Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

All this talk has me pondering Ganos using stargates time foolery to dump post ascension Daniel on pre cloning Asgard with his memories suppressed. They use their memory tech and see what happens, causing ripples through the timestream
That would be interfering, which is a big no-no and would get Ganos in all the trouble.

I remember a fanfic (The Champion By: mjimeyg ) where the Asgard did have one Alteran time jumper! and they still never used it for solve their problem.
Thinking with degenerated brains is hard yo.

Keep in mind, you're talking about the people who when fighting the Replicators went 'oh no, the Replicators are adapting to our exotic energy weapons and have learned how to absorb the energy to power themselves! We're fucked!' And at no point thought 'how about we hit them really hard with something solid instead of energy?' It's a miracle that the Asgardian thinkmeats were functional at all really.
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I suspect the major issue with the Asgard cloning situation was that their backups were no longer to spec; when they found a pre-cloning Asgard in stasis, it's head was a fraction the size of a modern Asgard, implying modifications for a larger brain capable of holding more memory was part of the changes made, and by the time they realized their clones were no longer viable the older designs, never mind the original biology, was incapable of holding their minds and memories any longer.

Still not the brightest of moves, mind you.......
It's quite obvious that the Asgard are suffering from a Lizard shortage. For example, all they need to do is add a tail with a proper integrated mind backup and restore system, and clone stability management. See, easy fix!

While they are at it they should add an Emergency Escape Lizard option, in case their body gets wrecked. Come on, you know it makes sense!
So nobody's gonna comment on how Amy/Metis has set the twelve tribes of Spacejockeys to create Pokémon?
With a little space magic from their new Union contacts, they might just do it too.

(Just realized, it's Amy, not Taylor who tripped into becoming head of hiring for the life-creating Union)

Lastly... Has Varga finally found a peer in the Phoenix? Both are symbiotic gods of destruction and creation, one by purpose, one by power, but which is which is flipped. Also they have complimentary power-glow tinging their text.

Varga and Phoenix sitting in a ygdrassil, C R E A T I O N - M Y T H :oops:
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So nobody's gonna comment on how Amy/Metis has set the twelve tribes of Spacejockeys to create Pokémon?
With a little space magic from their new Union contacts, they might just do it too.

(Just realized, it's Amy, not Taylor who tripped into becoming head of hiring for the life-creating Union)

Lastly... Has Varga finally found a peer in the Phoenix? Both are symbiotic gods of destruction and creation, one by purpose, one by power, but which is which is flipped. Also they have complimentary power-glow tinging their text.

Varga and Phoenix sitting in a ygdrassil, C R E A T I O N - M Y T H :oops:

I am now imagining a Universe build by the Phoenix Force and Varga, with input from Taylor. Sanity, Physics and Rationality need not apply. Deadpool and Creeper will be so mundane there that no one will look twice, and all other realities will put a wall around that universe so wide that even Varga can't find the other side.

Not that anyone inside it would care.
I am now imagining a Universe build by the Phoenix Force and Varga, with input from Taylor. Sanity, Physics and Rationality need not apply. Deadpool and Creeper will be so mundane there that no one will look twice, and all other realities will put a wall around that universe so wide that even Varga can't find the other side.

Not that anyone inside it would care.
Best to go for a full-blown multi-verse. Just a universe wouldn't give them the... scale to really cut lose. :)

"Phoenix Girl, Enter The Varga Verse" :)
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Epilogue: Slayer-verse
Epilogue: Slayer-verse

Xander was both panicking and swooning with excitement. The combination was such that he was sure it was only the Family's symbiote that was keeping him conscious. Standing next to him in the aisle was Anya, looking absolutely radiant in her wedding gown. Behind her, Faith, Seven, Buffy, and Vala were arrayed as her bridesmaids. Willow was filling in as his best man...though they had left an empty seat in the audience reserved for Jessie. Giles was also part of the Groom's party, along with Jimmy and Daniel.

He looked to the officiant...freaking Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise! The man smiled at the two of them and began to speak. "Friends, family, colleagues and allies, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of Alexander and Anya in holy matrimony." The ceremony seemed to go by in a blur, though apparently he was able to say his lines properly, and he remembered exchanging rings. Then suddenly he was kissing Anya, he was married, and everybody was heading to a different part of the hall for the reception.

The hall itself was a recreation of an old Scandinavian hall, a nod to Anya's origins that she appreciated. The holodeck allowed for a degree of freedom in planning that would have had a 21st century wedding planner drooling with envy. Some liberties were taken, of course. The building was absolutely massive, much larger than most actual structures of that type. It looked like something out of Beowulf, and in fact a Beowulf holoprogram had been the origin for the baseline model...something that Seven had dug up from somewhere.

The couple began making the rounds of the guests, starting with the members of the wedding party. Willow and Kennedy were first, followed by Daniel and Sarah. Jimmy was there with a reporter named Cat Grant as a friends-only date...and he had invited another couple as a surprise for Xander.

"Xander and Anya, this is Clark Kent and Lois Lane, two colleagues of mine from the newspaper," introduced the still young-faced reporter.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Xander, shaking both their hands. Clark's was a fairly limp grip...probably something he practiced. Xander had to work hard not to squeal in excitement.

Clark and Lois both smiled. Clark said, "Jimmy tells us that people in your world are familiar with us?"

"You could say that?" said Xander, not sure how much they knew.

Anya pursed her brow. "Wait, is this the guy who wears his underwear on the outside of his costume?"

Xander and Clark both blushed, while Lois completely lost her composure, nearly falling to the floor in her laughter. Jimmy was hiding his face behind his hand, having clearly expected something like this. Clark replied, "It may look that way, depending on how it's depicted, but it isn't really like that."

