Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

He'd still need normal capacity ones that can easily (by him) be broken. Spidy's used the whole "break apart a web fluid cartridge" trick to secure foes with super strength before. Mostly when they're too strong to be held by anything less.
Ah, but that was the old cartridges, with Peter's web-fluid formula.

The new one will be The Family's web-fluid formula; it'll make the old fluid look like a wet paper bag.
Considering that Peter's customized his web-fluid for specific opponents before, I'd be surprised if he didn't already have a super-strenght formula. ( It's in his other costume) Space warping could therefore be used to add a revolver/revolving cartridge system, allowing him to both carry multiple fluid variants, as well as quickly switch between them.
Considering that Peter's customized his web-fluid for specific opponents before, I'd be surprised if he didn't already have a super-strenght formula. ( It's in his other costume) Space warping could therefore be used to add a revolver/revolving cartridge system, allowing him to both carry multiple fluid variants, as well as quickly switch between them.

The problem has always been in how thick it's applied. People with super strength can overwhelm the tensile strength before he can get them webbed up thick enough to prevent it. But he's managed to completely immobilize Juggernaut while he's moving by breaking a couple web fluid cartridges and letting the resulting spray engulf Juggernaut.
Isn't that an explicit violation of the Juggernaut's powerset?

Juggernaut himself is an explicit violation of his own powerset at times. I know Marvel would love this fact to be forgotten, but in his 2nd appearance Juggy had used a new trick. He was able to project his mystic aura (the thing that gives him super strength, invulnerability, and unstoppability). This then allowed him to push things out of the way with just his aura, pick up and throw things with just his aura, and other silly tricks he's never used since that issue. And yet that attack is considered canon.

Then again, Cyclops was shown in early issues to be able to gently catch people with his optic blasts. As well as turn a door knob then open a door INWARD using his optic blast. When he's inside the room in question. Not bust down the door, not walk across the room and open the door, he turned the knob then opened the door normally using an optic blast. Followed by picking up someone, throwing them out the door, and closing the door behind them... with optic blasts.
So your position on the matter is that Spider-Man is a tinker instead of being a certifiable genius, and that he is able to overpower an eldrich-abomination-powered unstoppable force by virtue of being a tinker?
He's a Tinker by virtue of being a genius, in much the same way that Saurial/Taylor is, or Tony Stark.

You don't have to have a shard to have a power classification, just a skill that allows you to approximate one.
You guys are to focused on the web fluid. Does he have different versions, YES. Does having different versions matter nearly as much if he has EDM restraints held in a fractal dimensional pocket, NO. About the only Marvel Characters I would worry about if fully restrained by such Juggernaut and the Hulk and even then I only give them 50/50 odds depending upon authors choice.
You guys are to focused on the web fluid. Does he have different versions, YES. Does having different versions matter nearly as much if he has EDM restraints held in a fractal dimensional pocket, NO. About the only Marvel Characters I would worry about if fully restrained by such Juggernaut and the Hulk and even then I only give them 50/50 odds depending upon authors choice.
Breaking the EDM restraint without breaking/amputating the limb is the trick here, I guess.
Yeah, the trick only really works for Taylor because she can make/unmake it on demand. Not really for anyone else unless fractional dimensional math can also effect the flow of time in the pockets.

Mind if it can then she can just make time move at an infinitesimal fraction of normal speed and fill it with fluid enhanced with time dependent EDM reinforcement. Maybe even cartridges with different lengths.
Ianthe is likely to have something to say when Taylor goes and asks for some more relay and other custom bugs. Even without an ecosystem, though, having a portable swarm in a box is hella useful for a bug controller.
True, as noted by the version of Taylor who took the Cape name of Matriarch and got her Instant Swarm Box™ from Leet in Fantasy Ra's pair of stories Gatecrash and Exiled, a crossover with the Mass Effect universe.
Intermission: The World as Myth
Intermission: The World as Myth

"All right, Amy, what did you want to show me?" said Taylor as she came into the BBFO offices after school.

Amy, in human form, was sitting in front of a monitor. "You know how we've been screening through information we've downloaded from different universes? Well, Dragon, Ramoth and Bahamut have been screening through them, at least. Bahamut forwarded something you need to see."

The healer began to play the video as Taylor came up beside her. A black screen listed text in Japanese with an English translation below.

Haruki Kadokawa
Naotaka Yoshida​

Lightning flashed against dark clouds while bombastic electronic music began to play and additional credits appeared on the screen. A male voice sang in Japanese, while the English subtitles translated on screen: "In the tower of light, at the end of the darkness..." Taylor didn't realize exactly what she was watching until the voice started to yell, "Varga Change! Varga Change!"

"Is that Princess Luna?" she asked, shocked.

Varga appeared on her shoulder in the form of a small dragon. "That certainly could be her, given some artistic license for the animators. Her hair was slightly darker and longer, although still unusually light in color for her people. I also don't quite remember her clothing being quite so immodest."

"What universe is this from?" Taylor asked Amy.

Amy double-checked the message that accompanied the video. "It appears to be a download from the New York Public Library's digital archives in Harry Dresden's universe."

