Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Piggot, in her office: "... Can you also duplicate this bottle?"
Saurial1: "Sure."
Piggot: "... with content. Please."
Saurial2: "It's"
Piggot: "INSIDE the bottle."
Saurial2: "Would I?"
All: "YES."
Saurial2: "Okay. Here."
Piggot: "Now please leave, I have to empty two bottles."
In that case, they should definitely leave her at least one one-shot. Maybe one for each bottle.
Sting is designed to hurt entities, not demons. There's absolutely nothing saying that the method it uses to cause extra damage is even the slightest effective against Varga.
Sting is designed to bypass any physical defense, even weird dimensional tricks. It's literally "I hit you from every dimension".

Did Scion have just a single Sting, and furthermore, is there anything saying for certain that Flechette's power came from Scion? And since this is an alternate dimension that may or may not be the same as the canon one, it doesn't even matter, as it is the writers choice.
Other than the story stating that the only difference between the universes is Taylor's bonding with Varga? And I'm pretty sure Lily has been shown at least a few times.

Scion plays multidimensional games, Varga doesn't. So if Scion attacks like that, everything not directed at the single dimension Varga is currently, actually an physically in, is completely wasted.
Varga very much plays with dimensional tricks, that does not change that Scion has attacks that wiped out large islands on mathematically large numbers of Earth.

And quantum torpedoes, as was mentioned, used inside atmosphere, well shiiiit, there goes the planetary neighborhood. Same(or at least similar) kind of difference as beween nukes in space or in atmosphere.
So no, not really.
IIRC, the original Enterprise was calced at one time being able to do a pretty good impression of SW's Base Delta Zero.

[edit] Also note that I didn't say anything that stated the Family couldn't defeat Scion, I just see problems with how it was stated to be done here.
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IIRC, Scion is the Warrior entity. It not being able to use effective means to attack or defend, also against other entities - seems unlikely.
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Yeah... Varga is durable as Varga... all the way through. She/he is magic as in fuck your physics durable. So... hitting from another dimension is still just hitting her/him which isn't going to do much. You have to remember Varga uses magic Scion uses and abuses physics.

that does not change that Scion has attacks that wiped out large islands on mathematically large numbers of Earth.

Where is your damned quote for that? I only recall England getting trashed not every England...

Even if you're right, it was contained to a certain area and spread over different places... it's still merely physics.
Regrettably, the producers of Star Trek decided to use made up terms for the yield of their weapons, and never gave one for the Quantum Torpedo. Based on the amount of matter and antimatter involved, a photon torpedo should have a yield of about 60-64 MT. The 50 MT blast of the largest nuke ever tested breached the atmosphere, allowing much of it's energy to escape via the path of least resistance. Ergo, a Photon Torpedo should be about as effective as the largest ever nuke against a target in an atmosphere, with a kill radius likely exceeding ten miles. Quantum torpedoes are described as involving an 11 dimensional collapse as it's primary explosive effect, so they may have a similar or slightly lower effective yield for conventional targets, but a sting-like effect on targets that exist in multiple dimensions like Zion.

What we do not know is how resistant Zion actually is. We do know a weapon was built that could/did kill him in cannon. As such, if energies that can be contained within an atmosphere can kill him, than a quantum torpedo should at least seriously hurt him.

As for Scion destroying England equating a star-busting attack, I must disagree. Unless Scion has more energy available to him then the entire output of the sun in the entirety of it's lifespan, then he would not be able to sufficiently overcome it's gravity to destroy it. Destroying a largish island, even across several realities, doesn't even come close.
Should the effects of Spacewhale Depression(SWD) be accounted as well to Scions combat efficiency as well as its PtV being one of the first things to get hit? Also one could use SWD as the reason why something as important as the Sting was sent out.
One must also remember that we already know from canon that you can kill an Entity by hitting it with a planet then finishing it off with a knife...

They're dangerous. They're very, very big.

