Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Um. No? I quoted the relevant parts of Interlude 29 above. Eden gave up part of her precognition cluster to Abaddon, causing it to function improperly, so she shifted\modified Abaddon's precognition shard into the cluster (or replaced the cluster with it), only something went wrong and before she could fix it she crashed. Exactly what went wrong is unclear, but Contessa's shard is definitely not an Eden shard; if it was an Eden shard then Scion would see it as 'dead', not 'alive'.
PtV also doesn't have 'holes' until Eden reprograms it, further reducing the likelihood that it is Eden's original precognition cluster.

Incidentally the implication both from the story and from WoG is that Eden and Zion used multiple shards in a cluster for their 'PtV Equivalent', whereas Abaddon had a single shard that was specialized for that particular function.
Except by that logic Abbadon's PTV should be more efficient which if true would mean that Contessa does not have Abbadon's PTV as Wildbow has gone on the record as stating that Contessa's PtV being more efficient than Scion's is fanon
Except by that logic Abbadon's PTV should be more efficient which if true would mean that Contessa does not have Abbadon's PTV as Wildbow has gone on the record as stating that Contessa's PtV being more efficient than Scion's is fanon
Just being a single shard as opposed to an entire cluster would inherently make it more efficient, even if the actual effect is exactly the same. Also; Wildbow's words are that Contessa's shard being 'massively more efficient' is fanon, furthermore that exact post that you quoted refers to "the PtV she gained from Abaddon, which was the one that Contessa ended up with" and Wildbow does not naysay this.

In fact, Contessa's shard being the PtV shard Eden gained from Abaddon is brought up many times in threads where Wildbow responds, at no point does he counter that statement. I have been unable to find even a single instance of Wildbow stating that is incorrect, and multiple instances of him responding to posts with that claim without commenting on it.
The story where Anya triggered the Spanish-American War of the 19th century was surprisingly funny in retrospect.

I'm envisioning some sailor's wife discovering he really did have a girl in every port, and wishing that he'd go out with a bang. :o

After a brief pause, he shrugged and got back to work on the onion hybrid he was designing.

A minonion perhaps? :p

I wonder in how many way's dragon's going to tell her where to stick it..

That runs a severe risk of Alexandria responding with "Door to Dragon's most irreplaceable CPU." And then punching a hole through it. Taunting top tier superhumans who operate on Bond villain rules is... unwise.

What is war, but a partial or total suspension of morality?

The counter-argument to that is that if you only have morals when they don't matter, and abandon them as soon as they do matter, you never had them at all.

The problem, from the Family viewpoint, isn't that Cauldron is trying to fight scion, it's that they are trying to fight scion by acts of random violence that they don't even necessary know will work.

That's actually a very human thing to do. Every member of the ape family does it, in fact. It's a survival mechanism.

When a group is confronted with an existential threat — or just thinks they are — with no known solution, they tend to try everything and see what works. The urge is so strong that only the most cohesive groups can actually implement a single plan under those circumstances — more commonly, being ordered to do just one thing causes the group to fragment, as those who disagree with the plan enact their own preferred option.

The classic example being a group of chimpanzees on a beach, confronted with an earthquake, when no member of the group has ever experienced one before. Some will run for the hills, some will flop on the ground in place, some will run into a nearby cave, some will stand their ground and scream defiance, some will climb trees, some will run inland, some will run along the beach. In species that can swim, some will swim out into the ocean — some chimps might grab driftwood and use it as a float. Humans typically add prayer and attempts to appease the obviously angry god.

The survivors of the ensuing tsunami will be the ones who specifically went for the hills, or who ran inland and just happened to go uphill, with a few individuals who climbed the right sort of tree. The rest will drown. And the species will continue.
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Um. No? I quoted the relevant parts of Interlude 29 above. Eden gave up part of her precognition cluster to Abaddon, causing it to function improperly, so she shifted\modified Abaddon's precognition shard into the cluster (or replaced the cluster with it), only something went wrong and before she could fix it she crashed. Exactly what went wrong is unclear, but Contessa's shard is definitely not an Eden shard; if it was an Eden shard then Scion would see it as 'dead', not 'alive'.
PtV also doesn't have 'holes' until Eden reprograms it, further reducing the likelihood that it is Eden's original precognition cluster.

Incidentally the implication both from the story and from WoG is that Eden and Zion used multiple shards in a cluster for their 'PtV Equivalent', whereas Abaddon had a single shard that was specialized for that particular function.
Ugh... You're actually making me dig through that monster of a fic to find the relevant quote... Damn you.

Oh, and I can't find your the quote you said you posted.
Interlude 29 said:
Danger, the Warrior broadcasts.
Confident, this entity responds.
It picks a reality. Up until the moment it hits ground, it works to reorganize itself.
In the doing, it alters one of the third entity's powers, replacing its own ability to find the optimal future.
In that very instant, it recognizes that it has made a grave error.
The simulated world and the glimpse of the optimal future are already gone from its grasp. Too late.
The perspective changes, breaking away, distant, confused, detached. The impact was too hard.
Further, the start of that interlude is Fortuna's (Contessa's) Trigger Vision. I'll point out that PtV shows Fortuna the crash with Abaddon from Eden's PoV, meaning PtV saw it from that perspective.

