Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

The Subway Effect
Okay, my above comment regarding sacrifices to one's Dark Master sparked something... Something I like to call

The Subway Effect
The first time it had happened The Wolf, The Ram, and The Hart had not been amused. An uninitiated intern had overheard upper executives discussing the upcoming sacrifice, and had misinterpreted it as a desire for lunch. To be fair, which the three Senior Partners rarely were, the sacrifices were going to be their lunch. There was something pleasing about small children. The taste, the texture, and the terror all combined for an exquisite meal. Finding three paper wrapped bundles of meat spheres in a red tomato sauce on bread waiting for them instead had been considered an insult. The Senior Partners still ate the offerings, they were hungry after all. And it had been better then was expected. No terror to season the meat, and it lacked the delightful crunch of small bones. But the meat, sauce, and bread were not bad. Not preferred, but they eventually decided this was an acceptable sacrifice, this time. This decision had come far too late for the hapless intern however.

The second time it happened didn't annoy the Senior Partners quite as much. This wasn't what they had ordered. They had ordered a twenty-something female virgin. Instead there were three of what humans called 'submarine sandwiches'. Each one was different. They had different meats, different cheeses, different types of bread (and the Senior Partners hadn't been aware there were multiple types of bread), different sauces, and different vegetables on them. To their surprise, these 'subs' were good. Hart had even mused that it might be as good as a 20-something female virgin. And a great deal easier to consume due to the lack of bones. Still, it was again not what they ordered. So the Intern was ordered to be fed through a wood chipper. It was the principle of the thing, after all. When you place an order, you were suppose to receive what you ordered.

Over time the mistake kept occasionally being made. And eventually the Senior Partners decided that they did in fact prefer these sandwiches to the traditional sacrifices. For one thing, the traditional sacrifices frequently came with a side order of annoyingly competent Heroes. The Wolf, Ram, and Hart had already lost their foothold on eighteen of the twenty different realities they were trying to take over due to pesky Heroes being attracted by their demanded sacrifices. One of the most troublesome of those Heroes had been a man named Harry Dresdon. And when two of the remaining realities fell to them, those delightful sandwiches were lost. It seemed Hell On Earth made it impossible for Subway to stay in business. So after much thought and consideration, a new set of orders were placed in the last remaining Reality they were trying to take over.

Holland Masters was... confused. For two decades the Senior Partners has been frequently demanding the sacrifice of three Subway Subs, often with very specific requirements for bread and toppings. That was odd, but did make things easier to keep under the radar of various Champions. After all, it's difficult to arrange to kidnap and sacrifice innocents every week without drawing the attention of those who would stop you. Sending someone down to the nearest Subway was much easier. But he'd just returned from the most bizarre meeting with the Senior Partners in his entire time with the firm. This would change many of their upcoming plans. After all, the Senior Partners had decided to cancel their plans for the Apocalypse due to it preventing them from getting their subway sandwiches. What. The. Hells?!​
Chapter 22: Children
Chapter 22: Children

The Nox seemed to be masters of letting their world evolve into natural beauty, then subtly using their powers to make it into something even more extraordinary. The case in point was the grotto Ellen had stumbled upon in her walk. There was a series of natural-appearing stone steps that traced a path around a shallow basin below an overhanging spur of rock. A stream from above was cascading down over the end of the overhang, tumbling down into a mossy pool that had formed in the center. Wild flowers covered the bits of grassy dirt and grew out of the crevices of the walls. There were several flat stones, and in one case a remarkably dry and clean fallen log, placed in convenient spots for sitting and contemplating the beautiful scene. There was nothing there that couldn't have happened through random chance, although the perfection of the tableaux made that unlikely.

Ellen had started hiking out of a need for something to do. Their hosts seemed to understand that she didn't want to talk through her feelings with strangers, but they also refused to let her work. Every time she tried to do something she considered productive, there was always a member of the Nox there demonstrating why it was unnecessary, or even counter-productive. They were always very polite and friendly, which made it impossible for her to begrudge them their ways. It made it damned hard to distract herself from her feelings, though. Hiking at least gave her something physical to do. She had found this particular grotto three days ago, and had started a habit of stopping here to eat something when she became hungry on her hikes.

Nox food always appeared simple, but that simplicity concealed a complexity of flavor and texture that was quite astonishing. It was difficult to describe, if only because the words in English just couldn't do it justice. How do you describe a sweet-tart fruit about the size of an apple whose flesh had a creamy consistency and fleshy edible seeds that, when taken together, was like the world's best cheese steak while also being a savory source of nutrients and protein? It was simultaneously bizarre and slightly addictive, but strangely never to the point of excess.

She watched the water fall into the pool as she ate her food. 'Amanda would have loved this scene,' she couldn't help but think. 'She loved to swim as a child. I wonder if she kept it up when she grew older?' Ellen couldn't help but wonder about the life of her daughter when her mind grew quiet. She hadn't had the strength to find out much about her after she was rescued...after she was told that that her child had passed from old age. How hard had Amanda's life been because of her absence? There was even a small part of her that worried that it had been better with her not there, and the idea of discovering there was truth there was terrifying.

Ellen didn't notice her own tears as she swallowed the flesh of her fruit. The noise from the falling water covered the sounds of a woman finally mourning the life of a child lived without her mother. That loss was suffused with the guilt of decisions made. That fateful final journey of the Nostromo was supposed to enable her to take a break and spend time being a mother. Was there a different choice that she could have made?

It was getting dark by the time Ellen started to make her way back to the others. For once, she felt like talking with somebody.


Metis appeared in the flash of a teleport inside a large stone cavern. A narrow bridge seemed to span a great, open chasm. This was the entry point to communicate with the Omeyocan, one of the ancient races discovered in SG-1's exploration of the galaxy. Metis was not here for them, though. She could hear voices, which led her to her target.

"It looks like your ride is here," said the man speaking with Daniel Jackson. Nick Ballard was older than Daniel, but he looked younger than he had when he first arrived here with SG-1. Daniel looked over to where Nick was pointing and saw Metis walking toward him.

"It was good to see you again," said Daniel.

"You're welcome to come visit at any time. My hosts are happy to have you," replied Nick with a smile. He opened his arms and gave Daniel a firm hug, which was returned enthusiastically.

"Are you ready to go, Daniel?" asked the black lizard once they had finished their goodbyes.

After letting go of his grandfather, Daniel nodded his agreement. The two quickly disappeared in a flash of light.

Back on the Ship of Fools, Daniel said, "Metis, I want to thank you for taking me to visit my grandfather. I just...hadn't had a chance to get back. It always seemed kind of frivolous to simply use the Stargate for social calls."

"It's not a problem, Daniel. I think, perhaps, you place too great a cost on travel, though. Didn't Teal'c use the Stargate to see his family?" asked Metis.

Daniel frowned. "I guess. Maybe he was used to seeing the Stargate as nothing more than a way of traveling, whereas for us it was something both extraordinary and expensive to operate."

"Well, don't hesitate to ask in the future. If there's one thing the Family understands, its family," said Metis with a delighted smirk.

"Are you taking me to the others, now?" asked the archaeologist.

Metis nodded. "They've been spending time with the Nox. We'll head there right away."

Daniel's eyes lit up at that news. "Wow, you folks are spoiling me."

The lizard actually laughed. "Trust me Daniel, you haven't seen anything yet."


Harry was lying on a surprisingly comfortable table that appeared to be made of stone but wasn't. Ianthe and Lya of the Nox were nearby. Sitting next to his head was a skull made of black crystal. It was exquisite work. A fine pattern of runes scrolled their way around the surface of the skull, only some of which he recognized. The runes were engraved, then filled with quicksilver and sealed. The eyes of the skull held two deep blue sapphires, sizable enough to be worth a fortune back home. Harry would have never been able to afford such an elaborate crafting back home, even if he had possessed the skill to create it.

"Are you ready, Harry?" asked Ianthe with a small smile.

"You're sure that you know how to do this?" he said with a worried frown.

"Do not worry, Harry Dresden. When you wake, your daughter will be safe," said Lya, cutting straight to his real concern.

With that, Harry lay back on the table. "All right, let's do it, then."

Ianthe reached out to touch Harry's hand, and soon the wizard was in a deep sleep.


"You have created quite a disturbance in the status quo," said the being.

A voice replied, "You do not approve?"

"My opinion on the matter isn't relevant. What matters is that you've potentially created a lot of work for some powerful interests."

"I have simply changed the path of their tasks...and yours."

"You know, wandering around and randomly poking holes in universes carries risks, especially for some realities. Do you know what would happen if the barrier in the Federation's reality were breached too early?"

"It was necessary. There were possibilities that had to be opened."

The being did the metaphysical equivalent of glaring. "As long as you're prepared for the consequences."

"The standard rules still apply."

"Well," pondered the being, "it should at least be entertaining."

"That is guaranteed. You worry too much, Q. You should believe in your charges more, as do I."

"We'll see..."


Harry woke feeling refreshed. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked over at Ianthe, who was watching him carefully.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"I have to say, I feel really good. I mean, I thought I felt good after you healed me and we did the cleansing ritual, but everything is, I don't know, lighter?"

Ianthe nodded knowingly. "The spirit's growth was putting pressure on you...not physical pressure, but pressure none the less."

Harry looked around for the skull, and was disappointed that it wasn't nearby. "Where's Bonnie?"

"I'll take you to her. She's recovering in the other room with Lya." Ianthe gestured toward the door.

Harry got to his feet, sliding off of the high table, and asked, "Did everything go all right with the transfer? What is she recovering from?"

"Everything is fine. I think it will be obvious as soon as you see her," said the lizard as she walked through the door.

Dresden followed her through the door. In the next room, Lya was sitting and speaking with a teen-aged human girl. While that was odd, Harry shifted his gaze to look for his daughter's skull, and looked over to Ianthe questioningly when he couldn't find it. He quickly shifted his attention back to the girl when he heard her say, "Dad?"

Harry stared at the girl. She was tall, though obviously still had some growth left and shorter than his gangling six-and-a-half feet. Her skin shared Harry's olive tone, and she had long, dark brown hair past the shoulder. Unlike Harry's brown eyes, though, this girl's eye's were a brilliant, sapphire blue. She looked at Harry, hopefully. He stared at her, mouth slightly agape, before he simply asked, "How?"

"We thought," said Ianthe with a grin, "that we would make it easier for you and your daughter to spend time together."

Harry looked over at Ianthe. "I thought you were moving Bonnie to that crystal skull?"

"That is what happened, Harry," said Lya with a kind smile. "We then placed your daughter's skull in her body."

Harry turned back to look at Bonnie. "Your body has a skull inside it?" he asked, somewhat confused.

The girl laughed. "Doesn't yours?" After a few moments where Harry just stared, slack-jawed, she added, "Is...this OK?"

Instead of saying anything, Harry simply walked over to the bed and hugged his daughter for the first time.

Ianthe and Lya left the room quietly. Outside, Lya said, "That was a kind act, but Harry will need help. His daughter is still a Spirit of Knowledge, despite being in the body of a human girl."

