Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Introduced Season 1, Episode 8 "The Nox"

The Nox

"The Nox" is the eighth episode of the first season of Stargate SG-1. After increased pressure to acquire advanced technology from their missions, SG-1 travel to the planet Gaia in order to capture a creature apparently capable of rendering itself invisible. When Apophis and his guards find...
Perso I'm not fan of the Nox ... after all even if they don't want to harm or kill, they easily could take out the Goa'uld, without even harming the overgrow Tenia. They could have stoped them in the very beginning of the Goa'uld rising with a mix of furtivity/stunning and dropping in tank or in their homeworld after moving the Gate/Unas, without nobody the wiser. Instead they let countless being killed/tortured/enslaved
NIce to see this wrapping up. I was thinking over the last few chapters that it was going to be difficult to keep things going without padding the story out.
Always hilarious how a serial killer with no remorse is yelling about a fair trial. When they've been announcing on open media all of their atrocities. Jack talked us all into murdering/torturing all those murder sprees.:rolleyes:

We couldn't help it even if we enjoyed ourselves more than a fat kid with a chocolate cake.

You gotta understand we just couldn't help ourselves. DC has some great hero's but they never finish them off even when they keep coming back and killing more people every time.

Meh, I guess the public will be happy to learn that Bonesaw is getting a trial.🤔🤔

Good ole Mirror universe. So much potential, so many crazy killers.
It didn't look like she was angling to get a trial, more to getting the story of how jack subverted them before the kill order went into effect. she seemed fairly accepting that she would die or be permanently jailed ether way.
Man it's sad to see this coming to an end but given how rare a finished fanfic is in general not just in Worm but in the most broad sense of fanfic writing, I'm happy that it actually is going to have a definitive curtain closed moment.
Ironically, while their pacifist views are taken to a stupid extreme... the Nox are the least idiotic of the Founder Races. The Ancients decided to ascend, then arrogantly decided they know what's best for the universe, only to become so horrified by the actions of a splinter group (the Ori) that they collectively decided to stick their heads in the sand and pretend nothing exists beyond themselves. The Asgard decided they know better then nature and started using cloning to achieve immortality, only to realize entirely too late that it's a fatal trap for their species. They want to help, but their own actions mean their species was dying. Thus they couldn't even fight off enemy threat, let alone protect those they said they would protect. As for the 4th race, well, I don't think their fate was ever mentioned beyond "they're extinct". Then humanity comes along and starts cleaning up after everyone's messes.
The Asgard cloning problem was basically a pure example of hubris to the face; they thought their technological mastery was sufficient that they would not suffer from degradation issues with iterative copies because their tech was just that good.

They were wrong.

Had they not been arrogant enough to think that their technological superiority was so great as to counteract the iterative degradation and just kept their original genome data to clone from instead of making clones of clones of clones of clones of clones of clones of clones etc, they would have had no problem. But they believed that they had perfected the cloning technology such that there were no flaws, and in their hubris they did not bother to plan for any kind of backup or possibility of failure.

As any engineer will tell you, having no backup is stupid. It doesn't matter how certain you are that a backup is unnecessary, how perfect your process is, even if it has been tried and tested for millions of years, you still plan for the possibility of failure. Always have a backup. Always.

No-one knows what happened to the Furlings, whether they are extinct or just went somewhere else. The Stargate writers have stated in behind the scenes stuff that they deliberately intended for the fate of Furlings to remain ambiguous and that they would never actually appear in the show. They used to be around, they're not around anymore. Why that is is anyone's guess.

Personally I like to think they got sick of the Alteran's shit, the Nox's holier than thou attitude and the Asgard's hubris and decided to go find a less dumb galaxy to hang out in.
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Re Asgard - with the tech shown (the replicator rip-off), it's kind of hard to see why they didn't patch their genome. Or create artificial (biological) bodies. Seems more like they had a case of 'not wanting to live anymore' and used the degradation as an excuse to die out.
Re Asgard - with the tech shown (the replicator rip-off), it's kind of hard to see why they didn't patch their genome. Or create artificial (biological) bodies. Seems more like they had a case of 'not wanting to live anymore' and used the degradation as an excuse to die out.
Soul related issues primarily, additionally by the time they realized their tech wasn't perfect they had long since lost\forgotten the genetic data they needed to patch the issues, and Stargate had little if any instances of artificial biological constructs. That was apparently a technology that just never got explored by anyone.