The classic example being a group of chimpanzees on a beach, confronted with an earthquake, when no member of the group has ever experienced one before. Some will run for the hills, some will flop on the ground in place, some will run into a nearby cave, some will stand their ground and scream defiance, some will climb trees, some will run inland, some will run along the beach. In species that can swim, some will swim out into the ocean — some chimps might grab driftwood and use it as a float. Humans typically add prayer and attempts to appease the obviously angry god.

The survivors of the ensuing tsunami will be the ones who specifically went for the hills, or who ran inland and just happened to go uphill, with a few individuals who climbed the right sort of tree. The rest will drown. And the species will continue.
Unfortunately, modern technologies have invalidated this form of natural selection; and large groups of people who literally should be dying for the good of the species are instead reproducing....
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Um. No? I quoted the relevant parts of Interlude 29 above. Eden gave up part of her precognition cluster to Abaddon, causing it to function improperly, so she shifted\modified Abaddon's precognition shard into the cluster (or replaced the cluster with it), only something went wrong and before she could fix it she crashed. Exactly what went wrong is unclear, but Contessa's shard is definitely not an Eden shard; if it was an Eden shard then Scion would see it as 'dead', not 'alive'.
PtV also doesn't have 'holes' until Eden reprograms it, further reducing the likelihood that it is Eden's original precognition cluster.

Incidentally the implication both from the story and from WoG is that Eden and Zion used multiple shards in a cluster for their 'PtV Equivalent', whereas Abaddon had a single shard that was specialized for that particular function.

I believe what went wrong was that Abaddon understood concepts Eden did not, and when she tried to use his shard she suddenly found herself with entirely new paths of thought open to her as those concepts started to embed themselves in her mind. That proved a disastrous distraction when only moments from landing.
So just a question, is the the hunters Dragon was talking about when talking about the Xenomorphs was the Predators? Is so, I just watched the "The Predator", and if that show is part of that universe then that means that they could end up using the Goa'ul memory ability for the Predators and could make them quite more dangerous.
So just a question, is the the hunters Dragon was talking about when talking about the Xenomorphs was the Predators? Is so, I just watched the "The Predator", and if that show is part of that universe then that means that they could end up using the Goa'ul memory ability for the Predators and could make them quite more dangerous.

No... My take on the Predator dates back to, "Get to the choppah!" I've also seen AvP, which was dumb but fun. The Batman/Predator crossover comic was also a surprisingly enjoyable read.

Based on the reviews of the 2018 The predators are not going to be absorbing Goa'uld abilities, for the same reason that my earlier joke about dropping Galactus in Tyranid space is never going to happen...
No... My take on the Predator dates back to, "Get to the choppah!" I've also seen AvP, which was dumb but fun. The Batman/Predator crossover comic was also a surprisingly enjoyable read.

Based on the reviews of the 2018 The predators are not going to be absorbing Goa'uld abilities, for the same reason that my earlier joke about dropping Galactus in Tyranid space is never going to happen...
With the reference to both Xenomorphs and Predators I assumed you were going with the AvP2 game for that 'verse, if not I'd highly recommend checking that setting out, as IIRC both the original Predator movies and the Alien movies mostly fit into its canon: With the original 2 Predator movies and the movies Alien through to Alien: Ressurection being basically historical documentaries for the setting.

The AvP movies were... not good, and the more recent Predator and Alien movies have not been particularly impressive, so I do not blame you at all if you ignore them.

Ugh... You're actually making me dig through that monster of a fic to find the relevant quote... Damn you.

Oh, and I can't find your the quote you said you posted.
The post in question with the relevant quotes is here.

Note that Eden damaged her PtV cluster when she bumped uglies with Abaddon, she then took one of Abaddon's powers and replaces her damaged PtV cluster with it, note the present tense; Eden finished the alterations and the replacement, creating a new PtV power from the Abaddon power and her damaged cluster, then she realized she had lost the path to the optimal future.

As the optimal future was predicted with the damaged cluster, I suspect that the implication is actually that when Eden fixed her PtV power she realized that it was already too late to reach the optimal future, something she hadn't noticed previously due to the 'holes' in the prediction caused by the damaged cluster.

There is also no reference to Eden discarding her damaged PtV cluster, potentially implying that the new PtV power she put together included both the Abaddon power and her original damaged PtV power, which would explain the Eden PoV on Contessa's trigger dream.

Edit: After spending far too long trawling around the internet and going through various chapters of Worm, I have come to the conclusion that there are two possibilities:
A: Eden merged the altered Abaddon shard with her damaged PtV cluster to create a new, fixed PtV power which Contessa then got, her power being 'alive' then being the consequence of either still being connected to Abaddon, making a new connection right before Eden got stabbed, or both.
B: Wildbow forgot whether Contessa's PtV was from Abaddon or Eden, and\or kept changing his mind, resulting in some parts of the story implying that it's an Abaddon shard, and other parts implying an Eden shard.

I'd give even odds either way, but I'm going to assume A because B does not help.