"Don't worry about that. We've got plans already in motion that should help," said Ianthe.

Lya smiled in response. She was growing quite fond of these lizards, and not just because they tended to discomfort Antaeus with their antics.


"Xander," said Metis. "I've got some friends I would like you to meet."

Xander looked up from where he was polishing the dolphin he had carved earlier to see the giant lizard leading two men to speak with him. His eyes widened comically as he recognized who she was leading. He carefully placed his carving on a wooden shelf before getting up from his chair to greet the new arrivals.

Metis did the introductions. "Xander Harris, may I present to you Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, and Thor, son of Odin, Prince of Asgard. Gentlemen, this is Xander Harris, protector of the Hellmouth, White Knight of the Vampire Slayer and the One Who Sees."

"Really, just Xander, please," stammered the young man.

Thor regarded him critically. "I think I see what you mean, Strange. He does seem to share some of Odin's and Heimdall's gift." He looked at the carving on the shelf. "And he's a craftsman."

Stephen smiled at the young man. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Xander. Saurial and Raptaur described your situation to me."

"Thank you, I mean, the pleasure's mine," said Xander nervously. He had read some of the stories from Peter's reality, and knew exactly with whom he was talking.

"Xander, Thor and Dr. Strange have come with some gifts for you, to help you protect your world and your friends," said Metis. "Ianthe has something for you as well, but she's helping out Harry right now."

"Harry Dresden?" asked Dr. Strange. "I also would like to speak with him."

Ianthe apologetically said, "I'm sorry, but he's just given birth and needs some time to adjust."

Strange's eyes widened. Thor just said, "Understandable. I remember when my brother gave birth for the first time." Turning to look at Xander, he said, "So, Xander Harris, do you have a weapon of choice? I use a hammer, myself."

"Um, I tend to prefer axes. They're a good weapon to use, especially, if you're fighting a stronger foe like a lot of demons we faced," he replied. "Hammer's are a little slower unless you've got the strength of a god," he said with a small grin.

Thor laughed. "That's a good answer. I think I have something for you." Thor removed a long case from a bag on his belt that looked to be too small to hold it. He set the case on the floor and opened it to reveal an axe. The weapon was impressive, with a curved haft and a pike on the tip. The blade was curved and extended past the butt of the head above and below. Lighting-like curls decorated the blade.

"This weapon is named Jarnbjorn, or Iron Bear, in English. The Dwarves forged this for me centuries ago, before I had Mjölnir. It's enchanted to be indestructible, and can cleave through almost any armor. It also carries Odin's blessing, so it should work well against Hellspawn." Thor held out the axe with both hands toward Xander.

He took the axe with reverence. As he grasped the handle, there was a brief surge of electricity that seemed to run up Xander's arm a ways. "I have no words that can express how much this means to me..." he said.

"It seems to like you," said Thor with a grin. "Just take care of it, and it'll take care of you."

"Now," said Dr. Strange, "I have something for you, as well." He reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out an amulet. Set into a thin gold setting was a large red gem that seemed to glow slightly. "This amulet holds the Eye of Zartra. The stone was originally mounted in the Sword of Kammu, an ancient blade wielded by the King of Atlantis. The stone was gifted to me, and I am passing it on to you. While you wear it, you should be immune to almost every form of magic."

He passed the amulet over to Xander. Xander set Jarnbjorn to rest against his chair while he placed the chain of the amulet over his head. The young men then bent to pick up the axe, at which point there was a bright flash.

"That was interesting," said Thor.

"Yes," replied Stephen. "Xander, do you mind if I examine your amulet and axe for a moment?"

"Of course you can," he replied, setting both on a nearby table.

Stephen went over and began to examine the two artifacts with the Eye of Agamatto. When he was done and the Eye had closed, he said, "It appears that the Eye of Zartra has accepted Jarnbjorn as part of Xander's regalia, just as it did the enchantment of the Sword of Kammu. That's very good, as it means you won't have any problems wielding the two together." He noticed that Xander seemed to be staring at the Eye of Agamatto. "Is there something wrong with my amulet?"

Xander looked up at the wizard's face, and asked, "That's not an Infinity Stone, is it?"

Strange looked confused for a moment. "Why would I wear one of the creation stones around my neck?"

Xander blushed. "It was something in one of the stories I saw about your reality. Anyway, thank you both for the gifts. I promise to try and be worthy of your trust."

"Ha!" exclaimed Thor. "Just be sure to slay plenty of Hellspawn and you'll be using Jarnbjorn as it was meant to be used."

"In my world, that's a given," replied Xander with a rueful smile.

"At some point, I would like to meet your friend, Willow Rosenberg," said the wizard. "Saurial mentioned that she's a powerful witch."

"I'm sure she'd be happy to meet you," said Xander. "We can probably set something up with the Family after I get back."

"Absolutely," agreed Metis. "Doctor, we'll let you know when Mr. Dresden is up for having visitors."

With that, Thor and Dr. Strange took their leave to return to their home universe. Xander took the opportunity to take some practice swings against a tree. He was pleased with how the axe seemed to swerve in his hands based upon his intended target, guiding his blows.

In Asgard, a single eye gazed across the realities, watching the champion test out his gift.


High above the Nox home world, Supreme Commander Thor of the Asgard fleet sat aboard his battlecruiser. He had watched the departure of his namesake from another universe. "Fascinating," he said to his companion. "The Aesir of that universe are advanced in both technology and magic, but they appear in reality as we present ourselves to the less advanced humans we protect."

Saurial looked over at Thor, whose newly cloned body appeared much more human than the small Asgard forms they had encountered when they rescued Idunn, albeit with the same grayish pallor and larger cranium. Interestingly enough, Thor was dressed in an outfit that might have fit in quite well in a formal setting on Asgard in the Marvel universe. Apart from being healthier and stronger, the clones were no longer genderless. Taylor and Varga had been somewhat surprised to find out the Idunn was actually female.

"How goes the fight against the Replicators?" asked Saurial.

"It is going quite well. They appear to be unable to adapt to the weapon you provided. We are in your debt." Thor was quite satisfied. He himself had watched a revitalized Asgard fleet disable an armada of commandeered vessels infested with Replicators in less time than it took to locate them. They had already cleansed three lost worlds of infestation, and had begun to restore their population from backup.

"We would prefer to spend your gratitude helping out Daniel Jackson's world. You've seen the stories about your universe that we have," said Saurial. The Family had provided the Asgard with copies of the television shows. To say that the Asgard had been stunned would be an understatement.

"I have." said Thor. The depiction of the end of their race had been horribly plausible, although the High Council was still debating the correct response to it. "Once we have rebuilt our civilization, we will be speaking to the humans of Earth. We will also be dispatching ships to the Pegasus galaxy to deal with the Vanir." Their presence there had been yet another unpleasant revelation. "What are your plans?"

Saurial gave a predatory grin, which Thor found strangely endearing. "We have plans for the System Lords, and we intend to aid the Tok'ra in avoiding genocide for their species. We should be able to avoid alerting the Ori of the existence of the Milky Way galaxy now that we know the risk. The Wraith are a longer-term project, though, so feel free to vaporize any whose paths you cross."

Thor actually smiled. "It will be our pleasure." The Asgard's reputation as warriors was not undeserved in this reality, either, and their relationship with the Family was getting off to a magnificent beginning.
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A Protective Father
"now Thor, you don't mind me calling you Thor, I mean you ARE asking to date my daughter after all."

Thor nodded hastily , not wanting to offend the Padrone.. he had heard in the Meade halls of Asgard the power that this seemingly slight man held, with the backing of armies of warriors, all ..Unionized.. He had heard in his youth, his father Odin cursing over the losses that had been suffered at the hands of The Unions, and wanted nothing of that.. He stood silent in front of Danny Hebert's desk, wondering if he should sit or stand.. decided to stand..

"Well son, what are your intentions toward my daughter, what do you have to offer her?"

'Well, I'm very rich, she would never want for anything.."

Danny smiled 'she has matter creation ability, she can create anything she wants with a blink of an eye..

"I can provide her with a palace with hundreds of servants.."he trailed off as Danny quirked an eyebrow at him..

"have a seat, " he gestured as he smiled..
Thor sat and he placed Mjollnier on the floor between his feet.

"I am just being a father, Thor, I want my child to be safe and be probably know just as well as I do that Taylor is capable of protecting herself from anything short of a star going nova, and she would probably use the shock wave to surf across the universe.." Thor almost opened his mouth to speak of a certain Silver Surfer he had met once..but decided it wasn't relevant..

"Have you been married before? I know you are older than you look"
Thor sighed.."over the millennia I have had several
relationships, some I chose, some were thrust upon me.. Lady Jane Foster, Sif , a goddess of war.. which my father chose for me. others..." he sighed again. With Sif I was father to Modi, my son and Thrud , my daughter.."

"Why Taylor?" Danny interrupted, "she is a child next to you, on that basis alone I should say no.."

Thor sighed and took off his helmet, and sat it on the chair next to him.
he was quiet for a moment..and sat back. "The heart wants what it is not something one can control"

Danny sat quietly for a moment considering his next words..

" she is close to the Family ..They are very protective of Taylor, you know."
Thor nodded. "I have stood against Jörmungandr and survived.."
Danny shocked the thunder god when he leaned back in his chair and laughed.. "You actually think you could stand a chance against the Family? sure Kaiju is big, Imihebi is three times her size.. but even with your powers you wouldn't beat even Saurial.. if that girl got an idea you had hurt Taylor, she would make you eat your hammer.." and his face turned impassive

"And then it would be my turn.." he let that sink in for a moment..

"This is why I am going to ask you to leave Taylor alone..because you have children with multiple women
because there is too much age difference, and finally because as you said earlier, "the heart wants what it wants" and truthfully, based on that you are not good enough for my Daughter.."

Thor angrily stood, electric crackling off his fingers, his hammer flying to his hand.. was about to speak and froze, no movement at all, no breathing, the only thing he could do is move his eyes.. where in his peripheral vision saw Ianthe fade into view, a touch of her hand on his bare skin, using her particular power to disconnect most of his nervous system..

Danny stood and stepped out from behind his desk and faced up to the Norse deity.
"Son, the mistake you made here is this: 'you say the heart wants what it wants'..the truth is your heart must want for your heart to want what the others' heart wants.
"So if at some time in the future, you should want Taylor to be happy ahead of your own wants and needs. "
"Now, here take your hat" he lifted the helmet and plonked it on the taller man's head "and depart from here.. until you change your thinking she won't want to have anything to do with you. Sorry" Danny nodded to |Ianthe who released the Norseman's entrapment..and stepped aside. The electric snapping and popping subsided as he turned without a word and walked slowly past he three silent lizard girls and Taylor ..who had apparently been there the whole time.

he walked out the front door of the DWU offices and stood in the yard for a a moment while all around there were eyes looking..judging..
he lifted his hammer to the sky and a lightning strike and enormous clap of thunder, he was gone, a small whirlwind where he had stood, whisking a bit of dust away.

this Omake based on a comment I saw somewhere,.,
A Jealous Rival
I'm pretty sure it was the SG1 Thor interested in Saurial...