The couple quickly excused themselves, and moved on to the table where Buffy, Faith, Seven and Vala were sitting. They were debating on places to go shopping, and the couple didn't get away without Anya promising she would take them somewhere -- only this time, Buffy would come too. Xander resolved that he most definitely would NOT be going, though he would have Saurial on speed dial.

The next stop was two tables with the Enterprise command crew -- Picard, Beverly Crusher, the ship's CMO, William Riker and Deanna Troi, First Officer and Ship's Councilor, Data for Operations, and Geordi LaForge (who had helped program the hall), the Chief Engineer. Lal was also there with her father, as was Miles and his family (three of which had actually lived on the old Enterprise). Xander probably spent too long talking with them from a pure time-management perspective, and Anya finally had to physically tug on his arm to get him to move on.

The android SG-1 had a table to themselves. Amusingly, they had microchips attached to their lapels in case it was necessary to tell them apart from the human SG-1. Jack, at least, seemed relieved that only the human Daniel was in attendance. Both the human and the android SG-1 were slightly uncomfortable in each others' presence. Lal, also, seemed to spend half of her time chatting with Sam and Daniel instead of sitting at her table.

Ellen, Dwayne, and Rebecca were at a table with Bishop, and a couple of members of the Sineya station staff that had worked for Weyland-Yutani. One of them, a young woman named Bobbi, seemed a little overwhelmed at sitting at a table with the W-Y CEO. Rebecca...Newt...was overjoyed when Xander stopped by, though she did fake pout that they hadn't had any flower girls in the wedding party.

At another table, Danny, Taylor, Saurial, Metis and Ianthe were chatting with Peter and Mary Jane. "So that's where you got to," said Xander to Peter as they walked up.

"MJ was asking me to check on something," said Ianthe.

Anya and Xander looked concerned. "Is everything OK?" asked Xander.

Peter and MJ exchanged looks, then seemed to come to a decision. "I didn't want to upstage your wedding," started MJ. "I can tell you two, though. I'm pregnant!" There was mutual congratulations shared all around, and the pseudo-secret rather rapidly spread throughout the guests.

It was a sign of Anya's progress in her therapy that she didn't appear bothered in the slightest. Instead, she turned to Saurial. "I want to thank you for bringing Xander back to me...and also for making us rich."

Saurial chuckled. "It was our pleasure," replied the reptile. "It's always fun to make friends who know how to attract interesting problems."

"You ARE an interesting problem," commented Metis to Saurial.

"That just proves my point," said Saurial.

The next set of guests had another copy of Taylor and Danny. There was also a blonde girl who introduced herself as Lisa, and a young Hispanic boy who introduced himself as Carlos and seemed completely overwhelmed by everything. Taylor had apparently asked him to be her plus-one for a wedding without giving him any details. Anya surreptitiously gave her a thumbs-up, much to the girl's embarrassment, though the bride thankfully refrained from any embarrassing questions.

Linda, Randall and Kevin were sitting at a table with another man and an Asgard. "I hope you don't mind. Svafar and Tsol both expressed an interest in the wedding, so I said they could come along."

"Nah, the more, the merrier," replied Xander, while Anya nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for allowing me to attend," said the Asgard politely. "I'm particularly intrigued by the design of this facility."

"It's similar to the style of building I was used to when I was growing up on Earth," replied Anya.

Tsol looked at her curiously. "I was under the impression that the period where these buildings were common on Earth was many centuries ago. Are you human?"

"Now I am," replied Anya.

At the looks of confusion from the Ancient, Xander added, "She has had an exceedingly long life via mystical means."

"You have to get used to the unusual around here," commented Linda, which caused Randall and Kevin to just nod in agreement.

Extracting themselves, the married couple moved on to where Harry Dresden was sitting with his girlfriend, his two daughters, his brother and his brother's girlfriend. They also stopped by the tables where Giles and Dawn were keeping the baby slayers from Sunnydale in check, along with a few tag-alongs from the staff at Sineya.

There were a few people missing. Most tellingly, Xander's relatives and Anya's demon friends were not in attendance. The couple had learned their lesson, and bringing evil demons to the Federation would have been foolish. Cordelia had also declined their invitation, though she had sent her well-wishes. Xander had been disappointed, but he understood. Spike and Angel had not been invited, and thankfully Buffy was past the point where she would ask either of them as a plus one. Thor and Dr. Strange had both sent congratulations and small tokens, but had begged off due to other responsibilities. Xander wasn't going to complain, especially given their past generosity.

The two spent another two hours socializing before leaving for their honeymoon -- two weeks in Bali on Stargate Earth, followed by a week visiting a world called Cimmeria, a planet that Daniel had recommended as being a close parallel to the culture where Anya was raised, and a world where the Asgard were now taking a slightly more active role now that the Goa'uld, the Replicators and the Wraith were no longer an issue.

By the time it was over, Xander could honestly say it had been the happiest time of his far.


Lilah walked into the lobby and headed straight to the receptionist's desk. The size of the building was larger than the one where she used to work. Wolfram and Hart obviously had a more significant footprint in this dimension. The receptionist appeared human. "My name is Lilah Morgan. I have an appointment to see Marcus Hamilton."

The woman picked up her phone and spoke quietly. Lilah could barely hear the phrase, "...your ten o'clock appointment is here," after which the woman paused to listen. She then hung up the receiver and directed Lilah toward an elevator bank, and told her the floor and number for Hamilton's office. It wasn't the same office as Angel had used, she noted in passing.

