Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Here are some comments about the simulation with the S9 and the JL:

1) It was deliberately written to initially misdirect the reader. The Watchtower is based on largely alien technology, including Kryptonian, Martian, and possibly a few others mixed in. Their simulation capabilities are at least as capable as the Starfleet holodecks or the X-Men Danger Room. It's realistic enough to forget that you're actually in a simulation, especially if it lasts for more than an hour or so.

2) I apologize if the transition is jarring. There's nothing unique or original about this type of misdirect, so I assumed folks would catch on pretty quickly. "It's all a simulation," is up there with, "it was a dream all along," in the realm of slightly cliche tropes.

3) The Watchtower computers have no idea how Worm-verse powers operate, and Dragon only knows the S9 from encounter reports. This is a simulation, so all of the abilities are approximations. In a real encounter, I would be surprised if Jack Slash was actually able to hit Flash -- though it isn't impossible, the biggest issue with it is that Jack's predictive powers wouldn't work on DC superpowers, because they don't have shards (but Dragon doesn't know that). I wouldn't be surprised if Crawler was able to adapt to specific attacks, but magic overall would be a bit of stretch unless something unusual happened (like being exposed to a chunk of Nth metal) -- but the computers have basically been told then Crawler can adapt, and their baseline for that is probably Amazo, or other DC Universe equivalents. Compared to Bonesaw's real capabilities, sea anemone venom is pretty tame. The idea that Hatchet Job would go after Oliver Queen is based on a computer trying to match equivalent powers, never mind that Queen has no superpowers, so attempting to recruit him into the Nine would be pretty pointless from the villains' perspectives. In short, there is a lot that is wrong with the underlying assumptions for this simulation, because the input variables are a little off. This isn't how a battle would go down.

4) So why did I write this battle, apart from the fan service coolness of it? One of the regular critiques of the League, both in fan commentary and fanfics, is that comic book heroes hold an unrealistic set of rules based on the Comic Code rather than reality. That's exactly why deconstructions like Watchmen, Kick-Ass, The Boys, and even the Marvel Ultimates line exist. Worm fits quite well into that category of trope deconstruction, so I wanted to throw some of the worst villains against the comic heroes. This match-up also has the advantage as a writer that both the heroes and the villains are well-detailed in terms of their abilities.
In a real encounter, I would be surprised if Jack Slash was actually able to hit Flash -- though it isn't impossible, the biggest issue with it is that Jack's predictive powers wouldn't work on DC superpowers
I don't have much of a problem with that; sure, Jack probably can't tell where the Flash is going to be moving to with any sort of accuracy, but when he's flinging what I always assumed were basically invisible blades of force around, that's a bunch of invisible, moving, razor-sharp tripwires that Flash has to try and keep track of while he's running around trying to evacuate civilians.
I don't have much of a problem with that; sure, Jack probably can't tell where the Flash is going to be moving to with any sort of accuracy, but when he's flinging what I always assumed were basically invisible blades of force around, that's a bunch of invisible, moving, razor-sharp tripwires that Flash has to try and keep track of while he's running around trying to evacuate civilians.

I agree, it's possible. It definitely relies on a luck, though, and Jack's ability to manipulate capes is a feature of his shard, and its ability to communicate to other shards. Having said that, I have no doubt that if the Nine were really going to go up against the League, they would do enough research to figure out Superman's vulnerability, which is an open secret in-universe. Superman's Boy Scout persona would also make him a rather attractive target for Jack.

Another thing to keep in mind is that most of the core DC Comics heroes are ludicrously overpowered. Superman is just the poster child. Flash, though, has the utter BS Speed Force to call upon, and he has used that to phase through solid matter, travel through time, and travel at the speed of light. He also has the BS ability that anything or anyone he's carrying is not hurt by his power. So, he could literally have zipped in and removed all of the hostages before the synapses in Jack's brain would have realized the difference. Velocity in the Worm-verse is nowhere near as powerful.

