Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Regardless of when or how she learns Sophia's costumed identity, it's still a revelation which can drastically impact her views of the PRT. In TV the revelation was tempered by the wisdom of her dad, Varga, and having met other Wards. But the Ship of Fools's Taylor didn't have that support network. She had an Armsmaster who's a dick, and the Undersiders. She got to see heroes at their worst (Vicky on a rampage and Shadow Stalker). The public turned against her hard, as did the authorities since Armsmaster never mentioned her going under cover and laid blame for Lung almost dying due to his own mistake due to his jealousy over Taylor's accomplishment with Lung. All of which in turn lead her to fall ever deeper into villainy despite it initially being an under cover op.
Yeah, I have no problem with any of this; I know and happily relish AU elements. However, that wasn't what I was trying to point out. Basically, it caught me off guard when Taylor just casually mentions what in my mind is a fairly significant plot point offhand... Without divergence backstory.

The cannon plot point of 'how Taylor learned Sophia == Shadow Stalker' has metaphorical weight because it affected her enough to basically go 'fuck the PRT, I'm gonna conquer the friggin city.' Other contributing factors, yes, but it's a big one. To not touch on whatever circumstance led to her finding out (as well as the ramifications) even as something internal that causes a need for her to refocus on the conversation strikes me as unusual.

That's an interesting point from a character development perspective, though I would argue that it was more than just the reveal. Take into account the sequence of events -- the revelation about Dinah, THEN the Leviathan attack, THEN the handcuffs, THEN Panacea being a bitch to Taylor while she heals her (which, while understandable, is really Amy channeling Carol, which is ironic on so many different levels), THEN she discovers Sofia. Arguably, the Dinah reveal could have easily swung the other way -- to the point where Wildbow pretty much has to kick the protagonist OVER and OVER again to make up for that and keep Taylor on the side of the villains.

In my fic, Taylor has learned about Shadowstalker, and then learned about literally EVERYBODY who is potentially a haven for her has turned on her. Then she walks into an Endbringer fight. Is it any wonder she ended up in a situation that would have killed her if not for outside intervention?

Edit: I don't want to ignore what you said about it seeming abrupt. I'll think about how to address that. My initial thought is a few words added at the right moment to avoid rewriting that chapter, followed by a later explanation as part of the byplay.

Edit Edit: This is also an example of the mind-numbingly stupid decisions made by some of the characters in canon. The handcuffs are inexplicable laziness. You're going to handcuff a master-class cape while her known associates are on-site, then leave her alone in a room by herself. Especially when the only reason she knows she has to flee is because SHE WOKE UP IN HANDCUFFS. Seriously...
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It's interesting. I'm having some issues with the whole Varga/Raptaur dichotomy in the fic. Being so open with alt-Taylor makes sense. Being so open with Harry Dresden in the a bit of a stretch which I rationalized by saying, "hey, these guys are from an alternate universe," but it is the one nagging issue I have yet to address properly.

Of course, T/V has some questions about the whole unwritten rules thing. Uber and Leet, for example, don't have secret identities as far as the PRT, Protectorate and Guild are concerned. They've been arrested before, if I remember canon correctly. Now that they've gone legit and are part of the DWU, which is now the pre-eminent 800 lbs. gorilla in Brockton Bay, are they just keeping up their secret identities out of habit? They're theoretically safer than New Wave in terms of having open identities, now. It's also pretty obvious that anybody with half-a-brain at the DWU already knows that Uber, Leet and Vectura are on-campus along with the Undersiders. They won't talk to outsiders as a rule, but a secret known to a hundred people isn't a secret.

The DWU, for the most part, are fully aware of the identities of the Undersiders, Uber and Leet, and at least Linda's civilian ID although only a couple of people like Zephron and perhaps Mark know or suspect she used to be Squealer.

However, in the culture that's grown up in the DWU over a long time of what's basically Us and Them, where Us is the Union which has had to stick together in the face of massive problems from Them, this is considered a private matter. Not for discussion with outsiders at all, and not discussed inside the union unless it's brought up by the people concerned.

It's very like the canon Trigger story thing; if the person wants to share, their friends will listen, but if they don't, it's the height of bad taste to ask. Many people in the DWU, even if not Parahumans, have stories that aren't for public consumption. Some have criminal backgrounds they've separated themselves from, many are ex-military (often having seen and done things that the majority of people have no concept of or understanding of), and so on. They know damn well how to keep secrets, even if the secret isn't technically a secret in some ways. So what happens in the DWU, stays in the DWU :)

As Danny told the Undersiders, Linda, and Uber and Leet seperately, no one cares what you did. They care what you do. Don't drop your workmates in it without telling them, keep the Union's reputation good, and help out, everything else works out.