Hamilton was waiting for her in his office. She noted that he looked a lot more like Adam Baldwin than Lin-Manuel Miranda. He looked up at her entry. "Lilah Morgan...but not our Lilah Morgan."

She smirked. "Not anymore, at least, and never the one to which you're referring." Her counterpart in this universe had apparently walked knowingly and willingly into her damnation, which reduced her sympathy to levels so low it was undetectable by any normal means.

Marcus Hamilton looked at her appraisingly. "What can Wolfram and Hart do for you today?"

Lilah reached down into her briefcase and pulled out a number of file folders. "I represent the Sineya Council, the spiritual and literal successor to the now-defunct Watcher's Council. What I have here are a number of cease-and-desist orders."

The Child of the Senior Partners took the folders and began to look through them. "Boston? Kansas City? You do realize that this is the Los Angeles office?"

She smiled again unpleasantly. "We felt that it would be more meaningful to present the Senior Partners with the full set of paperwork related to friends and allies of the Sineya Council. I'm also here to advise you on several other matters of interest to my employers."

"Such as?" he asked evenly.

"First, we would like to inform you that Jacob Pearson in Chicago has decided to retire, and Sheryl Leah in Boca Raton has sadly passed away." The first was a practicing necromancer who had repeatedly sold his services to clients like W&H. The second was a dark witch who had terrorized the Southeast United States for over forty years. "Second, we want to warn you that taking on Grilnak the Bloodthirsty as a client is likely to be seriously unprofitable." The San Diego-based demon was about to have his entire cult swatted by the Council. "Third, I have the pleasure of informing you that the United States Department of Justice has added your firm to a watch list of organizations supporting terrorism. I think your associates are going to find flying somewhat unpleasant from now on."

Lilah smirked internally as Hamilton appeared to take a moment to regain his composure. Pearson and Leah both had paid W&H handsome sums for protection. Taking them off the board would mean a lot of bad PR in the supernatural community. Grilnak was supposed to be a huge win for the firm, given his extra-dimensional contacts. That, combined with the Feds taking a much more serious interest in the company was bad news for the firm overall. The cease-and-desist orders were just icing on the cake, letting W&H know that they weren't the only supernatural organization who could play within the rules.

"The Watcher's Council was never so aggressive as this, Ms. Morgan," said Hamilton. "They understood that certain acts could result in retribution."

"The Watcher's Council was complacent, and they were constrained by realpolitik in a way that doesn't apply to their successors," she replied.

"You think you're above that?" he asked with an amused look.

Lilah raised her hand. In her hand was a brooch. "I think we've gained a significant jump ahead in abilities that you and your firm will have to learn about the hard way." With that, she pressed the surface of the brooch and vanished in a transporter beam.

Marcus Hamilton stared at where she had been sitting, wondering exactly how she had been able to leave through the building wards without triggering alarms, at the very least. He reached for his phone and dialed the number of his assistant. "Call a meeting of the department heads," he said. "We have some matters to discuss."

The nanobots left behind in his office recorded everything.


Giles looked around the table. He resisted the urge to peer over his non-existent spectacles. It was rather disturbing to realize how many of his mannerisms were affectations he used to convey certain attitudes, and how hard it was to adapt to new mannerisms now that he no longer had his prop, so to speak. The Sineya Council was sitting around the table. "Very well, let's get the report. We'll start with Buffy."

"You've got the reports, so I'll just highlight the big stuff. Vanessa's team managed to stop the demons in Manila before they got anywhere near the hellmouth. The demon cult in San Diego is no longer kidnapping street people to serve for dinner. We've also got thirty-seven level B events that have been stopped in the last thirty days." Level B events were things that could have caused significant deaths or evolved into something more serious, but weren't apocalyptic or potentially so. San Diego was only level A because the demon in charge was working toward an apocalyptic summons, otherwise it would have been B. Stakings of random vampires were considered, by comparison, class E events. Even the old Council had simply made a note of the numbers, though the new Council at least used statistical methods to look for unusual trends.

Giles nodded to her in acknowledgement. "Jack?" he asked.

Jack was in charge of Council Security and the recruitment of non-enhanced combatants. The old Council had had their own wetworks teams...usually ex-SAS and other special forces. There could be issues sending slayers against purely human opponents, so having alternatives was useful. "We've just finished recruiting enough soldiers for a fourth team, which I expect to be primarily responsible for South America. That leaves gaps in Asia and Oceana. I expect we'll want two teams for Asia, preferably recruited locally. Until we can staff up, we'll have to use the existing teams on rotation. I've also got Tolmak and Teal'c looking around for more Jaffa who don't want to work with either the Goa'uld or the Free Jaffa. A lot of them will end up as mercenaries for hire if they don't have another option, and they're excellent security folks once they're retrained and we cure their little symbiote dependency."

"Excellent. I believe we've all seen how useful the Jaffa can be. Willow, what about our casters?" continued Giles.

"Dawn has been doing an excellent job recruiting witches, warlocks and other practitioners from the U.S., Canada and Western Europe, but we need to start expanding our efforts. The same is true for seers, though Andrew is running that. We also have had some hints on the location of Amy Madison." The materials provided by the Family had made it clear that Madison was not likely to be friendly to the Council.

Giles frowned. "Is it worth focusing our attention there?" It was a valid question. The Family's intervention had derailed the entire situation with Twilight, but Madison was still a dangerous witch.

Willow considered. They had no proof that Warren Mears was still out there...just comic book stories that didn't appear to be one hundred percent accurate. Dawn Summers, at least, hadn't turned into a centaur or a giant, although that could easily be attributed to the butterfly effect. "It's probably worth a low-level effort, but I wouldn't consider her B-class yet."