One other thing I want to comment on -- the obvious person to beat Siberian is Batman. Ack's story Trump Card just ended over on, and one of the things I liked about it was how his Taylor Hebert/Hax calls the Triumvirate a bunch of hammers in reference to how they want to meet Scion force-to-force. Siberian is exactly the same kind of foe. People joke about how Batman's superpowers are money and paranoia, but the most interesting thing about his character is that he is not a hammer in search of a nail. He out-thinks, out-sciences and out-researches his enemies. He is absolutely the one who is going to ask Dragon about out-of-the-box strategies. He is also the one that is not going to assume that Siberian is just a ridiculously powerful brick/Alexandria-type. From a Worm-verse perspective, Batman most closely aligns with a Tinker/Thinker combo, and both of those are seriously bullshit.
Oh, that's clever. Dragon may or may not have tilted the odds slightly by engineering a worst-case scenario.

Not only were the League set up against their worst possible matchups, the S9 were given prep time AND power interactions resolved in their favour. Even then, the League was doing pretty well, 50/50, if not better. Not Justice League odds, but that was rather the point.

An while I agree that "adapting to magic" is bullshit, it is (and I have to keep reminding people of this) exactly the sort of bullshit Worm Shards were created to find and exploit.
The SL9 vs Justice league was a good wakeup call for the league, even if it was a slightly 'mispowered' simulation, every now and then they do need a wake up call to realize that the rules they operate by aren't the rules others operate under and that can make them vulnerable
Nice chapter.

I'm a bit curious how Batman was able to detect Manton in the simulation, when (as far as I remember) this isn't known to Dragon or Skitter, so they couldn't have programmed it in. I can see him making the assumption, sure, but not them having it actually be correct in their program.
Nice chapter.

I'm a bit curious how Batman was able to detect Manton in the simulation, when (as far as I remember) this isn't known to Dragon or Skitter, so they couldn't have programmed it in. I can see him making the assumption, sure, but not them having it actually be correct in their program.
He asked them to build a cape detector, Manton is a cape, the Siberian is not, the rest was detective work, easy work at that.
Batman is also a professional paranoid and in some ways a borderline sociopath . He sees something that doesn't quite fit, he assumes it's nefarious, and takes precautionary measures :)
That's actually a valid point, there. Even Jack wasn't aware, was he?
In canon, I don't know. In TV, he had to know. Manton was in the bus with them. He had been driving all night over bad roads, which contributed to the death of the S9. He was too tired to think of closing the bus door and having the Siberian make it invulnerable. When the huge improvised bomb under the road went off he was killed instantly.

:ninja:Shh! Ninjas at work!:ninja:
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I've been rereading the story and I think I might have hit upon the new Winter Knight.

Considering how he was brought in shortly before the negotiations and his personality, I'm going with Spike. Someone like him would likely appeal to Mab's sensibilities.
Yes, but keep in mind that Draco is an unchained Dragon-type AI. Pruning false branches when they occur is well within his capabilities. He has effectively created a technological means of tracking the six degrees of separation. It wouldn't be terribly useful for a human doing the tracking, but it suffices for an AI. Also, inherent to the tags is an ability to see how the infection spread through the network thanks to timestamps and unique (really large) identifiers.

Another point is that not every interaction between people in the same organisation will be calm or relaxed.

Saurial noticed the sign over the door, and had to walk in. The interior of the small museum was simply a series of alcoves, each covered by a curtain with a button next to it. Curious, she pressed the button on the first alcove. The curtain pulled back to show a red-headed teen with a tail in a lizard-themed superhero costume, and a recording began to play.

While on vacation in Egypt as a child, Jimmy Olsen stumbled over an ancient seal hidden in a pharaoh's tomb. There, he merged with a powerful cosmic entity and decided to devote his life to fighting crime! Now, DinoBoy and his friends on the Teen Titans help keep Coast City and planet Earth safe from evil!

That was...interesting. She moved over to the second curtain and pushed the button there. This alcove showed a familiar blond vampire slayer fighting a vampire with the help of a shadowy, reptilian figure.