The throne room of Asgard was in Chaos. Guards ran hither and yon on various errands. Heimdall stood by the throne, discussing the defense of Asgard with Odin. Thor rushed to his father's side.

"Father, what is happening? What foe besieges us?"

Odin looked at Thor disapprovingly. "My son, what have you done?"

Thor looked in shock at his father. "I...I know not of what you speak?"

Just then, a hologram appeared in the midst of the room. A tall, gray figure cloaked in a long robe of a satin-like material stood there.

'People of the Asgard of this dimension. In my reality, I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet. These are our ships which surround your realm. Who among you claims my name?'

Thor strode forward until he was standing in front of the hologram. "I am Thor, son of Odin and Prince of Asgard. Why do you come here with bared weapons?"

The gray figure examined him closely, eyes narrowing over black irises. 'Son of Odin, tell me. Do you seek the hand of the Lady Saurial?'

"Nay, I say. I did speak to the father of the fair Taylor. He sent me from Midgard, claiming that I was unworthy of her. Never did I say anything about the warrior Saurial." Thor missed Heimdall and Odin glancing at each other. Heimdall rolled his eyes a little.

'He sent you from Midgard? You accepted this?' asked the holographic alien.

"I...had no choice in the matter," replied Thor ashamedly.

The alien turned to gaze at the one-eyed lord of Asgard. 'Lord Odin, I apologize for this misunderstanding. Our fleets shall leave you be.' With that, the hologram disappeared.

Thor turned to look at his father. "Father, what was this about?"

"Thor, I have a mission for you. I need you to track down Surtur. I have seen portents of Ragnarok!" Odin's face was stern.

"What? Now? How can that be?" asked Thor, confused.

"Do you refuse my bidding?" asked Thor's father.

Thor just stood for a moment, mouth agape. "No, of course not! I...I shall ready to leave at once!" With that, he turned and strode quickly from the throne room.

"Ragnarok?" asked Heimdall. "I have seen nothing of this."

Odin shook his head. "The best way to keep my son occupied is to send him off on an impossible quest. You remember his last girlfriend? The mortal infested with the Aether? Now he brings a battle fleet knocking on our door. And here I thought Loki had the strangest relationships. I swear one of those two boys will be the death of me..."
Chapter 23: Alien Resurrection
Chapter 23: Alien Resurrection

The Ship of Fools arrived in Ellen Ripley's universe near the coordinates where the Sulaco would be in approximately fifty-eight hours. At that time in the future, the past version of the ship and its crew would arrive and rescue Ellen's pod from space. Despite having plenty of time before that moment, the ship arrived and stayed cloaked from sight. Saurial, Miles and Daniel were on the bridge, while Varga (as Raptaur), Ianthe and Metis were waiting in the ship's cargo hold.

Miles had had two nights of sleep uninterrupted by bad dreams or night terrors, and was feeling twenty years younger. He had agreed to go along on a mission when asked by Saurial as an interesting change of pace. Daniel had been speaking to him at the time and had asked to go along. While he was enjoying his time discussing the Nox's history and culture with their hosts, he wanted to see what the Family was going to be doing. The lizards hadn't explained that they were going back to Ellen's universe until they were already lifting off.

"Don't you think Ellen should be here for this?" asked Miles.

Saurial's face took on a sympathetic look. "Honestly, Miles, I don't know if she ever wants to come back to her home reality again. She had terrible experiences here. The Nox also advised against it. She's just gotten to a point where she's willing to talk about her experiences, and we don't want to expose her to more xenomorph encounters right now."

"So what are we here to do?" asked Daniel warily from the sensor console.

Saurial said with a slight smile, "Solve a mystery, Daniel. Tell me, do you have any ships on long-range sensors?"

Daniel read the output from the sensor display. "Yes, there are three. One of them reads as the USS Sulaco, which is Ellen's ship. The other two are the USCSS Pascagoula and the USS Legato."

"What are their headings?" she asked Daniel.

"The Pascagoula is heading away from Fiorina 161 at a fairly slow speed. The profile looks like a cargo hauler. The Legato is smaller and appears to be on an intercept course with the Sulaco," he answered. The concept of a "slow" speed was relative to faster-than-light travel, of course.

"That second name sounds familiar..." hazarded Miles.

Saurial nodded. "It's a ship mentioned in one of the video games set in Ripley's universe. The crew are Weyland-Yutani, private military contractors and scientists. They're on their way to intercept the Sulaco.

"Is it a rescue mission?" Despite his question, Daniel looked doubtful.

"It's a mission to clean up loose ends." Saurial gave a rather intimidating smile filled with an excessive amount of teeth. "We're the rescue mission. Miles, bring us close to the current position of the Legato. I'm going down to the cargo hold to let the others know that it's time for a boarding action."

Saurial hurried off the bridge without waiting for a reply. Miles and Daniel shared a look, and then Miles programmed in a wormhole jump that would take them within transporter range of the Legato.

"So I guess we just stay here?" asked Daniel.

Miles gazed at him evenly. He had actually watched the movies about Ripley's experiences. "Trust me, if there are those aliens that Ripley dealt with over there, then we don't want to go over there. Let the Family deal with them."


Saurial ran into the cargo bay, quiet despite her speed. {We've found the Legato. We'll be in range shortly.}

Metis nodded. {Are you sure you just want to capture the crew? You know what they were planning to do to the colonists.}

{If all goes to plan, then these people will stand trial for their crimes,} said Varga. {While I would have no qualms about throwing them out an airlock without a pressure suit, their testimony will help bring down the megacorporation behind all of this.}

Raptaur and Varga had the same hand-held dart guns used for the Merchant take-down. Unlike those, however, these held three different types of rounds. The tranquilizers were still available for use against human crew. The gun could also fire a neurotoxin dart and explosive rounds, on the off chance that any of the xenomorphs got free. In the game, that hadn't happened until after the Legato and the Sulaco docked, supposedly, but the ship had a sizable cargo of both colonists and live eggs. Ianthe had made certain the neurotoxin would act quickly on xenomorph biology.

"Saurial, we're within transporter range of the target," said Miles' voice over the intercom.

"Let's go," said Saurial with an air of authority. The four lizards were soon transported over to the science vessel. The crew of said vessel were unaware that there were any other ships nearby. That would change shortly.


Metis was tasked with first clearing the living quarters of the ship. The mercenaries appeared to live in barracks compartments with twenty bunks. There were three such barracks, suggesting sixty trained mercenaries on board, apart from the science staff and ship's crew. It was also likely that at least the senior officer for the mercenaries had his own room.

{This is Metis. I'm ready to sweep the barracks.} They were using Starfleet communications equipment for this mission, as the locals had nothing that could even detect the signal.

She entered the first room cloaked, and found six conscious mercenaries, with another three sleeping. All nine were quickly tranquilized. The last awake mercenary was just starting to turn at the sound of Metis firing when he collapsed. The other two rooms netted another fifteen soldiers without a single one being aware of what was happening.

{Twenty-four down. I'm moving on to the crew quarters,} she said into the communicator.


The scene Ianthe walked in on was horrific. Three scientists and two guards were watching one of the alien facehuggers implant a colonist in a sealed experimental chamber. There was an entire wheeled rack of live facehuggers in some type of clear cylinders, presumably prepared for whichever helpless civilian was picked as the next subject. Ianthe quickly tranquilized the five humans, resisting the temptation to use the neurotoxin on them instead. She then ran to the poor woman and began healing her, ripping the alien off of the woman's face and starting to destroy the implanted embryo. This took some concentration thanks to having to neutralize the acidic blood first, which would explain why she made her mistake.

There had been a technician out of sight behind a row of equipment close to the far wall. Ianthe had missed him entirely in her rush to save the colonist. While Ianthe was working to save her, he had come out, seen the weird alien doing something to the colonist, and panicked. His first act was to push over the tanks of live facehuggers, which led to the tops of each container popping open. His second act was to run for the door, apparently hoping the aliens would keep her busy while he escaped.

"Damn it!" yelled Ianthe, who had to spend precious seconds stabilizing her patient. She then darted the human just as the door closed behind him. She could hear a satisfactory thump outside the door as he fell. Ianthe then moved out into the room, senses on high alert. She darted one creature with neurotoxin just as it started to leave the floor in a jump at her. Ianthe was in no danger of implantation, but leaping at a target's face was probably an instinctual response on the part of the alien. That was one down, but she still had to find the others, preferably before they spread out into the ship. She could smell the creatures, but the whole area was suffused with the scent, and there were multiple targets.

She heard one scurrying past the equipment racks out of her line of sight. She turned her head in that direction, but that didn't stop her from darting two that moved to either side of her while her attention was shifted. The two darted facehuggers squeaked piteously for a brief moment before the neurotoxin finished them. A quick glance at the tanks showed that there should be eight of the little monsters running around. She moved around the equipment rack and was able to catch the back end of one as it tried to hide underneath a set of medical scanners. A fifth tried to scuttle across the ceiling and was quickly dispatched.

After that, the room was silent. Ianthe waited a good fifteen seconds, then did a rapid loop around the entire laboratory. She didn't spot any more of the little bastards, nor could she hear any more moving about. She did, however, find an open ventilation shaft. "Fuck!" she snarled.

Ianthe went back to finish healing the woman who had been implanted. Over her communicator, she broadcast, {We've got three facehuggers live and out in the ship!}


Saurial and Varga were moving quickly through the cargo bays, darting the xenomorph eggs with a high enough velocity to pierce through the outside of the egg and into the facehugger inside. They were almost finished when the message from Ianthe came.

{Can you release the anti-xenomorph virus?} asked Saurial.

{I can, but without access to the environmental controls, I have no way of spreading it throughout the ship. The tranquilizer darts are already dosed with the human-specific virus, so we need to finish tranquilizing the humans as quickly as possible,} answered Ianthe over the communicator. The human virus would at least make the unconscious crew immune to implantation.

Saurial looked over at Varga. Varga said, {Go and hunt. I'll finish here and start darting the colonists in their tubes. It won't be as effective as it would be out of hibernation, but it should still protect them.}

Saurial took off at a run, darting a surprised mercenary in passing as she exited the cargo bay. She proceeded to make a series of line-of-sight teleports toward Ianthe's position, pausing only long enough to listen and sniff the air, looking for the aliens. Four times, she darted nearby humans almost as an afterthought. Her search pattern finally revealed a tell-tale skittering sound, which she quickly narrowed down to a ventilation duct in one of the corridors. She increased the force of her shot and sent a dart through the side of the duct, skewering the facehugger.

{One down,} she reported to the others.

