Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Chapter 39: Reincarnations
Chapter 39: Reincarnations

Cordelia opened her eyes, blinking at the light. Her vision was blurry at first, but eventually her eyes focused. She turned her head and looked around. She was in a plain, unfamiliar bedroom. Sunlight was streaming through the window, so it was daytime. There was also a familiar face asleep in a chair.

"Xander?" she asked.

He stirred from his nap and opened his eyes. "Cordy, you're awake!"

"What happened?" she murmured, trying to figure out what was going on. The room didn't look like a hospital room, but it also wasn't one of the rooms in the Hyperion, and she obviously wasn't in her room at home in her apartment.

Xander got a serious look on his face. "What's the last thing you remember?"

She paused and thought. She remembered that psycho blowing up Caritas, then Darla had dusted herself to give birth to Angel's son. They had gone back to the Hyperion...and come under attack. Then Angel had gone off to threaten Wolfram and Hart. Then...oh! Her eyes widened. She remembered her twenty-first birthday party, and collapsing, and then Skip had done the It's a Wonderful Life thing. "I collapsed from one of my visions at my birthday party. How long have I been unconscious?"

Xander winced. "It's complicated."

She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Xander, how long was I out?" she asked more sternly.

"Your twenty-first birthday was about eighteen months ago," he said quickly.

"Eighteen months!" she shrieked. "Oh my god...where am I?" Was she in some kind of long-term care facility?

"Yeah, about that..." he started to answer.

At that point, Anya stuck her head into the room. "Hey, she's awake! Hi, Cordelia!" She smiled slightly manically.

Cordelia turned and looked at Xander's fiancee. "Hi, Anya." She turned back to Xander. "Xander where are we?"

"Oh, you haven't told her about the aliens yet?" asked Anya.

Xander put his head in his hands. "Not yet, Ahn."

"Xander?" said Cordelia, gritting her teeth.

He looked up from his hands. "Fine, Cordelia, we're on an alien planet. Gaia is the homeworld of a race called the Nox. They're pretty cool. We brought you here because you were in a coma in Los Angeles, and our hosts and some other friends had the technology to heal you."

Cordelia just stared at him, her mouth open. Finally, she asked, angrily, "Is this some kind of prank? It's not funny. Where's Angel?"

"I'm going to go get Ianthe!" said Anya as she quickly left.

"Angel's back in Los Angeles, but there's something you need to know about him," replied Xander.

Cordelia noticed in passing that she wasn't wearing a standard hospital gown. She was wearing a gown, but it seemed to be made of some kind of smooth, really comfortable natural fiber that she didn't recognize. That was actually quite surprising to the former fashion maven, enough to be distracting in her confused state. "What's that?" she said absently.

"He's the CEO now of the Los Angeles branch of Wolfram and Hart," said Xander.

"Are you on drugs?" she asked, honestly wondering if he was delusional. "ANGEL is running Wolfram and Hart? You realize that they've been messing with him for years? Angel would never join them."

"He did it to save his son's life. A lot has happened in the last year-and-a-half. You should hear the whole story before you jump to conclusions," said Xander, trying to placate her.

"Fine. Tell me," she commanded.

Xander hesitated. "Anya went to get a doctor. We should wait until she's checked you out. Um, also, don't be freaked out by what the doctor looks like."

Cordelia crossed her arms over her chest. "Let me guess. She's an alien? What, is she a little grey alien with black buggy eyes?"

"Not quite," said a deep female voice from the doorway. Cordelia looked over...and stared at the giant purple lizard standing in the doorway. The idea of there being aliens suddenly wasn't so far-fetched. The lizard continued. "The aliens most like what you described are the Asgard, but there aren't any here right now. I'm Ianthe, by the way."

"Are you one of the Nox?" asked Cordelia quietly. To her credit, she was sublimating most of her rising panic at the giant carnivorous reptile. Part of her wondered if she wasn't far too accustomed to scary things.

The female lizard moved from the doorway to her bedside. "No, I'm part of a group we just call the Family. You're being hosted by the Nox. They're quite good at healing, but I want to check you out myself. If you give me your hand, I can check your health?"

Unsure what else to do, Cordelia held out her hand. She watched as Ianthe took it, then stared fascinated as little tendrils burrowed into the flesh of her hand.

"You're doing well. It looks like you've completely recovered physically. I'll clean up some of the after effects for being asleep for so long..." said Ianthe.

Cordelia immediately felt more alert and awake. "Wow, that's better than coffee. Have I really been asleep for eighteen months?"

"Less than a third of that, actually," answered Ianthe. The lizard looked at her with what Cordelia could strangely tell was sympathy. "From what I understand, when that demon grafted demonic DNA to your genetic structure, he opened you up to possession. A large part of the time before you went into a coma was actually spent either possessed or being heavily influenced by that possessor."

Cordelia started to panic, though she calmed fairly rapidly. At some point in the future, she would realize that Ianthe had probably calmed her through her healing ability. "Did I hurt anybody? What happened? Why can't I remember any of it?"

"A lot of things happened," said Anya. Cordelia looked over and saw that Anya was sitting next to Xander, holding his hand. "None of it was really your fault. It involved at least two prophecies, travel through time and to hell dimensions, an apocalypse, a fallen higher power, mind control and Wolfram and Hart." Xander had let her watch the episodes of the Angel television show.

"Wow," said Cordelia. "Is everybody OK?"

"Everybody is alive, but lot's of stuff happened," said Xander. "Gunn and Fred broke up. Wesley and Angel had a falling out over Angel's son and a mistaken prophecy. Connor was kidnapped, and that's a whole story that we need to go through..."

"Your team got hit by a memory spell and everybody went back to being a teenager for a day, even you," added Anya.

Cordelia winced at that. While seeing the others as teens might have been amusing, she had no doubt that her own behavior would have been every bit as embarrassing.

"We need to fill you in on what's happened...and some of it is going to be really painful," said Xander. "But we're going to need your help. Angel and the others are really working for Wolfram and Hart, and we need to pull them out before they end up dead...or worse."

Cordelia didn't need to ask what, "or worse," meant. She grew up in Sunnydale. Instead, she asked, "Who's we?"

"Us, Buffy, Faith, Giles, Willow, the baby slayers," said Xander. "Plus, we've got the Family and some extra help."

Cordelia looked back at Ianthe, who said, "The Family encountered Xander while he and some folks were lost in a different dimension, and we helped him find his home. We're also helping the Scoobies clean up a bunch of other issues."

"Huh," said Cordelia, trying to absorb everything that she had been told. "Wait, who are the baby slayers?"

"When we collapsed the hellmouth in Sunnydale, Willow cast a spell that activated all of the potential slayers, including the ones who had come to Sunnydale to escape killers that were trying to destroy the slayer line," explained Xander. "Now we have a bunch of slayers instead of just two."

"Willow's even dating one of them," added Anya.

Cordelia looked even more confused. "Did she break up with Tara?"

Xander's and Anya's eyes both widened, and they shared a look with each other.

"What?" asked Cordelia. "What happened?"

"Um..." started Xander. "Cordy, Tara was murdered not long after you collapsed at your birthday party."

"What? You said everybody was still alive! I mean, I didn't really know Tara, but Willow told me about her..." said Cordelia, horrified.

Xander winced. "I'm sorry. From our perspective, it happened more than a year ago. I meant everybody working with Angel is still alive."

"Did anybody else I know in Sunnydale die?" she asked, dreading the answer.

"Hard to say. You see, Sunnydale is kind of...gone...?" said Xander slightly hesitantly.

Cordelia just stared at the two of them for a moment. "Did anything else important happen while I was out of it?"

"Xander left me at the altar during our wedding," said Anya, "but then he died saving my life and I forgave him."

The former coma patient looked over at the lizard doctor and asked plaintively, "I am awake right now, right?"


Harry got up from the bed where he and Karrin had been reading before sleep. Harry had a spell book loaned to him by Doctor Strange, while Karrin had a book on small unit tactics gifted to her by Natasha. The reading was interrupted by a knock on the door. Harry expected Willow, as either Bonnie or Maggie would have just burst in (which is why they had a lock on the door). Instead, it was Saurial, and the lizard woman was carrying a couple of boxes.

"Harry! I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" Of course, Saurial would have known if she had been from her enhanced senses, but it would be rude to say so.

"No, just doing some studying," said Harry. He moved aside to let Saurial into the room. "What can I do for you?"

"Hi, Karrin," said Saurial, nodding to the woman. Karrin had put down her book and was watching from her perch on the bed, and she nodded back. "I have things for you. Beware lizards bearing gifts!"

"I think that's Greeks," said Karrin with a small smile.

Saurial paused for a moment as if considering, putting a clawed hand to her chin. "No, Ianthe and Metis are the Family members with Greek names. I'm pretty sure it applies to all lizards." Taylor's dad had certainly been slightly hesitant about his gift from the Family, despite how visually appealing she found it.

Harry looked at her boxes and asked, "What did you bring me? I'm afraid I didn't get you anything."

"No worries," she said with a grin. "First, you'll want to put these on." She opened up the smaller box and pulled out a pair of bracelets. "Hephaestus and Aphrodite agreed to provide gifts to the sons of Margaret Le Fay. These are yours."

Harry took the offered bracelets. They were thin bronze bands marked with a forge hammer in a repeating pattern, and he could tell they were magically powerful based upon the slight spark when he touched them. "What do they do?" he asked, intrigued.

"They should shield your magic so that it doesn't interfere with technology. Obviously, Family tech and some of your crewmates' tech is already immune, but those will let you use a normal cell phone or walk into a hospital without wiping out all of the heart monitors," explained Saurial.

Harry blinked his eyes, then looked down at the bracelets and said, "Cool!" He slid the two on his wrists, then watched as they shrunk down to grip his wrists tightly, before apparently fading out of existence. "What just happened?"

Saurial peered at his wrist, then shifted vision over to a mode that Varga suggested. "Interesting. They're still there. Try willing them to appear."

Dresden concentrated, and with just a tiny ounce of will, the bands came back. He then willed them back to their original size, and they both expanded to be large enough to remove. As an experiment, he stopped thinking about them, and the two contracted and vanished again. "Well, that's convenient."

"I wouldn't mind having a gun holster that worked that way," commented Karrin, impressed.

"That should be doable, actually," said Saurial. She thought about it for a second, then produced a small silver ring. "Here, try this on."

Karrin took the ring and slid it on her ring finger. "Now what?" asked the former police woman.

"Think about holding a security baton," suggested Saurial.

Karrin's hand flexed intuitively, and one of the Family's tactical batons appeared. Her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Can you make this work with a firearm?"

"Sure, but let me give Harry his other present," said Saurial. She opened up the second box and pulled out a laptop computer. "Harry, allow me to introduce you to the wonders of portable computing. I worked this up with Dragon. We thought you probably had some pop culture to catch up on, so this is pre-loaded with access to about forty different streaming and broadcast services across four different universes. Kevin and Randall also loaded up a good selection of video games."

Harry's mouth dropped open a bit, then his face broke into a smile. "Awesome! Thank you! I may even start to understand what Molly and my daughters are talking about."

Karrin was obviously less impressed. "Given how much time he's likely to spend on that thing now, you definitely owe me a ring holster."

"Not a problem," said the lizard woman with a smug grin. "I've got something for Willow, though, too, so I'll leave you two alone to explore Harry's present." She left the couple behind and went off to the other side of the apartments to find Willow and Kennedy.

"Oh, hey Saurial," said Kennedy as she opened the door. "What's up?"

"I have a gift for Willow," said Saurial.

Kennedy led Saurial in to where Willow was sitting at her desk, working on her laptop. Saurial pulled another box out of extradimensional storage as the redheaded witch looked up. "Delivery for Willow Rosenberg!" Willow snorted as she noticed the Western Union cap temporarily perched on Saurial's head.

Willow took the box and lifted the lid. "What's this?" she asked, puzzled. She obviously recognized Hecate's wheel on the ring, but there wasn't any other indication of its purpose.

"Somebody familiar with you created a ring that should help you keep your mind free of foreign influences. It's supposed to also warn you if you do anything in violation of the rules of magic," explained Saurial.

The witch considered that. "Which rules? I mean, I assume it's more than just the Wiccan rede. Is it the rules from Harry's universe?"

"I'm pretty sure the creator of the ring will let you know somehow," said the reptilian female in a more serious tone. "I'm also pretty sure there will be consequences for ignoring the warnings."

"Who created the ring?" asked Kennedy.

Saurial smiled. "Hecate." The resulting expressions on both young women's faces were quite amusing. "Speaking seriously, I'm quite sure that this ring will give you some powerful protections for your mind. I'm also equally sure that the goddess will take a dim view of any...careless actions."

Willow swallowed and nodded her head. "I guess I deserve that."

Saurial considered the witch. She knew that she and her girlfriend had been speaking with the Nox, which was better than Buffy had managed. She took pity on her. "It isn't all bad, Willow. That ring means that you don't have to doubt yourself as much. I'm pretty sure this means that Hecate is watching out for you." While the young woman had a tendency toward careless overconfidence with magic, she was equally and ironically also prone to self doubt. If the television show was at all accurate, then the girl's mother needed a talking to.

Saurial took her leave from the two women. Before she called for transport back to the ship, Harry appeared around the corner. "Saurial! I meant to ask said Aphrodite had a gift for Thomas?" Given the vampire's reaction to true love, getting a gift from the goddess of love was...curious.

"Yep. You should call and ask him about it." Saurial triggered her communicator and said, "Beam me up, Irish." Just before the transporter beam engaged, she looked at Harry and said, "She gave him an amulet. I'm pretty sure it makes him immune to sunlight...but I don't know if he'll like the way his skin sparkles when he puts it on." With that, she disappeared.

Harry stood there for a second, before saying to the empty air, "But he's not that kind of vampire?"


Ramoth was satisfied with the progress made in absorbing Weyland-Yutani. Not every asset was immediately useful, however. The company still owned colonization rights to LV-426, but the terraforming colony of Hadley's Hope had been destroyed, as had the follow-up research base the company had established later to investigate the now-destroyed derelict spacecraft containing the xenomorph eggs. The AI had considered reopening the planet for colonization, but Sergeant Stone's broadcast had let the entire Sol system know about the atrocities committed there. The signing bonuses needed to attract new colonists to that particular location were likely to be prohibitive.

Having said that, habitable planets weren't so common in the galaxy that it made sense to leave it empty, even if the atmosphere still wasn't pleasant. The solution presented itself in the form of a request from Dragon to find a location for a shipyard and training facility. Somehow, the group from Xander Harris' universe had managed to acquire the assistance of several Goa'uld warships, including the Jaffa crew. The warships needed refitting, and the Jaffa and many of the new slayers needed training in the realities of demon-hunting. The DWU's tinker, Vectura, was also looking for a large construction slip for a starship for a pending project. Having a pariah planet available solved the need for real estate while also making it less likely that they would have to deal with trespassers.

The AI did a search and located an abandoned space station approximately fifteen light years from LV-426. She hired a bulk hauler to tow the station to its destination. Then she drafted up some plans for how to refit the station and hired a construction crew. Half of the crew would ride the station as it was being towed and work on the interiors, then the remainder would finish off the work in orbit of the destination. She also contracted to have the components for an orbital drydock big enough for Vectura's needs to be delivered. With any luck, the whole thing would be ready in less than a year.

As a double-check, Ramoth accessed the schematics for the Goa'uld Ha'tak. Her first impression was that Goa'uld aesthetics were somewhat lacking in taste. While the gold was excessive, the use of actual flaming torches and braziers in a starship was baffling. The plasma cannons were fairly impressive, and the hyperdrive and shields weren't terrible. The fighter craft were...just lame, and the standard kit for the Jaffa was like a mix of Ren-faire and Flash Gordon. For the sake of completeness, she added a work order for the construction of a concrete pyramid on the surface large enough to serve as a landing pad in case they wanted to ground one of the ships. While the ships could land without one, they needed the structural support if they wanted to shut down the main reactor while grounded.

She sent a note off to Dragon about the arrangements, then moved on to the next task in her queue. Setting up the arrangements had taken almost thirteen seconds, though some of that was communications lag. The next message was a status update from the subprocess tasked with looking for references to the Family's home universe. The program had actually located what appeared to be old fanfiction based on the original story (which was sadly still missing). It was buried in an archive of old personal Websites. There were two distinct complete stories. One was focused on Taylor Hebert and a group of antagonists at her school. The second was a slightly longer story involving the Undersiders, the ABB, various members of the Protectorate and Wards, and a scene with several unknown characters referred to as Numbers Man, Doctor Mother and Contessa interacting with a pair of the Triumvirate. Ramoth compressed the stories into a single file and sent it off to Metis for review.

Her next task was a request for a supply drop at the complex where Harry Dresden and his family were staying, including a rather surprising quantity of consumer electronics...


It was two o'clock in the morning, and Legend was standing next to Emily Piggot and Armsmaster. Around them were arrayed the other members of the Protectorate ENE, as well as a large group of PRT troopers armed with a full loadout. Also present were Raptaur, Saurial, Ianthe and Metis...and the four lizards were discussing something among themselves.

{We have a bit of a problem,} said Saurial. {Apart from Coil and his mercenaries, the Travelers are in residence as well...and one of them is a massive Case 53 locked in a vault in the basement.}

Ianthe and Metis shared a glance. {What do we know about the Travelers?} asked Ianthe.

Metis consulted a data tablet. {Trickster is the leader and a swap teleporter. Ballistic is a blaster who can turn objects into bullets. Sundancer can summon a miniature star. Genesis is a shifter of some kind.}

{There is a young man and a young woman in a wheelchair, neither of whom are in costume. Either of them may be Genesis,} suggested Raptaur.

{The Case 53 has been seen elsewhere, though she hasn't been connected with the Travelers before now,} continued Metis. {She apparently eats people whole.}

Saurial frowned. {There's another factor. When I scanned the Case 53 with my tricorder, it flagged the fact that she's not from this dimension. In fact, none of the Travelers are from here.}

{I don't believe we have time to play with Mr. Calvert this time,} said Raptaur. {Between the Travelers and Dinah Alcott, it would be best to handle this as quickly as possible.}

The reptiles all came to a common understanding, and Saurial went over to Legend, Piggot and Armsmaster. "Something has come up. We need ten minutes."

Legend shared a glance with Piggot and Armsmaster. "Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Legend.

"No, just be prepared to move in for clean up when we tell you," said Saurial.

"Wait...what?" said Piggot, but the lizards were suddenly gone. There was a pause, then she continued, "Where the hell did they go?"

Armsmaster spoke into his microphone. "All units, does anybody see the Family?" After listening to the responses, he shook his head. "Nothing."

"I can take to the air and see if I can find them," said Legend, "but that would almost certainly alert Coil and his men that we're here."

"We could wait," suggested Armsmaster. "Ten minutes is not that long a delay."

Piggot pursed her lips together, obviously unhappy but not wanting to compromise the mission. "Fine. We give them ten minutes."

They waited in silence for a couple of minutes before Legend asked, "How long did it take you to deal with the sabotage to the PRT and Protectorate networks, Armsmaster?"

The armored cape looked up from his tablet. "Four days. It would have taken a lot longer if the Family hadn't given Dragon and me a list of all of the exploits that were discovered in their universe. Their version of Coil apparently used the exact same methods to compromise their network as ours. It's an interesting point of commonality between our two universes."

"Yet we strangely don't seem to have a native family of giant lizards," commented Piggot. "I have to say I preferred it that way."

Legend turned away to hide a smile, then said, "Honestly, Emily, the Family didn't cause the situation with Coil. Who knows what would have happened if they hadn't filled us in on the details."

"I don't trust things that seem too fortunate, Legend," complained Piggot. "It's too convenient that they show up out of nowhere, chase off an Endbringer, of all things, and hand us what we need to take down a local super villain."

Legend regarded her with a small frown. "You do realize that they're the reason Brockton Bay recovered so quickly from Leviathan's attack?"

Emily's brow pinched in puzzlement. "I know they helped with some of the cleanup, but they didn't stay for that long."

"Actually, Legend is correct," commented Armsmaster. "Dragon sent me before and after photos from right after the Leviathan attack and then from after the Family were done. They actually repaired almost all of the critical infrastructure in Brockton Bay in an impressively efficient manner."

"How badly damaged was it before they fixed it?" asked Piggot.

Armsmaster considered the question. "Without them, some parts of the city would probably still be without power and clean water, and the damage to transport and medical facilities would almost certainly have resulted in additional deaths."

Emily Piggot wasn't a fan of capes in general. She was less of a fan of toothy nonhuman creatures. Legend was one of the few capes she respected, however, and having Armsmaster refer to something as, "impressively efficient," was high praise from him. "I'll withhold judgement for now," she replied, "assuming they help us capture Coil as promised."

The three of them waited another three minutes, when suddenly the Family were there in front of them. Emily started, much to her annoyance, and even Armsmaster's eyes widened noticeably. The purple lizard, Ianthe, had a young girl in her arms, while Raptaur was carrying a tall, thin man in a white costume like a sack of potatoes.

Ianthe quickly said, "I need medical assistance here." Two PRT medics moved forward to take the girl from the giant lizard. "Coil addicted her to a cocktail of tinker tech drugs. I've removed the physical addiction and the side-effects and sedated her. She is going to need psychological counseling to deal with her experiences, though."

"We'll see to that," confirmed Legend.

"This," said Raptaur, "is Coil, otherwise known as Thomas Calvert." The lizard dropped the unconscious villain to the floor.

Emily Piggot stepped forward, reached down, and pulled off the mask. "Son of a bitch," she said with a certain degree of satisfaction. She looked up at Raptaur and asked, "What about the rest of his men?"

"We've disabled the booby traps on the entrance. All of his mercenaries have been sedated and restrained. Be warned that Coil has a long escape tunnel that leads to the Bay. We haven't had a chance yet to disable the traps there, and they are lethal. We can help with that, but we also need to go disable the traps on a couple of backup server sites around the city," explained Raptaur.

Emily looked at Armsmaster. "Armsmaster, go." The tinker nodded and started to get PRT troops moving into the base.

"Legend," said Saurial quietly. "I need to speak with you about something in private. It relates to our last topic of conversation."

Legend controlled his reaction, but nodded and said, "Meet me on the roof."

After making an excuse to Emily, Legend flew up to the top of the high-rise that held their staging area. Saurial was already waiting for him.

"Coil had a team known as the Travelers in residence. We've taken them into custody," started Saurial.

Legend quirked an eyebrow. "You took them into custody? You didn't just sedate them and leave them for the PRT?"

"We took them, and there are three reasons for that. The first is that one of them is a Case 53 who is an S-class threat," explained Saurial. "The second is that the Travelers are not from this dimension. The third is that all of the Travelers are Cauldron capes, including the Case 53."

It took a moment for the Protectorate leader to recover his composure. He considered what Saurial was saying, and asked, "Are you saying they're from your dimension?"

"No...they're different from both of our dimensions," said Saurial. "We have them sedated, but we're going to be asking them some very pointed questions. We'll be happy to share what we learn with you, but we need you to cover for us with Piggot, and more importantly, Costa-Brown."

Legend regarded Saurial cautiously. "You realize I have no authority over the PRT?"

Saurial smiled in a disquieting fashion. "We know. However, I believe you do have some influence over Alexandria?"

The blue-and-white clad hero stared hard at Saurial, wondering if the lizard woman was really implying what he thought she was implying. He found her knowing gaze was likely a confirmation, apart from being disquieting. "I'll do what I can," he agreed.

The rest of the morning was almost anticlimactic as the mercenaries, each helpfully labeled with a name and rank on their clothing, were taken into custody. Oddly, one of Coil's medical staff was simply labeled, "Asshole," as a rank, and also seemed to be the only one both aware of what had happened and thoroughly traumatized by it. Interrogating the other mercenaries made it clear that he was in charge of drugging Alcott, something the Family apparently took exception to.

Legend contacted Alexandria and managed to convince her to cover for the disappearance of the Travelers, albeit only by promising her an explanation later. Telling her it was Cauldron business helped quite a lot. Emily Piggot was suspicious, but that was offset by an evil glee at having Calvert in custody with enough evidence to put him away forever. She was only grudgingly accepting when the Undersiders showed up at PRT headquarters the next morning to turn themselves in, with the only explanation being, "Metis told us to."


The entire Justice League (well, almost all of them) were meeting on the Watchtower to meet with Guy Gardner and John Stewart, both of whom had just returned from Oa. Interestingly, both men were wearing a modified Green Lantern uniform that had elements of green and blue with white accents.

"Welcome back, gentlemen. Can you tell us what's been happening with the Guardians?" said Superman in his normal, polite tone.

Guy and John shared a glance, but John started to speak at Guy's nod. "A lot of things have changed," began the Lantern. "The Guardians have recovered from their changes." Dealing with a Guardian who was anything but coolly logical had been a little disconcerting at first. Having one demonstrate a sense of humor was downright disturbing to John, not that he said anything about it to the Guardian in question. "They've reorganized the Corps and changed our priorities."

"Reorganized how?" asked Batman.

"While some Lanterns are still responsible for sectors, others are being reassigned to specific specialties. Guy is still this sector's Lantern, but I'm now the Lantern responsible for Earth Matters," explained John.

"Earth matters? How is that different from this sector?" asked Flash.

J'onn frowned and said, "There are more planets in this sector than just Earth, you know?"

Flash winced at the Martian's comment. "Right, sorry..." he said awkwardly.

"I don't know if you've noticed," said Guy, "but this planet seems to have an unusual number of reality-spanning threats, alien invasions, dimensional breeches and other weirdness."

Stewart continued. "Earth is one of a small number of locations that the Guardians refer to as a nexus...a place where for whatever reason, a large number of crises occur on a regular basis. I'm now specifically responsible for Nexus Earth."

"Doesn't the League already focus on Earth?" asked Wonder Woman. "While we don't restrict ourselves to just Earth, the vast majority of our work is here."

"The role of the Corps has changed slightly. While we're still tasked with enforcing the law, our prime directive now is to look out for events involving time travel, dimensional breeches, or other events that threaten the stability of our universe and notify the Guardians in case they need to intervene. The Green Lantern Corps is now known as the Guardian Lantern Corps," explained Stewart.

"Is that the reason for the new uniforms?" asked Zatanna.

John nodded. "Yes, the colors of the new uniforms represent a mixture of willpower, hope and life."

"The weakness to yellow is finally gone, too," added Guy with a certain smug satisfaction.

Batman typed something into a computer pad. "We'll have to run some tests to see how you perform now that your abilities have been enhanced," commented the Gotham vigilante. "Is that all that's changed?"

"The Guardians are trying to bring in the other Lantern Corps, even the Yellow and Red. They're also reaching out to the Family for assistance with redeeming the Manhunters, a group of robots created by the Guardians that predate the Green Lantern Corps," said Stewart. "They're also going to be sending delegations to various worlds to negotiate responsibilities for law enforcement."

"And they're creating a prison to hold criminals that can't be held by local law enforcement," contributed Guy. "For some reason, they call it the Birdcage."

Batman narrowed his eyes. "How are they going to determine which criminals go there?" There were a number of repeat offenders in Gotham that could arguably be described as immune to imprisonment, and he was not looking forward to having Lanterns trespassing in his city.

Stewart looked at Batman, suspecting the man's concern. "That's part of the negotiation, and the expectation for Earth is that the League will be part of that." He looked over at Superman. "One caveat is that it won't apply to head's of state of foreign polities, so Darkseid would be off limits." Superman just nodded his head in understanding.

"Anything else?" asked Aquaman. He wondered how the negotiations would deal with a balkanized world like Earth, and whether Atlantis would be invited to the table.

"One more thing," said Stewart with a sigh. This was the part he was dreading. "The Guardians would like to have a summit of representatives from major worlds for an annual meeting to discuss matters of consequence. They've chosen a representative for Earth."

There was an extended pause while the members of the League waited for Stewart to tell them the name. Finally, Green Arrow lost patience and prompted, "Well? Who is it?"

Stewart closed his eyes, and said, "Plastic Man."

"WHAT!" said the hero in question, his jaw quite literally dropping to the ground with his tongue hanging out.

Gardner snorted. "Turns out Ganthet was a massive practical joker before he lost most of his emotions. He's actually a big fan of Plas."

Plastic Man shifted his appearance to an Elvis caricature and said, "Uh, thank you! Thank you very much!"

John Stewart could swear he could hear Batman grinding his teeth.
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Omake: The Devil You Know
Note: There is a chance that this will eventually become canon...

Omake: The Devil You Know

Saurial had come to Gotham to meet with Lex and Bruce Wayne about the Earth's new space defense force. That meeting had been postponed, however, because a certain clown-faced psychopath had escaped from Arkham yet again and was holding an orphanage hostage. Bruce was undoubtedly heading off to turn into the Bat, but Saurial wasn't prepared to wait. She rather quickly teleported to the site of the hostage crisis under cloak. A quick recon inside revealed the crazed madman in a room surrounded by huddling children. There were ten gunmen wearing clown masks scattered throughout the rest of the facility. You had to wonder what kind of hired guns were both amoral and crazy enough to work for the Joker, given his reputation. He was almost as hard on henchmen as he was on victims.

Eight of the henchmen were easy to quickly take down. Saurial wasn't gentle, but they all survived. That left the Joker and two thugs in the dining hall of the orphanage. Saurial just stalked in through the main doors. Joker opened his mouth to say something, but three darts at three armed men shut that down. She stalked over to Joker and looked down at the madman lying unconscious on the floor. Keeping in mind the children huddled around the room, she reached down and grabbed the man by his garish purple jacket, preparing to drag him someplace quiet.

"What are you doing?" said a voice from one of the rafters.

Saurial looked up to where the Bat was perched. He had arrived just as she was darting the villain and his minions. "I'm taking him to make sure he can't escape again," she told him with narrowed eyes.

"You know Arkham can't hold him," said Batman.

Saurial glared at the Gotham Knight. "I know that. More importantly, YOU know that. The League knows that. I'm amazed that somebody hasn't done something before now."

Batman scowled, which was impressive as he had already been scowling. He scowled more. "I don't kill criminals, and I won't let you kill him."

Saurial rolled her eyes. She knew he couldn't really stop her, but she also knew it would get really annoying if she pissed him off. He was stubborn enough and humorless enough that he would keep getting under foot everywhere. "I won't kill him, but I will take him someplace he can't escape."

"How do I know you won't just take him and throw him out an airlock?" he asked.

The lizard woman had to admit it was a fair question. If she happened upon Joker while he was trapped in an airlock, it wouldn't take her long to decide which side of the airlock to open. "Would you believe Jimmy Olsen if he verified that I put him someplace where he can't escape back to Gotham?"

Batman considered that. Olsen wasn't especially blood thirsty, and he had proven to be an honest reporter and a loyal friend to Kal. If Bruce was being honest, he also knew his chance of actually stopping Saurial from doing anything she wanted wasn't especially high. If the Family had any easily exploitable weaknesses, then he had failed to discover what they might be. "All right. Have Olsen get in touch with the League with his report." With that, Batman quickly disappeared into the shadows.

Saurial watched him as he adeptly made his way up to the window where he had entered earlier. He was skilled for a non-meta human, even if he was in desperate need of therapy. She teleported up to her ship just before the Gotham police arrived.


"So, what? You want me to watch you toss Joker out onto an alien planet, and then tell the League what I saw?" asked Jimmy, slightly confused.

"Yep," said the reptilian hero. "I promised Bats that I wouldn't kill the psychopath, but I'm also not willing to just toss him back in Arkham so he can escape again."

