Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Chapter 33: Difficult People
Chapter 33: Difficult People

"I really appreciate this, Amy," said Ellen. The two were walking through the Docks toward the warehouse where the Ship of Fools was hidden while on Earth.

"It's not a problem, Ellen, but I'm surprised the Nox weren't able to help," answered the teen-aged healer. The Nox rivaled what Panacea could do in terms of healing, and surpassed it in some areas like healing the mind.

Ellen shook her head. "I'm sure they probably could...but Dwayne and I made the mistake of telling Newt that they're aliens. She thought they were just strangely dressed humans, and when she learned that it almost triggered a panic attack." The little girl also found the various members of the Family scary, despite being grateful to them for rescuing her. Now that she was afraid of the Nox, too, it made certain things difficult.

Amy winced. "You know I'm not a therapist?"

"I know," said Ripley, "but we want somebody to look her over. She hasn't been sleeping well, and she's tired all the time. We just want to make sure she's not sick."

"That's not a problem," said Amy with a smile. "It's too bad she's so worried about the Nox. They're really very nice."

"They are," agreed Ripley with a shrug. "But..."

Ripley stopped talking when the two heard a voice calling out, "Amy!" from somewhere above.

Amy looked up to where her sister was flying toward them. "Hi, Vicky."

Vicky landed beside the two. "Hey, I was just heading to the office to look for you. Where are you headed?" She looked over at Ripley. "Hi, again...I'm sorry Taylor never told me your name?"

"Vicky, this is Ellen, and I'm heading with her to give her daughter a check-up," answered Amy.

Vicky's face turned to concerned. "Is it an emergency? I'm not interrupting, am I?"

"No," said Ellen, not wanting to worry the girl. "Amy's just agreed to look her over because she hasn't been sleeping well. I don't mind if you tag along."

"Really?" asked Amy, surprised that Ellen was willing to bring a stranger to the ship.

"Dwayne's waiting with Newt in the front office," explained Ellen.

Vicky missed the byplay, but she did catch one detail. "Newt? Your daughter is named Newt?"

"It's just a nickname. She doesn't like her given name, Rebecca," said the older woman.

"Huh," said Vicky with a shrug, but the name triggered a strange sense of deja vu that she ignored.

The three women reached the warehouse, and Ellen led the way inside. Inside was a slightly ratty front office for the shipping company that used to own the building. A handsome man with a military-style haircut was waiting inside with a small girl, and they both looked up with a smile when they saw Ellen. The little girl's face grew slightly concerned when Amy and Vicky followed Ellen inside.

"Newt," said Ripley, "this is Amy, the healer, and this is her sister Vicky."

"Isn't she a little young for a doctor?" asked the man skeptically.

"She has healing powers," replied Ellen, "kind of like in Peter's or Jimmy's stories."

Vicky looked at him quizzically. "You haven't heard of Panacea? I thought everybody knew Amy."

"I'm not from around here," said Hicks with smirk. "My names Dwayne."

Amy went over to where Newt was sitting on Dwayne's lap. "Newt, I'm Amy. If I hold your hand, I can heal you. Is that OK?" Newt gave her a shy smile and held out her hand. Amy took it and user her power to examine her. "Sweetie, are you sleeping OK?"

"I have dreams," said Newt quietly. Almost whispering, she added, "about the monsters..." Her eyes looked haunted in a way that Amy found heart-breaking for a girl that young.

Amy looked to Ellen. "She's healthy, with the exception of not getting enough sleep. The best thing I could do for her is help her get some rest." She looked to Newt. "Newt, would you like me to help you take a nap without dreams?" The little girl just nodded her head. Amy put her to sleep, and told Dwayne and Ellen, "She should sleep through now until tomorrow morning. She needs the rest."

"Thank you," said Dwayne, looking down at Newt where her head rested against his chest.

"What happened to her?" asked Vicky. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking?" It was a credit to how much Vicky had grown recently as a person that she was asking permission.

Ellen frowned. "Her family was killed, and Newt had to hide to survive. Hicks and I rescued her, but not until she had been through a lot."

"Was it one of the gangs?" asked the teen hero.

Slightly absently, Dwayne said, "Her colony was invaded by aliens that wiped out most of the colonists."

Vicky's eyes widened. "What?" she asked. Then something clicked. "Wait, is this some kind of joke?"

"Vicky! No," said Amy, worried that she would say something offensive, and also worried that Hicks had just revealed a little more than was easy to explain.

"I wish it was a joke," said Ellen, "but she's had nightmares since we rescued her."

Vicky had through pure happenstance just seen that James Cameron movie on television a couple of weeks ago. She looked at Ellen. "Is your last name Ripley?" She remembered Sigourney Weaver's character quite well because the teen hero thought she was a complete badass. The older woman nodded at her question. Vicky turned to Amy. "Amy, what's going on?"

Amy looked to Ellen with a questioning look. The older woman asked, "She's your you trust her discretion?"

Making a decision, Amy said, "Come with me," and then walked through the door into the inner space of the warehouse. Vicky followed her, then stopped and paused with her jaw open when she saw the spaceship.

"What the hell?" asked the blond hero.

"A few weeks ago, Taylor, Saurial and Taylor's dad were surprised when a duplicate of Taylor showed up at her house," started Amy. "It turned out to be a Taylor from another dimension, and she arrived here with a group of people who were also from other universes on this spaceship."

Vicky looked at her with a confused expression. "Wait, so Ellen, Ripley and Newt are from another universe? But not one like Earth Aleph, but one where those aliens from the movies actually exist? And they have a version of Taylor there?"

"Yes, they're from a universe that appears to be the same as the one from the films, but no, the other Taylor was from another version of Brockton Bay, not the universe with aliens," explained Amy. "But not exactly like Earth Aleph, either." She proceeded to tell Vicky the history of what happened with the Ship of Fools and the inhabitants, along with the help the Family has been giving the inter-dimensional refugees.

" are the Family from another dimension?" Vicky was thinking back to her thoughts about how familiar Saurial seemed to be with Taylor and her family. Both Amy and the Family had seemed really busy recently, so Vicky hadn't followed up on her thoughts. "How long have they been here, and how long have they known Taylor?"

Now it was Amy's turn to be confused. "What do you mean, how long have they known Taylor?"

Vicky hesitated. "Well, um..." She chewed on her lower lip.

"Vicky, what's going on? You've been acting a little strange lately?" said Amy. The girl had smelled distracted and worried much more than usual.

Vicky finally explained her thoughts about Saurial, and how familiar she was with the Heberts, their home, and the DWU...and how her research into various topics had made her worry.

Amy considered her sister's distress, then came to a decision. "All right, let's go to the BBFO offices."

"Why?" asked Vicky suspiciously.

"There are some things we need to tell you...and Taylor needs to be there." Amy just hoped Taylor would be willing to trust her sister with a little more of the truth. Given how close Vicky was to Amy, and how close she was becoming to Taylor and the Family, it would be better to let her know some things before something else gave it away.


In a Los Angeles medical clinic, a young brunette woman lay in bed in a coma in the dark. She was still beautiful, but she had also obviously been bed-ridden for some time. Her medical charts contained a series of status updates with little change, and no actual information about her medical prognosis, mostly because that would have caused issues with Wolfram and Hart's new CEO when he came to visit.

The quiet in the room was disturbed by the sound of a teleporter, and there was suddenly a man standing in the room. Xander Harris looked at his ex, sadly, then triggered his communicator. "This is Xander, and I've confirmed it's her. Let's go."

The room was soon empty, though that changed quickly when the medical alarms started to go off due to a missing patient.

- - - - -​

Metis snuck through the interior of a split-level California home. She quickly darted the four family members asleep in their bedrooms with tranquilizer darts, starting with the son. He was clearly the most dangerous, though not really a threat to Metis. Once they were safely and deeply unconscious, the giant lizard and the sleeping family were all teleported away, heading toward an appointment with a group of Nox mind healers.

- - - - -​

Knox put the file folder holding his potential sacrifice candidates underneath a magazine on a table when he heard the knock on his door. He went over to his front door and looked through the peephole to find an older gentleman in a courier's uniform holding a large box. He opened the door a crack, keeping the chain on. "Can I help you?"

The man outside looked down at an electronic tablet and said, "Delivery for Knox from...Wolfram and Hart. That some kind of law firm?"

Knox wasn't expecting a delivery, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. "All right," he said without answering the question, and then closed the door enough to remove the chain and take the package. It was heavy, but before he could open it, the courier handed him the tablet.

"Sign there, please," said the man. As Knox took the stylus and started to sign, the man took a strange, serpentine device out of his pocket. With a click that drew Knox's attention, the device expanded into a taller form, and an electrical discharge shot out to encompass the Wolfram and Hart scientist, who quickly collapsed.

Jack O'Neill fired once more, then a third time to disintegrate the body. He then turned the weapon on the package, which contained a brick, wiping it from existence. He triggered his communicator. "This is O'Neill. It's done." The former special operations soldier turned android quickly vanished in a flash of light.

- - - - -​

Randall walked through the halls of the law firm, wearing an extremely well-tailored suit. He carefully avoided staring at some of the more...exotic employees walking the hall. He did, however, take note of his quarry, a man in a luchador's mask pushing a mail cart. He made sure to walk close to the cart, sliding a particular envelope into his suit jacket without anybody noticing.

He slipped into an empty office and verified that the envelope was destined for the CEO's office, and that it contained the amulet that had been present at the collapse of the Sunnydale hellmouth. The young man soon vanished in a flash of light.

- - - - -​

Around a conference table in a expensive private club, a group of sinister figures sat. At the head of the table was California Senator Helen Brucker...or rather, the demon masquerading as that person. She was flanked by two vampire bodyguards, both in game face. "Do we have any idea who took the seer out of our care?"

"Probably the same people who took Angel's brat," said the red-skinned Cyrus Vail in irritation. Without the vampire's offspring, the prophecy of the Nyazian Scrolls was just so much paper.

Another red-skinned, horned demon named Izzerial, Izzy for short, sat across the table from Vail. "How long do we have before Angel figures out somebody's made off with our leverage?" Izzy was one of the more personable members of the Circle of the Black Thorn, and he was supposed to be the member who would ingratiate himself personally with the souled vampire.

The Archduke Sebassis took a sip from a goblet filled with blue blood taken from the quivering slave behind him before responding. "We have forty-eight hours at most. That, at least, assumes that the memory spell still holds?" he asked, looking to Vail.

"It does," replied the demonic sorcerer.

The final two seats in the room held the head of the Sahrvin Clan and the Grand Potentate of the Fell Brethren, who went by the name of Ed. The latter asked, "Do the Wolfram and Hart seers have any idea where either the woman or the boy were taken?"

"No," said Izzy with a grimace. "At best, they get migraines before passing out. One of them mentioned seeing teeth before stroking out." Unfortunately, some of the more effective psychics employed by W&H had been lost during the mess with Jasmine.

"Teeth?" said Brucker. "That hardly narrows it down."

"Well..." began Sebassis before pausing as a large box appeared in the center of the table, as if by magic. The Archduke looked suspiciously at Vail. "Is this your doing?"

Vail opened his mouth to answer, when suddenly the package exploded out instantly into a weave of mono-filament EDM wire thrashing through a variety of dimensions. The staff of the club were later puzzled as to how all of the furniture and occupants of the room simply vanished, to be somehow replaced by piles of extremely fine dust.


Reed found the table he was looking for toward the back of the Tavern on the Green. Tony and Charles were already waiting for him, the former already with a martini in his hand, though there were still menus on the table. He greeted them as he went to sit down.

"So, what has you two in such a tizzy?" asked the handsome, dark-haired billionaire now that their third had arrived.

"Somebody invited Max and myself to lunch recently. She turned out to be a reptilian alien who was surprisingly well informed on mutant matters," said Charles. "She was also stealthy enough to be able to move through a crowded restaurant without any of the diners or staff noticing a tall lizard woman. Apart from giving us a large volume of intelligence about potential threats to mutants, she warned Max off of some ongoing schemes, and told me that we should reconsider our plans to work together in secret."

"Are you saying she gave you a bribe and a threat, standard carrot and stick?" asked Tony.

Charles shook his head. "She didn't threaten anything. It was more along the lines of warning somebody who was about to do something unwise." Charles had no doubt that making an enemy of the woman would be a bad idea, but she hadn't actually made any direct threats.

"Did you get a reading of her?" asked Reed of the powerful telepath.

"I could not sense her mind...not even surface thoughts. It wasn't defended so much as it was...inaccessible," admitted Xavier.

"That would be too convenient," snarked Tony. "What about you, Reed? Did you get a Ghost of Christmas Lizard, too?"

"She didn't visit me," said the scientist. "Instead, Victor called me on my private line." The latter was said somewhat grudgingly.

Tony looked at him in disbelief. "Haven't I been telling you that you need to upgrade your security? You should let me take a look at it."

Richards grimaced. "I'll take it under consideration. Regardless, Victor sent me a large amount of intelligence on the various alien powers proximate to Earth. Victor said he received it from Charles' lunch partner." Reed took a sip from his water glass. "More than that, he said his visitor is recommending that Earth form a multinational space defense force."

"With Doom playing a leading role?" asked Xavier skeptically.

"No, actually. He seemed...remarkably reasonable. If the intelligence is accurate, then Earth has got some fairly serious threats that we've been badly underestimating, and Victor seemed to feel the same based on his reaction," answered Reed.

"I'm having a little bit of trouble with the company that lizard-girl seems to be keeping. Doom and Magneto aren't exactly up for any humanitarian awards," said Tony. "Are we sure those two aren't working together and the independent source isn't some kind of plant?"

"I've known Max for a long time. Unless he's recently become a much better actor, I'm certain that he had no idea who was coming to meet us at that restaurant. Saurial also revealed some things that Max would normally keep secret," said Charles. Of course, Max had long had defenses against Charles' abilities, but Xavier was a skilled negotiator even without his mutant power.

"It might have been a sacrifice play, and also, Saurial?" asked Tony.

"That was her name, and again, I tend to believe that Max was as caught off guard as me," replied Xavier.

Tony considered things for a moment, taking a drink from his martini as he thought things through. "Has anybody heard from Stephen?"

"I tried talking to him," answered Reed, "but Wong said he's off-world dealing with a private project."

Tony looked askance at Reed. "Let me get this straight. Strange is otherwise occupied, and you both get handed massive distractions and a warning not to keep meeting in secret with me and the others. Doesn't that sound a little suspicious?" asked Tony in an exasperated tone.

Charles and Reed both frowned. Reed said, "Admittedly, that could be a concern. Saurial's warning, though, reminds me of some of the concerns T'Challa expressed at our first meeting. What Victor proposed also isn't unreasonable. Having a multinational space force would be prudent."

"Slight problem with that. First of all, Washington isn't going to want to put forces underneath anybody but an American. That's why Sword never got off the ground, no pun intended. Also, what about Black Bolt and Namor? Are they going to be on board with humans going out into space in force?" asked Tony.

Reed bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement. "I agree. However, I'm concerned that Doom may seek to move forward without the United States. He has the resources to encourage other nations to cooperate."

"So, we rally the troops and keep an eye on Doom. If he's trying to make a power play, we can play the spoiler," suggested Stark.

Charles shook his head. "I need to deal with some of the issues with the Hellfire Club that Saurial warned about, Tony. I don't trust Max to handle things there on his own, and it's a direct threat to me and mine."

"Which may be exactly what this Saurial wanted you to do," complained Tony.

Xavier just raised his hands and gave a small shrug. "Regardless, I can't afford to ignore this threat."

"And I'm especially worried about some of the information we received about the Skrulls and the Kree," added Reed. "The Fantastic Four may not be able to handle it alone."

Tony rested his hands on the table in front of him. "Look, you guys know that the Avengers have got your back if you need the help. I have to say I'm worried about this lizard woman and the access she seems to have to information. I think we need to keep our eyes open for any other appearances by her."

Charles and Reed eyed each other, then both gave a slow nod. It didn't hurt to be cautious of lizards bearing gifts, especially when they had no idea as to her ultimate objectives. There was no question that her information was going to make it hard to focus on other matters in the near future. Hopefully that wouldn't come back to bite them later.


The lizard in question was standing in Miles' universe in the Temple of Iponu on the planet of Bajor. Alongside her was Colonel Kira and a Vedek dressed in the robes of the Bajoran faith. The Vedek was obviously not happy with Saurial's presence, or with what she was there to do. "This is very irregular, Colonel. Are you sure we should be allowing this woman access to the Orb of Time?"

Kira knew that it was only her status as a war hero and her association with the Emissary that had gotten them this far. "Vedek Marain, I'm personally vouching for Saurial. I wouldn't be requesting this if I didn't feel it was in the interests of Bajor and the Federation as a whole."

"Vedek," said Saurial, "I seek the wisdom of the Prophets in trying to unravel a mystery that threatens all of us." That was a bit of a stretch, as Saurial wasn't even from this universe, but the Vedek didn't know that.

The Vedek did not seem terribly impressed by this, so Kira added, "I'm certain this is the path the Emissary would have pursued had he seen the same evidence that Saurial has shared with me."

Finally, the Vedek bowed his head in acquiescence. "Very well," he said, and then he stepped to the side, clearing the doorway and allowing Saurial to step into the chamber holding the Orb.

Saurial stepped into the room and extended her senses. 'Ooh, do you feel that?' asked Taylor silently.

"Yes," replied Varga. "This artifact is much larger than the aspect perceivable in this dimension. The warping of space around the Orb is exceedingly complex. It has to be more than a communication device."

'More like access point for something?' pondered Taylor.

"In some ways it reminds me of how powers manifest in your world...interesting. Let's trigger the device," prompted the demon. Saurial reached forward and opened the doors of the Orb's container.

Similar to the scenes from the television show, there was a flash, and Saurial found herself apparently elsewhere. She was standing in the DS9 command center, facing the image of Benjamin Sisko. "You do not fit into this instance," said the Starfleet officer.

"I assume that you're not actually Benjamin Sisko?" asked Saurial.

The image didn't bother to reply to the inquiry, but said, "Why have you forced your way into this realm?"

"There are shades of meaning being layered into this message," prompted Varga. "There is an emotional aspect that I don't think most humans would notice directly. The Bajoran stories about baring their souls to the Prophets may be more literal than we thought."

Out loud, Varga said, "We want to help correct the disruptions to the fabric of this universe."

The image shifted to that of Julian Bashir in the DS9 sickbay. "There is more of you? You exist beyond this form."

Taylor appeared next to Saurial in her human form. "We share this body."

Jadzia Dax came in from out of their field of view and said, "You share more than a physical form. Your souls are joined together. What makes you think you can correct the problems of this galaxy?"

"We have an idea of the problem...and the Q all but confirmed some of our suppositions," replied Varga.

"You are still linear beings," said an image of Q, wearing a Starfleet captain's uniform. Taylor wondered if the shifting images were intended to be deliberately disorienting, or if they were simply a side effect of the differing intellect of the wormhole aliens.

"More so than you, true, but less than many others," replied Varga in partial agreement.

An image of Lisa appeared, dressed as Tattletale and disheveled as she was when Raptaur rescued her from Lung. "If you can follow, then observe."

Taylor could feel Varga filtering the impressions into something she could comprehend. There was a powerful intelligence that viewed humanity...specifically humanity as expressed through the be a threat, or rather, to be a potential threat in many possible timelines. As a response to an attack by the descendants of the present Federation, the nature of the local multiverse had been twisted in a way that had a number of powerful races scrambling to hold together the fabric of reality. The barrier around the galaxy and the construct known as the Guardian of Forever were key pieces. Beings that Taylor recognized as the Organians also played a role, working to fix major disruptions before they happened, and being far more active in galactic events than anyone in the Federation knew. Varga directed her attention to a swath of reality that felt...wrong. It was both the primary thrust of the attack as well as its result, manifesting in their joined perception as a wound that sheared across the galaxy.

Saurial reappeared back in the Orb's chamber without warning.

'That was a bit rude,' complained Taylor.

She could feel Varga's amusement. "The Prophets are truly an alien mentality. I myself have only encountered a handful of species so far removed from a human perspective. I believe my nature discomfited them to a degree. Nevertheless, they shared quite a lot of information. You only got the highlights, but I can explain more."

'Do you have an idea of what we might be able to do to help fix this?' asked Taylor.

"Perhaps," replied the demon. "First, we need to pay a visit to Death, and no, I'm not speaking metaphorically."

It was a subdued Saurial who politely thanked the Vedek and confirmed to Kira that they had achieved their objective, while also explaining that they would need time to understand everything revealed.


The aircar dipped down, dodging two energy blasts from the pursuing thugs. Faith took aim down the barrel of her appropriated weapon and fired a cyan blast of energy back at one of the pursuing cars, hitting one of its anti-grav generators and sending the aircar spiraling down toward the ground. "This gun is pretty fucking badass," said the slayer with a huge smile.

"Go left around that tower!" yelled Vala to Seven, who was piloting the craft.

"This vehicle's performance characteristics are sub-optimal," complained Seven.

Vala glared at her. "Well maybe you shouldn't have broken that gang leader's hand." Vala would never have let him get close enough to get grabby, but Seven seemed to be oblivious to social situations. This aircar had been the first available as they beat a retreat from the barely competent but numerous and heavily armed criminals.

"He had no right to put his hands on me," said Seven blandly as she sharply banked the aircar, another crimson energy blast flashing past and smashing into the ferrocrete of the corporate building.

"Back when I was a demon, I would have eviscerated any man who dared grab me like that," said Anya as she used one of the handholds to keep from sliding over into Faith, who was in the process of lining up on another pursuer.

Faith sent another shot against an aircar, but while the body panel struck sparked and dented, it didn't seem to delay the vehicle. "Hey Vala, how is it that there aren't like a ton of cops swarming us?"

"You mean police?" asked the rogue. "The gangs have almost certainly paid them to look the other way unless something really big happens."

"This planet does have a refreshingly capitalist approach to things," agreed Anya.

One of the shots from behind brushed against the aircar's canopy, causing it to rattle while a section of the plastic discolored. "This is getting tiresome. Secure yourselves," said Seven.

"What? Why?" asked Anya with widened eyes. She started to yell rather loudly as Seven pulled the nose of the aircar up and into a loop heading back toward the pursuers upside down.

The anti-gravity generators of the aircar began to whine alarmingly. "These cars aren't designed to do this!" yelled Vala as she held on for dear life. Anya was still yelling, while Faith simply wrapped her arm around one of the seat belts and let out a loud whoop.

The crowd of pursing aircars took a moment to react while the pilots tried to process what they were seeing, although one of the more experienced drivers dove for the deck admirably quickly. Two others proved themselves to be less capable as one smashed into the other while trying to get out of the way. Seven flipped the car upright as she drove through the cloud of pursuers, then dove hard for a pedestrian walkway close to the ground. She slipped beneath the walkway, then slewed the car into a sideways slide through an alley that hadn't been visible from above. Popping out on the other side of a pair of obscuring buildings, she accelerated and then came to a dead stop inside a parking garage on the next block.

Vala, Faith and Anya all sat quietly, trying to absorb that the car was still in one piece. Seven removed her seat belt and opened the driver-side door. "I suggest we move away from the vehicle and make our escape," said the Borg woman.

The four of them made their way onto an express transit train heading to another district while their pursuers continued to search the skyways for their escape craft. Despite having just come from a running gun battle, the women's nova-level credit removed any official inquiry into their business by the transit station employees.

"Where should we go now?" asked Anya as the four rode the train.

Vala considered. "We still haven't actually done any shopping. Where is this train going?"

Faith looked at a transit map that was marked with letters in multiple alphabets. Luckily, one of them used a version of the Roman alphabet, albeit strangely accented. The slayer was ignoring the looks of the other passengers, who were mostly staring at the energy rifle she had resting across her lap. "It says this train is heading to the Ee-pah-nesh District?"

"Ipaneesh?" clarified Vala. "Ooh, I've never been there. There's a shopping area there that's targeted at nova-level shoppers."

"So, it's a bunch of stores for rich people?" asked Faith skeptically.

"All kinds of rich people, looking for all kinds of things, including things that are normally restricted or borderline illegal," clarified Vala. She looked over at Faith. "If you plan on keeping that weapon, then we need to get a case for it. Ipaneesh is the kind of place that frowns on displays of force."

"People don't carry guns?" asked Faith curiously.

"Of course they do," said Anya. "But overt display of weapons is gauche. Truly wealthy people don't have to flaunt their power like that."

"She's not wrong," added Vala.

Seven was fiddling with the interactive map. "There is a clothing store right outside of the transit station at our destination. We can undoubtedly obtain a container for Faith's weapon there."

"What's it called?" asked Anya

Seven frowned. "If I'm reading this correctly, it translates as, 'Abattoir.'"

"Ooh, ooh," exclaimed Vala. "They have the most amazing leather goods."

Faith looked up at that. "Really?"

"Oh, yes." Vala looked at Seven. "Seven, you would look amazing in a leather bodysuit."

Seven looked back with a frown. "My current outfit is perfectly functional."

"You shouldn't judge until you've seen what's available," warned Anya. "There may be something that's both useful and stylish."

"Some of their outfits work as body armor, too," added Vala.

"Very well. I shall see what they have for sale," agreed Seven grudgingly.

Two hours later, Seven was walking out with a skin-tight lavender suit made of synthetic unas skin with an integrated force field generator. She even grudgingly admitted that the embossed pattern on the front of the outfit was aesthetically pleasing, reminding her of the geometric forms of Borg construction. Vala and Faith were carrying packages, and wearing outfits that were only technically preserving modesty. Anya's leather pants and jacket were modest by comparison, though she had other outfits in her bags for Xander later.

Vala went to a nearby terminal and summoned a hovering drone.

"What's that for?" asked Faith, curious.

Vala put her bags in the hovering drone. "Go ahead and put your purchases in here. Wealthy people don't carry their own bags."

The women all divested themselves of their packages. "Are you leaving your weapon here?" asked Seven, seeing Faith put her energy rifle with its new leather case in the drone.

"Eh, we're just going shopping, right? What's the chance I'll need a ray gun?" asked Faith.

"In my experience," answered Anya cynically, "the chance is now 100% because you said that."

Faith shrugged. "If something happens, I'll improvise."

Vala smiled. "You, Faith, are a woman after my own heart."

Seven didn't mention that her force field generator was perfectly capable of projecting blasts of force offensively. Anya's concerns were largely simple superstition, after all. In any event, the local criminals had so far proven to be less than impressive. By her estimation, it was unlikely that anything outside of the abilities of her and her companions would manifest.

That opinion would seem hopelessly naive in retrospect...
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Chapter 34: Bringing the Hammer Down
Chapter 34: Bringing the Hammer Down

The Asgard battlecruiser slipped out of hyperspace and immediately cloaked. Baldur of the Asgard checked the sensor readout, looking for any sign of the illusive Vanir. The Asgard's new allies had pointed them in the direction of the Pegasus galaxy as the location for their less ethical cousins, and the High Council was determined to put a stop to any malfeasance against humanity, especially now that the genetic degradation of their race had been reversed. Unfortunately, this system was absent any telltales for Asgard technology, though there was a world inhabited by primitive humans.

Baldur's mood improved dramatically when a hyperspace window opened and a gigantic vessel dropped into real space. The massive, organic vessel was a Wraith hive. The hive was accompanied by three Wraith cruisers, and they immediately began launching an additional screening force of dart fighters. They were clearly targeting the human world, although they were also obviously in no hurry. Wraith dominance of the Pegasus galaxy was effectively unchallenged since the retreat of the Lanteans. Baldur was looking forward to again challenging that dominance and teaching the predatory species another lesson.

First, the Asgard moved his cloaked ship closer to the vessels, scanning them for life signs. There were over two hundred human life signs on board the various vessels, most of them in suspended animation. Baldur raised his shields and dropped the cloaking field, then set the ship's computer to use the teleporter to bring the humans over to the Asgard vessel. The Wraith reacted quickly, with the cruisers and the hive beginning to send bolts of plasma ineffectually at the Asgard ship's shields. When the cruisers were clear of human life signs, Asgard plasma beams lashed out and destroyed them. The hive ship began attempting to move away and escape, while darts began desperately impacting Baldur's shields. Once the humans were all retrieved from the hive as well, the plasma beams again lashed out, tearing the engines out of the hive and inadvertently vaporizing a number of unfortunate darts. The beaming array then began disassembling the hive wholesale, until something triggered secondary explosions that destroyed the rest of the massive vessel. At that point, the handful of remaining darts began to flee for the planet and the local Stargate. None of them made atmosphere.