Either way, the conflict drive would still be in play:
Interlude 26 said:
The entity allows for deeper connections to foster more conflict. The underlying instructions are already present from previous cycles, and can be left largely alone. These bipeds war with each other enough. It will only serve to assist the most extreme cases.
Emphasis mine; the conflict drive was already there, Zion just tweaked it a bit and the tweaks aren't even relevant to the majority of hosts. So PtV should still have the basic drive for conflict like all other shards.
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The post in question with the relevant quotes is here..
You... Might want to work on your definition of "quote." Full sentences would be a start, there's such a thing as context.
Note that Eden damaged her PtV cluster when she bumped uglies with Abaddon, she then took one of Abaddon's powers and replaces her damaged PtV cluster with it, note the present tense; Eden finished the alterations and the replacement, creating a new PtV power from the Abaddon power and her damaged cluster, then she realized she had lost the path to the optimal future.

As the optimal future was predicted with the damaged cluster, I suspect that the implication is actually that when Eden fixed her PtV power she realized that it was already too late to reach the optimal future, something she hadn't noticed previously due to the 'holes' in the prediction caused by the damaged cluster.

There is also no reference to Eden discarding her damaged PtV cluster, potentially implying that the new PtV power she put together included both the Abaddon power and her original damaged PtV power, which would explain the Eden PoV on Contessa's trigger dream.
Interlude 29 said:
She raised her arm, knife held with the point down.

And the gray fog descended on her mind, blinding her. A barrier, a blind spot, a future she could no longer see. Had it set the limitation more firmly in place?

The godling smiled. It knew, because the power she was using was the same power it had used to glimpse the future, to find that particular future where it had the world divided, drowned in conflict.
Now combine that with my last quote from slightly earlier in the interlude:
Interlude 29 said:
In the doing, it alters one of the third entity's powers, replacing its own ability to find the optimal future.
In that very instant, it recognizes that it has made a grave error. The simulated world and the glimpse of the optimal future are already gone from its grasp.
Too late.
Eden outright says PtV was her Shard. The one she accidently sent out right before crashing.

Emphasis mine; the conflict drive was already there, Zion just tweaked it a bit and the tweaks aren't even relevant to the majority of hosts. So PtV should still have the basic drive for conflict like all other shards.
That only works for Shards that have actually been used in the cycle before, PtV was one of Eden's core Shards, that wasn't supposed to go out.
Sometimes there are no solutions to problems that are both moral and EFFECTIVE.
If you choose moral, you accept that you will be making only token efforts.
If you choose effective, you must choose the LEAST "shitty" solution.
Cauldron was neither moral nor effective.
Chapter 41: Gold Dusk
Chapter 41: Gold Dusk

The Ship of Fools came out into orbit while already cloaked, leaving no trace other than the unavoidable flare of the wormhole. This time, the ship was crewed solely by Family and close associates -- Saurial and Varga, Ianthe, Metis, Randall and Kevin. Using the Ancient-derived and Asgard-enhanced sensor suite, the ship began to scan for signs of dimensional breaches on the Earth below. Between the Nox and Ianthe's experimentation, they knew exactly how powered individuals would appear on the sensors.

"This is amazing," said Metis. "Assuming you know what to look for, you can find the location of pretty much every single parahuman on the planet." She brought up a map on the view screen. "Do you see this cluster in British Columbia? That's the Birdcage. You can also see clusters around New York City, Brockton Bay, and a few other cities."

"Look for unusually powerful connections," said Saurial. There was an implicit assumption that most human capes would have somewhat equivalent connections to their agents, regardless of how powerful the ability granted by the agent might be.

Metis adjusted the sensor readings to try and filter out the weaker signals. "I've got three strong dimensional breaches that correspond to the position of the Endbringers. This is a much more accurate way of tracking Behemoth than seismic readings, by the way. I've also got a very strong one over Eastern Europe -- somewhere near Prague."

"PHO has Scion in Prague rescuing people from an apartment complex fire," commented Randall, reading from a screen tied into the local Internet.

"That's him, then. Metis, can you figure out the location of the other side of that breach?" said Saurial.

Metis frowned. "I...yes, I think so. Make a sequence of jumps to the following coordinates." Metis sent a series of three different destinations to Saurial console. Saurial then took the ship through a series of wormhole jumps, stopping only long enough in each reality to take sensor readings. They paused in the third reality, and Metis said, "OK, that gave me the information I needed on variance. Try this one," she ordered, sending over another set of coordinates.

The ship jumped, still under cloak, to yet another dimension. The map on the screen changed. Instead of the hundreds of breach locations pinpointing parahumans all over the globe, there was instead a massive cluster of them covering a sizable chunk of South America.

"I'm not reading any humans at all on this Earth," commented Randall. "Not even in South America."

"That's because those aren't human capes. That's Scion in his true form," explained Metis.

Randall looked over at her. "Holy shit, really?"

"He's a big mother," said Saurial. "Are we sure there isn't anything else intelligent down there?"

"I'm not seeing any signs of habitation or development, apart from the absence of human life signs," replied Metis.

"All right, we've got a plan. I'm going to go talk to Kevin and Ianthe." Saurial left the bridge and went down to the cargo hold, near the teleporters.

