to do while you're studying magic."

"Xander said Harry's girlfriend is an expert in like, five different martial arts, and his daughters are going to be there, and at least one of them is too young to study advanced magic. You could babysit," suggested Willow, teasing her back.

Now, Kennedy got a slightly horrified look. "I am NOT a babysitter. I don't get along with small children."

"They can't be scarier than an army of Turok-han, Kennedy," said Willow with a hint of exasperation.

Kennedy shook her head. "I'm not allowed to slay children, and kids can smell weakness."

"Do you need me to protect you from the scary little girls?" asked Willow, amused.

"Why don't we agree to look out for each other?" asked Kennedy seriously.

Willow's smile was enough of an answer for now, at least enough to mix hope in with the anxiety.


"Are you Anya?" asked the leather-clad brunette.

They had found the woman they were seeking doing research on a laptop in a small office. She had looked up when they opened the door. "Yes, who's asking?"

"I'm Vala, and this is Seven," she said, gesturing to the tall, impassive blond woman standing quietly behind her. "I was told that you were the person to see about going shopping?"

"The Family did provide me with some local currency equivalents. What exactly do you need?" said the currently-blond-haired ex-demon.

"I think the phrase I heard once was, 'retail therapy'?" said Vala with a smirk.

Anya looked at her for a moment. Then, she closed the laptop screen and rose from behind her desk. "I think I have just the thing. Follow me."

The two women followed the former Vengeance Demon down a hallway, where they shortly ran into another woman dressed in black leather pants and a red halter top. The woman looked over Vala and Seven, taking in their outfits, and said, "Hey, Ahn, who are your friends?"

"Faith," acknowledged Anya with a tight smile. "This is Vala and Seven. They want to go shopping, so I'm taking them someplace Samantha mentioned."

"Wait, you mean that planet she was talking about?" asked Faith.

Anya nodded. "Yes, it sounds intriguing, and Vala here asked specifically for retail therapy. Do you want to come along?" That last question came out slightly doubtfully.

Faith appeared to consider for a moment, then said, "Sure, why the hell not? It's not like I got anything pressing to do."

The four women proceeded through a teleportation station to the local Stargate. Anya dialed in an address from memory, and they watched the wormhole activate. "Impressive," commented Seven. The free-standing wormhole technology in this universe was beyond even the capabilities of the Borg.

Vala was the first one to move toward the event horizon of the wormhole, already being familiar with Stargates. "Come on, it's easy once you get the hang of it."

After passing through the artificial wormhole, the four women came out in a receiving area on an obviously technologically-sophisticated world. There were a series of guards and agents waiting to clear visitors. One reptilian humanoid met them as they came down off of the Stargate platform. "Welcome to Hebridan. Please state your business."

Anya stepped forward. "We're here to go shopping." She held forth a small, flat disc. The reptilian agent scanned the disc with a handheld scanning device. His eyebrow ridges rose as he read the result. "Nova class credit? If you'll give me your names, you can pass straight through." After providing their names and planet of residence, the four passed out into the main transport hub of the capitol city of Hebridan, mingling in with a crowd that was mostly human, but with a few reptilians and a scattering of more exotic aliens.

Vala put her hand on Anya's arm excitedly. "How did you get a Nova-class credit disc?"

"Is that good?" asked Faith.

Vala nodded happily. "It means unlimited credit. We could buy our own starship with a Nova-class disc."

Anya regarded the disc in her hand with slightly widened eyes, then she smiled. "So it's like a black card?"

"Cool," said Faith.

"If price is no object, I would like to obtain some examples of local technology," said Seven, interested now in the opportunity.

"I don't think that will be a problem," said Vala, "but why don't we get something to eat first?"

"And drinks," said Faith.

"There appears to be a public directory over there," pointed Seven.

The group walked over to the public terminal, which had a voice interface. "What's the nicest restaurant in this sector?" asked Vala.

"Please present your credit disc," asked the limited AI running the public directory system. The system beeped cheerily when Anya presented her disc. "The Celestial Table is a four-circle Gal-ranked restaurant featuring delicacies from across the known galaxy. Would you like to reserve a table for mid-day meal?"

"Yes, please, reservation for four," replied Anya with a smile.

"This is going to be fun," said Vala.

Back on the Nox home world, Xander paused his work on another carving. For some reason, a shiver went down his spine. With a shrug, he went back to his work.


"So, what have we discovered about Miss Hess so far?" asked Piggot. Armsmaster and Miss Militia were both standing in front of her desk.