Now that the Family is there too, they all know that they have major backup if required, who will do what's necessary to help. So there's very little likelihood that even if a DWU member found themselves in hot water that they'd say anything other than "You do realize that when the girls find out, you are fucked, right?" Along with a small vicious smile.

It's funny because it's true...

In a very real way they're a large extended family and are pretty loyal to each other. And the Boss :D

U & L haven't quite managed to internalize all this, so they're largely running on habit right now. After all, at this point they've been operating as a team of only two people for years, and it takes time to work out that you're not alone any more.

I am curious if there are other things that aren't true to T/V, though? I've literally read through the entirety of the T/V fic at least 3 times, so I would be interested in the author's perspective on it.

There were a few things I noticed. I can't instantly bring them to mind so I'd have to reread and make notes. I'll do that when I get a moment free. Nothing spectacularly off, just a few details that don't quite fit.
U & L haven't quite managed to internalize all this, so they're largely running on habit right now. After all, at this point they've been operating as a team of only two people for years, and it takes time to work out that you're not alone any more.
And once again, I get that vibe of Danny clapping someone on the shoulder and telling them, "I am a Dockworker; you are now Association."
Regardless of when or how she learns Sophia's costumed identity, it's still a revelation which can drastically impact her views of the PRT. In TV the revelation was tempered by the wisdom of her dad, Varga, and having met other Wards. But the Ship of Fools's Taylor didn't have that support network. She had an Armsmaster who's a dick, and the Undersiders. She got to see heroes at their worst (Vicky on a rampage and Shadow Stalker). The public turned against her hard, as did the authorities since Armsmaster never mentioned her going under cover and laid blame for Lung almost dying due to his own mistake due to his jealousy over Taylor's accomplishment with Lung. All of which in turn lead her to fall ever deeper into villainy despite it initially being an under cover op.

Yes, timing and sequence are everything. Taylor going to fight Lung was arguably an attempt at suicide by cape. The whole character arc is one of self-destructive tendencies because she's had nothing but people telling her she was shit or ignoring her since she got back after Emma's attack in the alley.

Finding out you were used to kidnap a little girl is so far beyond what Taylor is willing to accept as a basically decent person that the original author had to bludgeon her repeatedly with atrocious behavior by the "good guys" in order to keep her on the side of the bad guys. Honestly, I don't think New Wave and the Protectorate working together could have come up with a more effective plan deliberately to alienate her.

Needless to say, the SoF Taylor here not only missed the Leviathan fight aftermath, but she gets to meet the Family AND a friendly couple of Dallon sisters. Things are not going to go the same way.

Edit: By the way, the primary criteria for selecting the crew of the SoF is that every single character is one that writers have abused repeatedly as an easy fall guy, sometimes for comic relief, sometimes because they're convenient. Most of the time, it isn't because any of them made horrible choices (with a few notable exceptions, like Xander's love spell). Taylor Hebert falls firmly into that category.
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So this is how The Family learn (and have reason) to travel to alternate realities. I guess a lot of the omakes in Taylor Varga stem from this point then? The MCU, DCEU, and HP ones, for example?

This can be thought of as an alternate variant of what I myself am thinking of for such an event. In practice, should I definitely canonize the entire reality-traveling aspect, I will almost certainly use Experiments in Unusual Travel Techniques as the jumping-off point. That's at least partly why I wrote it :)

Ship of Fools is pretty much replacing that, in a way that I didn't consider but am very much enjoying...

Edit: By the way, the primary criteria for selecting the crew of the SoF is that every single character is one that writers have abused repeatedly as an easy fall guy, sometimes for comic relief, sometimes because they're convenient. Most of the time, it isn't because any of them made horrible choices (with a few notable exceptions, like Xander's love spell). Taylor Hebert falls firmly into that category.

I would have to agree with that idea. Everyone here has had a lot of shit dropped on them, most of it undeserved. Miles was one of the most critical characters in both TNG and DS9 by many criteria yet tended to fade into the background a lot of the time, except when something unpleasant was aimed at the poor bastard. Xander is the archtypical fall guy yet at the same time someone who, mostly without his friends really noticing, pulled their asses out of the fire many times. Again, arguably, he was one of the more critical characters. Ellen Ripley is a survivor above anything, but was also taken advantage of by her superiors over and over. Dresden was permanently in over his head yet was about the only one around actually doing something useful, and had a lot more go wrong in his life than he deserved as a result.

Peter Parker is one of the most interesting of the Marvel Superheros, and one that was far more relatable and believeable than most, but didn't really get noticed against the backdrop of the flashier ones. He just got on with it and helped out, often sacrificing a lot in the process. Olsen was always clearly a very intelligent person, who did far more behind the scenes than was documented, but was also the one who ended up in situations where he nearly died mostly because of who his friends were. Daniel Jackson was always ending up in crazy positions, was in a way looked down on by many of the people around him (although not by his teammates and either of the commanding officers of the SG program I have to admit) because he wasn't military, but arguably was the sole reason the Stargate program even existed. He could be considered the most important member of the cast from some standpoints.