"We can spare some assets, and I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to Sunnydale alumni," countered Giles. When Willow didn't disagree, he moved on to the next person. "Robin, how are our operations?"

"Sineya station is fully stocked, of course, thanks to Bishop and our friends at Weyland-Yutani. We've just opened our twenty-second field office on our Earth, this one in Sydney. They also managed to fix the glitch in the artificial gravity on the Kalderash." The three ha'taks of the council, the Joyce Summers, the Janna Kalderash, and the Tara Maclay had all been refit with a mix of Asgard, Federation and tinker-inspired technology, which turned them into impressive warships, but also led to infrequent problems due to unexpected incompatibilities. "We've also got another class of slayers graduating soon, and it looks like at least seventy percent of them are open to fieldwork." Slayers had a choice, now, as to whether or not they wanted to patrol or work on strike teams after receiving a basic education in their abilities and the threats they may encounter. Most of them saw the advantages of working with the Council.

"Thank you. As for myself, we've had positive diplomatic responses from most of the governments we've contacted, barring a few expected exceptions like North Korea. The Chinese are willing to facilitate operations there, if they become necessary," said Giles.

"I'm surprised China is so accommodating," commented Jack.

Giles nodded in acknowledgement, then explained, "Their government may not be especially friendly, but they're also relatively better informed about the supernatural than most western governments. There were a number of incidents during the Great Leap Forward that left a lasting impression."

"So, enlightened self-interest," commented Robin.

"Indeed," agreed Giles. "As for finances, Devin Keeley has agreed to take on the role of financial officer reporting to the Council. I expect he'll begin attending these meetings as soon as he settles in." Luckily for them, the assistance of the Family meant they had enough money to facilitate a number of activities...including taking over the properties of the old Council. As with anything, having money already made it easier to gain access to those assets.

"We still need to find a head of R&D," commented Willow. "We have a lot more in terms of technology assets, and not all of it falls under magic or even technomancy."

"I agree," added Robin. "While starship operations can be covered under my area, I don't feel confident handling repairs and upgrades beyond the basics."

Giles turned to Jack. "Do you think Samantha would be willing to assist us with finding an appropriate resource?"

"As long as it's temporary," said Jack. Carter was busy exploring the Federation and Asgard databases, and he had no doubt that she would resist any attempt to drag her into an administrative role.

Giles looked at the others. "Do we have any other business?" When nobody spoke, he said, "Very well. Same time next week, then."


Jack Collins was an up-and-comer at Wolfram and Hart in Cleveland. At least, he liked to believe that was the case. This meeting coming up was likely to be his ticket to promotion. His contacts told him the person he was going to meet knew a lot about some of the members of the Sineya Council, and that group was a huge threat to the firm, at least based on what the rumor mill was saying.

The house that he pulled up in front of looked like it was ready to be condemned, and it wasn't in a particularly good part of Cleveland. It looked more like the home of a serial killer than a powerful witch. He paused to look at the iron fence around the property, and was reassured when he found that the metal had powerful protection runes inscribed in it. That, at least, was promising. He went up and knocked on the door.

A young woman, appearing to be about twenty, opened the door while leaving the chain on. "Who are you?" she said suspiciously.

"My name is Jack Collins. I'm an attorney with Wolfram and Hart, and I'm here because I'm looking for information about a number of people who were in Sunnydale when it was destroyed. Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, and Xander Harris, among others," he replied.

The door closed, then there was the sound of the chain being removed, and it opened again. The woman asked, "What do you intend to do with the information?"

Jack smiled. "Our firm has had some...issues with the individuals in question. We would be willing to pay for any information or assistance you could provide."

The woman stood to the side, "If you can come inside, then I'm listening."

Jack walked over the threshold, and the woman closed the door.

* * * * *​

Mark Smythe had been a member of the Australian 2nd Commando Regiment until he retired early due to a bad leg injury he received during a training exercise. The American who had come to his door promising revolutionary healing technology and an opportunity to, "save the world," had sounded too good to be true, but he had been at wits end and had decided to give the bloke a chance to prove himself. The result of that was that he was now part of the Sineya Council's second Action Team, with responsibility for North America. His training on the reality of the world had been both enlightening and horrifying, and it killed any reservations he had about the necessity of what the Council did on a daily basis.

Just as an example, he was now watching a lawyer walk into a house in a civilian neighborhood in Cleveland. He spoke into his communicator. "I have a positive ID on Amy Madison. She's inside talking to the lawyer now."

A voice came back. "We're inserting now."

Smythe could see the telltale flashes of light through the windows of teleporters delivering troops, followed by another flash that was clearly a Goa'uld shock grenade. The noise was fairly muted...but it wasn't likely that the neighbors would be calling the police in this neighborhood even if they heard gunshots. Smythe winced as the power went out in the neighborhood. A stray zat blast must have hit the house main and taken out the local transformer.

The communicator spoke again. "We're done. Three targets captured, including Mears. Stay on site until you can verify the house is fully on fire." The local fire department would hopefully chalk the fire up to an electrical short.

"Roger that," he replied. Now it was just a matter of waiting.

The emergency responders still hadn't arrived by the time he left via transporter, making him wonder how bad the city public services could be? This was unfair to the locals, though. The alarm was sounded as soon as the runes for the notice-me-not wards burned through, at which point the fire department arrived to find that the house was already engulfed in flames up to the roof. There was little that they could do other than contain the fire until it burned out, at which point there was little left besides ash.


Years later...