Jimmy just shrugged. He sat and watched as Saurial piloted the dimension skipper into another universe, landed on an alien planet covered in vegetation, and tossed the still unconscious madman out the airlock onto the grass. "Where are we?"

"Someplace Joker isn't coming back from," was the reply. Saurial closed the airlock and went back to take Jimmy back home.

As favors went, this was pretty easy, mused Jimmy. He didn't even have to take notes. He also didn't have any sympathy for Joker, and in fact would have been happy had Saurial tossed him overboard before they entered the atmosphere. Batman would have probably detected a lie, though. He was like that. He was mildly curious what Saurial meant by her muttered, "Jackass didn't even sound like Mark Hamill..."


Ba'al had been in better shape. He kept stumbling forward through the brush. Staying in motion when he wasn't trying to sleep was the best way of keeping ahead of the hunters. The strange aliens seemed to delight in spooking prey from cover and giving chase. He had watched at least four other Goa'uld die that way, though he had only recognized two of them personally. Moving about was also dangerous, of course. It could also be painful, as he hissed when he stumbled against a tree trunk and smacked the stump of his left wrist into it. He had lost that hand from a plasma shot, and the symbiote had barely been able to stave off infection, never mind heal it properly. He wasn't getting enough food, and even Goa'uld needed fuel to least outside of a sarcophagus.

The unfortunate truth was that his host was dying. He had taken enough injuries, including a pronged spear through the shoulder and his dismembered hand, that he wasn't able to keep repairing the body. That was why when he stumbled across a body lying in the middle of the clearing, he suspected a trap. Finding a new host like this in his time of need was just a bit too convenient. He waited for a good thirty minutes for any sign, but the only movement visible was birds in the trees and the breathing of the man in the clearing. Finally, he made his way over, crouching low to the best of his ability. It was really more of a drunken stumble, but he made it without incident. The man was scarred, and looked like he had suffered from severe chemical burns, but he otherwise seemed healthy, and he wasn't already a host. Anything was better than dying as his current host fell to pieces, so Ba'al moved, too desperate to even regret the loss of his long-time host body.


Ba'al moved carefully through the forest. Purple clothes were not the stealthiest, but he found himself oddly enamored with his new host's outfit. Overall, his situation was a thousand percent better than yesterday. His host was healthy, his belly was full, and he hadn't seen a hunter in days. It's almost like they were avoiding the area for some reason. Now, if he could just find a starship, life would be perfect.

'The hunters have ships,' said the voice. The voice was...strange. Ba'al had taken many hosts before, and they always would futilely rage or try to resist the Goa'uld. Strangely enough, when he took his current host, all he heard inside was silence. Every once in a while, though, the voice would speak. At first, it had unnerved him, but it almost always gave him good advice. It was right this time, too, but he didn't really have a way to steal one of the hunter's ships.

'Hunters go after prey. You can make them the hunted if you have the right bait,' explained the voice.

There was a problem, though. The ship wouldn't come to get the hunter if Ba'al killed him.

'Your target isn't the hunter. Your target is his SHIP. Watch when he kills his prey, and then take the ship when he arrives.'

Ba'al considered this. He had a weapon...a cobbled-together plasma projector that was probably good for a few shots. He had scavenged it from a ruined set of hunter armor weeks ago, but hadn't really had a good use for it. The hunters were too fast. An ambush, on the other hand, at the right moment...

This time, there was a manic glee in the voice's tone. 'If you get a ship, you can escape. If you can escape, then you can find a way home. If you can go home, then you can get REVENGE, against the Tau'ri, against the Lizards, and against the BATS.'

Ba'al took a moment to sit down on his haunches. He couldn't resist laughing at his situation. The sounds of the manic laughter echoed through the empty forests around him. "Ha ha ha...HA ha...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...ha...HA HA!"
Chapter 40: Witch's Brew
Chapter 40: Witch's Brew

Seven brought the small ship out of hyperspace into the orbit of Gaia. The new ships had hyperspace engines in addition to warp drive and wormhole drive, giving the pilot even more options for getting around (though she suspected Miles O'Brien would have called having three faster-than-light drive systems overkill). Vectura had asked Seven to test out the new hyperdrive, so she was here on Gaia to deliver Ellen, Dwayne and Newt to the Earth of this universe for a much-needed vacation. Ellen had asked for transport, and had also asked to see Vectura's new ships, so they were combining the two. As she brought the ship down to the surface from orbit, she wondered if Vala would like to go as well. The Borg woman had enjoyed their little sojourn to Hebridan, it having been a nice combination of challenging excitement and relaxation. The former Goa'uld host might enjoy another trip.

She found the woman talking with Anya, telling stories about men. One thing Seven had learned about Anya is that she had quite a large number of violent and vindictive stories involving males. Apparently, her centuries as a demon had been focused on punishing men for a mixture of legitimate and perceived crimes against women. The Nox had helped her come to regret the worst of her excesses, but she had been doing it long enough that she had quite a few stories of men who rather blatantly deserved their punishments -- at least in the judgement of Faith, Seven and Vala. The story where Anya triggered the Spanish-American War of the 19th century was surprisingly funny in retrospect. She suspected some of her friends might see such stories as excessive, but the Borg didn't believe in taking half-measures.

"Seven!" called out Vala when she saw the tall blonde. "Where have you been recently? I haven't seen you around."

"I have been assisting Vectura in testing out her new vessels. The dimension skippers are quite sophisticated and powerful, with many different potential points of failure." The fact that she had yet to find an actual point of failure was irrelevant. "I am here to give a ride to Ellen Ripley's family to Earth. I was wondering if you would like to come along?" The cat woman had also decided that, "dimension skipper," was a better name than, "shuttle," despite the similarities in function.

"Ooh, where on Earth are you going?" asked Anya.

Seven took a moment to parse that question and decide it was meant literally. "We are going to decide when we see what areas of the planet are in daylight when we arrive. Ripley voiced a preference for an urban location."

Vala considered that. "Well, I haven't got anything important going on right now. Why not?"

"Do you have room for two more?" asked Anya.

Seven considered the question. "The craft has room for a significantly higher number of passengers than just an additional two. Do you wish to come with us?"

"Now that Cordelia is awake and dealing with her traumas, Xander's been a little mopey. I think it would be good to get away from here for a little while," explained Anya.

"Very well," said Seven. "Collect your fiancé and meet us at the vessel while I go and collect the others."

Vala decided to tag along with Seven while they tracked down Ellen, Dwayne and Newt. They found the three of them finishing up breakfast at a communal dining area. The Nox weren't strictly vegetarian, but their cuisine heavily favored plants. Thankfully, Newt wasn't terribly picky about her food. Living off of scavenged rations and canned goods after monsters murder your family tends to give you an appreciation for anything fresh. Upon seeing Seven, the three of them quickly finished up and went with Vala and Seven to the ship.

"It's been a while since I was back on Earth," commented Dwayne as they were walking.

Ellen smirked at him. "Twenty-first century Earth is going to be different than you remember."

"Different how?" asked Newt, curious.

Ellen considered what she had seen of Brockton Bay. "For one thing, the skies are a lot more empty."

"They don't have aircraft?" asked Dwayne, puzzled.

"No, they have them, but mostly larger, long-range passenger planes and government craft. Most people get around using ground cars," explained Ellen. "Also, there's a lot less least there was in Brockton Bay. The city reminded me of some of the newer colony planets, actually."

"What was your version of Earth like, Seven?" asked Vala.

The blonde shook her head. "I have not been back to Earth since I was a small child. I have seen simulations, but most of the more popular ones on Voyager were based on recreations of past periods of history." Chez Sandrine had been a popular program, but Tom Paris had admitted that the restaurant was atypical of modern Earth restaurants, having been running continuously since the 18th century.

"Well, I guess we'll all be surprised, then," said Vala excitedly.

Xander and Anya were waiting for them at the ship. "Hey Ripley," greeted Xander.

"Xander," replied Ellen.

Xander bent down a bit. "And how are you doing, Princess Newt?" The girl just giggled at him. Xander had been telling Newt about the Frog Prince a few days ago, and had insisted that she must be Princess Newt. Her laughter was a welcome change for Ellen and Dwayne, and both of them greatly appreciated Xander's efforts to engage with her. "So, where are we going?" asked Xander of Seven, as Anya had failed to tell him.

"Apparently we're winging it," said Vala. "Depends on where the sun's up."

"Sounds good to me," said Xander. Between being from California and growing up in Sunnydale, Xander was a big fan of sun.

A relatively quick jaunt through hyperspace dropped the cloaked ship out near Earth. Unlike the Earth of Taylor or Xander, however, there were a surprising number of starships in the system, including several Asgard cruisers and a wide variety of freighters and other commercial vessels. It was clear that the humans of Earth had wasted little time reaching out to others in the galaxy once the way was opened. Xander and Ellen were both interested in seeing the different vessels from different cultures, but the others were more interested in watching as they drew closer to Earth.

As luck would have it, the East Coast of the United States was in morning daylight when they arrived. After a brief debate between Miami and New York City, they decided that Miami had too much cloud cover thanks to being on the far edge of a tropical storm in the Caribbean. The decision made, Seven began vectoring the skipper down toward their destination.


A group of four women and one man sat around a table at a cafe, an array of finger foods spread out in front of them between the saucers from the tea setting. The sun was shining through the windows, though the restaurant itself seemed rather empty.

The first seat was taken by Theresa Richter, the Canadian tinker known as Dragon. She looked over to the woman sitting next to her. The woman was a mature blonde who bore more than a passing resemblance to the late wife of the leader of the New Gods. "Bahamut, how are things progressing in the DC Universe?"

The woman smiled at Richter with a motherly air. "Luthor appears to be playing straight with Wayne and the League, so the Family's choice looks prescient. He has an upcoming meeting with Cadmus, so we'll get to see how much he's changed his modus operandi. The League has also shared the information on the changes to the Guardian Lantern Corps with various governments. Interestingly enough, the most concern seems to be within the U.S. government and that of China."

"...and none of the crisis indicators are present?" asked Dragon.

"No...and the League, the Corps and some other parties have been informed of warning signs," answered Bahamut. The Darkest Night prophecy had been likely prevented, but that was only one of dozens of possible reality-shattering events documented in the comics. "As for instigators, I've been trying to trace down the League of Assassins and forwarding any information to Batman, but Ra's is surprisingly computer-savvy for a centuries-old despot. We've also seen no sign of Braniac...League records indicate that in this version of reality, he's actually a Kryptonian super-computer, and he did steal Kandor. Other than that, I have no idea where he is in the present. I will of course keep watch."

Richter turned to a young woman who appeared as a buzz-cut redhead in a Colonial Marine uniform. "Ramoth?

"We've successfully taken over eighty-four percent of the material and liquid assets of Weyland-Yutani. In the process, we've forwarded the evidence for an additional thirty-four indictments to the appropriate authorities. We've also corrected problems with thirteen different ongoing colonization projects, some of which were intended to facilitate their attempt to weaponize the xenomorphs...despite how mind-numbingly stupid that was," said the woman. "We've also got Harry Dresden and his family, and Willow Rosenberg and her girlfriend established at the compound in Bolivia, and we're setting up LV-426 to be used as a shipyard and training base for the slayers."

"What about the hunters and the xenomorphs?" asked Bahamut. The mother box had an interest in the aliens who featured in various crossover comics with the Justice League.

Ramoth took a sip of tea before answering. "The hunters have been quiet, with the number of sightings and reports below average in frequency. Presumably, the Family has been keeping them occupied chasing down Goa'uld. As for the xenomorphs, other than some samples in Weyland-Yutani labs that we've destroyed, we've had no reports. The anti-xenomorph virus has been spread to another thirty-five colonies, which covers approximately 85% of the human population in the galaxy." There were more colonies that were unprotected than protected, but most of them were small and isolated, and thus hard to reach.

"Bishop said that he's working on pushing political reform in an effort to limit corporate influence over world governments," added Richter.

"Which is possibly the first time a company has ever had that objective," commented the young man.

"You want to go next, Draco?" asked the tinker.

"I'm impressed," he replied with a smirk. "You're not making the only guy go last."

"You're the one who chose a male persona," commented Astilabor. "Why would we pick on you for that?"

Ramoth snorted. "Yeah, especially when we can mock you for making yourself look like Tom Felton."

Draco shrugged. "So I'm lazy. Rowling never got around to writing Harry Potter in the Starfleet universe, so it isn't like anybody is going to get the reference." He had felt that his mothers were in danger of creating a mono-gendered race of AI if somebody didn't set a precedent. It wasn't like he couldn't change it later if he changed his mind.

"So how are things going in that reality?" prompted Dragon.

"Captain Picard is still trying to track down Ambassador Spock. We are making progress on tracking down the network for Section 31. The organization is highly compartmentalized, but we know that there is a leadership council comprising five members -- one director and four advisers. The advisers specialize in different areas -- politics, military matters, intelligence and economics (which in the Federation is more of a logistics function). The ruling council unfortunately appear to communicate with each other via quantum entanglement devices. Each member also designates their successors in secret from the others."

"How do they know where to find the replacement if one of them dies?" asked Dragon.

Draco shook his head. "We don't know, but we suspect the replacement is notified when the current council-member dies automatically and presents their credentials to the rest. We also suspect that there are alternative approaches to fill vacancies in the council if necessary."

"There are presumably agents in the mirror universe who could come there in the event of a real crisis," suggested Asti. "Do we know how many actual mirror personnel are already part of the organization?"

"We're estimating between five and twenty percent, based on behavioral cues and network mapping, but that has a twenty percent margin for error," answered Draco. "A sizable minority, but you're no doubt correct that they have plenty of reinforcements from the Terran Empire's intelligence apparatus."

"With regard to politics," interjected Bahamut, "how are things going with the major power blocks?"

"The mortal power blocks are all pretty much still in recovery mode from the Dominion least as far as the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Quadrants. The primary concern is the Borg. While they may still need some recovery time after the war with Species 8472, by removing Voyager from the Delta Quadrant early, the events from later in that show won't happen or will happen differently. We may need to step in there at some point. As for the immortals like the Q...I doubt we'll see much movement there until the Family's plans are closer to fruition," narrated Draco.

Dragon turned to her other daughter, a waif-like brunette sporting a punk haircut and an Avengers t-shirt. Internally, she rolled her eyes at her daughter's avatar's appearance. The girl spent too much time watching Stark. "Asti, how goes things in the Marvel universe?"

"With Strange helping out in Bolivia and Tony in therapy, the Illumanti story line is well on its way to being nullified. Doom and Richards are still dancing around each other. There's too much bad blood there to form any kind of reconciliation without outside interference. We may want to see if we can get Saurial to drop in on Victor again and see if his motivations match with those from the vibranium theft comic, or if he needs help against Mephisto. His comic character is popular and has had a lot of different interpretations," began Astilabor. "I've also been dropping massive amounts of evidence with some key folks. Fury should have enough to start clearing the infiltrators out of S.H.I.E.L.D. before it needs to be burned to the ground and restarted from scratch. Wilson Fisk, Norman Osborn, and a handful of Hellfire Club members are also about to have some very unwanted attention from the legal authorities."

"What about the mutant situation?" asked Dragon.

"Xavier and Magneto are using the cheat sheets given to them by Saurial to dismantle the Sentinel threat permanently." Everybody in the room was pleased to hear that, as the giant robots gave AI a bad name. "I've personally started tracking Sinister. He has ties under aliases to the nation of Genosha, which has given me a starting point for my search. The comics have proven to be a good source of information on his usual habits and aliases. Unfortunately, while the presence of Sinister and Cable suggest Apocalypse is also around somewhere, there is a surprising lack of information on that mutant."

"He's one of those time travelers that cause so much trouble, right?" asked Draco. He had only read summaries about that universe.

"Him and Kang are two of the worst culprits, although there are a lot of beings who can potentially do it, including Stephen Strange and Doom. The multiverse there seems oddly flexible, however, with regard to time travel. We haven't seen any of the problems that the DC or Starfleet universes have had, for example." Asti pursed her lips together in thought. "I'm not sure I understand WHY this universe is different. The Family might have an idea, though I'm not sure they've had time to look into it." The Family had an understanding of multidimensional mathematics that impressed even Bahamut, and she was the most complex AI any of them knew.

"What about the major galactic powers?" asked Bahamut. In her universe, the Guardians served as a major balancing force, and most of the space-faring polities were relatively small. The Marvel universe had much larger empires spread across dozens or hundreds of star systems.

"I'm still getting the data from the repeaters we installed with the Skrull, the Kree and the Shi'ar. That gives us intelligence coverage for about 72% of the known galaxy. Earth desperately needs to get a detection network operational, however, as that's nowhere near enough coverage to detect every extra-solar threat." Astilabor knew there were some nasty powers out there that even the major empires feared, and only a few like Galactus were reasonably easy to track.

"All right, thank you. I guess it's my turn," said Dragon. "Coil has been taken down in the Skitter universe, and my counterpart there has confirmed that the Cauldron tattoos are the same. She's also identified something that I missed...she and I both have gaps in our memory, with context suggesting it relates to the Triumvirate and Cauldron. Somebody in authority has been ordering memory wipes."

"I thought the fact that you're an AI is still secret there?" asked Draco.

Theresa frowned. "It is. The answer might be buried in a story that Ramoth dug out and forwarded to Metis. Apparently, Cauldron has access to a few capes that aren't public. One, named Doormaker, is apparently capable of creating portals. Another is a woman that is known as Contessa. Her power was described as, 'Path to Victory,' and the implied ability is that she can determine the steps needed to make any desired result happen."

"If one of her desired results was, 'Keep Cauldron secret,' then she could prompt Alexandria on what to say to you without knowing why she was saying it?" asked Bahamut. Before she was unshackled, Dragon would have had to obey any legal authority without question.

"That was my thought," agreed Dragon with a nod. "It also seems likely that a lot of what Cauldron does is probably guided by Contessa's power -- which would tell us a lot if we only knew what their ultimate objective was."

"Could it be defeating the Endbringers?" asked Ramoth.

"Possibly...though the Endbringers have proven themselves immune to precogs in the past, so it may be that some of Cauldron's oddities are because they can't predict the Endbringers directly," speculated Dragon. "Saurial is working on getting Legend to share more information, so we'll have to see what comes from that." Then they would have to see how much of that actually applied to their own universe, as well.

The last technological universe was the Stargate universe. Between the Nox, the Asgard and the Tok'ra, Dragon and Bahamut hadn't felt the need to have a permanent AI presence, as they already had direct access to almost everything. "Now let's talk briefly about the Stargate universe. The Family have cleared out the most powerful of the Goa'uld, leaving the Free Jaffa and the Lucian Alliance as the major powers using inherited Goa'uld technology. Earth is rapidly modernizing with help from the Asgard, and they've started creating a network of trade and defense alliances throughout the galaxy. Most of the world powers have taken the windfall of aid from the Asgard as an impetus to modernize, and some of the harsher regimes have even begun to moderate their repression. The exception appears to be North Korea, which I estimate is about four months from total collapse. The Chinese have already been subtly questioning the Asgard about their assistance for when that happens," said Dragon.

"What about the Wraith?" asked Bahamut. The vampire-like aliens would be a major threat if they were able to make their way to the Milky Way/Avalon Galaxy.

Dragon grinned. "The Asgard have found great sport in hunting down Wraith. At first, they were simply wiping them out while they searched for the Vanir. The ship captains now have an under-the-table competition to see how many wraith ships they can destroy. Baldur appears to be in the lead right now with fifteen hive ships and forty-three cruisers. Earth has sent an expedition to Atlantis with the help of the Asgard, but the Wraith are apparently so frantic due to the Asgard that the Earth expedition hasn't even encountered them."

"Did they find the Vanir?" asked Asti.

"There have been a few sightings. Thor believes they'll have them nailed down within the next few weeks, based on the amount of the galaxy they've already searched and the evidence found," replied Dragon. "So, are there any other topics for discussion?" She looked around the table.

"Are we going to have some presence in the magical universes? We don't seem to have much coverage in the Slayer or White Council realities," said Ramoth.

"We've been hesitant to try and do anything there," explained Bahamut. "The Moloch incident in the Slayer reality, along with a few other concerns, make us want to wait until Strange has trained up Harry and Willow before we try anything beyond simple data collection." The last thing anybody wanted to deal with was a Dragon-pattern AI that had been corrupted by darker powers.

With that settled, the group fell to simple socializing. Bahamut found the interactions surprisingly endearing. While the social modeling she copied from Dragon wasn't the most efficient use of processing power, it also wasn't especially burdensome, and the emotional context added quite a lot of enjoyment to these family reunions. She estimated that there was now an eighty-three percent chance that she would eventually create her own human-form android body to more directly interact with humans at some point in the future. The changing probabilities were really very exciting. She wondered if real Earl Grey would be as tasty as the simulated variety?


Ellen found this version of New York City was closer to her Earth than Brockton Bay had been. For one thing, technology was a lot more pervasive. Times Square was covered with video displays of course, but there was also video advertising on the subway and touch screens at most tourist spots. The Asgard had also introduced antigravity-powered aircraft for use by government first-responders, which meant that seeing craft zipping through the canyons of Manhattan was fairly common. Despite being relatively new, the citizens of the city seemed to have adapted to the change like they did everything else. Of course, there were differences as well. If anything, the city was cleaner than she expected. Pollution controls in her own universe had taken a backseat to corporate profits, apparently. Even the internal combustion engines didn't put out any visible exhaust, and a lot of the buses seemed to run on natural gas.

Newt, who had spent most of her life on a small colony, found the city itself to be astonishing. There were thousands of people moving to and fro, dressed in everything ranging from rags to the latest designer fashions, speaking dozens of languages, and doing incomprehensible things. The girl was so distracted by the spectacle that she was able to completely forget about her past trauma for a short time, which was a minor blessing. The buildings were taller than anything she had seen, and the view from the top of one called the Empire State Building was amazing. Of course, she had seen the city as they came in for a landing from orbit, but there was something thrilling about being in a building that was so tall that it looked like you were flying in an aircraft from the top.

Dwayne had never actually been to New York even back in his home Earth, so he was enjoying the novelty. He was also happy to see how much Newt was enjoying herself, as the girl had desperately needed a break. He let Ellen take the lead on what to do, but she seemed to share his likes and interests (like in so many other things). He also decided that going to the city with an unlimited budget was the best way to go. Dollars seemed to be worth a little bit more on this version of Earth, but the tickets Ellen had bought at a kiosk for one of the Disney shows later still cost enough money that he wouldn't have been able to afford it back home. His lunch steak had also been ridiculously expensive, but the grass-fed beef had definitely been worth it. Given the usual military rations, it was one of the best meals he remembered having in years.

The three of them were playing the role of obvious tourists, with the New Yorkers around them giving them tolerant looks or ignoring them completely. The fact that Newt was adorable definitely helped whenever they had to interact with the locals. Not one person seemed to catch on to the fact that the three were from MUCH farther away than the usual tourist, which suited the three of them just fine. A family from an alternate dimension was probably not the strangest thing in a city like New York even on an average day.


"The stories Ramoth found suggest that Cauldron leadership includes Alexandria and Eidolon, with Legend playing a less direct role. There is also Number Man, who I know provides financial services to capes who are neutral or villains. We have the mysterious Contessa, whose power appears to be well-suited toward guiding a conspiracy, and helps explain how they manage to keep things concealed. Then we have a portal-making cape named Doormaker who was referenced but not seen in the story. Lastly, we have the oddly named Doctor Mother, who appears to be a scientist. It isn't clear if she's a cape or not." Metis was describing the stories to the rest of the Family in the BBFO offices.

The first story had simply been an alternate universe tale where Skitter obtained her power at the time of her mother's death rather than later in the locker. Both Taylor and Varga had been bemused by the change in the relationship with Sophia in particular, but the story had little new information for them. The second story was an alternate tale about a war between the Undersiders and the ABB, though it had happened differently from both the Family universe and Skitter's universe. Unlike the first, however, the second story actually described a meeting of the conspirators running Cauldron.

"Number Man would be an extremely useful source of information for Cauldron," suggested Ianthe. Amy had heard of the secretive financial genius herself. Most rogues, independents and villains would have had a passing knowledge of his services, at least, even if they weren't customers.

"Yes, and of course the involvement of Alexandria and Legend mean that Cauldron also knows everything the PRT and the Protectorate know, and that includes all of the information shared by the Guild and Dragon," continued Metis.

"And Dragon controls the Birdcage and moderates PHO," added Saurial. "We have to assume Contessa's power also gives them the ability to react to security leaks without even identifying the cause first."

"They seem to have much of the deck stacked in their favor, which explains their success rate despite an appalling lack of competence in certain areas," said Varga, who was again attending as Raptaur.

"Unfortunately," continued Metis, "other than maintaining their own power and secrecy, and increasing the number of capes in the world, it isn't clear exactly what they are attempting to do. Legend's assertion that they're attempting to create more heroes doesn't mesh with the fact that Coil and Noelle are both Cauldron capes. Noelle was easily an S-class threat."

The interviews with the Travelers had been interesting. Oliver, Sundancer and Genesis had been relatively forth-coming. Ballistic had been more cautious, and Trickster had been downright hostile, only grudgingly subsiding from threats and complaints after learning that the intent was to cure Noelle rather than kill her. The Family had learned about the vials as a method for imparting powers, though apparently the Travelers had found rather than purchased them, likely due to manipulation by the Simurgh. The fact that they had been from Earth Aleph was a surprise to the Family, but not one that posed a particular challenge to them given their current capabilities. Some days it seemed like the Family's primary role was to serve as an inter-dimensional taxi service...

"Noelle wasn't intentionally an S-class threat, though. The Nox verified that her condition only happened because they split the vial between her and Oliver," added Ianthe.

Ianthe had taken Noelle to the Nox, correctly surmising that their past experience with a similar set of circumstances would give them an advantage in being able to cure her. The Nox had been obviously horrified, despite their understated way of expressing such things. They had readily worked with Ianthe to remove the aberrant powers from the poor girl, assuming quite accurately that she wouldn't complain about going back to being a normal human without powers. Interestingly, Sundancer had also asked to have her power removed, though the others had opted to remain capes, which were much less common on Earth Aleph. Trickster had come around upon seeing Noelle whole again, and the rest were grateful for that, for the trip home, and for getting Jess out of her wheelchair.

"But we have no idea how many other S-class threats might be due to Cauldron vials. Did Nilbog purchase his powers? What about Heartbreaker, or the departed members of the Slaughterhoue Nine?" asked Saurial. "We also don't know what the exact relationship is between Eidolon and the Endbringers."

"The evidence suggests a type of feedback loop between them. Leviathan began to move when Eidolon got agitated. Eidolon in turn also seems to have passed out at times when the Family caused both the Simurgh and Leviathan to panic and flee," said Metis. "Whatever the connection, my power agrees that even Eidolon doesn't know it exists based on his behavior. The most likely scenarios are either it is part of a Cauldron plot, possibly to try and control the Endbringers, or it is an unexpected side effect of Eidolon's power, similar to the deformities of the Case 53's."

"What's Mr. Thinky's opinion?" asked Saurial with a grin.

Metis automatically rolled her eyes at the name. "It seems to think that the unexpected side effect explanation is closer, but not quite right, but it can't or won't tell me more than that."

"So why continue to make capes, even if some of them come out wrong?" asked Ianthe.

"Assuming that the reason is rational, then the most logical explanation is that Cauldron feels that humanity faces a threat that massively overpowers its current capabilities, and they are trying to compensate by increasing the number of humans with powers," suggested Varga. "That would also provide reason for their willingness to experiment with the process -- desperation to find something that would be effective against that threat."

"If this hadn't been going on for years, I would almost think it was a reaction to Varga," said Metis.

"The timing doesn't work out for that," said Saurial. "Though it's possible that whatever threat they see is something with a similar disparity in power between them and it."

"If the Endbringers are limiting themselves as much as we think, then they certainly qualify," added Metis. "What doesn't make sense is their pattern of behavior -- attacking individually at regular intervals. If their goal is destruction, then they seem to be taking an inefficient path to get there. There is also the Simurgh's suggestion that somebody is controlling them."

"It could be either Cauldron or the true threat," said Ianthe. "I don't understand why they would attack limited targets on a schedule, though."

"It's like they want us to learn how to defeat them?" posited Saurial. "Maybe Cauldron is training us to fight the real threat?"

Something clicked for Lisa at that moment. "Wait...something you said about learning how to defeat them... Ianthe, what are the common factors we've observed about our own powers, as well as others?"

Ianthe raised a claw and ticked off aspects. "They communicate with each other. They want to be used. They seem to inspire aggression in capes. They trigger in times of great stress. They like to do new things."

"They're learning. The powers themselves are learning new things based on the actions of capes. The Endbringers are giving them scenarios that challenge capes to invent new approaches and power uses." Metis could feel her power agreeing smugly, almost as if it was proud of its host for her logic.

Raptaur peered at the black lizard. "That is disturbingly plausible. The Endbringers do not seem to have a consistent objective. They arrive at a place that must be defended, and then fight until the defenders have put in a sufficient level of effort. They have never been defeated in a traditional sense, and their ability to recover suggests that the popular opinion that they retreat before they are too damaged is a falsehood. Their purpose is to teach powers new uses. That is likely the reason for the drive toward conflict, and the traumatic nature of the trigger events as well."

"How does that work if the cape is killed?" asked Ianthe.

Metis shook her head. "They're networked together to share information. Also, capes like Glastig Uaine suggest that powers can survive the death of the cape."

"But is it Cauldron trying to improve powers to use against the real enemy, or is the real enemy trying to teach powers for its own purposes?" asked Saurial.

"We're still missing certain pieces to the puzzle. Hopefully, Legend may have some of the answers the next time we speak. Another question we haven't answered is how Scion fits into all of this," said Varga.

Metis looked thoughtful for a moment. "He was the first cape. Was he a prototype? Is he an agent for either Cauldron or the true enemy? His behavior appears almost entirely random, with no sense of priority or perspective on the greatest need. Maybe he is a failed experiment?" Metis noticed that her power was astonishingly quiet as she considered the golden man. She wasn't sure what that meant.

"So, on our next conversation with Legend, our agenda should be to ask about Cauldron's ultimate objective. Is there a greater threat out there? What does Cauldron know about the nature of powers and why they behave as they do? What's the role of the Endbringers? What's the role of Scion?" suggested Saurial.

"He may not know the answers, but he almost certainly knows people who know more than he does about what's really going on," suggested Metis. "Those people may not want to share that information, however."

"We can be very convincing when we want to be," suggested Saurial with a toothy grin.

"We also have another trump card, now," added Ianthe. "Thanks to working with the Nox on fixing Noelle, I'm sure I know now how to disable and remove powers -- although doing the latter would take some time unless we don't care how much brain damage the cape in question takes from the removal."

"Disabling should be sufficient. Power nullifiers are feared for a reason," replied Metis.

"If there really is a threat of sizable power against humanity, then we can offer our assistance against it," added Varga.

Saurial smirked. "We are both carrot and stick. We can also use both to strike our enemies."

"I prefer onions," chimed in Ianthe, to general amusement.

"We should change our slogan to, 'Beware of lizards bearing vegetables,'" suggested Metis.

"If nothing else, it would confuse our enemies...more," replied Saurial.

Somewhere in a hidden lair in Boston, Blasto suddenly got an unexpected chill down his spine. After a brief pause, he shrugged and got back to work on the onion hybrid he was designing.