They are not, in my opinion, very tough. Not if you come at the problem from a direction they weren't expecting. And they're really not very bright at all, so finding something they weren't expecting should be entirely possible, even without the sort of OOCP the Varga presents.

Again, this is what happened in canon, of course.

There is also the little issue that they're basically organic, although with some cool tricks. The Varga, being what he is, is not organic, and a technique that works against most things isn't necessarily going to work on him/Taylor. That's not to say that there isn't something that would, obviously, as he's pointed out in the past more than once. But you're going to need an awful lot of magic to have a chance, since mere physical force isn't going to help you...

And the Entities don't do magic :)

Just to answer the other question, this isn't in any way canon to Taylor Varga, and this chapter bears little resemblance to the various plans I have for disposing of annoying space whales. But it was nicely done even so ;)
On the fight between Zion and Taylor-Varga:

Entity culture and biology revolves around the fact that they haven't found a way to sidestep or break entropy (yet). They can't make matter or energy ex nihilo.

Whereas making shit ex nihilo is basically the Taylor-Varga pair bond's whole schtick, as Taylor has a talent for min-maxing. Add to that the Varga's basic but ridiculously useful magic (straight-up reality alteration), and you have an Outside Context Problem for Scion on your hands.

But yeah, Scion doesn't have [Sting] right now, Flechette does. Instead he uses the [Golden Fuckoff Beam] as his primary weapon, which is basically a Little Doctor/Reality Bomb-esque molecular bond breaker.

How that would react to EDM... either "nothing happens" or "free neutrons for everyone in the Sol system." I must however point out that Varga-hide is presumably demonic in nature and so doesn't have to play by the rules the natives of a given reality have to.

[Sting] is serious shit though. It can and will penetrate everything in the layer of reality you use it unless you can block it in every single parallel or have dimensional interdiction, and strikes the bypassed material as if it had penetrated.
Which is total bullshit, but hey, Worm.

Maybe there's a wattage limit or maybe the Entities managed to stumble across a way to weaponize the Blind Eternities/Bleed/Void-Between-Universes in their long experiment.
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But yeah, Scion doesn't have [Sting] right now, Flechette does. Instead he uses the [Golden Fuckoff Beam] as his primary weapon, which is basically a Little Doctor/Reality Bomb-esque molecule bond breaker.

Whereas the Blast Voice is a matter eraser. Anything in the way is... gone. Not rendered into subatomic particles, not broken down into elements, not converted into energy, just removed entirely from existence anywhere. It is sent back to what the omniverse itself floats in, and what it came from. The exact opposite of what the matter creation power does, on a large scale.

The GFB, based on most Entity powers, probably takes matter apart and smears it across multiple parallel worlds, or as the story tends to somewhat incorrectly refer to them as, dimensions. But that's still within the Omniverse as a whole, and in the terms of what the Varga's explanations of how reality works, across a very small subset of it.

How that would react to EDM... either "nothing happens" or "free neutrons for everyone in the Sol system."

Well, EDM is held in a state of stability basically by Demon Magic saying to it, "You are a stable substance. I know you don't want to be, but tough, you do what I tell you to." Enough physical force, which is one hell of a lot, far more than something as wimpy as a nuclear warhead, could eventually break it if it was thin enough. It would also be weak to antimatter but then most things are. There are ways around that, not that they're currently relevant, but whatever.

I don't think the GFB exerts physical force, though...

[Sting] is serious shit though. It can and will penetrate everything in the layer of reality you use it unless you can block it in every single parallel or have dimensional interdiction, and strikes the bypassed material as if it had penetrated.
Which is total bullshit, but hey, Worm.