Jack opened his eyes to the purple lizard. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

He considered the question. He wiggled his toes. he wiggled his fingers. Sitting up, he said, "I feel human again...but thankfully without the aches and pains of age. I'm also kind of hungry."

Ianthe chuckled. "Why would we put you back in an old body? Your physical age is now about twenty-five. Also, you should be hungry, as your stomach hasn't ever had food in it. I'm temporarily suppressing your hunger or you would be absolutely starving."

Ianthe led him out to a table that had food laid out. He immediately began to eat, while Ianthe left to get Sam. When the two appeared, Jack paused, bread halfway to his mouth, and whistled. Samantha Carter as a twenty-five year-old was hot.

She smiled slightly self-consciously. "Hello, Jack."

Dropping his food, he went over to his former second-in-command. Ianthe let herself out of the room while the two were kissing.

Rupert Giles was waiting for her. "Thank you for doing this, Ianthe. The two of them were never entirely satisfied with android bodies."

"It's not a problem. We can do the same for Daniel and Teal'c, you know," she replied.

"Teal'c is simply satisfied with no longer having a symbiote. As for Daniel...well, he's been so absorbed with his work that he hasn't had time to think about becoming human again. I'm pretty sure he would resent having to eat and sleep again even if he did," said the Watcher.

Ianthe frowned. "You know, we may need an intervention there. Daniel's human counterpart is happy working with Sarah...and he's a lot more personable and social now."

" may be right. I'll check with our psychology department. We're all supposed to have regular sessions...but Daniel may be skating because he's not a field asset," said Giles after some thought.

"Things are going well for you folks otherwise?" asked Ianthe.

"I'm surprised you don't already know, given how much we share with the Family," he replied with a grin.

Ianthe shook her head. "I tend to be focused on my Guild more so than field operations...and Randall, Metis and Varga usually handle the mystical side of things."

"Wolfram and Hart finally just gave up on our dimension and abandoned the rest of their operations. I think losing Pylea pushed them over the edge. If anything, many of our problems now come from the Powers that Be. Apparently, we're tilting the balance too far toward the side of the light," he replied with an annoyed look. "Personally, I expect they're annoyed that they no longer have the degree of control that they had before."

"I can't imagine that's going over well with the others," said the reptile.

"Not bloody likely," he said. "Willow is worried that they may try something drastic. She's reached out to Harry and Stephen for advice."

"Do you need Family help?" asked Ianthe.

"We'll call if we do, of course, but I have faith that the three of them will come up with something to keep those pompous celestial bureaucrats out of our business." Rupert gave an evil smile. "You remember what happened to Dracula."

Ianthe chuckled. "Even Varga was impressed with that one. That's why he sent the gift basket."

"You know Willow is still trying to duplicate that biscotti," he said with an answering laugh. "Do you think you can get the recipe?"

"I'll ask. It may involve ingredients that aren't available on your world, though," she said. "Are you sticking around here?"

"I have a feeling that Jack and Samantha will want some time to themselves. Just bring them back when they're ready," said the Watcher.

"Not a problem." Ianthe smiled as Rupert left. It was nice when things turned out well for good people, and both the android SG-1 and the Sunnydale crew deserved it.
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Naming ships after Tara and her mom I'd expect, but I'm a bit surprised that Jenny Calendar got the nod given how Buffy likely feels about her - and especially naming a ship for her before Kendra.
Naming ships after Tara and her mom I'd expect, but I'm a bit surprised that Jenny Calendar got the nod given how Buffy likely feels about her - and especially naming a ship for her before Kendra.

Post-therapy Buffy feels guilty about Jenny, and she also wasn't the only vote

At a meta level...Kendra was never given a last name in the series, unlike the others. :)
soldiers for a forth team

fourth team
I thought her last name was Young? Was that Fanon?

According to the Buffy wiki page for Kendra:
Joss Whedon created surnames for Kendra and Faith to be used in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game supplement "Tea and Crossbows: The Watcher Sourcebook". The RPGs were terminated before the book could be published, but the names are considered official, with Faith's notably used in following canonical materials.}

So, yes, in a roundabout way Kendra Young is canon. Just not if you only consider the TV Show the only source of Canon.

According to the Buffy wiki page for Kendra:
Joss Whedon created surnames for Kendra and Faith to be used in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game supplement "Tea and Crossbows: The Watcher Sourcebook". The RPGs were terminated before the book could be published, but the names are considered official, with Faith's notably used in following canonical materials.}

So, yes, in a roundabout way Kendra Young is canon. Just not if you only consider the TV Show the only source of Canon.

Right. Kendra Young. The council-raised slayer who was around for a few episodes. I still think they would pick Jenny over Kendra. Now, if they were to create a Slayer-class starship, I could see them naming the ships for slayers of the past. Until demons start building galactic battle fleets, they probably won't need that. Slayers would probably make kick-ass gunnery officers, though...
Alright, Derek. I don't usually burn through omake-turned-full story quite so fast, but damn am I impressed. This manages to be just the right balance of crack, fun, and hilarity. This was an excellent exercise in character use and fandom knowledge, and even for the 'verses I'm not as familiar with, I had very little trouble understanding what was going on. Also, I never thought I would see a fic that believably threatened an Aliens-verse Engineer with Barney the Dinosaur (and make me laugh my ass off at the same time), but here we are! :p

Nicely done, sir, my hat's off to you! o7
Epilogue: Marvel-verse
Epilogue: Marvel-verse

Wade was busy cleaning and oiling his pistol. He was a lot more meticulous about that than he was about his own body, but then guns didn't tend to repair themselves when broken. He didn't look up when a portal opened behind him.