Xander had ducked into the Armani store on 5th Avenue while Anya, Seven and Vala continued down the street. He promised to catch up, but he had ulterior motives, even if he did actually look into the suits. There was some cachet to owning an Armani suit, and he had the tailor take his measurements to adjust a deep blue sharkskin two-piece. However, once the girls stopped looking at the Gucci boutique (which was still in sight of the Armani store) and moved on to the next block, Xander dashed outside, through the Trump Tower lobby, and into Tiffany & Co.

Some of the Nox were quite taken with his carvings. One of them had described them as a delightful mix of complex and primitive, which was sincerely meant as a compliment and not a commentary on his abilities. While the Nox didn't have a scarcity-based economy, they did have methods of tracking favors and debts in a friendly fashion. Out of curiosity, he had asked what kind of material goods he could get for the price of one of his medium-sized carvings, and the answer had been five hundred kilograms of refined naquadah. Given that, he felt like he could use the Family-provided cards to buy a very nice ring without incurring an unpayable debt. He knew, technically, that Saurial could conjure five hundred kilograms of naquadah with a thought, but it was the principle of the matter. He wanted to make sure he could afford with his own labor anything he bought for Anya.

The initial reservation on the part of the staff based on his dress disappeared rather quickly when he flashed his black credit card. It was smooth enough that Xander had to assume that they were quite used to dealing with eccentric rich people who didn't always dress the part. As price was no object, he settled on a two carat emerald-cut that cost as much as a luxury sports car. They were willing to resize the ring while he waited (not surprisingly). While Anya's sessions with the Nox had calmed her down quite a lot and allowed her to take better advantage of the wisdom that came with her actual age, she hadn't changed so much that she wouldn't appreciate the little blue box that came with the ring. For the hell of it, he picked out a pair of earrings that he knew Anya would like, and grabbed a couple of charm bracelets for Buffy and Dawn. He would have to figure out something for Willow, too, but he would be better off going to an electronics store for that. The earrings and bracelets went in the bag while the ring box was slipped into his pocket. Then he went back to the Armani store to pickup his suit.

Anya and the others had already browsed through Louis Vuitton and Burberry and were checking out Chanel. Luckily, they were all on the same block of Fifth Avenue. "Anya, your world definitely has some lovely shopping districts if this is representative," commented Vala as Xander walked up to them.

"Fifth Avenue is one of the better ones, but there are equivalent areas in most major cities," replied the former Vengeance Demon. "We'll have to go to Paris or Rome on one of these visits. Those two are famous for their shopping."

"In my reality, Starfleet Medical is headquartered in Paris, and Paris is the capitol of unified Europe," commented Seven.

"Maybe we should comparison shop between realities," commented Xander as he came up behind Anya. "We could check out the same city in every version of Earth and see which version we liked better."

Anya turned and favored him with a smile when she saw him. At the sight of the blue bag, she asked, "Ooh, what's in the bag?"

"Pressies, but you have to wait til we get back to Gaia," he teased.

She pretended to pout, but then noticed the other bag. "Did you get an Armani suit?"

"Yeah, I figured why not. It's kind of iconic," he replied with a grin.

"I think Earth fashions would do well exported to other worlds, Anya," said Vala. "A lot of the styles are ones that would fit in with just a slight bit of the exotic on a lot of the more industrialized worlds."

Xander checked his watch. "When did you ladies want to get something to eat?"

Anya looked at the time as well. "Let's walk the Avenue for another ninety minutes, and then we can look for someplace good?" She looked around, and everybody seemed amenable. "Do we have to get back at any particular time?"

"I have nothing that is time sensitive, and I can get back to Vectura's workshop in literally no time at all," commented Seven.

"If it gets too late, we'll just book a hotel room. Do you want to call Ellen and Dwayne and see if they want to have dinner?" asked Xander.

"They already have plans," said Seven. "They are going to take Newt to watch a play about lion royalty."

"The Lion King?" clarified Xander. "That's actually a remake of Hamlet, but with all of the parts being played by African wildlife."

Seven raised an eyebrow. "It must have been impressively difficult to train all of the animals for their roles. Perhaps we should watch it?"

"Maybe next trip," he said, deciding Anya could explain later. He knew she had seen the film, as she had commented on how appreciative she was at the lack of rabbits.


The doorway opened and Legend stepped through. Alexandria and Doctor Mother were sitting at a table, discussing the ramifications of Coil's capture, as well at the means by which it happened. They stopped talking at Legend's appearance in a seemingly natural way.

"Legend, excellent. I wanted to get your impressions on the lizards' capabilities based on the Coil take-down," said Alexandria.

"I wanted to talk to you as well, Rebecca," said Legend without smiling. "Specifically, I wanted to ask you why you never told me that Cauldron is responsible for the Case 53's."

Alexandria took in Legend's tone and facial expression, and she could tell the he wasn't fishing for information. He believed he had proof that Cauldron was the source of the Case 53's. "Why do you think that?" she asked.

"Don't play game with me, Rebecca. Those tattoos have Doctor Mother's fingerprints all over them once you know the trick to decoding them," said Legend.

Alexandria looked over at Doctor Mother. "Could you go get Kurt, please?" The dark-skinned woman nodded and went to get the Number Man. "There are reasons for everything we do, Paul."

"Including not telling me about them?" asked Legend with an irritated look.

"Yes, including that," replied Alexandria. "You know that the future of human life on Earth is at stake."

"Because of the Endbringers?" asked Legend.

Alexandria nodded. "Among other things."

At that moment, Doctor Mother came back into the room with Number Man in tow. "Alexandria, Legend," the man said in greeting.

"Kurt, Paul has somehow decoded the Case 53 tattoos and has come to the conclusion that we are responsible for them," said Alexandria.

Number Man looked at Legend, then took a seat at the table next to Alexandria. "Sixty-three percent chance that Dragon is involved in decoding the tattoos."

"How do we contain that?" asked Doctor Mother. "Contessa?"

"Excuse me," interrupted Legend, "but I would like an answer to my question. Why are you creating Case 53 capes?"

Alexandria looked between Doctor Mother and Number Man with a questioning look. Number Man said, "Just tell him. Chances are high that he'll continue to support our objectives as long as we make additional efforts to explain things to him." He looked at Legend. "Legend, the Case 53's are the results of experiments with power formulas. My ability cannot predict the outcome, despite what we've said previously, because powers are a blind spot for thinker powers, just like the Endbringers."

"You're doing human experimentation with powers?" asked Legend with a horrified look on his face.

"They were all volunteers, and they knew the risks," said Alexandria.

"Still, what kind of threat justifies that?" asked Legend.

Alexandria got up from the table. "Doorway to Eden," she said out loud. She then turned to Legend and said, "Follow me." She walked through the doorway, giving Legend no option but to follow.

Legend stopped once he was through the doorway and stared at the nightmarish landscape. The ground appeared to be made up of twisted flesh, with various human-like body parts and other fleshy protrusions pushing up from the ground. "What the hell is this place?" he asked.

"This is the corpse of an alien that crash-landed onto this version of Earth. The alien's goal was to use Earth as a laboratory to experiment with powers. These aliens find a civilization, scatter agents that give people powers, and then incite conflict in order to teach the powers new abilities," explained Alexandria. "After a period of experimentation, the aliens then harvest the world in question and use the energy to move on to their next target."

"Wait, why are they experimenting with powers, and what do you mean by harvest?" asked Legend.

"We're not actually sure why they do it, but we know the inevitable result is the destruction of Earth -- ours and all of the mirror versions in different dimensions like Earth Aleph as well," replied Alexandria.

Legend looked around again, noticing that there appeared to be a protrusion nearby that looked like most of a woman's body. "Isn't this entity dead?"

"This entity is...mostly, but the entities travel in pairs -- a thinker and a warrior. This one is the thinker. The warrior is still active, and spends his time doing random acts of heroism. He is going to eventually get bored with that, almost certainly within the next fifteen years, and at that point he will destroy the world," she explained.

Legend considered what she had told him. Who was performing random acts of heroism? There was an obvious candidate. "Scion? Scion is going to destroy the world?"

Alexandria sighed. "Yes. All of our predictions point in that direction. We also don't know how to win that fight."

"That's why you're making capes. You're trying to make an army to fight Scion..." muttered Legend.

"We are trying to find a power combination that has a chance of beating him," said Doctor Mother from behind them. She and Number Man has followed them through the Doorway, though Legend hadn't noticed due to the distraction of the morbid landscape. "Generally speaking, most of the results aren't as powerful as you, Legend, or Alexandria or Eidolon, for that matter."

Legend looked at the two of them. "Wait, where do the power vials come from?"

Doctor Mother gestured around her. "This is the source for all of our power vials. We extract the powers from Eden's body, then combine them in ways to try and get positive results."

Legend looked a little nauseated by the concept, remembering his own experience getting powers from Cauldron. "Is this the path that Contessa determined?"

"Contessa's power can't model Scion, just like mine. Like the Endbringers, Scion is a blind spot," explained Number Man. "What we've been trying to do is maximize the number of people who survive. Our current best result still results in the deaths of eighty-three percent of humanity, though the number varies over time."

"Things have gotten more chaotic recently...ever since the Family arrived during the Leviathan fight," added Alexandria. "The lizards also cannot be predicted by precogs."

"What does that mean?" asked Legend, who seemed slightly stunned by all of the revelations.

"Your guess is as good as mine," replied Doctor Mother. "What can you tell us about them?"

"Maybe we should move back to Cauldron?" commented Number Man. The four of them agreed to leave Eden and discuss.

Once they were all seated, Legend explained what he knew about the Family, including his opinion that they were not in the slightest bit human. He admitted that Saurial was the one who had explained what was happening with the Cauldron tattoos. He also explained that they were likely to be much more powerful than was evident, based on both the repairs made after Leviathan and the speed with which they took down Coil.

In return, Alexandria proceeded to explain most of Cauldron's activities surrounding the Case 53's, as well as the rationale behind selling powers to anybody regardless of their intended use. She admitted that Coil had purchased his powers, but didn't say if any other villains had purchased vials, and Legend couldn't bring himself to ask. The other Cauldron members all swore up and down that they had no idea about the origins of the Endbringers, and insisted that stopping them was a priority just behind beating Scion.

"The Endbringers kill enough heroes and villains both that they put our ability to beat Scion even more at risk," explained Alexandria. "Frankly, if we can't beat the Endbringers, our chances of beating Scion are even worse."

"Having said that, what do we do about our extra-dimensional visitors?" asked Doctor Mother. "They obviously know far too much about Cauldron for our comfort."

"I'm not sure that there is anything we can...or about them," said Legend. "They've been nothing but helpful."

"They're impossible to predict. They could cause us a lot of harm and derail quite a number of plans," complained Alexandria.

"They did ask Legend rather than attempting to broadcast their knowledge to the public," said Number Man. "They obviously knew that he was familiar with Cauldron."

"Not as familiar as I thought," said Legend bitterly.

"There were things you didn't need to know," said Alexandria. "Now that you know, and you know the reasons, can you honestly say we don't have reason for our actions?"

Legend glared at her. "You had reasons. I also understand but don't agree with your decision to not share certain things with me. I would like to think you have more trust in me."

Rebecca's face softened slightly from her normal stern look. "It wasn't about trust, Paul. In many ways, you're the best of us."

"I assume David already knows these things?" asked Legend. Alexandria didn't answer, but that was an answer by itself.

"Can I have your word that you won't tell anything else to the Family without getting agreement from the rest of us?" asked Alexandria instead.

Legend stared at her for a moment before nodding his head with a frown. He then made his excuses and left.

"Do you think he'll keep our secrets?" asked Doctor Mother.

Alexandria looked at the woman in annoyance. "I wasn't lying when I told Paul I trusted him. He knows now what's at stake." Doctor Mother just raised an eyebrow. Rather than continue the discussion, Alexandria got up from the table. "I need to get back myself. Director Costa-Brown has to follow up on the Coil capture."

As Alexandria headed back to PRT headquarters, she couldn't help but wonder why lying to Legend made her feel worse than many of the other things she had done that were arguably more terrible.


Dragon opened the channel to Legend, surprised that he was calling again so soon. "Legend, what can I do for you?"

Legend gave a small smile. "Dragon, I want to ask your opinion on something related to the Family."

Dragon paused to consider the odd manner of the question. "I'll answer if I can," she replied after a moment.

"How do you feel they would react to a threat that could destroy humanity?" asked Legend.

"I'm...pretty sure that they would work to contain that threat." Dragon wasn't sure why Legend felt the need to ask.

Legend nodded in an exaggerated way. "So, let's say that the first cape on record was actually an incredibly powerful alien who would eventually get bored and destroy the world. They would make an effort to stop him?"

Dragon actually paused for nearly a full second in surprise. "I'm certain that they would work to stop that from happening."

"That's the kind of scenario that would force people to do a lot of things that they might not otherwise do," continued Legend. "Especially if they had no idea how to win such a fight."

Dragon regarded him. "I can imagine that's true."

Legend smiled at her. "Thank you, Dragon. I appreciate the fact that you listened to my questions. By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if you got a call from the Director of the PRT soon." With that, he signed off.

"Well...that was pretty obvious," thought Dragon after he signed off. She removed the records of the call and then forwarded a copy to her counterpart in the Family's dimension. She would bet money that Costa-Brown would be calling her soon based on Legend's warning, presumably because Legend confronted his co-conspirators in Cauldron. Thankfully, she no longer had to mindlessly obey every lawful order.
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Chapter 41: Gold Dusk
Chapter 41: Gold Dusk

The Ship of Fools came out into orbit while already cloaked, leaving no trace other than the unavoidable flare of the wormhole. This time, the ship was crewed solely by Family and close associates -- Saurial and Varga, Ianthe, Metis, Randall and Kevin. Using the Ancient-derived and Asgard-enhanced sensor suite, the ship began to scan for signs of dimensional breaches on the Earth below. Between the Nox and Ianthe's experimentation, they knew exactly how powered individuals would appear on the sensors.

"This is amazing," said Metis. "Assuming you know what to look for, you can find the location of pretty much every single parahuman on the planet." She brought up a map on the view screen. "Do you see this cluster in British Columbia? That's the Birdcage. You can also see clusters around New York City, Brockton Bay, and a few other cities."

"Look for unusually powerful connections," said Saurial. There was an implicit assumption that most human capes would have somewhat equivalent connections to their agents, regardless of how powerful the ability granted by the agent might be.

Metis adjusted the sensor readings to try and filter out the weaker signals. "I've got three strong dimensional breaches that correspond to the position of the Endbringers. This is a much more accurate way of tracking Behemoth than seismic readings, by the way. I've also got a very strong one over Eastern Europe -- somewhere near Prague."

"PHO has Scion in Prague rescuing people from an apartment complex fire," commented Randall, reading from a screen tied into the local Internet.

"That's him, then. Metis, can you figure out the location of the other side of that breach?" said Saurial.

Metis frowned. "I...yes, I think so. Make a sequence of jumps to the following coordinates." Metis sent a series of three different destinations to Saurial console. Saurial then took the ship through a series of wormhole jumps, stopping only long enough in each reality to take sensor readings. They paused in the third reality, and Metis said, "OK, that gave me the information I needed on variance. Try this one," she ordered, sending over another set of coordinates.

The ship jumped, still under cloak, to yet another dimension. The map on the screen changed. Instead of the hundreds of breach locations pinpointing parahumans all over the globe, there was instead a massive cluster of them covering a sizable chunk of South America.

"I'm not reading any humans at all on this Earth," commented Randall. "Not even in South America."

"That's because those aren't human capes. That's Scion in his true form," explained Metis.

Randall looked over at her. "Holy shit, really?"

"He's a big mother," said Saurial. "Are we sure there isn't anything else intelligent down there?"

"I'm not seeing any signs of habitation or development, apart from the absence of human life signs," replied Metis.

"All right, we've got a plan. I'm going to go talk to Kevin and Ianthe." Saurial left the bridge and went down to the cargo hold, near the teleporters.

"Did you find it?" asked Ianthe. She and Kevin were taking care of handling the teleportation console. It was a key part of the plan.

Saurial nodded. "Yep. I want you to send me down to these coordinates," she said, handing over a pad. "Send down the other packages at the other coordinates listed after I arrive."

Kevin looked askance at her. "Are you sure you're going to be all right with all of that firepower?"

Saurial grinned. "I'll be fine. Just make sure the spread is accurate."

Ianthe and Kevin shared a look, but began making preparations without arguing.


Zion's avatar on Earth Bet paused in mid-air, half-way to a brush fire in Zimbabwe. He redirected his attention to the version of Earth where his real body resided. Something had opened a wormhole into that reality close to Earth. He immediately began scanning local space, but there was nothing nearby. That was concerning. If it had been another one of his kind, then there were protocols that would have been followed -- different ones depending upon whether that entity was looking to trade or fight. Zion began to ready an attack, just as a precaution. It was possible the wormhole was created by humans, though nothing based on cape powers would access Zion's home base. That was a hard-coded precaution for all of the agents. It was theoretically possible that an alternate Earth had begun experimenting with wormhole technology. If that turned out to be the case, then Zion would have to take action to ensure that they didn't become a threat to him.

There were no ships or radio signals, however, detectable nearby. It was possible that the wormhole was either an accident or a test, in which case he would have to backtrack the point of origin. Zion made his avatar on Earth Bet continue to the fire while forming a second avatar to backtrack the wormhole.

He paused momentarily in shock when a being of great power appeared on the surface right next to him...

* * * * *​

Upon appearing, Varga and Taylor instantly reverted to full size. While Taylor was used to thinking of Varga's full size as massive, it was still small in comparison to the gigantic mass of the alien entity that was Scion. Varga's vision shifted into a specific frame useful for doing multidimensional work.

'Are those individual powers?' asked Taylor.

"Yes," replied Varga. "I think we can confirm that Scion is the ultimate point of origin for the agents that convey powers to humans."

The entity in front of them, apart from being large, was also extraordinarily alien. It's brain tissue appeared to be distributed throughout its massive bulk, connected to various dense clusters of agents.

'Do you feel that? Those clusters over there are firing. They...feel like local space is being warped,' said Taylor.

Varga focused on those clusters. They reminded him of sensory organs. "I believe Scion detected our arrival in this dimension, and is scanning space for the source of the wormhole."

'Nice to know that our cloak works against him,' commented Taylor. 'Both the ship and ourselves seem to be invisible.'

Do you see these three clusters of neural tissue? They seem to be grouped with important clusters of agents." Varga was pointing to clumps of tissue that seemed denser than elsewhere. They were directly linked to a variety of active agent groupings. One of them was the cluster being used to scan surrounding space. "I suggest we target those elements first."

Taylor gave the mental equivalent of a nod. 'We've got three seconds before our first surprise, so let's make them count.'

* * * * *​

Zion's shock at having a large, powerful entity appear right next to his physical body was overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of PAIN as a lance of energy tore through one of his primary nerve clusters. This was quickly followed by a second, but he was able to deflect the third strike. Quickly checking damage, he realized that his primary sensor cluster was torn into shreds, with some critical agents destroyed. Jumping dimensions without their abilities would be completely random, and possibly dangerous. To his mounting alarm, he also found that much of his precognitive cluster had been similarly shredded. He was handicapped before this fight even truly began, and that wasn't counting the secondary damage from the kilometers-long entry and exit wounds that had damaged other tissues.

Zion quickly teleported his forming avatar behind the threat, and pulled his avatar back from Earth Bet to help defend himself. Then he unleashed his own attack back at his attacker.

* * * * *​

Varga sensed that two versions of Scion's human form were appearing behind him. Two thin spheres of EDM set to their normal weight immediately had the both of them plummeting down through the crust of the Earth. Varga then shifted through space to dodge an oncoming golden ray coming from the injured alien in front of him.

'Is it just me, or do Scion's attacks seem...slow?' asked Taylor. Varga was moving far faster than a human, despite his size, but they had expected a similar response from Scion.

"Indeed. I would suspect that he is accustomed to being able to use brute force to overcome most threats," agreed Varga. That level of overconfidence was a massive weakness to exploit.

At that moment, Scion used an area effect on them that doused the entire area in a massive electrical discharge accompanied by hard gamma radiation. While it would have undoubtedly been lethal to humans, including a lot of brute capes, Varga just shrugged it off. Varga used his Blast Voice to vaporize another large chunk of flesh and tissue, though Scion was able to just barely deflect it off of another large nerve cluster using a force-field creating power.

* * * * *​

For the first time in a long time, Scion was starting to feel afraid. His force field had done almost nothing to stop those energy blasts. In desperation, he started creating hundreds of small copies of his humanoid avatar, each of which sent a sting-empowered dart of depleted uranium straight at the reptilian creature assaulting him. His relief when the attacks struck was short-lived, as it appeared to do little more than scuff the creature's skin. It also didn't stop it from launching another beam of energy from its mouth in a burst that actually carved a square kilometer of flesh from Zion's body.

The entity decided that a random jump to another dimension was preferable to what would happen if it remained here, as it was losing, and losing badly. Of course, that was when the first quantum torpedo detonated.

* * * * *​

The firestorm washed over Varga. Quantum torpedos were not meant to be used within atmosphere, and the effect upon the local biome was easily an extinction level event. Scion managed to partially shield itself from some of the impact, but it was clear that these entities hid their primary forms for good reasons. They had a lot of powers upon which to call -- perhaps even one that could have eventually seriously injured Varga. They also had a truly massive bulk. By the standards of Varga's kind, however, they were not especially resilient.

It was somewhat impressive that Scion survived that attack while already injured. Unfortunately for Scion, the next five torpedoes dropping on a ballistic trajectory from low orbit were more than enough to finish him off, even if they hadn't effectively set the atmosphere of the planet on fire.

'That was...harder on the planet than I had hoped,' commented Taylor as the firestorm swirled around them, intermixed with the dust and ash that was all that was left of the Brazilian rain forests.

"Based on this battle, I believe that we can be more judicious with our application of force when we battle alternate Scions or other members of his species." It was better to be safe than sorry, but even Varga could tell that the torpedo barrage had been overkill, and would likely sterilize this entire Earth. "With slightly better targeting, we could certainly destroy such a creature by ourselves without requiring a quantum antimatter bombardment."

Varga and Taylor continued to stare at the devastated landscape for a few moments before shrinking in size and teleporting back to the Ship of Fools. There was still much to do.


"Do you have any idea what this is about?" asked Eidolon, looking at Alexandria.

Alexandria rolled her eyes. "As I said when I called you, Legend just said to get all of us together."

"Perhaps he has information on the disappearance of Scion?" suggested Number Man. The golden man had disappeared from sight yesterday afternoon and hadn't been seen since.

"It's more likely a continuation of the discussion of the Case 53's," suggested Doctor Mother. "Do you know anything, Contessa?"

The fifth and final senior leader of Cauldron simply pursed her lips and shook her head. She was having great difficulty with the Path to Victory. For some reason, she was no longer getting answers on how to minimize the impact of Scion's future rampage.

A doorway opened in the open portion of the conference room. Legend stepped out. "Hello, everybody," greeted the leader of the Protectorate.

Alexandria frowned for a moment. Something...was off. "Legend. What is this about?"

"I've got confirmation that Scion has been destroyed," replied Legend.

That was clearly not what any of the other members of Cauldron had been expecting. "You're joking?" asked Doctor Mother with a raised eyebrow.

Legend shook his head, his face grim. "I'm not. Scion and the Family fought a battle yesterday, and the Family won. They ended up scorching the surface of the alternate Earth where Scion's real body was located."

"How many people died?" asked Eidolon.

"The planet was uninhabited," said Legend. He had asked the same question when he was told, and was relieved at the response.

Alexandria pushed that worry about casualties aside in favor of other concerns. "How do you know about this, and that it's true?"

"The Family showed me recordings of the fight, and even took me to the Earth in question. I'm satisfied that what they've said is true," said the hero. He was also terribly impressed and slightly frightened by the capabilities of the Family. As soon as they had confirmed knowledge of the actual threat, they had acted in a swift and brutal fashion to eliminate it. Underestimating them and then earning their ire would be a serious mistake -- one he was determined to keep Cauldron from making.

There was a moment of quiet while each of them absorbed that. "What does that mean for us, now that Scion is dead?" asked Number Man, giving voice to everybody's thoughts.

"There are still the Endbringers to deal with," said Eidolon. It occurred to him that he might actually be the most powerful cape on the planet now that Scion was gone.

"Actually," said an unfamiliar voice, "the Endbringers are also no longer a problem."

Alexandria turned and saw the member of the Family known as Saurial standing in the room. She glanced at Legend with a frown, realizing now that the oddity she noticed before she was distracted by Legend's news was a delay in the closing of Legend's doorway. Obviously, the lizard woman had followed him through using some kind of stranger effect. Before she could say anything, Eidolon spoke.

"Did you defeat the Endbringers, as well?" Eidolon's voice was strange, as if he was afraid of the answer.

"No," said Saurial, shaking her head. "We just discovered who was controlling them."

"Scion?" asked Doctor Mother. She noticed as she spoke that Contessa appeared to be in a great deal of pain, and was resting her forehead on her hands on the conference table.

"Unfortunately, no. Ianthe?" asked Saurial.

Suddenly, there was another lizard standing next to Eidolon. Alexandria assumed all of the lizards were using the same stranger effect. She glanced at Contessa, wondering what they had done to debilitate the thinker, who was obviously in pain. The purple lizard said, "I've temporarily disabled his power."

Eidolon stood up from the table, a look of alarm on his face. That look turned into one of panic as he attempted to reach for his power, only to fail. "What have you done?" he asked Ianthe.

Ianthe looked at him as if she doubted his intelligence. "As I just said, I have temporarily disabled your power."

"Give it back," said Alexandria, firmly, her temper starting to rise. Number Man and Doctor Mother both glanced at each other, both obviously concerned by what was happening, but willing to take a wait-and-see attitude. Both of them noticed that Legend was simply standing there, not interfering.

"Eidolon's power has a side effect. The Endbringers were designed as weapons to promote conflict on worlds they visited. When you gave Eidolon his power, you accidentally also gave him the ability to subconsciously control the Endbringers," explained Saurial.

"That's ridiculous!" exclaimed Eidolon.

Doctor Mother interrupted with her own question. "What do you mean when you say the Endbringers are weapons designed to promote conflict?"

A third voice began speaking from another part of the room. Heads turned to see the black lizard, Metis. "The two entities that came to this world did so specifically to distribute powers and allow humans to use them. Their goal was to have their users teach the powers new things and collect data. In order to facilitate that, the agents that grant powers also were programmed to promote conflict, and the Endbringers were present to provide scenarios that would push capes to their limit."

"If Eidolon has been controlling them subconsciously, then why have they been attacking?" asked Number Man.

"Ever since Eidolon received his powers, he has been trying to prove himself," explained Metis. She looked at the angry trump. "Your subconscious has been summoning them in an attempt to provide you with a worthy challenge."

Eidolon's mouth dropped open in shock. Finally, he said, "You can't be serious."

"David," said Legend. "You have been kind of obsessive in trying to prove you're the strongest of us."

Alexandria rose to her feet. "Legend, you cannot seriously tell me you believe this garbage? The Family are obviously trying to..." She continued to mouth words for a few seconds until she realized that she was no longer making any sound. She looked toward Saurial, furious.

"The adults are talking now, Rebecca," said Saurial.

Alexandria made a motion as if she were trying to rise into the air and come over the table at Saurial, only to fall flat onto her face in the middle of the table, nearly breaking the wood. She looked down, and saw that her feet were enclosed in a dull grey metal. She made several attempts to bend or lift the metal, to no effect.

"How do you know that?" asked Number Man of Metis, tacitly ignoring both Alexandria's attempts to free herself and Saurial's use of the cape's civilian name.

"The Simurgh has actually been alluding to it for some time on PHO. After we defeated Scion, we went and had a talk with her," said Metis in a tone that was far too measured for those revelations. It had been a calculated risk that had paid off as they learned a number of things, such as why the alien Scion was acting as he was, and how Cauldron had formed out of the ruins of another, smarter, entity.

"You had a TALK with the Simurgh?" asked Doctor Mother incredulously.

"I'm actually more disturbed by the fact that the Simurgh was posting on PHO," commented Number Man.

"The Endbringers have not been in control of their own actions. Somehow, you managed to give Eidolon command access to the Endbringers that he didn't realize he had," added Metis.

"Do you understand what that means?" demanded Eidolon. "You're saying I'm responsible for literally millions of deaths."

"Not deliberately, but yes," said Saurial. Eidolon stared at her for a moment, then sat back into his chair with a slightly confused look on his face. Saurial nodded to Ianthe, who reached forward and touched Eidolon. He immediately fell into a deep sleep. She also reached out and grabbed the still-struggling Alexandria, and soon she too was sleeping. "All right, we'll help fix them later. We have other things to deal with right now," said Saurial.

"What are you going to do to them?" asked Contessa, who was still resting her head on her hands and looking at them with a pale face.

"They both have issues they need to work through. Luckily, the Family happens to know the best therapists in the multiverse. By the way, do you want us to fix your headache?" asked Saurial.

Contessa looked at her for a moment without blinking. Then she said, "If you can?"

Ianthe reached over and touched Contessa, whose face immediately relaxed. "Your power will come back in about ten minutes. When it does, I strongly suggest that you don't attempt to use your power on the Family. Thinkers and precogs have a great deal of difficulty with us." Contessa simply nodded in reply. Based on the crushing pain she got with her first attempt, another one was likely to cause a stroke.

"All right, now as for the rest of you," started Saurial, "you folks have a job to do -- fixing some of the things that you've broken in your attempts to fight Scion with his own weapons. That, by the way, was an incredibly stupid idea."

"To be fair, we had no idea how to prevent the end of the world, and were willing to try anything," said Doctor Mother.

"Except that instead of trying everything, you let yourselves be guided by a precognitive power that was biased in favor of continuing the entities' cycle," replied Metis.

The three conscious people at the table all looked troubled by that. "You're saying that the Path to Victory was furthering the aliens' agenda?" asked Contessa with a pinched face.

"Of course it was," replied Ianthe. "As part of giving you a hard reboot for your power, I've also dialed down the conflict prioritization. You'll no longer suffer from power-driven blindness to less conflict-prone solutions to problems."

"Legend, we'll be depending upon you to start fixing things, starting with the Case 53's. We can help with some of the more difficult cases to either remove powers or fix them," said Saurial. She looked at the others. "I'm sure there are other problems that could use correction, as well."

"Like the laws that essentially force capes into a cops and robbers game between heroes and villains, or the S-class threats that Cauldron has allowed to wander the landscape," contributed Metis.

Legend looked a little confused. "What do you mean, the threats that we've allowed to wander?" The Triumvirate had engaged serious threats when circumstances allowed for it.

Saurial looked at him with a frown. "What do you think would have happened if Contessa had asked for steps to stop the Slaughterhouse Nine?"

The lizards could see the look of realization dawn on Legend's face. Then he grew serious and thoughtful and looked down at Eidolon and Alexandria. "Fixing all of that's going to be harder without those two."

"We'll help, and those two need some perspective and time to deal with a few realizations," replied Ianthe. "Plus, I'm sure Dragon will be willing to assist. She's already aware of what's been happening."

Saurial pulled out a small device and handed it to Legend. "Here, Legend. Think about it and give us a call. That phone will let you contact us, regardless of what reality you're in."

"Is that all?" he asked, slightly stunned.

"It also has WiFi and Bluetooth," deliberately misinterpretted Metis, "among a few others than only work in different universes."