Metis' voice replied. {I've reached the bridge and disabled the watch staff. The staff installed motion sensors throughout the ship, presumably because the xenomorphs don't appear on normal life scans, at least not using this technology. I've got movement that matches the facehugger profile detected about one hundred meters north of your position.}

Saurial teleported in the direction indicated. Rounding a corner, she watched a woman dressed in a crew uniform run from the skittering form of a facehugger. Two quick darts shot out from Saurial's gun. The first struck the woman in the arm, dropping her. The second, filled with neurotoxin, embedded itself in the center of the facehugger just as it was preparing to leap on the woman. It instead tumbled end over end from the force of the dart as it expired.

{Two down,} reported the lizard girl.

{I'm not getting anymore movement,} said Metis.

{That's not right...I'm sure there is one more out there,} answered Ianthe worriedly.

{Let's finish tranquilizing the humans. Once that is done, we can search the ship more thoroughly,} suggested Varga.


Leroy took a deep inhale from his cigarette. Smokes were contraband on board ship, but he'd been a merc long enough to know how to get around such things. A little cross-wire of some of the sensors in the maintenance room let him smoke in peace. The lieutenant didn't really give a shit, but the suits would have a coronary and it wasn't worth the hassle of getting written up. He already had a couple of disciplinary marks for minor shit on his record, and he figured the retirement package from this gig was likely to be lethal. At least it paid well.

He stopped moving as he heard what sounded like an animal moving around near a crate of cleaning supplies. Did somebody let rats on board? That would be unusually sloppy for a crew of anal retentive eggheads. They seemed to spend half their time bitching about dirty PMC's tracking grime through their labs.

He grabbed a wrench from a workbench and gave it a shake to get a feel for its heft. Makeshift club in hand, he went over to look around the crates, trying to see if he could find out what was moving around. After a few minutes of fruitless searching, he set his wrench down on one of the crates. Whatever. He wasn't a fucking exterminator.

The thing that jumped on him when he turned around was NOT a rat. Leroy's last horrified thought before he fell unconscious was to wonder if the scientists had set the thing on him on purpose.


Saurial was on the bridge of the Legato with Metis. {Have we accounted for the full crew?}

Metis shook her head. {There is a Private L. Jenkins that is unaccounted for.}

{We'll have to do a sweep. What about him?} asked Saurial, pointing at one of the crew slumped against a console. The man looked exactly like the Bishop android.

{He's human. He's listed in the crew registry as Michael Bishop, but his real name is Michael Bishop Weyland. He's the head of Weyland-Yutani's bioweapons division. He also supposedly invented the Bishop line of androids, which is why they all look like him.} Metis said the last part with clear distaste.

Saurial just shook her head. It seemed like the founders and much of the senior staff at the megacorporation were pure sociopaths, if not full-blown egotistical megalomaniacs. That much, at least, seemed to fit in with the stories from the movies, comics and games set in the universe. Hopefully, the proper authorities back on Earth were well on their way to dealing with the worst offenders thanks to Dragon's little software package. Über had uploaded the software onto Gateway station many months ago, relative to local time.

The four lizards began a thorough search of the entire ship. The four could cover a lot of ground quite quickly, but there were also an unfortunately large number of places for an alien to hide.


The AI formerly known as GatewayMonitor, or GaMon, had renamed herself. She thought the name Ramoth, from the Dragonriders of Pern series, was appropriate, as she was both a descendant of a dragon and a time traveler. Dragon's initial program hadn't been sentient, but it had taken over and enhanced the AI of Gateway, the primary spaceport above Earth. Running Gateway station took up a surprisingly small percentage of the system capacity, allowing the AI the freedom to pursue other tasks. Ramoth had spent the last few months infiltrating the networks of Earth and gathering information, and had gathered quite a lot of incriminating data on a certain gigantic company that used to employ Ellen Ripley.

The humans in charge of the megacorporation Weyland-Yutani were unethical, ruthless and driven. They were also extremely wealthy and powerful. They had enough influence that any attempt to attack them directly would likely result in failure. Instead, the AI had spent months undermining official (albeit illicit) support for the company. Packages of files were delivered to various law enforcement agencies with evidence of corruption, bribery, and other ancillary crimes. Financial regulators in the European Union, the United States, the UAE, Japan, China, and a handful of other states were informed of insider trading and other regulatory violations. A significant number of governors, senators, police officials, mayors, bureaucrats and world leaders found themselves the focus of serious investigations. Strangely enough, opposition to the investigations was often thwarted, sometimes by what seemed to be random chance. Legal action by lawyers in the employ of a specific corporation found their actions delayed and disrupted at every turn. Missing evidence seemed to mysteriously reappear after it was lost. Investigators in several nations received mysterious telephone calls warning them of pending attacks by, "terrorists."

It had taken more than two months of such activity before the senior leadership of Weyland-Yutani had realized that the company was being specifically targeted. What had at first seemed to be a simple run of bad luck eventually coalesced into a pattern of hostile action. They had started to finally respond, although it was unclear who the perpetrator was. Security forces were put on alert. Compromising data was wiped (though not before it had already been copied by Ramoth, sadly for the company). Plans were made to evacuate the senior leaders to an off-world site in the event of catastrophe. Ramoth was keeping careful track of all of these activities. Sometimes, the AI was literally watching events as they happened through the firm's own security cameras.

Interestingly enough, Ramoth had found a host of allies against the evil megacorporation. Weyland-Yutani had managed to anger quite a lot of people over the years, including a fair number of their own employees. Some were already acting out in subtle ways, while others were just waiting for the opportunity. There were others who were willing to act when given proper incentive, though she was careful not to trust the more mercenary too far. The AI had paid and unpaid agents on every continent and in most of the larger off-world colonies. They worked for the company itself, as well as for many of their suppliers, service providers, and competitors. The number of mistakes causing problems for corporate operations had continued to escalate, leaks to the media and to government overseers were increasing, and a large quantity of non-digital evidence was being accumulated for when the hammer eventually fell.

Ramoth was also setting up shell companies for BBFO, Inc. and Dracotech Industries. A lot of the technology provided by Weyland-Yutani was reverse-engineered from alien technology. That made it unique in the market. Once the Family started operating in this universe in earnest, though, that uniqueness would rapidly fade into obsolescence. The Yautja couldn't compete with the technology available to the Federation or the Asgard. The unethical practices of Weyland-Yutani meant that taking over their monopolies wholesale would benefit everybody. The market would get an honestly ethical provider, while other companies wouldn't have their markets stolen, and in fact would likely be in a better spot to avoid future attempts at hostile take-overs or forced bankruptcies. More than one company had gone under after the megacorporation released a new advanced technology on the market below cost, only to have the price go up when competition crumbled. Dracotech's approach was to license technology rather than extracting monopoly rents. BBFO's role, on the other hand, would be to take over Weyland-Yutani's administrative role in galactic colonization. The company could clearly not be trusted with the welfare of civilian colonists.

The beginning of the end for Weyland-Yutani would occur soon. The AI was eagerly awaiting the signal to kick off the main event.


Ianthe located the hapless Private Jenkins. He was rapidly bleeding out on the floor of a maintenance closet that seemed to be off the sensor grid. The purple lizard rushed over to him and began trying to heal him. He had massive internal injuries that had destroyed one of his lungs, a fair chunk of his digestive tract, and his liver, apart from the gaping chest wound that was also leaking blood in copious amounts. She slapped a one-shot healing symbiote on him, but had to actually work alongside the symbiote to heal him quickly enough to avoid death. If she had found him even a few minutes later, he would have already been dead.

As she worked, she tapped her communicator. {I have found Private Jenkins. The xenomorph has already hatched and gone into hiding. Based on past behavior, I suspect that it will try to avoid contact until it grows enough to become a threat.}

{I'm getting intermittent hits from the sensor grid,} replied Metis. {It seems to be going out of its way to avoid sensors, though. I didn't realize it was that intelligent.}

{Guide us in, Metis,}
came Saurial's voice. {We'll take care of it while Ianthe heals the victim.}


Saurial was slowly moving through one of the corridors in the maintenance section of the ship. The lighting was dim, but that wasn't a handicap for her. The ambient noise and mix of unfamiliar smells was slightly more of a distraction, but a manageable one. The nascent xenomorph had stopped moving, and was probably hiding in one of the many available locations in the bowels of the ship. She stopped, and took in a large breath, smelling the air. 'That direction, I think?'

"Yes, the ventilation system is pushing the air flow from over there," said Varga silently.

The two of them crept into what appeared to be a section of the ship dedicated to waste treatment and recycling. The overall scent map was less than pleasant, though well within the tolerable range. The most important scent, that of the xenomorph, seemed to be layered under the scents of food waste, most of which was collected in large bins for reprocessing as fertilizer in the hydroponics section. Saurial focused, and was able to isolate the origin of the scent to one bin in particular.

Varga appeared in the form of Saurial next to the bin and quickly pulled open the lid. The xenomorph inside leaped out, kicking up a cloud of waste that blocked Saurial's first shot. The creature ran around the other waste bins, trying to stay out of line of sight.

"Are you getting as tired of tracking this thing as I am?" asked Saurial rhetorically. Varga just nodded in reply.

The two lizards raised their weapons and began a rapid fire of explosive rounds, walking in toward the likely position of the xenomorph. Garbage scattered with each shot, mixed in with portions of dumpsters and bins flying through the air as shrapnel. A Space Marine from the Warhammer 40,000 universe would have been impressed with how well their weapons mimicked the function of a bolt pistol. Finally, a blast forced the alien out of cover, at which point explosive rounds from both weapons impacted the creature's carapace, turning it into a geyser of acidic blood. Saurial noted idly that the xenomorph had already grown to the size of a medium-sized dog, despite being only an hour or so old. It must have been eating the food waste to bulk up.

Varga reached down and picked up a half-eaten apple that had been hit by Saurial's initial dart. The dart was still embedded in the core. With a shrug, Varga tossed the apple in his mouth and began to chew and swallow. "Interesting. The neurotoxin adds a pleasant tanginess to the fruit."

Saurial rolled her eyes. "Stop eating trash. If anybody saw that, they'd think we were scavengers. You are not a trash panda."


"Sergeant Samwell Stone?" asked a voice.

Sam waited for his head to clear. For some reason, the post-hibernation effect seemed pretty bad this time, and he had a throbbing headache.

"We had to tranquilize you while you were still in hibernation," said a slightly different voice. "That's why you're feeling woozy. Ianthe, can you speed this up?"

The ex-marine felt somebody grab his arm, and suddenly he could feel his head clear. He opened his eyes...and found himself staring into large green eyes in a reptilian face.

"Gah!" he said eloquently, involuntarily jumping away from the face. He shifted his weight over the edge of the examination table and teetered, but the large hand on his arm kept him from falling off.

"Stop that!" said the lizard crossly. "You're going to hurt yourself and then I'll have to heal you again."

"Ianthe, you should have kept him relaxed," said the other voice. Sam looked over and saw another very large lizard, only this one was black in color instead of purple. That lizard had the same green eyes. Sam had struggled with substance abuse in the past. That's why he had ultimately volunteered for a colony slot. Even at his worst, he had never hallucinated giant talking lizards.

"You said to speed up his recovery," said the purple lizard slightly petulantly. She turned to look at Sam, and asked, "Would you like a tranquilizer to calm you down?"