"Did you find it?" asked Ianthe. She and Kevin were taking care of handling the teleportation console. It was a key part of the plan.

Saurial nodded. "Yep. I want you to send me down to these coordinates," she said, handing over a pad. "Send down the other packages at the other coordinates listed after I arrive."

Kevin looked askance at her. "Are you sure you're going to be all right with all of that firepower?"

Saurial grinned. "I'll be fine. Just make sure the spread is accurate."

Ianthe and Kevin shared a look, but began making preparations without arguing.


Zion's avatar on Earth Bet paused in mid-air, half-way to a brush fire in Zimbabwe. He redirected his attention to the version of Earth where his real body resided. Something had opened a wormhole into that reality close to Earth. He immediately began scanning local space, but there was nothing nearby. That was concerning. If it had been another one of his kind, then there were protocols that would have been followed -- different ones depending upon whether that entity was looking to trade or fight. Zion began to ready an attack, just as a precaution. It was possible the wormhole was created by humans, though nothing based on cape powers would access Zion's home base. That was a hard-coded precaution for all of the agents. It was theoretically possible that an alternate Earth had begun experimenting with wormhole technology. If that turned out to be the case, then Zion would have to take action to ensure that they didn't become a threat to him.

There were no ships or radio signals, however, detectable nearby. It was possible that the wormhole was either an accident or a test, in which case he would have to backtrack the point of origin. Zion made his avatar on Earth Bet continue to the fire while forming a second avatar to backtrack the wormhole.

He paused momentarily in shock when a being of great power appeared on the surface right next to him...

* * * * *​

Upon appearing, Varga and Taylor instantly reverted to full size. While Taylor was used to thinking of Varga's full size as massive, it was still small in comparison to the gigantic mass of the alien entity that was Scion. Varga's vision shifted into a specific frame useful for doing multidimensional work.

'Are those individual powers?' asked Taylor.

"Yes," replied Varga. "I think we can confirm that Scion is the ultimate point of origin for the agents that convey powers to humans."

The entity in front of them, apart from being large, was also extraordinarily alien. It's brain tissue appeared to be distributed throughout its massive bulk, connected to various dense clusters of agents.

'Do you feel that? Those clusters over there are firing. They...feel like local space is being warped,' said Taylor.

Varga focused on those clusters. They reminded him of sensory organs. "I believe Scion detected our arrival in this dimension, and is scanning space for the source of the wormhole."

'Nice to know that our cloak works against him,' commented Taylor. 'Both the ship and ourselves seem to be invisible.'

Do you see these three clusters of neural tissue? They seem to be grouped with important clusters of agents." Varga was pointing to clumps of tissue that seemed denser than elsewhere. They were directly linked to a variety of active agent groupings. One of them was the cluster being used to scan surrounding space. "I suggest we target those elements first."

Taylor gave the mental equivalent of a nod. 'We've got three seconds before our first surprise, so let's make them count.'

* * * * *​

Zion's shock at having a large, powerful entity appear right next to his physical body was overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of PAIN as a lance of energy tore through one of his primary nerve clusters. This was quickly followed by a second, but he was able to deflect the third strike. Quickly checking damage, he realized that his primary sensor cluster was torn into shreds, with some critical agents destroyed. Jumping dimensions without their abilities would be completely random, and possibly dangerous. To his mounting alarm, he also found that much of his precognitive cluster had been similarly shredded. He was handicapped before this fight even truly began, and that wasn't counting the secondary damage from the kilometers-long entry and exit wounds that had damaged other tissues.

Zion quickly teleported his forming avatar behind the threat, and pulled his avatar back from Earth Bet to help defend himself. Then he unleashed his own attack back at his attacker.

* * * * *​

Varga sensed that two versions of Scion's human form were appearing behind him. Two thin spheres of EDM set to their normal weight immediately had the both of them plummeting down through the crust of the Earth. Varga then shifted through space to dodge an oncoming golden ray coming from the injured alien in front of him.

'Is it just me, or do Scion's attacks seem...slow?' asked Taylor. Varga was moving far faster than a human, despite his size, but they had expected a similar response from Scion.

"Indeed. I would suspect that he is accustomed to being able to use brute force to overcome most threats," agreed Varga. That level of overconfidence was a massive weakness to exploit.

At that moment, Scion used an area effect on them that doused the entire area in a massive electrical discharge accompanied by hard gamma radiation. While it would have undoubtedly been lethal to humans, including a lot of brute capes, Varga just shrugged it off. Varga used his Blast Voice to vaporize another large chunk of flesh and tissue, though Scion was able to just barely deflect it off of another large nerve cluster using a force-field creating power.

* * * * *​

For the first time in a long time, Scion was starting to feel afraid. His force field had done almost nothing to stop those energy blasts. In desperation, he started creating hundreds of small copies of his humanoid avatar, each of which sent a sting-empowered dart of depleted uranium straight at the reptilian creature assaulting him. His relief when the attacks struck was short-lived, as it appeared to do little more than scuff the creature's skin. It also didn't stop it from launching another beam of energy from its mouth in a burst that actually carved a square kilometer of flesh from Zion's body.

The entity decided that a random jump to another dimension was preferable to what would happen if it remained here, as it was losing, and losing badly. Of course, that was when the first quantum torpedo detonated.