Miss Militia spoke first. "I've checked with the local hospitals. The reptiles were right about there being a pattern of wounds matching Sophia's crossbow bolts. The injuries also coincide with times when she wasn't present at headquarters."

Piggot pursed her lips. "Do we have any witness accounts that would point to Shadow Stalker?"

"Unfortunately no. Many of them didn't get a good look at their attacker. Others just described a figure dressed in dark clothing that may or may not match Sophia," replied Miss Militia.

"Armsmaster, what have you discovered?" Director Piggot regarded him critically. She was still pissed at him for his subterfuge, and they had had a long discussion that she was sure he had not enjoyed at all. She suspected he was also frustrated at being shown up in front of Legend, but it was his own damned fault.

"There was an incident of bullying similar to what our visitors described. Taylor Hebert was admitted to the hospital with a number of injuries consistent with being confined in a small space filled with toxins." He paused for a moment with a look of distaste on his face. "The attending physician reported the incident to the BBPD, but the investigation never got off the ground because somebody from the PRT notified them that it was a parahuman matter."

Piggot's eyes narrowed. "Were you able to track down who made that call?"

"The call came from Janice Woodman," answered the armored cape.

"Shadow Stalker's case worker? You're telling me the woman was stupid enough to intervene directly in covering up her assault on another student?" Piggot was clearly not as shocked as her words suggested.

"Apparently so, although we don't have any explicit evidence that Hess was involved in the incident in question...although I admit it is suggestive," said Armsmaster grimly.

"Why didn't the school contact the police?" asked Miss Militia. "Doesn't it seem odd that it was up to the girl's attending physician to make the call?"

"That's a very good question," agreed Piggot. "Armsmaster, I want you to investigate the school. I want to know what happened, and why the police were never called."

"I suggest we also pull the GPS tracking on Shadow Stalker's phone," said the local Protectorate leader.

"Do it," agreed Piggot. "Now what about Calvert?"

"We were able to verify that Calvert is actually the head of Fortress Construction, just like the materials from our visitors suggested, meaning that he runs the company that constructed the supposedly cancelled Endbringer shelter in the city's financial district," said Miss Militia.

"I was also able to verify at least a dozen different system security holes and booby traps, located exactly where our visitors' information suggested they would be," said Armsmaster unhappily. "The only safe way to circumvent these issues may be to replace the entire network, just as Saurial and Raptaur suggested. I've already reached out to Dragon to source the necessary components, and she's agreed to help."

"We also found evidence that at least two of the suspected moles identified have received payments from unknown sources in the last twelve months," added Miss Militia.

Piggot sighed. "So it looks like the Family's information is accurate. Do we have any more information on Dinah Alcott?"

"No," answered Armsmaster without elaboration.

Emily Piggot frowned, considering their next steps. "You've both seen that video they gave us?" she asked. Both of the capes nodded. "My first inclination is to think those lizards are trying to play us for fools. Most of that video looks like a well-made horror movie."

"I checked the video for signs of manipulation, and it appears to be genuine," said Armsmaster. Privately, he was impressed with the efficiency of the lizards' psy-ops, but he withheld his opinion given the Director's mood.

Miss Militia looked at him. "If that video is accurate, then they have ratings in brute, shaker, thinker, stranger...pretty much every category. I would think that unlikely."

"And yet," said the Director, "we have reports verifying their strength, speed, and matter creation abilities from when they were running search and rescue, and the other two are obviously accomplished healers."

"They could be trumps like Eidolon, or a lot of it could be tinker work. They have access to technology that is obviously very advanced, and it is unclear how much of it is actually tinker tech," added Armsmaster. "Then there's the question of why Leviathan retreated as soon as they appeared on the scene. Something caused him to retreat."

Piggot frowned. "I don't like it. What do these lizards want? They show up in the middle of an Endbringer attack, scare it off, and spend the rest of the day rescuing and healing people and fixing the city better than it was before the attack, and nobody has ever seen or heard of them before. Now, they want to help us take down a super villain and help another villain team switch sides. If something seems too good to be true..."

"It probably is," finished Armsmaster. "Still...they haven't done anything yet, other than be helpful."

"Can we afford to decline their help?" asked Miss Militia. "They've pointed out exactly how compromised our own security is, and there's Dinah Alcott to consider. If she really is a precog being held by Coil, then we can't afford any delays."

"No, we can't," admitted Piggot grudgingly. "Though I would be happier if we had some type of insurance in the event that these visitors aren't as friendly as they seem."

"Legend is still here," said Miss Militia. "He's rather good as far as insurance policies go."