And of course, poor Taylor was the one who had more and more and more shit dropped on her in a never-ending stream, still saved everyone, and got shot in the head as a reward.

She above all of them deserves a happy ending :) Or at least a much less unpleasant one than canon.
Bad Stuff that Happened to the SoF Crew in Canon
Crap that happened to the SoF crew off the top of my head:

Harry Dresden: Susan's whole story arc, being mind-whammied into a romantic relationship after Dead Beat, the whole Sword of Damocles from the Council, being forced into accepting the position of Winter Knight, having to piss off all of Summer by killing one of the three queens of Summer, having one student killed (in part because he didn't know why she wanted dangerous knowledge and refused to give it to her), having his apartment, car and office destroyed, getting stuck with Lash to save one of Michael's kids, general physical mauling over and over again...I'm just scratching the surface.

Xander Harris: We covered this earlier in the thread, but every romantic interest has gone horribly wrong, his eye got ripped out in the most brutal way possible, his home life was awful...check earlier in the thread for a list of specific incidents.

Miles O'Brien: How to torture O'Brien was literally a running gag in the writer's room of DS9. This guy's had his wife possessed, him possessed, his child sent back through a time rift, his wife's pregnancy at risk (and only saved because Kira agreed to be a surrogate), was captured by Cardassians and had his freaking molars ripped out of his head, had a 20 year prison sentence implanted into his head due to a flimsy espionage charge, got caught in a time loop that had him see his own corpse, got replaced by a replicant...and who knows how many horrific combat situations he's had, given that he's considered a veteran and an expert in the field.

Daniel Jackson: His wife's whole story arc, dying of radiation poisoning, being captured and tortured repeatedly, being forced to repeatedly rewatch his parents death, being thought insane thanks to ridiculous arbitrary skepticism, being ridiculed by his entire field, then learning HE WAS RIGHT, but he can't say anything about it...there's a lot more than what I list here.

Peter Parker: Almost everybody in his entire freaking life has either died, turned villain, turned out to be clone, or broken his heart. His own boss has an irrational hatred of his alter-ego. Some of the stuff that has happened to him in the comics -- the whole clone arc, the stuff with Mephisto, what happened when he supported Stark during Civil War. Yeah.

Ellen Ripley: How she's not catatonic in a padded room somewhere is beyond me. Not only has she lost her daughter AND her surrogate daughter, but literally every experience since the Nostromo is a freaking horror movie plot.

Jimmy Olsen: The clincher for me was his death in the Snyder-verse films, but if you check out Superdickery, you can see the bullshit he's been through. In one comic, Superman literally became his abusive adoptive father, with only the flimsiest rationale for acting that way. His love interest at one point was Lucy Lane, Lois's sister, who not only lacks Lois's pleasant demeanor (seriously), but also seems to be into S&M. HE TURNED INTO A GIANT TURTLE BOY. He went back in time and TEAMED UP WITH ADOLF HITLER. Seriously, I can't make this shit up.

Taylor Hebert: Worm.
And of course, poor Taylor was the one who had more and more and more shit dropped on her in a never-ending stream, still saved everyone, and got shot in the head as a reward.

She above all of them deserves a happy ending :) Or at least a much less unpleasant one than canon.
This single fact probably goes a long way towards explaining the popularity of Worm fics.
Speaking of Lash, isn't this part of the timeline after she died saving him? Which would mean he's still pregnant with her child?

I can kinda see Varga laughing his scaly head off trying to tell Harry that he's going to make a fine mother. At least Bonea (The name Jim Butcher gave her in a WoG long ago) would have the swankiest houseskull ever as opposed to the carved wooden one she got a few books down the line. EDM skull with anti grav units and eye lasers? A skull that looks like a raptor or demon head instead of human? A floating Castle Greyskull toy that could survive a nuclear bomb? There are possibilities here...
To be absolutely fair, Lash ended up being pretty cool in the end, even if she was there to try and tempt him to the darkside

She ended up being pretty cool because Harry Dresden did the impossible (as usual) and redeemed the shade of a Fallen Angel. To say that this conclusion was not likely is an understatement. To do that, he went through months of temptation by the one Denarian most likely to be able to corrupt him, and ended up avoiding Michael and Father Forthill because he was afraid they would sense that he had taken a coin.

The best part, for me, of the Dresden series, was when he has to go to the White Council. He's basically at the end of his rope and barely capable of holding himself upright. At one point, he realizes that the enforcers of the Council are terrified of him. He keeps going up against insanely dangerous opponents -- the vampire courts, the Denarians, the heirs of Kemmler, the Summer Court of the Fey, and he keeps winning. What isn't obvious to outsiders is that in many cases, winning costs him another piece of his mind, his body or his soul...