A gray-skinned mutant with glowing red eyes stepped out of the portal. He had an exaggerated musculature and was wearing high-tech armor. "Wade Wilson," said the being, "I am Apocalypse, and I have need of your services."

Without looking up, Wade replied, "The problem with that, Pocky, is that you have about sixty seconds before somebody makes an example of you."

Apocalypse's eyes narrowed in anger. "You dare threaten me?"

Wade chuckled. "Not me. The author needs an example of what happens to rogue time travelers post-lizard."

"What? Start making sense, you second-rate mercenary!" growled the mutant.

Deadpool actually looked up at that. "Second-rate? Excuse me, I have three theatrical releases and two Internet musicals. You barely rate as a villain-of-the-week in the animated shows."

At that moment, a second portal opened. Apocalypse turned, only to freeze in place while half-turned. Jean Grey stepped out of the portal, her eyes glowing and a grim look on her face. Her palm was out, her hand lifted slightly toward the now-frozen mutant.

"See," said Wade, "she's going to go Sophie Turner on your ass."

A mental voice growled, "I like what they did with your character in X-Men: Origins."

Wade frowned beneath his mask. "Oh, now that's just hurtful."

Spider-Man stepped out of the portal after Jean. "Apocalypse, by the authority vested in me by the Earth Defense Force, I'm arresting you for crimes against humanity."

"Spidey!" cried Wade. "Tell Saurial I'm a big fan, and let her know I forgive her for the other omake."

Spider-man looked over at Wade. "O...kay. Wade, why aren't you wearing pants?"

"Um, excuse me, but did I invite you to burst into my apartment without warning?" asked Deadpool. "Seriously, did I? Sometimes I forget things like that..."

Spidey decided to ignore him, instead calling in several EDF troopers to collect the time-travelling mutant. The troopers carefully kept their gaze averted from Wilson. Soon all of the visitors departed back through the portal.

Wade went back to cleaning his gun in a non-euphemistic way. He began singing to himself in a surprisingly good voice, "What can I say, except...I'm Deadpool! I'm Deadpool!" In another universe, Lin-Manuel Miranda sneezed.


"I call to the stand the android named Astilabor," said the prosecutor, putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable. That was sadly common.

"Objection!" called out Norman Osborn's lead defense attorney. "Androids are not recognized as being valid witnesses by the State of New York."

The judge looked over at the prosecutor. "Mr. Cartwright, you're aware of New York's stance on the legal status of your witness?"

The Prosecutor picked up a document. "Your honor, Astilabor has been recognized as a nativized sapient under the sponsored visitor amendment to the PATRIOT Act. If I may approach the bench?"

The judge nodded. "Show me." Cartwright approached the bench with the document. The judge took it and examined it. "She was sponsored by Tony Stark? I'll allow it; you can call your witness."

Astilabor smirked internally as Osborn's defense team started whispering among themselves. They had clearly expected her to be unable to testify, which was sloppy on their part. They could have verified her status at disclosure, but had expected Judge Greer to rule the testimony inadmissible because he had a history of voting against non-humans and mutants. They missed the fact that Greer had never overruled a PATRIOT Act claim. That oversight was going to cost them.

After the bailiff swore her in, she proceeded to describe in detail the evidence she had located on the plethora of charges filed against Osborn, ranging from tax-fraud to conspiracy to commit murder. Between his personal computer systems and the servers of Oscorp, there was more than enough to paint a vivid picture of corruption and criminality. Cross-examination almost made her feel bad for the defense. They clearly had no idea how to question an AI when the facts themselves couldn't be disputed, and their attempts to get her to contradict herself were just pathetic. The warrants issued to her to conduct system intrusions were airtight, and the evidence was damning.

The android body was also proving to be a success. It clearly helped the jury take her testimony seriously because she was there, "in person," even if she was remote-piloting the body. That had been a useful little tip from her mother. Humans implicitly valued personal interaction to a surprising degree. The android body was similar to Vision's, which was deliberate. It avoided the uncanny valley issue of being too lifelike and created a positive mental association to the other hero, even though he and Asti had never even met.

With Osborn almost certainly going to prison, that closed off yet another set of potential futures. The man would not be able to run for the presidency, become director of S.H.I.E.L.D., or perform any of the other horrific acts described in the various media in their archives. Of course, if the man did prove to be a threat even after being incarcerated, then she and her associates would be watching. AI...and Lizards...had long memories.


Malcolm walked into the EDF recruiting office. There was a thirty-something Asian woman in a uniform sitting at the desk inside. She looked up at his entry.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

He hesitated, then said, "I'm interested in possibly signing up for the Earth Defense Force."

She smiled. "Excellent. Are you eighteen years of age and a legal citizen of a participating country such as the United States?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I graduated from high school last year in Dearborn."

"Why don't you have a seat? I'm Sergeant Shirley Kim." She gestured to one of the chairs in front of the desk. Still nervous, he gingerly took a seat. "Tell me a little about why you want to join?"

Malcolm swallowed. He braced himself for the expected rejection, and asked the big question. "Is it true that you pay a bonus to recruits with powers?" He deliberately didn't use the "M" word.

The expected sneer or look of revulsion failed to materialize. Instead, she said, "We do. Are your powers based on natural mutation, induced, or mystical in origin?"

"I'm a mutant," he admitted reluctantly. "My powers aren't anything flashy, though."

"What can you do?" she asked. From her tone, you would think she was asking about the weather.

"I can control the temperature of things; make them hot or cold. It's...pretty slow, though. It takes me about a minute to shift something by ten degrees..." He just stopped, worried that his power was incredibly lame now that the initial revelation of him being a mutant had gone well.