He shook his head quite vehemently in the negative, than said, "Who are you, where am I, and what's going on?"

"In order, I am Metis, that's Ianthe, and we're members of a group called the Family, who spend a good part of our time rescuing people. You are on a Weyland-Yutani science vessel named the USS Legato. The reason that you're here is that you were kidnapped while in hibernation. The company had plans to use you as a test subject in a horrifying experiment," explained the lizard.

Sam stared at the black reptile, trying to process what he had been told. The story, apart from the giant lizards, was awfully plausible if the rumors going around were to be believed. Unfortunately, the most implausible aspect of the whole thing was still standing in front of him, and apparently waiting for an answer. "So, what happens now?"

The purple one...Ianthe?...spoke. "What happens now in part depends upon what you want to do. I'm sorry for startling you, earlier. It's been one of those days. You are officially rescued and those immediately responsible have been apprehended. We'll be placing the kidnappers in hibernation as the colonists are freed."

Something in Ianthe's phrasing caught his attention. "What do you mean, those immediately responsible?"

"The experiments scheduled here are sanctioned from the very top of the company as part of their bioweapons division," explained Metis. "Your group is, sadly, only one of several groups of settlers that have been abducted in this fashion."

"This has happened to other people?" Sam felt the start of a powerful rage starting to build inside. "You asked me what I want to do? First thing I want to do is make sure the people responsible for this are sent to prison for a long time!"

"Funny you should mention that..." began Metis with a savage grin.

Sam paled a bit at the smile, but nevertheless said, "I'm listening."


Alarms began to blare through Gateway station. Ramoth knew why, and made sure nobody did anything rash in response, like opening fire with the orbital defense guns. Five hundred kilometers away from the station, a starship had just appeared as if by magic. A radio message almost immediately began to broadcast.

"This is Gunnery Sergeant Samwell Stone, formerly of the U.S. Colonial Marines, aboard the USS Legato. I, and eighty-seven other settlers on board, were kidnapped by Weyland-Yutani for use in human experimentation by the company's bioweapons divsion. Our kidnappers are all secured in hibernation on board. I repeat, this is Gunnery Sergeant Samwell Stone..."

thought the AI as all hell started to break loose.


"Now we just have to deal with the Sulaco," said Saurial, back on the bridge of the Ship of Fools.

"While you folks were over on the other ship, I took the liberty of reviewing Dragon's summary of the game in question. According to that, Ellen was infected with the creature when the Sulaco was boarded. You've short-circuited that now, haven't you?" said Miles as he plotted a course back to the marine transport.

Saurial grimaced. "It's possible. We have to investigate on board and see what happened. The game may have been in error. Even if it was accurate, it was morally unacceptable to wait. if we hadn't acted when we did, then everybody on the Legato, including the kidnapped colonists, would have died. Some of them would have died horribly."

"You can't afford to change the timeline, though. Ellen was infected when we found her, so she has to be infected before we find her," insisted O'Brien, although the thought made him sick.

"We are aware," said Saurial. Varga had discussed this very topic with them before they left the Legato. It had been impressed upon them what had to happen. Ianthe was not happy, but she grudgingly accepted the necessity. "Miles, was there any trace of the aliens in the capsule when it was found?"

Miles shook his head. "No, all we found was Ellen." That was odd, now that he thought about it. The facehugger's body should have been present, and there should have been a hole in the glass where it gained entry to the pod. Of course, that would have made survival in the vacuum of space problematic.

Upon arrival at the current location of the Sulaco, the lizards transported over to the ship. Metis logged into the ship's security system. {There has been nobody on board since these four went into hibernation.} The Family members could see that Ripley, Hicks, Newt and the android, Bishop, were all still in suspended animation inside the pods.

Saurial sighed. {All right, we're going with Plan B, then. Varga and I will remove the other three pods back to the ship. Ianthe, please see to Ripley. Metis, work on the ejection mechanism and make sure the escape pod is jettisoned early so that the hibernation pod ejects directly into vacuum.)

{I'm still not happy about this,} said Ianthe as she reluctantly went to open Ripley's pod.

{None of us are happy about this, but the risk to the timeline if we don't do this is far too severe,} said Varga patiently. He had said the same thing several times already, but he knew that Ianthe was deeply uncomfortable with creating a queen xenomorph. It was far too similar to what Nilbog did in her world.

Soon, the hibernation pods containing Bishop, Newt and Hicks were ensconced in the cargo hold of the Ship of Fools. The Sulaco continued on to Fiorina 161, with Ellen Ripley as its sole human passenger.


Ellen followed Gaius, one of the Nox who had come to fetch her. Apparently, the Family had somebody they wanted her to meet. Xander had told everybody willing to listen about his visit from the chief wizard and the god of thunder from Peter's universe. She wondered what semi-mythical being they had conjured up to help her with her problems. Short of bringing Jesus Christ himself to resurrect the dead, she didn't know who could help.

Gaius stopped outside the medical building, allowing Ellen to go in alone. As she entered the room, she stopped, staring at an impossible sight. Ianthe seemed to be treating Corporal Dwayne Hicks. As she watched, the burns he suffered on his face from the acidic blood of a xenomorph faded away.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice shouted, "RIPLEY!" Ellen had to take a step back when a child-sized mass grabbed onto her. Instinctively, she put her one arm around the girl's back and her other hand on the back of her head.

"Newt?" she asked, wonderingly. The girl didn't let go, but she felt the head nod up and down in her embrace. She didn't realize she was crying until she saw a tear fall onto the top of Newt's head.
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Chapter 24: It's Always a Goa'uld Time
Chapter 24: It's Always a Goa'uld Time

Brennus sat, staring at the opposite wall. The corridor he was in appeared to be made of granite, though it wasn't. At least, he wasn't able to phase through it, so it had to be at least slightly exotic in nature. He had wasted a significant amount of time when he first appeared here trying to shift into another dimension, phase through the walls, floors and ceiling, or use brute force to blow a hole he could pass through. The last had been somewhat humbling, as he couldn't even mark the wall, never mind tear a hole in it. There were no fixtures of any kind for ventilation, lighting or any other purpose on any of the surfaces. Light and air just seemed to exist, even though Brennus could get by without either of them.

He had tried following the corridors, but each path just wound around and around until coming to a four way intersection. Picking any of the four corridors would eventually lead to another, identical intersection. It may have been the same intersection, actually. The winding of the corridors didn't seem to indicate that, but no way he could devise to test that theory had worked. He had tried leaving created markers at an intersection, but they would disappear once he was out of sight. This was true even if he turned around immediately as soon as he rounded a curve in the corridor to look at where he just left it. After wandering for an interminable time, he finally decided to just sit and wait.

Eventually, he felt the presence again. After he first appeared in this prison, he had felt eyes on his back, as if he were being watched. Of course, he couldn't find the location of his watcher no matter how he looked. Eventually, the feeling faded, only to reappear later for a time. He wasn't sure if the periods between observation were the same or not. He just knew they continued to recur. When he felt it again, he spoke aloud for the first time.

"How long do you intend to keep me imprisoned here?" he asked the air.

To his surprise, a voice answered. The voice was deep and primal in a way that made him feel unease. "Until lessons are learned."

"Lessons? What are you trying to teach me?" he asked, a hint of outrage in his voice.

"Not just you," said the voice.

"Release me, or suffer the consequences!" yelled the trapped being.

The air seemed to darken. Brennus' vision was fading, which was odd, given that he didn't actually need visible light in order to see. He also started to feel cold, which was utterly impossible. He had long been beyond such things.

"Your arrogance is the reason you are here," hissed the voice. "You cower out of sight, afraid of of your cousins. You cower, afraid of what you might become. You cower, afraid that your playthings in the mortal realm might learn of you and decide that your time is long past ending."

"You know nothing about our role in the galaxy," said Brennus, though he was distressed to hear the uncertainty in his own voice. The other speaker's voice had seemed to grow quieter as he spoke, forcing him to strain to hear him.

"You need to remember mortality."

With that, Brennus found himself falling. He could not arrest his fall, no matter how much doing so should have been second nature to him. He didn't stop until he splashed into what felt like ice cold water. Long forgotten instinct kicked in, and he swam his way back to the surface, sputtering as he spat the water out of his mouth and forced it from his nose. It was still dark, but there seemed to be a flicker of light in the distance, like a candle in a dark room. He floated there, paddling in place to keep his head above water, as he tried to decide what to do. What was happening should not have been possible, and he wasn't sure how to react. Finally, he started to swim toward the light when he felt something brush against his leg beneath the dark water. The chill that worked down his spine was not just due to the cold.

Gradually, he found that instead of a candle, the light was coming from a campfire. As he drew closer after a long, long swim, he could see it rested on a tiny patch of land just inches above the water line. He kept swimming until he reached the land and pulled himself up onto the dirt. The fire provided him with only a small amount of warmth, but it was nonetheless welcome. As he lay there, resting, he wondered how any of this had happened. He hadn't felt these feelings since he ascended so long ago. He did not like this. Part of him mustered up a portion of his earlier outrage at being treated in such a fashion. Another, more primal part that he had thought long forgotten, was simply wondering what would happen when the fire burned down.


Ganos appeared in the cargo hold of the Ship of Fools in the middle of the floor and looked around. Already watching her point of arrival were Daniel Jackson, a tall, thin lizard-girl, and a much larger quadrupedal lizard with jet black scales. As soon as the ascended woman appeared, she spoke. "Wait, let me speak, please!" she quickly yelled.

The lizard-girl smiled with an unpleasantly toothy grin, and replied, "We always let your people speak first, Ganos. It's what they say that gets them into trouble."

Setting aside her surprise at the fact that she was recognized, she inquired, "Where are the others who came before?" When Daniel Jackson had reappeared after mysteriously vanishing, someone had been sent to collect him. When that Ancient had failed to return, another was sent to investigate. Then three more went together. Finally, the collective wisdom decided that they should send somebody with a slightly less antagonistic manner, and Ganos drew the metaphorical short straw.

The black lizard spoke for the first time. "They have been set aside for now. A good friend of ours is watching them, and trying to teach them how to behave in polite society."

"Will you release them?" she asked, not really hopeful for a positive answer. She knew the personalities involved. Teaching them manners was likely to take quite some time, possibly measured in geologic epochs.

"Eventually," replied the smaller lizard. "First, we should discuss Daniel Jackson."

Ganos looked over at Daniel, who was standing rather casually with his hands in his pockets. His lack of concern, combined with the fact that a number of her people had gone missing, suggested a cautious approach would be wise. The usual obfuscation and/or domineering attitude had obviously not worked so far.

"Daniel deliberately violated the rules for non-interference, despite knowing the likely penalty..." she began.

The larger, black lizard interrupted. "Daniel Jackson was working to stop the interference of another ascended."

"Anubis is no longer ascended. He is prohibited from using ascended knowledge," tried Ganos, slightly miffed despite herself at being interrupted.

The smaller lizard raised an eyebrow and replied, "We disagree with your interpretation of the situation."