Plus, by the time they realized they had a problem they were using degraded bodies and therefore brains to do their thinking, so it is not really surprising that they weren't doing a very good job of it.
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Plus, by the time they realized they had a problem they were using degraded bodies and therefore brains to do their thinking, so it is not really surprising that they weren't doing a very good job of it.
They were uploading into computers, usually until a new clone was ready, and there is this nice planet where SG1 was androided. Take the two together, and further degradation of the biological body wouldn't be a thing - until a perfected one could be created. The Asgard dying out was purely plot.
They were uploading into computers, usually until a new clone was ready, and there is this nice planet where SG1 was androided. Take the two together, and further degradation of the biological body wouldn't be a thing - until a perfected one could be created. The Asgard dying out was purely plot.
Baaaaaaad idea due to soul related issues; remember, the Replicators were unable to achieve Ascension because they didn't have a soul and their attempt to replicate the process through 'Digital Ascension' went... poorly. Robot bodies are not a viable option in the Stargate-verse.

The Asgard also didn't upload into computers, they 'downloaded' into memory crystals. The Asgard's mind was inert while 'downloaded', it was purely a temporary transference between biological bodies.

No, it doesn't really make scientific sense, but then again Stargate was never even remotely hard sci-fi. It's harder than Star Wars, but that isn't saying much.
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They were uploading into computers, usually until a new clone was ready, and there is this nice planet where SG1 was androided. Take the two together, and further degradation of the biological body wouldn't be a thing - until a perfected one could be created. The Asgard dying out was purely plot.
Or they fucked with genetics so much that their actual bloody souls degraded. I also remember them actually having their original genetic code stored, hell they actually have some stasis'd ancient Asgard available. My guess is that they didn't notice that their souls were degenerating as well until it was too late, and their new souls straight up didn't work with their old bodies.
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Apparently they were also hit by a degenerative genetic disease at some point that wiped out over 60% of their population and left the majority of the survivors incapable of reproducing, only 10% of their initial population was left genetically intact, which was insufficient to maintain the needed genetic diversity to reverse the genetic breakdown caused by the iterative cloning.

Or they fucked with genetics so much that their actual bloody souls degraded. I also remember them actually having their original genetic code stored, hell they actually have some stasis'd ancient Asgard available. My guess is that they didn't notice that their souls were degenerating as well until it was too late, and their new souls straight up didn't work with their old bodies.
That was literally one single ship that had its navigational computers damaged or malfunctioned and ended up drifting between galaxies before ending up in the Milky Way, Heimdall recovered the ship and began conducting research on its crew held in stasis with the hopes of restoring the Asgard's sexual reproduction capability, but Osiris found the lab and blew it up before Heimdall could produce any useful results.
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Apparently they were also hit by a degenerative genetic disease at some point that wiped out over 60% of their population and left the majority of the survivors incapable of reproducing, only 10% of their initial population was left genetically intact, which was insufficient to maintain the needed genetic diversity to reverse the genetic breakdown caused by the iterative cloning.

That was literally one single ship that had its navigational computers damaged or malfunctioned and ended up drifting between galaxies before ending up in the Milky Way, Heimdall recovered the ship and began conducting research on its crew held in stasis with the hopes of restoring the Asgard's sexual reproduction capability, but Osiris found the lab and blew it up before Heimdall could produce any useful results.

Yet another example of the tragedies inherent in LDD...Lizard Deficit Disorder. The Asgard could easily have solved their problems with a high enough Lizard count. Luckily for the ones in my story, Varga counts as infinite lizards. 👽 + 🦎 = :smile2:
That was literally one single ship that had its navigational computers damaged or malfunctioned and ended up drifting between galaxies before ending up in the Milky Way, Heimdall recovered the ship and began conducting research on its crew held in stasis with the hopes of restoring the Asgard's sexual reproduction capability, but Osiris found the lab and blew it up before Heimdall could produce any useful results.
... SG1 found a time machine ...
... SG1 found a time machine ...
SG1 time travelled like half a dozen times, including figuring out how to turn Stargates into time machines by aiming them at stars at exactly the right moment during a solar flare or something; it never ended well beyond managing to avert whatever immediate disaster had prompted them to try time traveling in the first place.

That said, given the Asgard's demonstrable issues with creative thinking, I wouldn't be surprised if using time travel to solve their genetic degradation problems just outright never occurred to them.
That said, given the Asgard's demonstrable issues with creative thinking, I wouldn't be surprised if using time travel to solve their genetic degradation problems just outright never occurred to them.
Samantha knows about their problem. At least, later on.
But as Derek implied, there was a distinct lack of lizards among the writers ...
All this talk has me pondering Ganos using stargates time foolery to dump post ascension Daniel on pre cloning Asgard with his memories suppressed. They use their memory tech and see what happens, causing ripples through the timestream