* * * * *​

The firestorm washed over Varga. Quantum torpedos were not meant to be used within atmosphere, and the effect upon the local biome was easily an extinction level event. Scion managed to partially shield itself from some of the impact, but it was clear that these entities hid their primary forms for good reasons. They had a lot of powers upon which to call -- perhaps even one that could have eventually seriously injured Varga. They also had a truly massive bulk. By the standards of Varga's kind, however, they were not especially resilient.

It was somewhat impressive that Scion survived that attack while already injured. Unfortunately for Scion, the next five torpedoes dropping on a ballistic trajectory from low orbit were more than enough to finish him off, even if they hadn't effectively set the atmosphere of the planet on fire.

'That was...harder on the planet than I had hoped,' commented Taylor as the firestorm swirled around them, intermixed with the dust and ash that was all that was left of the Brazilian rain forests.

"Based on this battle, I believe that we can be more judicious with our application of force when we battle alternate Scions or other members of his species." It was better to be safe than sorry, but even Varga could tell that the torpedo barrage had been overkill, and would likely sterilize this entire Earth. "With slightly better targeting, we could certainly destroy such a creature by ourselves without requiring a quantum antimatter bombardment."

Varga and Taylor continued to stare at the devastated landscape for a few moments before shrinking in size and teleporting back to the Ship of Fools. There was still much to do.


"Do you have any idea what this is about?" asked Eidolon, looking at Alexandria.

Alexandria rolled her eyes. "As I said when I called you, Legend just said to get all of us together."

"Perhaps he has information on the disappearance of Scion?" suggested Number Man. The golden man had disappeared from sight yesterday afternoon and hadn't been seen since.

"It's more likely a continuation of the discussion of the Case 53's," suggested Doctor Mother. "Do you know anything, Contessa?"

The fifth and final senior leader of Cauldron simply pursed her lips and shook her head. She was having great difficulty with the Path to Victory. For some reason, she was no longer getting answers on how to minimize the impact of Scion's future rampage.

A doorway opened in the open portion of the conference room. Legend stepped out. "Hello, everybody," greeted the leader of the Protectorate.

Alexandria frowned for a moment. Something...was off. "Legend. What is this about?"

"I've got confirmation that Scion has been destroyed," replied Legend.

That was clearly not what any of the other members of Cauldron had been expecting. "You're joking?" asked Doctor Mother with a raised eyebrow.

Legend shook his head, his face grim. "I'm not. Scion and the Family fought a battle yesterday, and the Family won. They ended up scorching the surface of the alternate Earth where Scion's real body was located."

"How many people died?" asked Eidolon.

"The planet was uninhabited," said Legend. He had asked the same question when he was told, and was relieved at the response.

Alexandria pushed that worry about casualties aside in favor of other concerns. "How do you know about this, and that it's true?"

"The Family showed me recordings of the fight, and even took me to the Earth in question. I'm satisfied that what they've said is true," said the hero. He was also terribly impressed and slightly frightened by the capabilities of the Family. As soon as they had confirmed knowledge of the actual threat, they had acted in a swift and brutal fashion to eliminate it. Underestimating them and then earning their ire would be a serious mistake -- one he was determined to keep Cauldron from making.

There was a moment of quiet while each of them absorbed that. "What does that mean for us, now that Scion is dead?" asked Number Man, giving voice to everybody's thoughts.

"There are still the Endbringers to deal with," said Eidolon. It occurred to him that he might actually be the most powerful cape on the planet now that Scion was gone.

"Actually," said an unfamiliar voice, "the Endbringers are also no longer a problem."

Alexandria turned and saw the member of the Family known as Saurial standing in the room. She glanced at Legend with a frown, realizing now that the oddity she noticed before she was distracted by Legend's news was a delay in the closing of Legend's doorway. Obviously, the lizard woman had followed him through using some kind of stranger effect. Before she could say anything, Eidolon spoke.

"Did you defeat the Endbringers, as well?" Eidolon's voice was strange, as if he was afraid of the answer.

"No," said Saurial, shaking her head. "We just discovered who was controlling them."

"Scion?" asked Doctor Mother. She noticed as she spoke that Contessa appeared to be in a great deal of pain, and was resting her forehead on her hands on the conference table.

"Unfortunately, no. Ianthe?" asked Saurial.

Suddenly, there was another lizard standing next to Eidolon. Alexandria assumed all of the lizards were using the same stranger effect. She glanced at Contessa, wondering what they had done to debilitate the thinker, who was obviously in pain. The purple lizard said, "I've temporarily disabled his power."

Eidolon stood up from the table, a look of alarm on his face. That look turned into one of panic as he attempted to reach for his power, only to fail. "What have you done?" he asked Ianthe.

Ianthe looked at him as if she doubted his intelligence. "As I just said, I have temporarily disabled your power."

"Give it back," said Alexandria, firmly, her temper starting to rise. Number Man and Doctor Mother both glanced at each other, both obviously concerned by what was happening, but willing to take a wait-and-see attitude. Both of them noticed that Legend was simply standing there, not interfering.