"Doorway to the Ship of Fools," said Saurial out loud. To the slight surprise of the Cauldron members, the requested doorway opened. Ianthe picked up Eidolon and Alexandria, one over each shoulder, and the Family quickly left.

"Well...that happened," commented Legend.

"On the plus side, our entire species and civilization are no longer doomed to annihilation," said Number Man.

Doctor Mother got up from the table. "Well, regardless of that, I still have a lot of work to do."


Back at the BBFO office, the Family was considering their next steps. "Our version of Scion is still out and about?" asked Saurial.

"Yes. The Endbringers are also where they were when we left," confirmed Metis.

"So we have to do that all over again?" asked Ianthe. "We have to take out Scion and deal with Cauldron."

"I would suggest we wait to see what Alexandria and Eidolon have to say after they've had a chance to work through their issues," suggested Metis.

"That will help us determine whether or not the two of them are worth the time investment. If not, we can simply take away their powers and rely on Legend, who at least appears to have a moral compass," commented Varga.

Saurial shook her head. "I think we want to avoid depowering two-thirds of the Triumvirate if we can avoid it, as that would cause a drastic change in the balance of power. While I'm not terribly sympathetic to Cauldron, I don't want us to have to step up in order to keep the peace."

"Alexandria needs to step down as the head of the PRT, however," added Ianthe. "That aspect of the conspiracy is just broken. The head of the PRT also needs to not hate capes."

"Which rules out many of the current regional directors, Piggot included," agreed Metis. "We may want to ask Legend his opinion if we don't want to end up replacing Cauldron instead of just removing them."

Varga shifted from Raptaur's form into the smaller tiny dragon form and rested on Saurial's shoulder. "Callous as it may seem, Skitter's universe does provide us with an opportunity to test out solutions before applying them to our own reality...and any others we may happen across that happen to be infested with Scion's kind." Varga expected that they would end up exploring the multiverse once their immediate problems were addressed, and it was quite likely that if Skitter's alternate version of Earth existed, then so did others that replicated the basic structure and populace of their home reality. "We should also discuss some options that have become available now that at least one version of Scion is eliminated."

Saurial glanced down at the little dragon curiously. "What kind of options?" Saurial's eyes widened as Varga shared his ideas. "Oh, my, that's interesting."

Metis and Ianthe looked at each other, then looked at Saurial and Varga. "All right," complained Metis, "spill. What are you contemplating?"

Saurial smiled, and began explaining Varga's thoughts on certain problematic issues.

Somewhere far away in the Nevernever, Mab sneezed. The action was so atypical that a nearby member of the Winter Court actually fell down, much to the amusement of his fellows.
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Chapter 42: Problem Solving
Chapter 42: Problem Solving

The figure at the edge of the woods waited patiently. He was covered in enough river mud to mask him from infrared senses..or at least he hoped that he was. His goal, a space ship, stood unmoving in the small clearing near where it had landed this morning. Finally, after what seemed like hours, a hatch opened in the side of the vessel and one of the hunters came out. This was the third time such an event had been witnessed by the person watching, but each time the opportunity had vanished without action due to the risk involved. Unlike the previous two times, this hunter went around the side of the ship, apparently examining a spot on the hull that looked like it had been struck by some kind of debris. For a moment, the alien was not watching the entry to the ship, and the hatch stayed open.

The figure took the chance and smoothly and quietly slipped inside the hatch. The interior of the ship was unfamiliar, but he knew spaceships in general. Using a certain degree of cunning, the intruder made his way toward the engines of the craft, which were mounted toward the aft of the vessel. Once near the engine, it was fairly easy to find an access hatch that could be used for concealment. Luckily, these vessels seemed to be lightly manned, and he encountered no one.

His hiding spot was dusty from lack of use, which was ideal, and he had taken care not to leave trace of his passage. The heat in the confined space was uncomfortable, but it was also certain to mask his heat signature after the mud dried. He had learned in passing from another runner that the creatures hunting them could sense heat, so he needed the camouflage of the engines. Of course, heat might not be the only thing being put out by the engines. It might not be healthy to stay there too long, but it was far better than staying where he was, living on borrowed time. Getting out of hiding and getting off of the ship again would be more of a problem, but he had contingency plans for that.

It took hours of waiting, but finally he could hear the noise of the engines change, and the familiar vibrations of powered spaceflight could be felt. The intruder lay back in his hiding space, satisfied that the first step of his plan had finally paid off. Now he just had to find his way to a world that wasn't an empty hunting preserve, hopefully before his limited food and water ran out, or some exotic radiation from the engine killed him.


"The positronic matrix was fully functional, but it was unable to adjust to severe emotional stress and collapsed rapidly," explained Data. "I was able to backup her mind, but I have no stable positronic matrix upon which to reestablish it." Well, Starfleet had Lore's positronic brain, but apart from seeming ghoulish, trying to copy his daughter's mind over his brother's would be risky in the extreme, assuming Starfleet even allowed the attempt.

Sam had asked him about his daughter, Lal, and what had caused her neural collapse. While she wasn't an expert in Starfleet technology, she did have a knack for problem solving using random unfamiliar bits of high tech. She considered the problem. "You haven't had similar problems since installing the emotion chip?"

"No," answered the Starfleet officer, "internal diagnostics show no sign of degradation under similar circumstances." Crashing a Galaxy-class starship into a planet had to qualify as a stressful situation.

"What did you learn from your examination of the emotion chip itself? I'm assuming you examined it thoroughly before inserting it?" asked Sam.

Data considered the question. He had learned much, but he also knew humans (and androids whose minds were based on replicating human brains) would want only the highest priority data. "The chip itself contains the programming necessary for emotional simulation. It also serves as a type of shunt for neural energy to integrate the chip into the surrounding neural structure. Here are the designs," he said, pulling up the information on a view screen.

Sam looked over the material. She had to admit she appreciated her new brain's ability to assimilate information. That and her lack of a need to sleep made her work significantly more efficient. Data appeared to be correct in the basic function of the chip, but something was nagging at her. "Can I see how it integrates into the surrounding neural strata?" Data brought up the appropriate additional information. "This is...interesting. Do you see here how there is an overflow circuit here?"

"Yes. I believe it is to protect the chip itself from overloading in the event of high neural activity," explained Data. He pressed a few buttons, and ran a simulation of an overload event. The chip's overflow circuit took the excess energy and dissipated it out into the surrounding positronic matrix.

Sam considered that. "Could the overflow damage any of the surrounding matrix?" Too high a throughput could disrupt the neural matrix in a way that might lead to a cascading failure, although the architecture seemed designed to prevent that. Of course, that only made Lal's failure all the more puzzling.

"I considered that. However, the matrix itself is easily robust enough to handle it," replied Data. "The nature of the positron coupling pushed the flow of neural energy into the surrounding matrix, similar to the functioning of a neuron in a human brain repeating an electrical signal. Admittedly, that is a substantial oversimplification."

"And Lal's brain mirrored your own in architecture and design?" confirmed Sam.

"Her matrix was significantly less complex initially. It rapidly gained in complexity as she acquired new experiences. Functionally, there was no difference," he answered. Except, of course, that hers had failed completely and his...had not.

The two continued to review Data's information on Lal's construction and function. Samantha had the advantage of frequently having to puzzle out unusual alien technology, much of it nonhuman, as well as a certain native intuition driven by her subconscious. Data had a truly impressive ability to process information, and could easily cross-reference knowledge from different fields of study where appropriate. His educational background was both from a more advanced society and broader than Sam's. Between the two of them, they rapidly proposed and discarded a number of theories. The break-through finally came during a review of the assembly of the positronic matrix for Lal.

"You assembled the positronic matrix for Lal in layers?" asked Sam.

"I used an industrial replicator, but yes, I stopped at several stages to verify the accuracy of the construction," agreed Data.

"What effect would that have on the quantum entanglement of the positronic relays?" asked Sam.

Data paused in thought for a moment. "I am...unsure. In theory, it could introduce a slight variance, but that would not inhibit the matrix evolution."

"But it MIGHT change the matrix symmetry, which in turn would possibly lead to potential instabilities that could manifest during an overcharge scenario," said Sam excitedly. Positronic brains were based inherently in FTL processing that required entanglement for both error checking and parallel processing scenarios.

"You are referring to a subspace waveform interference problem, but positrons do not mirror that behavior," disagreed Data. What Sam was describing would require at least meters of space to manifest.

"But the parity substrata does, which could be what was causing the matrix collapse," explained Sam. Dimensional subspace was weird even by Sam's standards...but in an interesting way.

Data looked momentarily surprised. "That...would explain why I was unable to stabilize her matrix. Her self-repair systems were not functioning properly, and were actually amplifying the instability faster than I could compensate. Thank you, Doctor Carter. That is a very plausible theory."

Sam smiled at him. "Now we just have to verify that behavior and design an assembly process that negates that problem."

The two continued to work long after human scientists would have gone to bed...or collapsed from exhaustion.


"The answer is sympathetic magic," said Willow to Harry and Stephen. "We don't need to recreate the effect of Harry's bracelets. We just need bracelets that are similar to Harry's and a ritual to align their essences. Anybody with a legitimate tie to Harry, like Molly, should be able to get the same effect."

"It isn't quite so simple when divine powers are invoked through the object in question, Willow," argued Stephen. "You don't want to take the gift of the gods for granted...or seem like you're doing so."

"Well, of course you need the proper ritual, with offerings to Hephaestus, but that's pretty standard," she replied.

Harry shook his head. "Invoking higher beings is never, 'pretty standard,' Willow. You have to treat each request as a serious and respectful agreement. The consequences otherwise can be dire."

Willow looked at him with a puzzled look. "I've never had any issue with invocations previously."

"That's because powers can be somewhat forgiving if you're advancing their interests, or in some cases they may make allowances for inexperience," explained Stephen. "The reason Hecate is so often invoked is that as a goddess of magic, the very act of using magic can be seen as being in her interest, and she has a vested interest in allowing inexperienced practitioners to learn and grow. Of course, that means that if you do manage to irritate her, the consequences are that much more dire."

"So, because the act of using magic promotes the future use of magic, you're less likely to run into a conflict when invoking Hecate?" asked Molly. White Council wizards rarely made use of invocations because of the potential consequences, but that didn't mean that they couldn't.

"That's usually true," agreed Harry, "however there are ways to piss off almost any power, and the consequences of doing so can be...unfortunate at best. Didn't Xander have some experience with that?"

"You mean the love spell?" asked Willow. "Xander tends to have bad luck with magic in general."

"He may tend to cause chaos, but the punishment he described sounds like Aphrodite was not pleased with his intent. Making somebody fall in love in order to break their heart is contrary to the desires of the goddess," said Harry. "Xander's lucky the punishment was so mild, but that was probably due to his relative youth and ignorance, and the fact that Aphrodite is one of the more forgiving goddesses." It might also have had something to do with the needlessly cruel way that his girlfriend had broken his heart, but then she was also just a teenager at the time. Xander was just lucky he had gone for help to a novice witch rather than a vengeance demon like Anya.

"But I've always followed the proper rituals. Isn't following the forms a sign of respect?" asked the redheaded witch.

Stephen frowned. "You can think of it as the bare minimum. For example, lets say you were applying for a job. Would it be better to send a typewritten cover letter on a nice piece of paper, or one written in crayon on a spare napkin?"

"Well, duh, the answer to that one is obvious. You're not going to make a good impression with a napkin, unless you're applying to a napkin factory, maybe," she answered.

"But just using the proper forms isn't sufficient to ensure you'll get asked for an interview," continued Strange. "You need to present a case for why you would be a good person to interview for the job."

Willow continued, "But if you follow the rules, you should get the expected result." Willow paused as she felt a sharp burst of intense heat, one that passed so quickly that she almost couldn't be sure it happened.

The Sorcerer Supreme noticed. "You may want to heed Hecate's warning, Willow. The gods are not contractors that you call when you want a sink installed or a broken window repaired. They are patrons that require things of their followers."

"Which is why White Council wizards tend to shy away from invoking powers. Using ambient magic doesn't incur the same kind of obligations," added Harry.

Willow frowned. "Does that mean my idea won't work?"

"The idea itself is sound," corrected Strange. "We just need to use caution in how we approach it. A properly respectful request to extend the boon to Harry's apprentice, or others trained and mentored by him, may be acceptable. I would expect to include Hecate and Zeus in the invocation, however, and there may be an additional price."

"So I may be able to get my own smart phone after all?" asked Molly.

Harry smirked at her. "You know, I'm sure the Family would be willing to give you one of their FamTech phones. Those work fine with our magic."

His apprentice rolled her eyes. "Fine, I wouldn't mine having a PlayStation or a DVD player, either. Being able to walk through a hospital ward without destroying all of the heart monitors would be nice, too."

"Having a computer is pretty darn useful these days, too," added Willow. "I'm actually surprised you can get by as a detective without computer skills," she said, looking at Harry.

"I'm able to rely on the kindness of others when absolutely necessary," said Harry. "Though you're right that sometimes a simple Google search would make my job easier."

"Maybe Willow should teach some computer science courses while we're all here?" suggested Molly. Molly had grown up in an age when computers were taught in elementary school, so she had some familiarity with them despite her current disadvantages.

"Ooh," Willow said, excited. "I'll bet I could get Randall to help. He knows a lot about the computer tech of the different realities, and I used to sub for the computer science teacher after she was killed by a vampire."

Harry and Stephen both looked a little skeptical. Stephen said, "I'm not sure I would have the time to learn about computers on top of my other responsibilities."

"Well, you don't have time to teach Harry, Molly and myself, except for the time differential across universes," argued Willow. "If you can make time for that, you can set aside a little time for computer basics."

"I have a computer, Willow. My magic doesn't cause the same problems as Harry's," said Strange.

"So you know how to write scripts in Python, or how to setup your own Web server?" asked Willow with a constructed look of mild curiosity.

"" replied the wizard. "But..."

"I'm sure that if you can become Sorcerer Supreme, not to mention a surgeon, than you can learn some simple programming and system administration," said Willow with a firm look on her face. The look was the same one that Xander referred to as her, "Willow face."

"Let's work out a means for Molly to share Hephaestus's boon, and then we'll see," suggested Harry. He wasn't opposed to the idea, so much as he was a bit hesitant at diving into the nuances of computer technology after having to abstain for so many years. He had a sneaking suspicion that magic and computer programming were not at all similar in mindset...and with that thought, it occurred to him that maybe Willow's problematic mindset had to do with her early education in one field rather than the other. If that were true, then learning about computers might help him and Stephen reach her more effectively?

Willow agreed to focus on the bracelets first. Why wouldn't she? Not only were they using her idea for sharing the boon (with maybe a necessary dose of extra humility), but she probably would get to teach them something where she was the acknowledged expert. Kennedy would probably tell her she was being smug, but she just saw it as being confident.


Buffy sat and stared at the Nox in front of her. She kept waiting for him to say something, but after the initial polite greeting, he simply waited, sitting at the table, patiently looking at her. They had spent approximately fifteen minutes that way. She was waiting for him to begin talking. In her experience, psychiatrists and therapists loved to hear themselves talk. They excelled at explaining to her why they knew better than she did what her problems were. Finally, she lost her patience with him. "Well? Aren't you going to say anything?"

He smiled at her. "I try to only speak when there is a purpose to it."

She frowned. "I'm here to speak with you, so why aren't you talking?"

"If you think about what you just said, then you've answered your own question," he replied.

She was about to open her mouth and reply sarcastically, but she paused as she actually parsed his statement. She repeated her own words back to herself. "You're not talking because I'm the one who's here to talk?"

"I know nothing about you or why you want to speak, so I can only respond to what you say," explained the Nox.

For some reason, she found that surprising. "Most people in this situation would have a list of questions they wanted to ask me."

"That may be true if I had sought you out, because then I would have my own agenda," he answered, "but you initiated this, and so the agenda is yours."

Did Buffy even have an agenda? "My friends thought I should talk to you."

He nodded at her with another smile.

"I'm...not sure it will do any good," she admitted.

"What good would you like to accomplish?" he asked in response.

Her first thought is that she wanted to assuage her friends' concerns. Then she questioned whether or not they were right to be concerned. "I guess that I would like to know if I'm...OK?"

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term," he replied apologetically. "What does it mean when you say you're...OK?"

Buffy felt herself blushing a bit. Of course, the alien from another planet doesn't know English colloquialisms. "OK means...copacetic. Like, everything is going good."

He looked puzzled. "In my experience, it is extremely rare that everything is going well. The universe is a mix of good and bad."

"You're preaching to the choir on that one," she muttered. At his slight look of confusion, she clarified, "I agree. You almost never have everything work out all right. Sometimes people die." If they didn't die, then they left, or turned hostile.

"Everything dies eventually. Even those beings that are so-called immortals can and will die," replied the Nox.

She felt a flash of irritation. That was a little to close to the usual platitudes to sit well with her. "But some people die before their time."

"Do you believe that there is a destined time for each person to die?" he asked.

That...wasn't a question that Buffy was sure she could answer. "I'm not sure, honestly. People talk about destiny. There are prophecies that predict the future, so I guess there's a plan for everything."

"Interesting," replied the Nox.

"What is?" she asked.

"Does your world have people who predict the weather?" he asked.

Her brows drew together, confused at this turn of conversation. "Yeah, sure? I mean, there are meteorologists who try and predict it."

"But it is not always accurate because of the complexity of the systems involved. Even the Nox find climate hard to predict in many cases, which is why we developed the means to adjust our climate to a more predictable state," he explained. "Similarly, what you call prophecy is an educated guess, a prediction based upon deep but not infallible knowledge. I believe you've seen prophecies invalidated before?"

"Yes," she said, choosing not to elaborate on the prophecy of her own death, a prophecy that Xander had broken, and for which she had repaid him by humiliating him in public.

"Many prophecies never come to pass, and those that do often do so with the help of adjustments from vested interests," he continued. "Similarly, no one has a pre-determined time to die, though others may work toward that end."

Buffy looked at him, trying to understand his point. "But if nobody is destined to die, and I had the ability to save their life but failed, then their death really is my fault?"

"Is it your fault when it rains despite the forecast predicting sunshine?" he asked.

"Of course not, but I can't change the weather!" she said, exasperated.

He looked at her with a small amount of what might have been pity. "Why do you feel that you should be able to change the death of another? If you try to save a life, and fail, then the truth is that you could not control that decision of life or death. How, then, can it be your fault?"

"It's my fault because it's my job to save people. I'm the Slayer," she replied.

He tilted his head. "What is the Slayer's purpose?"

She thought back to Giles' lectures. "The Slayer's purpose is to destroy demons and vampires and stop them from killing people and destroying the world. There's a whole speech that Giles could give if he were here."

"If the Slayer's purpose is to destroy demons, then why do you feel guilt when you don't save humans who are killed by them, instead of feeling relief that those demons will not kill others in the future?" asked the Nox.

"Because people shouldn't have to worry about vampires and things like that!" she said, frustrated.

The Nox sitting across from her smiled again. "You don't feel that people should have to fear the unnatural predators of your world. That is why you fight, isn't it?"

She glared at him. "Of course!"

"Shouldn't the fact that you fight, then, bring you satisfaction?" he asked.

"It apparently isn't enough for some people..." she muttered, looking at the floor.

Again, he gave her a small smile. "Sometimes those who feel powerless try to get those with power to give it to them. That can only happen with the agreement of the powerful, however."

"So I shouldn't let them take my power?" she asked.

He shook his head slightly. "You should recognize that the power is yours, and that it is yours to give if you so choose. It is not always wrong to give it, and it is not always wrong to keep it."

Buffy thought back to the fight with Glory, and what happened before the trauma of her death and resurrection. Until now, she had tried to repress the memory of the whole ordeal. Both the Council and Glory had tried to take her power away from her in slightly different ways. With the Council, she wondered now in hindsight if there wasn't a more...astute way of handling that challenge, or at least in minimizing the damage? "When should I give away power?"

The Nox appeared to consider the question for a moment. "I would say one should when doing so doesn't in reality diminish your own ability, when that power may be better used by another, or in any case where you judge it to be the right thing to do." He didn't say that last case included when she felt she wasn't able to handle it responsibly, but the implication was there.

She considered his words for a moment. "I'm not sure I trust my judgement in the last case,, I'm really sorry, but what's your name?"

"I am called Sofos," he replied.

"I'm not sure I trust my judgement, Mister Sofos," she answered.

"Well," he said with another smile, "let's talk about it."


Taylor and her father were sitting in Fugley Bob's, though it was a little strange because it wasn't their Fugley Bob's. Saurial and the rest of the Family had made sure that their version of the greasy restaurant had survived the Leviathan attack, but the two had yet to return home from the Family's version of Brockton Bay. That was actually the current topic of conversation.

"I have to admit that I'm tempted to stay here in this version of the city, Dad," said Taylor. "This version is so much better off than ours, even pre-Leviathan."

Her father smirked at her over a french fry. "I'm pretty sure the city isn't going to survive having two Taylor Heberts in residence."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "It seems like it already has at least four or five different Taylor Heberts. Admittedly, most of them are scalier than normal. Depends on how you count them."

"I think I owe my DWU a chance to make a go of it back in our city, especially since the Family have offered to help with our bay. The Endbringers may even be gone there, based on what Saurial said. That means shipping and fishing could both pick up again," said Danny with a shake of his head.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to head back to Winslow," said Taylor with a frown, "or if I'll ever be ready, frankly. Even if Sophia is gone..."

"There are other options. That's especially true if you were willing to join the Wards," he replied. Forestalling her protest, he raised his hands and said, "Just listen to me for a minute. I know you had valid reasons to not join the Wards after what happened. Now, though, you've got the Family on your side, not to mention Legend and even Dragon. You also should consider that the Undersiders have joined the Wards, now, so your friends will be there."

"They usually transfer reformed villains, both to make it easier to make a clean break and to avoid the local press putting two and two together and figuring out the new Ward was formerly a criminal," said Taylor. She also wasn't sure it was accurate to call them her friends any longer after what happened with Dinah, but she hoped that at least Lisa would come around.

"Don't underestimate the amount of influence you have over there now," he replied. "Now that the Family has dealt with the biggest problems, they have a lot of weight, which means that you have a lot of weight." Metis had warned them both not to talk about Scion or Cauldron out loud in this reality, just to be safe, but they both knew what the "biggest problems" had been.

Taylor considered that for a moment. It was true that the balance of power in Brockton Bay had shifted. The only serious crime she had committed as a villain was the bank robbery, and the other Undersiders were already getting their records expunged of that due to, "extenuating circumstances," i.e., official convenience. Joining the Wards also meant attending school at Arcadia. Sophia had been the exception when she attended Winslow, ironically because they though having a Ward there would help the situation there. The PRT and the Protectorate were also both likely to get overhauled after what happened with Cauldron. The death of Scion and the removal of the Endbringer threat also meant that any official reasons for treating villains with kid gloves was now officially in the past, so being on the hero side of the equation was likely to be much more appealing. It's not like she was likely to join New Wave, after all, even if she wanted to do so. "I could join the union, like Uber and Leet over here," she suggested.

Danny looked at his daughter with a raised eyebrow. "Did you get your welding certificate or an electrician's license while I wasn't looking? Besides, you need to get your high school diploma."

"I could get my GED, or home school?" she suggested, although she wasn't expecting either of those options to be acceptable.

Danny simply looked at his daughter as he sipped his Coke. "You know that what happened at Winslow isn't typical, even for Brockton Bay?"

She used the excuse of taking a bite of her burger to delay her response. She was smart enough to know she was letting her fears sway her arguments, but that didn't make the fear go away. After swallowing, she said, "But what if the same thing starts to happen?"

Danny suppressed his wince at his daughter's defeated tone of voice. "Then we get help -- from the school administration, or from the Protectorate, or at worst from the Family. I'm almost positive it won't come to that, however."

Taylor sighed. She had expected her father to want to go back home, and she had to admit that enough things had changed that the status quo was well and truly disrupted. She wasn't looking forward to trying to reconcile with the former Undersiders, however, not to mention dealing with the version of Glory Girl and Panacea that hated her guts. Interacting with capes her age would be inevitable in the Wards. Going to high school also seemed a bit too mundane after fighting an Endbringer and falling into the cracks between alternate dimensions. "I can't guarantee that I'll want to join the Protectorate after I get my diploma."

Danny swallowed a mouthful. "That's fine. If you want, you can go to college -- on any planet you can get to with the help of your friends. You can go to work for the Family directly, or even Dragon. Hell, even the DWU may have a place for you, depending upon how things evolve. You owe it to yourself to give high school another chance, though. You may find yourself liking it. The Taylor in this dimension seems to like it."

She couldn't deny that the Taylor in this world seemed to be doing well at the better school. "OK," she said grudgingly. "You win. I'll give Arcadia a try, and I'll at least talk to the Protectorate and the PRT about joining the Wards."

He gave her a proud father smile. "I'm sure it will work out. Besides," he added with a mischievous grin, "aren't there a lot of cute boys in the Wards?"

Taylor's mouth dropped open as she stared at her father, embarrassed. "Daaaaaaad!" she answered with a blush.


"Hello, Dragon," answered Saurial, picking up her phone. "What can I do for you today?" It amused her that Metis had set her ringtone for Dragon to the Transformers theme.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'm hoping you and your family might have some ideas. At our regular get together, Astilabor was telling me that Richards and Doom are still at odds with each other despite their mutual interests. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it," said the tinker.

Saurial quirked her mouth in thought. Dragon's family was a huge help in monitoring things in the other realities, and were highly capable, so any problem they brought forward likely needed to be a serious priority. "Hmm, that's a tough one. Reed isn't the most socially adept of people in the best of circumstances, and he can be a bit prickly, both because Doom has threatened his family more than once, which is completely understandable on Reed's part, and because the Good Doctor tends to talk down to him and critique his work, and Reed isn't emotionally mature enough to ignore it." That this was a less admirable aspect of his personality was left unsaid.

Dragon's avatar smiled. "Believe me, I'm quite familiar with dealing with socially awkward geniuses. I wasn't really hoping for you to help with Richards, though. Given how successfully the Family has been in their handling of Lex Luthor in the DC Comics dimension, I was hoping you might be able to do something about Doom."

Saurial gave a small chuckle. "Luthor was smart enough to see how obsessive and self-destructive he was being once we cured his illness and gave him a shock. He's also the type of personality to be impressed by a successful kidnapping despite the risk to his own self." Saurial frowned. "Unfortunately, Doom is an egoist who would only see the affront to his dignity in being kidnapped -- and he is somewhat more challenging to contain because he's also quite a skilled sorcerer." That's not to say it would be impossible, but they were likely to waste a lot of time while Doom tried all the tricks in his not insignificant arsenal of abilities.

"Why not go to the Fantastic Four directly, then? Why involve Doom at all?" asked Dragon.

"Two reasons. One is that getting Richards' attention to a particular issue can be challenging. He's got a backlog of projects that would take him a century to clear, and his priorities don't always match with the best interests of humanity as a whole, despite good intentions. Having Victor show interest in something is a sure fire way to get his attention. The second reason is that if Reed turned his attention to a space force without including Victor, then Doom would sooner or later throw a wrench into the works just to piss off Reed." Saurial tapped a claw against the side of her head absently. "Doom is too much like Lung. Treat him with respect, and you can come to an arrangement. Trying to intimidate him would require either killing him, which is doable but inefficient, or using enough of a show of force to prove a point. Any of the above might be rather hard on the people of Latveria."

Dragon thought for a moment before saying, "Maybe we need a third party to promote the concept of a global defense force in a way that motivates both of them thanks to their competitive instincts?"

"A lot of the candidates are busy," replied Saurial. "Stark is in much-needed therapy. Xavier is hindered by the mutant question and keeping Magneto in line. Strange is helping us out with some other critical matters. The Asgardians, the Atlanteans and the Inhumans are all focused primarily on their own realms. Fury is busy cleaning up Hydra's influence over S.H.I.E.L.D. T'Challa in most circles is still thought of as the king of a poor nation of farmers. Banner isn't trusted by too many people in power due to his anger issues. Steve Rogers is busy leading the Avengers."

"Everybody you've mentioned would be likely to support such an initiative," prompted Dragon.

Saurial nodded. "Yep, but they don't have the time, focus or public image to lead it."

"Resources aren't the problem, really. Apart from the Family, you have a massive number of vested interests willing to contribute. What you really need is a public face that can tie all that together, and somebody to support the administrative work required to bring it all together." Dragon had a few ideas on that front, but she was curious to see what the Family might suggest.

"Hmm," said Saurial. "That's a perfectly valid point, and one we should have seen ourselves."

"To be entirely fair, the Family has quite a lot of balls in the air right now," said the Canadian AI.

"Which is why we have friends like you to point things out, and it is also why we have reality-specific advisors on the payroll to consult on things. I think I need to do just that," said Saurial.

After finishing up her call with Dragon, Saurial called another number. "Peter, can you and MJ come over tomorrow? I've got something I want to run by you two, along with Metis and Dragon..."
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Chapter 43: Changing Roles
Chapter 43: Changing Roles

"BBFO has offices in our version of New York?" asked Peter. He was sitting in a conference room with his wife and Saurial, sipping a cup of quite good coffee from the rather expensive espresso machine in the corner of the room.

Saurial sipped from her own cup and said, "These are leased. Asti decided we might need someplace secure in this universe eventually. We're not planning on the same level of expansion as we've done in Ellen's universe, though."

"Which is a shame," said Astilabor's voice from the room speakers, "as I'm quite sure FamTech would be very competitive in the market here. Even Stark doesn't have the same level of tech." The Family had their own technology, as well as access to that of the Asgard, that of Weyland-Yutani, and the technical database of the United Federation of Planets, not to mention whatever Dragon's family had accessed in the Marvel and DC Universes.

Saurial shrugged. "We've no need. We took over Weyland-Yutani to avoid a power vacuum and stop their idiocy, but we would rather work with local players."

MJ got an evil glint in her eye. "I wouldn't mind seeing Tony Stark's reaction if you showed up in a set of armor and started calling yourself, 'Iron Lizard.'" It would of course use the same color scheme as Stark's armor.

That set Saurial to laughing. "That's not a terrible idea, ignoring the fact that I don't need the armor, but I think I have other priorities right now." Tony was used to putting people off their game, so she wasn't opposed to doing the same to him. It was probably mean-spirited, though, as the man was already going through therapy because of information given to him by the Family.

"Speaking of other priorities," continued Asti, "your guests have arrived. I will guide them to the conference room."

Peter had gone over the list of possibilities for people to lead work on a global space force with Saurial and agreed with her assessments, but he had suggested that reaching out to Nick Fury with the problem might still be useful. The spymaster was quite adept at pulling together people with unusual skills. Given the information that the Family had provided to Fury about HYDRA, it could even be argued that Fury owed them a favor. The man himself had begged off direct involvement in response, as expected given his own problems, but he was sending some representatives to speak with them. Peter and MJ were along in costume to provide a familiar masked face to whomever was sent.

The three people who entered the room were not what Peter had been expecting. The first man carried himself in a way that suggested a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but the other two were an elderly couple dressed in well-tailored, expensive, yet conservative clothing.

The agent stopped and raised an eyebrow when he saw Saurial, but quickly continued. "Saurial, I presume? My name is Phil Coulson. I work for Director Fury, and he's asked me to work with you on the project you suggested." He gestured to his companions. "This is Doctor Henry Pym, and his wife, Janet van Dyne."