Edit: BTW, in addition to being shat upon from a great height, every one of these characters in SoF have also done extraordinary things, including save the world repeatedly.
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Speaking of Lash, isn't this part of the timeline after she died saving him? Which would mean he's still pregnant with her child?

I can kinda see Varga laughing his scaly head off trying to tell Harry that he's going to make a fine mother. At least Bonea (The name Jim Butcher gave her in a WoG long ago) would have the swankiest houseskull ever as opposed to the carved wooden one she got a few books down the line. EDM skull with anti grav units and eye lasers? A skull that looks like a raptor or demon head instead of human? A floating Castle Greyskull toy that could survive a nuclear bomb? There are possibilities here...

This has been mentioned before. Harry doesn't actually know anything about this at this point in the timeline -- I believe he finds out when Mab revives him after his ectoplasmic vacation, which has been rather short-circuited in this timeline.
Varga is supposed to be giving him and Xander a deep magical scanning because of all of his issues and laundry list of demons, deities, dragons, derps, devils and dasterdly desperadoes that have decisively dicked around with them. I am fairly sure that spiritual pregnancy/parasitism would show up somewhere on that list. And having Varga help the pregnancy along to keep Harry's head from eventually exploding would fall under health care. And/or piss Mab off because she can't use it to control Harry anymore.
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Varga is supposed to be giving him and Xander a deep magical scanning because of all of his issues and laundry list of demons, deities, dragons, derps, devils and dasterdly desperadoes that have decisively dicked around with them. I am fairly sure that spiritual pregnancy/parasitism would show up somewhere on that list. And having Varga help the pregnancy along to keep Harry's head from eventually exploding would fall under health care. And/or piss Mab off because she can't use it to control Harry anymore.

Well, Bonea is going to need a godfather... :p

Edit: BTW, the one thing that should come as no surprise to anybody is that, regardless of anything else, Mab is extremely pissed off right now. She was all ready to foil Harry's scheme to get out of being the Winter Knight, when he freaking disappears someplace out of her sight and awareness. He also took the darned mantle of the Winter Knight with him...
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So - they are someone's collector edition?

That part disappearing has repercussions. What with summer and winter balanced etc.
Switch your replies to those two lines around, and they still work. :D

Edit: Hrm, makes less sense after your edits. But the comment about the mantle of the Winter Knight being someone's collector edition still works. ;)
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Switch your replies to those two lines around, and they still work. :D

Edit: Hrm, makes less sense after your edits. But the comment about the mantle of the Winter Knight being someone's collector edition still works. ;)
Thx ... well, that merging posts because "die for double posting" not rule is not fool-proof.
Mab is extremely pissed off right now.

She has other settings? Oh right, that time after Maeve died and she slipped into ABSOLUTELY LIVID mode, wore all black, and only conversed by whispering to a very powerful Fey Lord to act as an interlocutor because if she spoke, she caused people's ears to start bleeding, dying, etc.
Ah well. I hope me bringing up the whole pregnancy thing will violently disrupt help the plot along. :)
I am boggled that interlocutor is actually in my spell checker as a valid word, but Maeve is not. .
It will be a micro-Kaiju, who will arrive in your sock drawer in the middle of the night, sing sea shanties at you in an implausibly deep voice for someone six inches tall, then eat your socks.

Possibly the ones you're wearing at the time. Presuming you wear socks to bed, of course.

Some people don't wear socks to bed? How do they keep their feet warm? :???::wtf:

Speaking of Lash, isn't this part of the timeline after she died saving him? Which would mean he's still pregnant with her child?

I can kinda see Varga laughing his scaly head off trying to tell Harry that he's going to make a fine mother. At least Bonea (The name Jim Butcher gave her in a WoG long ago) would have the swankiest houseskull ever as opposed to the carved wooden one she got a few books down the line. EDM skull with anti grav units and eye lasers? A skull that looks like a raptor or demon head instead of human? A floating Castle Greyskull toy that could survive a nuclear bomb? There are possibilities here...

Destiny Ghost? (I don't play Destiny, but they look cool.)(I also have vaguely heard that they have different shells?)
I'm afraid I'm still not clear how canon-ish Taylor is hanging on to her shard through all these world jumps... Did her abductor/rescuer move her shard to somewhere that travels with her? If this's the case, then The Varga will likely smell a rat...
I'm afraid I'm still not clear how canon-ish Taylor is hanging on to her shard through all these world jumps... Did her abductor/rescuer move her shard to somewhere that travels with her? If this's the case, then The Varga will likely smell a rat...
Personally, I think it's more likely that her metaphysical signature while world-jumping got tagged with 'controls bugs' thanks to *reasons*, so now it's innate to her regardless of shardnanigans.