Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

I thought one was pretending to be the celebrity apresident?

Jokes aside, sentient bananas aren't the issue. It's the sentient artichokes you got to watch out for.
You're going to tell me I need to worry about the artichoke more than I need to be wary of the cabbage? The historical record would appear to indicate otherwise.

A Loaf Story - The Wanderers' Library

A collection of extraordinary stories, hidden from ordinary eyes.
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I'm pretty sure that we do have large amounts of pictures of food though. Along with lots of excepts from stories with food porn.

That use to be the case. Then Mick was driven mildly insane by his hunger and ate all the pictures. The food porn had to be disposed of due to self rightous 'think of the kids' crusaders who just heard the word 'porn' and got dangerously indignant without understanding what they were crusading against.
Darn crusaders ruin everything, one moment it is all fine and then suddenly a bunch of nutjobs in plate armour are screaming 'DEUS VULT!' and attacking Constantinople, and that never ends well.