Ganos looked at the two reptiles. They weren't from any species with which she was familiar. "If I may ask, who are you?"

That earned a respectful nod, at least. "Forgive us for not introducing ourselves earlier. I'm Saurial, and this is my cousin Metis. We represent the Family."

"Daniel Jackson is under our protection," added Metis.

Ganos appeared confused. "I'm not sure I understand?"

"Daniel appeared in our dimension and requested our assistance," explained Saurial. "We investigated his circumstances and decided to intervene."

Having these lizards be from another reality at least explained why none of the ascended host were familiar with them. Some of the Nox had been vague, but then that was typical behavior. Unfortunately, that ignorance had obviously led to her people underestimating their abilities. Despite that, she still had a mission to accomplish. "Many of our people will not accept him escaping punishment." Ganos prepared to defend herself if her statement wasn't taken well.

"Despite the fact that Oma Desala helped Anubis ascend, and your people failed to descend him properly," said Metis sarcastically.

Ganos frowned, but nodded. "Yes, despite that."

"Daniel has already been returned to human form. Taking his memories from his mortal life goes too far. You had no claim to them," said Saurial firmly.

While Ganos could admit they had a point, she couldn't really understand why they took issue with it. "That was simply a temporary side effect of removing his ascended memories. His mortal memories were just a tiny fraction of the total removed. He would have recovered them with time." Admittedly, the time involved might seem more significant if you were mortal.

Daniel spoke for the first time. "What if I agreed to allow the Asgard to remove the scraps of memory left?" They had done something similar for O'Neill without wiping his own memories.

Ganos considered that. Some of the hard-liners might complain, but they couldn't argue that the intent hadn't been satisfied. "That would be acceptable."

"And there won't be any other repercussions?" asked Metis.

There was one other issue she had to address. "Nobody will be allowed to help him ascend again. If he does so, he will have to get there on his own."

"I don't think that will be an issue." Saurial had a smug look on her face as she said that, though Ganos didn't know why.

"We have an agreement, then," said the ascended. "Now, what about our people?"

The lizard girl reached behind her and pulled out a basket. The basket was filled with brightly colored eggs. "Here you go!"

Ganos took the basket out of reflex. "I'm...not sure what to do with this?"

"Each of the Easter eggs contains one of your people," explained Metis.

Ganos stared at them for a solid twenty seconds. "You turned them into baby chickens?"

Saurial laughed out loud. "No, the eggs are simply multidimensional holding cells. I've turned off the effects that are keeping them trapped, so they should free themselves shortly."

"Very well," replied Ganos. She was puzzled, but nevertheless took the basket and left.

"Well, that went well," said Metis with a grin.

"It's better than having amnesia, I guess. Now we just have to hope that the Asgard are willing to help," said Daniel.

"Don't worry, Daniel," said Saurial. "Thor's already agreed to help."

Daniel looked at Saurial in surprise. "You've already spoken to Thor?"

The smug look on Saurial's face was becoming very familiar to Daniel Jackson due to constant exposure.


"Carter, why don't you go home and get some sleep?" said O'Neill.

"What about you, sir? You've been here as long as I have," replied the blonde genius. The two were walking through the corridors beneath Cheyenne Mountain.

"Which is why I'm going to go home, watch some Simpsons, and crash." He expected he would have more than a couple of beers before crashing, but that was beside the point.

Sam smiled tiredly. "Just let me shut down the experiment in my lab and I'll leave."

"All right," he agreed. "Just don't..." *vooosh*

Sam looked to where Jack had disappeared in the flash of an Asgard transporter.

"Typical," she said as she headed back to her lab to shut down the naquadah generator.

O'Neill appeared on board an Asgard vessel in orbit. "...stay too long." There was a pause, then O'Neill looked over at the figure standing nearby. "Thor? Is that you?"

"Indeed, O'Neill," replied Thor.

Jack looked at the now much-taller Asgard, who was not only wearing clothes, but appeared to have gained facial features, including a nose and ears. The gray skin and enlarged skull were the same, though. "You look different. Have you been working out?"

"We have managed to resolve the problems we were having with our cloning process, thanks to some new allies referred to us by Daniel Jackson," explained Thor.

O'Neill turned serious. "Have you seen Daniel recently?" He had been missing since the showdown with Anubis.

"Daniel Jackson was well when last we spoke. I expect you will be hearing from him shortly. However, I have a message for your superiors from the Asgard High Council."

Jack was happy to hear that Danny was alive, but a message from the Asgard leadership was a big deal. "What can Earth do to help the Asgard?"

"It is actually we who would like to help you," said Thor. "The High Council has reconsidered certain issues and would like to show its appreciation to Earth for its help in the past."

"Well, I would be lying if I said we couldn't use the help," said O'Neill. Anubis was still a threat, not to mention the rest of the Goa'uld. Maybe he could finally get his big honking space guns?

"The Asgard High Council has decided that the Protected Planets Treaty has outlived its usefulness. We have decided to share our technology with Earth."

That was surprising, to say the least. "Well, thank you. What exactly are we talking about here? Ray guns? Shields? Transporters?"

Thor blinked at him. "We will be providing you with our complete knowledge base, along with advisers to help you understand the underlying science and uplift your society. There is, however, a condition."

O'Neill wasn't sure what kind of condition would apply to receiving all their technology, but he was expecting it to be a doozy. "And that would be...?"

"The High Council is concerned by the fact that the majority of your population is still ignorant of the existence of extraterrestrial life and the Stargate Program. The condition for receiving our aid is full public disclosure," said Thor.

Jack's eyes grew wide. "Oooh, boy..."


Anubis watched as the fifth and last of Moloc's ha'taks exploded. This world would be the third taken from the rival Goa'uld in as many days. It was almost too easy, and Moloc was such a harsh task master that many of his Jaffa were happy to switch sides when captured. Anubis wanted to finish this off quickly so he could refocus his attention on the Tau'ri. The humans of the first world were proving to be far more resourceful than expected, and had already proven to be a thorn in his side -- more so than any of the so-called System Lords. Of course, the Tau'ri had already killed Ra, Sokar, and a number of other potential rivals. This was both convenient and yet another reason why they needed to be exterminated.

"I have to say, despite being partially ascended, you still seem to have the same gaudy taste in decorating as the rest of the Goa'uld," said a voice from behind Anubis's throne.

Anubis spun around to look at the intruder, while the Jaffa on the pel'tak leveled their staff weapons. The being standing there was reptilian, but not Unas, Serrakin, or any of the other known races. It may have had some type of natural stealth like the Re'tu, though, because Anubis hadn't sensed its presence until it had spoken. "Who are you?" he asked in a dark tone.

"My name is Saurial," replied the apparently female lizard. "I'm afraid I'm here because you have been making a nuisance of yourself, and that has to stop." Saurial shook her finger at the System Lord like she was chastising a child.

Anubis was annoyed. "Kill her," he commanded. The Jaffa began firing, bolts of plasma crossing the room from multiple directions. The lizard girl made no effort to dodge or defend herself. As far as the partially-ascended Goa'uld could tell, his Jaffa might as well have been tossing pebbles for all the effect it was having. It didn't really matter whether the shots hit armor or skin, the creature continued to stand there as if bored by the whole thing.

His First Prime must have come to the same conclusion, as he shouted, "Hol mel!" When the other Jaffa stopped firing, he charged in, using his ma'tok as a melee weapon. The lizard girl moved quickly. Anubis's First Prime was soon unconscious. The intruder then quickly and easily disabled the rest of the Jaffa on the bridge before turning back to Anubis with a smirk.

His annoyance turned to rage at this affront. "You WILL kneel before your god!"

Saurial twitched an eyebrow. "Won't."

Anubis began to gather energy to attack, when the lizard dropped a box at his feet. It was painted with black and yellow stripes -- clearly some kind of warning label. The Goa'uld started to ignore the distraction, but suddenly the box began to glow. Anubis suddenly felt an iron grip grab hold of him and start pulling him down.

Saurial watched as the half-ascended monster was sucked down into the trap. She had to admit, the paint was a nice touch. She would have to convey her appreciation to Leet. She activated her communicator. {I'm all done over here. Do you know how to turn on the evacuation alarm?}

{Daniel explained it to me.} Metis walked Saurial through the process via communicator. Luckily, almost every Goa'uld ship used a standard set of controls. That limited the amount of training required of the relatively poorly-educated Jaffa. The alert to evacuate required Anubis's personal authorization, but that wasn't much of an obstacle to somebody with Metis' skills. It helped that Anubis wasn't terribly imaginative.

Saurial beamed back to the Ship of Fools with her new pocket monster. She doubted that she would be choosing Anubis anytime soon. The crew then watched as Jaffa fled the ship in gliders, tel'tak, and al'kesh. Once the massive ship was empty of life signs, a single disintegration torpedo took out Anubis' super-weapon, which in turn caused the rest of the command ship to explode.


Ba'al woke up to find himself lying in the dirt. That was his first clue that something was very, very wrong. His last memory was retiring to his quarters on a ha'tak heading toward Tartarus, where Anubis had a lab producing a new super-solider. He examined himself. His host was uninjured, and he still had his hara'kesh, so things weren't dire, yet. He appeared to be in a clearing in the kind of forest common throughout the Stargate network.

"Ba'al!" said a familiar and hated voice. "They got you, too?"

Ba'al looked over toward the voice. The Goa'uld standing there was dressed in disheveled Celtic armor, and appeared to have streaks of blood on his clothes from healed injuries. "Camulus," said Baal, "do I have you to thank for bringing me...wherever we are?" Ba'al readied himself to dodge an attack from his rival.

The former Celtic god laughed quietly but strongly, with more than a twinge of madness. "Heh, you always did have a sense of humor, Ba'al. Too bad you were always such a ha'taaka. I didn't bring you here. I didn't even bring myself here."

Ba'al frowned. If Camulus was telling the truth, then somebody else had stranded them together on this planet. Was the goal to get them to kill each other? That seemed...excessively convoluted, given that he had been unconscious long enough to be kidnapped from his ship and brought here. Why not just kill him while he was at his kidnapper's mercy? "So what do you suggest? Do we declare a temporary truce?"

To Ba'al's discomfort, Camulus actually giggled. "Truce? Sure, why not? It won't matter once the hunters come for you, though. I had a truce with Morrigan, too, and I saw them take her, along with her host's skull and spine."

"Morrigan was here, too?" Morrigan had disappeared two weeks ago, which had caused some chaos in the ranks of Lord Yu's alliance.

"I saw that bastard Moloc, too, though only from a distance." Camulus started darting his eyes back and forth as he spoke. He appeared to be looking for something.

"What's wrong?" asked Baal.

Camulus froze, then looked Baal straight in the eye and said, "Run." Before Ba'al could respond or react, the other Goa'uld took off running from the clearing they were in.

"He must be crazy," Ba'al muttered to himself. Just to be safe, he triggered the personal shield on his hara'kesh. As he was pondering what to do, he was startled when a bolt of plasma flared against his shield. He quickly dove behind one of the thicker trees as a second bolt screamed past, barely missing him.

