Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

This has been an amazingly good story. There's not enough stories like this one. Where they get stupidly powerful and have fun with it, while also happening to solve major problems when they're not messing around. :) Frankly, I think overpowered protagonists get a bad wrap, but I do admit that for overpowered to be good you either need to have a situation where their raw power isn't enough(like they're only a small group/single person and their problems are on the scale of galaxies/universes), or you need to have it not even try to be dramatic, or if it is dramatic make sure you have comedy relief or something to keep it interesting, or just have complete fun with it.

I am a bit sad to see it end, but such is always the case with good stories, but it's soo much better to see a good story end, then to see it just stop abruptly and never get updated like countless other stories on the internet, and tv shows, and most other media probably.
And the AI pretending to take the joke seriously (in a context where it could be taken seriously... also an excellent joke.
In the infinity of universes out there, they probably could located the analog for Neverneverland, and I really want to see what happens if they turn up there, and everyone equips with a sound module that makes it sound like they swallowed an alarm clock. :drevil:
There were two massive hangar bays, both of which somehow used the same entrance in the hull.
So, I'm going to assume that this means that they use some sort of space-time shenanigans to allow both hangars to use the entrance to full capacity without interfering with each other, because otherwise it would actually be better to either have just a single hangar bay, with the extra volume dedicated to something else, or a pair of hangar bays, each with at least one, ideally two dedicated entrances - that way, you can carry out launch and recovery operations from both hangars without the two bays interfering with each other.

"Well," replied the black lizard, "if a renewed body, an artificial source of psychic power, and a way to travel the stars without the Warp isn't enough for him to save mankind in this universe, then he's clearly been over-hyped."

Back on the planet, the Emperor considered the gifts presented to him. Already, he was channeling this new source of psychic energy to lessen the burden on both himself and on the other psykers tied into the Astronomicon. The Astra Telepathica was going to be surprised as the number of dying psykers dropped by an order of magnitude. He could also feel his body beginning to resuscitate at a cellular level, though it would take months before he stopped looking like an emaciated corpse. Nevertheless, he began sending messages through his Custodes. There was much groundwork to lay before he was able to act on his own, and there was still a chance that his empire would collapse. The forces arrayed against humanity were powerful, numerous and omnicidal. Despite that, the windfall from his effort to save those strange visitors from another universe was proving to be the best thing to happen to humanity in millennia. He would have to see if he could do something to thank the lizards without violating his promise to stay away.


I so badly want to see more of this universe. :D

I'm a bit surprised you didn't reference The Weaver Option. :p
Yes, thank you for an excellent story. Go, take it easy, and come up with another great idea to write. I look forward to reading it, whatever it is.
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Well, that was definitely a thing :)

I'm genuinely pleased and impressed how well it all worked. And wondering if this is the largest omake ever...

It's extremely gratifying to see where someone can take ideas you've come up with when they go off at a tangent. This particular one was very entertaining and nicely done, so I'd like to say thanks for all the work and the entertainment.

And I'll be interested to see what else you come up with :)
I'm a bit surprised you didn't reference The Weaver Option. :p

I like that fic quite a bit, even if it takes the whole "chosen one protagonist" for Taylor and turns it up to eleven. If you can accept that they would make somebody that young and not native to the Imperium a sector governor, then the sequence of surprised and horrified antagonists is quite amusing.
So, I'm going to assume that this means that they use some sort of space-time shenanigans to allow both hangars to use the entrance to full capacity without interfering with each other, because otherwise it would actually be better to either have just a single hangar bay, with the extra volume dedicated to something else, or a pair of hangar bays, each with at least one, ideally two dedicated entrances - that way, you can carry out launch and recovery operations from both hangars without the two bays interfering with each other.
I'm assuming that one of the hangars is a dedicated Varga lounge.
In the infinity of universes out there, they probably could located the analog for Neverneverland, and I really want to see what happens if they turn up there, and everyone equips with a sound module that makes it sound like they swallowed an alarm clock. :drevil:

if they did go to Neverland, they might find things quite the opposite of what most people expect... because Peter Pan and Neverland are pretty much the definition of Fridge Horror. Back up and take a look at Pan through new eyes-- he's an amnesiac, immortal, fey thing who kidnaps babies from parks in England when their nannies are distracted, drags them off to a fairy kingdom, raises them as feral children, and then kills them when they come of age (all canon!) Wendy? Peter and the Lost Boys want her as a "mother," to coddle them in perpetuity. Hook? The pirates? The Indians? All mortals who got trapped in Neverland because Peter wanted to play pirates one day, and "fight the Injuns" the next.... and basically the fairies or Neverland itself indulged him. They're literally playthings to a mad, childishly amoral demigod with a Genius Loci disguised as a little boy's utopia.

One can only imagine the clash of ethics should Saurial stumble across it.
At long last, it is done. And bonus content of Firefly, getting the send-off she deserves. Excellent work, Derek!
Peter Pan and Neverland are pretty much the definition of Fridge Horror.
I read a story from that perspective a few years back, from the POV of Captain Hook, starting with an agonizing resurrection... It was not a happy story at all, in my opinion. I can't recall the title or even the book I read it in, but I'm fairly sure it was a Science Fiction/Fantasy anthology, probably one of the trillion or so edited by Martin H. Greenberg.
I read a story from that perspective a few years back, from the POV of Captain Hook, starting with an agonizing resurrection... It was not a happy story at all, in my opinion. I can't recall the title or even the book I read it in, but I'm fairly sure it was a Science Fiction/Fantasy anthology, probably one of the trillion or so edited by Martin H. Greenberg.
I have a book like that, Lost Boy by Christina Henry.
Congratulations on completing this story. It's sad to read the ending of such a wonderful story, but it's better to have a complete story than have it just fade away without ever being resolved. Thank you for writing and sharing this with us.
I look forward to your next project as we put this one to bed. In some ways it is a bittersweet ending simply due to not wanting it to ever end, but at the same time it is a joy to see the completion of this story. It weaves together so many threads / realities and manages to create an intriguing whole that I am happy to see some to a conclusion, but wish could continue forever (not unlike the base story ;)).

Thanks for a wonderful tale & I hope that your muse brings forth many more tales for you to create.
Very impressive story. Nicely done wrap. Good fortune with your future writing!

And, may the Lizards be... considerate of you. :)
Brilliant send off to the crew of Serenity, as well as a full circle moment.
This story is full of happy, and I rather enjoyed all of it. ❤

I'm anticipating what you do next!

[Edit] To I go!
My Personal Reading Archives has a new book! 🥰

[Edit 2] Would this be a decent summary of this fic?
Ship of Fools
A Taylor Varga Omake

Category: Worm Crossovers​
Genre: lizards! lizards everywhere!
Published: Feb 16, 2019​
Completed: Jan 20, 2020​
Words: 340k​
Rating: Hilarious​
Content: 77 Chapters​
Source: Sufficient Velocity​
Downloaded with: omnibuser
Summary: The Lizards go Multiversal… much to the horror and amusement of higher beings everywhere.​
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Thank you for your hard work ! You gave me laughs and an adventure that made me dream; I hope to read more of your works in the future ! :D
And thus this chapter comes to a close... This was one of the best side stories I have ever read. (This read less like an Omake to me and more of a side story)