Armsmaster nodded. "We could also see if Eidolon or Alexandria could be on hand. If the Triumvirate can't handle the Family, I'm not sure what could." Having the full Triumvirate might be enough to de-escalate any problems, at least.

"Unless Scion deigns to show himself," commented Miss Militia.

Piggot scoffed. "I doubt we would ever be so lucky."


Karrin paused on her way across the compound. She was heading to the shooting range set up on the far side of the old lab complex, and from the sound of it, it was already in use. Given that she had thought the only people nearby were herself, Harry, and the girls, and the other three were back at their apartment, she wasn't sure who would be using the range. Murphy made sure the flap on her holster was loose before she continued.

Her view of the firing range was obscured by one of the prefabricated buildings used for dry storage. As she rounded the corner of the building, she could see the range's current occupant. The woman wasn't tall, though she was still taller than Karrin by a few inches. She looked to be in her late twenties, fit, attractive, and with red hair past her shoulder. Her clothes were suited to the climate, blue jeans with a grey pullover sweater. She was firing a Glock 26 with a two-handed stance, and doing a damned good job of it based on what Karrin could see of the target papers. The woman emptied the magazine, then put the gun down on the bench and took off her ear protection. She turned to look at Karrin, obviously aware of her presence despite previously being focused on shooting. "You must be Karrin Murphy," she said.

"I am. Who are you?" replied Karrin bluntly.

The woman smiled at her. "Stephen Strange asked me to come by and spar with you. My name's Natasha."

"Spar?" asked Karrin with interest, somewhat mollified by the mention of Harry's future teacher. "What do you practice?"

"Jujitsu, Aikido, Savate, Kung Fu, Judo...a little bit of everything, really," answered the redhead. "You?"

"Mostly Aikido and boxing, though I've studied Krav Maga, Taekwondo, some of the things you've mentioned." All of them, actually, though Murphy didn't consider herself an expert in most of them.

"Did you want to use the range?" asked Natasha, gesturing toward the targets.

Murphy thought about it, then decided she was curious to see how good the other woman was on the mat. "I can come back later. Why don't I show you our gym?"

The other woman smirked, clearly reading the former police-woman's intentions. "All right."

Murphy led Natasha to the building that had been refurbished as a gymnasium, including an area set up to practice various martial arts. She loaned the woman a set of workout clothes, then went to put her gun back in its locker. Harry was fiddling with something wizardy and noticed her come back.

"Is something wrong with the range?" he asked, knowing she had gone to practice.

"No, Strange sent somebody to help me spar, and I want to see what she can do," answered the short blond woman.

Harry looked up from whatever he was carving at that. "Who did he send?"

Murphy quickly changed into a pair of sweats as she answered. "She just said her name was Natasha, and that she's studied a bunch of different martial arts."

She noticed his eye's widen a bit as he asked, "Does she have red hair?"

"Yes...why? Do you know her?" she asked slightly suspiciously.

"Possibly," he said. "Do you mind if I watch?"

"Of course not, but why? You've seen me fight before." she asked, now sure that Harry at least suspected something about the woman who had come to visit.

Harry grinned at her. "I'm just curious."

She narrowed her eyes at him, but finally just shrugged her shoulders and motioned him to follow. The two of them returned to the gym to find Natasha waiting patiently in workout clothes. Karrin noticed that she wasn't stretching or warming up. She also didn't appear to be fidgeting or trying to keep herself occupied while she waited, which was unusual. "Natasha, this is Harry Dresden," she said.

"Mr. Dresden, Stephen told me a bit about you when he asked me to come by," replied the woman with a nod.

"Natasha, that's a Russian name, isn't it?" he asked with a knowing smile.

"Yes. I was born in Russia, though I've lived in America for a long time now," she replied casually. "Shall we start?" she asked, looking to Karrin.

The two women faced each other across the mat. They gave each other a shallow bow. Harry watched from the sidelines as the two small women sized each other up. Finally, Murphy moved first, moving in with a series of competent but obviously not full-speed probing strikes. Natasha avoided or deflected all of them with ease, then responded with a few, slightly faster, strikes of her own. At that point, both women backed off and looked at each other, smiling.

After a few moments, Karrin gave her opponent a nod, and the two moved forward much more quickly. Harry tried to follow the two as a series of punches, kicks, and attempted grapples flowed back and forth between the two women. They spent five straight minutes moving back and forth without either woman gaining the upper hand. Both managed to land the occasional hit, but none of them were decisive. Finally, the two of them split apart and moved back to their starting positions. Karrin was starting to breathe a little faster, though Natasha looked as fresh as when she started.

"Do you want to stop holding back?" asked Murphy.