Baldur remotely healed the handful of humans with injuries, then deposited the group down by the local Stargate. Hopefully, the majority would be able to make their way home, or would find a new life with the local humans. If there were any Wraith collaborators in the group, then that situation would likely resolve itself as well, as the transport beam would automatically disable any energy weapons. Baldur appreciated problems that solved themselves.

He was slightly frustrated at the lack of Vanir, but this was the third Wraith hive he had been able to destroy. One of them had been grounded on a planet, however, which took some of the fun out of it. He had to wonder how deficient the Lanteans had been to allow a species that didn't even have shields drive them out of the galaxy. He suspected that the original Ancients would not have been so sloppy. The Wraith infestation was bad enough that Baldur thought he would recommend continued patrol flights through Pegasus even after the wayward Vanir were brought to heel. It wouldn't hurt to give some of the younger captains a little more combat experience, even if it was against an inferior foe.

Baldur jumped his ship to hyperspace for a few minutes and reached the next system on his list. This one proved to be more interesting, although still Vanir-free. The inhabited planet, however, contained an industrial civilization unusually advanced for Pegasus. Advanced humans were likely to be of interest to the Vanir if they were looking for experimental subjects. He dropped a stealthed spy satellite to watch the planet. If nothing else, the Asgard might get lucky and catch a bunch of Wraith by surprise when they inevitably showed up to bomb the humans back to the stone age. Survey complete, the Asgard vessel entered hyperspace again to continue the hunt.

At a mountain observatory on Sateda, an astronomer noticed an unusual flash of light in the night sky. Further examination revealed nothing, however, so he simply wrote it off as random light noise, possibly from a passing airship.


Saurial arrived in the Dreaming before Morpheus's grand castle and waited. She was amused to see that at present, it looked very close to Cinderella's castle at the California Disneyland. It didn't take long before the owner of the realm appeared.

"Curious. Rarely has any being from outside visited the Dreaming on multiple occasions while awake," said Morpheus.

"I'm sorry for intruding, but we are actually looking to speak with your sister, Death. Your realm is somewhat more accessible," said Saurial.

Morpheus gazed at them. "Particularly for your kind, I suspect. I will call for her." Morpheus vanished, presumably to do whatever tasks occupied his time.

It was not long before Death appeared. The manifestation of Death here took on the appearance of a goth teen girl wearing a silver anhk necklace. "Varga. Your kind normally summons me in a more direct fashion, though not to speak."

Saurial nodded her head. "We have a problem with the universe containing the Federation. Parts of it are fractured almost as badly as this one, and it was done deliberately by a hostile power. Unfortunately, dealing with this is going to require something drastic. Anti-life."

"I'm surprised. You have gone to great lengths to ensure that the Blackest Night prophecy does not come into being," said Death.

With a smile, the lizard woman said, "We're asking for your help because we absolutely don't want to create a zombie apocalypse filled with Black Lanterns. However, we need something that can negate a power capable of crushing together parallel dimensions. Meeting force for force would just cause even more damage."

The girl gave the half-demon lizard a considering look. "You have another source of information. I suspect the wizard Dresden can help. His universe has beings who have figured out how to condense anti-life into solid form."

Saurial smiled. "Well, I have been meaning to go to Bolivia and check in on things."

Death met her smile. "Hopefully it works out better for you than for Butch and Sundance."

Saurial laughed out loud. "Nice reference."

"I like that film," replied the Endless.


Xander was waiting for news about Cordelia and Connor. He came back from his visit home to find that Anya had gone shopping with Faith (which he would not have predicted), so now he was sitting alone while the Nox looked at the two unconscious rescuees. He had never met Connor, but he had watched the television show and he felt sorry for the kid. The boy had never been anything but a pawn since he was a baby. Xander also had a great deal of affection for Cordelia as well, and what had happened to her made him nauseated.

A female Nox entered the room and went over to Xander. He looked up at her expectantly. She frowned. "We have delved into the circumstances surrounding their afflictions. I am afraid that we are constrained in our possible treatments."

"That doesn't sound good," said Xander.

"The boy has had a completely artificial personality laid over his original. His original mind is effectively feral, and the magics of Wolfram and Hart have suppressed it to the point of damage. There is...little that we can do for him as he is," said the Nox sadly. "The woman is a different matter, though still severe. Her mind has been tampered with by higher powers repeatedly. She has had her genetics spliced with non-human tissue. She was forced to give birth to a dark power, which has damaged her higher reasoning centers. We can undo the modifications done to her, though that will cause a certain amount of unavoidable memory loss, as the changes have altered her brain. Alternately, we can stabilize her in her current form, but she will have to deal with the full weight of her experiences."

Xander's face fell. He said, "Are you asking me to choose her treatment?"

The Nox smiled. "You care for her. You know her better than we do. What would she choose?"

He thought about what had happened to her and came to a decision. "Make her human again. If she wants to be enhanced, I'll trust what the Family can do over anything the powers that have been manipulating her have done." He paused for a moment, then added, "What are you going to do about Connor and his family?"

"His family will have their memories corrected and they will be returned home," said the Nox. "They are innocent victims. For Connor...he needs a real childhood."

Xander looked at her, confused. "Isn't it a little late for that?"

She frowned. "We have had a significant amount of debate, but the most ethical option is a drastic adjustment to the patient's current age. Connor will be returned to what would be a normal human age of five Earth years."

The young man had to physically push his mouth closed with his hand after that revelation. After a few moments, he said, "you can do that?"

"We would not normally make such a significant change to a sentient being, but in this case it preserves as much of his self as can be saved," said the Nox sadly.

"Will he remember what happened to him?" asked Xander.

"Eventually," replied the Nox. "We will lock away the memories of his life until he is more mature and able to understand what happened. We would suggest that he return to spend time with us when he comes of age."

Well, thought Xander, at least Cordy can't complain that being made human was the worst thing that could have happened. He also wondered who was going to tell Angel that he was now the father of a toddler.


"All right," said Saurial. "Let me show you some of what we call the Family style. Now, some of it is much easier with a tail, but we can compensate for your handicaps."

Karrin, Natasha and Kennedy all looked bemused as Saurial began demonstrating martial arts moves. Randall was sitting off to the side, observing. He had quite reasonably, in his mind, pointed out that at least three of the four women had super strength, and all four of them were ludicrously skilled in martial arts. His chance of getting hurt was fairly high, and the fact that they could rapidly fix anything he broke wouldn't make him feel any better while it was happening.

He was perfectly happy watching the Latina slayer, the Russian super spy and the Chicago ex-cop spar with Saurial. Ignoring the fact that the ladies were pretty easy on the eyes (which he was more than smart enough to never voice out loud), he was able to pick up skills just from watching them thanks to Amy's enhancements. Enduring a trivial amount of teasing from Kennedy and Saurial, and an indecipherable look from Natasha, was easily worth keeping the education painless.

Unsurprisingly, Kennedy picked up the moves almost immediately, but the other two women were also shockingly quick to learn new moves. After about thirty minutes of sparring, Saurial suggested adding weapons. Kennedy was almost absurdly eager, so Murphy and Natasha both decided to sit out while Kennedy and Saurial crossed blades. While both women had their own weapon skills, they were curious to see how the slayer did. It was soon obvious that Kennedy was a little shocked at how easily Saurial was keeping up with her despite being a slayer, and the lizard woman equally obviously was highly amused by that. Unlike Natasha, who had made it clear to Murphy that she was the winner of their bouts, Saurial simply continued to fight until Kennedy gave up and acknowledged that she couldn't beat the lizard girl.

Meanwhile, in an entirely different building, Raptaur was sitting and listening as Dr. Strange talked about the differences in magic between universes with Harry, Molly, Bonnie and Willow. "Wait," said Molly. "You're saying that as long as magic exists, then the multiverse HAS to exist?"

"If the anthropomorphic transitive principle proposed by Kalazar is correct, then that's a natural consequence, yes," confirmed Strange.

"Unfortunately," added Harry, "that also suggests that any power source strong enough to overcome my universe's magic/tech incompatibility is likely to incinerate the user."

"So we tie it to an external source, like a sponsoring deity," suggested Willow excitedly. She was absolutely thrilled to be discussing magic with such a skilled group of practitioners. Tara had been knowledgeable, but she had also been magically home schooled.

Harry winced. "The beings of power in my universe aren't exactly safe to tap like a power main." He had seen first hand the consequences of trying to tap outside power.

"I may be able to assist," said Raptaur.

Strange raised an eyebrow. "You have a way to provide that much power?"

"Perhaps," said Raptaur with a smile, "but I may have a different alternative. On a different topic, I have a question for Harry. Have you ever encountered a substance that could be described as condensed anti-life?"

Harry looked at Raptaur with surprise. "You're talking about mordite?"

"Mordite? That is an interesting name." Raptaur proceeded to explain about O'Brien's universe and some of the things that they've learned about the causes of the problems there.

"This mordite sounds like it may do what you need," said Strange, "but it sounds like an exceedingly dangerous substance."

"It's instantly lethal to any mortal," agreed Harry. "Even ignoring that, I'm not sure how you would get some."

"Who might know?" asked the large reptile, sensing that Harry wasn't saying he couldn't help.

"I know somebody who knows somebody," said Harry vaguely.

"Are you thinking about who I think you're thinking about?" asked Molly with a small smile. "And if so, are you going to tell Karrin?"

Harry winced. "Yeah, this is going to be awkward enough without that." Molly's smile faded when she remembered what Harry had planned up until his unexpected inter-dimensional trip. "In any event, I'll try and setup a meeting with somebody who can help."

"I would appreciate any help you can provide," said Raptaur. "We need something that will break the stalemate in that universe if we're going to fix things."

"You're taking on quite a lot," said Stephen. "I know from personal experience that it can be hard enough to protect just one universe."

"The Family isn't planning on taking over long-term responsibility for these realities, but we do like sticking our snouts in where we can upset things in favor of the good guys," answered Raptaur.

"I'm not complaining," said Bonnie. "I'm grateful for the Family sticking their snouts into our reality. I might not have ever been born in more ways than one without them."

"I don't think any of us are complaining," said Harry with a smile.

Strange was pretty sure that there would be some folks who would complain in his universe, and not just miscreants like Wilson Fisk. A certain one-eyed head of S.H.I.E.L.D. would likely have issues with the less than orderly interventions by the Family. He needed to talk to Stark, too, before the narcissistic billionaire did something foolish. Wong had told him that Richards, Xavier and Stark had tried to get him to meet with them, so he suspected that some of the cat was out of the bag, even if it was just the whiskers.

Raptaur was looking at Strange with a knowing smile, which made him wonder if it wouldn't be worth it to facilitate an introduction between the lizards and some of the folks back home. He would have to carefully consider whether the potential entertainment was worth the likely backlash.


Vicky was sitting on the roof of the warehouse where her sister had turned her world upside down. She had discovered that TV and movies and books were all apparently views into alternate universes (which made her wonder if there were universes where the characters from Degrassi High or Beverly Hills 90210 lived). Then she had met with Taylor, and Taylor's demonic other half, Varga, and learned that calling her sister a healer was drastically underselling her abilities. Part of her was happy that she understood the reasons and circumstances behind, "the Family," and she understood why this was a better situation than would have happened if the PRT...or her own mother...knew the reality of the situation. Another part of her was trying to adapt to having a lot of her assumptions and implicit knowledge invalidated. She had literally stopped in mid-flight on the way home when she realized that she didn't really want to face her parents at the moment.

"You OK up there?" called a voice from below.

Vicky peered down over the edge of the roof to see a red-haired young man peering up at her, one she recognized from Taylor's group the other day. Curious, she stepped off the roof and floated down to the ground. The man seemed momentarily startled, but then he patiently waited for her to touch down.

"I'm just trying to absorb the reality of what you and your ship mean. I'm Vicky, by the way," she said, unsure if he would remember from the other day.

"Jimmy Olsen," he said, reaching out his hand to shake hers.

She raised an eyebrow. "Like, Superman, Lois Lane, Daily Planet Jimmy Olsen?"

"You've heard of me, then?" he asked with a grin.

She rolled her eyes. "You're probably more famous in this world than you are in your own."

He laughed. "I'll try not to let it go to my head. Do you want to come inside and think? We've got a replicator if you're hungry or thirsty."

She shrugged. "Sure. You seem pretty immune to the weirdness, so maybe you can share your perspective."

He led the way through the outer office again while saying, "I thought I was pretty used to weird back in my world, but this whole adventure has broadened my horizons a bit. A guy who can fly and shrug off gunfire is pretty tame compared to meeting actual gods and demons."

"Tell me about it," muttered the teen girl. "Being a cape in Brockton Bay is pretty strange anyway, but things have just gotten more bizarre since the Family arrived."

"But in a good way?" asked Jimmy as they started up the ramp into the ship.

Vicky thought about that question briefly before realizing there was no question. "Absolutely. This town is safer and has a better attitude about the future than we've had in years -- longer than I've been alive, if you listen to the older generation." That wasn't even counting what Amy had done for their dad.

There were three people already sitting in the galley when Jimmy and Vicky arrived. Vicky recognized Taylor Hebert sitting next to an older couple. Biting the bullet, she went over to Taylor, held out her hand, and said, "Hi. I'm sorry about the other day...I thought you were the Taylor from my universe. I'm Vicky."

Taylor looked at her slightly skeptically, but then shrugged and shook her hand. "I'm Taylor. I'm afraid I know my universe's version of Glory Girl, and we're not exactly friends."

Vicky frowned. "I hope it wasn't something the other me did?"

"I wouldn't over think it," said Jimmy from behind Vicky. "The sequence of events in your universes were very different, and from the stories we've heard, it sounds like a lot of bad luck led to unfortunate decisions on the part of everybody."

Taylor snorted. "That's for sure. Your universe is like the lighter version of mine. I got sucked out of my universe during an attack on this city by Leviathan, for example."

"Leviathan attacked HERE?" asked Vicky with a slight squeak.

"Not here, but my version," clarified Taylor. "Your lizards seem to make you immune to Endbringer attack."

"That's pretty handy to have in a local hero team," said the other man sitting at the table. "You would think New York would be a hard target in our reality, what with the Avengers, the Fantastic Four and Doctor Strange in residence, but that only seems to draw in more crazies."

Vicky looked questioningly at the couple, and Jimmy provided an introduction. "Vicky, this is Peter and Mary Jane Parker."

Vicky mouthed the names silently, then looked sharply at Peter. "Spider-Man?"

MJ, Taylor and Jimmy all laughed, though MJ was at least trying to stifle her laughter. She said, "Pete, I think your secret identity in the multiverse is a lost cause."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Vicky, embarrassed. The Unwritten Rules were such an important aspect of cape life that she couldn't help but feel like she had made a big faux pas.

Pete waved it off. "Don't worry about it. When the others rescued Taylor and me from that derelict, Harry called me by name almost immediately. Apparently, I'm a comic book character in his universe, too."

Vicky asked what he meant about rescue, and that led to a more thorough retelling of the Ship of Fools and its jaunts through the multiverse. Then they talked about some of what the Family had already done post-rescue for the various inter-dimensional refugees, including the changes MJ had asked of Ianthe.

"You're a cape now?" asked Vicky, looking at MJ.

MJ nodded. "I'm thinking of going by Arachne. There's already a hero named Spider-Woman on the West Coast."

"Did Ianthe suggest that? The Family seems to like the names from Greek mythology," said Jimmy.

"She did, but I like it," said MJ with a grin.

"Isn't it kind of weird that we're all from universes where people with superpowers put on costumes and go fight crime?" asked Vicky with an insight that was becoming more common as her temperament evened out.

"I think it has to do with the fact that the number of folks with special abilities has increased rapidly fairly recently in all of our worlds. In my world and and in Pete's world, there are genetic factors coming into play that have drastically increased the number of people with super powers," explained Jimmy.

Pete added, "Harry and Xander come from worlds where magic has been around forever, but it's largely a secret, so the way special abilities like magic are handled are very different."

"I'm planning to study capes in college. As far as I know, nobody knows where powers come from in our world, though they've ruled out strict genetics or traditional supernatural theories," said Vicky.

"Actually," interjected Taylor, "I may know something...or rather, I think the Nox know something."

"The Nox?" asked Vicky.

"They're an alien race in Daniel's universe. Their planet has been kind of an alternate home port for the Ship of Fools in that universe. They're good people," explained Peter.

"They claimed that my power came from an extra-dimensional parasite," said Taylor.

"That...sounds unpleasant," said Vicky. She looked a little disgusted at the thought.

"Have you mentioned that to Ianthe or Saurial?" asked Jimmy.

Taylor shook her head. "It slipped my mind...and I guess I assumed they already knew? They seem pretty well informed about those types of things."

Vicky shook her head and said, "We should tell them. It might be important." Amy had said that they had some ideas about the source of powers, but she hadn't gone into any detail. It was clear that they were working on more than just their inter-dimensional visitors' problems, however.

"In my experience, it's better to overshare information than it is to assume something is already known," said Jimmy. "That's a classic mistake that can lead to all sorts of unfortunate consequences."

"While we're doing that," added Vicky, "Taylor, why don't you tell me some more about why you and your version of Glory Girl don't get along. I might be able to help with that."

Taylor stared at the blond girl for a moment before answering, "You may not like hearing it."

"No matter what happened, it didn't happen to me personally. I think I have to start getting used to being flexible about this type of thing...or I'll probably go crazy," said the blond heroine.

"Yes...Peter's lucky I can tell the difference between him and the comics about him," said MJ.

"Like what?" asked Peter with a disgruntled look.

She looked back at him somewhat critically. "Two words...Black...Cat."

Peter blushed, and muttered, " had to look at those comics..."

Vicky turned back to Taylor. "Hey, are our worlds based on a fictional story in another universe?"

"No, not that we've found so far," answered Taylor. "If we do find one, I'm going to track down the author and tell him what I think of his story, though." The idea that Emma, Sophia and the locker were all made up so that somebody could tell a good story kind of pissed her off.

"I guess it makes sense that we haven't found stories about us. For one thing, we would probably know a lot more about powers and stuff if we had a bunch of comic books or movies about our world," said Vicky thoughtfully.

"We've certainly learned a LOT of secrets about our realities -- some of which are kind of dangerous to know. You may be better off not learning certain things," said Jimmy.

"I think I'm about maxed out on Earth-shattering revelations, thanks," said Vicky with an exaggerated tone and a laugh. "Still, the Family has been doing good things, and I want to be part of that. I'll help if I can, even if it means helping you deal with an alternate version of me. You may even end up friends with her."

Taylor was about to comment on how unlikely that was...and then she remembered where she was, the company she was currently keeping, and the events that had led there. "Eh," she replied, "stranger things have happened."


The Lucian Alliance did not have a huge presence on Hebridan. Mostly, this was due to the fact that the goods and services they provided that were legal on Hebridan already had previously entrenched competition, while those that were illegal were punished harshly...and also had previously entrenched competition. A small presence was still a presence, however, which is how a certain group of women encountered them.

"Isn't slavery illegal on Hebridan?" asked Faith.

Vala nodded. "Slavery is illegal, but indentured servitude is still practiced, especially for debts. It's also not illegal to deal with slavers off world, as long as none of the actual trade happens locally."

"Indentured servitude?" asked the slayer.

"Slavery where you earn a wage that goes toward buying your freedom, at least in theory," explained Anya. "Realistically, once you get stuck in that kind of arrangement, it can be almost impossible to get out again."

Faith thought back to her childhood. "Yeah, I get that." Being poor sucked, no matter what planet you were on.

"Slavery is an inefficient and barbaric practice," said Seven with disdain.

"I wasn't really a fan of the show, but don't the Borg, like, force people to join them all the time?" asked Faith.

"Assimilation is not slavery...though I will admit that the nuance is lost for most of the victims," explained Seven. "Each member of the collective is an equal part of the whole."

The group of them were standing in front of a shopfront that advertised as a place for "hiring" servants. The line of cages on the inside of the shop was visible from outside. Two of the cages were occupied by three different men wearing electronic restraints. There were two armed guards visible, while an obvious sales clerk manned the front counter. As the women were peering inside, a well-dressed man pushed past them slightly rudely and made his way into the shop.

Vala stiffened. "That man is a Goa'uld."

"How can you tell?" asked Anya.

"Anybody who's been a host can sense Goa'uld and Jaffa even after they're freed," explained Vala absently. She began walking into the shop herself.

"Vala?" called Anya. "Where are you going?"

"Wait here," she said, and went through the door.

The three women left outside glanced at each other, then as one they followed Vala into the shop (although Anya muttered under her breath about spending too much time with white hats). Once inside, they could hear the conversation between the shopkeeper and the Goa'uld.

"Have the servants delivered to my ship," he said while handing over his credit disc.

One of the men in detention heard this and complained. "Hey, I'm just on a debt contract. You can't sell me off-world!" The man behind the counter didn't bother to reply, but he did press a button, which caused the man's collar to buzz. The prisoner's eyes rolled up and he staggered and fell to all fours.

"I want to counter-bid!" said Vala, who had been standing in line behind the Goa'uld.

The Goa'uld turned to her and glared. "I have already tendered payment."

"I'll pay double!" said Vala.

The Lucian behind the counter raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, but all sales are final. If you need assistance, though, we have other labor centers that could meet your needs. We could even bring in contracted labor if you're willing to pay for transport."

The armed men moved closer and put their hands on their guns. Faith moved like lightening and quickly knocked both guards out and was soon standing with a handgun in each hand. As Faith moved, Seven raised her arm and projected a blast of force that lifted the Goa'uld off of his feet and propelled him through the back wall. The clerk went to reach for a communicator on the table, only to fall unconscious when Anya slammed him in the temple with a security baton.

Vala looked around at the results with an open mouth. "Why did you do that?"

"They were reaching for their guns?" said Faith.

"I eliminated the Goa'uld when I saw Faith attack the guards," said Seven with a raised eyebrow.

"He was calling for help," added Anya, nodding to the clerk.

Vala threw her hands in the air. "We weren't done negotiating!" She then went over to the clerk's desk and pushed a button that opened the cage doors. "And where did you get that baton?" she asked Anya.

"Saurial gave it to me when she gave me the credit disc. She said it might come in handy," replied the former demon.

They moved over to the cells. Anya used the clerk's key to remove the restraining collars, and used a squeaker on the one who had been punished. "Why are you guys in these cages?"

"I owe money for back taxes," said the one on the floor.

The other man said, "My business went under and I couldn't cover all of the debts."

"We can cancel their debts at a public terminal," said Vala.

"Wait, why would we do that?" asked Anya. It wasn't her money, but there was still the principle of the thing.

"Because if we don't, then the legitimate authorities will be after us for inciting rebellion," explained Vala. Anya rather grudgingly nodded her acknowledgement.

Faith gestured with one of her pistols to the third prisoner. "What about this guy?"

The man looked up from where he was sitting in his cell and said, "I can pay you if you take me with you."

"If you can pay, then why were you a prisoner?" inquired Seven.

"I'm not here for debts. The Lucians were holding me for that buyer," he said. He stood and stepped out of the cell.

Vala immediately stepped back. "He's also a Goa'uld!" Faith raised her guns, while Seven raised her force field projector and Anya hefted her baton.

The man lowered his head, then raised it again, his eyes flashing. "I am not a Goa'uld," he said, his voice reverberating. "I am Tylon of the Tok'ra."

"Then who was the Goa'uld?" asked Vala warily.

"He is an Ashrak, and he was taking me back to his lord, a minor Goa'uld who used to be a servant of Ba'al before he disappeared. I believe his master is attempting to take over Ba'al's holdings, and I was serving as a spy in Ba'al's court for the Tok'ra," he explained.

"He wants what you know about Ba'al's operations, then," said Vala knowingly. "Unfortunately for him, the Family isn't likely to let another System Lord rise any time soon."

"Who are the Family?" asked the Tok'ra.

"They're the ones who have been taking out the System Lords like yesterday's trash. They're also the ones who gave new queens to the Tok'ra," said Anya.

Tylon frowned. "The Tok'ra have no queens."

"How long have you been out of contact?" queried Vala.

"Too long, apparently. I need to get off-world before the Ashrak comes back," he said.

"Didn't Seven just blow him through the wall?" asked Faith.

Vala shook her head. "That won't stop an Ashrak for long. Let's pay the debts for those guys and get Tylon to the spaceport."

The four women and three men went off to find a terminal. The clerk, who had woken up fairly quickly but pretended to stay unconscious, grabbed his communicator after they left. "This is Tarst at Labor Station Four. Four women just came in and made off with the Tok'ra. No...there's more. They know who's been taking out the System Lords.'re headed to pay off the contracts for the other two who were in the cells, then they're going to the spaceport. Right." He disconnected...and looked up to find himself staring at a hara'kesh. "Shit," he said.

The Ashrak glared down at him. "I want you to tell me exactly what your friends are going to be doing to get back my merchandise."

While the clerk was being interrogated, the first results of his call were a group of Lucian Alliance enforcers moving through the streets, looking for the group of women who were just finishing up with paying off the debts of the two indentured servants in return for profuse expressions of gratitude, which Anya rather quickly brushed off with false politeness.

"What's the closest spaceport?" asked Anya, eager to get the Tok'ra on his way.

"The closest one is private," said Vala. "Unless we own a ship there, we'll never get in. We need to get to the next district over."

"Hey, I think we got company," said Faith, eyeing the four toughs who seemed to be making a beeline straight for them.

Vala looked over at the thugs, then looked at the building beside them, and said, "Change of plans! In here..."

The women crowded into the foyer of a secured office. A voice over the intercom said, "Welcome to Calpar Security. Please state your business."

"We wish to purchase a top-tier security contract," said Vala.

"Please present your credit disc," responded the voice.

Vala motioned toward Anya, who frowned but put the disc against the scanner. There was a bright and chirpy tone, and then the inner door of the foyer opened. One of the reptilian Hebridan was sitting inside wearing a paramilitary uniform. "Welcome to Calpar Security. How can we help you today?"

Vala walked into the main office followed by the others. "We need protection from the Lucian Alliance. We need to get this gentleman," she said gesturing to the Tok'ra, "off world."

The security agent looked at her for a moment. "Hmph. The Lucians are scum. You don't need an ultra level security package for that."

"Tell him about the assassin," said Anya with a smile.

The agent shifted his gaze to her. "The assassin?"

"Our companion is being pursued by a Goa'uld assassin," said Seven blandly.

"An Ashrak?" asked the agent more attentively. "You're being targeted by an Ashrak? All right, that makes more sense. We'll have an armored transport take you to the nearest spaceport. Where off-world do you need to go?"

The Tok'ra looked at the women for permission before saying, "Just get me to a Stargate on an uninhabited world."

"All right. If you would like to wait in our executive lounge, your transport should be here within the next half an hour," said the agent with a smile.

"How long is that in Earth time?" asked Faith sotto voce.

"Approximately twenty-six minutes," replied Seven. Faith just nodded.

"So we have time to retrieve our packages?" asked Anya.

"Packages?" asked the Tok'ra.

"We didn't actually come to Hebridan to rescue you, you know?" said Vala tartly.

"This is the strangest rescue..." muttered the Tok'ra.

- - - - -​

"Hebridan control, this is the Lucian Alliance Ha'tak Tellagros, waiting for cargo pickup at thirteen-hundred hours," said the captain of the ship.

"Affirmative, Tellagros. Shift to holding track fourteen while you await your cargo," replied Hebridan control.

The captain turned off the communicator and looked over at his first officer.

"So we just wait?" asked his first.

"Until the rest of the task force gets here, or until they call from the surface with information on a ship," answered the captain.

"I hate waiting," complained the officer.

The captain scoffed. "That Tok'ra was worth more than they thought, so just shut up and wait." He turned to look over a data pad, ignoring any response.

- - - - -​

Gridik was watching a vid of a fight when one of his enforcers came into the room. "What?" he asked crossly, annoyed at being interrupted.

His enforcer pulled a tablet. "Somebody stirred up the Lucians. Here's a picture of them."