She looked at him shrewdly. "How much material can you affect at once?"

"Um...I can change a single object, but the biggest I've tried is the frame of a pickup truck," he explained.

"And how hot or how cold can you make things?" she continued.

"I don't know...I haven't found a limit yet. I can melt spoons?" he replied.

The Sergeant pulled a piece of paper out of her desk. "What's your name, son?"

"Malcolm...Malcolm Smith."

"Malcolm, I'm going to offer you a place in the EDF Academy with a twenty-five thousand dollar signing bonus."

His jaw dropped. "Twenty-five thousand? Because I can melt spoons?"

She chuckled, making him worry that she was playing a cruel prank on him, but she explained, "Powers aren't all about having battles with supervillains or aliens, Malcolm. Do you have any idea how much of an issue heat regulation can be in deep space? A power like yours is arguably more valuable on a day-to-day basis than a pure combat ability."

"And how does that work? Do I join a special mutant team, or something?" The silent part of his question was obviously, Are you going to treat me differently because I'm a mutant?

She shook her head. "We don't treat people with powers as different from any other recruit. You may find some of your instructors recommending specific paths in engineering or the sciences so that you can take advantage of your ability, and there will be a mandatory powers assessment, both to help us provide training that may help you, and to ensure that a mutation isn't an unmanageable threat to the crew of a spaceship. You can imagine the danger if your power, for example, caused you to burst into flames at random times."

"What would happen if that were the case?"

She considered the question seriously. "Well, that would depend on whether or not the ability could be easily suppressed. Some mutations can be. If not, then we might not be able to give you a berth on a least not until we can regularly adjust how powers work in individuals. We're still a few years of testing away from being able to do that medically, though. I'm a recruiter, though, not a geneticist or doctor, so I don't really know the details. We do have experts who know a lot more, however. Why don't you let me give you some more information about the EDF in general?"

What followed was an explanation of the risks and benefits of joining the EDF. It was surprisingly balanced. Malcolm had expected them to downplay the risks, but they made it clear that going into space was as dangerous as it was exciting. As the Sergeant put it, "A recruit who doesn't take the risks seriously puts everybody else at risk."

Shirley watched the young man leave after signing his papers. Without getting up, she used her mutant power to move his forms from her desk to the inbox over on the counter. She might have been a little generous with the signing bonus, but his ability was useful, and it was better to err on the side of recruiting. Each mutant serving in uniform was another step in rebranding mutants from menace to defender in the mind of the public, and each person in uniform, powered or not, helped keep Earth just a little bit safer.


Peter Parker was giving a preview of tomorrow's events to the guest of honor. The two were looking out the window at an eight-hundred meter hull studded with sensors, weapons, and various gadgetry. "This ship is going to be the backbone of our fleet, capable of both defensive and expeditionary missions. It's the first design we've made that is created from the start to integrate the best of all available technologies."

"It's impressive," agreed his guest. "I'm still not sure why you invited me to the unveiling tomorrow, though?"

Peter smiled craftily. "We're naming her the Steve Rogers, first in a new class of Earth battlecruiser."

Captain America paused. "I'm honored, though I can't help but think that there are others who deserve the honor more."

"I'm not surprised to hear you say that, but I have to tell you that the decision was unanimous," said Peter. "MJ, Fury, Tony, Reed...hell, even Victor, all agreed that there was no better name for the lynch-pin in the defense of our world."

The star-spangled hero took that in good grace. "How many are we planning to build, out of curiosity?" asked Cap.

"Eight to start. These ships are easily capable of going one-on-one with a Kree ship of equal tonnage, so we don't want to spook anybody," explained Peter. "We've got plans for another four once we break ground on the two extra-solar colonies next year, though." Peter was somewhat understating things in terms of combat capability. His analysts' models showed that these ships could actually handle a three-to-one disadvantage with most galactic powers, but there were advantages to not trumpeting that, even in private. Earth was still just a single world...and would be the primary human world for some time to come.

Captain America shook his head. "It's amazing. I can't say I ever thought I would be standing on a space station in orbit, looking at part of our space navy, back when I was a kid growing up in Brooklyn."

Peter chuckled. "I was born way after you, but I kind of feel the same way."

"Do you have a crew for her?"

"Commander Thomas has been running them through simulations for two months now," confirmed Peter.

The former soldier asked, "And what's Thomas's background?"

"He's a USN submariner," explained Pete. "Submarines seemed like the best fit, though eventually we'll have enough ships that we can afford to promote through the ranks rather than recruiting from existing services."

"Do we have a lot of American captains?" asked the American Captain.

Pete shrugged. "Maybe half? The United States has one of the largest wet navies. We have some Russians, French, English, and Chinese, and one captain each from Japan and Brazil."

"Any problems with that?" From his time in the service during the war, Steve knew that sometimes even close allies had difficulties getting along.

"Not as much as you might think," replied Peter. "Oddly enough, Doom has been a big help there. He's been a surprisingly capable negotiator and peace-maker." It wasn't even all intimidation, though that was undoubtedly part of the man's repertoire.

"Huh. I wouldn't have predicted that, either," said Rogers. It was almost like being told that the Red Skull had decided to retire and become a tour guide -- hard to imagine.

"Somehow, Saurial and the Family got him completely on board," said Peter. "Have you met the lizards yet?"

"Not yet, though I've heard stories."

Peter smirked. "Well, you'll meet at least one of them tomorrow." Peter was looking forward to it. Seeing new people react to the Family was always fun. He would have to make sure he had pictures for MJ and May.


Years later...

MJ looked at Peter with worry. "Are you sure about what you saw?"