However, if you can tell parts of Reality to bend over and brace themselves... :)

Magic is also bullshit. Just rather different from Shard bullshit :)

Which, as an aside, is obviously magic by another name, but that's not relevant to the story, it's just my personal observation about canon Worm.
Second, there are so many freaking aspects to canon that getting everything exactly correct isn't feasible, and canon...doesn't always make a hell of a lot of sense. Sure, Flechette has sting. I find it idiotic that an entity would give up completely its only ability to fight its own kind, so just like Skitter knowing about Sophia early because the actual canon reveal requires too many idiot balls, Scion has more than one ability that allows for sting.
You note right below that quote Zion is sort of an idiot, so giving up his anti-entity weapon isn't without merit. It's also possible (probable) that Sting was the goto for entity battles, but not the only thing by any means - there have been plenty of canon powers that would fuck an entity up if they had access to the real body. Imagine a non-limited bomb tinker shard, turning entire planets into glass instead of individual people.

Can you explain the bit about Skitter knowing about Sophia early? Are you referencing canon, or has it just been so long since this story started that I forgot your skitter already knew about sophia?
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Which, as an aside, is obviously magic by another name, but that's not relevant to the story, it's just my personal observation about canon Worm.

My headcanon for that particular issue is, well, yeah. Like I said: The Entities have been looking for ways to break or cheat physics for aeons. They must've stumbled accross a lot of weird shit like [Sting] and timesplittery and whatever "math" they use for their scrying.

Amazing, nonsensical stuff that's exceptions to most physics. Then they just threw it on the pile of toys and maybe shrugged: 'close, but no zero point cigar.'

Meanwhile we have not even a century of high-energy physics under our belt and are only now finding out the universe just stops making sense when you dig deep enough.
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Sting is designed to bypass any physical defense, even weird dimensional tricks. It's literally "I hit you from every dimension".

Yes, Sting is designed/evolved to do that, especially weird dimensional tricks.

And my meat cleaver is designed to cut through things, especially meat.

Same as a mosquito is evolved to pierce through things, especially skin.

Just because they're designed/evolved to do it doesn't mean they're well designed. Even if they're well designed, doesn't mean they will succeed against every target.

Remember, the Varga doesn't use weird dimensional tricks at all, either, so there's that, too.
Honestly Varga could have done this much easier by creating an EDM dense matter-antimatter soup. And then teleporting the fuck away before "do not blow up" wore off.
Oh, there are many ways that the Varga could get rid of Scion. Or the continent he was on. Or the planet that was on. Or the solar system that was in.

The entire universe is a little overkill, though... :D
I mean the most foolproof way of getting rid of the entity would prbably be to mess around with paradoxes until that section of the multiverse ceases to exist. However thay seems a bit overkill to me. :evil:.
That aside Varga would have to put up with a dressing down from a very scary lady. And nobody wants that.:)
Ehh. Entity's are not much of a threat to varga based on what I've read here and the main thread.

Roughly that of a small dog is to a human. It is possible for him to be badly hurt by one, even killed if unlucky or struck unaware. But in the reverse he can easily strike them down. The [sting] would likely sting to the varga, but unless if hit something critical, it's not going to leave lasting harm
Sting is meant to counter something whose primary form of defense is dimensional shifting. Varga doesn't use that at all, so Sting is pretty much harmless.
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Can you explain the bit about Skitter knowing about Sophia early? Are you referencing canon, or has it just been so long since this story started that I forgot your skitter already knew about sophia?

I address this in the question list, but the TLDR: Canon Sophia unmasking is right after Leviathan; in this story, Taylor knows her identity despite disappearing in the middle of the Leviathan battle thanks to alternate pathing.
Where is your damned quote for that? I only recall England getting trashed not every England...