"Really? He didn't seem to recognize Varga," said Taylor.

"It wasn't especially popular. It came out in 1998 in Japan and only showed four thirty minute episodes. I would be more surprised if he had seen it, especially given his issues with technology," explained Amy.

A "Luna Varga" logo cut away to a dark and foreboding location, where some type of gargoyle-like creature was summoned forth. This was followed by some exposition about the Kingdom of Rimsbell and how it fell under attack by its neighbors. Amy paused it as the princesses of Rimsbell confronted a messenger from the attacking force and said, "We have copies of the four episodes that aired, but I don't know how accurate they are."

Varga looked at the image on the screen of the three blonde women and the drunken messenger without speaking for a moment. "From my memories of that time...well, I remember that day. It was the day of my joining with Luna. I think I would like to watch this," he said in an unusually somber tone.

Amy smiled. "Of course. I'll leave you two alone. The videos are all queued up and ready to watch."

As Amy started through the door to her lab, Taylor said simply, "Thank you, Amy." Amy just smiled and nodded, and then closed the door as the sound of the video began to play.

"Well, now, what should I do for the next couple of hours?" She probably shouldn't start any lengthy projects. She had a feeling Taylor might want to talk after they were done watching. "Hmm..." she said. Going over to another computer, she pulled up a file that Dragon had sent to her a while ago, but that she hadn't actually watched. Sitting back, she settled in as a theme song started to play.

"Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand..."
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She's watching Season 2!

(After the idiot execs were stood up against the wall and shot)

This is Taylor we're talking about here.... so she's not "watching" season 2. She's going to jump dimensions and live it. Maybe do something like being a geist that's slowly renovating the ship with the Captain being the only one to be seeing and hearing odd shadows giggling at him.
Yeah, the trick only really works for Taylor because she can make/unmake it on demand. Not really for anyone else unless fractional dimensional math can also effect the flow of time in the pockets.

Mind if it can then she can just make time move at an infinitesimal fraction of normal speed and fill it with fluid enhanced with time dependent EDM reinforcement. Maybe even cartridges with different lengths.

Your assumptions are based upon outdated information Taylor has shown more and more ability with complex mechanisms and as such including high security locks meaning that she can produce proper shackles and the keys for said. The only problem I can see is making ones big enough for special opponents, well that and getting them on said opponents.
Your assumptions are based upon outdated information Taylor has shown more and more ability with complex mechanisms and as such including high security locks meaning that she can produce proper shackles and the keys for said. The only problem I can see is making ones big enough for special opponents, well that and getting them on said opponents.

...How does that relate to the non-viability of giving Peter Parker EDM enhanced web fluid at all? My point was that since Taylor can despawn it after a timer or at will she can use it liberally, but without that ability Spiderman would be webbing people up in stuff he couldn't remove. The part about time dilation was a potential workaround for that problem.
One of the main important things about Parker's webbing is that it does biodgrade in hours. That in-universe is unlikely to be an accident considering he's an expert chemist. Maybe not as good at chemistry as Hank Pym or Reed Richards, but still good enough to create variations of his web fluid that is water repellent (while still biodegrading), non-conductive, and heat retardant. I rather doubt he'd want EDM laced webbing since that would entirely negate the biodegrading property. It would also mean he can't make more of it on his own.
This is Taylor we're talking about here.... so she's not "watching" season 2. She's going to jump dimensions and live it. Maybe do something like being a geist that's slowly renovating the ship with the Captain being the only one to be seeing and hearing odd shadows giggling at him.
Keep in mind that the Ship of Fools is Serenity. It's just not certain where in the Firefly timeline it came from.
Keep in mind that the Ship of Fools is Serenity. It's just not certain where in the Firefly timeline it came from.
Well, it lacks the name designation on the hull, so all we can definitely say is that she's a Firefly-class transport, which was at one time the most common small hauler vessel used around the Rim and even in the Core. Given that, if it is Serenity, she is well before the time Mal picked her up, or considerably past the time of her canon crew and their adventures.

To tell the truth, if the former option was chosen, I would get a chuckle if there's a whole section of the ship that Kaylee and Mal don't know about simply because they haven't worked out how the alternate door portals work. It'd be funny if River's the only one on the ship who's ever found the expanded spaces, and hasn't mentioned it because nobody asked about it .
Well, it lacks the name designation on the hull, so all we can definitely say is that she's a Firefly-class transport, which was at one time the most common small hauler vessel used around the Rim and even in the Core. Given that, if it is Serenity, she is well before the time Mal picked her up, or considerably past the time of her canon crew and their adventures.
Actually, it is Serenity. Back in Chapter 7, it came up briefly.
Harry smirked. "Well," he said, "you certainly picked the right name." Jimmy just nodded in agreement.

The three of them headed into the ship as Taylor thought, 'She needed a new name. Calling her Serenity just doesn't fit anymore.'
EDIT: I also seem to recall something about one of the shuttles being missing, so it was probably abandoned later in life. Maybe? I might have to give this a more thorough re-read after my reading list shrinks back down again.
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