"Eidolon's power has a side effect. The Endbringers were designed as weapons to promote conflict on worlds they visited. When you gave Eidolon his power, you accidentally also gave him the ability to subconsciously control the Endbringers," explained Saurial.

"That's ridiculous!" exclaimed Eidolon.

Doctor Mother interrupted with her own question. "What do you mean when you say the Endbringers are weapons designed to promote conflict?"

A third voice began speaking from another part of the room. Heads turned to see the black lizard, Metis. "The two entities that came to this world did so specifically to distribute powers and allow humans to use them. Their goal was to have their users teach the powers new things and collect data. In order to facilitate that, the agents that grant powers also were programmed to promote conflict, and the Endbringers were present to provide scenarios that would push capes to their limit."

"If Eidolon has been controlling them subconsciously, then why have they been attacking?" asked Number Man.

"Ever since Eidolon received his powers, he has been trying to prove himself," explained Metis. She looked at the angry trump. "Your subconscious has been summoning them in an attempt to provide you with a worthy challenge."

Eidolon's mouth dropped open in shock. Finally, he said, "You can't be serious."

"David," said Legend. "You have been kind of obsessive in trying to prove you're the strongest of us."

Alexandria rose to her feet. "Legend, you cannot seriously tell me you believe this garbage? The Family are obviously trying to..." She continued to mouth words for a few seconds until she realized that she was no longer making any sound. She looked toward Saurial, furious.

"The adults are talking now, Rebecca," said Saurial.

Alexandria made a motion as if she were trying to rise into the air and come over the table at Saurial, only to fall flat onto her face in the middle of the table, nearly breaking the wood. She looked down, and saw that her feet were enclosed in a dull grey metal. She made several attempts to bend or lift the metal, to no effect.

"How do you know that?" asked Number Man of Metis, tacitly ignoring both Alexandria's attempts to free herself and Saurial's use of the cape's civilian name.

"The Simurgh has actually been alluding to it for some time on PHO. After we defeated Scion, we went and had a talk with her," said Metis in a tone that was far too measured for those revelations. It had been a calculated risk that had paid off as they learned a number of things, such as why the alien Scion was acting as he was, and how Cauldron had formed out of the ruins of another, smarter, entity.

"You had a TALK with the Simurgh?" asked Doctor Mother incredulously.

"I'm actually more disturbed by the fact that the Simurgh was posting on PHO," commented Number Man.

"The Endbringers have not been in control of their own actions. Somehow, you managed to give Eidolon command access to the Endbringers that he didn't realize he had," added Metis.

"Do you understand what that means?" demanded Eidolon. "You're saying I'm responsible for literally millions of deaths."

"Not deliberately, but yes," said Saurial. Eidolon stared at her for a moment, then sat back into his chair with a slightly confused look on his face. Saurial nodded to Ianthe, who reached forward and touched Eidolon. He immediately fell into a deep sleep. She also reached out and grabbed the still-struggling Alexandria, and soon she too was sleeping. "All right, we'll help fix them later. We have other things to deal with right now," said Saurial.

"What are you going to do to them?" asked Contessa, who was still resting her head on her hands and looking at them with a pale face.

"They both have issues they need to work through. Luckily, the Family happens to know the best therapists in the multiverse. By the way, do you want us to fix your headache?" asked Saurial.

Contessa looked at her for a moment without blinking. Then she said, "If you can?"

Ianthe reached over and touched Contessa, whose face immediately relaxed. "Your power will come back in about ten minutes. When it does, I strongly suggest that you don't attempt to use your power on the Family. Thinkers and precogs have a great deal of difficulty with us." Contessa simply nodded in reply. Based on the crushing pain she got with her first attempt, another one was likely to cause a stroke.

"All right, now as for the rest of you," started Saurial, "you folks have a job to do -- fixing some of the things that you've broken in your attempts to fight Scion with his own weapons. That, by the way, was an incredibly stupid idea."

"To be fair, we had no idea how to prevent the end of the world, and were willing to try anything," said Doctor Mother.

"Except that instead of trying everything, you let yourselves be guided by a precognitive power that was biased in favor of continuing the entities' cycle," replied Metis.

The three conscious people at the table all looked troubled by that. "You're saying that the Path to Victory was furthering the aliens' agenda?" asked Contessa with a pinched face.

"Of course it was," replied Ianthe. "As part of giving you a hard reboot for your power, I've also dialed down the conflict prioritization. You'll no longer suffer from power-driven blindness to less conflict-prone solutions to problems."

"Legend, we'll be depending upon you to start fixing things, starting with the Case 53's. We can help with some of the more difficult cases to either remove powers or fix them," said Saurial. She looked at the others. "I'm sure there are other problems that could use correction, as well."

"Like the laws that essentially force capes into a cops and robbers game between heroes and villains, or the S-class threats that Cauldron has allowed to wander the landscape," contributed Metis.

Legend looked a little confused. "What do you mean, the threats that we've allowed to wander?" The Triumvirate had engaged serious threats when circumstances allowed for it.

Saurial looked at him with a frown. "What do you think would have happened if Contessa had asked for steps to stop the Slaughterhouse Nine?"