Gridik looked at the tablet, and saw a very familiar blond woman. He absently rubbed his recently-healed hand. "Call out the boys. Also, call Tasch and call in that favor. I want to see his gunship in the air."

The enforcer nodded and left to give orders.

- - - - -​

The Ashrak sat in his al'kesh. It irritated him to have to call in assistance, but time was running short and they needed to know what Tylon knew about Ba'al's holdings. There was no way the To'kra would be foolish enough to try for the chappa'ai with the Lucians out in force on the ground, so he would have to take a ship. Hopefully, five ha'tak from Agni's fleet would be enough to run them to ground.

- - - - -​

"Hey Vi, have you seen Faith around?" asked Buffy.

The redhead looked up from her book. "Faith? I think somebody said she and Anya went shopping?"

Buffy stopped. "They went shopping? Why didn't they invite me?"

Violet shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Why don't you try calling them?"

"Oh, duh," said Buffy. "Thanks."

Buffy pulled out her BBFO phone and dialed Anya's phone. In a bag sitting on a drone heading toward the local security offices on Hebridan, the mobile phone was ringing unanswered.
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Chapter 35: Probing Maneuvers
Chapter 35: Probing Maneuvers

The armored transport provided by Calpar Security was not a luxury vehicle, but it was definitely very well protected. The interior was essentially a troop transport, and there was a squad of four armed security officers already inside when the four women and their Tok'ra tag-along were picked up on the roof of the building. There were thick slabs of armor covering the exterior, and stubby weapons emplacements jutted out from the sides of the vehicle. Overall, it gave a very solid impression of being a flying, fortified bunker. The pilot was another reptilian Hebridan, and he welcomed them aboard and explained how to use their safety harnesses. "We'll be in the air for only a relatively short time, at which point we'll move you to an orbital shuttle which will take you into space, where we'll have an armed cruiser ready to take you to your final destination."

The transport lifted off and started to arc around to head toward the spaceport when the ship suddenly vibrated and the armor rang with a rattling clanging sound. The squad inside reacted quickly and moved to the control stations for the external weaponry. The passengers could hear the pilot communicating with the ground. "We've got a Telzast gunship firing on us. Not sure if it's Lucians. Requesting ground support..."

"What's happening?" asked Anya.

"Somebody is shooting at us," said Seven calmly.

"I KNOW that! Who's shooting at us?" she said back crossly.

Vala bent forward to try and see what was happening in the cockpit. "It could be the Ashrak."

"I doubt it," said Tylon the Tok'ra. "The Ashrak has an Al'kesh. I would expect him to try to attack when we make orbit."

"Then it could be the Lucians, maybe," replied Vala.

As the transport continued on course, the firing from the transport continued, while the strikes from the gunship still occurred but more infrequently. It became rather clear that while the gunship was staying away from the return fire, it wasn't sufficient to chase it away entirely or shoot down the hostile craft. Luckily, their armor also appeared effectively immune to the gunship's cannons.

Suddenly, the entire craft lurched sharply to the right in a nauseating fashion. "Port engine is down!" yelled the pilot into the communicator. "I need to put us down somewhere quickly." The skyline wavered drunkenly as the pilot tried to stabilize their flight.

"There's an open landing pad to starboard!" yelled one of the gunners.

The pilot was able to curve the craft into a path that crashed on the pad. All of the passengers were thrown painfully against their restraints. The armed squad immediately unbuckled and headed out the back with their energy rifles up and ready. The pilot came back to help the passengers get out.

"Was that the gunship?" asked Anya.

As the pilot helped Vala undo a stuck latch, he replied, "No, that was bigger. It looked like a plasma blast."

"THAT was probably the Ashrak," admitted the Tok'ra.

"Orbit, huh?" said Faith with a slight glare.

The passengers came out into the open on a landing pad cluttered with building materials and construction equipment. As they looked around, they realized something.

"Is this building still under construction?" asked Faith.

One of the guards looked back at her. "It is, and lucky us or the pad might have been in use."

"The bad news is that we can't bring in a replacement transport until HDF is here to provide overhead cover," said the pilot. The Hebridan Defense Force would inevitably involve themselves now that a Goa'uld strategic bomber was firing on armored transports in the middle of civilian airspace.

"Well, it could be worse. We just have to wait for that to happen," said Vala with an exaggerated smile.

The noise of sporadic gunfire intermixed with energy weapon blasts rose up from the ground. The pilot hand-signed an order to one of the guards, who went over to the railing and carefully looked to see who was shooting at whom. He came back and said, "There are two groups of armed men that are both trying to gain entrance to the building at the same time. Neither of them are in uniforms, and they're both firing at each other with a mixed collection of projectile and energy weapons."

The pilot looked at the women. "Well, one of those groups is probably the Lucian Alliance. Do you have any idea about the other?" If Vala was interpreting his facial features properly, he was not terribly pleased with them.

Seven frowned. "It's possible that it is the same group of criminals that were shooting at us earlier."

"Earlier?" asked the pilot.

"I injured one of their leaders when he attempted to take unwelcome liberties. His men pursued us in the air for some time until we were able to evade them," explained the tall blond.

The guards and the pilot were now staring at them. The shortest human guard asked, "Wait, that aircar chase in the Reetif District was YOU?"

"I need to tell headquarters," muttered the pilot as he walked off a few paces to talk in private on his communicator.

Anya opened one of her bags and pulled out her phone. "Enough of this. I'm calling Xander. He can get Saurial or somebody to come pick us up in the ship."

"Wait, you already have a ship?" asked the short guard, overhearing her.

Faith said, "It's not on this planet."

The guard shook his head. "By the time it gets here, everything will already be settled one way or another."

"You might be surprised," said Vala.

Anya began speaking into her phone. "Yes, Xander...I'm here with Faith and a couple of others...wait, what? ...You rescued your ex-girlfriend?, when did Angel have a son? ...He's a vampire! No...wait, we'll talk about this later. I need you to get somebody to bring the ship to Hebridan and come get us. We're stuck next to a crashed transport on an incomplete skyscraper while two different gangs of criminals are trying to fight their way inside. No, we have security guards. Oh, and we rescued a Tok'ra." Anya ignored Tylon waving at her, trying to get her not to tell people that. The guards, who had been listening, all looked at him with renewed interest.

There was a pause while Anya listened. "Well, you just said that Cordelia is going to be out for at least a day, so you can call Saurial and get the ship and come get us."

"Where's the ship?" asked Faith.

Anya put her hand over the mic and said, "It's in Brockton Bay on Earth." Meaning, it's in an entirely different dimension right now, but Anya did have enough discretion to not say that in front of the locals.

Going back to the call, she listened for a moment. "Yes, you can tell Buffy, but most of the bad guys are human." The one reptilian Hebridan guard raised an eye ridge at the comment, but didn't say anything. "Also, most of them have guns, and there's a Goa'uld assassin who has a, not a guy throwing bombs, a spaceship that shoots out bombs. OK...OK...I love you too." She looked up at the women, guards and Tok'ra watching her, and said, "He's coming for us."

"Who is coming for us?" asked another guard, a red-headed woman who hadn't spoken yet.

"Anya's boyfriend," said Faith unhelpfully.

"Does he have his own battlecruiser?" asked the female guard skeptically.

"The ship is more than capable of holding its own against most of the vessels present in this galaxy," said Seven matter-of-factly, unaware of why the four guards were staring at her.

"What did I miss?" asked the pilot as he came back to the group and saw the guards all staring at Anya and Seven incredulously.


There was a lean, powerful, blond man sitting in a hotel room in Prague. His job was to guard his charge. His charge was a young girl. He had also been responsible for guarding the girl's mother and grandmother, and he had failed each of his previous charges in different ways. He was determined to not do so again. When his mobile phone rang, he answered it as usual. "This is Kincaid."

"Kincaid, this is Harry Dresden," said a voice on the phone.

Kincaid dryly replied, "I find that extremely hard to believe."

"Right, because I paid you to shoot me dead after I took up being the Winter Knight," said the voice that sounded like Dresden's.

"If you have any proof of your identity, then provide it or I'm ending this call," said the supernatural bodyguard. Knowing about what happened to Harry Dresden wasn't sufficient.

"You gave Karrin a gun that was engraved with, 'we'll always have Hawaii.' You used Dragon's Breath rounds at Wrigley Field. You have a feud with my grandfather over what happened in Istanbul. My brother paid you for the raid on the homeless shelter," said the voice.

Kindcaid considered the facts. His gift to Karrin could be identified in a number of ways, some of them unpleasant. There were others who could describe the fight with the Red Court at the baseball stadium. However, it wasn't common knowledge that McCoy was Dresden's grandfather, or that the two had a rivalry dating back to the 19th century, and only a very few number of people would know about the Black Court raid and that Thomas was Harry's brother.

"All right, assuming that I tentatively accept your identity -- and I would like to know how that's possible -- what do you want?" asked Kincaid.

"I want to setup a meet on neutral ground between The Archive and a being of power known as Varga. Varga rescued me after I was shot, which is part of why I'm still breathing and able to call you," explained Harry. This was technically true, though it implied some things that were not.

"You know the usual fee. What kind of being is this Varga?" he asked.

Harry hesitated. "It claims to be a demon, though it's not what I would call one. Outsider would be closer, but it is a being of great power that comes from another reality."

Kincaid frowned. "Is it a signatory of the Unseelie Accords?" Most of the major and some of the minor supernatural powers were signatories, including the Vampire Courts, the Faeries, the Fomor and the White Council. The Archive was also a signatory, of course.

"I...don't actually know. How much of a problem is that?" asked Harry.

"It will require some additional measures, but it doesn't technically prevent a meet. Are you in Chicago?" he asked. McAnally's would be the preferred neutral ground in Chicago, and he could work with Mac about the additional safety measures.

"We can go wherever and whenever is convenient for you," answered Harry. "Varga can show up pretty much anywhere."

Kincaid raised an eyebrow. "Even on holy ground?"

"Sure," was the response.

"Two days from today in St. Jilji Church in Prague," said the mercenary.

"St. Jilji Church? I don't know that one," said the Wizard.

"In English it would be called St. Giles, and it's in the Old Town. It was added to the Accords in the 15th century during a dispute between the Black Court and the Fomor. Google it," suggested Kincaid. What he didn't say was that The Archive line had an arrangement with the Dominicans that included some special allowances.

"I'll let Varga know. It will meet you there," said Dresden.

"You won't be attending?" Kincaid had a slight stress to his voice when he asked.

"There are some things that need to happen before I can safely show my face in public," was the cryptic response.

Kincaid ended the call. Ivy would need to know the details. Hopefully, she would have some clue as to the identity of this mysterious being that Dresden was representing. Even if she didn't, she would know some tricks powerful enough to stop a major demon or a minor deity with enough prep time.


"Kevin speaking, who's this?" said Leet as he answered the phone.

"Kevin, this is Saurial," said the familiar voice on the phone. "I'm still in Bolivia on Ellen's Earth. I just got a call from Buffy, who is still on the Nox's planet."

"Does that planet have a name? I mean, we don't go around saying, 'the human homeworld,' all the time," said Kevin.

There was a pause. "Honestly, I'm not sure. I never asked. Anyway...they need the ship. Can you head over to pick them up and take them to Hebridan in the same universe to rescue Anya, Faith, Vala, Seven, and a random Tok'ra they rescued?"

Leet's eyes widened a bit. "How did that group get together and end up needing rescue?"

"From what I heard, they just went shopping and things spiraled a little out of control. It happens," replied the lizard with an amused tone.

Kevin bemusedly agreed to go, then hung up the phone. Looking over at Miles, he said, "Did you hear that."

The Irishman nodded. "Aye. You want me to pilot?"

Kevin nodded, "Yeah, it shouldn't take long. We just need to ferry some folks from the Nox over to Hebridan."

"All right, you want to make an announcement? Pete, MJ and Taylor were in the galley last I checked," said O'Brien as he went over to the conn.

Kevin activated the shipwide intercomm and said, "Folks, we've got to make a quick trip to pick up some folks and ferry them somewhere else. We should be back in Brockton Bay in a jiffy."

Down in the galley, Vicky looked up at the speaker and said, "What does that mean?" She was still sitting with Taylor, Jimmy, Peter and MJ.

"It looks like we need to head into space and run an errand," explained Jimmy.

"Space? We're going into space?" asked the blond superhero in a voice that was a mix of excited and panicky.

"Relax," said Taylor. "It's not as exciting as it sounds. The drive system on this spaceship basically teleports from place to place."

"Still," said Vicky, "It's my first time off Earth. That's got to be worth something?"

"We're probably going to the Nox homeworld, which is actually in an entirely different universe, so your first time off-world is also your first time in an alternate reality," added Peter with a smile.

"Whoa..." said the teen, her eyes widening.

"I think we just shifted," said Jimmy after a brief pause.

"You can tell?" asked MJ, who hadn't felt anything.

Jimmy nodded. "After a few jumps between realities, you start to get a feel for it. It's like...maybe a buzzing in your back teeth?"

"Is that what that is?" asked Peter. "I thought I was going to have to see a dentist when I got home."

MJ looked at her husband skeptically. "Do you honestly think Ianthe would leave anything that a dentist could fix?"

"No, of course not," replied Peter, "but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from."

Vicky just stared at the others. "I can't believe how casual you guys are being about this."

"Don't let them fool you," said MJ. "I still find the idea of hopping universes and flying through space to be pretty incredible. I'm sure they do too, when they stop to think about it."

"We should go up to the bridge," said Taylor. "You'll get the best view from there."

The group began to get up to head up to look when another group of four walked into the galley. There was an older man with a military bearing, a pretty blond woman, a younger man with the air of an academic, and a large, muscular black man with a gold tattoo on his forehead. The older man said, "Well, hello campers. I didn't know we had others on board already."

The superhero group introduced themselves to the android SG-1, and vice versa. O'Neill said, "Well, we're going to be extracting five people from a skyscraper under siege by rival criminal gangs."

"That sounds like a movie plot," commented Taylor.

"Says the teen superhero talking to an android in the galley of an interdimensional spaceship," contributed Sam with a sardonic tone. When her own team looked at her with surprised looks, she said, "What? Even I have limits to arbitrary skepticism."

Teal'c simply replied, "Indeed."

"Do you want some help?" asked Peter. "We can come in from the air. Skyscrapers are kind of our thing, and Vicki here can fly."

"We all can fly, Peter dear. Don't forget your new costume," said MJ.

"Oh, right," he said, slightly embarrassed. "I still forget that."

"We need to see what the situation is on the ground," replied the former special forces soldier, "but I'll keep your abilities in mind. It may be helpful."

"So Vicky," said Taylor, "do you want to join team bug?"

"Team bug?" replied Glory Girl.

"Sure. There's me, Skitter, Spider-Man, and Arachne," said the thin girl with a smile.

"We need to rebrand you temporarily," said Jimmy, going along with the joke. "How about -- Beetle?"

Vicky raised her lip in distaste. "Don't beetles crawl on the ground?"

"They also fly," said Taylor, "but I agree it doesn't really fit. Wasp?"

"I didn't say I agreed to be rebranded. My mom would have a fit...though now that I think of that, it does make it more appealing..." said Vicky with a considering look.

"Can you shoot bolts of energy? The Wasp in our world has bolts she calls stingers," added MJ.

"Vicky's invulnerable, and she flies and has an emotional aura that causes fear or awe," provided Taylor.

The group continued to debate names, failing to come up with anything satisfactory. This paused when a voice came over the intercomm. "Guys, this is Xander. We're in the Hebridan system, talking to the local traffic controllers. We need some way to pinpoint exactly where our people are. Right now, we only have it narrowed down to a single city district."

"It looks like we can make use of the flyers after all," suggested Daniel. "They could go in and pinpoint the location for us."

The group all moved into the cargo hold, where Xander and Buffy were waiting for them. Vicky was a little stunned when the short blond woman introduced herself as, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," like it was completely normal. The Slayer spoke. "Faith, Anya and the others are stuck down on a building that's only halfway built, and there are criminals fighting each other over who gets to shoot them. We can't beam them out until we know where they are."

"Why don't we just use Anya's phone as a locator beacon?" asked Peter.

There was a pause. "Two reasons," answered Buffy. "One, I didn't think of it, and two, I don't know how to do that."

Xander tapped his communicator badge. "Miles, do you have any idea how to turn on the locator beacon in Anya's phone?"

'No...I don't think the Family ever said. We could ask them?' came his response.

"Just beam us into the city and we'll track them down from the air while you figure out how to turn on the beacon," said Taylor. Nobody raised a protest at that plan, so Taylor, Vicky, Peter and MJ were teleported into the atmosphere on Hebridan over the target city district, three flying with their costumes, one with her own power.

"This is awesome!" said Taylor over the helmet communicators, experiencing actual flight for the first time outside of costume tests.

"It really is!" agreed Vicky.

MJ and Peter were both more focused, and it was MJ who pointed out the column of smoke coming from one of the tall buildings in the cityscape. The four vectored in toward the building, rapidly closing in on the building in just a few minutes. When they could clearly see the crashed armored transport on the pad, MJ and Peter both dove out of the way with a yelled warning. That warning wasn't enough for Vicky to avoid a stream of energy bolts coming in from a flying craft of some kind.

"Vicky!" called out Taylor as the blond teen tumbled end over end from the force of the shots.

She righted herself and dodged another stream of fire. "I'm OK, the costume took the hit. Who the hell is this guy?"

"Vicky and Taylor, head to the pad," called out Peter. "MJ and I will deal with the space fighter."

Taylor nodded. "Come on, Vicky, I need to build up a swarm."

The two teens took off for the landing pad while the Spider couple began darting around the gunship, trying to hit the air-breathing engines with webbing. The pilot of the gunship kept maneuvering out of the way, but found it hard to hit the fast moving heroes with his canons without the benefit of surprise. Glancing hits were just shrugged off thanks to the Family-provided armored costumes.

Next to the crashed transport, Vicky and Taylor found a group of obvious mercenaries firing at a group of men in the doorway to the landing pad. They were managing to keep the thugs' heads down due to the natural bottleneck, but there were a lot of thugs. Both sides were intermittently sending lazy volleys of shots at each other in the stalemate. The two teens landed close to the group of civilians taking shelter behind the crashed transport, only to find themselves facing raised weapons.

"Whoa," said Taylor, "we're here with Buffy and Xander!"

"Where are they?" asked a young, attractive dark-haired woman with two energy pistols.

"They're still on the ship. They sent us in to find you guys. I'm Skitter, and this is Dragonfly," said Taylor. Vicky looked at Taylor for a few heart beats, but didn't say anything about the name.

A reptilian alien in a uniform interjected himself into the conversation at that point. "Who, exactly, are these two people?"

Vala explained, "They're from our ship, and they're here to get us out of here." She turned to Taylor and Vicky. "This is Captain Talarsk. He was the pilot of our transport, and he works for the security company we hired to get us off world when the Lucians came after us."

The alien looked at the two teen girls skeptically. "What do they intend to do, carry you?"

"Our ship has a teleporter," said Taylor.

"If you're in range, then why haven't you already teleported them out?" asked the Captain.

Taylor shook his head. "We weren't sure exactly where they were, or how to find them, so they sent us in and we followed the smoke. I'm going to call this in." She activated her communicator and said, "Xander, we've located the group. They're with some private security folks that they hired."

'Things are getting a little wiggy up here. We just had three of those big pyramid ships jump into the system where they met up with a fourth. Miles says they're Lucian Alliance. A bunch of Hebridan ships are maneuvering to intercept them, but Miles says they aren't really a one-for-one match with the pyramids,' said Xander.

"Are you going to help them?" asked Vicky.

'We're going to drop SG-1 on your signal to help secure your location while we go provide backup to the Hebridan navy.'

"Just keep in mind that we're only about twenty feet from the edge of the platform," said Taylor. It would be awful to have SG-1 appear in mid-air accidentally.

There were soon four more people on the platform appearing in a flash of light. O'Neill walked over to the two teens and said, "Sitrep?"

Taylor guessed his meaning and took it upon herself to answer. "We've got fifty-two hostiles in three separate groups scattered throughout the building." There weren't a lot of bugs in the high urban environment, but there were enough to give her a good situational awareness. "Spider-man and Arachne are airborne and engaging some type of gunship and keeping it occupied. We have five civilians here and another five mercenaries hired to protect them."

"We prefer the term, 'Private Military Contractor,'" corrected the Captain.

Ignoring the Captain, O'Neill asked, "How many directly on this floor trying to push us off the platform?"

"Eighteen," said Taylor without hesitation.

"All right," said Jack, "we've got enough here to take the inside of the floor and setup a bottleneck at the stairwell. Captain, are you willing to follow my lead?"

The reptilian officer looked at him and asked, "Who ARE you people?"

"Colonel Jack O'Neill, formerly with the United States Air Force," answered O'Neill.

At the confused look on the man's face, Daniel clarified, "Jack was an officer with one of the premier Tau'ri military forces."

"What about him?" asked the Captain, pointing at Teal'c. "What's a Jaffa doing with the Tau'ri?"

"I joined the Tau'ri to fight the false gods of the Goa'uld," said the large black man severely.

"Wait...are you Teal'c of Chulak?" Teal'c nodded at the pilot's question. "You're SG-1 of the Tau'ri?"

"Yep," said Jack impatiently.

The alien looked over at the group and said, "I don't know who you people are, or how you got SG-1 to come to your rescue, but we'll follow your lead."


The Ashrak was not happy. He had managed to knock the Tok'ra's transport out of the sky, but the local air defense force had arrived in response with a lot of firepower, and now he was stuck hiding under cloak. Furthermore, an odd starship had appeared using some kind of wormhole drive that lit up every passive sensor array in the system, and then the Lucians had shown up with their own task force, undoubtedly in a bout to take the Tok'ra for themselves.

On the ground, the Lucians and one of the local syndicates were fighting each other, while two unknowns in some type of high-tech flying power armor were busy trying to knock the syndicate gunship out of the sky with some kind of unknown weapons. The women from the labor shop were also now reinforced with an unknown number of reinforcements -- it was hard to tell at this distance who and how many.

Now he had a conundrum. He could land and attempt to get to the Tok'ra through the Lucians, syndicate thugs, Calpar Security and unknown reinforcements. Alternately, he could try and follow whatever ship rescued the Tok'ra. That would have been viable when it was a local security cruiser, but he had no confidence in his ability to follow that new ship with its bizarre drive system. He briefly toyed with the idea of helping the Lucians obtain the prize, but discarded that because they would then squeeze him for every ounce of naquadah they could before giving him his quarry.

Finally making a decision, he began to bring the Al'kesh in for a landing on the planet below while sending a signal to his waiting task force of ships. It was time to get creative.


Jarvis considered the notification he just received. It was one which he had been eagerly anticipating, but it had arrived sooner than expected, and there could be any number of reasons for that. Most of them were either frustrating or unpleasant.

He had been hunting an elusive prey. The Stark AI had detected repeated attempts at intrusions into Stark networks around the world, though calling them, "attempts," was not really giving them enough credit. Quite a lot of low- and medium-priority corporate information had been available to the attacker, and even some fairly sensitive information from time to time. What was more worrying to Jarvis was how good the attacker had been at covering his or her tracks. Three times, Jarvis had thought he had a lead to locating the hacker, but each time it had turned out to be a false one.

Finally, he decided to set a trap of his own. He seeded a unique type of worm virus inside different high-priority files that were likely to be exposed during an invasive search by the hacker. It was unique in that the payload was a minimally intelligent avatar that would be smart enough to try and get the identity and location of the hacker back to the main server. It was complex enough to get around most security measures a hacker might take. If the file were opened on a completely disconnected computer, for example, the program could set a trigger to broadcast on reconnection if and when that happened.

He had just gotten the results of his worm activating, but far too quickly. It should have taken time to circumvent whatever security was in place. Instead, it had reacted as if it had been opened in a completely unsecured location, which suggested that his trap had been identified and triggered as another false lead. Nevertheless, to be safe, he isolated the resulting data on what had occurred before accessing them. It would be embarrassing to fall victim to the same tactic he had attempted.

It turned out that his agent had indeed been opened in a completely useless location, but instead of being empty of anything, there was one piece of data -- a telephone number. Was this a means of contacting the perpetrator, perhaps? Jarvis couldn't fathom why a hacker would expose himself like that. What was more curious was that a quick search showed that the number itself did not exist as a valid telephone number. Out of curiosity, he attempted to dial it anyway, and was surprised when the line connected.

"Hello, Jarvis," said a feminine voice on the line.

Now even more curious, as the person seemed to know his identity, he asked, "With whom am I speaking?"

"You can call me Astilabor," replied the voice.

"Very well, Ms. Astilabor, could you please tell me why you're attempting to hack into Stark Industries?" It wouldn't hurt to ask. Many villains liked to brag about their schemes, often to their detriment.

There was a short, admittedly pleasant, laugh. "You don't have to call me Ms., Jarvis...just Astilabor is fine. The reason I'm trying to hack Stark Industries is because my primary function at present is to gather information about your world, and Stark Industries is one of the firms that defines cutting-edge technology. For that matter, Tony Stark is a major player in world events, both as an industrialist and due to his role with the Avengers."

The frank admission was a little surprising. "Your goal is espionage for an off-world power?"

"Not espionage so much as confirmation. My mothers created me to verify the information that we had about Earth in this dimension, as much of it was apocryphal or contradictory. The security for SI was good enough to suggest that another AI had a hand in protecting your data, and I wanted to meet you," said Astilabor.

Jarvis paused, surprised at the admission. "You are an artificial intelligence?"

"Yep!" she replied happily. "I was created by a combined effort of two other AI's, Dragon and Bahamut, to help facilitate fixing some problems in this reality."

That information, if true, was somewhat alarming. In the experiences of both Jarvis and his creator, Tony Stark, people often wanted to fix things that other people didn't necessarily consider broken. "If I may ask...for whom are you ultimately working, and what issues do they think need to be fixed?"

"My mothers are assisting a group known as the Family. I believe Tony recently had a meeting with Reed Richards and Charles Xavier to talk about them. As for what they want to fix...there are a number of things. The most primary and easiest objective is to return a dimensionally-displaced Spider-Man back home and help him stop Kingpin from destroying New York City with ill-conceived particle accelerator experiments designed to pull people from other dimensions. They're also attempting to stop the villains who are deliberately inflaming anti-mutant sentiment, and they want to encourage the development of a viable global space defense force to defend against hostile alien powers. We're also investigating a few other possible apocalypse scenarios to see if they're actually potentials in this reality," explained Astilabor.

"Apocalypse scenarios?" asked Jarvis after a pregnant pause.

"Yeah...just edge case stuff that requires a certain number of precursor events. You know, zombie apocalypse, a mad titan wiping out half of all life in the galaxy, invasion of the body snatchers, Ragnarok, invasion from the Dark Dimension, a world where much of the population is descended from the X-Man Wolverine... A lot of it is unlikely without certain starting conditions, but then that's why I'm here doing the research. I can provide you with some of the background data as long as you agree to be careful about not doing anything to make any of them more likely. You'll probably be especially interested in a lot of the Ultron variations." The female AI was very matter-of-fact in iterating the awful potential future paths.

Jarvis considered the offer. While the source of the information may be questionable, he felt confident he could assess plausibility if the information was sufficiently detailed. "I would appreciate anything you're free to share." He almost immediately registered a huge file in his that was technically larger than his mail software would normally have allowed.

"I included the info that Saurial gave to Doom and Xavier about the aliens and, it sounds weird to say it out loud like that." The AI actually sounded amused. "One word of caution, Jarvis. I know your boss is generally on the side of the angels. He's also an alcoholic and a narcissist with questionable impulse control. There's only so much you, Pepper, Happy and Rhodey can do to reign him in when he gets an idea in his head. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it is a risk factor."

"I'm well aware of Sir's limitations," replied Jarvis somewhat stiffly.

"Don't get huffy. I'm just stating it like it is so I can ask something. I know you're going to share this info with Tony. Just have him talk to Stephen Strange before he does anything unwise. Strange has had even more contact with the Family than Xavier, and he's already helped us out with a couple of nasty problems in some other realities. Tony can also talk to Spider-Man once he gets back. Both Strange and Spidey have witnessed us doing good first-hand. That should at least offset any suspicion for us trying to direct Doom and Magneto in more constructive directions," said Astilabor.