The redhead raised a single eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

Karrin smirked. "I'm curious."

The redhead nodded, and the two women moved together again. This time, however, Murphy was quickly forced off balance and pushed to the mat, where she was pinned until she tapped out. The two women got back up and began again, only to have Murphy again flat on her back from an unexpected Judo throw. She kipped back up to her feet, and turned, only to have her opponent flip behind her and catch her in a headlock. After acknowledging her loss, the two tried one more time. The final time, the redhead proceeded to strike Murphy in the kidney, solar plexus, temple and throat, just light enough to be felt without doing any actual damage.

The short blond finally paused, breathing heavy with her hands on her knees. "All right," she said. "What exactly are you, because I know you're moving faster than a human?"

Natasha smirked, then looked over at Harry. "Do you want to tell her, Mr. Dresden? I assume you know who I am."

Harry asked, "Natasha Romanov?" At her nod, he looked to Karrin. "She's a former Soviet super-soldier trained as a spy and an assassin, kind of the Russian version of Captain America. Assuming the comics are at all accurate, she changed sides and fights with the premiere superhero team of her world, the Avengers."

Murphy looked at her opponent with a serious expression. "You're an assassin?"

The redhead pursed her lips. "I was trained as one. I'm not that person anymore."

"If it helps," added Harry, "I'm pretty sure she's helped save her world more than once."

Karrin looked at him. "It helps. What do you think of her?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't know her as a person. The stories about her made her look like one of the good guys...and it's not like I'm one to judge about a person's past."

"Harry..." said Karrin as she started to walk toward him. "You always did what you had to do."

"I know," he said with a sad smile, "and I also know it usually seems that way at the time. It doesn't make it any easier in the long run." Karrin just put her hand on Harry's shoulder in support.

After a minute of silent introspection, Natasha spoke. "So, would you like me to stop by from time to time and help you out with your fighting skills?"

Karrin looked over at the woman. "You won't be bored?"

Natasha gave her a genuine smile. "You're good, Karrin, very good. You've got enough skill to keep it interesting, and I have to keep in practice despite my inherent advantages. I would be happy to spar with you. I may even be able to teach you some things."

"Then I'd be happy to spar with you," said Karrin with a smile.

"Now I just have to wonder when we'll start seeing Doctor Strange stop by," commented Harry.

"You don't have to wonder any longer," said a voice from the entrance to the gymnasium. Harry looked over to see Stephen Strange standing in the doorway. "So, shall we get started?" asked the Sorcerer Supreme.


"All right, we're pretty far outside town now," said Kevin from the front seat of the van.

Peter and MJ were watching the forested terrain pass by. "I think anywhere around here is fine. We're just here to try out some things."

Kevin pulled the van over to the side of the road. "OK, man. I'll just wait here with the van. If you get too far away, give me a call on your phone."

"You don't mind waiting for us?" asked MJ.

"Nah, it's cool. I've got my tablet and some work," said the tinker.

The Parkers got out of the van and looked up at the trees. "So...what do we do first?" asked MJ.

Peter pulled his sweatshirt over his head, revealing his new costume underneath. "First thing for all new spider folk is web-swinging."

"Have you taught anybody other than me and Miles?" asked MJ with a smirk.

"No, but tradition has to start somewhere. Now, the trick to this is knowing when to grab and when to release." Peter gave a hop and shot off a web to a high branch, grabbing the end and beginning a swing. His new costume had integrated web shooters, each filled with about twenty gallons of web fluid. While Saurial could have easily created a larger repository, the fluid starts to break down after approximately six weeks, so creating too large a supply was counter-productive.

Mary Jane tried to duplicate Peter's swing, only to find herself landing on her bottom. Luckily, her new costume was made from the same dirt-resistant material as her husband's. Peter swung back and manfully managed to avoid laughing out loud at his wife's mistake. "You let out way too much web. The solidified webbing is elastic, so your weight is going to stretch it out a bit." He demonstrated by letting out another strand of webbing and then leaning back, letting it take his weight. It was obvious that there was a noticeable amount of give on the line.

MJ was soon swinging through the trees, adapting to the motions quickly with the natural flexibility and strength that came from her new genetic enhancements. Peter found himself enjoying the act of web-swinging more than he had in years, both from his wife's obvious joy, and from his happiness at being able to share this with her. The two played in the treetops for the better part of an hour before taking a break in a clearing.

Instead of sitting down, MJ decided to "rest" while doing a one-handed hand-stand. "Having fun?" asked Peter.

