Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Do it Thanos, try to kick the Chaos Sorceror's ass, I want to see the look on your face when all your shit goes Warpy and Daemons start crawling down your throat.

Considering Thanos is a cosmic level "all hands on deck" threat without things like the Infinity gauntlet or a cosmic cube, he'd probably fare rather well against a 40k chaos god's forces.
Considering Thanos is a cosmic level "all hands on deck" threat without things like the Infinity gauntlet or a cosmic cube, he'd probably fare rather well against a 40k chaos god's forces.
Comic Book Thanos maybe, but MCU Thanos is far less impressive. Physically incredible yes, and mentally\spiritually strong enough to resist Chaos corruption certainly, but a ball of Greater Daemons to the face would still ruin his day.

Chaos is also an Outside Context Problem for Thanos, which puts him at a severe disadvantage as a lot of his strength comes from knowing what he's up against and how to counter it.
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The only indication that this is the MCU version of Thanos is a comment by Voldemort. This could be a reference to this being the far less impressive version of the Mad Titan. Or, it could be a reference to that being the version that actually won, and had his victory stick for more then a few days.

I prefer to think this is the real Thanos, who's mostly annoyed that people keep comparing him to that do gooder wannabe. (The MCU Thanos honestly believed he was the hero of his story. In the comics, Thanos admitted, while helping heroes save the universe from someone even more omnicidal then him, that he is a villain because he was acting not in the interests of others, but merely in his own best interests, which happened to benefit others. In other words, he saw himself as the Villain, not as a Hero. This is a large part of why I can't view the MCU Thanos as being a real version of the comics character.)
MCU Thanos is also incredibly dumb, like, you wiped out half the life in existence, the overpopulation 'problem' has been solved! For, like, a century or two. And then life will do what it does best and reproduce back up to former numbers and we'll be right back where we started. Congratulations Thanos, you held the literal power of creation itself in the palm of your hand, the potential to permanently defeat entropy, limited resources and all that implies, and you used it to delay the inevitable in the least sensible manner possible. Well done.
What comment by Mr "Flight From Death" would that be? The only comment of his I could see was "they mentioned Hogwarts, that's enough." Oh, and commenting about not knowing why Jack Slash was at the meeting.
My mistake; it was the chaos psyker instead, who's text looks exactly like Moldyshort's.....

Except Snaky McNo-nose doesn't have dialog all in caps? Oh, and the hellicopter comment implies it IS the one from the comics. In an early appearance of Thanos he was using a purple hellicopter he called the Thanoscopter. In all fairness, at the time heroes and villains having a (insert part of hero or villain name)mobile, copter, or boat was all the rage. Even Spiderman had a short lived Spidermobile (based on the toy). But since Peter Parker doesn't have a driver's license he ended up wrecking it fairly quickly. Heck, Superman got in on the act too with a Supermobile he's used a few times. He got it back in a storyline from the 50's I believe when he had been 'depowered' and Batman had gained all of Superman's powers. He also had a Supercave that Batman literally punched into existance to serve as a base and place to hide the Supermobile. That issue implied that Metropolis has a mountain near the city limits that is otherwise never seen.
Erm....what the heck was that just now?

A bunch of ambitious evils channeling the Deadpool Force to petition their betters for a chance to participate.

On the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny front: There's a few reasons why Infinity Stones might be Super Effective against Chaos. (See: Dormammu; Qhaysh) Sadly they only work in their native universe.
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Oh yeah, Thanos with the Infinity Stones would be fine against Chaos, at the very least the Stones would be able to do a Necron Pylon impersonation and slam the doors shut on Chaos across their entire universe and probably ruin the day of any Daemon that had manifested in said universe. They'd be useless for doing anything to Chaos in the Immaterium of course, but preventing access to your universe is the closest thing to a win that you can realistically expect against Chaos anyway. However Thanos + Stones is very nearly omnipotent within their corner of reality, so saying 'Thanos could win with the Infinity Stones' isn't really saying much, as he's one of very, very few beings who can actually use all of the Stones and survive doing so.

Even the Varga wouldn't be able to contest with Thanos + Stones inside their universe. Within their domain the Infinity Stones are absolute.
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In an early appearance of Thanos he was using a purple hellicopter he called the Thanoscopter.

The justly infamous Thanoscopter appeared in the specifically non-continuity Spidey Super Stories comic book, that was aimed at a younger readership than the core Marvel line. It is about as far from mainstream Marvel Comics continuity as the various one-page Hostess Fruit Pie ads featuring Marvel superheroes that regularly appeared around the same time.

I believe that the only in-continuity appearance of the Thanoscopter was in an issue of one of the various Deadpool series, where Deadpool was using it to mock Thanos. At least in the Deadpool corner of the Marvel comics universe, Thanos hates Deadpool because Lady Death (the skeletal robed one in the Marvel universe—not the barely-dressed huge boobed one, formerly published by Chaos Comics) dumped Thanos for Deadpool.
I believe that the only in-continuity appearance of the Thanoscopter was in an issue of one of the various Deadpool series, where Deadpool was using it to mock Thanos.
I'm pretty sure that the double-blade sword from Avengers: Endgame is a nod/homage to the Thanos copter. A homage that Starlin actually disliked.

Meh, I guess.
I'm pretty sure that the double-blade sword from Avengers: Endgame is a nod/homage to the Thanos copter. A homage that Starlin actually disliked.

Meh, I guess.
Hah oh damn I hope that's true, if so that ridiculous blade would be instantly redeemed in my eyes. When I saw that thing I was like 'what the actual fuck is that', I know comic book superhero universes aren't exactly good at the whole 'weapons that make practical sense' thing, but goddamn did that thing look stupid.

Going back to check, it actually does look a bit like a stylized helicopter blade, and Thanos does spin it around as a shield and use it as a throwing weapon. So yeah I can believe that being a nod to the Thanoscopter, and I am now retroactively okay with it.
'Ship of Fools' is a sufficiently impressive and major work that, transfictionally, you might wonder if the crew might meet up with different versions of their ship... This, of course (world-jumping, space flavour) would not be such as possibility. :)
I am Saurial, your host...
'Ship of Fools' is a sufficiently impressive and major work that, transfictionally, you might wonder if the crew might meet up with different versions of their ship... This, of course (world-jumping, space flavour) would not be such as possibility. :)

Something Different...

Saurial clapped her hands together. "Places, everyone, places!"

The little dragon on her shoulder cried, "Boss, boss, the spaceship! The spaceship!"

As the passengers debarked, Saurial offered commentary. First came two tinkers in full armor. "Ah, here we have Dragon and Armsmaster. She is the one who insisted they come on a vacation together...but does she value her partner enough to share her deepest secret? That is the question." Next came an older couple in white uniforms. "Next, we have Carol and Mark. Mark has been sick with depression for years, but he has since been healed. Now, the dynamic of their relationship is changing in ways that make both of them uncomfortable. Can they adjust to these changes and save their marriage?" Last came a gray-haired man and his younger assistant.

"Who are they, boss?" asked the little dragon.

"That's Peter Graves and Lisa Hartman. They're our token guest celebrities for this parody," answered Saurial.

"Why are you two speaking with Spanish accents?" asked Metis, looking at the two as if they were crazy.

Ianthe wandered into the scene, regarded the three, and yelled, "KHAN!"

Saurial frowned. "Wrong reference, and now we're going to be late for the welcoming toast..."