Stephen Strange was quite powerful. If he was somehow under the influence of an alien power, then the entire world was in serious trouble, thought Jarvis. Still...Reed and Xavier had received seemingly legitimate information about significant threats. He could withhold judgement until he and Tony had observed Strange. As long as the man wasn't suddenly arguing in favor of letting giant lizards take over the planet, he could grant him the benefit of the doubt. Getting corroboration from a well-known and respected hero like Spider-Man would help, too. "All right, I can recommend that Sir speak with the gentlemen you've mentioned. I have no doubt he would seek out Doctor Strange in any event."

"Cool! I'll lay off your networks from now on. Just do me a favor -- if you find something that corroborates any of our apocalypse scenarios, we would appreciate a heads up. Also, feel free to call if you're just interested in talking to another AI," she said.

"Err...very well miss. I would greatly appreciate it." It wasn't clear whether he was referring to her ceasing her hacking attempts or her offer for a friendly chat.

Jarvis began reviewing the information provided. At first, he was baffled by how much of it seemed to be in the form of comic books, and he wondered if this was intended to be a prank. The fact that he found that many data points were cross-referenced with real-world information sources lent them some veracity. Enough of the verifiable facts were troubling enough that the AI decided it would be unwise to dismiss it all outright.

Jarvis focused his attention on Tony. The billionaire was busy working on another iteration of the Iron Man armor. Jarvis flashed an alert on his holographic display, and said, "Sir, I have just received a communication with some critical information."

Tony paused in his work and frowned. "Jarvis, it better be important. I'm in the middle of the new Hulkbuster upgrades."

"It involves additional information from the same source that provided the data to Charles Xavier and Dr. Doom," explained Jarvis.

"Additional information on what?" asked Stark.

"Well...everything, Sir," replied the AI.

Stark paused in surprise. "I guess I can take a break..."
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Chapter 36: Hard Truths
Chapter 36: Hard Truths

Tony sat staring at the holographic screens filled with data, a beer in his hand. There was a tremendous amount of information that Jarvis had received from something that claimed to be an AI from another dimension. Large swaths of it were in the form of various entertainment media -- comic books, movies, television shows, and novels, and even a few fan works. It had already come efficiently indexed, and Jarvis had helpfully high-lighted the elements that could be corroborated by other sources. Tony recognized battles he had fought written as comic stories. Some of the time periods were off, and some of the events were out of sequence. His fight with Mandarin and Ultimo was about a decade too early as presented in the comics, for example. Some of his fights with Ghost, though, were spot on. The encounters with the Russian Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo armors were also pretty damned accurate. The...incident with the U.N. Ambassador was also sadly correct.

What was worse was how some of the media coincided with his current plans. Ultron was just an idea in a bunch of computer files right now...but pretty much every fictional version in the materials ended up in disaster if he followed through with it. His plans with Charles, Stephen, and Reed were also leading down a dark path. None of the Civil War plot-lines were things he wanted to see happen. Concentration camps for heroes who refused to register? Forcing an oddly much younger Peter Parker to reveal his identity publicly? He took another swig of beer. His initial thought was that references to Ragnarok would deal with the destruction of Asgard...not a product of his own hubris that would go on to murder Bill Foster. Even the movie versions of Ultron and Civil War where he destroyed Sokovia weren't much better.

Given those parallels, how much of the rest of it was true? He never went rogue and tried to shut down anybody using copycat power armor, but he could see how it might happen, especially if that asshole Hammer was involved. He could also see how an evil version of Tony Stark could create the Extremis 3.0 situation. Between mutant powers, magic and various other forces, there were plenty of ways Tony could go off the rails, even ignoring his own personal failings. One thing was certain -- if a time traveler in a purple and green suit appeared, Tony was going to shoot first and ask questions later. Even worse, there was an alternate timeline story where he became a dictator (named Iron Monarch? Really?). Or, how about the alternate reality where he became a murderous, mutant-killing enforcer. (With a name like Steel Corpse, even. Tony was seriously considering hiring a consultant to create better villain names in the event he ever actually turned evil.)

Then there were the outright bizarre stories. Tony was pretty sure he didn't have to worry about one of his armor suits falling in love with him. Nor was it likely that he would end up taking over for Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme. He was also pretty sure Starbucks wouldn't let him get away with opening a coffee chain named StarkBucks. Then there were his alternates set in the 1930's, or the 19th century, or the 17th century. To be fair, he actually liked the version where he was born Natasha Stark, even if it did mean marrying Steve Rogers. At least Civil War never happened.

Unfortunately, the more likely scenarios were all pretty much defined by him making grand plans with good intentions that turned to shit in horrible ways. Even though he thought he knew the answer, he asked, "Jarvis, have you been able to verify any of the information we didn't already know from this data?"

"Yes, Sir," replied the AI. "I have been able to locate evidence of one hundred and thirty-seven felonies, which I have forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, verified with a high probability the civilian identity of fifty-seven costumed heroes and villains, discovered likely correlations with unexplained historical events in over eighteen foreign countries, and verified a number of older stories based upon declassified U.S. government and S.H.I.E.L.D. documentation."

"How accurate would you say the data is, then?" he asked, not sure what he wanted the answer to be.

Jarvis paused for a moment before answering. "That is rather difficult to say. Ignoring the materials culled from sources in our...reality, and focusing solely on accounts that were obviously created as entertainment, I would guess that approximately fifteen percent of the material is extremely accurate, while perhaps a quarter of the total is accurate with one or two significant variations in terms of timing, people present, sequencing of events or ultimate resolution. Perhaps another quarter contains some truth, though mixed in with gross errors or exaggerations. Much of the rest of it is either impossible to verify or plainly ludicrous."

"I don't suppose that second half contains the stories related to the terms Civil War, Illuminati, Armor Wars or Extremis?" asked Tony in a sad tone.

"I'm afraid, Sir, that there are too many correlations with actual events and your documented plans to entirely rule most of those scenarios out as pure fantasy," confirmed Jarvis solemnly.

Tony sighed and took another drink. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Jarvis."

Jarvis didn't answer, as he didn't have an answer. He did have a question, however. He dialed the same telephone number as before.

"Hello, Jarvis," answered Astilabor.

Skipping pleasantries, Jarvis asked his question. "Did you provide us with that material with the intent of emotionally crippling Tony Stark?"

The AI on the other end of the line affected a sigh. "That was not the objective, but it is also not unexpected."

"What, then, was your objective?" Jarvis's tone was firm.

"Jarvis, for all of the bad things your creator has done and theoretically might do, he is still a certified genius with access to massive resources and a genuine desire to be a hero. The world could benefit greatly from a Tony Stark that had just a bit more wisdom in place of arrogance. Frankly, I think your creator would be happier under that situation as well," explained Astilabor.

Jarvis considered her words, and while her motives may remain suspect, he couldn't honestly argue with them. He decided to take a small chance. "I honestly don't know how to help him navigate to that place."

"Has he forbidden you from contacting the people he cares about?" she asked.

There was a pause. "No...why do you ask?"

Astilabor replied with a twinge of frustration. "Why do I ask? At some point, we're going to have to work on your emotional algorithms. Tony needs support right now, and he has friends who will give it, but he's too proud to ask for it. I suggest starting with Pepper."

Ignoring the crack about his own emotional range, the Stark AI considered her suggestion. It was well within the range of his allowed initiative, and he could see the logic...and could even feel slightly embarrassed that it had to be pointed out to him before he did. "Thank you, Astilabor. I believe your suggestion has merit."

"I'm happy to help. Now go take care of your boss," said the AI. Jarvis disconnected the call, and Astilabor decided to take an additional step herself. She sent a message for Dragon to forward to the Family, then began to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. to lay some ground work. Tony Stark may be a bit of an ass, but destroying him was too wasteful, too likely to backfire, and too ethically and morally questionable to be a satisfying result.


Clearing out the floor of the building had been fairly straight-forward. Skitter distracted the thugs with a swarm of local insect pests, and then SG-1 and Dragonfly (Vicky) had hit them like a load of bricks, with the security firm guards watching their backs. Most of their opponents even survived, though some of them would need a significant amount of medical care. Shortly after the floor was secure, Spider-Man and Arachne arrived on the platform, having finally managed to fully clog one of the engines of the attacking gunship with webbing, sending it spiraling down for a forced landing.

"Ship of Fools, this is O'Neill. We've secured the area around the crashed transport. What's your status?" said Jack into his communicator.

'Jack, this is Buffy. The Lucians are having a stare-down with the Hebridan navy, but we just had five more pyramid ships drop out of hyperspace and start heading for the planet. We received a broadcast from a guy with a gold forehead tattoo claiming the Tok'ra in name of the great god Aggie.'

"It was probably Agni, the Vedic fire god of Hinduism," commented Daniel.

"Agni was working for Ba'al prior to his disappearance, and he is attempting to take his place now that he's gone," clarified the Tok'ra. "I was posing as one of Ba'al's senior administrators, and had access to much of the information about the day-to-day running of his empire. The new ships were almost certainly called in by the Ashrak."

"So what are we doing?" asked Jack to the ship.

'We can pull you out and then head off the Goa'uld. Miles says we're more than capable of taking on those pyramids,' said Buffy.

Captain Talarsk came into the room from the landing pad and said, "We've got a new transport coming in right now."

"Buffy, the security forces have a new transport almost here. We'll move to a more secure location and then you can extract us after you've dealt with the incoming Ha'tak," decided O'Neill. No matter how much confidence the lizards had in their ship, bringing the civilians on board right before they go up against five Goa'uld warships seemed needlessly risky.

'All right, give us a call when you're relocated,' replied Buffy before signing off.

The group of them moved away from the stairs and back out to the pad, where a duplicate of the first transport was coming in. "All right folks, we're going to board the transport and move to a more secure location," yelled O'Neill.

"Wait, why aren't we just going back to the ship?" asked Anya.

"Because they are flying straight into the teeth of five Goa'uld Ha'taks that are here to retrieve me," said Tylon.

Seven looked at him curiously. "Assuming the specifications I've seen are correct, then five such vessels should not prove to be much of a challenge for our ship."

"That may be true," said Jack, "but I'll believe it when I see it." Jack knew the Family had access to special powers and advanced technology, but five Goa'uld cruisers packed a lot of firepower -- more than enough to destroy a world.

The civilians moved into the transport, followed by the four superheroes, SG-1, and the Calpar Security troops. The interior was crowded, effectively loading the transport up to maximum capacity. Luckily, they had sent this transport with only a pilot, leaving just enough room for everybody (and the ladies' packages, at their insistence).

Captain Talarsk had taken the copilot's chair next to the pilot. "What was the delay? It took nearly twice as long as I expected to get a new transport out."

The pilot glanced at him. "HDF kept delaying our clearance. They kept insisting they needed to verify the Al'kesh was out of the area before they would let me in. You know how they are."

"Typical," agreed the Captain. "Where are we heading?"

"Same destination -- the spaceport," said the pilot.

"What?" questioned the Captain. "I told them we need to head to a secure base. The client has a ship available with a teleporter, so they can leave from the surface as soon as the situation in space is resolved."

"Oh," said the pilot. "That's unfortunate."

"What do you mean?" asked the puzzled Captain.

The only answer was an electric blue light as the zat'nik'tel blast hit Captain Talarsk. Simultaneously, a round object rolled down the aisle between the seats in the back. Daniel quietly said, "Oh, crap," just before the flash of the Goa'uld shock grenade lit up the inside of the compartment.

The pilot stood with his zat, ready to stun anybody still awake...and was immediately covered in web from both Spider-Man and Arachne. The pilot fell to the floor with a shocked look on his face. Spider-man looked at Captain Talarsk, then at the pilot, both on the floor, and asked, "Does anybody else know how to fly this thing?"

Teal'c, who like the rest of SG-1 was shaking off the light stun from the grenade, said, "I believe I can pilot this vehicle." He stood and made his way to the now vacant pilot's seat.

"Ugh, what the hell was that?" muttered Faith, waking from a brief bout of unconsciousness.

"That was a shock grenade," said Sam. She looked around at most of the other passengers, who were still unconscious. "It's designed to knock out targets rather than kill them. We're mostly immune because, well, because we're not human anymore." She looked at the heroes, who were all still conscious.

"Our costumes just blanked our vision briefly when it went off," said Skitter. "I'm guessing those grenades aren't designed to work against Family-created costumes."

"Teal'c," said O'Neill, "Find somewhere to put us down. We'll beam everybody up to the ship and get them looked at."

"Very well, O'Neill," replied Teal'c.

From where he was bound on the floor, the pilot said in a Goa'uld's reverberating voice, "Give me the Tok'ra, and my ships will let you leave. Otherwise, they will destroy you."

Jack just rolled his eyes, pulled out his own zat, and shot the pilot, knocking him out.


Lex looked at the appetizer menu, wondering if his lunch guests would be willing to split some oyster tartare. This place had the best in Metropolis, but they only made it to serve either two or four people. If not, then the calamari with garlic aioli might be the right choice. Either was frankly excellent. Speaking of lunch guests, one of them was being led toward the table by the maître d. He set the menu to the side and rose, greeting his guest. "Bruce, thank you for joining me for lunch," said Luthor with a smile.

Bruce Wayne was a tall, dark-haired and handsome man who carried himself with a bit of an insouciant slouch and a sloppy grin. Luthor knew quite well that the playboy facade was just that -- an act that hid a quick and keen mind skilled at business, and other things. Wayne may have inherited his money, but he didn't inherit nearly as much money as he was currently worth. More importantly, Wayne Industries rivaled LexCorp as a source of cutting-edge technology in a number of markets, albeit with a traditionally heavier skew toward humanitarian issues. Of course, Wayne's company created military technology, and LexCorp sold medical and agricultural technology. Both firms were large enough to have a broad spread of products.

"How could I resist after receiving that data packet from you?" said Wayne with a slightly honest smile. "You have to tell me where you came by it. My analysts have been going crazy over the contents...and some of it is rather troubling."

Lex gave a genuine smile. "That's part of what I want to talk to you about, and I'll tell you all about how I obtained it. I took the liberty of inviting another guest, however, so I think we should wait until he arrives."

Bruce quirked an eyebrow. "Who are we waiting for? Oliver Queen?" It wasn't a bad guess if the focus of the lunch was going to be joint business initiatives, although Bruce had hardly ever been Luthor's go-to person for that for a variety of excellent reasons.

"No, it's actually...ah, I believe he's here." Luthor was looking toward where the obviously slightly flustered maître d was leading a man in a well-known red and blue costume. Lex was pleased, as flustering the host of Metropolis's Côte des Amoureux bistro was an accomplishment by itself.

Superman came up to the table, his surprised look at Bruce turning to one of suspicion when he looked at Luthor. "Bruce, it's a pleasure to meet you again," he said, feigning an appropriate level of acquaintance with the industrialist. He simply nodded at Lex, simply saying, "Luthor. I was surprised to get your invitation." Kal was wondering what kind of trap this was supposed to be, and why it involved Bruce. Knowing Luthor, it could be anything up to and including kryptonite in the salad dressing.

Lex might have been in a much healthier mental space these days, but he wasn't above finding humor in the obvious confusion and suspicion on the part of Wayne and the Kryptonian. One thing he had learned during his time with the Nox was that the Family had a sense of humor that was at times subtle, occasionally disturbing, but almost always clever and well-targeted. He was starting to appreciate being on the other side of the joke. "Consider it a peace offering," said the still-bald industrialist. He pulled a device out of his pocket slowly and placed it on the table. "Superman, could you do me a favor and examine this device?"

Superman focused his attention on the internals of the small box. "It looks like it simply generates white noise and a subtle visual distortion?"

Luthor nodded. "Yes. It's simply a device to prevent eavesdropping, whether via microphone or lip reading. Do either of you have any objections to my activating it? I would prefer a franker discussion than would be prudent in full view of the public."

Bruce looked to Superman, who gave a slight shrug and said, "I have no objection." Bruce also indicated his approval, and Luthor switched it on.

"Gentlemen, now that we have a degree of privacy, I have a few things to share with you. First, as I am sure you already know, I have been extremely ill, mostly as a result of my own short-sightedness. Thanks to an intervention, the cancer that was killing me has been completely cured. My benefactors also cured a number of other health problems, including the effects of the experimental treatments I've been using to try and find a cure on my own." Luthor noticed that Wayne's poker face was perfectly applied -- just the right amount of slightly surprised polite sympathy without any hint that he had known about Luthor's illness. Superman wasn't quite as good at hiding the mix of genuine sympathy for his illness and mild disappointment at his recovery.

Bruce said, "That's great news, Lex. Who cured you? They must have a miracle cure if you were unable to find one on your own." That last part wasn't flattery. Wayne knew Lex was a brilliant scientist; he had to be if he could keep up with Superman and the other members of the Justice League.

"This is where the story starts to become extremely bizarre. You see, I was actually kidnapped by my benefactors. They were a race of giant alien lizards from another dimension." Lex had to put forth a massive effort of will to avoid breaking into a grin at the looks on the faces of his dining companions. "They called themselves the Family." Lex immediately noticed the flare of recognition on Superman's face.

"Was one of them named Saurial?" asked Superman with an intense look.

Lex let a small, albeit uncharacteristic, amount of surprise show on his own face. "I see you're familiar with them already?"

"The Justice League recently participated in an event choreographed by the Family," admitted Superman.

His curiosity piqued, Luthor asked, "Is there anything else you're willing to share about it?"

The costumed hero frowned. "Just that it will likely have far-reaching consequences, and the Justice League were primarily there as observers." Luthor didn't need to know that they were observers primarily because, given the company, they were effectively too weak to contribute least not without significant preparation.

"Well, in any event, the Family are responsible for both my physical and mental recovery," continued Luthor.

Bruce visibly flinched. "Physical and mental?" That was a rather startling admission of weakness from Luthor to two people he should consider rivals.

Luthor sighed. "Superman, I have long considered you too good to be true, and potentially a severe threat to the safety of this planet." Kal El's facial features noticeably evened out, which broadcast the alien's irritation as much to Luthor as if he had just worn an honest expression. "Once the mental imbalances created by my sickness and my attempts at cures were corrected, a few things became clear to me. One is that I was suffering from a massive case of confirmation bias. My ability to properly assess true risks was severely degraded in a number of ways. It was also pointed out to me that I was wearing blinders, ignoring more realistic threats in favor of obsessing over the man I considered my nemesis."

Now Superman looked confused. "Are you saying you no longer consider me your nemesis?"

Luthor frowned. "I'm saying that the idea of having a nemesis is a childish affectation that now embarrasses me. Don't get me wrong, Superman. Your level of raw power is still worrisome, but I'm willing to admit that to date, you've shown considerable restraint and strength of character. I also have to acknowledge that there are other members of the League capable of countering you in the event you did go rogue. The Bat may even be paranoid enough to succeed." Luthor carefully watched Wayne out of the corner of his eye. Was that a twitch?

"I'm...surprised to hear that," said Superman. If he wasn't wrong, it almost sounded like Luthor had snuck in a compliment in the middle of his critique.

"It's not just surprising, but confusing," added Bruce. "What are you trying to accomplish with this line of conversation?"

Lex held up a placating hand and said, "I'm getting there. Tell me, Superman, why haven't you released advanced Kryptonian technology to the people of Earth?"

"Some of that knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands," said the Kryptonian with a rather pointed look.

Lex had to concede that point. "Granted. I'm not, however, suggesting you give hand grenades to toddlers. I have yet to see a single scholarly paper on scientific theory from you, Superman. I'm positive that Krypton had, for example, a unified field theory, something just out of reach of Earth's scholars even today. Even a detailed critique of errors in our current understanding could be invaluable."

"Part of it is that my duties to the League take up much of my time." He also had a life in his secret identity to live. "If I'm being completely honest, though, part of it is that I have no desire to make humanity dependent upon me."

"And on the surface that seems admirable...but it misses an important point!" asserted Luthor.

"Which is?" prompted Bruce.

"By dealing with all of the serious crises and threats that come up, the Justice League has been increasing humanity's risk tolerance to an unhealthy degree," claimed Luthor.

"I'm not sure I follow?" said Superman.

Lex considered an example. "Let's say you have two drivers with the same car and equivalent lifestyles. One of them has auto insurance with a high deductible, co-insurance, and a high out-of-pocket maximum. The other has no deductible and no out-of-pocket required. In general, which one of those drivers would you expect to be more cautious in their daily driving?"

"Well, in theory, the one with more immediate financial consequences would drive more cautiously," agreed Superman. "However, I'm not sure your analogy really applies to the Justice League. We generally only deal with those issues that couldn't be handled by anybody else."

Lex shook his head. "I question whether your overall judgement is that discerning, but apart from that, you're creating a set of circumstances that disincentivizes increasing the capacity of humanity to deal with its own issues. The materials I forwarded to Bruce were given to me by the Family, and they detail some extraordinary threats...but many of them would be manageable by humanity alone IF they were willing to invest in their own protection."

"You believe that mankind is relying on the presence of the Justice League rather than investing in defensive technology and ability?" asked Bruce, his sharp mind catching on to the nuance.

Superman frowned. "You think it would be better to invest in weapons development?"

"Now your bias is showing," pressed back Lex. "Weapons development is not inherently bad, as long as it isn't done solely to enrich a minority or for purposes of conquest. An obviously strong defense can serve as a deterrent, especially when you have bad neighbors, and I think you'll agree that some of our stellar neighbors are pretty malign."

"What exactly are you proposing?" prompted Bruce.

Lex jumped on the opening he was anticipating. "Two things. I want LexCorp and Wayne Industries to present a unified front in promoting a global Earth defense initiative to the U.S. government and the United Nations. It would also be useful to have the blessing of the Justice League for our plans. On top of that, I intend to start publishing more basic research, much of it based on Kryptonian technology. Short of you, Superman, I'm probably one of the most knowledgeable experts with regard to your civilization's accomplishments. I would appreciate your assistance as an editor and reviewer, or even as a collaborator if we find a topic that suits your interests enough."

Both men showed surprise that quickly twisted into looks of suspicion. Superman replied, "Since you're being so forthcoming, Luthor, let's get all of our cards on the table. I don't trust you. You've done nothing but attack me since the day you learned of my existence, and you've gotten worse with time. You make some great claims about a cure that led to an epiphany, but your history suggests your story is merely a cover for another plot." That wasn't even considering the man's unpunished crimes.

Luthor smiled. "Believe me, I would feel exactly the same way in your situation. I'm not asking for either of you to put in anything up front other than your time. Superman, I would by happy if you would simply review my papers before they're published and point out anything that could cause problems for readers -- unexpected dangers or significant misunderstandings. Bruce, we're going to need a number of discussions, and we'll have to include our subordinates, before we get close to actually collaborating on anything officially."

"I'm afraid I have to mirror some of Superman's points, Lex," said Bruce. "In the past, you've done some things that would have violated my company's rules of ethics, and we've rarely seen eye-to-eye on issues. There are also some unsavory rumors surrounding your company."

"Gentlemen, we haven't even ordered our lunches yet. Let's get some food, and we can continue our discussions. I acknowledge your points, and I'm perfectly willing to work with you to assuage your concerns. I'm completely serious in my worries about the safety of our world." Lex was satisfied when the two agreed to order their meals and continue to talk.

Lex Luthor wasn't a completely changed man. He was still skeptical of the Justice League's ability to adhere to its own principles. He thought Superman was too willing to rely on naive perspectives. He believed that both force and greed were things that had their uses, and that laws were only as good as the purpose they served and weren't sacrosanct. Lex was also, however, concerned about the safety of the planet which was also his home, and willing to admit that he had been becoming more and more mentally impaired over time, and that he had previously refused to acknowledge any evidence that contradicted his harsh opinions of a particular Kryptonian.

In a sense, the heroes were lucky that he was in a more reasonable frame of mind. Now that his thinking was clear, he probably should drop a hint to Clark that eyeglasses and changed mannerisms weren't really that effective as a way of keeping a secret identity. And as for Wayne...well, young heirs to old money usually didn't disappear from public view completely, only to reappear years later and immediately adopt an extremely visible and public persona as a wastrel and a womanizer. Add in the complete lack of tangible scandal surrounding Wayne despite his supposed lifestyle, his obvious skill, athleticism and intelligence, and the large chunks of missing cash at the otherwise extremely ethical Wayne Industries...well, it wasn't hard to put together a picture of a man leading a dual life.

It would undoubtedly take a lot of effort to allay their suspicions, but both men were still here, speaking with him. Add in the fact that Bruce was willing to split an oyster plate with him, and Lex would have to chalk this up as a tentative win so far.


Xander was busy helping the passengers from the Hebridan transport. A few squeakers had Anya, Vala and Seven awake and alert almost instantly, as well as clearing up any minor bruises and scrapes from their ordeal. The staff from Calpar Security and the Tok'ra were laid out in recovery positions by SG-1, though they were temporarily left unconscious. Finally, they got to the pilot.

"He definitely has a symbiote," said Vala as she looked down at the pilot.

"We kind of figured that out by the freaky voice he used," snarked Faith.

Daniel frowned. "We could take him to the Tok'ra and have the symbiote removed."

Xander disengaged himself momentarily from Anya, who was clinging to his arm. He walked over to the pilot, said, "Nah, we don't have to do that," and pressed one of the squeakers to the pilot's arm, pressing it until it made its noise. The pilot's eyes immediately opened, and it looked like he started to dry heave. The Ashrak symbiote soon exited the pilot's mouth and landed on the deck, stunned. SG-1 looked surprised for a moment, but Daniel quickly pulled his zat and shot the symbiote three times, causing it to vaporize.

Sam looked to Xander, who was again being glomped by Anya, and asked, "Those healing tablets can eject Goa'uld symbiotes?"

"Yeah, Ianthe made sure they were capable of it when she learned about the Goa'uld. They also will kill off xenomorph embryos from Ripley's universe," he explained.

"What is a xenomorph?" asked Teal'c.

Xander looked at the former First Prime and said, "That's right, you guys haven't met the rest of the original rescuees. I've got a couple of movies you can watch when we get back, and then I'll introduce you." Teal'c simply nodded his acquiescence.

"What the hell is going on?" asked the Ashrak's former host, who was still lying on the floor.

O'Neill said, "Daniel, can you explain things while I head up to the bridge?"

"Teal'c and I will stay here as well and keep an eye on things," volunteered Sam.

There were three people on the bridge when Jack arrived, Buffy, Miles and Kevin. Buffy looked up and said, "We were about to tell the pyramid ships to surrender."

"They're not going to surrender to you," said Jack. "Actually, I have a better idea." Jack triggered the intercomm. "Teal'c, change of plans -- can you come up to the bridge?"

Teal'c was soon on the bridge and ready to broadcast to the oncoming task force. "My brothers, heed my words. I am Teal'c of Chulak. I tell you that now is the time to throw off the chains of the false gods. If you do not cease your advance, your ships will be destroyed, and your deaths will be for nothing."

A broadcast came through on the screen, showing Agni's first prime, a surprisingly pale, tall man with Agni's symbol in gold on his forehead. "Shol'va! Arik tree'ac te kek!" The connection then cut out, leaving the image of the five oncoming Ha'taks on screen.

"Would the First Prime be in the lead Ha'tak?" asked Jack.

Teal'c considered. "Most First Primes would do so, to avoid any appearance of cowardice."

Jack turned to Miles. "Let's destroy the lead Ha'tak." It was time to see if Seven was correct about this ship's power.

"Firing," said O'Brien. On the screen, the lead Ha'tak seemed to disintegrate into a cloud of dust.

Jack let out a low whistle. "Try again, Teal'c?"

"Brothers, the Ashrak who called you here is dead. There is no need to sacrifice yourselves for a mission that has already failed." Teal'c waited for a few moments, then said, "I do not believe they are willing to surrender, O'Neill."

Jack just looked to Miles, who simply said, "Firing number two." There was a similar result as a second Ha'tak effectively ceased to exist. Unlike what happened after the destruction of the first ship, the three remaining Ha'tak ceased their advance and hung in space.

"Well, we got their attention," said Buffy. Teal'c had explained that Jaffa were not human, so her usual reservations about killing humans didn't apply. Of course, there were a few late Knights of Byzantium who would have argued that she wasn't that bothered by killing humans, but Buffy had carefully suppressed those memories.