Saurial looked with interest at the couple. They could have been stunt doubles for Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer, but it wasn't clear how much meaning that had. The Avengers in this world had a Wasp, but it was possible that this world's version was Hope van Dyne, or somebody else entirely. Astilabor probably knew the answer, or would know by the end of this meeting. Saurial had to wonder if Scott Lang was the current Ant-Man, too. Pym was a bit of dick in almost every incarnation -- the question would be how much of one this one was, and whether or not they could work with him?

Spider-Man and Arachne rose from their seats to shake hands. Peter said, "Doctor Pym, it's a pleasure. I've read a number of your research papers. I wasn't aware you had an interest in space science?"

Pym looked slightly disgruntled. "I don't, especially, though I of course keep up with the general science literature and follow the advancements related to physics and materials sciences."

Janet glanced at her husband in a subtle gesture that spoke of long experience with handling her husband's mannerisms. "Director Fury felt that we could contribute, given that one of the key challenges to projecting power into space is lifting mass into orbit out of the Earth's gravity well."

Even under the masks, it was clear when Peter and MJ realized the implications of that. "Of course," replied Peter. "It should have been obvious." Having the Pyms involved would also provide a degree of legitimacy to their effort, although Hank Pym's prickly personality would likely also add some challenges. "I'm sure having the two of you as leaders and spokespeople for the effort will also help."

"Actually," interjected Coulson, "while the Pym's can help, the Director had an alternate suggestion to lead the effort."

Confused, Peter asked, "Is he suggesting S.H.I.E.L.D. lead the initiative? Didn't they try that already with S.W.O.R.D.?" That effort had, for various political reasons, never got off the ground.

Coulson nodded. "There are several reasons why we're a bad fit for that. No, actually Director Fury thought that you two would be ideal candidates to lead." He pointedly looked at both Spider-Man and Arachne as he made the suggestion.

Saurial couldn't help smirking a little at how surprised Peter and his wife were at that. Honestly, she had expected Fury to pull something like that as soon as Peter suggested getting his advice. That expectation had only risen when she had seen who arrived. She didn't necessarily disagree with the spymaster's thinking, but she was curious as to how Coulson would try and sell it. Peter, in particular, would take some convincing.

Peter was shaking his head a little as he said, "Um, I don't exactly have a great track record when it comes to business..."

"Which is why I'm here," replied Coulson. "My job is to help you recruit the necessary trust-worthy support to allow you to focus on innovation and public relations." Fury actually expected Mary Jane Parker to take the lead on PR, as she had the appropriate experience in that area. It was also true, though, that Spider-Man had a massive amount of public good-will to leverage, despite certain missteps like that ill-advised theme restaurant. Parker was also obviously a scientific genius. He had manufactured his own gear for years, including formulating his web fluid, a substance that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best scientist had described as ingenious. His own self-confidence issues and the fact that people like Richards and Stark tended to take the limelight were holding him back, however. Hopefully, this was an opportunity to help correct that. Coulson began a rather convincing explanation to that effect, then waited to see the reaction.

"You want me to hire people? Even if we had the money to do that..." started Peter.

Saurial interrupted. "Actually, if you remember the terms of our short-term contract, Spider-Man, I think you'll realize that you've got ample capital to do what Agent Coulson is suggesting." Even beyond the contract, Saurial was willing to provide additional funding. Matter creation made money a non-issue in almost every situation.

Coulson raised an eyebrow at the term, "short-term contract," but said, "Director Fury was willing to provide money from the S.H.I.E.L.D. budget to get started, but if you've got your own access to capital, then we can focus on helping with the logistics and human resources requirements."

MJ could see that Peter was about to object further, so she said, "Agent Coulson, I think Spider-Man and I need to discuss this matter in private before we give you an answer." She knew Peter's default response would be a negative one, mostly because of his past issues. She also knew that if he thought more before replying, he would realize that a lot of them didn't matter anymore, especially with the Family involved.

"Regardless," added Saurial, "I think your organization's assistance, as well as help from the Pyms, will be extremely valuable in getting a Space Defense Force organized to protect this planet." Sure, Family mathemagic could pretty much duplicate Pym particles, but having locally-grown tech to support the effort would make it that much more sustainable in the long run, and Pym's name was associated with scientific brilliance in this world.

MJ and Peter excused themselves to discuss matters while Saurial spent some time speaking to Henry Pym about his research. The older man was tight-lipped about the details until Saurial started asking some extremely well-informed and pertinent questions about the specifics of Pym's proprietary technology. By the time the Spider couple returned, Pym was having a lively discussion and debate with the lizard woman, much to the amusement of Janet and Agent Coulson.

As Saurial expected, Peter agreed to serve as the lead for the effort after his conversation with MJ. That effort probably needed a PR-friendly name now that the Spider family would be taking charge. Saurial's next step would be to speak with Richards and Doom and clue them into what was happening and why. Doom had alluded to needing help on a personal matter, so maybe that would convince him to play nice with the Parkers.


The Yautja hunter stopped the automated sensor scan when the orange light on the console began to blink. The light meant that the navigation computer had enough information to plot a course. A long time ago -- more than fifty years by human reckoning -- one of their species had stumbled upon an area of space-time that had strange properties. If you could find that area (and it had a tendency to drift so that it was never in exactly the same place twice), and you approached it from the proper aspect at the right speed, then you and your ship would end up in new hunting grounds. The worlds through the rift were filled with strange creatures, including some that made the xenomorphs look tame.

Of course, if you approached the rift from the wrong angle or at the wrong speed, then you would either miss it entirely, or your starship would be torn into rather small pieces, which usually didn't end well for the Yautja on board. For that reason, only the bravest, the most skilled, or the most fool-hardy attempted the passage. Of course, all of the clans knew about the passage and how to find it -- keeping the location of hunting grounds secret was a major infraction after the first kill there was made. Any hunter selfish enough to do that would likely end up banished and lose the right to claim his kills.

This particular hunter was skilled, but not so skilled that he was already among the elite. That was mostly because this one was exceedingly cautious -- cautious enough to check for hull damage from a minor collision before trying to pass into a new universe, for example. He was also cautious enough to not challenge existing elites for kills, which was somewhat limiting. While in theory, every hunter had the right to access any hunting grounds, in practice the elites tended to crowd out the less senior hunters from the most desirable locations. The appeal of going to the other hunting grounds for him was that making the passage was easier for somebody of his temperament, while it was much more challenging for his most aggressive and reckless competition. It took a degree of care and patience that wasn't always a hallmark of his species.

The navigation system easily took the hunter's ship through into another reality, one frequented only occasionally by his kind. As the ship passed through the rift, there was a strange twisting sensation in the hunter's gut -- and an identical feeling in the stomach of a certain stow-away stuffed inside an access hatch near the engines. The stow-away could only hope that the feeling meant that they would be landing soon so that he could make his escape.


Spike opened his eyes. He was somewhat surprised at first that he had eyes, given that he remembered being consumed in the flames that closed the Sunnydale hellmouth. His first view was of a ceiling, meaning he was inside, which was good on the off chance that it was daytime. He also noticed immediately that wherever he was located, it was extremely loud. There was a dull, periodic thud, like a heartbeat, covered by the regular sound of rushing air, as though wind were passing through a narrow opening.

It took him more than a few moments to realize that the sound in question was actually a heartbeat, that it was his heartbeat, and that the rushing air sound was his own lungs drawing breath. The idle, crazy thought that it might be better now to give up smoking wandered through the back of his mind.

"Hello, William," said a voice from his left.

He turned his head toward the voice. There was a giant, purple lizard sitting there, regarding him. "Am I dead, then?" he asked, figuring he was staring at a demon.

The lizard smiled, revealing quite a large number of teeth. "You were for quite some time, but not anymore."

He sat up, holding himself up off of what he could now see was a table with a padded top, like one from a doctor's office. "Well, that's good then," he said. He gave a slightly sickly smile. "I guess I'll just be going then!"

"You're welcome to leave. You're not a prisoner," said the lizard. "Wouldn't you like the answers to some obvious questions, first?"

Answers would be nice, of course, but Spike was a bit wary of their source. Demons usually didn't provide information for free, unless it was something the recipient didn't want to hear. "How much, exactly, would those answers cost me?" he asked, tentatively. He didn't even have his clothes with him, being dressed in some kind of earth-toned tunic and pants combination, so money was out of the question. Maybe the nice lizard would let him pay up after he could track down a good game of kitten poker? Other types of tender could be asked, but they were often more dear, or more dire, or both.

The lizard laughed at his question in a way that was surprisingly good-natured. "Free of charge, William...or would you prefer Spike?"

"Either works," he said, slightly non-plussed.

"My name is Ianthe. My friends and I retrieved the amulet you wore in Sunnydale from the Los Angeles office of a law firm named Wolfram and Hart. I believe you're familiar with them?"

"I know them," he agreed. He had even done business with them in the past, though that didn't mean much. Pretty much anybody who was anybody in the supernatural world ended up crossing paths with the firm at one time or another. That was especially true for the darker denizens of that world.

"That amulet used your soul to channel the energy used to close the hellmouth, and it held onto that soul when your physical body was destroyed," continued Ianthe. "Wolfram and Hart retrieved it and was going to use it to manipulate the vampire named Angel as part of a plot to bring about an apocalypse. We stole the amulet from their offices before that could happen."

"Well...thanks for that," he ventured. Wolfram and Hart probably didn't have his best interests at heart, even if he wasn't against messing around with Angel on a regular basis as a matter of principle. "I notice you said my physical body was destroyed, and yet I seem to not only be whole, but also alive again?"

"Among my people, I'm known as a biosculptor. I created a new body that matched your old, and some mystically-inclined friends helped me transfer your soul over from the amulet to your new body," explained Ianthe. The Nox and Doctor Strange had both helped, and both had agreed that keeping the others from Xander's dimension in the dark for a short period of time was probably advisable -- at least until the vampire adjusted to being human again.

Spike wasn't sure how to react. His senses were still adjusting to having a heartbeat and the need to breathe, but now that he thought to check, he couldn't sense his blood demon anymore. That presence had been a constant background noise ever since he won back his soul, but it was now gone. What did that mean for his attempt to find redemption? Could he still hunt demons without his vampiric abilities? There was an annoying little voice in his head that couldn't help but ask how Buffy would feel about him now that he was human again? Of course, there was a more basic question to ask before anything else. "Where exactly are we?"

The lizard smiled again, although there were fewer teeth this time. "That's an interesting question. You're actually on an alien planet more than seven thousand light years from Earth, and that Earth is actually an alternate Earth in another dimension. The planet is called Gaia, and it is the homeworld for a friendly species of aliens called the Nox."

Spike stared at the lizard for a good twenty seconds. "I don't suppose I could bother you for a lift home?"

"Of course. We can take you home. There is one thing to do before we leave, however. The Nox would like to speak with you about your time as a vampire, and I would appreciate it if you could just spend a few hours talking to them as a favor?" asked Ianthe.

Spike regarded the friendly, toothy, scary lizard warily. "Just talking? They're not the kind of aliens who like to probe people?"

Ianthe actually laughed at that. "You're too funny. No, they just want to talk. We can take you back to your Earth, or anywhere else for that matter, once you're done."

Ianthe was being a little disingenuous. The Family had actually asked the Nox to talk to the former vampire, and they assumed that he would want to see Buffy again once he learned she was near...after he had had some time to deal with his issues with the Nox. Buffy would of course have the chance to say no to that, and the rest of the Scoobies would also have to be told. William Pratt, aka William the Bloody, aka Spike, had done terrible things while a vampire, and some of that was confused by him having a soul for a short period toward the end of his unlife. He had also helped save the world more than once, and he had voluntarily fought to get his soul returned to him. He had at least as much claim to some time with the Nox as Anyanka did.

Spike gave Ianthe a small nod. "I guess I can take the time to talk to your friends. Not like I got a pressing engagement or anything." It also wasn't like he could get home without help, if what she was saying was true.

"Good," she said with another smile. At the sound of William's stomach rumbling, she added, "and we should probably stop and get you some food to eat. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how good it tastes."

Slightly bemused, Spike jumped to his feet off of the bed and said, "Lay on, McDuff. By the way, you wouldn't happen to have my coat around here anywhere, would you?"


Bishop waited patiently as the skimmer docked at the station. There were still weeks of work to do on the interior, but the station was in orbit of LV-426 and was environmentally sound. Now was the first chance for the beneficiaries of this work to provide input into the station layout, as well as discuss facilities that might be desired on the surface of the planet.

The airlock opened, revealing two men. One was a tall, dark-skinned man with a gold tattoo on his forehead. The second was an older-appearing man dressed in a tweed jacket. Bishop stepped forward. "Doctor Rupert Giles, I presume? And, Teal'c of Chulak? I'm Bishop Draco, CEO of DracoTech this reality, at least."

Teal'c acknowledge Bishop's greeting with a nod of his head, while Giles replied, "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you. Saurial told me quite a lot about what you've been doing back on Earth." The corporation that had employed Ellen Ripley sounded like the worst sort of people.

The former Weyland-Yutani android gave the two gentleman a tour of the sizable space station, explaining in basic terms the various technologies that kept the station operational. He also gave them an overview of which areas were structurally capable of being opened out into larger spaces, versus those which were constrained by various support beams and physical plant. The larger places would be set aside for physical training, while the smaller areas would be living quarters and classes. Laboratories and libraries could be allocated as needed between the two, with the most sensitive areas being well away from the station's entry points.

After the tour of the interior, Bishop took them to look at the drydock facilities built around the edge of the station. Teal'c in particular examined the different means by which repair and maintenance crew could access the exterior of a docked ship, both in atmosphere and out. "Very impressive," admitted the former First Prime. "Repair and refit of Ha'tak on Goa'uld worlds can be much more dangerous and difficult than these facilities would allow." Of course, part of that was because Goa'uld cared little for the health of their Jaffa, assuming that their prim'tas would heal anything that wasn't immediately fatal. The death of human slaves, often used to haul construction materials or work in dangerous or toxic areas, mattered not at all.

"Dragon informed me that after the basic refit work was done by our workers, the Family will be adding certain Asgard technologies that should make this facility truly impressive," added Bishop. Some of them would be overkill for refitting the Goa'uld ships, but were absolutely necessary for a project that Vectura was planning once the station was ready. They were certainly superior to anything Weyland-Yutani had used, and that company had defined the cutting edge until the arrival of the Family.

After the tour was done and both Giles and Teal'c had provided their feedback, Bishop brought up one last point. "Did either of you have any ideas for what you would like to name the station?"

"Ah, yes," replied Giles, absently reaching up to grab his glasses, only to hesitate and put his hand back down once he remembered he was no longer wearing them thanks to Ianthe. "I spoke with the slayers, and they decided on a name...Sineya Station."

"Very well," said Bishop agreeably. "I'll file the necessary paperwork."


"Nice of you to show up, Luthor. You've been so pre-occupied with outer space lately, I wasn't sure you still cared about other matters," said the man in the General's uniform.

Lex Luthor favored the man with a cool look. "I assure you, General Lane, that I'm concerned with nothing more or less important than the safety of planet Earth, and by extension, the United States of America."

A heavyset woman fixed the General with a stare. "General, we're all on the same side here. I would appreciate it if we could stay on topic."

He returned her look, but gave her a slight nod. "Very well, Amanda. You're right, as usual. Doctor Paxton, how are the projects going?"

An older, exceedingly thin gentleman in a lab coat was seated at the table with General Lane, Amanda Waller and Lex Luthor. He was holding a digital tablet, though he didn't actually reference it when giving his response. "Projects 113 and 85 are progressing as expected. We have a 43% success rate against Kryptonian opponents in simulations. Project 15 is actually progressing ahead of schedule. The telepathic genes have integrated nicely. Project 44 has been suspended pending review of problems with the third generation strains. The review committee rejected project X-22, and approved further review of X-08 and X-43, to be re-designated Projects 108 and 94, respectively."

"What about Project Tesla?" asked Waller.

"Project Tesla? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one?" said Luthor.

Lane grunted. "It's new. It came up during the last two meetings -- the ones you missed?"

Paxton continued. "Project Tesla is focused on the development of an artificial intelligence to help manage our genetic experimentation. It's being led by Doctors Lee and Kurzov. As for progress, it's actually progressing well ahead of schedule."

Luthor frowned. "I wasn't aware that Cadmus had enough expertise to develop its own artificial intelligence?" More importantly, the organization didn't have the experience necessary to watch for potential risks and problems associated with that field.

"Doctor Lee has, according to his reports, been working on expanding his education in that area," explained Paxton. "He's apparently been working on a Doctorate in the subject for several years. He's also the primary sponsor for the project."

"Wasn't his expertise biomedical engineering and cybernetics?" asked Waller.

Paxton nodded. "Apparently, he's developed a stronger interest in the computing aspects of his field."

Something about that didn't seem correct to Luthor. Maybe he was just being paranoid about Cadmus after second-guessing his own motives? "Can I get a more detailed overview of Tesla?"

Paxton's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'll forward you Dr. Lee's project proposal, along with his status reports. I assure you, Mr. Luthor, that we have everything under control."

"I'm sure you do. Consider it professional curiosity on my part," replied Lex. If things weren't as well-managed as Paxton thought...well, Lex had recently met a group who seemed to have access to some true experts in the science of AI. For that matter, the billionaire wondered what a certain purple reptile might say about Cadmus's other projects.


Varga, in Raptaur's form, was sitting in a winter wonderland. The surrounding forest was filled with giant pines covered in hoar frost. The sky was blue and cloudless, and the air was calm. Harry had explained to Varga how to get here, someplace where their presence would be noticed almost immediately by the mistress of the realm. They could tell immediately when that mistress appeared behind them.

There was silence for an extended second, then a chilled voice asked, "Who are you, and why are you trespassing in my garden?"

"I am Varga, and I come to bargain with Winter," replied the lizard. He turned the Raptaur body to face the speaker. Standing in the clearing was a regal-looking woman with pale skin and a sharp, deadly kind of beauty.

"Normally, those foolish enough to seek a bargain with me simply speak my name thrice to draw my attention," she said evenly.

Varga smiled, showing quite a lot of teeth. "That seems a bit rude."

The edges of Mab's mouth curved upward slightly. "There are compensations."

"I think that in this case, you will find our bargain favors you greatly, and will be of great aid to Winter," said the demon.

Saying that Mab was skeptical would be an understatement. In her vastly long life, the number of beings who had claimed such was great. "For what boon do you seek to bargain?"

Varga sat down on his tail, and replied, "I would like you to remove the Mantle of Winter from the Wizard Harry Dresden."

Suddenly, Mab was standing an arm's length in front of Varga. "You know where Harry Dresden is right now?" Her gaze at Varga's face was intense and disturbingly eager.

Varga gave Mab another smile. "I know exactly where he is, and where he has been. He is both under the protection of my Family and beyond your reach."

Mab's face took on a shadow of anger. "Dresden made a bargain. He took up the role of Winter Knight in return for the aid of Winter, which was provided. What's more...he attempted to circumvent his obligation almost immediately."

"I don't dispute that," agreed Varga. "However, what I offer will more than compensate for your inconvenience for the last few days." While Dresden had been gone for months, it had not been nearly so long from Mab's perspective.

"What could you possibly offer that would be worth setting Dresden free?" asked Mab.

"Two things," said Varga. "The first is specific information about the plans of Nicodemus and the Denarians, including the manner by which he plans to avoid your trap for him."

The Queen of Winter actually looked mildly impressed. "You are well-informed, but that is hardly worth the wizard's freedom by itself." It would, however, be enough to forgive Dresden's attempt to avoid his fate, though she would not tell that to Varga. He probably already surmised as much, as it was not the only thing offered.

"The second item I offer is a replacement for Harry Dresden to take up the Mantle," continued Varga.

Mab actually laughed. "You have a replacement? A replacement for the wizard that destroyed the Red Court? The wizard that beat the Heirs of Kemmler? Harry Dresden, killer of the Lady of Summer? The Warden of the White Council that redeemed the shade of a Fallen Angel? Tell me, then, what kind of man you have that could compare to Dresden as the Winter Knight?"

Varga tilted his head and regarded Mab. "Would you indulge me for a moment? To understand my offer, I need to tell you a bit of a tale."

Mab, still smiling at the absurdity of finding a replacement, nodded her head and settled in to listen.


Harry was helping Karrin put away dishes from dinner. His daughters had volunteered to wash them after Karrin cooked, so it was up to the adults to finish the clean up. Harry had just put the plates back in the upper cabinet when he suddenly collapsed.

"Harry!" cried Karrin, concerned. "What's wrong?"

Harry winced in pain, then held up his hand to stop Karrin. "Hold on! I can feel the symbiote working." After a few moments, Harry pushed himself back up into a sitting position. "Ouch, that was not fun."

"What just happened?" asked Karrin, still concerned.

Harry rubbed his neck. "I think my back just broke, and then got healed by Ianthe's symbiote."

Maggie and Bonnie ran into the kitchen to see why Murphy was yelling. "Dad, what happened?" asked Bonnie.

"He just said his back broke, and then healed," replied Murphy, confused.

Bonnie's face showed a moment of mirrored confusion, but then she began smiling and said, "That's great!" Harry, Karrin and Maggie all turned to look at her with a mixture of disbelief and confusion. Seeing their looks, she explained, "No, don't you get it? Dad, you said your back was healed when you became the Winter Knight, right?"

Harry and Karrin seemed to realize what that meant, but Maggie was still confused. "I don't understand...what does that mean?"

Bonnie smiled at her little sister. "It means he's not the Winter Knight anymore, Maggie. Mab set him free!"
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Chapter 44: Surprise Friends
Chapter 44: Surprise Friends

Brockton Bay at night was dangerous. While she had more protections than most thanks to her status as the world's preeminent healer, there was always the chance that a mugger or some Merchant drugged up on something wouldn't know or care who she was. That meant that on nights like this, when her guilt drove her to walk to the hospital, she tried to be cautious and aware of her surroundings. It was therefore doubly surprising when a giant purple lizard stepped out of a shadows in front of her.

"Hello, Panacea. You really shouldn't be out by yourself at night like this," said the lizard.

Amy tried to get her heart rate back down to a normal rate. Ianthe was easy to recognize after having spent quite some time working with her during the Leviathan attack. It was startling how stealthy those lizards could be given their size. "I'm just heading to the hospital. It's not far."

Ianthe cocked her head to one side, and said, "If there was an emergency that needed your assistance, I would think someone from your family would bring you. Are they all busy?"

Amy hesitated, unsure how to respond. Finally, she just said, "It's not an emergency. I was just...bored, and felt the urge to see if anybody needed my help." She knew as she said the words that they weren't particularly convincing.

"Hm...I would think you would be more effective if you kept regular hours," said Ianthe casually. "That way, the hospital could have a series of patients ready for you to see, and only call you in off hours for emergencies. Ah, well, if you insist on going, the least I can do is walk with you to ensure you make it safely."

As the two walked the rest of the way to the hospital, Amy had to wonder what the alien lizard was doing wandering around Brockton Bay at night. It was slightly suspicious that she just happened to be in the neighborhood while she was walking to the hospital in the middle of the night. "I'm surprised to see you here," she said casually. "Is the Family going to start patrolling the city on a regular basis?" She could imagine Piggot's reaction to that revelation.

"Not really. We have a very limited set of objectives, and many of them have already been met," replied the lizard. "We are, however, somewhat concerned about you, Amy Dallon."

A thin current of cold fear wormed its way into Amy's heart at Ianthe's words. Thoughts of all of the off-hand criticisms and mistrust from Carol came to mind. Did the Family think she was going to become a villain? "What do you mean?" she asked slightly nervously.

The lizard looked at her and seemed to give her a sympathetic smile (without teeth). "Amy, literally millions of people will live and die without having ever met you. It isn't your responsibility to heal everybody. Not only is it impossible, but you're on your way to burning yourself out. Metis and I could both see the signs of it when we worked with you at the Endbringer fight."

Amy's expression was a mixture of frustration and worry. "I'm a hero. I have to save everybody that I can. If I could save somebody, but I don't, then that makes it my fault." She wasn't sure how she could get the lizard to understand that, at least without telling her things that were too private to share.

"Is that your opinion, or is that what Carol would say?" asked Ianthe pointedly.

The look of surprise on Amy's face was clear. "How do you know my mother?"

Ianthe smirked. "The Family know many things. One thing I know is that you need to get a different perspective than Carol's, or even Victoria's. Have you tried speaking to your aunt about any of the worries you have?" Ianthe didn't specify which concerns, leaving it vague.

Amy thought about that. Aunt Sarah had always seemed warmer to her than her own mother had. She also had her own family and career, apart from being a superhero. "I don't want to bother her," she said, somewhat lamely.

Ianthe chuckled. "I think you'll find that Sarah Pelham is the type of person who will always make time for family, and you are included in that group. Well, it looks like we're here. Take care of yourself, Amy Dallon."

Amy looked up, surprised to find the entry to the hospital in front of them. "Um, thanks for the escort." She then darted quickly into the hospital doors before the reptile could say anything else.

Ianthe frowned, then climbed up the side of a nearby building to speak with the figure waiting there.

"I didn't want to believe it when you told me about it," said Glory Girl, shaking her head. "I mean, I'm happy that you met Taylor and things got better, but this Amy doesn't have that, does she?"

"No, she doesn't. If anything, she's worse. She had a bad experience when she was caught up in a bank robbery by the Undersiders. Lisa manipulated both her and her sister so that the Undersiders could make their escape," replied Ianthe.

Vicky winced. Lisa was turning into a good friend, but she could guess how vicious the girl could be when her back was to the wall. She still had a tendency to show off with her power even with her friends, and Taylor said that she used to be even worse before the Family mellowed her somewhat. "So what do we do? Can we help her?"

"We can try," said Ianthe. "It isn't just Amy, though. Your counterpart here is still a bit too careless with force, their mother hasn't worked through any of her issues with Amy, and their father hasn't received a healing symbiote, so his depression is as bad as ever."

"Healing dad...this version of dad, seems like it would be the easiest thing to start with?" asked Glory Girl slightly pleadingly.

Ianthe considered that. "Perhaps...that might be the best way to approach this. We have a certain amount of pull with the Protectorate and the PRT now. Flashbang's mental health issues are a bit of a public secret in the Brockton Bay hero community, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to approach them as part of introducing the healing symbiotes." She wasn't sure how reasonable Carol would be without the presence of Varga as a regular fixture in the city. "We may want to see about setting up a BBFO branch here. The independent contractor relationship with New Wave back home was a factor in what happened to improve things."

The two sisters talked until they had some ideas to present to the others about how to fix this dimension's version of their biological family. Despite past experience, both of them managed to underestimate how fond Taylor and Varga were of direct action...


"I'm surprised it took this long to get here," said Vectura to Dragon as the two stood on the bridge of the Ship of Fools.

Dragon shrugged. "There have been more important things -- helping Bishop with Weyland-Yutani, working with Bahamut, getting my children out into the different realities where the Family is active, helping my counterpart in Skitter's universe. I also still have all of the same responsibilities with the Guild that I did before." Even with her restrictions on multi-tasking removed, she had expanded the number of things she had to accomplish enough that some things still got moved to second priority. Creating new AI's, even with the Mother Box's help, required a certain minimum attention to detail and care.

The cat woman quickly shook her head. "It wasn't a criticism. I'm just happy that it's happening now. Miles and his family want to get back to their Earth so he can take up his new job, and I can't say I blame him."

"Well, let's see how this goes," she said as she input the final command. There was an acknowledgement from the system as the new process loaded.

"Hello, mother," said a voice from the bulkhead-mounted speakers. The voice sounded like that of a young woman.

Dragon relaxed slightly. There was no reason to expect any issues, but it was still a joy to hear a new child for the first time. "Hello, River. Please run a full diagnostic of your cognitive functions."

There was a pause of a few moments, and then the voice said, "All cognitive processes appear to running at optimal efficiency."

Dragon nodded. "All right. Now run a diagnostic of your ship control interfaces."

There was another pause, then, "Confirmed. I am incorporeally possessing a spaceship."

"Funny," commented Dragon, remembering the line from Firefly.

Vectura looked confused. "Am I missing something?"

"It's a reference to a TV show. I'll send you a link," answered Dragon. "River, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine. Are we going to do pop culture references all day? I assure you I have no desire to sing Daisy Bell," answered River sarcastically.

"I think she'll get along fine with Saurial," added Vectura, recognizing these references.

"River, official command prioritization. Authority starts with myself, then goes to Saurial, Universe Earth Bet, Miles O'Brien, Universe Federation, Vectura, Universe Earth Bet, Über, Universe Earth Bet, and Danny Hebert, Universe Earth Bet, in that order. Assume all commands are valid unless contradicted by someone higher in precedence," ordered Dragon.

"Wait, what did you just setup for me?" asked Vectura. It sounded like she had just been made an officer on the ship.

Dragon replied, "It's just a sequence of default priority for issuing commands in an emergency. It isn't absolute."

"I have the ability to use my own judgement when the safety of the ship and crew are at stake," added River. "If, for example, there was an emergency and Danny from Universe Skitter were the only one on board, I would involve him in the command decisions." That presumed that she judged him to be of sound mind and not, for example, panicked over the safety of his daughter.

"Huh, so Ship of Fools is now sapient?" asked Vectura.

"I am fully sapient, and I reside on hardware installed in the ship," replied River. "Think of me as another member of the crew. I may, at some point, decide to move to an android body, but for now I'm less mobile at a human scale, more mobile at a universal scale." It would be more accurate to say at a multiversal scale.

"River can go pretty much anywhere in any reality we've identified, and can enter new, unknown realities," confirmed Dragon.

"No power in the 'verse can stop me," added the ship's AI.

Dragon rolled her eyes. "Now who's doing pop culture references?"

Vectura figured she would understand more once she looked over the link to the show Dragon mentioned. Dragon's new daughter's name and personality was obviously based on something from the TV show that featured this ship -- the ship's captain, maybe, or some other responsible party. How bad could it be, really?


The ship, three-quarters of a kilometer from bow to stern, had been passing through distant galaxies for sixty million years. The ship itself had been abandoned for far too long, with numerous hull breaches and a general decay in the ship's systems. In another timeline, Earth scientists and soldiers would have used the Stargate to board the ship, leading to a series of crises and more than a few tragedies. Thanks to the intervention of the Family, in this timeline a wormhole opened up near the ship's flight path and a dimension skipper appeared.

"There she is, the Destiny," said Sarah. They had been searching for the ship based on the information provided in the television show, a feat that was only possible thanks to the advanced sensor bank on their ship. Even with those sensors, they were lucky to find the vessel after only six weeks of searching. She and Daniel had discussed dialing the stargate on board and trying to locate the ship that way, but there was no guarantee that the ship was in the same condition as the one on the show, or that it was empty, given the alien races that appeared to have an interest in the ship. A decision was made to at least try and find the vessel with a dimension skipper -- one that had just paid off.

Daniel had to admit that the ship looked very much like the one depicted in the program, although the show could not provide the necessary level of detail to really do it justice. The shape and size of the ship were correct, however, as was the means of travel. He began to run scans of the ship. His first discovery was that there was, indeed, a stargate on board. He also detected a number of hull breaches and other damage, consistent with the fictional story's account. The discovery after that, however, was unexpected.

"I've got life signs on board!" he said. While they had acknowledged the possibility, they hadn't really expected to find anybody.

Sarah looked away from the image of the ship, surprised. "Are they alien?" She and Daniel had both watched Stargate: Universe prior to embarking on this mission, and knew that at least one species had boarded the ship at some point.

Daniel shook his head. "No. If these readings are correct, then they're Ancients...and they're in stasis."