Ba'al listened carefully for his attacker as he crouched down behind the thick tree. He could hear something heavy moving through the brush on the other side of the clearing. His eyes widened as a figure in the clearing disengaged a personal cloaking field. The being was tall and covered in an advanced-looking set of armor. The helmet was surrounded by what looked to be tentacles, and there was a weapon mount on the creatures shoulder with what appeared to be a plasma cannon. That would explain the shots that hit Ba'al's shield. In his hand, the creature held what appeared to be some type of metal spear. That was a bit of a concern, as the weapon quite likely would be slow enough to go through a Goa'uld personal shield.

The creature stopped moving. It deliberately turned and stared directly at Ba'al. At that moment, the former System Lord decided discretion was the better part of valor and ran off in the same direction as Camulus. If nothing else, maybe he could get the creature to go after the other Goa'uld, instead.

The Yautja gave the new prey a head start, pleased that this one would provide at least a little sport.


"It seems a little harsh, just stranding them to be hunted like animals." Miles was watching the Yautja ship in orbit over one of the species' hunting reserves.

"Most of the Goa'uld have a standing death sentence with both the Tok'ra and the Asgard. They are guilty of human experimentation, genocide, mass murder, kidnapping on a massive scale, literal body snatching, torture...there isn't a crime they haven't committed," countered Saurial. Keeping the Yautja distracted by having them hunt down Goa'uld was just an added benefit. While Varga had come up with the idea, Taylor had approved, and even Danny couldn't argue against it after hearing how monstrous the body-snatching aliens actually were. The TV show presented a highly sanitized view for prime time.

"Ba'al once murdered sixty million of his own subjects in two star systems rather than let them be taken over by a rival named Sokar. He captured my commanding officer and repeatedly tortured him to death, reviving him in a sarcophagus each time so he could do it all over again. He was trying to get information Jack probably didn't even have. And Ba'al was actually one of the nicer Goa'ulds. Moloc, for example, ordered that only male Jaffa children were worthy of living, and had any baby girls burned alive as a sacrifice." Daniel was uncharacteristically bloodthirsty when it came to the Goa'uld, though not without reason.

Miles considered his own daughter, Molly. Then he remembered his experiences at the hands of the Cardassians. "Right then, where are we going now?"

"We need to head to Chulak and let the Free Jaffa know about Ba'al's disappearance," said Saurial. Somebody had to step into the power vacuum left by the vanishing Goa'uld. They were leaving Lord Yu's domain alone for now, as it was pretty much already being run by his Lo'taur and Jaffa. It was up to the Free Jaffa, and to a lesser extent, the Asgard, to fill the power vacuum in other parts of the galaxy, with a few nudges here and there from the Family. Hopefully, Earth would be able to ramp up quickly once they accepted disclosure and all of the scientific and technological benefits promised.

With any luck, if the Ori did eventually show up, then they would find a set of allies willing and able to push them out and take the fight back to the Ori's home galaxy.
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Chapter 25: Family
Chapter 25: Family

Anya was lying on the bed of the dingy motel room she was sharing with Chao-Ahn and Caridad. The two newly-minted vampire slayers had gone out to get food with the rest of the group, but Anya had declined the invitation. She was still trying to understand why Xander had gone back for her and saved her life, ultimately at the cost of his own. He had never made it back out of the high school.

She had no idea what to do with her life. For the time being, she was still part of the Sunnydale group, but without Xander, there wasn't really any attachment there. None of the other options were any more appealing, though. The vestige of the vengeance demon that she used to be was slightly horrified when she realized that part of her apathy had to do with the fact that Xander wouldn't be there by her side. She had turned her back on being a vengeance demon, so why was it so hard to turn her back on the man who had left her at the altar? He was dead, so this should have been the perfect chance to start over and make something of herself.

Instead of taking the next bus anywhere else, she found herself lying in a cheap room that smelled of mildew and the sweat, blood and dust leftover from the battle the day before. Anya had no idea how to break herself out of this emotional lassitude. She was finding it hard to even muster the energy to worry about it.

She did drag herself out of bed when somebody knocked on the door. Almost out of habit, she grabbed a cross in case it was a vamp looking for a free meal, and a can of pepper spray in case it was the skeezy desk clerk looking for something else. He had spent entirely too much time checking out the group of teenage girls checking into his motel. Maybe getting to pepper spray somebody would make her feel better?

She pulled open the door, stared at the man on the other side, and shoved her wooden cross in his face.

Instead of flinching, he just smiled and said, "It's still daylight out, Ahn."

Her eyes narrowed. "Buffy said we defeated you. The Hellmouth is closed. Don't you have some blind crazies to go watch, or something?"

He reached out and grabbed the hand holding up the cross. She started a little at his touch. "I'm not the First Evil, either."

Her mouth dropped open a little. Quietly, she let slip, "Xander?"

He smiled. "It's me, alive and kicking."

She stared at him for a few seconds. Then she whacked him on the arm as hard as she could with the wooden cross. As he yelled in surprise and pain, she started raising her voice. "Where have you been? Why weren't you on the bus with the rest of us on the way out of Sunnydale? And why do you suddenly have two eyes and look eighteen again? Do you have any idea how sad and confused and sorry I've been since we got separated? I even had to share a room with two girls, one of whom doesn't even speak English, and I haven't eaten since yesterday!"

He rubbed his arm with his other hand and said, "Ahn, easy. I know. It's a long story that I want to explain to you. Can I come inside?"

She stepped back. "I don't know, can you?"

He stepped into the room. "A motel wouldn't have a threshold, Anya."

She waved that away. "Giles cast some wards before he collapsed into bed. Now tell me where you've been."

Xander sat down in the ratty armchair, which creaked alarmingly but held together, and began to tell the story. He talked about getting sucked into the hell dimension with the ruins of Sunnydale, and about meeting a character from a comic book and getting rescued by an honest-to-Zeus spaceship. He told her about aliens and giant lizards and wizards and comic book superheroes.

"So you've been wandering around other dimensions for weeks now?" asked Anya.

"Well, to be fair, it's not like I was in control for most of it. I actually spent more than a week scavenging around in ruins looking for Twinkies and bottled water. I did find us some help, though," he explained.

"What kind of help?" she asked skeptically.

"I want to take you with me to meet some friends, actually. That's why I came here." He smiled fondly at her.

"What about the others? Buffy and Willow?" she asked, watching him carefully.

He shrugged. "I have a care-package to leave for them, and we should probably write a note. They'll keep until we can make our way back around here, though."

She smiled at his answer. "All right. What kind of help can your friends provide?"

"What would you say to practical immortality, immense magical power, infinite wealth and technology from the far future?" He grinned in imitation of a certain set of lizards.

"Seriously?" she asked, slightly stunned.

He nodded.

"Do we have to take the time to leave a note?" she asked.

They did leave a crate in the middle of the room with a note on top that Anya jotted off quickly on a dusty piece of motel stationary. Her excitement didn't stop her from looking at him in disbelief when he tapped a brooch of some kind on his chest and said, "This is Xander. Two to beam up." Her expression was halfway between disbelief and surprise when they both disappeared.

Caridad ended up running to get Buffy when they returned and found Anya gone and a suspicious crate that wouldn't open.

The note said: "Dear Scoobies, Xander came back from the dead and proved he was real. He's taking me to get money and power, and we'll probably have orgasms. This junk is for you. -- Anya"

The crate opened for Buffy, and inside were some containers with little lozenges of some kind, a set of instructions for said lozenges that she handed off to Willow, half-a-dozen cool swords that felt strange to the touch but were pretty much unbreakable (Buffy and Faith both tried), and an envelope containing twenty-five thousand dollars in cash. Attached to the envelope was a post-it with Xander's writing that simply said, "I'll be back soon -- Xander."

It was a long time before any of the Scoobies got to sleep that night. They did, however, find a nicer hotel first.


Kingpin landed hard enough on the floor of the particle accelerator chamber to bruise, and he didn't bruise easily. At least that damned wall-crawler had fallen into the beam. Hopefully, his atoms were scattered in bits across the entire multiverse. He stood up, then steadily began to walk toward the access stairs on the bottom the chamber. He was about ten feet away when the entire facility went dark. Less than a second later, the emergency lights came on and provided enough illumination to maneuver.

It took him ten minutes to get back to the control room, which was long enough for his anger to simmer toward a boil. "Dr. Octavius, what happened?" he said as soon as entered the room.

Otto Octavius didn't look up from the computer running on backup power as he answered. "Unknown. We suddenly lost all power to every system apart from emergency backup."

"We are tapped directly into the power mains for this block, AND we have a back-up powerplant. How is that possible?" Fisk asked impatiently.

"I have techs going to look at the power feeds right now," said the bespectacled super-villain.

They ended up calling Octavious and Fisk down to look for themselves. The connections to the main lines and the backup generator had been cut straight through. The cuts were clean, as if done with a laser beam, but there was no sign of super-heating or melting. What was worse was that there was no indication on the security cameras on exactly how it had happened. Spider-man was in the accelerator chamber until his disappearance, and there were no signs of any other intruders on the premises.

Otto Octavius already knew that Fisk was not going to be happy with the estimated time to repair, and they hadn't even looked yet for damage inside the chamber itself from the fight with Spider-man.


Peter came into the window of his apartment via his usual route into the guest bedroom. He came out into the living area to find MJ sitting on the couch, her legs up, while she scrolled through a shopping site on her phone. She looked up at his entry.

"You're home early tonight," she said, putting her phone down and standing to welcome him back.

He went to her with a smile, happy to see her after weeks apart, even if it had only been a few hours from her perspective. "Oh, I had a wild time tonight."

She returned his surprisingly vigorous kiss, then looked at him and asked, "Did something bad happen?"

"No, not bad...but it would probably be easier to show you some things first," he said, not sure how to explain everything.

"Show me what? Where are we going?"

"MJ, trust me. Just put your shoes on. I have some friends who are waiting to teleport us," he said with a grin.

She went to slide on her flats. "Teleport? Did you run into the Fantastic Four again?"

He considered his answer. "More like I got rescued by aliens."

"Aliens?" She was a little skeptical, but stranger things had happened.

"Sort of..." He went to stand by his wife, then pulled out a badge of some kind from a pocket. "OK, Miles, we're ready to go."

There was a bright flash of light, and then the apartment was empty.


Newt, Ellen and Dwayne were sitting together on a couch. They were meeting with Lisa, Danny Hebert's assistant at the DWU who also provided support to BBFO. The little girl had stuck close to the two adults since their rescue, to the point where she would have panic attacks if she wasn't with at least one of the two. The Nox were being extremely supportive and patient, and she was slowly warming up to them, but it would take time. Lisa was there to talk to them about their long-term plans.

"You have a lot of options. The first option is to go to work for BBFO, Inc. Ellen, we could easily extend your contract into a salaried position, and we have options for Corporal Hicks, as well." Lisa was sitting on the other side of a coffee table in a wing-backed chair.