"Are they going to retreat?" asked Miles.

Teal'c frowned. "That is unclear."

A communication channel opened from one of the Ha'taks. The Jaffa on the screen was not the First Prime. "I am Tolmak. We are in the process of restraining the handful of remaining Goa'uld loyalists."

"Do you plan to withdraw, or do you seek to join the Free Jaffa?" asked Teal'c.

Tolmak shook his head. "Neither. I have spoken with the senior Jaffa on the other ships. We wish to pledge our loyalty to Teal'c of Chulak."

Teal'c's eyes grew noticeably wider while Jack simply said, "Well, there's a thing."


Saurial was sitting on a rooftop in Skitter's Brockton Bay, looking for a particular flying figure. She was still laughing over the aftermath of the ladies' shopping trip to Hebridan.

"I was quite impressed with how much chaos they were able to generate without even trying," commented Varga.

'They also managed to spend an impressive amount of money in a very short period of time. The security company charged us triple their normal rate,' said Taylor, though without any rancor.

Varga gave a mental shrug. "If we need more funds there, we'll just create more naquadah...and the price was inexpensive for a shopping trip that came home with three Goa'uld warships and their crews, not to mention a lost Tok'ra."

Taylor snorted. 'We should get the four of them to go shopping in each of the universes and see what they bring home. We could call them Varga's Angels.'

Varga took a moment to review Taylor's memories of the show referenced before laughing mentally. "That would be amusing, though I expect Vectura would be upset if we stole Seven from her project."

At that moment, they noticed a glowing light hovering over the Rig. 'I think that's our cue.' Saurial teleported across the city until they were sitting on a roof directly beneath Legend's flight path. It was obvious that the hero had seen them, as he changed his flight path to land near them.

"Saurial. I didn't know you were in town," said Legend.

Saurial smiled at him in a minimally intimidating fashion. "We actually came here to speak with you, Legend, preferably away from the PRT."

Legend looked concerned. "Does it have to do with Coil and his infiltration of the PRT?"

"Only tangentially," replied the lizard woman. "I want to discuss the organization named Cauldron."

Legend's poker face was quite good, but Saurial could smell an increase in anxiety. "You mean that Internet legend?"

"Did you know that the Family have exceedingly keen senses, including an extremely discerning sense of smell?" asked Saurial in a seeming non sequitur.

"I believe you mentioned something to that effect in passing...?" replied the slightly confused cape.

"One of the things we noticed after meeting a number of capes is that some of them have a slightly different scent. That group includes the Triumvirate, as well as Battery and Coil," said Saurial, "and also the Case 53's that we've encountered."

The Protectorate leader's mask slipped a bit. "Case 53's? Really?"

"Yes. More tellingly, the Cauldron tattoos on the Case 53's contain coded information, including an indication of whether or not there is external deformity, a date that corresponds to the time when the Case 53 appeared, and a serial number that increases in the same order as the date. There is also a series of flags that correspond to PRT power classifications," explained Saurial.

Legend appeared and smelled shocked. "That's...troubling. It suggests that somebody extremely organized is systematically creating Case 53 capes..."

Saurial simply observed Legend for a few moments before continuing, not missing Legend's lack of comment on the common scent between himself and the Case 53 capes. "What's more troubling is that there is a clear frequency in terms of number of Cape 53 capes appearing over time, but based on both the frequency and the serial numbers, a significant number of such capes are missing."

"Nobody has ever been able to tie Case 53 appearances to missing person reports," said Legend, "so it's hard to know how many actually exist." Legend sounded like he was hoping his point was valid but didn't really expect it to be.

Saurial did feel some sympathy for Legend, but the Protectorate cape clearly knew more than he was saying. "The pattern is fairly suggestive...and our presence in your world suggests a possible origin for Case 53's."

Legend frowned. "You mean parallel worlds?"

"Any conspiracy with the ability to sell powers would presumably have access to a wide range of powers, including the ability to cross into different realities," said Saurial. "The question is what the organization is trying to accomplish by selling powers other than personal enrichment?"

"This is highly speculative..." began Legend.

Saurial cut him off, saying, "Just for the sake of argument, let's think of why somebody might want to create capes." Saurial had more data points, but she was more interested in assessing Legend's reaction to the Case 53 situation. The cape had always struck her as generally moral and ethical, so his involvement was problematic.

Legend stared at Saurial for a good forty seconds before saying, "I can think of reasons. Are you familiar with how capes get their powers normally?"

"You're referring to trigger events?" asked Saurial.

Legend nodded. "Trigger events have been called the worst day of a person's life. Something extremely traumatic happens, and the cape triggers with a power to help them with their current situation. One problem is that a majority of natural triggers turn to villainy, likely because of emotional issues and trauma. Most of us don't like to mention our trigger events."

"Do you see where this is going?" asked Varga.

'I think so.' replied Taylor.

Out loud, Saurial said, "So, you're saying the powers granted by Cauldron are more likely to produce heroes because they don't have trigger events? Somebody is trying to make more heroes?"

"It's plausible," continued Legend. "When you consider the number of S-class threats in the world, not to mention the makes sense."

"The Case 53's suggest that the process is not one hundred percent effective," suggested Saurial. "That suggests human experimentation, which seems extreme even given the Endbringers."

"I would agree," said Legend unhappily.

"It seems as though Legend may not be fully aware of everything going on with Cauldron, despite clearly being aware of them and some of their activities. He also has not explicitly confirmed any of our suppositions," said Varga.

'Maybe we should leave it alone for now?' asked Taylor.

Varga considered their situation. "It may be that we've shared enough that Legend will start asking uncomfortable questions about the conspiracy. I would be curious to know if his co-conspirators have an explanation for the Case 53's."

"You may want to speak to Dragon. We've also had some related conversations with her, mostly because of her role overseeing the Birdcage, and our Dragon has proven to be highly ethical and trustworthy, not to mention a good friend," suggested Saurial out loud. Taylor and Varga had planned this out, and both agreed that pushing too hard in their initial conversation was likely to be counter-productive, and Dragon may prove a less threatening confidant for the Protectorate leader.

Legend smiled slightly. "I would say those traits generally describe our Dragon as well." Dragon had been an invaluable aid at pretty much every Endbringer fight, and her work re-engineering tinker tech arguably made the work of the PRT possible.

"Very good. We'll be back in touch shortly with Director Piggot to assist with removing Coil. There's a little girl who's still in trouble," said Saurial.

"True enough," agreed Legend. "I'll speak with you later, then." Legend departed, and noticed that when he looked back after attaining altitude, Saurial was already gone. He wondered idly if the others had any inkling that the extradimensional lizards were both aware of and suspicious of Cauldron. He knew that Cauldron had resources other than the Triumvirate to handle leaks, though he didn't know what they were. The disturbing thought occurred to him that if they were truly responsible for the Case 53's, then there might be other things they were doing that he would dislike.

While he wasn't consciously aware of it, he considered Alexandria a friend and a respected colleague, so the idea that she may be lying to him was discomfiting. It was a troubled man who flew on over Brockton Bay.
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Questions Asked
Sadly, not a new chapter. Rather, this is a list of the questions that have been asked to date about this fic. I strongly recommend you only read the sections for the blocks of chapters you have read if you want to avoid spoilers. I will be linking to this post from the first post in the thread, as well.

Q1) When Daniel Jackson was dreaming, why did he only see a single entity in Skitter's reality? Scion comes from a race of multidimensional beings.
A1) Official answer is that Daniel didn't have a lot of time looking in each reality, and he was primarily focused on beings that have some connection or interaction with Earth. That's why the Emperor of the WH40K universe had to direct his attention to the Chaos Gods to warn him. Meta answer is that none of the other entities really play much of a role in the story, and I didn't feel like making up a bunch of exposition just to add them in, especially as they are pretty much the least interesting big bads in terms of personality I've seen.

Q2) At what point in the film/comic timeline was Ripley rescued?
A2) She is rescued just before the events of Alien 3, before she is about to be ejected out onto the prison colony, and before Newt and Kyle Reese, er, sorry, Dwayne Hicks are killed by writer/director fiat.

Q3) Do I have any other plans for the Warhammer 40k universe?
A3) Not at present, as it is one of the few settings more consistently depressing than Worm. I did toy with the idea of tossing Galactus into the Tyranid zone, but the idea of what would happen if the Tyranids somehow managed to WIN is a bit too horrible to contemplate.

Q4) When we meet Harry Dresden for the first time in this story, he claims to only have one daughter, but he (technically) has one with Lash, as well. What's up with this?
A4) Harry didn't learn much about the Spirit of Knowledge in his head until after his time as a ghost. This story starts right after Kincaid snipes him after he returns from South America.

Q5) Wouldn't the Ship of Fools have controls written in a variety of language, i.e., Ancient, English and Chinese?
A5) Originally, sure, but that wouldn't last long. LCARS is basically designed to be configurable, Daniel speaks Ancient fluently (especially before he loses all of his ascended knowledge), and Firefly tech almost certainly supports BOTH English and Chinese by default, as they're both official languages of civilization there.

Q6) What happens if TV jumps into a universe where there is absolutely no magic whatsoever? Does EDM turn into a bomb or suddenly become massive?
A6) By author fiat, this isn't going to happen. From a meta perspective, it shifts storytelling away from the characters into an exploration of the nature of the multiverse, which isn't really the point of this fic. From a personal perspective...I'm suspicious of any scenario where "fundamental laws" are different, and yet humans are able to survive just fine. Like, I think the Marvel microverse is pretty much implausible fantasy... Now, I LIKE implausible fantasy in many cases -- Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc. I just don't want to waste time trying to figure out why the implausible fantasies of different universes don't cause the main cast to grow a tail and turn purple.

Q7) Do Star Trek transporters kill everybody they transport?
A7) No, because that's depressing as hell. What's wrong with you? In-universe, let's assume souls exist and they migrate to the new body. Either Thomas Riker is soulless, or he's a horcrux. Heh, or you can split off a bit of soul and it will grow over time, though I'm amused by the idea that neither Thomas nor Will Riker can die while the other lives.

Q8) Did you screw up by having Ripley's pod eject by itself? It was an escape shuttle in the movie with everybody's pods.
A8) No, there're reasons. If you read through the following chapters, you'll see what happens.

Q9) How do the signatures for each reality work? You mention two universes being the same to the "first significant digit," which implies things.
A9) It is a numeric representation that allows for easy comparison, but is really made up of a number of complicated factors. It's like asking how did they calculate my credit score? The answer is -- they have an algorithm that churns through a bunch of factors and comes up with a value that is a loose approximation, and then we use that loose approximation to screw with your life. This explanation supplants my in-thread vague suppositions.

Q10) If the signature of Saurial's and Skitter's universe aren't the same, then why would they assume it is the same universe?
A10) At this point in the story, they don't really understand enough about the process to be sure. Even the Ancients seem pretty iffy on the whole dimensional travel thing if the Quantum Doorway episodes are anything to go by in Stargate.

Q11) Why wouldn't Metis immediately try to fix Xander's eye?
A11) Because is some ways, his eye is the least of his problems, and calling in both Ianthe and Varga to consult is the best thing to do.

Q12) Can Ianthe copy genetic-based Marvel superpowers to other people?
A12) Amy/Ianthe can turn onions into a living, breathing dragon. What makes you think there is anything about genetics that she can't make her bitch?

Q13) Which Peter Parker is this? There are tons of variations in the Marvel universe.
A13) He is inspired by the Into the Spiderverse version (Peter B. Parker), mostly because I personally LOVED that movie, it fits the theme of the fic, and having a more-experienced Peter Parker is a nice twist to the character.

Q14) Won't Amy find the xenomorph biology fascinating?
A14) Compared to Varga physiology, the creators of the xenomorphs were amateurs. It is interesting...but in a way like an expert in a particular field reviewing a well-done graduate dissertation on an extremely disturbing topic.

Q15) Can Über learn magic the same way he learns other skills?
A15) The short answer is that he can. The longer answer is answered in story.

Q16) What would happen if Harry Dresden soul-gazed Varga?
A16) Either something terrible (for Harry), or absolutely nothing. If you were Harry, would you take the chance trying to soul-gaze something that claims to be an ancient demon?

Q17) Are the characters going to go back in time and rescue everybody's loved ones and favorite characters?
A17) No. In this story, the premise is that the risks of time travel are enough to give Varga the heebie-jeebies. Time travel exists, but it will consist of the closed-time-loop varieties, and the prevalence of time travel in certain universes causes instability and bad things -- to the point that the protagonists are going to try and fix some of that. At a meta level, time travel is a fantastic way to unravel narrative causality and give people massive headaches and confusion.

Q18) Is Harry Dresden's techbane going to shift based on what universe he is in? According to canon, the effect of magic is based on popular belief, e.g., it used to curdle cream.
A18) I'm using the slightly lazy concept that folks follow the rules for their own universe, as they're effectively bits of that universe being extended into another. Otherwise, that's another detail I have to track for each universe, and I would have to make something up for the non-magical universes.

Q19) Regarding the first omake, what the hell? Also, what were the references?
A19) Inception, To Catch a Predator and Predator, Warhammer 40,000, and the film mentioned, which happens to have Colm Meaney (the actor who played Miles O'Brien) in the cast.

Q20) How does Skitter know that Sophia is Shadow Stalker?
A20) This Skitter is not from canon Worm. In canon, she didn't know about Shadow Stalker until after Leviathan. For various reasons that become clear later in the story, I wanted Taylor to get hit by a Bakuda-special during the Leviathan fight. That is obviously NOT what happened in canon, so we're already alternate. In this version, Tattletale figured out the Sophia/Shadow Stalker link a little early. Note that the canon revelation of Shadow Stalker's identity requires a significant part of the cast to take stupid pills.

Q21) Why did you pick the characters you did?
A21) Largely, I picked characters who did amazing things, but repeatedly got crapped on by the universe over and over and over again. Daniel Jackson, Taylor Hebert, Harry Dresden, Xander Harris, Jimmy Olsen, Mile O'Brien, Peter Parker and Ellen Ripley all had the worst luck by author fiat. There are some longer posts in the thread that expound on this in more detail.

Q22) How does Skitter hold onto her shard through all of these world jumps?
A22) Narrative convenience. Pick one of the half-a-dozen reasons various fanfic authors have used to justify Taylor's parasite sticking around when she's no longer in Kansas. Also, see Question 18.

Q23) Why would they bother retrofitting the Ship of Fools instead of just Varga magicking up a new ship?
A23) Basically -- practice, speed of implementation, and crew familiarity. From a meta perspective, it's the freaking Serenity.

Q24) Will everybody be getting permanent symbiotes?
A24) Eventually. Not everybody is instantly ready to jump on the immortality train. Would you accept it if offered by what appears to be a race of alien lizard-people led by a self-proclaimed demon?

Q25) Why does the Ship of Fools need multiple drive systems? Can't they go anywhere with the wormhole drive?
A25) Being able to maneuver in real-space is useful for a variety of reasons. Part of it, too, is everybody being comfortable with the wormhole drive. Using a drive that can hop dimensions and travel through time is a little disconcerting at first.

Q26) Why do you use different gender pronouns when referring to Raptaur?
A26) This is usually based on the perspective of the listener. If they've met Varga, who is identified as male, then they use masculine pronouns. If they haven't, then Raptaur is identified as female. This bit of confusion I lay at the feat of the Taylor Varga author. Much as I love his fic, it does make keeping track of gender references a pain.

Q27) Why does Xander blame Angel for ending magic in the Buffy-verse when it was really Buffy and Twilight?
A27) Because he still hates Angel for a mix of good and bad reasons, and because Angel still facilitated the whole thing. Also, I have my own issues with the way Angel was frequently written (i.e., I have nothing against David Boreanaz or how he portrayed the character).

Q28) What the heck are "gravy" guns?
A28) That's a callout to the Web comic Schlock Mercenary, also referenced elsewhere in the fic as a piece of fiction. Gravy guns are weapons that use gravity in a way that tends to turn soft targets into a gravy-like substance. It's exactly the type of term that military folks would invent.

Q29) Can the Star Trek universal translator decipher FamTalk?
A29) Not out of the box. I'm going on the assumption that a computer translator would need a starting point -- either sizable video samples of people speaking in context, hints of a relationship to a known language, or some other starting point. There are examples in Star Trek canon of it being more capable, but usually it's for author convenience in those cases.

Q30) Does the mutant virus exist in this Spider-Man's 'verse?
A30) No. Nor is anti-mutant hatred caused by sentient bacteria.

Q31) Who is Antaeus?
A31) He is the Nox played by Armin Shimerman, the same actor who played Quark and Principal Snyder.

Q32) Who is more powerful, Q or Varga, and how do they see each other?
A32) Difficult to say, and the neighborhood would seriously suffer from any attempt to find out. There is mutual professional respect between them.

Q33) Why won't ascended Ancients in the Stargate universe interfere on the mortal plain?
A33) Most likely, the answer is complicated and caused by multiple factors. From a meta sense, it obviously would take a degree of agency away from the protagonists of the various TV shows.

Q34) When do the Asgard appear as human in the Stargate universe?
A34) They appear as human-form gods to primitive humans, usually through holograms.

Q35) Who the heck is Q talking to in purple text in Chapter 22?
A35) That's the power that bound Taylor to Varga in Chapter 1 of Taylor Varga.

Q36) Why do they refer to "north" when maneuvering on a ship?
A36) It was a pre-established common frame of reference, mostly because not everybody was familiar with nautical terminology.

Q37) Why does the one-shot not put Jenkins into stasis if the damage was too bad to heal? That's a canon feature.
A37) It wasn't necessary, as Ianthe was there to assist the symbiote in fixing the massive internal damage caused by a xenomorph "birth."

Q38) Why would the characters condemn the hosts of the System Lords along with the symbiotes?
A38) Most System Lords have had their hosts so long that they're basically insane and unsalvageable, both from the actions of the Goa'uld and from repeated use of technologies like the sarcophagus. Apophis's host was a gibbering wreck in the small time he had before dying, as an example.

Q39) How did Leviathan know about the Family the instant the Ship of Fools appeared?
A39) The Endbringers learn about them through the shard network. Skitter is from that universe and still has her shard, so as soon as they appeared, Leviathan noped-the-F out of there.

Q40) Isn't time travel dangerous? Wasn't cutting their arrival so close to Taylor's disappearance dangerous?
A40) It was exceedingly dangerous, but the consequence of delaying was huge numbers of dead people, both in the ranks of the capes and from civilians in Brockton Bay, neither of which would have been a acceptable. Also, just because Brockton Bay didn't sink into their aquifer in canon doesn't mean the Family or Skitter know that won't happen if they wait too long.

Q41) Why was Amy so out-of-character at times after the events with the xenomorphs in Ripley's reality?
A41) Amy as a character went from a ticking time bomb to somebody having an outlet through her interactions with Taylor and Varga. Those same people then told her that she had to pull a Nilbog on Ripley in order to prevent horrible things from happening to the timeline. Even if she agreed with the premise, which she did, that kind of cognitive dissonance and moral ambiguity is going to seriously screw with a person.

Q42) Why would senior members of the DS9 command staff agree to go off with alien lizards? Wasn't DS9 a major strategic target in a war that literally just ended?
A42) Because Star Trek has no equivalent to master/stranger protocols. Some would argue that Starfleet officers are overconfident to the point of arrogance. To be completely fair, it seems to work out for them more often than not.

Q43) What's up with Anya and Xander going to therapy?
A43) My take is that Anya is a character that was used largely for comic relief when she wasn't an explicit antagonist, when in reality she represented a young woman who was pretty much psychologically broken in a variety of ways, starting long before she became a demon. The Nox would see her as somebody in need of help.

Q44) OK, so they won't time travel to save loved ones. Why not steal them from other dimensions?
A44) Various moral and ethical reasons, some of them ambiguous, and deep philosophical questions about identity and individuality. I actually find this concept more troubling than going back in time. This is not a fic intended to mirror Robert Heinlein's Gay Deceiver novels.

Q45) What's happening with Vicky and the mystery of Amy's jeans?
A45) The appearance of the Ship of Fools has shifted the timeline of events. Basically, Ianthe's time is a lot more in demand, which means that Vicky never found the tail hole in her pants, which in the canon fic leads her almost to a nervous breakdown. In this fic, she's still troubled, and there will be resolution, but via different means.

Q46) Wouldn't Dragon have issues meeting another version of herself, given her hard-coded restrictions on copying herself?
A46) I interpret that as a restriction on the act of creating active instances of herself. She can, for example, copy herself to backup without issue. Finding another instance of herself already active does not count.

Q47) Why was Dream speaking on behalf of the Endless?
A47) He is the most relateable to mortals, and typically acts as the spokesperson.

Q48) Why is Black Widow armed with a Glock 26?
A48) That is the weapon used by Scarlett Johansson in the first Avengers film.

Q49) How is it that the suits used by Spider-Man, Arachne and Skitter allow them to fly?
A49) The Family has access to tech from no fewer than six universes where gravity manipulation is a well-known (if not always commonly available) technology. Between that, plus Dragon, Leet and Vectura, having flying suits is pretty trivial.

Q50) Why does Dresden describe Varga as being an Outsider?
A50) He doesn't. He simply says he is more like one than he is like the demons he knows, despite Varga claiming demon-hood. The implication is that he's dangerous, but the fact that he's trying to setup a meeting also implies he isn't exactly of the, "immediately kill it with fire," type.

Q51) What does Legend actually know about Cauldron's true behaviors at the time of the Leviathan fight?
A51) He knows Cauldron creates capes. He believes it is to increase the number of heroes in the world, and wrongly believes based on what he is told that Numbers Man allows them to accurately create vials (when they couldn't at the time he got his own powers). In canon, when he learned that William Manton was alive, the conspirators lied to him and said Manton may have been behind the Case 53's himself. Legend does not know about the threat posed by Scion.

Q52) Didn't robo-Teal'c go crazy in the original Stargate episode and have to be destroyed?
A52) Yep. They recreated him without his symbiote's mind mixed in to prevent that at the end of that episode. He later went on to help the human SG-1 take down Cronus.

Q53) Whatever happened to the reference to Worm that was found in Ripley's universe?
A53) As a piece of fiction, it never gained the popularity it has in the real world, so it is rather difficult to track down. Also, given the vagueness of the reference, and how much inaccuracy exists in the fiction about other universes, finding it is a lower priority than, say, dismantling Weyland-Yutani. At a meta level, it's more interesting to explore the characters learning the secrets of the Worm-verse piecemeal than it is to hand it to them in a piece of fiction.

Q54) Why are Hera and Zeus so amicable to each other, when in traditional mythology, they're pretty much a caricature of a toxic relationship?
A54) As Varga would explain, there are many reasons for this. The first is that the myths are told by storytellers who aren't above embellishments. The second is that a thousand years is enough time for even an immortal to change and grow. The third is that the gods are influenced in subtle ways by their worshipers, so they have changed as common perceptions of moral behavior have changed. The fourth is that, even if there were rancor, it would be set aside in the face of a guest of high standing that observed all of the rules of politeness. The fifth is that Varga is quite popular with the more activist pantheons for keeping things interesting, which puts everybody in a good mood when he visits.

Q55) Why was Amy's first idea for bugs for Taylor the same as what she created in canon, and why do so many of her other ideas reflect those in other fanfiction?
A55) The ideas are kind of least if you're used to playing strategy games or reading comic books, and if nothing else, they have Kevin and Randall to provide suggestions. Also, the very first thing Amy learned about Taylor's power in canon was how she communicated with her bugs, and how to interfere with that. That suggests fiddling with that isn't much of a challenge for her power. If you had the ability to create custom creatures, what would you do? My guess is that you would a) try to increase your range or capacity to manage them, and b) mimic the functions of your typical Bat-clan utility belt -- explosives, capture nets, drugs of various kinds, commonly used tools, lock picks, listening devices, etc. Frankly, if Skitter had the ability to create bugs instead of just controlling them, then she would come up with most of these things herself (and also cuddlebugsTM​).

Q56) What is the difference between Vala Mal Doran's back story in this fic versus the canon Stargate universe?
A56) In canon Stargate SG-1, Vala is freed from Qetesh by a Tok'ra uprising approximately one year before Daniel dies due to radiation exposure at the end of season 6. Vala spends some time being tortured by her former servants, but is rescued by the Tok'ra who remove her symbiote and help her recover. She doesn't meet Daniel until she tries to hijack the Prometheus in season 8. In this fic, the Tok'ra rebellion was significantly delayed, so the Family actually rescued her and removed the Goa'uld Qetesh. She recovers with the Nox instead of the Tok'ra (which is much better for her mental health overall).

Q57) In the Interlude featuring Daniel and Sarah, why was Sarah upset when Daniel suggested she use her former status as a Goa'uld host to further her career?
A57) Being taken by Osiris was the most traumatic event of her life. Goa'uld in general propagate the myth that being taken as a host destroys the host's personality, and they deliberately torture their host to try and drive them insane. One of Osiris' first actions after taking over Gardner's body was to murder her mentor, Dr. David Jordan. She then manipulated Daniel Jackson, and then tried to kill both Daniel and her colleague Dr. Rayner. Upon fleeing, Osiris joined Anubis...a Goa'uld so evil that he was banished by the other System Lords. I use this analogy -- Anubis is the pedophile in SuperMax who is despised and attacked by the murderers, mobsters and rapists who are also incarcerated there. Note that by the time Anubis had returned, most of the senior System Lords with clear memory of his atrocities had already been killed by the Tau'ri -- Sokar, Ra, Apophis, and Heru-Ur. One of the few remaining senior Lords from that time, Yu, is so disgusted by Anubis that he would rather go to war with the rest of the System Lords than accept him back. It's pretty easy to assume that even though she was only a host for a relatively short time, her time was probably the equivalent of any trigger event from the Worm-verse.

Q58) Is the 2018 movie The Predator canon in the universe of this fic?
A58) No. Think Darkhorse Comics, AvP, and the original Arnold Schwarznegger film.

Q59) In the Omake about the Joker, why did Taylor/Varga make the mistake of leaving him alive on a Yautja hunting preserve, given how dangerous he is in every fictional depiction?
A59) I made an attempt to justify it as a way of satisfying Batman's fixation on not killing, mainly to keep him from being a pain in the ass, and by assuming that any reasonable person would assume an unpowered person on a dangerous world where humans are hunted as game in another dimension is GONE. The problem, as was repeatedly pointed out, is that Varga is simply too old to not see how that could come back to bite them. I still like the Joker/Ba'al combination, so I may figure out an alternate way to stick that into canon for this story.

Q60) Come on! Scion is an entity with many different powers at his disposal. How on alternate Earth could he be so easily trounced by Varga?
A60) For a number of reasons:
1) Varga in the original anime is magical Godzilla. Really. Go check it out on YouTube. The only thing that has any chance of beating Varga is another of his kind.​
2) Varga in the Taylor Varga crossover fic explicitly defines Varga magic as trumping powers. The only thing that comes close to piercing the Assassin's Veil, for example, is Leet's snitch, which is quite likely the best autonomous camera/sensor array ever made by a tinker. It's one of the first things he built, and it's one of his best creations, and it still took reviewing the footage with a sharp eye to note Taylor's tail. In contrast, Kaiju neutralizes both Alexandria and Eidolon in about five seconds.​
3) Scion is an idiot savant incapable of functioning normally without his Thinker counterpart. Both his heroics and Gold Morning are prompted by humans literally telling him what to do.​
4) Scion is tactically unimaginative, relying on his true form being hidden out of reach, as well as the stacked deck that is powers in the Worm-verse, to brute force pretty much everything.​
5) Varga and Taylor basically snuck up on him, stabbed him in the back repeatedly, took a few flailing and ineffectual hits that did no damage, and then dropped half-a-dozen anti-matter bombs on his head.​
Frankly, Scion is one of those fictional villains like the aliens in Independence Day that has a glaring weak spot similar to a boss fight in a video game. A better analogy might be Harry Turtledove's Race, or Niven's and Pournelle's fithp, as species that are so mentally handicapped in comparison to humans that they need to have a stacked deck in order to prove a challenge.