She smiled up at him from her upside-down perspective. "This is amazing! I don't know how you can't want to do this every minute of the day."

He regarded her fondly. "It was pretty much like that at first when I was a teenager."

"So what changed?" she asked.

"Well, when my uncle died, it kind of dampened my enthusiasm." Peter paused for a moment and looked at the sky. "Eventually, I think I just got too used to it. There wasn't any novelty?"

His wife frowned at him. "Peter, swinging hundreds of feet over the ground shouldn't be just another boring commute to work."

"Don't get me wrong, honey. Swinging over the traffic is better than being stuck in it. It's just...moving around kind of shifts to autopilot while I worry about other things." Peter looked a little sheepish.

"Well, we're going to spend some time just enjoying ourselves when we get home," said MJ determinedly.

Peter smiled at her. "I look forward to it...speaking of which..." Peter picked a stone up off of the forest floor and hurled it at MJ's head from outside her field of vision, hard enough to break skin if it connected.

She flipped out of the way automatically. "Hey, what was that for?" she asked, shocked and a little annoyed.

"Spider sense demonstration. What did that feel like?" he asked seriously.

She paused, and her expression became thoughtful. "I'm...not sure how to describe it. Do it again?"

Peter went into a handspring and than flipped, tossing another stone mid-flip at his wife. She did a sideways flip out of the way.

"OK, that was weird. It's like, I could sense the danger, but it was also like my body wanted to move to get out of the way," she said, puzzled.

"Mister Fantastic explained his interpretation of it once. Our danger sense isn't just a precognitive warning of danger. It's also wired into an instinctive threat avoidance in our brains. Most of the time, it works great. It requires a little more focus if there are a lot of different threats from different sources," explained Peter.

"Give me an example," prompted MJ.

Peter considered the request. "Well, part of how I ended up getting pushed through the portal to another dimension was because Fisk and his hench-villains were all attacking me at once."

"Why didn't you ask for help from somebody? There are lots of heroes in New York," she said.

He shrugged. "There isn't always time to get help. At the time, Kingpin was already starting up the dimensional portal equipment, and reality quakes were breaking out all over Manhattan." She frowned, unhappy but unable to argue with his logic. "You want to head back to the van?" he asked.

The two got back to the van, only to pause when they heard a deep, male voice say from the front of the truck, "Juicy!" The two spider folk looked askance at each other. Peter looked in the driver side window to find Kevin playing a matching game on the tablet. He looked up. "Oh, hey, you two done?"

"Yep," said MJ. "Is that work?" she asked with a smile.

"Nah, it's a game Dragon got from Jimmy Olsen's world. It's simple, but kind of addictive." He put the tablet down between the seats as the other two got in the van. As they were driving back, he asked, "So how did it go?"

"The suits are awesome, and MJ is a natural at web swinging," said Peter.

Kevin looked at her in the rear view mirror. "Cool, so are you going to start patrolling?"

"I want to tag along with Pete at first," said MJ.

"Wait, patrolling? You mean, going out in costume?" he asked, surprised.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "It would be kind of hard to keep a secret identity if I went out without it."

"No," he stammered, "I just...didn't really think you would be going out."

"Then why did you want me to get the enhancement?" she asked, slightly irritated.

He thought about it, having been married long enough to know not to voice his immediate thought. "Mostly, I just wanted you to be able to take care of yourself if super-villains went after you."

"So, I was supposed to just stay at home while you go out at night and risk your life?" she asked sharply.

"Dude," interjected Kevin before Peter could dig a hole for himself. "Once you've got powers, almost nobody has the willpower to not use them. Even if your world's powers are a little different from ours, not using them is like...I don't know, being the world's best basketball player and never playing the game."

"And besides, didn't Saurial say that these costumes are almost invulnerable?" asked Mary Jane in a reasonable tone of voice.

Peter put his hands up in surrender. "I didn't say I expected you to stay at home. I just hadn't thought about it."

"Well, look at it this way. You're a lot less likely to be caught without backup now," she replied.

Pete considered that as they drove back into Brockton Bay. The part of him that was happy to have help, especially if it meant spending more time with his wife, warred with the part that was naturally worried about her safety. One thing he knew for certain -- when MJ set her mind to something, changing it was a lot of work. Before he even tried, he needed to figure out if he even should.
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Scottish Castle HQ from Buffy Season 8
By the way, for those of you who were never Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans, or who never read the follow-on comics, the cast ends up at a new headquarters in a castle in Scotland (see the image below). So, when Willow says she doesn't see a Scottish castle in her future...well, that may be true in the new timeline...

Buffy Season 8 Panels with Castle