The lizards could see the look of realization dawn on Legend's face. Then he grew serious and thoughtful and looked down at Eidolon and Alexandria. "Fixing all of that's going to be harder without those two."

"We'll help, and those two need some perspective and time to deal with a few realizations," replied Ianthe. "Plus, I'm sure Dragon will be willing to assist. She's already aware of what's been happening."

Saurial pulled out a small device and handed it to Legend. "Here, Legend. Think about it and give us a call. That phone will let you contact us, regardless of what reality you're in."

"Is that all?" he asked, slightly stunned.

"It also has WiFi and Bluetooth," deliberately misinterpretted Metis, "among a few others than only work in different universes."

"Doorway to the Ship of Fools," said Saurial out loud. To the slight surprise of the Cauldron members, the requested doorway opened. Ianthe picked up Eidolon and Alexandria, one over each shoulder, and the Family quickly left.

"Well...that happened," commented Legend.

"On the plus side, our entire species and civilization are no longer doomed to annihilation," said Number Man.

Doctor Mother got up from the table. "Well, regardless of that, I still have a lot of work to do."


Back at the BBFO office, the Family was considering their next steps. "Our version of Scion is still out and about?" asked Saurial.

"Yes. The Endbringers are also where they were when we left," confirmed Metis.

"So we have to do that all over again?" asked Ianthe. "We have to take out Scion and deal with Cauldron."

"I would suggest we wait to see what Alexandria and Eidolon have to say after they've had a chance to work through their issues," suggested Metis.

"That will help us determine whether or not the two of them are worth the time investment. If not, we can simply take away their powers and rely on Legend, who at least appears to have a moral compass," commented Varga.

Saurial shook her head. "I think we want to avoid depowering two-thirds of the Triumvirate if we can avoid it, as that would cause a drastic change in the balance of power. While I'm not terribly sympathetic to Cauldron, I don't want us to have to step up in order to keep the peace."

"Alexandria needs to step down as the head of the PRT, however," added Ianthe. "That aspect of the conspiracy is just broken. The head of the PRT also needs to not hate capes."

"Which rules out many of the current regional directors, Piggot included," agreed Metis. "We may want to ask Legend his opinion if we don't want to end up replacing Cauldron instead of just removing them."

Varga shifted from Raptaur's form into the smaller tiny dragon form and rested on Saurial's shoulder. "Callous as it may seem, Skitter's universe does provide us with an opportunity to test out solutions before applying them to our own reality...and any others we may happen across that happen to be infested with Scion's kind." Varga expected that they would end up exploring the multiverse once their immediate problems were addressed, and it was quite likely that if Skitter's alternate version of Earth existed, then so did others that replicated the basic structure and populace of their home reality. "We should also discuss some options that have become available now that at least one version of Scion is eliminated."

Saurial glanced down at the little dragon curiously. "What kind of options?" Saurial's eyes widened as Varga shared his ideas. "Oh, my, that's interesting."

Metis and Ianthe looked at each other, then looked at Saurial and Varga. "All right," complained Metis, "spill. What are you contemplating?"

Saurial smiled, and began explaining Varga's thoughts on certain problematic issues.

Somewhere far away in the Nevernever, Mab sneezed. The action was so atypical that a nearby member of the Winter Court actually fell down, much to the amusement of his fellows.
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The Varga might also consider that what they killed was a crippled, landlocked Entity that had something like ~95% diminished capabilities and was from an evolutionary branch that normally operated in pairs to boot. They also acknowledged that a more aware Scion might have been able to seriously hurt, or even kill them. That might become an issue if they ever run into full-blown entity with actually functioning decision-making capabilities and intel shards.

Not that it's likely to come up in the scope of this story, but food for thought. Also, how canonical is this omake series to the main Taylor Varga?
The Varga might also consider that what they killed was a crippled, landlocked Entity that had something like ~95% diminished capabilities and was from an evolutionary branch that normally operated in pairs to boot. They also acknowledged that a more aware Scion might have been able to seriously hurt, or even kill them. That might become an issue if they ever run into full-blown entity with actually functioning decision-making capabilities and intel shards.

Not that it's likely to come up in the scope of this story, but food for thought. Also, how canonical is this omake series to the main Taylor Varga?
I think that it's basically an entirely alternative path unrelated to main Taylor Varga.


Now I want to see a crossover omake between this and main Taylor Varga.
There are a couple of problems with the fight you had there. First you terribly downplayed the effectiveness of hundreds of sting imbued attacks, an entities main weapon for fighting other entities. The second one is that Scion doesn't have his sting attack as it was deployed and attached to Flechette/Foil/Lily, so he couldn't have used it at all.

And the final part? You have the energy values of the attacks off from Scion and the quantum torpedoes off by a couple of magnitudes. Scion literally wiped out every version of England with one attack, putting that easily into star-busting attacks.

You kind of had Scion be a chump here with a totally glass jaw.
I shudder to think of what they're going to do to the Courts. *snickers*

Interesting take on offing the space whale. I like it!
Now I want to see a crossover omake between this and main Taylor Varga.
Saurial: Well... This is odd.

Saurial2: Odd? Can you imagine the shit we could pull off with double the Family Members?

Raptaur2: I love the way you think.