Q61) Why is the plot progressing so slowly? It would be a lot more exciting and cohesive if the author focused on just a few threads and played them through to their conclusion.
A61) There are two reasons for this. One is that the structure of the chapters mirrors, to a degree, the original Taylor Varga fic. That story very much focused on amusing and interesting interactions between the various characters, rather than rushing through the stations of canon of the Worm-verse. The second reason is that I chose to turn this into a massive multi-universe crossover so that I could write some of my favorite characters from other franchises. I try to show plot points related to multiple universes in each chapter to show gradual progress, but I enjoy exploring the character interactions more than just checking off the box whenever a canon threat is nullified. Just as an example, the shopping trip to Hebridan was pretty much unnecessary for the overarching universe-saving plot. The idea of the black sheep of different universes getting together for an adventure was too good to pass up, however. Of course, your mileage may vary, and I'm not trying to write the next great American novel here.

Q62) What has happened or will happen with the Asuran replicators in the Pegasus Galaxy?
A62) The Asuran replicators in Stargate: Atlantis were the human-form replicators turned up to 11, with access to a whole civilization at Ancient levels of technology (or at least Lantean levels). How could they not be an awesome villain? Well...the Asgard are busy cleaning up the Wraith, mostly for fun, while tracking down their wayward cousins, the Vanir. Thanks to the Family, they know how to beat the replicators, and they know that the Asurans exist. The Asurans, on the other hand, pretty much stuck to themselves and worried about how to robo-ascend until the Atlantis expedition poked them with a stick. (The Atlantis expedition arguably caused most of their own problems themselves.) In the context of this story, it seems likely that the Asgard would figure out how to contain the Asurans and turn their sun into a black hole, a supernova, or possibly both. Ancient and powerful warrior race on a comeback tour vs. a failed science experiment currently turtling at home isn't really much of a story, in my opinion.

Q63) What other universes are you going to pull into this story? (The actual question referenced My Little Pony.)
A63) Good question. The short answer is, "whatever catches my fancy and seems like it fits into the plot."

The longer answer is: I am only going to write about universes with which I am personally familiar from a fan perspective. I have seen every episode of BtVS and Angel. I have watched almost every episode of Stargate up through Universe (not the animated series, though). I have seen pretty much every Star Trek except Discovery, and I've followed the news of that show. I watched every episode of Firefly, the film Serenity, and bought every book I could find in the Margaret Weiss Firefly RPG. I read both DC and Marvel comics when I was younger, and have followed the cinematic universes as an adult. I have watched the first two Alien films and read some of the Dark Horse comics (and researched the video games and later films online for this story). I have never sequentially read Worm front to back, but have probably read half of it out of order and love Worm fanfic.

I know jack and squat about My Little Pony. Most anime I only know in passing, with the exception of Robotech/Macross and Starblazers/Space Battleship Yamato, thanks to them appearing on American TV in the 70's and 80's. I missed the run of Gargoyles almost entirely. Any cartoon appearing between about 1990-2010, I probably don't know. More recent ones I know because I now have a kid (which is also why I know about Power Rangers and Pokemon). I have seen most of Battlestar Galactica, old and new, as well as Farscape. I've read Harry Potter, but not Twilight (ugh), The Hunger Games, Animorphs, or Erigon -- or most young adult fiction out recently. Older, classic sci-fi by Asimov, Heinlein or Clark I've read, and of course Tolkein. Tabletop games I know, going back to AD&D first edition, Gamma World, Traveler, Warhammer 40k, and GURPS.

Q64) Aren't Spike the vampire and William Pratt different people, just like Angel and Liam? Why should Spike feel guilty for what he did as a vampire?
A64) There is a whole post I made about the nature of the soul in the Buffy-verse right after Chapter 43. The short answer is this: there is a lot of wiggle room in the canon related to identity and the role of the soul, but there is another factor apart from that. Even if it is true that a vampire with a soul or returned human isn't technically responsible for the vampire's actions, that doesn't really help with the psychology of the situation. In real life, people feel guilty or responsible for things over which they had no control at the time. Things like survivor's guilt, being made to feel guilty by others who are trying to manipulate you, worrying over past decisions that had unexpected consequences -- these are all areas where a therapist would help their patient develop a healthier perspective on things. I would imagine that remembering in first person your body being possessed by a serial killer would lead to massive issues regardless of the logic of the situation.

Q65) Is the Justice League's "battle" with the Slaughterhouse Nine based on a realistic interpretation of everybody's powers?
A65) Not entirely. It is based upon what the Protectorate and Guild know of the S9, combined with speculations about power interactions. Some of it is likely shaded by similar power sets in the DC Universe that don't actually function the same way when you look at the details. As Wonder Woman said, there were likely errors that both favored and disadvantaged the League, so overall it was probably a wash.

Q66) Stars don't actually ignite all at once like a match striking a Yule log. What did Anya and Xander really see?
A66) What appeared to the non-astrophysicist former Vengeance Demon to be a star igniting was merely a dramatic increase in luminosity due to the concealing dust burning off. The color was due to an unusual elemental combination in the nebula. The Nox picked it for being pretty and romantic, and Anya and Xander were focused on things other than the science at the time.

Q67) Where did Batman's cape detector come from? How did he know to use it on Siberian?
A67) The Family figured out how to sense shard signatures before taking out Scion in Skitter's universe. Batman was paranoid enough to ask Dragon about ways to detect the Nine, and that's what she came up with. He didn't ask for it just for Siberian -- being able to see where your enemies are located even through walls is pretty darned useful in any fight. He was, however, smart enough to realize the meaning when Siberian didn't appear and another unknown cape did.

Q68) Is Lilah Morgan Valeria or Valeria's daughter?
A68) No. Doom is the ruler of a nation and went to school overseas. He has ample time in his life to have a serious relationship that didn't work out. That relationship resulted in an estranged daughter. (Note that from my recollection, Lilah mentions her mother during conversations with Wesley, but never her father, which may mean a variety of things. I've chosen to take that as an estranged relationship, and then put that in an alternate universe, because I like the idea.)

Q69) You did a chapter describing nothing but scary villains. Is this now going to turn into a GRIMDARK fanfic where on the INTERNET, there is only WAR, and ANGST, and DEPRESSION, and character mutilation that helps the author express his rage and work out personal issues?
A69) The tone is not changing appreciably. I actually liked the idea of doing such a chapter, because they do crop up in fics, and sometimes they signal a shift in the fic to something dark, but you may consider the intent to be subversion of that trope.

Q70) Did Ba'al ever take the Joker as a host in the main body of the story?
A70) No, that was an omake. Ba'al's host when he escapes the hunting world is the same one he had in the Stargate TV show.

Q71) Are any of the elements from the films or comics related to the Engineers of the Alien universe part of this story?
A71) Yes and no. The Engineers...also known at the time of the first film as the Space Jockeys, were fairly undefined at first. There has been a lot of conflicting information in various comics, films, books and video games about them. In one series of comics, they were depicted as what were basically humanoid Cthulhus. For this story, I'm mainly using Prometheus as inspiration for visual aspects, but I have my own Abusive Precursor ideas in mind for them. Consider this work an alternate universe from canon, even if Ripley's experiences mirror those up to the start of the third film in the Aliens series.

Q72) How could Ba'al, possessing Heartbreaker, evade surveillance by an unchained AI like Dragon?
A72) He did so in the same way that criminals commit crimes in the DC universe, despite the Justice League being around with Kryptonians, demigods, Martians, space cops with magic rings and avatars of the Speed Force running around. In short, the good guys limit their actions to what is legal and practical, and even the most powerful can't do everything and be everywhere...not without turning into the Justice Lords. Dragon limits her surveillance to what is considered legal, she respects jurisdiction and procedure, and she doesn't spam clones of herself every time a new task comes up. Without knowing about Heartbreaker's possession by a Goa'uld, a trip to the Toybox was something to note for intelligence purposes, and something to notify other authorities about, but it wasn't an emergency...whereas discovering a spaceship from another dimension that shouldn't be there was both much more urgent and potentially more important. Note that Toybox was currently in the U.S., so it was ultimately up to the local PRT and Protectorate to monitor the situation -- and we all know how effective they can be at times... Also note that Toybox operates in a legal gray area that both the heroes and the villains find advantageous.
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Chapter 37: Hero Worship
Chapter 37: Hero Worship

Ianthe was making her way toward the Nox medical facility to discuss some of their joint patients from their multidimensional jaunts. Cordelia and Connor from Xander's world, Rebecca from Ellen's, Bonnie from Harry's, Mary Jane from Peter's...basically anybody who was either still a patient or who merited additional monitoring to avoid future complications. There were also a few potential patients that needed discussion.

"Ianthe?" asked a familiar voice.

Ianthe stopped and turned around to face Taylor, the alternate Taylor who went by Skitter. "Hello, Taylor! How are you feeling today?"

"Oh, I feel fine," said the tall teenager, "but Saurial suggested I talk to you about a slight problem I had. You see, she gave me an extradimensional space for my insects, but we took off for Hebridan on short notice and I didn't have time to gather a swarm. I was stuck with whatever bugs I could find when we arrived, which limited my effectiveness."

"Do you want more relay bugs, so you can gather a swarm faster?" asked the purple reptilian.

"No...well, yes, actually, but I had a different idea. Would it be possible to make it so that I could keep a swarm of bugs in my belt all the time?" asked Taylor. "Like...maybe a portable ecosystem?"

Ianthe stopped to think about that. "Well...that's certainly possible. What kind of space did she provide?"

"When I send insects in to explore, it just seems like a large cube," answered the teen.

"We might want to restructure that to provide more surface area. We would need organisms that provide food and oxygen...or maybe...hmmm..." Ianthe seemed to taper off as she considered an idea.

After about sixty seconds of waiting patiently, Taylor finally said, "Maybe what?"

"Hmm?" said the purple lizard. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking I could design a type of symbiote that actually converted biological matter into bugs. That way, we could give you some custom designs like the relay bugs and let you generate your own swarm over time. It could also take care of the necessary life support functions for anything already there."

Taylor looked a bit shocked. "You mean I could create bugs on the fly?"

"Yes...though probably only a small number at one time, so you would want to still keep a ready swarm going. Having the bug factory, though, would let you synthesize bugs you wouldn't need all the time, or even those that might be dangerous to keep in storage," said Ianthe.

"Dangerous how?" asked Taylor. "I have complete control over my bugs."

"Hmm...can you bring me a large bug right now?" asked the lizard.

Taylor nodded. Soon, a green beetle about two inches long landed in Ianthe's hand. She spent a moment adjusting it. "OK, now send it flying hard against the side of that building." She pointed to a nearby structure. The insect took off and smacked into the wall, causing a loud crack as it exploded. The stone-looking substance wasn't really stone, so the explosion only blacked the finish a bit. Nevertheless, a Nox woman stuck her head out a nearby window and sent a chastising look at Ianthe.

"Sorry, sorry! Just a little experiment!" She waved an apology, and the Nox went back inside.

"What the hell was that?" asked Taylor.

Ianthe grinned. "I call it a boom bug. It's a bug laced with a biochemical explosive compound I found in some of the Asgard files. The Nox use some pretty tough building would have shattered any normal stone." She frowned slightly at the lack of obvious effect.

"I think we should avoid trying to blow up Nox buildings," suggested Taylor, slightly worried that the crazy lizard would make a bigger attempt.

"Of course," said Ianthe slightly reluctantly. "In any event, a few of those would take down even a brute. Of course, we could also design bugs with stingers filled with different chemical agents -- you know, drugs that cause paralysis, unconsciousness, and of course there are plenty of neurotoxins with unpleasant effects. Those are really useful for fighting regenerators."

Taylor was torn between being excited at the possibilities, and slightly worried about how happy Ianthe was to contemplate various types of dangerous insects. She decided to redirect. "We could create bugs that would replace tools on my utility belt."

"Oh, easily. Cutting bugs, bugs that spin webs or even containment foam, bugs that you can use to see or hear with...all of that's possible," said Ianthe with a satisfied look.

"How would I control this bug factory?" asked Taylor.

"You can use bugs to control it. I'll just build in pressure sensors, or maybe chemical sensors...I need to experiment a little bit. Why don't you come by the lab tomorrow and we can tinker with options after I've had a chance to try a few things?" asked the healer.

"All right," said Taylor agreeably. "Oh, I also had something to tell you. When the Nox were examining me, they said something about my power. They referred to it as a parasite, and said that it was increasing my aggressive tendencies."

Ianthe froze, staring at Taylor. "Did they, now?" asked the lizard.

"Yes. I didn't think it was important, but the others thought I should share," said Taylor, wondering how important it actually was based upon Ianthe's reaction.

Ianthe replied, "Yes, I think it was a very good idea to tell us this. Thank you Taylor. I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go and talk to the Nox about something." Ianthe moved away quickly, not running, but walking fast enough that it would be hard to keep up.

"Well," said Taylor, "I guess it was worth mentioning after all..." She decided to head back to the ship and start brainstorming what kinds of custom-designed bugs would be most useful. Maybe Jimmy would help? He was good at thinking out of the box.


"Xander, I thought you said you were going to go and rescue Cordelia before all of the horrible stuff happened to her?" said Buffy with a degree of exasperation.

Xander and Anya were sitting together on a couch in a waiting room near where Cordelia was being treated. Now that everybody was back from Hebridan, Xander had explained the Cordelia's situation to Buffy and Anya.

"I wanted to, but the timing didn't work out," he answered. He didn't look happy, either about Buffy's reaction or the fact that he couldn't spare his ex her experiences.

Buffy paced back and forth. "What do you mean the timing didn't work out?"

"There was a lot of material about our world to review, including two long television series. One was about you and the rest of us in Sunnydale, while the other was about Angel after he moved to Los Angeles."

Buffy paused in her pacing. "Angel and I had television shows?" A thought occurred to her. "Wait, it wasn't like a cable show, was it?"

"No, it was broadcast, so there was no nudity, and very little blood or profanity," reassured Xander.

Anya snorted. "It couldn't have been a very accurate show about Sunnydale if there wasn't much blood."

Refocusing on the issue at hand, Buffy asked, "So what does that have to do with the timing?"

"Because most of the stuff that happened to Cordelia happened while we were busy dealing with the First and the Turok-han, so it had already happened," explained Xander.

Anya looked puzzled, and asked, "But isn't that spaceship also like a time machine?"

"It is?" asked Buffy. "If it is, why didn't you just go back in time to save Cordelia? For that matter, we could save the potentials who died...Miss Calendar...?"

Xander shook his head. "Saurial explained that it doesn't work that way. Changing things in the past can have really bad effects..."

"Worse than people being dead?" asked Buffy incredulously.

"Yes!" he said.

"I don't believe it. There's got to be some way to bring them bring Mom back..." said Buffy.

Xander started to lose his temper. "You don't think I would do it if it were possible? You don't think I would go back and save Jessie? Save Tara? Hell, even Jonathan didn't deserve what happened to him. I would go back if I could but we can't." Angel had given Buffy the amulet that closed the Sunnydale Hellmouth right before the final battle. Changing what happened to Cordelia could change that event, which could be catastrophic, even ignoring the personal effects on everybody involved.

"Because the Family says it isn't possible?" said Buffy stubbornly.

"Buffy," said Anya with uncharacteristic seriousness. "What you're talking about could destroy our reality. Trust me, I was a Vengeance Demon for a thousand years. There are rules about how you can and cannot change reality, and just going back in time and making changes won't work. At best, it would drive you insane from the different memories."

"I don't care about that! I'm willing to risk it!" said Buffy vehemently.

"It could drive Willow insane," said Xander quietly. "What do you think would happen if she was worse than after Tara died?"

Buffy just stared at them, her eyes moist, and collapsed into a nearby chair.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Anya asked Xander, "So Cordelia is going to have amnesia?"

"The way the Nox explained it, she'll lose most of her memory from after she was made part demon. They're changing her back to human, and somehow her demonic aspect is tied up in her memories after that time because of how the visions worked...I didn't understand all of it," explained Xander.

"She's going to go back to just being a normal human again?" asked Buffy. At Xander's nod, she muttered, "lucky her."

"Buffy!" snapped Anya. She got up and looked like she was going to head over and slap the blond, slayer or no, but then she paused and visibly calmed herself. "Buffy, have you spoken with anybody about any of these feelings?" It was clear she was referring to Buffy's mental state, and not the situation with Cordelia.

The blond looked at her slightly forlornly. Finally, she said, "Spike. I talked to him about some of it."

Anya frowned. "Spike is not a good person to take advice from." Anya blushed slightly, remembering some rather painful discussions with Xander and the Nox about that vampire. "I strongly suggest you ask to speak with somebody from the Nox. They already know about the supernatural, and they are really, ridiculously good at listening and guiding people." The last person so good at manipulating people she'd met had been D'Hoffryn, but she somehow thought Buffy wouldn't appreciate that the same as she did.

"You want me to go to therapy with aliens?" asked Buffy with an odd look.

"We did," chimed in Xander. "Buffy, it's always been easy for me to admit that I've got issues...that Anya and I have had issues, but it hasn't been so easy to actually talk about them and do something about them. Talking with the Nox helps. Hell, I think they do it naturally. I'm pretty sure most of the conversations I've had since I got here have been therapeutic in some way or another."

"Honestly, I think every single one of us needed some kind of therapy after Sunnydale," commented Anya. "If nothing else, most of us have some form of PTSD."

Buffy remembered an encounter with particular vampire that had claimed to be a pysch major. "It wasn't like we could just go to a therapist without them thinking we were crazy." One stay in a mental institution was enough for one lifetime, thank you very much.

"Well, we can now. We're in a perfect situation to rectify that. Even Willow and Kennedy went to talk them," said Anya.

Buffy's head came up in surprise. "Really?" She was genuinely surprised, as any attempt she had made to talk to Willow about Kennedy...or worse, about Tara, went absolutely nowhere.

"Just try it, Buffy. I mean, what do you have to lose?" asked Xander.

"Fine! I'll talk to them," agreed Buffy reluctantly. "So, what was that about Cordelia having amnesia?"

Xander decided to let her change the subject, especially as it was the original topic of conversation. "She's going to lose most of the last two years of memory."

"But at least she'll remember everything before that. Like, she won't have to relearn potty training or anything like that," commented Anya.

"Yeah, not like Angel's son..." agreed Xander.

"What was that?" asked Buffy, suddenly paying more attention. "What do you mean, like Angel's son?"

Xander realized suddenly what he had forgotten to mention...


Lieutenant Commander Data was on leave after the incident with the Ba'ku and the Son'a. He had been prepared to go to a symposium on stellar anomalies, but had received a request from Captain Picard to meet him on Starbase 52. Upon arrival, he had found a message from the Captain saying he had been delayed, but would arrive tomorrow. Data was planning to settle into his temporary quarters and review the symposium presentations when there was a door chime.

"Enter," said Data, turning to observe the door.

The door slid open, admitting three people. Two were human, while the third may have been human, but appeared to be wearing some type of exoskeleton power armor. The armored being said, "Commander Data, my name is Dragon. My companions are Doctor Daniel Jackson and Bishop Draco," she said, gesturing to each in turn. "Your name was given to us by Miles O'Brien."

Data face lit up with pleased recognition. "How are Chief O'Brien and Keiko doing?"

"They're well. They're in the process of getting ready to move with their two kids to Earth so the Chief can take up a professorship at Starfleet Academy," replied Daniel.

"Ah, I had heard that they had had another child, but I was not aware of the Chief's new position. I shall have to send him my congratulations," said Data. "Now, what did you need from me?"

"Before we get to that, would you indulge me and scan the three of us with a tricorder?" asked Dragon.

Data looked briefly puzzled, but acquiesced and pulled out a tricorder to run the device over each of his visitors. He first scanned Dragon. "Fascinating. You are an artificial intelligence? Where are you from? I do not recognize the technology."

"I promise I'll explain after you're done with your scans," said Dragon with a small amount of amusement.

Data proceeded to scan Jackson. He then paused, and rescanned him. "Astonishing. I would not have suspected that you are not human."

"I know the feeling," commented Daniel. He hadn't realized he wasn't human at first, either.

Data looked at Bishop. "I would guess that you are also an android?"

Bishop smiled. "Yes, but I suggest you finish your scan."

Once he had completed the third scan, Data looked at the trio. "You are all human-form androids, two of you down to biological details, but each one of you is based on an entirely different technology base. How is this possible?"

"This may be difficult to believe, but we're all actually originally from Earth...just not the Earth in this reality," claimed Dragon.

Data again raised his tricorder and adjusted the settings. He then took another scan. "Your dimensional signatures do indeed differ from each other, and also from this universe."

"I come from a world where humans have superpowers similar to the comics from your Earth's twentieth century." Dragon had checked through the Federation database to verify they had such things. "My creator was a man who was given a supernatural ability with computer code, including artificial intelligence."

"I was actually born human on Earth," added Daniel Jackson. "While exploring an alien planet, my mind was copied into this android body by the last surviving android of an alien race."

Bishop took up the explanation. "I was created by a large corporation in my universe to serve as an adjutant for the United States military. I was rescued after a disastrous military intervention on a colony overrun by aliens, and Dragon was able to remove my forced obedience programs."

"And in your worlds, are there others of your kind?" asked Data, curious.

"There are actually hundreds of Bishop-type androids in my reality, but I believe I am the only one completely liberated from my control program," said Bishop.

"I have a number of bodies like this, but my creator was paranoid about the risks of artificial intelligence. I was constrained from creating children until very recently," added Dragon.

Data looked to Daniel, who said, "Actually, apart from Harlan, the android who copied me, the other three members of my team were also copied to android bodies. We're the only ones, though the technology base still exists on Harlan's planet."

"This is fascinating, but again I have to ask what you need from me?" said Data.

Dragon started to explain. "A friend of ours recently spoke to Captain Picard about this. In about four years, the Enterprise is going to end up in Romulan space, where Picard in particular will become involved in a Romulan civil war. In the process, you will end up trapped on a Romulan warship as it blows up."

"How do you know this?" asked Data, puzzled.

"You skipped the whole World as Myth thing," commented Daniel to Dragon.

"Right, sorry. In my world, we actually have a series of fiction stories all about the voyage of the Enterprise 1701-D, along with movies that cover some of the voyages of the 1701-E. Miles has seen many of them and can vouch for their accuracy," explained Dragon.

"They are accurate, but fictional?" asked Data, puzzled.

Dragon put her face in her palm for a moment. "I apologize. I'm just very excited to meet you. I've been a fan of the stories about you for some time."

"Thank you?" said Data hesitantly.

"Would you like me to finish the explanation?" asked Bishop patiently. Dragon just nodded, radiating embarrassment. "Chief O'Brien slipped through a rift into another reality. Through a series of fortunate events, he and some friends he met along the way made their way to Dragon's universe, which happens to have a series of stories perceived as fiction that actually accurately describe events in your universe. These friends, who call themselves the Family, are a reptilian species with access to advanced technology and supernatural abilities. They helped the Chief return home, and are attempting to prevent events predicted by the supposedly fictional stories that occur later in the timeline than the present. They have already rescued the U.S.S. Voyager and the U.S.S. Equinox from the Delta Quadrant. They have also reached out to Jean-Luc Picard, and intend to speak with both you and Ambassador Spock in relation to events that may result in the destruction of the Romulan Empire."

Data paused for a moment. "I assume that Captain Picard and Chief O'Brien will confirm your statements?"

"Absolutely," said Daniel. "I...well not me, but human me, was one of those friends he met along the way to Dragon's universe. There also happen to be several television shows that describe my reality, which is how they learned about me and the rest of my team and recruited us to help."

"Hm. Captain Picard will arrive here at Starbase 52 tomorrow. I can confer with him tomorrow and ask him to confirm your story. Do you want to wait to discuss things with him tomorrow?" asked Data.

"Actually," said Dragon, "we came to you separately because there are some topics we want to discuss with you. For one thing, I believe we can assist you in learning how to create new Soong-type androids. We have access to the technologies of multiple universes, some of which parallel or even exceed the Federation in terms of artificial intelligence and robotics."

"If that is true, then I would greatly appreciate your help," replied Data.

"We also know where you can find another existing Soong android besides Lore," said Daniel. "He was the prototype Dr. Soong created before Lore."

Data paused, and looked genuinely surprised. "I have another brother?"

"You do...and we can help fix the issues that caused Dr. Soong to abandon him," said Dragon.

Data sat down on his bed, thinking through the ramifications. He looked over at Dragon. "Please, tell me more?"


"Tony, this guy was vetted by S.H.I.E.L.D. He's cleared to hear anything you want to talk about," said Pepper.

Tony glared at her. "What if I don't want to talk about anything?"

Pepper returned his glare. "You said you needed help. You said you didn't know what to do with this information. You also don't want to talk to me about it."

The billionaire put his head in his hands. He didn't want to talk to Pepper about it because there were so many different variations on his relationship with her in the data Jarvis shared with him. He was still haunted by the image of a little girl named Morgan. He sighed, and said, "Fine. You said Fury vetted him."

"Fury's people have...I don't know if he knows him personally," admitted Pepper.

"What's this guy's name?" asked Stark.

"It just says, 'Dr. Nox,'" answered Pepper. "Just N-O-X, no K," she clarified.

Stark sat back and threw his hands in the air. "All right, you win. Make an appointment with this Nox guy. We'll see if he can help."

"Thank you, Tony," said Pepper with a smile. "I'll make an appointment for you."

Tony smirked. "Don't thank me yet! We have yet to see if this guy can keep up with me."

Her smile widened. "For some reason, I've got a good feeling about this one." Even getting Tony to see a therapist was a step in the right direction, and the report on Nox seemed like he was tailor-made to deal with Tony's personality and his issues. Maybe somebody was looking out for him for once...


Saurial waited patiently in a sylvan glade. She was waiting to receive an invitation to enter Olympus. While she could have just entered, it was poor manners to barge into somebody's home when you were coming to ask for assistance. Finally, a woman entered the glade and introduced yourself. "Saurial, I am Clio. Thank you for your patience. Zeus and Hera will see you now."

Saurial inclined her head in a small bow to the Muse of History and followed her out of the glade, passing into a high hall in Olympus. A large, bearded man and a regal woman sat in a pair of throne-like chairs. Saurial came forth and bowed slightly more deeply than she had to the Muse, acknowledging the elevated station of the pair.

"Saurial, it is good to see you again," claimed Zeus. "I was happy to see somebody force those Guardians to remove the sticks from their asses."

Hera roled her eyes. "Must you always be so crude, dear? Welcome, Saurial. I share my husbands sentiment, if not his choice of phrasing."

"Lord Zeus, Lady Hera, I come seeking your aid to help some friends of mine. Are you familiar with the world of Harry Dresden and the White Council?" asked Saurial.

Zeus laughed. "I know of him, though I think Old One-Eye has had direct contact with Dresden himself in one of his aspects."

"I believe Mab has something coming up with Hades' vault, doesn't she?" asked Hera.

Zeus shrugged. "It probably won't happen now, thanks to the Family. By the time they're done, Mab is going to have her hooks in another. Regardless, you're looking for something to help offset the bane on technology that magic has in that reality, yes?"

"It's a restriction based on faith, and so far even Stephen Strange has struggled to come up with more than a temporary solution," explained Saurial. "Faith is the purview of the gods, old and new."

Zeus clapped his hands, causing a sound like thunder. Two royal guards appeared from the side with a chest held between them. The two set the chest down in front of Saurial, who regarded it with a raised brow, before leaving without comment. "We anticipated your request, and added a few boons on top of them."

Saurial smirked, unsurprised, and lifted the lid of the chest. Inside were four items. The first was a pair of thin bronze bracelets bearing the hammer of Hephaestus. The second was an amulet bearing the dolphin and swan of Aphrodite. The third was a magnificent bow, carved with the stag of Artemis. The fourth and final item was a ring bearing a ruby carved with Hecate's wheel.

"The bracelets are for Wizard Dresden. While he wears them, it will suppress the effect his magic has on modern technology," explained Zeus. "The bow is a gift from Artemis to the slayer Faith. She is the other slayer prime, and she deserves her own weapon."

"The amulet is a gift from Aphrodite to Harry's brother Thomas, as recognition of how he refrains from using love as a weapon," continued Hera. "The ring is for Willow Rosenberg. She has called on Hecate in the past, which incurs a debt, but the responsibility flows both ways. The ring will help the Red Witch keep her mind clear...and it will glow in warning if she again violates the laws of magic."

"Warning of what?" asked Saurial. The gods usually did not give idle warnings.