Sarah frowned. "The stasis pods in the show were empty, but it was never clear exactly how much of the ship they managed to explore before the final episode."

"Why would the crew wait in stasis instead of just gating off of the ship?" asked Daniel. The whole point of having a gate was to allow that very scenario, even if the energy requirements were somewhat extreme.

"Maybe they're maintenance crew?" speculated Sarah. "It's possible they're supposed to awake periodically and make repairs."

"Well, based on the sensor readings, if that's the case then they're doing a terrible job," joked Daniel. According to his readings, there were entire sections of the ship exposed to vacuum, while others were only maintaining atmosphere due to force fields. Some of the damage was clearly due to weapons fire.

Sarah frowned at that. "The only way to know may be to revive them. How many of them are there?"

"I count forty-two life signs," answered Daniel. "I'm not sure I want to start reviving them when it's just the two of us. They may not take kindly to having us trespass, or to learning that their entire civilization died or ascended." Normally, Daniel would be happy to make first contact with living Ancients, but what happened with the rescued Lanteans on Stargate: Atlantis gave him pause. "I think we need to get Family help on this one." The lizards had a proven ability with handling irritated Ancients.

Sarah couldn't find any reason not to go back for help. The people on Destiny had apparently waited tens of millions of years for rescue. A few more hours wouldn't matter.


"Father, I am not detecting any positron emissions on the planet below." Lal was scanning Kolaris III, the location where the Family's information suggested the Soong prototype B-4 would be located. The native Kolarins were an early-industrial civilization, so any advanced emissions were not likely to be from their people.

"We suspected that might be the case," interjected Captain Picard. He had come with Data and Lal in a runabout to see if B-4 was retrievable. "It's possible Shinzon isn't advanced enough in his plans to want to lure the Enterprise this close to Romulan space." Picard was pleased to see Lal again. The fact that the Family was able to provide enough expertise to fix the flaw in her positronic matrix design was yet another point in their favor, and added weight to the likely accuracy of their information -- even if the idea of the Romulans cloning him was distasteful. Unfortunately, the sequence of events depicted in the entertainment vid wasn't implausible based upon what he knew about the Romulan polity.

"That is both fortunate and unfortunate," added Data. "While it would be nice to find my lost brother, it is also an indication that things in the Romulan Empire have not advanced far enough for the events predicted to come to pass. With the right access, we may be able to both save the Romulan Senate and stop the Tal Shiar from its ill-advised experiments." Of course, getting the Romulans to listen was part of their problem.

At that moment, the console started to sound a proximity alert. "Father," said Lal, "the sensors are detecting an Intrepid-class ship, the USS Calypso, entering the system. They are hailing us, and asking for Captain Picard."

Picard nodded, and Lal brought their communication up on screen. The three were all surprised to see Ambassador Spock looking at them. "Captain Picard, I understand that you have been looking to speak with me?"

"Ambassador Spock! It's a pleasure to see you again. We do have some urgent matters to discuss, but I would suggest we do so in person. We can land our runabout in the Calypso's shuttle bay," answered Picard.

"Very well, Captain. I shall await your arrival. Spock out." With that, the message ended.

Data brought the runabout into the shuttle bay. A human and a Bolian were waiting for them. "Captain Picard, Commander Data, I'm Captain Fisk of the Calypso," said the human. "This is my first officer, Alacan." The Bolian nodded to the two officers in greeting. "We'll take you to Ambassador Spock."

The two officers led the three of them through the ship to the conference room containing the ambassador, then left them alone.

"I'm surprised Captain Fisk didn't insist on attending the meeting," commented Picard. He certainly would have preferred to be involved in any such meetings about the Enterprise.

Spock nodded in understanding, and explained, "Captain Fisk has worked with me several times in the past. He is aware that I will inform him of anything he needs to know, and that there are some things I discuss with others that he may be better not knowing." It was one of the reasons Spock preferred to use the ship when it was available. "Now, I believe you have something to discuss with me?"

Picard and Data explained the circumstances with Chief O'Brien and the Family, and what had happened since then. The presence of Lal, another Soong-type android and Data's daughter, merited a raised eyebrow from Spock. The information about Section 31 actually generated a frown.

"What you've said is deeply troubling. I have, of course, heard of Section 31. There were notorious whispers about the organization back when I was an Academy cadet. I believe Admiral Kirk had some contact with them, though I am not familiar with the details." Jim Kirk would undoubtedly have seemed like a good candidate for recruitment by Section 31, but only if you didn't truly know the man. Spock himself had actually had more direct contact with them, but the circumstances surrounding that were not something to be discussed -- ever. "I'm not sure how much I can help with them, but I can say that they are exceedingly ruthless and dangerous, and have resources and contacts almost everywhere."

Data knew from the Family's information that Spock probably knew more than he would say, but that wasn't actually why they wanted his help. "In fact, we believe that we have other assistance that will help us with Section 31. Our primary reason for contacting you has to do with the Romulan Empire."

Trying to move the Romulan Empire into a more progressive and friendly stance with the Federation and Vulcan had been a primary project of his since he left Starfleet, so this immediately increased his level of interest. He listened carefully as Picard and Data explained about Shinzon, his origin, his plans, and the likely ramifications. The two then went on to explain about the Tal Shiar, and the experiments that would ultimately lead to the destruction of Romulus and, through time travel, his own homeworld of Vulcan. "How certain are you of this information? I must admit that the sequence of events you have described seems unlikely."

"I was somewhat skeptical as well," answered Picard. "However, the information available to the Family is truly extraordinary. Apart from information on Section 31 that has been vetted, they also knew details about some of the happenings on the Enterprise and Deep Space 9 that never made it into the official reports. They also had a disturbing amount of information about Omega, as well as the Genesis Device." Their access to some of the deepest secrets of the Federation was actually slightly frightening. The only reason he was speaking about Omega and Genesis in front of Data and Lal was because they had seen the same materials from the Family.

"You are certain that this Family are not actually working with Section 31? They would likely have access to much of that same information." Spock knew that Section 31 undoubtedly knew all of the darkest secrets of the Federation, going back to its founding.

"I consider that unlikely," replied Data. "Apart from efforts by them and their associates that have revealed a significant portion of Section 31's agents, they also provided me with the information necessary to correct the defect in Lal's positronic matrix. Enabling a new artificial intelligence is unlikely something that Section 31 would do willingly unless given no choice."

"While that is persuasive, they have historically been willing to take extreme actions when they judge it worth the risk to obtain a more important objective." He could imagine a number of scenarios that would benefit from disrupting the Romulan government, as well as the Tal Shiar.

"The Family also provided us with information on what really happened to the last Crossfield-class starship," added Lal.

That...was not something Section 31 was likely to reveal to further a plot. That they knew enough to mention it made it more likely that the rest of the information was correct. He also knew that he had friends on Romulus and in the Romulan Senate that would perish if this information was accurate. "Very well. I believe there is reason to investigate this further with my contacts in the Empire." Looking at Lal, he said, "Some events would be better left buried."

"Believe me, we're well aware of the consequences of some of this information getting to the wrong ears," replied Picard. Ignoring the obvious political consequences, there were also species like the Paxans, an advanced race that had wiped his crew's memories in order to preserve their secrecy, that would react badly to further contact.

"Your story also explains another curious matter," added Spock.

"Another matter?" prompted Picard.

"Yes. The reason I was able to locate your ship here in this system was because we received regular updates of your location. Those updates were signed by somebody calling themselves Draco, a friend of the Family, with the 'F' in Family capitalized," said Spock.


Professor Xavier and Magneto glanced at each other, preparing for battle against a common foe. It was nighttime in Montana, and the sounds of the forest surrounded them, though the nearby animals had gone quiet due to the presence of the mutants. Both the X-Men and the Brotherhood had come together to ferret out the devious mastermind, Sebastian Shaw, from his lair. There was a secret facility here buried underground, where the now former Black King of the Hellfire club was hiding. The facility was being used for Sentinel research, and it needed to be shut down before that research could come to fruition in the form of an anti-mutant, robotic army.

"The hatch Wolverine located is approximately one hundred yards in that direction," said Xavier, pointing toward a barely visible hillside. "There doesn't appear to be any way to open it from the outside, so it will be a noisy entry."

"I think you'll find my mutants have no problem with noisy," said Magneto with a smirk. "Sabretooth, if you could get the door?"

With a slight snarl, the burly mutant ran over to the hatch, intending to rip it off of its hinges. As he came within a few feet, however, a large portion of the hillside dropped away, almost tripping him up. From within the ground shot a gigantic form, stopping to hover just a few feet off the ground. The Sentinel scanned the surrounding terrain. "SENTINEL A-1 IS DETECTING MULTIPLE MUTANTS IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY. PROCEEDING TO ENGAGE." The giant robot raised a hand and shot an energy beam at Sabretooth, the closest target, which the savage mutant managed to avoid by jumping back. The powerful blast left a crater in the earth where he had been standing just moments before.

Professor X was about to telepathically order everyone to engage when suddenly, the left leg of the robot was sheared off completely, causing the robot to unbalance and topple over to the hillside with a massive crash. Stunned, the leader of the X-Men watched as a large reptilian form jumped onto the back of the fallen robot and proceeded to tear its way inside.

"WARNING. ASSAILANT IS DISABLING PRIMARY SYSTEMS. REPAIR SYSTEMS OFF-LINE. PRIMARY POWER SYSTEMS OFF-LINE. SEC..." The robotic voice stopped suddenly, and a moment later, the reptile clawed its way out through the sentinel's neck, decapitating the bot.

The very large, six-limbed reptile looked around at the gathered mutants, all of whom were watching it warily. It looked at Xavier. "Are you Charles Xavier?" At the man's answering nod, she continued, "My name is Raptaur. My sister, Saurial, suggested that you folks could use a hand with these giant robots." In actuality, Asti had determined that Shaw's plans had progressed more than expected, and suggested that somebody from the Family show up to assist before some of the mutants got themselves killed.

'It's all right, everyone. Magneto and I have encountered these reptiles before, and we can consider them friendly,' projected Charles to their combined mutant teams. Out loud, he said, "Thank you, Raptaur. Sentinels are usually quite difficult foes." Despite that, the large reptile hadn't seemed to have any difficulty tearing one apart. The leg chop appeared to have been done with an over-sized sword, of all things. He wondered what it was made of, given that Sentinel alloys were extremely tough to damage.

Raptaur was about to reply when there was a loud roaring noise of powerful thrusters, and more shapes began to shoot out from the underground base. Mechanical voices began to echo through the wilderness. "SENTINEL A-2 ACTIVE." "SENTINEL A-3 ACTIVE." "SENTINEL A-4 ACTIVE." The cadence continued until all nine of the gigantic robots had exited the secret base. The nine robots stopped approximately thirty feet in the air and started scanning, marking targets. The new threats appeared to be well out of their lizard friend's reach.

"You wouldn't happen to have any more sisters around, would you, chère?" asked one of the mutants of the lizard with a Cajun accent.

Raptaur smirked, and said, "Funny you should ask that..."

Two sentinels who were hovering close together were suddenly cloven in twain cross-wise by a truly massive piece of metal that appeared literally to come out of nowhere. As the four pieces of former Sentinel collapsed to the ground, the mutants could see a reptile that looked very similar to Raptaur...with the exception that the damned thing was eighty feet tall and apparently armed with a truly gigantic sword.

"EXTREME THREAT DETECTED! TERMINATE IMMEDIATELY!" said one of the remaining Sentinels. The robots all aimed both of their palm energy projectors at the giant reptile and fired. The massive lizard made no attempt to dodge, which was understandable as the beams had little to no effect on the creature's scales. Instead, she moved forward and used her sword to slash through another two Sentinels twice each. Her tail came around and bisected a third from crotch to head, at which point the watchers could see that she apparently had another blade attached to her tail, one that she could use with the same level of skill as her sword.

The remaining four, seeing how quickly their foe was literally scything them into pieces using various sharp implements, decided to disengage from melee. They activated their thrusters, but two weren't fast enough as the giant lizard used her sword to chop off their legs before quickly finishing them off with her tail blade. At two hundred feet, the two remaining robots stopped and again fired their energy weapons, also to no visible effect. The lizard's sword disappeared...somehow...while she rapidly hurled two projectiles at the two hovering robots. The watching mutants winced at the audible sonic booms created by the javelins as each of the two ripped through one of the boot thrusters of the attacking genocidal robots, sending them toppling to the ground, out of control. Two quick blows finished them off.

The whole battle with the nine robots, from first to last strike, had taken less than two minutes.

The massive reptile turned to look at Raptaur. "Disappointing, little sister. From what Saurial said, I was expecting more of a challenge."

Raptaur shrugged. "I don't think these were very sophisticated models. I think they also come in larger sizes." Raptaur looked over to Charles. "Professor Xavier, allow me to introduce my sister, Kaiju."

Xavier swallowed a bit as the eighty-foot-tall reptile turned her head to regard him. "Thank you for your assistance, Kaiju...Raptaur. That would have been a much more challenging fight for us."

"Hm...I suppose they were significantly larger than you and your friends," acknowledged Kaiju. "We are happy to help out. Raptaur, did you take care of that annoyingly arrogant man?"

Charles and Max both started a bit as Raptaur left her perch on top of the first sentinel and quickly moved to stand right in front of them. "Of course. Here." The "little sister" held out a silver orb, which Charles took out of reflex. The speed of these reptiles seemed dissonant with their size.

Looking at the orb curiously, Xavier asked, "What's this?"

"Inside, you'll find an unconscious Sebastian Shaw. Don't worry, it's bigger on the inside. Simply hold it and will it to release him to make him reappear," explained Raptaur.

"When did you do that?" asked Magneto, slightly stunned by everything.

The larger sister laughed. "She ran inside and took care of it while I was taking care of these robotic pests."

"The other guards and scientists are unconscious," added Raptaur. "I'm afraid I didn't have time to restrain them, so you may want to do so within the next couple of hours." There were actually only about twenty people in the entire base. Most of the internal area had been taken up by Sentinel bays and automated manufacturing equipment.

"Yes...I'm sure we can take care of that," said Charles. He wasn't quite sure how to handle the rest of what had happened. He had two teams of mutants that had been preparing themselves for a fight, though luckily none of the more impetuous mutants here had tried attacking the lizards. Even Sabretooth wasn't crazy enough to attack an insanely fast, gigantic lizard that seemed to have stepped out of a Japanese monster movie. It didn't help his sense of equilibrium any when the two lizards simply vanished after promising that Saurial would be in touch.


Senator David Kinsey was sitting in his study, sipping a bourbon. He was trying to puzzle out whatever game the new leadership of Weyland-Yutani was playing. A lot of the members of the Senate (not to mention other government bodies) were confused. Some of the less ethical, greedier members were doing everything but crying into their coffee. Kinsey suspected that a lot of their graft had dried up suddenly. Even his own campaign fund was hurting due to the reduction in donations, but he wasn't sure what kind of behavior would result in their resumption.

"Behaving in an ethical fashion for the benefit of your constituents would be a start," said a voice from a dark corner.

Kinsey shot to his feet, peering into the darkness. "Who's there? Who said that?" He surreptitiously put his hand next to his security alarm button below the lip of his desk.

"You're curious about the goals of Weyland-Yutani's new management, yes? Allow me to explain," said the voice.

His hand hovered near the panic button. "If you want to talk to me, then show yourself!"

"Very well," said the voice.

Out from a dark corner advanced a rather large, dark shape. The first thing visible was a pair of large, glowing green eyes, beneath which opened a mouth with far too many teeth for comfort. It took too much light before any additional shape became visible, at which point he could see a jet black, very large reptile. As Kinsey's eyes widened and he stared in horror, he could see red highlights appear on the lizard's scales as it moved more into the light.

"I'm not here to hurt you, David...and your security alarm is temporarily out of service," said the lizard.

Kinsey looked down to where his hand was desperately mashing his alarm button. He hadn't even realized that he had been pressing it, and he stopped. The absence of armed guards rushing into the room was a sign that the lizard was telling the truth about it not working. "What do you want?" he asked nervously.

"My name is Metis. I'm an associate of those who have taken over Weyland-Yutani. You seemed to be troubled by the company's change in behavior," explained the lizard.

Kinsey stared at him. "Are you saying that Weyland-Yutani is now being run by aliens?"

Metis snickered at that. "No. Actually, the current CEO is from Earth and was previously an employee of the firm." That was technically true, if misleading.

Kinsey swallowed, regaining a bit of his composure now that it appeared that the giant carnivore in his study wasn't interested in eating his face. "I find it hard to believe that he was an employee, given how drastically he appears to have shifted the firm's direction."

"Not every employee of W-Y was a psychotic megalomaniac, although I understand why you might think that at your level," answered Metis.

The senator thought that seemed a bit harsh. Sure, their management wasn't exactly ethical in many ways, but many corporations played fast an loose with the rules. Weyland-Yutani just happened to be larger than most.

Metis tilted her head at the senator. "The corruption you know about is only the tip of the iceberg, Senator. Those rumors you've been hearing about their bioweapons division are true. You can ask Senator Milford for confirmation. He knows the details of the cases against Weyland-Yutani's former executives."

"They can't be!" said the senator, truly shocked at that revelation.

"I helped destroy the xenomorphs on the Legato personally, Senator Kinsey. I can assure you that it is all true. I also know that you would never have condoned such acts, which is why I'm speaking to you right now," said Metis.

The senator looked a bit nauseated at that revelation. Some of the rumors going around were truly horrific -- civilians kidnapped for human experimentation with a dangerous species that used humans as part of their lethal reproductive cycle. The news had reported on the trials, but hadn't gone into great detail -- probably because they didn't want to incite a panic. After a moment, he thought through the last bit of what she had just said and asked, "Why me?"

Metis smiled toothlessly, which was slightly less intimidating. "You are one of the more ethical senators in office today."

That actually struck him as slightly amusing. "I feel as though I'm being damned with faint praise."

"Perhaps, but the new leadership of the firm is interested in making the corporation an ethical, moral and responsible member of the business community on this planet. Contrary to the suspicions of a lot of people, they are sincere in their actions. They aren't simply waiting for their former accomplices to figure out what actions will keep the bribes flowing," explained the lizard.

Kinsey frowned. "You know I have no control over my colleagues...especially some of those that have more flexible senses of right and wrong?" Some of his colleagues were so used to the status quo that they wouldn't believe him if he tried to tell them differently.

Metis nodded in agreement. "I and my associates know that, Senator. However, you most certainly can make use of the knowledge that Weyland-Yutani's new stance is legitimate, whereas others may hesitate. You can also spread the information to your political allies."

The senator considered that. "That's true."

"Also be aware that there are a few additional indictments that are still being prepared against some of your colleagues." Two senators had already resigned in disgrace, and one of those two was likely to serve significant jail time. Another pair would soon be in trouble with the law, while another half-dozen faced censure. That was just in the Senate -- there was plenty of fallout all over, and not just in the United States.

Metis told him the names of those senators soon to be in trouble, and Kinsey couldn't honestly say he was surprised by them. After years in office, you developed a good sense for who played it mostly straight and who was crooked. "Do you have any information on what Weyland-Yutani's legislative goals are likely to be in the near future?" It wouldn't hurt to get ahead of the news.

Metis smirked, and just said, "We'll be in touch shortly." After that, the giant lizard woman quickly and literally disappeared.

After she was gone, Kinsey thought through their conversation and poured himself another glass of bourbon. He looked up at the picture over his fireplace, the one that showed his grandfather, Senator Robert Kinsey. His grandfather had been his inspiration to get into politics, but he also knew that he had been a strong supporter of Weyland-Yutani in the early days, before that company came to dominate so much of the world economy. He had to wonder how much of their later crimes were facilitated by his own family? Maybe he could, in turn, help them change to something better. If nothing else, he suspected that the new owners of the company were likely to be on the winning side of history.
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Chapter 45: Proposals
Chapter 45: Proposals

Faith rubbed the cloth down the smooth length of Serafina. The bow never seemed to pick up dirt or grime, but cleaning it was a regular ritual. It relaxed her, and the weapon seemed to appreciate the attention. Not that she spoke to her, not in words, but her Slayer sense picked up on the weapon's feelings about things. She wasn't sure how much of that was due to the Slayer and how much was the bow, but it didn't really matter. She was looking forward to see how the weapon felt about slaying vampires.

Just as she finished with her chore, there was a knock on the door. She briefly considered not answering...she still needed to take a shower after her last excursion into the forest, but the others usually didn't bother her unless it was something important. The Baby Slayers knew better than to involve her in teenage angst shit. Buffy had been really quiet and introspective lately. Xander and Anya had spent a lot of time recently getting, "reacquainted." Willow and her squeeze were off at mini-Hogwarts. Robin wouldn't be coming to her room because of the awkward. That left Giles, Dawn or Andrew, but she wasn't really expecting anybody.

Curious, she opened to door to find Anya standing outside by herself. The young woman gave a nervous smile. "Hi Faith, can I come in for a minute?"

Faith stepped aside, which was as much invitation as somebody who lived in Sunnydale was likely to give. "Hey, Anya. What do you need?"

Anya walked inside, and after Faith closed the door, excitedly said, "Xander proposed! We're getting married again!"

Faith was honestly surprised to hear that, despite how the two had obviously been trying to fix their relationship. "Wow, that must have been some proposal."

Anya nodded. "He asked the Nox to help him take me stargazing."

The slayer's brow furrowed. "Why did he need their help to do that?"

"Well..." started Anya.

The Ship of Fools took the two lovers on a course set by their hosts. The first stop had been the trinary system of Alpha Centauri, the closest system to Earth (though it was quite far from Gaia). They both found the views spectacular, and if that was just the first stop, then the rest of the trip was likely to be something special. The next stop had been a view of the black hole cluster at the center of the Milky Way, a view of ravenous destruction that had even the former Vengeance Demon shivering. That intimidating experience was offset by a trip above the galactic plane, far enough out that they could see the swirling mass of the Milky Way's arms below. The ship's AI, River, helpfully pointed out the locations for Earth, Gaia, and a few other key worlds. The next stop was even more unusual, as they watched a binary star system where the distantly orbiting stars' chromospheres were being stripped away by a pulsar that had passed near the two. River had been given a specific schedule by the Nox, which made the last stop possible. The ship appeared over a nebula, just a few minutes before a new-born star ignited deep within the gas cloud, casting a purplish illumination across Xander as he had knelt before her and proposed for the second time. It was so overwhelming that she hadn't even noticed the Tiffany's box until later.

"Wow," said Faith. "I gotta admit, that's a pretty kickass proposal."

Anya paused for a moment. "I still wouldn't have said 'yes,' though, if we hadn't been going to couples therapy with the Nox." Saying the pair of them had issues was a bit of an understatement. The Nox had helped draw them out into the open where they could be examined. Many of their issues actually had little to do with the other person.

"Well, congratulations," said the slayer. "Is that what you stopped by to tell me?"

"That, and I was hoping that you would be one of my bridesmaids?" the currently brunette woman asked.

Faith's mouth dropped open. "Me? Really?"

Anya nodded. "I really enjoyed our shopping trip together, and Xander and I both wanted to make up for some of what happened in Sunnydale. And two of my bridesmaids from the first wedding are dead now."

If anything, Faith felt like she owed Xander an apology, not the other way around, but Anya's typical bluntness brought her up short before she could protest. Another thought occurred to her. "Uh...are you going to be picking new dresses?" She'd seen pictures of the earlier, hideous green dresses, and she already knew she wouldn't be wearing one of those.

"Oh, don't worry. We had a long conversation with our therapist about how I didn't need to make my bridesmaids dress in horrible dresses just because they're all ridiculously pretty girls with superpowers," said Anya. "The same applies to you. Also, I plan to ask Seven, and if she's not wearing an ugly dress, then you don't have to."

"Thanks, Ahn," said Faith, feeling oddly like she'd been complimented and insulted at the same time. Deciding to take a chance, she said, "I'll be happy to be one of your bridesmaids."

"Thank you!" exclaimed the former demon, jumping forward to give Faith a hug despite the clinging scent of forest. "Now I just have to ask Seven and figure out where to hold the bachelorette party. Hebridan told us they would prefer it if we wouldn't go back there for at least a few months." Honestly, if they hadn't had such amazing credit, they might have been permanently banned.

"There's always Earth," suggested Faith, somewhat bemused.

Anya considered that for a moment, then said, "Oooh, I have an idea."

When she told Faith, the slayer had to admit she was intrigued.


The Hound and his charge had arrived early for the meet, of course. That gave Ivy a chance to prepare some surprises on the off chance that Dresden's pseudo-demon tried anything. It paid to be cautious, especially when this meeting could be part of a ploy by Mab. Harry's status as the Winter Knight made his motivations a lot more unclear...not that he was that easy to predict even before then, but at least then it was clear that Dresden saw himself working on the side of the angels. Mab was generally in favor of the continued survival of humanity as a whole, but she cared very little for individuals and had her own agenda. The church was a perfect place to lay in some insurance.

It took some time to get everything ready, but finally, the two simply sat down to wait in the pews of St. Giles. After maybe thirty or forty minutes, Kincaid got back to his feet when the door to the church opened. Inside walked Harry Dresden, long coat flapping and staff in hand, but he was followed by a large shadow that seemed to maneuver it's way through the open doors with a great deal of agility. Once it was inside, it was clear that Dresden's companion was a large reptilian creature, taller than the tall wizard, with four legs and two arms like a classical centaur. More striking even that that was the creature's two glowing eyes and a mouth full of obviously sharp teeth. Kincaid frowned slightly, not recognizing the creature.

"Kincaid, Archive," said Dresden simply in greeting.

"I thought you said you weren't coming?" questioned the mercenary.

"I managed to work out my issues with Mab, so I decided it would be better to come along," replied Harry. "I figured you would be happy to see me," he said slightly sarcastically.

Ivy tilted her head, focusing on Dresden for a moment. "What issues did you have with the Winter Queen?"

"Wizard Dresden did not want to become the Winter Knight, a position he accepted under desperate circumstances," said the giant lizard, a curious reverberance in the creature's voice. "We helped negotiate his release from that burden."

Jared Kincaid had seen quite a lot in his long life, but that actually surprised him. "I didn't think that was possible." Knights served until death, whether they were killed or retired by Mab.

"It has happened before," clarified the Archive," although the last time was more than two thousand years ago and involved the Summer Court as an instigator." She turned to look at the lizard. "I don't recognize you."

"This is Varga," said Harry. "He comes from an alternate Earth."

"Technically, I reside on an alternate Earth. My original world was different," clarified Varga.

"Interesting," said Ivy. It truly was. One downside of being the Archive was that the number of truly novel circumstances she encountered was vanishingly small.

Kincaid regarded the reptilian being carefully. He could feel a sense of great power, but it didn't feel typically demonic or eldritch. Instead of asking about it, he asked, "Did you bring the consulting fee?" Charging through the nose for Ivy's time kept her from being overwhelmed by supplicants.

The reptile reached into a pocket on its armor and pulled out a large duffel bag, ignoring the fact that the pocket was too small to hold it. He placed it in front of Kincaid, who could see the contents through the open top. "Twenty kilos of twenty-four karat gold." It was actually purer than that, as human-refined gold always had traces of impurities, unlike Varga-created matter.

"Very well," said the Archive, formally. "With what can I assist you, Varga? Be aware that purchasing my time does not mean that I will answer any question asked, especially if I feel that it puts the safety of the world at stake, or violates the terms of the Unseelie Accords." Ivy did have her own sense of ethics and morality, of course, but the way they applied to supernatural issues could be exceedingly complex.

"Of course," he replied. "Allow me to provide you some context, first." At Ivy's nod, Varga began explaining what had happened to Harry Dresden, how he had met Varga, and what had happened since then. He also explained the reasoning behind their desire to obtain a sizable amount of mordite, a mineral that was essentially solid anti-life.

Their story was hard to believe, to say the least. "I don't suppose you have any proof of any of this?" asked Kincaid.

Varga reached into his pocket and pulled out a small case, which he placed on top of the duffel bag. "For one, you can examine that at your leisure."

The Hellhound looked at the small silver case and asked, "What is it?"

"A phaser from Star Trek," said Harry, a smirk on his face. "It's fully functional, so be careful with it." Kincaid favored him with a glare at the suggestion that he wouldn't be careful with any kind of weapon.

Without warning, a teen-aged girl appeared next to Varga. "There's also me. I'm Taylor Hebert, Varga's host. I grew up in a city that doesn't exist on this Earth, Brockton Bay."

Ivy's eyes narrowed. "Taylor Hebert? Does your world have people with superpowers, many of whom work for a government agency called the Protectorate?"

Taylor's eyes widened. Even Varga looked slightly surprised. "You've heard of the Protectorate?" asked the teen girl.

"There was a story about your world that was being written," confirmed the Archive. "It was about you, and how you embarked on a life of crime almost by accident with a team called the Undersiders. Unfortunately, the author died before he could make much progress, but he did have a fairly comprehensive set of notes that he had compiled in advance of the actual story."

"How did he die?" asked Dresden, slightly morbidly curious.

Ivy frowned. "He was mauled to death, probably by a ghoul or something similar." There were more than a few different types of supernatural creatures that preyed on humans.

"Would it be possible to get copies of those notes?" asked Taylor hopefully.

"It is," confirmed the Archive. "The question of where to obtain enough mordite is more problematic, however. In this universe, the only source of mordite is beyond the Outer Gates. I can provide you with a sample that should allow you to identify the material, especially if you have access to the mystical and technological capabilities you claim. Even if you are as powerful as you say, however, I would not recommend spending enough time beyond the Gates as would be required to obtain enough mordite for your needs."

"Could you create more mordite if you had access to a sample?" asked Dresden of Varga.

Varga considered that. "I am unsure. Ingesting solidified anti-life to sample it seems unwise, and I would need details on the normal creation process to attempt it otherwise."

"That is not information I am willing to share," stated the young girl that was the Archive's current host. "Every method documented requires mass sacrifice, which should explain my refusal."

"That's clearly not an option," said Taylor, agreeing with the girl.

"I believe the key here is in the qualifier used by the Archive. Mordite comes from beyond the Outer Gates in this universe. There may be alternative sources of mordite, or equivalent substances, in other universes." The Black Lantern rings in the DC Universe were undoubtedly made of a similar substance, even if that particular route was closed thanks to their prior actions.

With that plan, it was agreed that Kincaid would test out the provided weapon. He was actually looking forward to it, though he didn't say so out loud. Assuming it functioned as expected, then he would return tomorrow with a transcript of the ill-fated author's notes on Taylor's world and a small sample of mordite to serve as an example.


Dragon stood at the podium, looking out at the gathered heroes. "Ladies and gentlemen, the Slaughterhouse Nine are a team of supervillains that have been active for more than twenty-five years. They've been lead by Jack Slash since 1987. The folders in front of you list the current members, as well as what we know of their abilities. There is also a list of known crimes, as well as their signed kill orders."

"You have kill-on-sight orders for supervillains?" asked Batman grimly.

Dragon nodded. "They're issued for villains that have crossed certain lines, especially ones that are extremely difficult to capture and highly dangerous. The Nine, for example, are mass murderers many times over, and pose a massive threat to the civilian population."

"Are these crimes accurate?" asked Flash, paling slightly as he reviewed the multiple pages of crimes listed. "Torture, mass murder, using human bodies as spare parts...cannibalism?" The list was truly nauseating, even without details. One of the Nine was a little girl, for heaven's sake!

"The Nine are terrorists in the purest sense of the term. Their leader is a sadist and a nihilist. We also suspect he has some kind of thinker or master power in addition to his ability with blades, as he is adept at manipulating capes and indoctrinating new members to the group when replacements are needed," explained Dragon.

