Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Just FYI, but I've just started work on the first chapter to a follow-up to this story. It's called Demons and Angels. I'll post a link to the new thread here once the first chapter is done.
Just finished the last chapter, and I'm blown away all over again by how entertaining and well-written this 'omake' is. Completing a fanfic is hard enough, to do it in such style and maintaining this level of quality is a superb effort. Truly wonderful work, and kudos to you @Derek M!
So, I've finally gotten around to reading this and have been powering my way through it. It's been a very enjoyable read and has gotten some chuckles and smiles and so on from me but I just hit this part:

"Harry Dresden?" asked Dr. Strange. "I also would like to speak with him."

Ianthe apologetically said, "I'm sorry, but he's just given birth and needs some time to adjust."

Strange's eyes widened. Thor just said, "Understandable. I remember when my brother gave birth for the first time." Turning to look at Xander, he said, "So, Xander Harris, do you have a weapon of choice? I use a hammer, myself."

and it sent me into a laughing fit. My chest hurts and I've still got tears in my eyes. The matter-of-fact way Ianthe says the line, Strange having a physical reaction to the news and Thor's blasè response to it hit just right to be the perfect level of hilarity. I just wanted to comment on how well this scene was and that I'm really enjoying the rest of it.

I also really liked how Varga was caught off guard by the Nox knowing what he was. I'm hoping that comes back up again but I understand this fic is more about the others than it is him so I won't be too upset if it doesn't but that's something I'd really love to see.

Thanks for the story Derek M, back to reading for me now.
The matter-of-fact way Ianthe says the line, Strange having a physical reaction to the news and Thor's blasè response to it hit just right to be the perfect level of hilarity.

Well, let's face it. Ianthe was the midwife, so she's already dealt with it, Strange is still a MD at heart, with Male Pregnancy being a VERY unusual topic..... and Loki, in the comics, is father to at least three and Mother to at least one, so for Thor this is perfectly normal.

And yes, Loki being a Mom is from the mythology, as he is the Mother of Sleipnir.........
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Well, let's face it. Ianthe wsa teh midwife, so she's already dealt with it, Strange is still a MD at heart, with Male Pregnancy being a VERY unusual topic..... and Loki, in the comics, is father to at least three and Mother to at least one, so for Thor this is perfectly normal.

And yes, Loki being a Mom is from the mythology, as he is the Mother of Sleipnir.........

Oh, I know all about Sleipnir's origins, at least a few versions of it. (Being a True Shapeshifter sounds really fun. If you're into that sort of thing.) It was just the "Yep, that's a thing that happens to some guys" way Thor went about it compared to Doctor "I have dealt with Things Man Was not Meant To Know and Not Blinked" Strange's actual physical reaction that set me off. He always seems to come off as the sort of guy with the "Been there, Seen That" attitude that doesn't let anything phase him, at least the versions of him that have been established in their role as Sorcerer Supreme for more than a few days which this obviously one of.

Also, Thor said " for the first time." so I'm going to assume that Marvel Loki (who I don't know as much about as Mythical Loki) has given birth more than once, maybe even as a male instead of as a female. That set me off into a few more chuckles after I recovered enough to read the full line again.

The whole situation was very well written and hit perfectly for me. I'm going to be smiling about it for days when I think back on it.
I am not sure what the time limit for the dreaded "double post" would be bit since it has been a few days... .

The Taylor aspect disappeared, and Saurial said, "So, who wants to help me use nuclear bombs spiked with super entropy to disassemble the essence of reality allowing a hostile energy construct to smash two realities together violently?"

"Ooh, me, me!" said River with possibly feigned eagerness.

Dragon somehow gave the impression of frowning. "I feel as though there needs to be at least one responsible adult along."

This was another section that got me to laugh out loud, for a variety of reasons.
Other have made me smile and what not but this got the full laugh.

Marcone's eyes being described as "the color of old dollar bills" was also a very nice nod to the books. It is the little details like this that I really love when an author puts them in their fanfics.