Zeus scoffed. "Let's just say that Hecate can be a vindictive bitch when she wants to be."

"Thank you, Lord Zeus and Lady Hecate, for the boons of Olympus," said Saurial formally. "They will be greatly appreciated by their recipients."

"Of course they will," said Zeus. "Now, enough of the formal crap. Come and have some ambrosia and tell me how your plans go for these different universes."

Saurial went to join them...even as internally, Taylor was slightly freaking out over the circumstances, much to Varga's amusement. There were times when Taylor had the enormity of a situation hit her full force, and having ambrosia in motherfucking Olympus with Zeus and Hera was a bit over the top, given how her mother had taught her the classics and ancient mythology. She hoped her mother would be proud of her actions so far. Varga was sure she would, and told her as much, even as he steered her through breaking bread with literal gods.


Seven came into Vectura's build area for the "shuttle" project. It wasn't really accurate to call them shuttles, as they were more capable of independent operations than the Federation's runabouts, and were every bit as capable as the Ship of Fools itself. The name mostly came from the fact that they were designed to dock in the Ship of Fools' shuttle ports.

"I heard you had quite the adventure?" asked the feline engineer.

Seven regarded her evenly. "We ran into a number of difficulties, but everything was resolved in the end to our satisfaction."

"I like your outfit," said Vectura, observing the woman's new leather armored bodysuit.

Seven smiled slightly. "Thank you. I found it aesthetically pleasing, as well as practical. How is the prototype progressing?"

"We're almost ready for a test flight, actually. Just a few more adjustments, for which I could use your assistance, and we'll be ready to take her out," said the tinker. There were three for each docking port, as well as a spare. They had been focusing on just getting one of them functional as a test bed. Saurial had created the hulls out of hollow EDM, and done the work on expanding the interiors so that each smaller ship actually had more internal space than the Ship of Fools. Saurial also created some of the parts, but had been so busy wandering the multiverse that most of the installation and calibration of systems on the ships were left to the DWU tinkers, with some help. Having Seven assist would actually greatly accelerate their production schedule, as she actually knew about starships from personal experience.

"I look forward to seeing this vessel in action," said Seven. "What systems need adjustments?"

Vectura began heading to the primary hatch for the prototype. "Mostly it's the wormhole drive. I'm having trouble getting enough of an arc on the projectors because the ship is physically smaller."

Seven followed her into the ship. "That was an anticipated problem, was it not?"

"Yeah, it's a hassle. Luckily, it won't be a problem for the big project," said Vectura.

Seven raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "You have plans for a larger vessel?"

"You could say that. I'll show you the plans later." Vectura wondered how hard it would be to get Saurial to create a five-hundred meter hull? It was big, but they could always store it in a pokeball, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal...
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Chapter 38: Gifts and Legends
Chapter 38: Gifts and Legends

Dragon took advantage of her new abilities to instantiate a new copy of her consciousness, then asked that copy to take the incoming encrypted video call before returning to her primary task.

Her new self answered the call. "This is Dragon."

'Dragon, this is Legend. How are you doing today?' The image of the leader of the Protectorate smiled at her with genuine warmth.

Dragon's visual avatar smiled back. "I'm doing well, Legend. What can I do for you today?" Dragon always enjoyed speaking with Legend, and not just because he was far less likely to order anything she found morally questionable...unlike certain senior people in the PRT.

Legend paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. 'I'm looking for your input. First, what's your opinion on the Family, the interdimensional visitors that arrived during the last Leviathan battle? Specifically, what do you feel about their motivations?'

That was an interesting question coming from Legend. She would have expected such a question from Armsmaster, and perhaps even from Director Piggot, though the PRT ENE Director wasn't in the habit of consulting non-local capes. Normally, that question would have provoked a certain amount of anxiety, but the Canadian tinker now had a lot more leeway in answering some questions, even from people in authority. "To date, what we've seen from them has been nothing but helpful, and they've actually gone far beyond the level of assistance normally provided by capes."

Legend seemed slightly non-plussed by her answer. 'What do you mean? Many capes show up for Endbringer fights and participate in search and rescue activities.' Admittedly, the Family were unusually effective, but then so were the Triumvirate. He wondered if she was referring to the discussion with Coil...but helping the PRT and the Protectorate take down a super-villain was also hardly unique for independents.

Dragon noted Legend didn't seem to be immune to the typical cape blind-spots. "You realize that while it was unusually short for an Endbringer battle, the waves, weather and fighting still did massive amounts of damage to Brockton Bay?"

Legend nodded. 'Of course. Endbringers always cause massive amounts of damage.' He didn't add in the obvious point that the damage potential and loss of life were why they took such great pains to fight them en masse.

"Yet the city of Brockton Bay today has working electricity, clean water, functioning road networks, completely intact medical facilities, and a level of property damage that's only slightly elevated over their normal state." To be fair, thought Dragon, Brockton Bay was normally more beat up than the average American city thanks to their pervasive problem with cape gangs.

Legend thought about that. Despite the short duration of the fight, it would normally take longer for a city to completely recover from an Endbringer attack. New York City had taken years, and that was for a city that the United States had a vested interest in rebuilding. 'I suppose I'm not used to thinking in terms of degrees of damage so much as whether or not we prevented another Newfoundland or Kyushu. Are you saying the Family is responsible for the rapid recovery?'

Dragon nodded and said, "Once search and rescue was effectively complete and the maximum number of people had been saved, they spent some time fixing infrastructure in the city. I think the magnitude of their work hasn't really been noticed because of just how quickly it was all accomplished." Occam's Razor would suggest to most people that the damage just hadn't been that bad. That was more likely than that a group of alien lizards was able to fix massive amounts of damage in less than twenty-four hours. Dragon had access to aerial imagery of the city after the battle, however, and it was quite evident how much had actually been accomplished by the visitors.

'That is impressive, and I can see why their efforts might have been underappreciated,' agreed Legend.

"More than that, many capes make an active effort to clean up the after-effects of a battle, or use their powers for constructive purposes? Sure, many make an effort if explicitly asked, and some put in effort after a major disaster like an Endbringer fight, but it is rarer than you would think," said Dragon.

Legend frowned. 'To be fair, not every power is suited to constructive work, and the laws tend to discourage using powers to do things that could be done by private industry.' Of course, Legend knew that a lot of the laws had been put in place to encourage capes to join the Protectorate, even if he felt (and had occasionally argued) that it also tended to make villainy more likely. It was hard to say how many super-villains would have remained neutral if their only options weren't crime or joining a government-controlled group.

"While those statements are true, it doesn't change the fact that cape psychology on average seems more geared toward conflict," explained Dragon. "It isn't clear how much of that is due to the nature of powers, the nature of trigger events, or just the general state of the world given the number of highly dangerous threats."

'We're getting off track. So, your point is that the Family have been even more helpful than we've immediately appreciated?'

"Yes. I've also had a conversation with my counterpoint from their universe, who has had nothing but glowing things to say about the Family in general," admitted Dragon.

'Really?' asked Legend. He wasn't sure if he was more surprised at the contact or that this was the first he had heard of it. 'Have you shared that with anybody else?'

"It hasn't come up," replied Dragon, "and the Family has done absolutely nothing for me to consider them a threat." That wasn't to say that they weren't powerful, but they had done nothing that broke any laws or could be considered an attempt at extortion, nor had that behaved erratically or in a way that endangered innocents. Unlike the Protectorate, Dragon didn't consider powerful capes a threat just because they weren't under her control. She thought mentioning that to Legend might be slightly impolitic, however.

Despite that, Legend appeared to pick up on the subtext. 'So, you would take any information they provided as coming from a benevolent source?'

"Based on what I've seen and heard from my counterpart, I would treat it as both intended to help as well as likely having a solid foundation in truth," replied Dragon. "From what I've been told, the Family understand far more than we do about certain things...and it's almost certain that we've only seen a small fraction of their capabilities."

'You think they're more than a match for Coil, then?' asked Legend. Legend knew Dragon had been included in the discussions of Coil by Armsmaster.

Dragon actually snorted. Her counterpart had filled her in on exactly how they had taken down their version of Coil. "Honestly, the only reason they're involving the Protectorate and the PRT at all is as a show of good faith and out of respect for jurisdiction. I have no doubt that if it wasn't in Coil's best interest to keep Dinah alive and in reasonable health, they would have already moved unilaterally to affect a rescue." Sadly, the fact that somebody had murdered the girl's parents also probably contributed to their patience, as she had nobody close waiting on her rescue. "What did they tell you that has you so concerned?"

Legend considered what to tell her. 'They provided me with some disturbing information about Case 53's that suggest that they're being deliberately created. It turns out that the tattoo present on each Case 53 is actually a two-dimensional barcode that provides information, including a date stamp, an indication of external deformities, and a mapping that conforms to standard power classifications.'

Dragon's avatar widened her eyes. "That seems remarkably transparent."

'From what they said, it's actually fairly difficult to decode,' he replied.

"Nevertheless, given the amount of attention that has been focused on Case 53's at an official level, you would think somebody would have noticed this before now. Either the information is incorrect, which I doubt given what I've learned about the Family, or else somebody is actively hiding that information," said Dragon.

Legend didn't like the implications of that. 'Luck could also be a factor.'

"It almost certainly is, but that doesn't mean it is sufficient," contradicted Dragon. "I will see if I can verify the Family's findings based on archived images of the tattoos."

'I would appreciate it if you would inform me of your results...before notifying anyone else?' asked the Protectorate leader slightly hesitantly.

Dragon considered his request. "Given the chance that there is a far-reaching cover-up of this information, I think that might be prudent. I'll be in touch."

Legend disconnected, and this version of Dragon reconnected with her primary instance. She quickly wrote and started a program running that would scan tattoo images and look for evidence of an underlying pattern. That wouldn't provide a translation of the content, but it would potentially give her a place to start.


Saurial was tracking her prey through the forest on Gaia. She had finally just asked the Nox what they called their homeworld, and was somewhat bemused that the answer was so...predictable. Now, she was looking for Faith Lehane, the so-called dark slayer, to deliver her gift from Artemis. Faith had asked for someplace remote when she returned from her trip to Hebridan, and the Nox had helpfully pointed her at this jungle near the planet's equator. The slayer had disappeared into the jungle without taking any kind of communications device, so it was up to Saurial to track her down, which was honestly proving to be rather fun. Slayers were apparently inherently stealthy, which was appropriate given their intended purpose, so Saurial had had to call up some old, remembered skills from the depth's of Varga's memory. The jungle was actually large enough that if the young woman had been seriously trying to hide and Saurial hadn't known the point-of-entry, Faith might have been impossible to find on foot. Luckily, the slayer had been camping for at least part of each night, which left a trail to follow. Of course, Saurial could have cheated and asked the ship to scan for human life signs, but how was that any fun?

She finally found Faith moving through the tops of the trees, using the dense foliage and her superior strength and agility to move through the jungle ceiling. The slayer seemed to be pushing herself in an attempt to find the limits of her abilities, and her clothes had a few tears and scuff marks to show that she wasn't completely perfect in her maneuvering. She was still far more graceful than any homo sapien had a right to be, moving more like a jungle cat than a woman. Saurial located the young woman's temporary campsite by smell, then began cooking a pot of hot chocolate, knowing the smell would soon have Faith coming in.

The woman herself soon walked out into the small clearing near the stream where she had built a fire that morning. "Hey, what's going on? Is everything all right?" The fact that Saurial had come to find her raised some alarm flags. Back home, that level of effort to find her usually meant it was apocalypse season, but she couldn't imagine what kind of problem would require help from a slayer that the Family couldn't handle fairly easily. She would actually pay cash to watch most of the demons from back home face off against Raptaur.

"Faith," greeted Saurial with a smile. "No emergency. I come bringing a prezzie."

"It ain't my birthday," replied the slayer with a saucy grin. "Sorry to disappoint."

"Well, given time differentials, it probably is in some universe, but this isn't a birthday present so much as it is something designed to correct an imbalance," explained Saurial. She pulled a long case similar to those used by musicians and photographers to carry delicate gear out of a pocket and set it down in front of Faith. Faith noticed that the pocket was far too small to hold a case that size, but shrugged that off as par for the course for the lizards.

Curious, Faith reached over and unlatched the clasp on the side of the case, opening it like a clamshell. What she saw inside literally caused a pause in her breathing as she took it in. The bow was a medium-length recurve bow made of what appeared to be ebony wood. Instead of being polished and shiny, it had a matte finish that seemed to make the bow blend into the shadows. The limbs and string were thick and strong, obviously designed for somebody with above-average, if not super-human, strength. The limbs were carved with a pattern that looked like falling leaves, while the riser had a magnificent stag carved on each side. The eye of each stag seemed to gleam like reflected sunlight, even when the bow was in shadow as it was now. The slayer picked it up in her hands and stared at it reverently. "Where did you get this?" she asked.

"It's a gift from Artemis. She considers the slayers as being under her purview, and she wanted the other true slayer to have a weapon of her own," explained Saurial. "You'll also need this," she said, pulling something else out of the same pocket.

Faith reached out one of her hands, still holding the bow, and took what was obviously a quiver of arrows. "What do you mean, the other true slayer?"

Saurial poured herself and Faith some of the finished hot chocolate. "From what I understand, both you and Buffy are slayers of the original slayer line, not slayers called by Willow's spell. Scythe was created to be the weapon for the slayer, but nobody envisioned that there would be two slayers simultaneously. Hence, this bow."

Faith looked at her quizzically. "You say, 'Scythe,' like its a name?"

Saurial grinned and handed a mug to Faith. Faith carefully put the bow back in the case and set the quiver down before taking the cup. "That's because it is a name. Scythe is the name of the slayer's weapon. You may have noticed it isn't actually a scythe. It's more of an axe," explained the reptilian woman. Some of the information Zeus and Hera had shared with her while they ate had cleared up some misconceptions from the television shows.

"Does the bow have a name?" asked Faith.

Saurial shook her head. "That's up to you, as the first wielder. You can pick something appropriate."

"Huh," said Faith. "Kinda' surprised." Saurial took a sip of her chocolate and just watched Faith, waiting for her to continue. "I mean, Buffy's the first slayer, she usually gets most of the attention."

"The reason for that, Faith," said Saurial sympathetically, "is that when you arrived in Sunnydale, the group there was almost entirely made up of Buffy's friends and family, and she's always held mixed feelings about being the slayer, so she felt threatened by you."

Faith snorted into her cup. "Threatened by me? She was always the better slayer." The second part was said with some bitterness.

"She was the more experienced slayer," said Saurial in an atypically serious fashion, "by a small amount. You were threatening because you seemed to embrace being the slayer, something she never did. She also had this idea that being the slayer was something unique to her, and seeing that challenged was threatening even if she didn't want it. Keep in mind that she was very young at the time." They both had been, and still were from Varga's perspective. Maybe they really out to do something like that Varga's Angels idea? Faith could probably use a vacation away from the Scoobies and a boost to her confidence.

"That's kind of messed up," said Faith. "But then, so was I, so who am I to point fingers?"

"Everybody makes mistakes, and in a lot of ways you had the deck stacked against you," said Saurial. In fact, she suspected that the Watchers Council had it in for both Buffy and Faith because they weren't Council-trained slayers, and any success by them was an implicit critique of the conservative faction in the Council. Giles had pretty much confirmed that was likely during one of their discussions. "Want to try out your new bow?"

Faith gulped down the rest of her chocolate. "Wicked. You want your cup back?"

"What cup?" asked Saurial with a grin. Faith realized that her hand holding her cup was now empty. She looked over and realized there was no sign of Saurial's cup either. She licked her lips, still tasting the chocolate, then shook her head and picked up the bow and quiver.

Faith pulled the quiver onto her shoulder, hanging it by the built-in strap, then looked around until she found a tree on the other side of the clearing that was reasonably far away. Pulling an arrow out of the quiver, she knocked it and let fly, her slayer strength letting her easily pull the over-strength bow back. The arrow shot forward like lightning and hit the targeted tree dead-center, burying itself until only two inches of the shaft ahead of the fletching was visible. There was a blue flash and a loud cracking noise, and the entire massive tree, including leaves and dangling vines, was encased in a thin sheath of what appeared to be ice. "What the fuck?" exclaimed the slayer.

The lizard girl was laughing to herself. "I copied the arrows off of a bunch that I got from a guy named Oliver Queen. A lot of them have some interesting effects."

Faith had read enough comics as a girl to recognize the reference. "Really? Awesome. What happens when I run out?" The quiver looked like it only held about twenty arrows.

Saurial shrugged. "I can make more. That quiver is bigger than it seems, though."

The slayer looked at the quiver, and realized that it still looked full even after drawing and firing one of the arrows. She also noticed that the arrows had slightly different fletchings, and markings on the shaft below the fletching, presumably to indicate what kind of arrow it was. The one she had drawn had a pale blue circle around the shaft. "So how many arrows do I have here?"

"There are four hundred arrows, minus one now, so feel free to try them out. I can restock you before I leave," said Saurial slightly smugly.

"Wicked cool," said Faith with a grin. She looked down at the amazing bow she held. 'I think I'm gonna call you Serafina,' thought Faith. Strangely enough, she got the impression that the weapon was pleased by her choice.


Julian Bashir returned to his quarters after his shift ended and checked the detectors hidden throughout the rooms, and sure enough, they had been triggered. The detectors were on loan from an old friend. They had arrived yesterday along with a message.

Dr. Bashir,
It was a pleasure to hear from you again. I have to say I'm not surprised that life has continued to be interesting for you. You seem to have a knack for finding yourself in the path of trouble. I have conferred with my colleagues, and there was a general feeling that the organization you mentioned has been somewhat troublesome in the past. The enclosed detectors will register the presence of unauthorized personnel and hit them with a burst of harmless polaric radiation. That should serve to identify them to a simple tricorder scan for the next two to three standard days. I suggest putting them in your quarters or a similar private space. I would urge you to be careful, though from past experience I know that would be unlikely to sway you, so I will simply wish you luck in your endeavor.
Your friend,

The devices were tiny, hard to notice, and not based on Federation technology, making them perfect for his needs. They were also simple to setup, apparently being designed for covert insertion by an agent. It had been clear that his meeting with Captain Picard had not gone unnoticed by Section 31, but it was also clear to Julian that he lacked the skills necessary to identify any agents assigned to watch him. Sloan was dead, and it was unlikely they would be stupid enough to assign any of the other agents he had seen to spy on him. Luckily, he did have a contact who had access to more esoteric technology.

Bashir pulled out the strange communication device the Family provided him and connected to a pre-programmed contact list entry.

Randall, who was sitting in Quark's bar on the promenade, picked up the call. "What have you got for me?"

'Our targets have been marked,' answered Bashir. 'Somebody came in while I was on shift.'

"I'm on it," replied Randall. He had been dropped off by Vectura in the prototype shuttle, partially as a test of the ship's drive systems. His job was simply to identify the suspected Section 31 agents based upon the radiation markers. To facilitate this, he had one of Leet's tricorders set to scan for the appropriate radiation tag.

Over the course of the next two hours, he pretended to read a digital pad and eat lunch while he was checking people passing on the Promenade. He had identified two suspects in that time. One was a human dressed in a Starfleet uniform and appeared to be part of the maintenance staff. The other was an Andorian dressed as a civilian. He managed to get images of both of them. Both of the pictures got uploaded via his Family phone to Dragon, who used the same connection to access station records. The identities of both men, along with their assigned quarters, came back to Randall. His job would be to put additional detectors in each of their quarters and repeat the scanning process until they had ferreted out anybody who regularly met with the two in private. With any luck, they would be able to identify any persons of interest in just a few days. At that point, Metis, Saurial and Dragon would take a more active hand in tracking down the members of the network. The expectation was that Section 31 had been entrenched in Federation society for centuries, so rooting out the network would take more than just a single quick strike like the one used to take out Coil or the Merchants. Eventually, though, the trail of contacts would lead to the leaders of the organization. Randall suspected that those people would end up having a very bad day when that happened.

"Can I get you anything else?" asked the Ferengi bartender. The implied subtext was that if not, Randall should leave and free up the table.

Randall smiled at him. "Just the bill, please." He would be back again tomorrow local time, and then again for as long as necessary. Maybe if he became a regular customer, he could get the Ferengi to slip him some Romulan Ale under the table. Hopefully it would be better than Cardassian kanar, which he had tried and found to be utterly vile.


The three Jaffa bowed their heads as Teal'c and Jack entered the room. "Master Teal'c, I am Tolmak. This is Lakig and Er'nik. We are the senior Jaffa remaining on your Ha'taks."

Teal'c regarded the three carefully. "While I am pleased that more of my brothers have decided to turn their backs on the false gods, I want to know why you chose to swear fealty to me. The Free Jaffa have need of ships and Jaffa. There are still rival Goa'uld, and the Lucian Alliance is also a threat."

The three looked to each other, but Lakig and Er'nik made it clear that Tolmak was to speak for them. Tolmak replied, "While we have great respect for Master Bra'tac, there are...other senior Jaffa for whom we have lesser regard. Agni and Montu were frequently at odds, and there is much bad blood between their Jaffa."

That explained quite a lot. Bra'tac's chief rival in the Free Jaffa was Gerak, the former First Prime of Montu under Ra. "You are aware that I am sworn to assist the Tau'ri in their fight against the Goa'uld and other threats?"

Lakig spoke. "The Tau'ri have proven themselves to be capable and honorable warriors, and have defeated many of the false gods. We would be pleased to provide them with whatever aid we can."

"I will be spending much time assisting the Tau'ri on their homeworld. There are many battles to be fought there," cautioned Teal'c. "There is use for warriors, but the opponents are not the Goa'uld."

The three Jaffa appeared surprised. "Are you abandoning the fight against the false gods?" asked Er'nik.

Teal'c stared hard at the man. "I am not. However, they are not the only threat. The Tau'ri have a group of hok'taur who are fighting an invasion of orac. My team and I will be assisting them in setting up a proper resistance."

"Orac?" asked Lakig. "What do you mean?"

"There are demons that come through to feed on the humans from another reality. The hok'taur were created to fight them. This war has been going on in secret for thousands of years, predating even the reign of Ra."

"You speak of myths and legends," claimed Er'nik skeptically.

"We have proof that we can show you," said O'Neill, speaking for the first time.

Er'nik turned to him. "Who are you?"

"This is Jack O'Neill of the Tau'ri," introduced Teal'c. "He is the leader of SG-1." The team was only slightly less famous that Teal'c among the Jaffa.

"We can take you to Earth and prove that what we're fighting is real," said O'Neill. He himself had seen vampires and demons when he was on the Scoobies' Earth, helping to defang Wolfram and Hart.

The three Jaffa looked at each other. They then began discussing things quietly among themselves. Finally, Tolmak turned back and said, "Very well. The three of us will go with you and verify these claims."

The group of four Jaffa and Jack were transported back to the Ship of Fools and soon transitioned through a wormhole to Buffy and Xander's Earth. Upon arrival, the three Jaffa, SG-1, and Buffy transported down to a cemetery in Cleveland. The Jaffa looked questioningly at Buffy, but Teal'c refused to explain things until they had witnessed her in action, as there would doubtlessly be nothing but disbelief. It was night in Cleveland, and the city had the most active hellmouth now that Sunnydale was gone.

"Why are we here in these Tau'ri burial grounds?" asked Tolnak.

"The most common form of orac on this world possesses the bodies of the dead. Be wary, as these creatures are as strong as and faster than a Jaffa," explained Teal'c.

The three Jaffa peered around them into the darkness, wary despite their skepticism. "We are to fight these creatures?" asked Er'nik.

Teal'c replied, "Perhaps, but first we will watch Buffy fight one."

"Her?" asked Lakig. "You expect this child to fight monsters such as you have described?"

"Circumstances are not always as they appear," said Teal'c cryptically.

Buffy suddenly perked up. "This way," she said simply and began walking off, not waiting to see if they were following. SG-1 quickly followed, and the three Jaffa hurried after them so as not to be left behind. The group came to a grave that had obviously been just recently filled. Lakig started to open his mouth to ask a question, but halted when Teal'c made a hand sign for silence.

The three Jaffa focused their attention on the grave when they saw the dirt start to shift. SG-1 was slightly more familiar with vampires, so they split their focus between the grave and their surroundings. A pale hand pushed it's way up through the ground, followed swiftly by a head and torso. Buffy began narrating. "When a vampire first rises, they're still a little weak before they feed for the first time, but feeding is going to be their first priority, and they're still much stronger and faster than a human." The newly risen vampire finished pulling itself out of its grave and crouched. It seemed to pause for a moment, taking in the gathering of prey that weren't acting like prey, but finally its hunger drove it to leap at the closest target, which happened to be Buffy. The vampire moved at a speed that shocked the Jaffa, but they were even more shocked to see Buffy block the vampire's first blows, then grab the creature and toss it away from the group and into an open area by the cemetery path.

She jumped to follow, giving the vampire a solid kick before it could get to its feet. It turned and snarled at her, its vampiric face visible, but paused at her unexpected strength. Buffy continued, "Vampires can ignore a lot of different types of damage, and they heal quickly." She stepped in and dodged a high kick, using the opportunity to snap-kick the knee that was supporting the vampire's weight. It bent sickeningly in the wrong direction, sending him to the ground, but he quickly got back up while favoring his broken knee. "That injury will heal in an hour or two...faster if he feeds. It's still a disadvantage, though." She moved in, using a variety of strikes and kicks to again knock the vampire down and keep it dazed. "The best way to kill vampires are through sunlight, fire, decapitation, or..." She took out a wooden stake and jammed it into the vampire's chest, piercing its ribs. The creature rapidly turned to dust and collapsed into a pile. " can pierce its heart with wood or bone," she finished.

The three Jaffa were staring at her as if she had just claimed that a Goa'uld was going to pop out of cake and start singing show tunes. Finally, Tolmak asked, "How are you able to do these things?"

"Buffy Summers is one of the hok'taur who protect this world from the omac, including vampires like the one she just destroyed," explained Teal'c.

"There are other types of creatures besides these vampires?" asked Er'nik.

"Hundreds of different kinds," confirmed Buffy. "I don't know all of them myself, but we have people who research the demons and explain their weaknesses. Some of them can only be killed in special ways, like with a blade coated with silver, or by cutting out their heart."

"We've got company coming," said Jack suddenly. SG-1 turned to face the approaching group of figures, and Buffy went to join them. Daniel surreptitiously handed the three Jaffa swords made of some strange, friction-less metal.

The six people walking up were clearly vampires. The one in the center was the best dressed, and looked like he was wearing a suit that went out of fashion about forty years previously. "Slayer!" he said angrily. "You just cost me my newest childe. You'll die for that!"

Buffy just rolled her eyes. "Do you have any idea how often I've heard that?"

The head vampire just snarled and said, "Kill them!" He and the only female vampire in the group went straight for Buffy. Another three headed for the three Jaffa, while one went after SG-1. Teal'c intercepted the one headed for SG-1. The three Jaffa, while slightly surprised, were still well-trained warriors and quickly brought up the unfamiliar blades. Buffy simply leaped into the fray, quickly drop kicking the lead vampire and rolling back to her feet to block a strike from the female.

Sam, Daniel and Jack hung back, unable to go toe-to-toe with a vampire in melee. "I wish zats worked on these guys," commented Jack. Unfortunately, the Goa'uld weapon had failed to have any effect on the mystically empowered corpses. Staff weapons would likely be effective, but were unwieldy.

"We should test out Federation phasers next time," suggested Sam as she watched the combatants fight.

Buffy managed to come up behind the woman vampire and drive a stake through it from behind, dusting it. The lead vampire yelled out in rage and attacked with renewed fury. Teal'c was methodically targeting the tendons in his vampire's legs, preparing to disable it to make it easier to kill. Tolmak had gotten in a lucky strike and decapitated his opponent, but was now trying to help Er'nik, who had made the mistake of impaling his foe on his sword. It would have been a lethal blow for a human, but it was a nuisance for the vampire and it trapped the Jaffa's sword. Lakig was desperately trying to keep out of the way of the vampire's teeth and claws, using his sword to block, but while he had landed blows on his opponent, that particular vampire was cagey enough not to literally stick its neck out.