"It has to be. It looked just like the ones from the comics that the Family had." Peter rubbed his face with his hand. "It was just like the Venom symbiote."

"Assuming the materials from the Family are correct, then they're a species called the Klyntar," said Reed from the other side of the table. "They aren't always evil, but they can be corrupted from exposure to people with unpleasant personality traits...and this one was attached to a Skrull considered a criminal by other Skrulls."

"The combination of a Skrull and a symbiote could make for the perfect infiltrator. For all we know, there could already be others present on Earth," commented Doom from the telescreen. He still joined most of their meetings from Latveria.

"While I hate to agree with Victor," added Tony, "We can't ignore that risk."

"All right," said Fury, "so what's our plan of attack for this?"

The meeting went on for hours. Finally, the senior members of the EDF departed. MJ and Peter teleported back home to New York. Once they were inside their apartments, MJ asked, "Does this situation change your opinion about May?"

Peter sighed. May was in junior high, and had been asking if she could spend a semester studying with the Lizards. Pete wanted to wait until their daughter was a little older, but might be a good idea to get her away from Earth for a bit. "I...guess it would be all right to send her to the Lizards for a bit."

"YES!" came a voice from around the corner.

"May? Are you listening to our conversation?" asked Mary Jane in her Mom voice.

There was a short pause, and then a girl's voice tentatively said, "No?"

"Come here, sweetie," said Peter. Their daughter reluctantly came into the room, looking slightly guilty. "May, you know I only wanted you to stay here because we hardly see you enough as it is with work and everything."

The tween redhead sighed. "I know, Dad, but when Metis was here last time she was telling me all about the school they setup for the kids from Sineya, and some of the BBFO and Dracotech families. She just made it sound really cool."

"You know she'll be perfectly safe," commented MJ. "Not that I want her to go away for months, but you do tend to worry too much, and it would be good for her."

Now it was Peter's turn to sigh. After a pause, he said, "All right, kiddo, I guess you're going away to school for a semester."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" said the little crimson ball of energy as she ran over to give her father a hug.

Pete wondered at how quickly she had grown. He remembered the day she was she had been this tiny bundle of noise and flailing arms and he had fallen in love with her completely and instantly. Now she was going away to school. He knew it wouldn't be that long before she was an adult, and would make her own way, and the thought made him a little sad...though her obvious excitement made him smile.


Even more years later...

Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, a.k.a. Director of the Earth Defense Force, a.k.a. Admiral of the Combined Alliance Fleet, sat on the wall of a balcony overlooking the burning remains of a Dire Wraith fortress. It was one of the last holdouts. The fleets of Earth, Asgard, the Kree Republic and the Shi'ar had pushed the Dire Wraiths back to their home. Now, they had finally surrendered. As usual, the cost was too high.

"I thought I would find you here," said a familiar voice. Peter turned to find Thor walking toward him.

"Hello, Thor," said Peter. "I'm just surveying the battle site."

"You're brooding, you mean," said the Asgardian with a small laugh. "You never quite got into the whole joy of battle ethos. You know this was necessary."

Peter waved it off. "I know, I know...just like it was necessary with the Badoon. Never mind. This is old territory." He looked back over the rubble, then deliberately turned back to Thor. "Tell me how things are on Asgard. How's the family?"

"Good, good...Modi's turning into quite the warrior. Trud, of course, takes more after her uncle. She actually wants to go study with the Family, now," replied the thunder god.

"Yeah, been down that road a couple of times. May spent more than a few semesters with them," reminisced Peter. "I remember how against it I was the first time, but that was right around when the Wraith's agents first showed up."

"Not that anybody knew it was them at first," commented Thor.

"True, but that's what convinced me to let her go. I was so worried about her."

Thor clapped him on the shoulder. "In some ways, Peter, you're still very young. Children get older, and you have to let them grow up. It doesn't mean they're no longer yours."

"I know that now, but I didn't back then. I mean, if Annie and Benjy want to go study someplace far away, I wouldn't have a problem with it, but May is our first-born."

In the distance, a watch tower's support beams finally gave in to the flames, and the whole structure collapsed into a cloud of burning ash and cinders.

"Let's get the hell off this rock," said Peter, watching the flames.

Thor laughed. "You know it will take weeks before we're done here."

"I know, but I feel like talking to my wife right now," replied Peter. Peter had been a hero, a dimensional refugee, and a leader of men. Being a husband and a father was still the most important thing to him. That's why he liked the Asgardians so much...the Lizards too, come to think of it. They understood family.

The two disappeared in flashes of light. The fires continued to burn.
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Instead of having Wade say that the Phoenix is rude for what she said, he could have said "That was a sacrifice he had to make to see that the masterpieces that are my true movies made!!"
I'm surprised Deadpool didn't mention the video game with his name as the title. Would've made for an aesthetically pleasing 3-2-1 progression.
I'm surprised Deadpool didn't mention the video game with his name as the title. Would've made for an aesthetically pleasing 3-2-1 progression.
I suppose he hasn't gotten around to checking that out yet, man does have other things to do after all, like non-euphemistically cleaning his guns.
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Deadpool is a Cache 22 for me in fanfiction. He's a great character if you do him right but part of doing him right is to destroy the 4th wall which can really backfire sometimes.
Perhaps you meant "Catch-22"? I don't think that "Cache 22" really has any context-relevant meaning here.
Cache 22 is Deadpool's emergency gun locker, hidden under the sidebar. :p

But no, Deadpool is best utilized (and seems to be perfectly happy) doing the occasional cameo.

But when the wheel of 'random Marvel hero' plot selection lands on Deadpool, it's party time!
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