Raptaur: We were very fortunate when we bonded to this brain, weren't we?

Metis: My heads hurt. Both of them.

Metis2: Agreed. This is almost as bad as the first time we met them.

Ianthe: This is going to get very weird, isn't it?

Ianthe2: When hasn't it? It's been beyond weird ever since I tripped over her tail!

Saurial: Let's go prank Piggot with all our forms.

Saurial2: *Snickergiggle*
There are a couple of problems with the fight you had there. First you terribly downplayed the effectiveness of hundreds of sting imbued attacks, an entities main weapon for fighting other entities. The second one is that Scion doesn't have his sting attack as it was deployed and attached to Flechette/Foil/Lily, so he couldn't have used it at all.

Sting is designed to hurt entities, not demons. There's absolutely nothing saying that the method it uses to cause extra damage is even the slightest effective against Varga.

Did Scion have just a single Sting, and furthermore, is there anything saying for certain that Flechette's power came from Scion? And since this is an alternate dimension that may or may not be the same as the canon one, it doesn't even matter, as it is the writers choice.

And the final part? You have the energy values of the attacks off from Scion and the quantum torpedoes off by a couple of magnitudes. Scion literally wiped out every version of England with one attack, putting that easily into star-busting attacks.

You kind of had Scion be a chump here with a totally glass jaw.

Scion plays multidimensional games, Varga doesn't. So if Scion attacks like that, everything not directed at the single dimension Varga is currently, actually an physically in, is completely wasted.
And quantum torpedoes, as was mentioned, used inside atmosphere, well shiiiit, there goes the planetary neighborhood. Same(or at least similar) kind of difference as beween nukes in space or in atmosphere.
So no, not really.
Wishing this comes up in canon. All of Cauldron needs their powers turned off. And then they need to be dropped off in a universe with only them in it. A planet with nothing to help them escape. Not snapping their neck like a chicken. Because they can't be trusted to do the right thing in the aftermath.

Eidolon you were responsible.....have only seen one fic where Cauldron is punished by the government for their crimes. But your honor we only lied to everyone and committed fraud, murder, created havoc in the world not seen since the book of revelations..............but we only did it because we knew best! None of you were smart enough the alien body parts we consumed told us so!:rolleyes::whistle::rofl::lol
Saurial: Let's go prank Piggot with all our forms.
Piggot, in her office: "... Can you also duplicate this bottle?"
Saurial1: "Sure."
Piggot: "... with content. Please."
Saurial2: "It's"
Piggot: "INSIDE the bottle."
Saurial2: "Would I?"
All: "YES."
Saurial2: "Okay. Here."
Piggot: "Now please leave, I have to empty two bottles."
There are a couple of problems with the fight you had there. First you terribly downplayed the effectiveness of hundreds of sting imbued attacks, an entities main weapon for fighting other entities. The second one is that Scion doesn't have his sting attack as it was deployed and attached to Flechette/Foil/Lily, so he couldn't have used it at all.

And the final part? You have the energy values of the attacks off from Scion and the quantum torpedoes off by a couple of magnitudes. Scion literally wiped out every version of England with one attack, putting that easily into star-busting attacks.

You kind of had Scion be a chump here with a totally glass jaw.

Thank you for writing out the specifics of your critique. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that, as this allows me to address a few problems with writing fanfic in general and why I chose to address them as I did.

First, there is always, in crossover fics, the problem of, "Who would win in a fight?" It's the Enterprise vs. Star Destroyer problem when you have two different opponents that are both powerful in their own reality, but there isn't an absolutely unassailable means of fairly comparing them. How powerful is a turbolaser vs. a phaser? How powerful are the force fields around both ships? None of that actually exists, and there are different made up numbers based on who the author was that made them up. Since I'm using mp3.1415player's character, I'm erring on the side of, "Varga is basically an unstoppable force and an immovable object." That's how he's written it, and despite the challenges to dramatic tension that that causes, I'm running with that. Sting works by pretty much hitting every possible dimensional variant of a target -- and hitting Varga with a kinetic strike in any possible variation is ineffective, in my estimation, based on the intent of the creator of this version of the character.

Second, there are so many freaking aspects to canon that getting everything exactly correct isn't feasible, and canon...doesn't always make a hell of a lot of sense. Sure, Flechette has sting. I find it idiotic that an entity would give up completely its only ability to fight its own kind, so just like Skitter knowing about Sophia early because the actual canon reveal requires too many idiot balls, Scion has more than one ability that allows for sting.

Third, everybody is going to have a different interpretation of the characters in fiction. Some fanfic authors hate the Weasleys in Harry Potter and see Ginny as a gold-digger, while others portray them as Harry's second family. My interpretation of Scion is that he is a glass cannon. His primary defense is that his true self remains hidden. His secondary defense is that anybody fighting him with powers is at a disadvantage because he is both the origin and ultimate controller of agents. Sure, he has plenty of attacks and abilities due to his agents -- but if you read through the fight from canon, he's not particularly effective given all that. He's not a particularly intelligent foe, and Varga has pretty much neutralized his primary advantages. NOW, having said that -- feel free to call bullshit. I'm sorry my story loses something for you because of that.
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