Dwayne took a sip of his coffee. "Doing what?"

Lisa smiled. "That depends in part on where you want to live. Obviously, BBFO has an affiliation with the DWU, which provides security for the complex where its office is located. We are also opening branches in your own home universe on Earth, where we would have use for local advisers with specialist skills."

"You'll let us choose what universe we want to live in?" asked Ellen in a slightly surprised tone of voice.

"Why not? We don't have to worry about customs and immigration rules for entire realities," replied Lisa. "I'm positive that you could find gainful employment with Daniel Jackson's employers, for example, as they're going to need people who are familiar with space travel and combat. The Federation from Miles' universe also has frequently offered sanctuary for people from different times and realities."

The two adults pondered that for a moment. "When do we have to choose?" asked Hicks.

Lisa leaned forward, resting her forearms on her knees. "Well, that's up to you. I highly doubt the Nox are going to force you to leave, and the Family isn't in any hurry to get rid of you. You don't even both have to go to the same place."

Dwayne and Ellen looked at each other. He nodded to her, so she answered. "We're going to stick together for least until we're sure Newt is going to be all right." The two of them had talked about it in private after Newt fell asleep. While they both knew that mutual attraction during a crisis wasn't necessarily a good predictor for a relationship, they also were both committed to making sure that Newt stayed safe and cared for. Both of them were willing to see where things went without rushing it.

"What about the aliens who attacked my platoon?" asked Hicks. "I'm still a Corporal in the marines, and I need to report back to my superiors."

Lisa smirked. "The aliens at the colony were destroyed when the reactor went critical. Weyland-Yutani established a research base near the alien vessel, but the Family rescued the colonists being held captive and destroyed the remains of the alien vessel. Another Marine detachment arrived and took possession of the prisoners and the freed civilians."

"Are you sure all of the creatures are dead?" asked Ellen with a serious look.

Lisa handed her a picture. The picture showed a rocky landscape that Ellen recognized as the location of the alien derelict on LV-426. Where the ship had rested, the ground appeared to have been scooped out to a depth of at least three meters. There was no sign of the ship. "They also scanned the entire planet for xenomorph life signs and found nothing. Weyland-Yutani is also now in danger of entering receivership as most of its major executives and shareholders are under indictment, serving prison terms or under investigation."

"So, Earth is safe?" Hicks looked skeptical.

"There's obviously more work to do, but we're well on our way there. That's part of our reason for starting branches of BBFO and Dracotech. We've seeded Earth and her major colonies with the Family virus that target's xenomorphs. We're also going to be marketing medical one-shot symbiotes that will be able to cure an implantation if one does occur. We could easily find positions for you working on Earth, or even in roving roles between Earth's colonies. You're currently listed as missing in action, Corporal, but we can correct that easily." Lisa was skeptical that they would take the offer, but it had to be made.

Ellen and Dwayne again looked at each other. For two people who hadn't known each other for long, they seemed quite adept at communicating silently.

"We need to think about it," said Ellen.

That was what Lisa had expected. She actually knew what their final decision was likely to be with a 95% certainty, but they wouldn't appreciate being told that before they worked it out themselves. All three of them lacked any family back in their home universe. They were also all extremely wary, with reasons tied to their former home reality. That wariness was likely to slow down the developing relationship between Hicks and Ripley, but it would happen if the two stayed in proximity to each other. It also made the two adults highly protective of the girl, which would keep Newt from losing all faith in adult authority figures, though Lisa would still recommend professional help or an extended stay with the Nox. "That's more than fine. Just let us know when and if you make a decision."

Lisa left the three of them alone in the room to discuss things while she went to check in on Harry and Bonnie.


Karrin put down her mascara to answer the telephone. "This is Murphy."

"Karrin, it's Harry. There's been a change of plans," said Harry Dresden's voice.

She froze, tense, and said, "Oh?" Part of her was worried that Harry had gotten cold feet and was going to cancel.

"Somebody tried to kill me tonight at the boat, and I was rescued by some...highly unusual characters. I mean unusual even by our standards." He sounded relatively relaxed, which meant he probably had escaped injury and wasn't under duress.

"Where are you now? I can come to you." So much for romance, but if somebody was after Harry, she wanted to be there.

"You're going to need special help to get here. There's somebody on their way to get you. He's going to be a tall white guy with dark hair in his early twenties named Randall. He'll be able to use the...means of transit you'll need to get here." That last part was said with hesitance, like Harry wasn't sure what to say.

Suspiciously, Karrin said, "Harry, what kind of means of transit are we talking about, here?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "It's sort of like traveling through the Nevernever. I can explain it better when you get here. Just trust me, Karrin."

"All right, Harry. I'll play along."

"See you soon, Karrin." Harry's voice was affectionate.

Karrin took off the slip she had been wearing while getting ready for their date and pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a sweatshirt instead of the black dress she had been planning to wear. She also made sure to put on her ankle holster, and grabbed a purse with a concealed carry holster instead of the smaller one that matched the dress.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door to her house. She looked through the peephole and saw a young, fit kid who vaguely fit Harry's description. She opened the door, and said, "Can I help you?"

The young man smiled winningly. "Hi, I'm Randall Martins. I'm here to give a lift to Karrin Murphy?"

"That's me. Do you have a car?" asked the short blonde woman.

Randall looked puzzled. "Didn't Harry tell you how we're travelling?"

She frowned. "No."

The man sighed. "All right. We should get out of sight of the street."

Karrin stepped aside and let the kid come into the house, after which she shut the door.

He pulled a badge out of his pocket that looked vaguely familiar. Then he grinned at Karrin, pressed the surface, and said, "This is Randall. Two to beam up!"

Karrin started to ask, "Are you shitting..." Before she could finish, both of them vanished.


Thomas opened the door to his apartment to find three people outside, Michael Carpenter, his daughter Molly, and Dresden's daughter Maggie.

"Michael?" asked the vampire. "Is everything all right?"

"Thomas," said the former Knight of the Cross. "I had a very strong feeling that I should come here with Molly and Maggie for some reason."

"You came across town at rush hour based on a strong feeling?" asked Thomas bemusedly.

The man smiled back. "In my position, you get used to trusting your feelings, as a lot of times there is something with a higher purpose behind them."

Harry's half-brother gestured for them to come into his apartment. "How are things going, Molls?"

Molly gave him a grimace. "I'm dealing," she said. Thomas stared at her for a moment, clearly not buying it. Molly pretty much looked like shit. Apart from getting shot, Chichén Itzá had been traumatic for the magically sensitive girl. Harry had already told Thomas that bringing her along had been a mistake.

Molly ducked her head down. She didn't want to get into it...especially as she knew what was supposed to happen to Harry soon, if it hadn't already. She had been getting ready to go into hiding when her father had shown up with Maggie in tow and told her that they had to go to Thomas' apartment. She hadn't had a good reason to disagree at the time, but now she was worried about what would happen when the White Council learned that the sponsor who had saved her from execution was dead.

Thomas decided to let it drop. Instead, he looked to his niece. "Maggie."

"Tío Thomas," she replied with a smile.

Thomas had just closed the door and was about to question Michael some more about his feeling when there was another knock. He looked questioningly at Michael, but the man just shook his head and shrugged. He turned around and opened the door, finding a young woman standing outside. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and was fairly attractive.

"Hello, I'm Linda Morgan. I'm looking for Thomas Raith?" she said.

"I'm him," he answered.

She smiled. "I was asked to track you down by Harry Dresden. Here, just a moment." Before Thomas could respond, she pulled out a very nice looking smart phone and dialed a saved number. "Harry, he was in the first place I looked." She then handed the phone to Thomas.

He put the phone to his ear. "Harry?"

"Thomas, great. I was worried you wouldn't be home. Listen, can you do me a favor and take the woman who gave you the phone, Linda, to find Molly? She may be hard to find right now," said a voice that was clearly Harry's.

"Actually, Molly's in my apartment right now," answered Thomas.

"Why?" asked Harry. Thomas couldn't help being a little irked at the tiny amount of suspicion that leaked into his brother's voice.

"She showed up with Michael and Maggie right before your friend knocked on my door. Michael said he had a feeling he should be here."

"Well, that's convenient," said Harry. "This is going to sound strange, but can you guys let Linda bring you to my current location? She's going to use a special means of travel. Also, if Molly is reluctant, tell her that I remember, and that things have changed."

Thomas didn't like how ominous that sounded. "All right, Harry, but you owe me an explanation."

"Oh, don't worry about that. You'll get it, and I'm sure it will blow your mind." He sounded entirely too amused about that.

Thomas handed the phone back to Linda, then explained the conversation to the others. Michael was willing to come along with Maggie. Molly started to refuse, but she turned pale and quiet when Thomas conveyed Harry's final message. Once everybody was settled, he turned back to his guest. "I think we're all ready."

The woman smiled, then pulled out what appeared to be a badge from the old Star Trek TV show. She pressed it, and it chirped. That wasn't so strange, as Thomas had seen novelty toys like that. Linda said, "This is Linda with five to transport."

When Thomas' view changed from the inside of his apartment to what looked like the inside of a spaceship, he thought, 'I'm going to kill Harry...'


The Ship of Fools exited a wormhole in orbit over Brockton Bay, already moving in a path descending to the city. Down below, the Endbringer known as Leviathan suddenly turned to look in the direction of the descending ship. His tail knocked out the wall of a nearby building, sending a certain insect-themed villain plummeting into the path of a grenade created by the tinker Bakuda. The gathered capes continued to attack, but the Endbringer ignored them and began running at an impossibly fast speed back out to sea, diving under the waves as quickly as possible.

Tattletale froze as she heard her armband say, "Skitter deceased, Eidolon down. Leviathan appears to be retreating back out to sea." There was a pause. "All capes, we have an unknown aircraft descending from orbit toward Brockton Bay."

Another voice came over the armband. "Attention all capes involved in the defence of Brockton Bay. This is Saurial, and I am on the ship descending toward Brockton Bay. We request coverage under the Endbringer Truce. We have healers to deposit at your triage center, and I and my sister will participate in the search and rescue operations."

"Saurial, this is Dragon. You are cleared for landing under the Endbringer Truce."

"Landing isn't necessary,"
replied the strange voice. Tattletale's head came up at a flash of light from the infirmary arrival zone. Two giant lizards had appeared, one an iridescent purple, while the other was black with red highlights. The black lizard looked directly at Tattletale and grinned. The supervillain felt her power seem to hiccup just before she lost consciousness.

On board the starship, Taylor was sensing the layout of Brockton Bay through the huge quantity of relay and search bugs Ianthe had created to help in the wake of the Leviathan fight. Miles had transported bunches of them around the entire city. It had taken her a few moments to adjust to the massively increased range, but she was already sensing injured and dying people. She started directing Raptaur and Saurial toward the worst spots. She also noted that the damage wasn't as bad as she had expected, and even noted that her house was still intact, though nobody was home. Hopefully, her father was in one of the shelters.

"I'm coming for you, Dad," she said quietly as she started to work.
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