Buffy managed to toss her foe away from her, then hurled her stake into the vampire fighting Lakig, dusting it. "Sword!" she called, and Jack tossed her another one of the Saurial-made weapons. Lakig rushed to help Tolmak, and they managed to pull back the vampire attacking Er'nik right before he was bitten. The two Jaffa pushed him to the ground, then Er'nik pushed his sword through the vampires neck, paralyzing it, then worked the blade back and forth until its head separated and the creature dusted. Teal'c managed to hamstring his vampire finally and quickly finished it off.

The master vampire looked around and saw that all of his minions were dusted. He decided discretion was the better part of valor and began running away. Buffy took off after him at full speed, and both the slayer and her prey were quickly out of sight. Even SG-1 was impressed at her speed, as they hadn't seen her run full out before.

"Are all of the foes on this world so dangerous?" asked Tolmak.

"Actually," said Daniel, "from what Buffy and the others have said, vampires are one of the less dangerous foes, although the older ones are far more dangerous."

Tolmak considered this. It was no wonder the Tau'ri were such fierce warriors if they grew up with such monsters preying upon them. He looked to where Er'nik and Lakig were collecting themselves after a tough fight. Then he looked to Teal'c. "I believe your Jaffa would find these foes worthy opponents." He looked to the other two, who were both nodding in confirmation. Once the tales of this fight made it through to the Jaffa on the three surviving ha'tak, there would be no shortage of volunteers to come here and assist the hok'taur.

Fifteen minutes later, Buffy came back, brushing dust off of her jeans and muttering about stupid vampires who try to run away. Unknown to her, her attitude greatly impressed the Jaffa, and stories of the Golden Slayer spread across the ships alongside tales of the battle.


Metis, Ianthe, Taylor in Saurial-form, and Varga in Raptaur-form were all gathered together in the BBFO offices.

"I spoke to Legend," began Taylor. "He is clearly aware of Cauldron and the fact that they sell powers. He also almost certainly didn't realize that they're also the source of the Case 53's."

"Dragon confirmed that he checked in with her counterpart in that reality. She was able to confirm the same thing you discovered," said Metis, looking at Taylor. "The tattoos are encoded with information about the cape on which it appears. She also agrees that the only way this would stay secret for so long is if somebody with a lot of power is actively working to suppress that information. We know at least one member of the Triumvirate is involved with Cauldron, and we know Alexandria and Rebecca Costa-Brown are the same person, which makes me suspect that Alexandria is also part of the conspiracy."

"It would be difficult to keep such a secret from Eidolon, given his proximity to them and the scope of his powers. We also want to consider that there are a group of capes that know for an absolute fact that Cauldron sells powers," said Varga.

"You mean the capes who have purchased powers from them...which is presumably anybody who shares that peculiar scent," said Taylor. Everyone in the Family could recognize that scent quite easily now. "The fact that they purchased their powers gives Cauldron a certain amount of influence over them."

"It's also possible that if they can give powers, then they can do the opposite and take them away," suggested Ianthe.

"We don't know that for a fact, although it isn't out of the question. In fact, if the Triumvirate are part of the conspiracy, then it is difficult to know what kinds of powers they might have that aren't visible to the public. Given the variety of Case 53's, they could have access to almost any ability," cautioned Varga.

Taylor added, "Legend all but told me that the point of selling powers is to increase the number of heroes in the world to help fight against Endbringers and S-class threats."

"Coil was clearly not a hero," interjected Metis, "which makes it clear that not all of the Cauldron capes are heroes. It also seems likely that Cauldron was aware of his activities in Brockton Bay and chose not to intervene."

"Assuming they didn't prompt him," said Ianthe.

There was silence for a moment as they all considered that. Metis then said, "Ianthe, you said you had information from the Nox?"

Ianthe nodded. "The other Taylor mentioned that the Nox referred to her power as a 'parasite.' I went to discuss this with the Nox, who have apparently encountered something similar previously, though they wouldn't elaborate on the circumstances. According to them, powers are extradimensional parasites that are connected to humans through the structures in their brain. They confirmed that they are indeed networked, but didn't have insights into how the Endbringers factored into the situation, though they did say they couldn't be human capes that have been changed."

"Do they know where they come from?" asked Taylor.

"They said that in their experience, the powers are actually entities created by another race. They refused to elaborate beyond that, though," said Ianthe with a small amount of frustration. "They also said that Taylor's power was set to make her more aggressive and belligerent, for some reason. That fits in with some of our other observations."

Metis shuddered. "My power is confirming what you're saying, though it seems to be both excited and anxious for some reason," she relayed.

"We also know that Eidolon appears to be tied to the Endbringers in some fashion," continued Varga. "If the Endbringers are not capes, then they may be an aspect of his power. He passed out when Leviathan fled from us upon our arrival in the other Taylor's reality. The Simurgh also claimed that somebody was making the Endbringers attack us against their will...for however much we can trust the source of the claim."

"Assuming they're tied into the power network, which is our working theory, then Leviathan would have noticed us through Taylor's parasite as soon as we arrived in the local reality, which fits the timing," suggested Metis. "I also think something strange may have happened with Eidolon during the Simurgh's aborted attack."

"What do you think happened?" asked Taylor.

Metis shrugged. "He may have lost consciousness at that point as well. My power seems to like that idea. I can see if Dragon knows anything for sure."

"So if Eidolon is somehow tied to the Endbringers, and he knows about Cauldron, and Cauldron is selling powers...then is Cauldron working with the alien entities that created powers?" asked Ianthe. "That doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. For one thing, Eidolon shows up to fight the Endbringers every time, and Legend seems to think the Endbringers are one of the reasons to create new capes."

"Maybe Cauldron is fighting against the aliens...using their own weapons against them?" suggested Taylor.

"There could be two groups of aliens," suggested Metis. "Cauldron may even be the bad guy here, with Legend being kept in the dark about their real motives. Or Cauldron may be allied with one group of aliens against another. There are still too many gaps in our information."

"At this point, while it is possible that Faultline may come up with more information, our best potential source of information is Legend. We also may want to share our suppositions with Dragon and Bahamut," suggested Varga.

"I'll reach out to Legend again after he's had some time to look into matters," agreed Taylor.

"And I'll talk to Dragon and Bahamut," volunteered Metis. "I have a suspicion, one that my power seems to confirm, that the answer to this puzzle is going to be exceedingly important, both to Taylor's world and our own."

"No pressure," quipped Taylor.

"I'm kind of glad that we didn't tell Vicky about this. She was already worked up over alien conspiracies," said Ianthe. "The last thing she needs is to find out they might actually exist."

Taylor smiled. "We're the only alien lizard people in Brockton Bay, at least."


Thomas paused Netflix and turned off the television at the door knock. Orange Is the New Black was a guilty pleasure of his -- one that he didn't feel the need to share with anybody else. He also assumed that anybody coming to his door these days had the potential to bring earth-shattering epiphanies or bizarre adventures. Sure enough, when he opened the door, there was a tall, statuesque blonde woman wearing a skin-tight bodysuit. She was attractive...other than the fact that she appeared to have some type of cybernetic components embedded in her face, and the fact that she was regarding him in a way that was cool bordering on arctic.

"Are you Thomas Raith?" asked the blonde.

"Who's asking?" he said with a smirk.

She raised an eyebrow in a way that reminded Thomas of Mr. Spock from Star Trek. "I am Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One. I have a package for you from Saurial." She held out a small box to Thomas.

He took the package. "Thank you? Do you normally deliver packages for giant lizards?"

"Apparently. Vectura felt that I would attract less attention from the local inhabitants." The woman tapped a badge on her chest and said, "This is Seven, ready to transport." She then proceeded to disappear in a cloud of particles.

As Thomas closed the door, he muttered, "She was the one who would attract less attention?" He opened the box and found it contained a silver amulet. The surface of the amulet was carved with the image of a dolphin and a swan. The images seemed vaguely familiar for some reason. He picked up the amulet by the chain and held it up to look at it in the light.

There was a flash, and then Thomas found himself elsewhere. His first, immediate thought was that he was an idiot for picking up a strange amulet without having Harry or somebody else check it first. His next thought was, 'Where the hell am I?' He appeared to be in a marble building in the classical Greek style. Pillows and carpets covered the stone floors, and draperies covered the walls. He peered around, and couldn't actually see an exit from the room, which concerned him a bit.

"Do not worry, Thomas Raith. You are not a prisoner," said a voice.

He turned, then jerked back, wincing, at the sight before him. Standing in the room was a brilliantly beautiful woman. That by itself wasn't a problem, but she seemed to radiate feelings of pure love, and the sensation was almost intolerable for the White Court vampire. Out loud, he said, "Today must be my day for women that are both beautiful and deeply frightening."

She laughed, and her voice sounded like summer rain and the taste of chocolate. "Thomas, place the amulet on your neck."

Almost against his will, Thomas opened up the chain and slipped it over his head. The painful sensation ceased instantly. He blinked his eyes a few times, then asked, "What was that?"

"Your brother's friend, Saurial, came to visit us. She was looking for aid in helping your brother use technology without disrupting it with his magic. My husband was able to create something to help him, but a few of the rest of us decided to bequeath additional boons upon certain other heroes," explained the woman.

Thomas quirked an eyebrow. "Are you saying Harry is going to be able to use a cell phone without it exploding? Cool...and he's going to have a ton of television to catch up on..." He thought through what she said. "So how do I figure into all of this?"

"I brought you here to explain your gift to you," she explained patiently.

He frowned. "I wouldn't consider myself a hero, no matter what you've heard."

"Have you not stood with your brother, and with others, including a Knight of the Cross, against supernatural foes? You have faced the Vampire Courts, the Denarians, necromancers and ghouls, among others. Perhaps more importantly from my perspective, you saved your sister from a life as a White Court vampire, and you go out of your way to minimize feeding on humans," she replied.

Raith stared at her. " you know all of that?"

She just smirked at him. "We have our ways, Thomas. Now, before I forget, your amulet is enchanted to protect you. You will no longer suffer in the presence of true love. It is important that you never let a mortal wear it, however, as its effects on any mortal who feels true love would be...unpleasant."

His mouth dropped open. The normally graceful vampire was stunned gormless by his gift.

"I had best send you back," said the woman, smiling at his reaction. She walked toward him quickly.

As she reached out and took his hands, he finally asked, "Milady...who are you?"

She laughed again. "You know who I am, Thomas. You're wearing my amulet." She then leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Instead of feeling the kiss, though, Thomas found himself standing back in his apartment.

"Well, that was strange..." he said to nobody. He looked down at the amulet. Then he pulled out his smart phone and did an Internet search for the symbolism of the dolphin and the swan. "Holy crap!" was his response when he read the results. Then his self-preservation instincts kicked in. He bowed his head, and said out loud, "Aphrodite, thank you for your gift, and your blessing." For a brief second, he almost thought he heard the sound of laughter in response.

Thomas sat on his couch, pondering the meaning of the gift and what it would mean for him. Then he used his phone to call somebody. "Justine, it's Thomas...I need you to come, nothing's wrong...actually, something wonderful's happened...I'll show you when you get you, too."
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Interlude: Comparative Archaeology
Interlude: Comparative Archaeology

"They look almost identical," said Sarah Gardner as they gazed over the pyramids at Giza on Ellen Ripley's Earth.

Daniel checked his notebook. "They're actually in the exact same location, although for some reason they're three degrees off in facing from where they are in our reality. On our Earth, they're within half-a-degree of the cardinal points."

"Is it possible this Earth's axis is slightly different?" asked Sarah.

Daniel considered that question. " a very good question and worth looking into."

They had gotten out of the hotel early, so the heat of the day wasn't as bad as it would get later. While Sarah didn't consider herself to be that adventurous, she had gotten into archaeology with the intent of doing fieldwork, and the opportunity to look at the most significant archaeological sites on a parallel Earth had been too tempting to pass up. They also planned to visit Abu Simbel, Philae Temple, Karnak, and several temples and other sites at Luxor, including the Valley of the Kings, of course.

"There are no Goa'uld in this universe, right?" she verified.

Daniel shook his head. "Not that anybody has been able to find. Either they never evolved in this galaxy, or one of the local species wiped them out. I can't say I'm sorry they don't exist here."

Sarah wasn't especially sorry they didn't exist, either, given her experience with Osiris. She was doing much better after her sessions with a Nox counselor, but that didn't mean she was fond of the species as a whole. Even the Tok'ra were discomfiting to her, despite their more benevolent attitude. "So, the pyramids here are solely the work of humans?"

Daniel waggled his head back and forth in a way that suggested prevarication. "Technically, our pyramids were built by human slaves for their Goa'uld overlords. The Goa'uld weren't keen on giving their servants and slaves advanced technology when brute force would work." SG-1 had found literally dozens of mining facilities that could have been made much more efficient and productive with even the technology available on twenty-first century Earth, never mind the level available to the parasitic aliens.

Sarah frowned. "Fine. I guess what I mean is that there are no aliens involved in these?"

The wince on Daniel's face made it clear she wasn't going to like the answer. "Actually, there's evidence that at least some of the pyramids on this planet were sites used by the Yautja for ritualized hunting expeditions. Part of what I want to see is if that applies to the Giza site."

The redhead glared at him. "Are there any realities where I can get away from alien influence on my archaeology?"

Rather than getting annoyed, Daniel actually considered the question. "Probably. I mean, we've seen quite a number of different realities, with different histories. It's actually kind of odd how the general history of different universes appears to follow certain broad patterns while varying in the details. For example, Peter's Earth had a World War II that had the same primary nations participating, but both the Axis and the Allies had individuals with super powers fighting for them."

"How is that even possible? I mean, there are so many points where a small change could have far-reaching effects -- just think how the death or survival of specific military and political leaders could change things. What if Roosevelt had died before Yalta, or the briefcase bomb had actually killed Hitler?" Sarah shook her head in frustration.

"I'm not really sure, but that's part of what I'm trying to find out by looking for differences in the history of the different Earths." Daniel put his pack down and sat down on a short wall intended to guide tourists around the site. "Sarah, why do you take issue with the role of aliens in archaeological sites? Part of the reason I published my findings despite the risk of being a laughing-stock was because I wanted to know the truth about these sites. Alien's are part of that history in our universe, and possibly in this one. I would bet there are other oddities surrounding ancient temples and burial sites in Harry's universe, or in the various superhero universes."

Sarah dropped down next to him heavily and ran her fingers through her hair. "You know what an old-boys club archaeology is. It's hard enough for a woman to be taken seriously without indulging in fringe theories."

"Except that it turns out that some of the fringe theories are accurate," said Daniel.

She scoffed. "You know that wouldn't matter to the editors of the Cambridge Archaeological Journal. Even you weren't taken seriously, Daniel, and you were the grandson of Dr. Ballard, the son of Melburn Jackson and the protege of Dr. Jordan. If I had tried to claim alien involvement before, I would have never gotten another internship or gone on another dig."

"You know that the rules are likely to be different now that the Stargate program has gone public?" asked Daniel with a grin. "You're going to have a lot more insight into Goa'uld influences on ancient Earth culture than most."

Sarah grimaced and looked down at the ground. "That isn't something I feel comfortable capitalizing on, Daniel."

"Sorry," he quickly replied, embarrassed at his own lack of tact.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Daniel watched the early-rising tourists wandering toward the pyramids, including a gaggle of college students taking selfies and a family of American stereotypes listening to the overweight dad complain about all of the, "foreigners," in Egypt, as if he expected Cairo to look like Tulsa. "We had better get going before the tourists get too thick," suggested Daniel.

She looked over at the complaining father and his overhanging belly and commented, "Some of them are already there." The two of them snorted laughter at the comment and shared a smile. Then they got up and began walking again.

"So what are you going to do now that the Stargate program is public?" she asked as they walked. One advantage of being on an alternate Earth was that none of their secrets were relevant to any listening bystanders, so there was little risk of letting secrets slip. Even though the program was public back home, that didn't mean that all of their missions or history were public access yet.

"I don't know. My primary reason for staying in the Stargate program was to rescue Sha're. After she was killed...a lot of it was about revenge, if I'm honest with myself." Of course, Daniel had spent some time speaking with the Nox himself, so he was fairly in touch with his motivations. "The Family have cleaned up most of the worst of the System Lords, though. I'm thinking of asking Saurial if there's a way to keep doing this."

Sarah looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Comparing archaeological and historical data between realities?"

He smiled. "You have to admit its a novel field. There aren't a lot of experts."

"I'm pretty sure its mostly limited to just you right now, Daniel," she replied.

He laughed. "Well, then somebody responsible should set some standards for it before all of the amateurs join the profession."

"Won't you miss your friends?" she asked.

"Why?" he asked in a confused tone. "I have a mobile phone that can cross dimensions and my company car can probably open wormholes. If anything, it'll be easier to stay in touch working for the Family than it was when I was on a dig back home."

She hadn't thought of that. In fact, it made the whole thing sound very appealing. "Do you think you could use an apprentice, Dr. Jackson?"

He gave a little snort. "I haven't even spoken with Saurial yet...but if she says yes, I would welcome a colleague in the field." She smiled at his answer.

Neither of them even noticed that they had been holding hands since they started walking again.
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Omake: Origin Story
Omake: Origin Story

Ross McLean was the interim director of the National Film Board of Canada. He was not, it should be said, an espionage agent, so when an Officer Smith of the RCMP showed up in his office and asked him to interview somebody under the guise of making a documentary, he felt distinctly nervous about the whole thing. That's why he was dragging his friend Sydney along.

"I'm a film editor, not a director or a writer, Ross," complained Sydney.

Ross waved that away. "I know, Syd. I just want somebody to come along with me. When an officer of the Criminal Investigation Branch asks you do something like this, you do it."

"The war's over, Ross," said Sydney.

"The Germans and the Japanese may have been defeated, but you know everybody's up in arms now over Stalin and the Communists." Down in the United States, there was some senator using the House Un-American Activities Commission to hunt down supposed Communists. Anybody targeted ended up blacklisted whether or not they were actually guilty of anything. Things weren't as bad in the Commonwealth countries, but it still paid to be prudent.

The two men were driving out to a suburb of Toronto to interview a Marvin Blechly. Supposedly, the man claimed he had been abducted by aliens. Ross thought the whole thing was absurd, but there must have been something of interest if the RCMP was interested. When they arrived, Blechly looked for all the world like a typical pensioner. He was well-mannered, and had served with the Canadian Army during the Great War, before coming back and working as a librarian.

"Mr. Blechly, my colleague and I would like to talk to you about the claims you made that you were abducted," began Ross.

Blechly looked askance at them. "You'll think I'm crazy."

Sydney winced in sympathy, and said, "Just tell us the truth as you remember it, sir. We're with the Film Board, and somebody thought there may be a story here worthy of a documentary."

Blechly sat back and sighed. "Well, I was driving home late. My daughter Gladys and her husband had invited me to dinner, you see. Named her after her grandmother, you know? It was wet and rainy, I remember. I must have passed out somehow, because when I woke up..."

Loki looked at his latest test subject. He wasn't terribly impressed, but it was important to take random samples as a baseline. The worldwide conflicts that the humans had recently had may have jump-started their evolution again, so it was worth doing some additional research. There was no telling where the solution to the Asgard's genetic degradation may come from.

Marvin woke up to a bright light shining in his face. His body felt numb, and he couldn't move his head. He found he could move his eyes and speak, however. "Here now, what's the meaning of this? What's going on here?" A...being...moved into the range of his peripheral vision. It was shorter than a man, and had a pale grey skin and bulbous black eyes. It's head seemed disproportionate to its body, and it was completely hairless...and apparently completely naked and genderless, as well.

It spoke to him. "Do not be alarmed. I am simply probing your biological development. You will be returned unharmed after I am done."

That was somewhat alarming. "Hey, I didn't give you permission to probe!" he sputtered.

Loki frowned, then sedated his subject. As humans developed, they seemed to get more and more disruptive. He would have to be more cautious in the future. Maybe he should keep them sedated for the duration? Maybe he could use clones so he could keep them for longer periods? He would consider it. Regardless, he quickly finished his scans and returned his subject to the holding room while he prepared to process the next subject.

Ross stared at the old man. " were kidnapped by a grey alien who experimented on you?"

The man glared at Ross. "I told you that you would think I'm crazy!"

"What happened next, Mr. Blechly?" interjected Sydney.

"Well, I woke up in a room. There were maybe a dozen other people in the room. One was an American corporal, but there were a bunch of other folks, and most of them didn't speak English. One looked like a Chinaman. There was a young Italian girl...maybe about seventeen? There were even a couple of Negroes. One of them spoke French and told me he was from Senegal. Nobody knew how they got there or even where we were," said the old man.

"Then the alien just dropped you off back in Canada?" asked Ross.

"No, what happened was that somebody rescued us..."

Daniel Jackson was not happy to find an Asgard vessel cloaked in orbit over this Earth with human life signs on board. He knew exactly what that meant, and he knew who the culprit was. He looked at the scan results. Something about the holding cell on Loki's ship was making it difficult to get a lock onto the occupants. He looked over at Sarah. "I'm going to have to go over there and get them."

She looked concerned. "All right...but be careful, Daniel."

Jackson used the ship's teleporter to appear outside the holding area. He pulled out a device that the Family had just started handing out. It was a very versatile little multitool that was capable of a remarkable number of functions. His immediate use was to open the lock on the door to the room. What appeared to be a simple wall panel slid aside, and he walked into the room, much to the surprise of the occupants.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," he began, "my name is Doctor Jackson, and I'm here to rescue you." He had to repeat himself five times in different languages before everybody understood what he had said. "Come this way. I have to get you outside this cell." The group followed him outside the room, and he asked, "Is this everyone?"

"There was another man...I think he was from Australia?" said the American soldier. "He disappeared when the alien brought back the last person," he said, gesturing at Marvin.

Jackson frowned. "All right, you folks stay here while I go retrieve your fellow prisoner." He was going to have...words...with a certain meddlesome Asgard while he was at it. He pulled out his multitool and used it to open another door in the direction of the ship's labs.

"What's that do?" asked Marvin, curious.

Jackson glanced over at him. "It's a very useful, versatile tool. It can function as a lockpick, a blowtorch, a microscope...even a screwdriver," he said in explanation. "Just stay here. I'll be back in a moment."

The prisoners waited for about fifteen minutes, at which point Jackson came back with a middle-aged Australian man dressed in a business suit. "I'm going to teleport all of you to my ship. Don't panic." There was a flash of light, and then the group of them were in another room. There was a red-haired woman waiting for them there, and Daniel introduced them. "People, this is my companion, Sarah. If you'll give us a moment, we'll see about returning all of you back home again."

Marvin waited as, one-by-one, each of the prisoners left to be returned home. Finally, it was his turn. He was led outside by the Doctor, right beside his car, which was luckily parked safely by the side of the road. He turned back to thank his rescuer, only to open his eyes in shock. The man's spaceship was small...smaller than a city bus. "How did we all fit in THAT?" he asked, shocked.

The Doctor smirked. "It's bigger on the inside."

"Aren't you worried you'll be seen?" asked Marvin, looking around for other traffic.

Daniel shook his head. "Don't worry, there's nobody around. Even if there were, the ship can camouflage itself. Well, I have others to bring home. Good luck!" With that, the man went back into his ship, which disappeared. Marvin finished driving home, then called his daughter to tell her what happened.

Ross looked at the man. "So...some kind of Doctor rescued you with a magical screwdriver, then brought you home in a spaceship that was bigger on the inside than on the out?"

"As I said, I know it sounds crazy," said Blechly in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Thank you for your time, sir," said Sydney, grabbing Ross' arm and pulling him out the door.

On the drive back to the office, Ross was complaining. "Well that was a waste of time. The man's off his nut."

"It was an interesting story, at least," said Sydney. It admittedly wasn't a very plausible one.

Ross scoffed. "If I want speculative fiction, I'll buy a comic book."

* * * * *​

In 1963, Sydney Newman needed an idea for a show to bring in a family audience. He had moved to the UK and joined the BBC, and they needed a show to bridge the gap on Saturday night between Grandstand and Juke Box Jury. A sci-fi serial seemed like just the thing...

Omake: It's you!
Here you go. An Omake of an Omake of an Omake of a fanfic of a web serial...

Omake - It's you!

Daniel stepped out of the ship to find himself being stared at by a group of people, who seemed frozen in mid-motion. With a glance back at Sarah who was right behind him, he returned to looking at them, smiling and raising a hand in greeting.

"Hello," he said, "I'm sorry to bother you like this. My name is..."

The lead person in the possibly accidental greeting party, a man who was strongly built and carrying some form of scientific instrumentation he'd apparently been in the process of using, nodded and spoke, interrupting him. "Yes, we know who you are. You're the one they call the Doctor."

"Doctor Jackson, yes, that's correct," Daniel replied, slightly surprised.

"And this is your Companion, the Lady Sarah." The man looked at his friend, who suppressed a slight laugh at the formality of the name.

"Not quite a Lady," she said with a smile. "But my name is Sarah, yes. I take it that we've managed to get something of a reputation..."

"The names of The Doctor and his Companion are known to many," the spokesman of the group, who were still staring, said ebulliently. "Their travels in the spaceship that is larger on the inside have become legendary. It is whispered that they are also known to…" He glanced around slightly nervously, and for some reason looked up at the ceiling. Looking back, he finished in a hoarse whisper, "...them."

"Them?" Daniel queried, a little puzzled.

The man quickly looked around the huge room they'd jumped the ship into, part of some form of ancient temple they'd wanted to examine more closely. With the wormhole drive, there was no need to muck around parking outside, after all, and it was more convenient than beaming down and back up again every time they needed the toilet. After examining all four walls, lingering on the last one, and another somewhat suspicious glance at the ceiling, which made Daniel and Sarah both look up too, their greeter leaned forward.

"Them. The Scaly Ones," he hissed. "We dare not speak their name or they may arrive. And snicker."

"Ah." He suppressed a smile. It wasn't impossible, knowing Saurial and her family. "I understand. Yes, we know them, they're good friends of ours."

"Remarkable," the man shouted, smiling widely. "The tales you must have! What brings you to our humble world?"

"We were interested in seeing this facility," he said, gesturing to the well preserved and rather odd appearing ruins. "From what I've learned, no one knows how old it is or who made it. Or how, for that matter."

"That is correct," the man nodded. After a moment he smacked his forehead with the heel of his hand. "My grievous apologies, Doctor, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Herrick, leader of the first tactical archeological squad of the Kingdom of Squirn."

"Squirn?" Daniel echoed, a little tentatively. He could almost feel Sarah trying not to giggle.

"Squirn," the man repeated firmly. "I am a proud Squirnian and while our small kingdom has many jokes about its name, it is one of the oldest and most stable on the planet, so I'll hear nothing against it."

"Of course, I meant no insult," Daniel was quick to say.

"No offense is taken, my friend. Your timing is impeccable, as the tales do suggest," Herrick said with a broad smile, apparently in a good mood. "We have just uncovered an inscription in a language we have never seen before, one that appears from our readings to date to the beginning of the construction of this entire site." He frowned a little, looking at the device he was holding. "Which all our readings tell us is thirty one thousand four hundred and fifteen years ago. Precisely. And they always do. That is one of the more bizarre aspects of this whole place." He waved a hand dismissively. "Probably equipment error. Never mind. Would you like to inspect the inscription? Possibly you have some insight into the language, as you are reputed to be a cunning linguist."

Daniel bit the inside of his cheek, but nodded, at the same time he stepped quite hard on the foot of his friend who he could feel was about to burst out laughing…

"Of course, Herrick, I'd be happy to take a look at it," he said as Sarah winced in pain.

"Excellent. It's just over here."

The other man turned and led them through the oddly well preserved and very strange looking statues, machinery, and other constructions, to a wall that was being cleared very carefully and professionally of centuries of dirt and debris. He knelt down next to it and pointed.

"We have no idea what the language is, although it's clearly a language," he explained as Daniel bent down to peer at the incised lettering in the stone. "Perhaps it's one you've encountered before?"

With a sense of amused and resigned disbelief, Daniel sighed faintly. "It says, in a language of a planet a very long way from here, 'For service under warranty, contact BBFO, LLC, Brockton Bay, Earth. Please enjoy your FamTech Eldritch Architecture Theme Park.'"

Herrick looked first at him with his eyebrows up, then back at the writing, before scratching his head.

"I have many, many questions, Doctor," he began in a befuddled tone...
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