Even if you're right, it was contained to a certain area and spread over different places... it's still merely physics.
It was revealed in the sequel Wards that Scion destroyed all of the Englands known with that attack. It probably did so by dimensionally overlapping realities in a bad way, but that's still a very high end attack.
One must also remember that we already know from canon that you can kill an Entity by hitting it with a planet then finishing it off with a knife...
Snicker. I actually poked a rather large hole in that. It is totally silly that the Thinker died from that knifing. She was supposedly pulling herself together while forming her avatar... which has nothing to do with running anything in her body. During the Golden Morning, people vaporized Scion's avatars by the truckload and didn't affect him in the slightest. It's (effectively) her pinky that she extruded into the universe and shaped into a person.
How that would react to EDM... either "nothing happens" or "free neutrons for everyone in the Sol system." I must however point out that Varga-hide is presumably demonic in nature and so doesn't have to play by the rules the natives of a given reality have to.
While that is true, it's never been stated to be totally immune to anything other than other demons.
I don't think the GFB exerts physical force, though...
It's a physics canceller. He's used it to negate tsunami, put out volcanoes, turn off biological process in an area (killing dozens of capes instantly). He can also instantly adapt to any attack.
Just because they're designed/evolved to do it doesn't mean they're well designed. Even if they're well designed, doesn't mean they will succeed against every target.
Nothing could stand against it. Not the Siberian and not even Scion, as he *dodged* it with precognition when it was used against him. No forcefield or physical barrier would even slow her attacks down.
It was revealed in the sequel Wards

Considering it wasn't mentioned in Taylor's bit... wasn't mentioned in Worm when they were dropping people places, I don't give a shit about the fucked up sequel that just had to get worse because raisins. So yeah, you still have no evidence that it actually happened. But I'm not cluttering up a thread arguing.

He can also instantly adapt to any attack.

No, that is a delusion and simplification. There were aliens species that gave the entities trouble. What he can do, is adapt to any shard ability.... they were all his or Eden's thus he's cheating.

Sting does some weird things, mostly around dimensions, again Scion is physics based Varga is magic...
I got the impression that taking out two of those three primary nerve clusters in the opening attacks significantly handicapped Zion's abilities, the actual battle was also very quick; it was over in like a dozen seconds. Zion probably could have done a lot more than he did, but he was caught flat-footed and the battle was over before he could regain his balance.
To use an analogy; Varga basically snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back a bunch, Zion flailed in panic and in his flailing ineffectually hit Varga a few times, and then he got blown the fuck up.

Remember; Varga is an Outside Context Problem for Zion, the Entities have never encountered Varga-magic before and have no idea how to respond to it. Zion is also the Warrior, not the Thinker, and so is ill-equipped to act outside defined parameters.

Zion describes Sting as: "charging objects with energy [...] the small pieces of alloyed metal unfolded, taking shape in not just this world, but all realities, at the same space and time, bristling with an effect that would sever their attachment to most physical laws." and in this post Wildbow states that "Sting, for the record, is akin to the shark. Sharks haven't evolved for aeons, because you can't get much better than a motherfucking shark. What you can do is put the shark in a tank with other fish/animals and see the way things might play out."

Ignoring select laws of physics isn't going to bother the Varga at all, because the Varga only obeys physics when it feels like it. So Sting is not going to be effective against it, in fact from Luna Varga it's pretty obvious that the only thing that can actually seriously hurt a Demon of Varga's kind is another one. The Entities are extremely powerful within the realm of manipulating physics and are all but unstoppable when operating within their predefined boundaries, but they have no real response to beings that employ outright magic like the Varga; learning how to use Varga-style magic would be one way for the Entities to solve the Cycle, as it allows for the creation and destruction of matter\energy and space\time, thus defeating Entropy.

The Entities are very 'robotic' in nature; they do not do well with thinking outside the box, Outside Context Problems like the Varga are the worst possible things for them to deal with, as the only method they have to cope with OCP's is to bash themselves mindlessly against it until evolution via 'natural' selection takes place and provides a solution.
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Snicker. I actually poked a rather large hole in that. It is totally silly that the Thinker died from that knifing. She was supposedly pulling herself together while forming her avatar... which has nothing to do with running anything in her body. During the Golden Morning, people vaporized Scion's avatars by the truckload and didn't affect him in the slightest. It's (effectively) her pinky that she extruded into the universe and shaped into a person.
Then why in the name of logic is The THINKER so f-ng braindead?