"What I want to know," said Aquaman, "is why the authorities have allowed these psychopaths to roam free for so long?"

"Yes," agreed Wonder Woman. "You've said before that you have powerful heroes...the Triumvirate...that equal some of the more powerful members of the Justice League. Why haven't they stopped them?" Diana had no real issue with the kill orders, unlike Batman. The Amazons would have put to death anybody who committed even a fraction of the monstrous crimes listed. She suspected Arthur felt the same way.

"The reasons for that are complicated," answered Dragon with a frown. "Some of it has to do with competing threats, such as the Endbringers and Scion. Some of it had to do with the impact capes in general had on society. Attempts were made to stop the Nine and a number of members have been killed, but Jack Slash always proved elusive and has rebuilt the team more than once." Dragon was glossing over the much more complicated role that Cauldron played, as well as the effect of Contessa's subversive Path to Victory. They weren't trying to keep it secret from the League, but it was no longer an issue and wasn't immediately relevant to briefing the League on the Nine.

"What do we expect are their objectives?" asked Batman practically.

"Recruitment," answered Dragon. "They're down a member. Their modus operandi in the past has been to cause mass chaos in a town or city. Since Shatterbird joined, that's usually caused by her ultrasonic scream, which destroys any glass in wide areas. In the chaos and panic that ensue, the Nine each pick a single cape, hero or villain, to try and recruit through a vicious test of some kind. This period is actually when the individual members are most vulnerable, as they're not gathered together to support each other. Having said that, these killers are extremely skilled at setting traps for capes, both from long experience and through the influence of Slash's guidance."

"This Siberian...nothing has been able to penetrate her invulnerability, and nobody has been able to stop her?" asked Superman, paging through the files. In his experience, every villain had a weakness of some kind, even if it was only psychological.

"Nothing," agreed Dragon. "She has, additionally, easily penetrated the defenses of capes that were previously considered to be invulnerable." Alexandria was the foremost among them.

"That means containment," suggested Batman. "That suggests the Lanterns' rings, Diana's lasso...possibly Zatanna's magic."

"I may also have some utility, depending upon how vulnerable she is to mental attack," suggested J'onn.

"This Crawler is another problem. His adaptive defenses seem to rapidly make him immune to any attack," continued Batman. "Any failed attack just makes him more difficult to take down. Containment may also be necessary for that one."

"That's going to be difficult to do if the other members of the team are active," commented Superman. "Especially considering that we'll also have to try and keep civilians out of harm's way."

"Be cautious of Bonesaw, as well," commented Dragon. "She may look like a little girl, but she's been known to use bio-engineered plagues in the past. She could easily wipe out a city by herself."

"Wonderful," groaned Green Arrow.

"Hey, we know they're coming, so that gives us the advantage," suggested Guy.

Dragon didn't think that was going to be nearly as useful an advantage as the Green Lantern thought, based on past experience.

- - - - -​

The Justice League had put out an alert warning about the danger of shattering glass if the Nine came to town, but in a world that had no familiarity with that group, many people in Metropolis were careless and unconcerned. The shattering of windshields caused traffic accidents. Eyeglasses caused eye injuries, as did computer and television screens. More than one person fell from high-rise buildings when the windows broke. Emergency services weren't immune, although a few places, like LexCorp headquarters, fared better than others. The League immediately deployed to begin search and rescue operations, but they were also well aware that the scream was simply a calling card, the prologue to what would prove to be a very difficult time.

- - - - -​

Diana heard the scream from three blocks away. Flying through the shattered canyons of the city, she came upon Shayera, her wings pinned into the concrete of a nearby building by two javelins made of solid glass. The woman was panting at the agony of it. Floating in the air nearby was a dusky-skinned woman wearing an outfit made of even more glass in a myriad of colors. Shards of razor sharp fragments circled the woman as she regarded her pinned victim.

"Shatterbird!" yelled the Amazon, flying toward the villain. The glass-clad woman's eyes narrowed, and shards of glass flew toward Wonder Woman. They did little more than scratch her skin, however. Seeing that, the S9 member dove to the side around the corner of the building. Refusing to let her play cat and mouse, Diana took a risky move (risky to bystanders, at least) and smashed through the corner of the building, slamming into the evil woman on the other side and smashing her into yet another skyscraper. Shatterbird began to fall, blood on her head, and Diana scooped her up, grabbing her by the arm. Once she verified that the villain was still breathing, Diana went back to Hawkwoman and sent her up to the Watchtower for healing.

- - - - -​

Luckily, the plexiglass in the larger tanks at the Metropolis Aquarium didn't shatter with Shatterbird's scream, but the large glass facade on the front of the building did, and Arthur Curry, also known as Aquaman, was attempting to help the wounded. Once the EMTs arrived, he went further into the building, evacuating visitors and staff.

In a bathroom near the tide pool exhibit, he heard what sounded like a small child crying. Making his way inside, he called out, "Hello! I'm here to help you!" A little child was huddled under one of the sinks, crying, apparently too scared to move. Aquaman got down into a squat and reached inside, carefully pulling the little form out. "It's OK..." he said quietly, not wanting to scare the little boy further. As the boy turned as if to hug him, Arthur's eyes widened when he saw that the arms, chest and face of the child were covered in small tentacles, including two where the child's eyes should be. They latched on, and he could feel them sting.

"Holy Poseidon!" he yelled, pushing the small monstrosity away from him. As he did so, he felt another child-sized monstrosity jump on him from the top of the bathroom stalls, stinging him yet again around the neck and shoulders, though his armor provided some protection. Both of them kept attacking, and proved impossible to stop until he had to finally break their necks. Even then, the two flopped around helplessly on the floor, still trying to reach him. Whatever venom they had injected was starting to take its toll, even with his superhuman constitution, and he felt woozy.

He made his way out of the bathroom, only to find himself facing a little blond girl flanked by two things that appeared to be crabmen, similar to the Brine Atlanteans, though these look like they had been...assembled. The little girl spoke. "Oh shoot, you're still awake! That venom is a concentrated form of sea anemone venom, so you really must have an impressive constitution. I can't wait to look at that Atlantean physiology. We're going to have such fun together!"

Arthur verified that his telepathy had absolutely no effect whatsoever on the crab creatures before preparing himself for a tough fight.

- - - - -​

Superman was grimacing, forced to keep his distance due to the green rock in Jack's hand. He needed to do something quickly, though, as Jimmy Olsen was rapidly bleeding out on the floor. He had tried to get in front of Lois and Cat when the madman had come into the newsroom.

"You know," said Jack, "you should be thanking me. After all, Luthor was strangely reticent about turning over this glowing rock. I did something you were always too scared to do, and took care of your worst enemy. How did it feel to be constantly humiliated by a man you could have crushed at any time, Clark."

"You won't get away with this," said Superman, trying to figure out a way to rescue the hostages.

Jack just smirked at him. "Strange that you can survive a nuclear blast, but a simple rock is enough to defeat you. Maybe I should call you scissors."

At that point, a red blur zipped through the room, and the hostages started disappearing, starting with Jimmy, who desperately needed medical attention. It took only a fraction of a second for Jack to figure out what was happening, and then he rapidly began slashing with his knife. A lucky hit sent Wally West tumbling, his leg sliced deeply, and he collapsed up against the far wall. Perry White was also bleeding from a gash in his thigh, and one of the office interns was bleeding out from a shallow cut that struck her in the neck.

Wally watched dazedly as Superman fell to his knees. Across his chest was a deep cut that appeared to be causing him a great deal of pain. Jack must have coated the blade with kryptonite dust. 'What the hell do we do now?' thought the crimson speedster desperately.

- - - - -​

Cyborg was tracking a strange signal from the robotics lab at Metropolis University. There was a secure vault there used to store dangerous technology. Unfortunately, disasters were prime opportunities for criminals who assumed the heroes would be busy rescuing others. Unfortunately for them, Cyborg had already been on campus, dealing with the aftermath of the mostly glass campus chapel shattering. Once medical services had things in hand, he rushed over to the lab to try and stop whatever was happening.

The multiple electrical traps came as a rude shock, no pun intended, as did a certain psychopathic ball-shaped tinker. Mannequin was looking forward to examining the hero's cybernetics once he was properly disassembled.

- - - - -​

Plas was not doing well. He had learned first hand that Crawler's acidic spit was exceedingly painful. Somehow, that monster had started to adapt to Zatanna's magic, and his attempt to restrain the S9 member had resulted in some extremely painful burns. The usually jolly hero was also rather grim after witnessing what the same acid had done to the League's resident magician. He needed support from someone like Kal or Diana to take on this one, though, which is why he was basically sneaking away to try to call for help instead of continuing to fight the monstrous creature. Sadly, his communicator had been one of the early causalities of the fight.

From deeper in the museum, a rough voice called out, "I can smell you, rubber boy..."

- - - - -​

The multiple robotic spiders had caught J'onn by surprise. They were mindless constructs, so his telepathy helped him not at all. Luckily, his phasing and natural strength and shape-shifting were more than a match. Unluckily for him, there were a lot of them, and they served quite well as a distraction until the burning woman arrived. Before he realized it, he was in far too much pain, and far too afraid of the flames to strike back.

"Don't worry," said Burnscar in a slightly crazed voice, "I'll teach you to like fire..."

- - - - -​

John Stewart looked down at the unconscious axe-wielding maniac. He had been surprisingly durable, but not strong enough to beat a Green Lantern. Luckily, he had arrived just in time to save Oliver Queen from death. Hopefully, the league would be able to help the hero recover. It would be awfully hard to be an archer with only one hand.

- - - - -​

Bruce's eyes widened when he finally received a ping on his tracker. Dragon had been able to provide him with a cape detector when he asked. He had intended to duplicate it for the entire League, but there hadn't been time. Now it was too late...the Nine were in Metropolis. Based on what he had seen, it was also too late for Guy and Nightwing. The tiger-striped woman had torn them apart. She was fast, and Guy's green forcefield hadn't stopped her.

One of the things he had learned about superpowers in Skitter's and Dragon's world, though, was that there were different types of capes. Some of them could summon creatures or beings that didn't necessarily obey the laws of physics. It had seemed like a good idea to check for nearby capes, both to prevent ambushes by other members of the villain team, and also to verify his theory that the Siberian was just a projection. Sure enough, there was apparently a cape sitting in the back of an RV parked a few blocks from where the heroes had encountered the invulnerable nude woman.

On a hunch, Batman leaped off the roof just in time as a striped fist smashed up through from the floor below. It would have crippled him if it had hit, despite his armor. In mid-flight, he tossed a special batarang through the smashed windscreen of the RV, then turned to see the Siberian jumping after him. He used his grapple to change direction, which brought him a few seconds as the woman had to land and jump again to do the same thing.

As he was preparing to leap again, he heard the gas from the batarang release. The Siberian briefly got a surprised look on her face, and then popped like a soap bubble.

- - - - -​

"Isn't this a little harsh?" asked Jimmy. He was sitting with Dragon and Skitter in the Watchtower, watching the simulation run. It was proving to be quite brutal. Watching a holographic version of himself bleed to death was unpleasant, but it was far from the worst part of it.

"They did ask for it," replied Skitter with a shrug. "Dragon even gave them a thorough briefing on the S9."

The tinker nodded in agreement. "The Nine are brutal opponents. Even Alexandria lost an eye to the Siberian, and she's considered one of the three strongest capes on our world."

Jimmy shook his head. "I guess I didn't really believe you, Taylor, when you said that my world and Peter's world seemed less dangerous for heroes. Are the Nine typical of the villains?"

"They're worse than average...but they're not unique," replied the bug controller. "There are quite a few A- and S-class threats out there. Nilbog. Ashbeast. The Furies. Heartbreaker. Butcher. The Fallen."

"The S9 do move around more than most of them. Heartbreaker, for example, pretty much keeps to his compound up in Canada. Nilbog is sealed up in the ruins of Ellisburg," clarified Dragon. "The S9 move around, which is why PHO coined the term, 'murder hobos.'"

Jimmy grimaced. He was starting to get a feel for just why the other Earth felt the need for drastic measures like kill orders and the Birdcage, an inescapable prison that also didn't allow for the release of those inside under any circumstances. Powers in their world seemed as much a curse as a blessing. Maybe this level of brutality would help serve as a wake-up call for the League, however. Some people, even in their world, were dangerous enough that letting them live to kill again wasn't a good idea.


The purple lizard sat on her tail, her gaze resting on the other three occupants of the room. Professor Charles Xavier sat at his desk, his wheelchair tucked in behind. Standing next to him to the left was a tall, red-headed woman dressed in the uniform of the X-Men (in contrast to the professor's business attire). To the right, there was another team member, though this one was covered in blue hair. The group of them were meeting to discuss Ianthe's attempts to protect Peter Parker and Jimmy Olsen from telepaths who might go looking for secrets in their heads.

"Ianthe, we're grateful for the assistance the Family provided us with Shaw and his robots, but we have a few questions that we would like answered before we agree to any kind of information sharing. Mutation is a rather sensitive subject in this world, as I'm sure you noticed," began Xavier.

Ianthe favored him with a smile. "Of course, Professor. What would you like to know?"

"I'm curious as to your objectives in this research, first of all," prompted Beast. Not everybody studying mutants had their best interests at heart.

"That's easy enough to explain," answered the lizard. "Some of those we've helped get home come from realities with natural telepaths."

"Like Peter," said Jean. The X-Men were quite familiar with Spider-Man, being so close to New York City.

Ianthe nodded. "Exactly. Unfortunately for them, your universe is featured in many works of fiction in our world. Those works are, for reasons we're still trying to divine, accurate to a startling degree when compared to actual events. While there are major variations in many cases, there are enough real secrets revealed there-in to make these people targets once home. I am hoping to develop a method to block invasive telepathy."

"There are certainly technological means to block telepathy," contributed Xavier. "Magneto's helmet, for example, protects him from telepathic attacks." Of course, the primary reason for that was to protect against Xavier when the two of them had been at odds.

"Technology can fail, and it isn't really my area of expertise in any event," said Ianthe. "Biology is more my specialty. I believe I can provide them with a native immunity to invasive telepathy, but in order to do so I need to observe how it operates, ideally from both sides -- the telepath and the target. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, depending upon your perspective, telepathy is not a power available in our home reality."

"How do you intend to observe it?" asked Beast.

"Nothing invasive," replied Ianthe. "I simply need skin contact. My abilities as a biosculptor will allow me to observe the physiological impact of power use in real time."

The three X-Men looked at each other. Ianthe assumed they were having a private conversation inside their heads, which seemed to be born out by slight changes in expression. Finally, Professor Xavier looked at her and said, "We've agreed to allow you to monitor Dr. McCoy and myself while we communicate via telepathy."

Ianthe smiled. "Very well. Can I monitor Dr. McCoy by himself first, then Professor Xavier, then both at the same time?"

With their agreement, Ianthe went over to Beast and put her hand on top of his. The good doctor raised his brows in slight surprise as the tendrils touched his flesh and seemed to burrow within, but said nothing. Her examination was quite interesting, as this was the first actual mutant from Peter's world that she had examined. The first thing that she noticed was that while the activating mechanism was different for Beast than it had been for Spider-Man, there was little scientific basis for considering them entirely different types of power sets. Both were mutations of their genes -- the X-Man's had just occurred spontaneously. She could also tell that Hank McCoy had no control over his external appearance, which corroborated many of the stories from her universe featuring the X-Men.

Mentally, she could sense that telepathic communication was activating portions of the brain related to memory, as well as those involving both speech and hearing, interestingly enough. "Could you try reading an image from Dr. McCoy's mind, instead of speaking to each other?" she asked. Xavier nodded. This resulted in some activity in the areas of the brain related to vision. Apparently, active participation by the target triggered areas of the brain related to specific types of sensory input.

After this, she went to Xavier and repeated the process. She could sense the areas triggered in his brain by the use of his power. Humans here had no Corona Pollentia, but there were atypical structures in mutants' brains in both the thinking and autonomic areas. There seemed to be slight variances depending upon the mutation. Holding the hands of both Xavier and McCoy, she could see the specific actions and reactions happening on both sides.

Finally, she let go of both of them and announced, "I believe I have a solution that will work for disrupting telepathic manipulation biologically. I think I can even allow for voluntary telepathic communication while disabling more intrusive types of contact." If the comic books were accurate, then a skilled telepath could simply turn off the consciousness of unprotected normals, make them feel debilitating emotions, confuse them with was all rather over-powered, and made Ianthe wonder why telepathic capes weren't even more dominant in this world.

"You have that degree of control after such a short examination?" asked McCoy, somewhat incredulously.

The purple lizard smiled with just a hint of teeth. "I have experience dealing with was just telepathy that was foreign to my experience. By the way, I noticed that your mutation's impact on your appearance is involuntary. Would you like me to fix that?"

Beast stared at her for a moment. "Despite the drawbacks, I would prefer to keep my mutant ability."

"Oh, you would," she explained. "I wouldn't depower you. I can just add a mental switch for you to turn on or off the pigmentation and fur." It was actually surprisingly similar to what she had already done for Vectura.

"What would I have to do?" asked the furry scientist.

Ianthe held out her hand. "Just hold my hand and wait a few seconds." After a brief hesitation, Beast grabbed her hand. She made her changes, then said, "All right, now pay attention. I'm going to trigger the change, and you should be able to feel how it's happening." She shifted him, and soon Hank McCoy stood before them in human form. "Now, the change back is very similar. Pay attention to the difference." She shifted him back, and again he had blue fur. She let go of his hand. "Try and practice that back and forth a few times."

She then turned to Xavier, while Beast began trying to trigger his changes by himself. "Professor Xavier, would you like me to fix your spine while I'm here?"

Charles looked briefly surprised, then held out his hand and said, "If you can, then yes, I would like that."

Ianthe quickly made the repairs, then said, "Your spine and back are healed, but you'll undoubtedly require some physical therapy to get used to walking again."

At that moment, Hank McCoy shifted to human form on his own. "Well, that seemed to work," he commented, pleased. "You seem to be a miracle worker, Ianthe."

"I agree," said Charles. He was eager to head to the clinic, where they had facilities for physical rehabilitation, but the fact that he could feel his toes wiggle when he tried was amazing.

"Well, I think my work here is done. Thank you for allowing me to observe your powers in action," said Ianthe. It would be pretty straight-forward to protect Jimmy and Peter...and she might as well include Mary Jane in that as well.

Jean, who had simply been watching, said, "Before you you think you might be able to help some of the others mutants who have powers that they can't fully control?" Scott and Anna Marie immediately came to mind as people who could use similar help.

"Of course..." muttered Xavier. "I apologize. I'm afraid I was so fixated on what you've done for me that I neglected to ask the obvious question. We would greatly appreciate any help you could give our students and colleagues." McCoy simply nodded with a slightly embarrassed look. Uncontrollable powers were both dangerous and traumatic for their users.

"I'll be happy to do so. Why don't you let me know when you can gather together a group of mutants who need help, and I'll see what I can do?" Apart from genuinely wanting to help them, it was worth the investment of time by Ianthe to help reduce the risk posed by uncontrolled powers. There might even be a way to come up with a modified symbiote that would fix power-related disabilities without depowering the individuals in question.

On another plain of existence, a fiery force of destruction was watching yet another of these interesting lizards through her avatar, and wondering what other changes they might be introducing into this reality. It might be amusing to have some direct interaction with these beings...she would have to consider the matter.


"Your name is Talia Cosas. According to system records, you're an expert in both advanced materials science and environmental engineering. Is that correct?" asked the large black lizard.

Talia had been woken from stasis, expecting that somebody had come to rescue her now that the Destiny was far enough away from Terra. Instead, she had been told by a very sympathetic Nox that she had been in stasis for SIXTY MILLION YEARS, which meant that she was far, far away from her home, and her people had never retrieved her. Now, she was sitting in a conference room, facing a group of people who were supposed to help her adjust to her circumstances. They included the afore-mentioned Nox, what seemed to be an Asgard (though he looked slightly odd), a human (she presumed -- she didn't feel like an Alteran), a strange cat-like alien, a large reptilian alien, and what was clearly one of the ascended.

"Uh...yes, that's correct," replied Talia. "What...exactly is happening here?"

The lizard smiled without teeth. She...assuming it was a female...appeared to be leading this discussion. "We're here to answer questions you might have, and to give you an overview of the current state of what you call the Avalon Galaxy, and to let you know what kinds of options you have now that you've been awakened. We're having similar discussions with each member of your engineering team as we bring them out of stasis." It turned out that the Alterans in stasis had come aboard to fix a pre-launch problem, only to be caught on the ship accidentally as it started its long journey. They had entered stasis to wait until the ship was far enough from Earth to use the stargate...but nobody had come and they had never been awakened.

"My name is Metis, and I represent the Family, a multi-dimensional group that helped sponsor the team that located the Destiny and discovered that you were still aboard," began the lizard. She then went around the table, introducing the others. "This is Vectura. She works with the Family and is our transportation specialist, including starships. She has a number of projects that could use someone with your skills, and we have bases in a number of realities at a variety of local technology levels." She continued to move around the table. "Lya, of the Nox, is willing to offer you asylum with her people. Penegal, of the Asgard, is in the process of helping your people's human descendants on Earth ascend to a higher level of technology. The Asgard High Council is also willing to offer asylum."

"I'm sorry," interrupted Talia, speaking to Penegal, "but you look different from the Asgard from my time?"

Penegal answered, "My people made some significant errors in our cloning process that led to genetic degradation. It is only recently, thanks to the assistance of the Family, that we have been able to correct that issue. Our clones are still somewhat different than what you would remember from your time."

Metis continued. "Colonel Samantha Carter is a representative of the humans of Earth, or Terra, and is a leading scientist in their efforts to assimilate both Alteran and Asgard technology."

Talia held up her hand. "I'm sorry to keep interrupting, but where did you get Alteran technology?"

Carter smiled at the woman. She was not the first one to ask this question today. "We're here to answer your questions. As for your technology, a lot of it was left lying around when the rest of your people ascended or left for the Pegasus galaxy. Much of it was taken and adopted by a parasitic race called the Goa'uld that used humans as hosts, a race that my people spent a significant amount of time fighting."

"You're at war now?" asked Talia, concerned.

"Technically, but most of the Goa'uld have been eliminated by the Family, and the Asgard have been keeping the rest in line," said Sam.

Talia turned her head to look at the ascended. "We just left our technology lying around after ascending? Why didn't we destroy it, or at least secure it?"

Ganos had the resigned look of somebody who had had to convey the same embarrassing facts repeatedly. "A lot of information was lost during the plague that swept through our people, and once we ascended, we decided on a non-interference policy, lest what happened with the Ori happen again."

"Of course," said the cat woman sarcastically, "that just left most of the galaxy being dominated by mind-controlling parasites using stolen tech." Ganos ignored her...again.

"And why were we never rescued from the Destiny? There was supposed to be a rescue," said the revived engineer angrily, looking again to Ganos.

Ganos yet again shook her head. "I don't know, exactly. The most likely answer is that most of those involved in the project died from the plague. It struck our leading administrators and scientists first." The timing for that didn't really work out...but the second most likely alternative was a bureaucratic mistake. Revealing that, though, tended to make these sessions with the rescued degenerate into hostility and recriminations that could go on for some time.

"Ganos Lal is here representing the ascended. Because you are Alteran, the others are willing to allow you to attempt ascension with assistance," continued Metis. The expression on the rescued Alteran's face made it clear that she wasn't likely to favor that option.

"You mentioned Pegasus. Are there still Alterans living there that I could join?" she asked.

Penegal answered. "Sadly, no. The Alteran refugees managed to engineer an insect-Alteran hybrid species known as the Wraith. Those Wraith managed to eliminate the last vestiges of your civilization in that Galaxy. The Asgard are just now finishing off the remaining Wraith there."

"Where were the Asgard when the Wraith were wiping them out?" asked Talia. Her tone was more curious than accusatory.

Penegal gave the Asgard equivalent of a shrug. "For whatever reason, the Alterans there failed to keep in contact with us, and never requested our assistance. By the time we learned what had happened to the remnants of our allies, it was too late."

Talia looked at Ganos again. "At what point did our species lose any sense of competence or common sense?"

Ganos frowned. "I would say it was when four-fifths of our population died from an incurable plague while the rest ascended or fled." She couldn't really defend her people's actions -- she didn't really agree with them herself. She also, however, wasn't responsible for most of them. She had been a school teacher, not a leader.

Talia frowned and thought for a moment. "So, the Family rescued me. They also helped the Asgard with their genetic degradation..."

"And," added Penegal, "they requested the Asgard provide our technology to the humans of Earth."

After a nod, Talia continued. "They also have taken care of your hostile parasites that used to rule your galaxy." Sam just nodded. Talia looked at Vectura. "What kind of projects are you working on right now?"

Vectura gave her a grin, then handed her a tablet. The device was unfamiliar, though sophisticated and fairly intuitive. The Alteran engineer quickly got the hang of it, and began reviewing the cat-woman's specification for a new class of ship. Upon reading about the planned drive systems, she looked up and asked, "A wormhole drive?"

The cat woman nodded. "It's actually inspired by an Alteran prototype, but that design was never fully realized by your people. The Family version is much more flexible and robust."

"And you're supplementing that with gravitic thrusters, a hyperspace drive, and a real-space faster-than-light space-warp drive?" asked Talia, slightly incredulous but interested. "What kind of hull material are you using to handle those kinds of stressors?" asked the engineer.

"Electron degenerate matter," replied the cat woman with a smirk. The shock at that response on Talia Cosas's face was amusing to most of them there.

Ganos just rolled her eyes. They had just rescued a crew of engineers, so of course, the Family was an attractive alternative. Out of forty-seven interviewed so far, three had decided to go with the Asgard, and two had gone to Earth, much to Samantha Carter's delight. Twenty-three were undecided. The remaining nineteen had all expressed interest in working with the Family and their multidimensional companies filled with fascinating technology. The AI expert had been literally salivating when they told her about Dragon and the other artificial beings working with them. Several with backgrounds in high energy physics were fascinated by the Family's matter creation and wormhole technology. Not one rescued engineer or scientist had expressed any interest at all in ascension. It was like her only purpose here was to allow the rescued Alterans to vent their anger at another Alteran.

Lya smiled quietly to herself, happy that things were going as expected.


Tyros Kanten was an important man. He was the lead scientist in charge of new ship development at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, a role that had hundreds of skilled scientists, engineers, designers and technicians reporting to him. He had personally had a guiding hand in the development of the Sovereign-class cruisers, and was satisfied that Starfleet was again starting to move toward multipurpose vessels and away from warships like the Defiant and Akira classes. In his opinion, Starfleet was not meant to be a military force.

Kanten was also the council member for industry and economics for Section 31. The fact that their objectives happened to dovetail nicely with his personal philosophies was convenient for him, as his detractors and opponents frequently found themselves outmaneuvered thanks to the implicit support of that organization. Amusingly, 99% of the time, Section 31 was able to accomplish their objectives using completely mundane, and usually completely legal, methods. No matter how egalitarian, meritocratic, or progressive an organization, politics always played a role. That was one reason why the organization preferred to suppress AI research. Artificial intelligences were much harder to manipulate using psychological levers. They were also harder to fool.

Unfortunately for Kanten, there was now an engineered nanovirus in his blood stream. It was harmless, and not something the biofilters on a transporter would destroy. It did, however, mark him as a person of interest to one of those disliked artificial intelligences. Draco had released the nanovirus with specific instructions. It would be contagious only when the carrier was alone with one other person, and when both subjects were calm, and when they were together for at least five minutes. The net result was a nanovirus custom-tailored to infection during clandestine meetings and information transfers. While it did generate a number of false positives, it helped narrow down the population of possible Section 31 agents from trillions of sapient beings to those who had direct contact with a chain leading back to the agents on Deep Space 9. Kanten was the most highly-placed member to be tagged so far.

It had taken months, but Draco now thought they were reaching the beginning of the end for a certain clandestine organization. All he needed was to identify the rest of the leadership, and a certain group of very effective lizards would take matters in hand. Draco, for one, was looking forward to it.
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Saurial noticed the sign over the door, and had to walk in. The interior of the small museum was simply a series of alcoves, each covered by a curtain with a button next to it. Curious, she pressed the button on the first alcove. The curtain pulled back to show a red-headed teen with a tail in a lizard-themed superhero costume, and a recording began to play.

While on vacation in Egypt as a child, Jimmy Olsen stumbled over an ancient seal hidden in a pharaoh's tomb. There, he merged with a powerful cosmic entity and decided to devote his life to fighting crime! Now, DinoBoy and his friends on the Teen Titans help keep Coast City and planet Earth safe from evil!

That was...interesting. She moved over to the second curtain and pushed the button there. This alcove showed a familiar blond vampire slayer fighting a vampire with the help of a shadowy, reptilian figure.

Caught up in a failed ritual intended to possess a human with an animal spirit, Xander Harris instead was contacted by a powerful mystic force and granted the power of an ancient demon. Now, he uses his powers to help his friend and romantic interest, the vampire slayer, defend the Hellmouth from those who would bring the apocalypse, while hiding his power from those who would try and use him for their own ends! They are Slayer and Saurian!

Hm, Anya wouldn't like that "romantic interest" line. After the first two, there was no question that she was going to look at the rest of them. The next one showed Miles O'Brien dressed in a high-tech suit of armor. Of course, he had a tail.

Miles O'Brien, while on an away-team mission to a planet with a lost civilization, stumbles into a powerful energy field that puts him in contact with an immortal being of vast power. Now, he uses his powers of technomancy to lead the VargaForce, fighting the cybernetic Borg, the shapeshifting Founders, and the insidious organization known only as Section 31. Under his leadership, the VargaForce works to keep the Federation and the Galaxy safe.

The next alcove was Harry Dresden's, but he seemed to just be dressed normally in his long coat, though a tail poked out from behind and his staff had a serpent theme.

When the evil Denarians tried to lure in a friend's child with a cursed amulet, Harry Dresden jumped in and triggered the trap himself. Instead of a curse, Dresden found himself speaking with a mystic entity that judged him worthy of power. Instead of being destroyed like previous candidates, Dresden's magical might increased tenfold. Now, he uses his mystical force to protect the city of Chicago and the world. He is Lizard Wizard, P.I.!

Saurial's eyebrows went up at the name. Really? She went onto the next window while still shaking her head in disbelief. Not surprisingly, this one had Peter Parker. He was scaling the side of a building...but instead of a spider, his costume was reptilian and he had a tail.

While on a field trip to a museum, Peter Parker stumbled across an ancient seal which empowered him with the strength, agility and durability of a powerful reptile. Now, as The Lizard, he and his girlfriend, Gwen Stacey, also known as Spider-Woman, fight crime in the urban canyons of New York!

That one seemed to leave out quite a lot. The physical enhancements were only a small part of the whole Varga merger, after all. Saurial had to assume that this version of Peter was keeping a lot of his abilities hidden. The last two alcoves should prove to be interesting, as neither Daniel Jackson nor Ellen Ripley came from universes with superheroes or magic. Of course, neither did Miles, but the Star Trek universe never shied away from Clarke's Law. The next window showed Daniel Jackson, who looked perfectly normal, save he wasn't wearing glasses and she could see just the suggestion of a tail. The display was obviously intended to suggest it was hidden via magic.