Onwards then, I can get in at least one more chapter before bed tonight and I am so very close to the end.
I don't mean to resurrect this thread, but it was suggested by a reader that I post an explicit link to the sequel here. It is called Demons and Angels.

Demons and Angels Crossover

Stories set in the Ship of Fools spin-off from Taylor Varga.

Although it has been 2 months since the last update, it is not abandoned. I'm most of the way through the next chapter, but real-life work and some housing issues have been a significant distraction. With luck, the next update will be soon.
Well, I just finished this, and I gotta say it was fantastic.

You merged together a truly impressive crossover cast, from settings that aren't even slightly related in some cases.

And it really was crossovers. We got views of each setting, and their inhabitants. A lot of crossovers tend to just isekai somebody, we explored worlds. In both(all?) directions.

And the hits just kept coming. It was really compelling. I stayed up late enough trying to polish this off in one sitting that it became early again, and I still had to stop when I realized your epilogues were still 5 digits of words.

You really nailed some of the characters, so that was quite nice too. Especially groups like SG-1, (re)capturing the magic can be nearly impossible sometimes.

One thing that really stood out though, is you described Metis and Ianth as quadrupedal a few times. Either I missed a really big detail somewhere, or that's an oops. I was under the impression they stood upright, and Raptaur was the only non-humaniod of the bunch.

It's been a bit, but you get the stamp!


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I believe they (Ianth and Metis) are usually walking bipedally, but can use their arms as forelegs to move faster/carry a heavier weight when desired. Essentially their bodies are mostly oriented horizontally. More like a 'velocoraptor' from Jurassic Park than a Duckbill dinosaur
The justly infamous Thanoscopter appeared in the specifically non-continuity Spidey Super Stories comic book, that was aimed at a younger readership than the core Marvel line. It is about as far from mainstream Marvel Comics continuity as the various one-page Hostess Fruit Pie ads featuring Marvel superheroes that regularly appeared around the same time.

I believe that the only in-continuity appearance of the Thanoscopter was in an issue of one of the various Deadpool series, where Deadpool was using it to mock Thanos. At least in the Deadpool corner of the Marvel comics universe, Thanos hates Deadpool because Lady Death (the skeletal robed one in the Marvel universe—not the barely-dressed huge boobed one, formerly published by Chaos Comics) dumped Thanos for Deadpool.

Every once in a while, I like to go back and reread the commentary that follows some of the older chapters. Sometimes it gives me ideas for the ongoing stories, and sometimes I just enjoy seeing that folks were interested enough to have lengthy conversations about things. Some things age like wine, while others age like milk. I couldn't help but point out that the Thanoscopter has literally appeared in the End on the Disney+ Loki series, so it is now technically MCU canon. Given the chance that Deadpool is also going to jump to the MCU at some point, it may be impossible to create stranger stories than canon even in the film version soon enough...
Every once in a while, I like to go back and reread the commentary that follows some of the older chapters. Sometimes it gives me ideas for the ongoing stories, and sometimes I just enjoy seeing that folks were interested enough to have lengthy conversations about things. Some things age like wine, while others age like milk. I couldn't help but point out that the Thanoscopter has literally appeared in the End on the Disney+ Loki series, so it is now technically MCU canon. Given the chance that Deadpool is also going to jump to the MCU at some point, it may be impossible to create stranger stories than canon even in the film version soon enough...
Seeing as you are 'doing' the multiverse, I suppose the 'Copter-verse', where only the really strange people do any travel without them might be an option?

I might hope that Deadpool doesn't turn up in any of your works, but, I know how he sneaks in all over the place... Even got into one of my TtH stories...

I'll admit to being one of those weird people who do not get on well with the MCU, as I really didn't like many of the earlier films. I suppose SoF characters could get incredibly confused if they visited there... I'm inclined to think things can always get more strange...
But... Danny has been trying to get the Godfather jokes to stop. Why would he be making any himself?
You can not stop - lead. Imagine Zefron walks into Denny's office but finds himself (through a "special" door) in a chicly furnished room created by Taylor, in which Danny is sitting on an armchair in a tuxedo with a cigar and stroking a white fluffy dragon on his knees.
Zephron's actions?