Caught up in a failed ritual intended to possess a human with an animal spirit, Xander Harris instead was contacted by a powerful mystic force and granted the power of an ancient demon. Now, he uses his powers to help his friend and romantic interest, the vampire slayer, defend the Hellmouth from those who would bring the apocalypse, while hiding his power from those who would try and use him for their own ends! They are Slayer and Saurian!

Hm, Anya wouldn't like that "romantic interest" line. After the first two, there was no question that she was going to look at the rest of them. The next one showed Miles O'Brien dressed in a high-tech suit of armor. Of course, he had a tail.

Miles O'Brien, while on an away-team mission to a planet with a lost civilization, stumbles into a powerful energy field that puts him in contact with an immortal being of vast power. Now, he uses his powers of technomancy to lead the VargaForce, fighting the cybernetic Borg, the shapeshifting Founders, and the insidious organization known only as Section 31. Under his leadership, the VargaForce works to keep the Federation and the Galaxy safe.

The next alcove was Harry Dresden's, but he seemed to just be dressed normally in his long coat, though a tail poked out from behind and his staff had a serpent theme.

When the evil Denarians tried to lure in a friend's child with a cursed amulet, Harry Dresden jumped in and triggered the trap himself. Instead of a curse, Dresden found himself speaking with a mystic entity that judged him worthy of power. Instead of being destroyed like previous candidates, Dresden's magical might increased tenfold. Now, he uses his mystical force to protect the city of Chicago and the world. He is Lizard Wizard, P.I.!

Saurial's eyebrows went up at the name. Really? She went onto the next window while still shaking her head in disbelief. Not surprisingly, this one had Peter Parker. He was scaling the side of a building...but instead of a spider, his costume was reptilian and he had a tail.

While on a field trip to a museum, Peter Parker stumbled across an ancient seal which empowered him with the strength, agility and durability of a powerful reptile. Now, as The Lizard, he and his girlfriend, Gwen Stacey, also known as Spider-Woman, fight crime in the urban canyons of New York!

That one seemed to leave out quite a lot. The physical enhancements were only a small part of the whole Varga merger, after all. Saurial had to assume that this version of Peter was keeping a lot of his abilities hidden. The last two alcoves should prove to be interesting, as neither Daniel Jackson nor Ellen Ripley came from universes with superheroes or magic. Of course, neither did Miles, but the Star Trek universe never shied away from Clarke's Law. The next window showed Daniel Jackson, who looked perfectly normal, save he wasn't wearing glasses and she could see just the suggestion of a tail. The display was obviously intended to suggest it was hidden via magic.

While on a mission for Stargate Command, Daniel Jackson finds all of the knowledge of an ancient power downloaded into his head through a strange device. The brave archaeologist now uses his enhanced mind and body to fight the evil Goa'uld and protect Earth, while hiding the extent of his powers from the nefarious Trust.

Saurial chuckled at the Stargate: Varga logo across the bottom of the image. That left Ellen. The next image showed Ellen Ripley, but she seemed like a half-human, half-reptile hybrid. Of course, she had a tail.

Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley of the Sulaco was investigating a derelict alien ship when she stumbled upon a strange artifact. This artifact altered her DNA, and gave her vast knowledge. It warned her of a threat to humanity -- the massive Engineers, and their biological weapons, the Xenomorphs. Now, Ellen Ripley protects mankind from Alien threats while staying one step ahead of the grasping clutch of Weyland-Yutani, her former employers, who would do anything to control Project Scale.

Well, that was...interesting. Saurial was musing over these exhibits when a small, gnome-like creature stepped out of a hidden doorway. "Did you enjoy the exhibits?" he asked.

"They yes, I guess I did," agreed Saurial with a chuckle.

The small being hopped excitedly. "Would you be willing to let us add another alcove for you, then?" The creature gazed up at her with soulful, puppy-dog eyes.

Saurial smiled. "I think so, but let's do something really extravagant..."

* * * * *​

Amy woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. She absolutely should not have tried to finish that chicken salad...or she should at least have waited until she was Ianthe. That was a seriously strange dream...and she wasn't sure if she was happy or disappointed at where it ended.
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