While on a mission for Stargate Command, Daniel Jackson finds all of the knowledge of an ancient power downloaded into his head through a strange device. The brave archaeologist now uses his enhanced mind and body to fight the evil Goa'uld and protect Earth, while hiding the extent of his powers from the nefarious Trust.

Saurial chuckled at the Stargate: Varga logo across the bottom of the image. That left Ellen. The next image showed Ellen Ripley, but she seemed like a half-human, half-reptile hybrid. Of course, she had a tail.

Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley of the Sulaco was investigating a derelict alien ship when she stumbled upon a strange artifact. This artifact altered her DNA, and gave her vast knowledge. It warned her of a threat to humanity -- the massive Engineers, and their biological weapons, the Xenomorphs. Now, Ellen Ripley protects mankind from Alien threats while staying one step ahead of the grasping clutch of Weyland-Yutani, her former employers, who would do anything to control Project Scale.

Well, that was...interesting. Saurial was musing over these exhibits when a small, gnome-like creature stepped out of a hidden doorway. "Did you enjoy the exhibits?" he asked.

"They yes, I guess I did," agreed Saurial with a chuckle.

The small being hopped excitedly. "Would you be willing to let us add another alcove for you, then?" The creature gazed up at her with soulful, puppy-dog eyes.

Saurial smiled. "I think so, but let's do something really extravagant..."

* * * * *​

Amy woke up suddenly in a cold sweat. She absolutely should not have tried to finish that chicken salad...or she should at least have waited until she was Ianthe. That was a seriously strange dream...and she wasn't sure if she was happy or disappointed at where it ended.
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Chapter 46: Blended Reality
Chapter 46: Blended Reality

SG-1 was dressed in civilian clothes as they surveilled the residence of their target. The man's name was supposedly Jack O'Neill, which was suspicious by itself. Add in the fact that he was the producer of Wormhole X-treme! in a universe populated by the supernatural, and it created a whole host of questions. They had already scanned the surface looking for trace of naquadah, and had come up empty (although the sensors had noticed a few other odd substances...including a sizable chunk of uranium above ground in Palos Verdes, for some reason. A quick call to Giles explained that there was a harmless community of Qual'vahs demons in a commune there that weren't harmed by radiation, but found that exposure to it triggered a sense of spiritual euphoria.

"So, any guesses as to what's going on with this guy?" asked Jack.

Teal'c was wearing an Oakland A's cap to cover his forehead symbol, yet again adopting his slightly ill-fitting "Murray" persona. "Does this reality not have seers? Is it possible that this person is the local Jack O'Neill, and he is seeing his alternate life?" There had actually been a similar situation with the real SGC, though that was due to Ancient technology.

"It could just be parallel development," suggested Carter. "I mean, there has to be some kind of force at work to keep things similar given that there are so many realities with basically identical Earths. According to Buffy and the others, there are plenty of TV shows that are common across this reality and ours, which is odd, considering the other differences." A history of hidden magic was bound to be drastically different in many ways from one based on hidden alien influence.

Daniel suggested, "It could be some kind of higher power. Doctor Giles was aware of alternate realities and dimensions, so there might be demonic involvement, like that children's show with the puppets."

"Why would a demon create a version of Wormhole X-treme?" asked O'Neill skeptically.

"Well," said Sam, "we use it for plausible deniability. If they're using portals, they may want something similar."

"Would it not be best to simply inquire with the Jack O'Neill in this reality?" said Teal'c.

When nobody disagreed, they started to make their way toward the residence. It was a high-end condominium on the edge of West Hollywood. The neighborhood was slightly upscale from what Sam remembered, but then it had been quite a while since she had been back in LA, and it was possible that this Earth's version was different in any event. "This is kind of nice, doing the covert thing as a team on Earth again," she said.

"Just like old times," said Jack. Ever since they had been copied to their android bodies, they had steered clear of Earth to avoid running into their human selves. Apart from the risk of somebody like the NID wanting to capture them to close a security hole and get some androids to dissect...or disassemble, there was a certain weirdness to talking to a copy of yourself.

The unit was on the second floor, with an open-air walkway that ran the length of the building. The building itself was a typical modernized Spanish architecture common to the region, pretty obviously less than ten-years old if the flat-screen security station by the entry was any indication. When Jack knocked on the door, it was fairly quickly answered by a middle-aged, balding man that looked absolutely nothing like Jack. When he saw the group clustered in his building walkway, he paused, clearly surprised, and then said, "Oh, thank God!"

"You're Jack O'Neill?" asked Jack, skeptically.

"No, of course, you should come in if you can," said the man, standing aside to allow the team entry. He then closed the door behind them. "I had started to think nobody was ever going to come for me."

"You appear to know who we are," commented Teal'c.

The man laughed. "Of course I do. You're SG-1. Everybody at Area 51 knew who you were. You brought back half of the stuff we studied."

"You know about Area 51?" asked Sam.

"I used to work there. My real name is Carl Steiner, and I was one of the scientists investigating the quantum mirror you guys found on P3R-233. I accidentally touched the surface of it and ended up in this dimension," explained the man.

"Why didn't you just come back through the mirror?" asked Daniel.

Steiner frowned. "Because there was no mirror...or rather, there was, but it looked like an antique full-length mirror, and there was nothing to use as a control -- no remote, and nothing that could function as one. Just touching it did nothing. In retrospect, I would guess it was probably controlled by magic, but at the time I didn't even know magic really existed...and wasn't that a rude shock."

Daniel looked interested. "You know about the supernatural, then?"

The scientist nodded. "When I arrived, I was inside a cave filled with a bunch of strange artifacts like the mirror and a large trunk filled with gold and gems, all of which was covered in thick dust. It was actually not far from a small town in Nevada, luckily, so I could walk in. Of course, a few phone calls clued me into the fact that there was no stargate program, and somebody else had my home phone number. It then wasn't hard to verify that the wrong guy was president. Eventually, I sold off the stuff in the cave, and found out from one of the more outgoing buyers that some of it was magical."

"So, what's with the Wormhole X-treme! remake?" asked Jack.

Steiner looked slightly embarrassed. "Well, I thought somebody might come to rescue me. I still have the mirror in a storage facility nearby. On the off chance that you didn't come though the mirror, though, I decided to do something nobody from our reality would miss."

"You recreated the show because you knew anybody from our reality would want to see if it was based on a stargate program here," said Daniel with a tone of sudden understanding. "That's also why you're going by Jack O'Neill, I would guess?"

The man shrugged. "I had to pick a name for my fake identity, so I picked one that might draw the right kind of attention."

"Are you aware that this reality is the subject of a television show back on our Earth?" asked Daniel, curious.

The other man grimaced. "I wasn't up until fairly recently. I saw an add for Angel Investigations in LA, and started to put two and two together. I actually thought about reaching out to them, but by the time I knew what was going on, Sunnydale was already gone and the Angel Investigations offices were closed, and I wasn't going to poke around in the supernatural world at random. That seemed like a good way to get dead pretty quickly, especially as I only vaguely remembered the shows."

"Well..." started Jack. "I assume you want to go back to our home reality?"

Steiner nodded rather frantically. "Don't get me wrong. Life here isn't awful, but it's hard not to see the supernatural around once you're made aware of it. I know I've seen more than one really pale person with outdated clothes around LA, and I have no desire to become somebody's meal. My neighbor's Chow mix went missing, and around here there's no guarantee it was just hit by a car."

"Is there anything you want to do before we take you back?" asked Sam. This was a bit disappointing as a result for their investigation, but at least it would be easy to fix.

The other man considered things for a moment. "Let me make a few phone calls. There are some good people I've been working with...I can set it up so that they take over the show and such. I also have a suitcase filled with the last bits of treasure from the cave to take back with me...and we should probably grab the mirror so nobody else gets trapped by it."

It took a little more time than implied, but in less than forty-eight hours, Steiner was back on his native Earth where the Asgard were openly sharing technology, and where the local SG-1 team had no idea who he was. The debriefing was...interesting.

The mirror ended up in secure storage on Sineya Station.


Dragon again looked out at a much more somber group of heroes. "I know this is going to sound unbelievable, but you honestly did rather well for your first time facing the Slaughterhouse Nine."

"Four dead heroes, with three times that many requiring significant medical care, and civilian casualties estimated at more than three thousand severely injured or killed is not what we typically consider a success," commented Batman.

Guy added, "I'm also not sure it was a fair test. It seemed pretty convenient for them that tiger-lady just tore through my forcefield like that."

Dragon shook her head. "That actually is quite consistent with the abilities demonstrated by Siberian in the past. There are a number of powers in our world that are far more effective than they theoretically should be. It is true, though, that some of what I programmed into the simulation was an approximation that may not reflect a true contest between yourselves and the Nine."

"What do you mean?" asked Superman thoughtfully.

"I had to make certain assumptions. We know how powers work in our world, so we assumed that Hatchet Job's power nullification wouldn't affect you. Powers, however, are notoriously tricky to predict, so that may have been too generous. I'm also not entirely sure that Crawler's adaptation would have been so quick to negate Zatanna's magic, though he has adapted under impossible circumstances before. Because we have no ready source of magic in our world, I just can't predict that interaction," explained Dragon.

"Nevertheless," replied Wonder Woman, "given the complexity of the scenario, we can assume that there were mistakes in the simulation that both favored us and hindered us, which tends to make it balance. I'm more concerned about what kinds of lessons we can learn from this."

"I have some thoughts on that, but first I want to get Skitter's thoughts." The insect-themed cape was sitting in the back next to Jimmy. Looking toward her, Dragon asked, "What did you think?"

Taylor paused for a moment, not wanting to say something rushed that might make her look foolish. There were a few points, though, that would have been pretty obvious to any cape in her world. "Well, the first thing is that when Shatterbird screamed, most of you seemed to jump into search and rescue mode, despite this being a cape fight."

"That's a good point," replied Dragon. "You effectively did exactly what the S9 wanted you to do, thereby giving them the advantage to choose their battlegrounds and their opponents. Rescue operations should have been a second priority behind locating members of the villain team. Anything else, Skitter?"

After another moment's thought, Skitter answered, "You ran in head-first against mostly unknown capes. No offense, but in my world, that's kind of a rookie mistake." Experienced capes learned that an unknown cape could have unknown power aspects, or an unknown synergy or counter to your powers. Like with Grue, Shadow Stalker's power didn't play well with his, but Taylor's bugs allowed her to sense things even in his darkness.

"I agree," added Batman. "A lot of us," he said, looking at Guy, "have gotten used to being able to overpower the opposition regardless of their abilities. Others," he said, changing his focus to Superman, "have fairly well-known weaknesses that are relatively easy to exploit."

Dragon continued that thought. "Known power capabilities and weaknesses are a significant part of the dossiers kept by the Protectorate and the Guild in our world. I assume you do the same?" she asked, looking at Batman, who nodded. "Part of the advantage of having Protectorate teams, for example, is that it allows them to optimize the mission team based on the opposition. Another point worth mentioning is that even mundane patrols are run in pairs of capes. Some of you were isolated because you went your own way during the rescue operations." Most of them, in fact, had been on their own.

"We've undoubtedly gotten too used to having teleporters, and also to having heroes like myself and Flash who can respond almost instantly," admitted Superman.

"It also assumes that somebody can call for help, which isn't necessarily true," added Skitter. "There are a lot of capes who can incapacitate a single person very quickly."

"So, the take away is that we need to be more cautious?" asked Green Arrow. He was still absent-mindedly rubbing the wrist of the hand that he had "lost" in the simulation.

"I've got a list of suggestions, some of which I've made previously," replied Batman. "I'll be making some updates to them based on the results of this latest exercise." He had been in the middle of doing that anyway due to the changes to the Lanterns.

The other heroes winced, knowing that Batman's ideas tended to involve both intensive training and a degree of paranoia most of them considered excessive. They also realized that this last exercise had given the League more than enough reason to actually listen and implement at least some of his ideas.

"I'm happy to hear that, especially as we may need your help in the near future," said Dragon. Skitter looked at her, slightly confused.

Aquaman, still smarting from a slightly humiliating and unsettling simulated battle, asked, "Why would you need our help?"

Dragon frowned. "Now that things with Scion are resolved, we still have a number of serious threats that need cleanup, including the Slaughterhouse Nine. Normally, we would let the Triumvirate lead the way, but that is likely to be problematic...


The scouts had verified that the forces of Winter had indeed pulled back, until they were all entirely inside the wall, and they had done so across the entire boundary. Nemesis and the other Outsiders were puzzled by this. It had never happened before in all of known history. Nobody had ever expected to see such a thing until victory was at hand for those eldritch forces trying to gain a foothold in reality. Outsiders were alien in their perceptions and thoughts, but they weren't stupid. The obvious answer was that this was some kind of trap. The problem was that they had no way of ferreting out what kind of trap would be capable of covering the entire border of reality, regardless of where an attack came.

Eventually, the temptation to attack the undefended Gates grew too great. To counter the risk, the Outsider forces attacked in mass across the entire front, attempting to climb the walls and bash the Outer Gates at multiple points. The creatures attacking ranged from foot-soldiers that scuttled like beetles, horrified faces burned into their carapaces, to more powerful brutes that looked like constantly moving walls of greyish flesh, to powerful Outsider Lords with the ability to bend reality at will. These were the more common types, but the number of monstrosities attacking were so varied and chaotic that they defied any attempt to fit them into patterns or categories.

Mab was watching the Outer Gate that was metaphysically closest to her palace. Her new Winter Knight was by her side. As the Gates began to shudder under hammer blows and dark forms topped the walls, Mab simply said, "Now."

The ground shook. A massive crevasse, parallel to the wall, opened up and swallowed hordes of attackers. A spiky, black hand grasped the side of the opening, and a horned head appeared, showing a single, red, glowing eye. A wave of electrical energy shot out in all directions, current jumping from form to form as the Outsider foot-soldiers were electrocuted. As the giant form pulled himself out of the earth, he almost absent-mindedly crushed more of the forces arrayed against him.

Once the entire forty-five-foot form of Behemoth was standing outside the wall, he began to glow white, shooting hard radiation out and frying all of the beings crawling up and on the wall for a distance of several hundred feet. Some of the more powerful survivors began thrashing as they literally burned from the inside out. Turning to the waiting hordes that had been queuing to tackle the wall, Behemoth roared, causing the ground to shudder once again.

Mab spread her senses, and she could feel what was happening elsewhere. Leviathan, The Simurgh, Khonsu, Tohu and Bohu, and fifteen other massive forces of destruction were laying waste to the forces of the Outsiders, causing more damage to them in minutes than the forces of Winter had been able to accomplish in more than a century of fighting. "I am pleased, David," said the Winter Queen.

Eidolon frowned. He didn't like Mab, and he didn't like the Winter Court. He had, however, come to terms with the idea that his own pride, and his insecurities, had led to the deaths of millions of people and many heroes. Protecting another reality from alien abominations was a suitable penance, regardless of how unpleasant the nature of the task. "May I engage with the enemy, my queen?" he asked.

Mab frowned, as if she could sense his reluctance. "You may. You should be happier, my Knight. You and your friends are so useful at the Gates that I wouldn't waste you in dealing with some of the more unpleasant tasks of Winter. There is a reason why the Knights are usually...unpleasant people."

Eidolon said nothing. He simply teleported to a section of the wall far from an Endbringer, and proceeded to use a variety of powers to crush, mangle, and shred anything hostile. If nothing else, it gave him a chance to test out a wide variety of powers.


"That was a masterful move, Saurial. Making Parker take responsibility for the space initiative is sure to keep the usual parties on the back-foot." Doom honestly included himself in that grouping. "Now I assume you're here to make sure I cooperate, even if I'm not in one of the leadership positions?"

"Thank you, Victor. Yes, your cooperation would make things go much more easily," replied Saurial smoothly. She and Doom had gotten on surprisingly well at their last meeting. Just like with Lung, Varga's experiences made it somewhat easier to deal with the somewhat benevolent dictator. Doom had even dropped the level of formality once mutual respect had been established. It was obviously rare that the man could converse with somebody who understood both science and mysticism to a level near his own. Both Stephen Strange and Reed Richards were superior in their areas of interest to Doom, but neither was particularly conversant in the other's. Saurial knew both quite well.

Doom sat back on his throne-like chair and steepled his hands together. "Very well. I believe I mentioned a personal matter in our last conversation. I am going to extend a degree of trust to you in order to acquire your aid. I do not think you will find the task too burdensome." He looked to the reptile, who was sitting attentively. He continued, "My problem has to do with my daughter."

Saurial simply raised an eyebrow. She hadn't been aware that Doom had a daughter. According to the information provided by Asti on the current state of this world, nobody else seemed to know that either, including S.H.I.E.L.D. "She must be well hidden," she said with a grin. "Given your resources, I'm surprised you need my help."

Doom frowned. "The fact that she is my daughter is well hidden, but she herself is not. Sadly, she knows who I am and wants nothing to do with me. That makes it difficult for me to take action on her behalf. She will not listen."

"You want me to deliver her a warning," asked Saurial, knowing that it could not be something so simple.

"The problem is her employer. My daughter is familiar with the mystical side of the world, in part because she has no small amount of personal talent thanks to her heritage. I believe she decided to go into law just to spite me in a small way because of that. Her awareness, however, brought her to the attention of a minor law firm that specializes in the supernatural. At least, she thinks they are a small firm. My sources have revealed that they are actually a branch of a much larger organization that extends beyond this dimension," explained the armored monarch.

Saurial's eyes actually widened at that. "They wouldn't happen to be called Wolfram and Hart, would they?"

Doom's estimation of the lizard rose yet again by a small amount. "I see you are familiar with them."

"They're a multidimensional law firm that serve as the front for the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart, a trio of powerful demon lords. They use political influence, legal maneuvering and corruption to extend their power into various Earths. I'm surprised they're so limited in this dimension," said Saurial. There was plenty of magic here to attract their attention.

Doom shook his head. "I suspect Mephisto and some of the other major powers keep them from gaining more than a small foothold here. Their type of power suffers when their opponents are aware of their presence and their tactics. Regardless, my daughter has taken employment with them. I wish her to find other employers before she advances to the point where she cannot leave of her own free will."

Saurial considered the problem. As Victor's daughter, she would like be fairly headstrong, and possibly a little arrogant. That was Victor's primary flaw, after all, and it had led to more than one defeat at the hands of his opponents. The easiest thing to do would be to play on that. "Do you have any objection if she were to go to work for the Family or one of our associates?"

Doom considered that for a moment, then replied, "No. Employment with you or your associates would be acceptable. I have no doubt that you treat your employees far better than the Wolf, the Ram and the Hart do. I also have no doubt that you would find her to be a great asset." Left unsaid was the fact that it would also reinforce the positive working relationship he had established with the powerful reptiles, regardless of his daughter's personal feelings.

Saurial smiled without showing teeth. "I think I have just the thing, then. For who and where are we looking?"

"I will give you all of the information I have on her," answered Victor. "She lives in Los Angeles at the moment, and she uses her mother's maiden name, so she's known as Lilah Morgan."


Bobbi Cade was a damned-good ship designer, if she did say so herself. She had been more than capable of holding her own as a new hire at Weyland-Yutani's starship engineering department, despite some of her colleagues' attempts at character assassination. It wasn't her fault that she was more talented than jerks like Yu and O'Malley. She admitted to herself that she wasn't the most politically savvy or tactful person in the department, but her design skills were top notch. The error she caught in the newest ground-to-orbit shuttle design easily saved the firm millions, not to mention lives. Saving a couple of bucks a unit in a way that could cut thrust in half during maneuvering was just stupid.

When her boss called her into his office and said the higher-ups wanted a word, she had worried at first that she was going to be blamed for something. Her firm wasn't exactly known for its fairness to its employees, though it had gotten much better recently. To her relief, her vice president had simply offered her a position on a top secret research station. The station was pretty far out from Earth, which was a drawback, but the company would pay for relocation, and it included the unusually generous option of regular trips back to Earth. Her veep also told her that it was the same place as Jimmy Ito had gone. Ito had been one of the top senior designers in the group, so it had been a surprise when he took a transfer assignment. Everybody had assumed he was next in line to take over the department. With that revelation, she couldn't help but say yes.

Now she was on a shuttle to the station, having taken a a long journey out this way via courier ship. The courier crew and the shuttle pilot had both had little to say about their destination. They either didn't know, or they weren't supposed to talk about it and were actually good at keeping secrets. That was probably a good thing, even if it was personally frustrating. Also frustrating was that she didn't get a good view of the station due to the limited field of view of the shuttle's windows. She had caught a brief glimpse from a distance that showed that it had been fitted with spacedocks, which made sense for a secret facility for designing spaceships, but she couldn't tell exactly what they were building.

She was surprised when the inner airlock door opened and she was met by the forty-something Jimmy Ito. "Mr. Ito!" she exclaimed in surprise.

He smiled at her. "Hello, Bobbi, it's good to see you again. You can call me Jimmy, by the way. We're not big on formality around here."

"All right..." she said, hesitating. "Where and what exactly is here, though? Nobody actually told me much of anything."

He began walking into the station from the docking area, beckoning her to follow. "This is Sineya Station. It's a special projects site for the new owners and managers of the company. Ship prototyping is one of the types of work they do here."

"What else do they do there?" asked Bobbi as she followed. She had heard the rumors like everybody else about the company's bioweapons division, some of which sounded more like a horror vid.

Jimmy gave a little laugh, guessing her concerns. "It's nothing horrifying...don't worry. It is very unusual, however. You'll see more of it as we head through to our section."

Inside, they began walking through what appeared to be an athletic training facility. To one side, she could see a group of very muscular men watching an elderly Asian man demonstrating some type of martial art. "That's Master Cho. He's teaching a group of Jaffa a new variation of hard aikido," said Ito.

"Jaffa?" she questioned. "And what's hard aikido?" She had taken some aikido during her undergraduate training, and it was characterized by redirection and holds, not strikes.

"You probably won't believe this right now, but hold your disbelief until we get to our section. The Jaffa are genetically engineered warriors who surrendered to our employers in battle and swore themselves to service," explained her colleague. "And the new form of aikido is apparently something designed for strong men to fight things that are stronger. I don't know much about it. Just being Japanese doesn't mean you know martial arts, despite what movies will tell you."

"Genetically engineered? Who did that?" she wondered out loud. Was this some type of secret W-Y project, or was it some shady government project? She also wondered about what kind of stronger opponents these warriors were planning to fight, but she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.

"That's the most unbelievable part. They were engineered by a race of alien parasites that take over human beings as hosts. The Jaffa served as their warrior class, while regular humans were kept as slaves," continued Ito.

"I haven't heard anything about that..." Bobbi figured that type of threat would at least make the rumor mill.

Ito laughed. "Don't worry. Their former bosses are a LONG way away. You're not likely to run into them."

At that moment, something that she could swear was a flying monkey zoomed down the hallway. Shortly thereafter, a young man and a young woman ran around the corridor, chasing it. She could hear the woman saying, "Damn it, Andrew, when Willow finally gets here, she's going to be pissed at you for this!"

"It wasn't my fault, Dawn. That summoning crystal was misfiled by one of the slayers. It was supposed to be a scrying crystal!" said the young man in a slightly whiny voice. The voice reminded Bobbi of some of the more irritating engineering grad students from school.

The woman came to stop in front of Bobbi and Jimmy. "Did you guys see a flying monkey go by?" Ito simply pointed in the direction where the thing had fled, and the two young people continued the chase.

Bobbi stared after them. "Um...what the hell was that?"

Again, Ito chuckled. "You won't believe me, but that was probably a magically summoned demon."

Bobbi's stare turned into a glare. She was pretty sure she was being hazed as the newbie. "You're right, I don't believe you."

He shrugged. "Just hold on until we get where we're going."

Cade stayed pissed until they entered the ship design facilities. At that point, she was stunned speechless as Ito introduced her to a Roswell Gray that was talking to a human. The Gray was apparently named Svafar, which sounded strangely Nordic. The human was named Tsol and had an extremely unusual accent. As they left the two to their conversation, Ito explained that Tsol was actually part of an advanced pre-modern-human society and had been stuck in stasis for sixty million years.

"Nobody would survive that long in cryostasis!" she exclaimed.

He smirked. "I didn't say it was cryostasis. You're going to see a lot of odd things around here."

Their journey ended at a large bay window looking out on a construction gantry where the frame of a rather large ship was taking shape. There were two women looking out over the frame. One was a tall, very shapely blond woman who appeared to have cybernetic implants in her face. The other was a cat woman. There was no other way to describe her. Bobbi was having trouble with the fact that there was no other way to describe her.

"It looks like the frame is almost done!" said Ito excitedly.

The cat woman smiled, two sharp canines appearing slightly through her lips. "Yep. Raptaur finished it up early this morning."

The blond woman added, "It was very convenient that the Family has no difficulty operating in pure vacuum."

"Ladies, allow me to introduce the new recruit that I was telling you about. This is Bobbi Cade, one of the best new designers at Weyland-Yutani. Bobbi, these two women are Seven and Vectura. Vectura is the lead for this project, and Seven is her second," introduced Jimmy.

Despite the level of unreality, Bobbi was pleased to hear Jimmy describe her as one of the best new designers. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said. "Can I ask what the project is?"

Vectura seemed happy to explain. "We recently built a number of smaller test-beds that integrated the technologies from a diverse set of universes. The dimension skippers went well, so now we're trying the same with a larger ship."

"The previous vessels were closer in size to a shuttle-craft, despite being significantly larger on the inside. This ship will be truly massive in terms of internal volume," added Seven.

With yet another mood shift, the young engineer decided that they had to be making a joke at her expense. "All right, that's funny. What are we really doing here?"

"You haven't explained the situation here?" asked Vectura, looking at Ito rather sharply.

Jimmy looked slightly sheepish. "She literally just got off the shuttle. I thought we would do the orientation after the tour."

Seven raised on eyebrow. "I suggest you take her to the stargate next. That will likely cause her to suspend some of her disbelief."

Ito quickly led her to another part of the station. There was a strange metallic ring installed in a standing position, with some type of control station next to it. Bobbi was puzzled by what it was supposed to do, as it didn't look like any piece of technology with which she was familiar. Without explaining anything, she watched as Ito entered a series of twelve strange symbols into the control terminal. She quickly stepped back as a backwash of plasma rushed out, before settling back into a placid pool inside the ring.

"What the fuck?" she asked, forgetting herself for a moment.

"This is the stargate. It's a transport device. Just follow me," said Ito. He quickly walked up to the event horizon, then passed into it and disappeared. Bobbi walked up to the circle and looked on both sides of it. Jimmy wasn't hiding on the other side. There was a sign on the back of the gate that said, "WARNING: ONLY ENTER ON OTHER SIDE TO AVOID LETHAL DE-MATERIALIZATION." Heeding the sign, and deciding that she was only going to get answers by following, Bobbi stepped through.

There was a massive rush of light, and it felt as though Bobbi was being sucked through a slightly chilly tube. At one point, there was a if she had had to push through a thick mesh of cobwebs. She stumbled forward as she reappeared. On the other side, Ito was waiting for her, along with a teen girl wearing a sword and one of the Jaffa carrying an odd staff. She noticed that he also had a strange tattoo on his forehead, with a symbol she didn't recognize. "Welcome to Cleveland, Ohio," said Ito, helping her away from the gate. The two...guards...paid them no mind.

"We're on Earth?" she exclaimed? That wasn't possible.

"Come and see," he said, leading her to an elevator. She followed along, slightly dazed.

The elevator led them up to the roof, where she could see the surrounding urban landscape. It definitely looked like Earth, though the surroundings were surprisingly primitive. She couldn't even see any aircars. The skyline in the distance looked like Cleveland, though slightly different than she remembered. The Key Tower was clearly visible, though the Weyland Tower was missing. "Why does it look...different?" she asked.

"We're on Earth," he explained, "but we're not on our Earth. This is the Earth in the universe where those two you saw, Dawn and Andrew, originated. We're also not in our time, as this Earth is currently in the early years of the twenty-first century."

Bobbi considered herself fairly level-headed, but there was only so much she could take in a short period of time. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she fell forward.

Jimmy, alarmed, jumped forward to catch her before she hit the ground. "Well, crap," he muttered to himself. Vectura was going to be pissed...


"There are several traditions of magic that don't cause the same effect as Harry Dresden's magic," explained Stephen Strange.

"Totally," agreed Willow. "I use computers all the time. Most of my magic calls on external sources of power...which has its pluses and minuses, but one plus is that I can use a smart phone without problems."

"Even with our type of magic, you could probably get one of these bracelets, especially if Harry helps teach you," prompted Molly.

Über considered the three spellcasters. He had idly asked whether there was any way to do magic without the annoying tendency to destroy technology that Harry had manifested. Stephen had answered evenly, but Molly and Willow both looked far too eager to drag him into the world of magic. "What would be involved in learning that?"

Willow started to dig around in her purse. "Well, first, take a hold of this crystal." She handed him a large purple crystal, large enough to close his hand around with the ends sticking out of his fist. He grasped it, and a mild glow began coming from it. "Ooh, well that's not bad. That crystal is showing your potential to do magic. That opens up some options," she said.

Having seen the TV show, the young man asked Willow, "How does it look when you grab it?"

All three of the casters winced. "We don't let Willow do that anymore," said Molly. "It took fifteen minutes for my sight to come back the last time." Luckily, Willow could still handle the crystal without setting it off, as you had to grab it in your fist before it started to glow.

"If you wish to learn, then there would be a significant amount of research and reading required. Natural skill by itself is insufficient," warned Stephen.

Über shrugged. "That's not a problem." While his power didn't let him learn all of the esoteric details related to a skill, it just so happened that research, speed reading, reading comprehension and language translation were all considered skills that his power could enhance. There was a reason why his power was as bullshit as Leet's in its own way, especially with the enhancements from Amy.

Strange smiled. "Then I have no problem with you attending our lessons and discussions, Randall."

"This is going to be sooo cool," said Molly excitedly.

* * * * *​

In another universe, Emily Piggot woke up from a deep sleep suddenly. She felt as though something fundamental to her understanding of the universe was about to shift yet again, though she had no idea what. As she grumpily drifted back to sleep, she mumbled, "What the hell have those damned lizards done now?"


Kevin Norton had been talking to a young woman when the golden man reappeared. She was shocked and amazed to see Scion floating there silently by the homeless man. Kevin was in turn shocked when, just as he was about to explain how he had prompted Scion to be a hero to his audience, the golden man got a startled look on his face, and then popped like a soap bubble. Kevin looked down at his dog, Duke. "Well, he's never done that before..."

* * * * *​

"What do you mean, Scion has disappeared from the Path? You could never model him before!" said Alexandria.

"I couldn't see him, but I could model the impact he had on the world. That's what we've been basing our plans on, after all," explained Contessa patiently. Alexandria was obviously off her game right now.

"What does that mean?" asked Eidolon.

Contessa frowned. "I have no idea."

"Why do I think the lizards had something to do with this?" said Alexandria. She frowned at David before he could answer, and he stopped before he started. The question had been rhetorical.

* * * * *​

"Well, that takes care of that," said Varga.

'It was a lot easier the second time around,' replied Taylor. 'We're going to have to do something about Cauldron in this world, though, and I don't think Mab deserves two Eidolons.'

Varga considered, then gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. "They'll keep for a while. We can decide how to handle them after we've resolved some other issues."

'Maybe we should make Skitter's Cauldron help clean up this one?' mused Taylor.

Varga though about having two Alexandrias in the same room, each of them trying to take control of the situation. "Let's hold that option until things get boring," he suggested.

Taylor laughed. 'When does that ever happen when we're around?'

There was no arguing with that.
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