Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

EDIT: I also seem to recall something about one of the shuttles being missing, so it was probably abandoned later in life. Maybe? I might have to give this a more thorough re-read after my reading list shrinks back down again.
Actually, they were both missing. This suggests that Our Unlikely Heroes found her well post-series.
Ianthe really needs to create a backup space-drive for the ship... This would, of course, include Giant Space Hamsters on treadmills... About six should be enough to operate in three eight-hour shifts per day... There'd need to be automatic feeding and cleaning facilities - ideally a Hamster Wrangler would be employed...

I'd recommend the actual drive system to be the Bloater Drive... (The spec of the drive is at the end of the wiki entry, and, you might like to note the reptilian Chinger aliens, mentioned further up.) From the sounds of it that drive uses something like Family math...

This is an interesting list of Star Drives...
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Ianthe really needs to create a backup space-drive for the ship... This would, of course, include Giant Space Hamsters on treadmills... About six should be enough to operate in three eight-hour shifts per day... There'd need to be automatic feeding and cleaning facilities - ideally a Hamster Wrangler would be employed...
If she makes Giant Space Hamsters for a drive system, they must figure out some way for the Hamsters to use Family Math Techniques in order to shrink when they're not on duty. And then lose one while visiting the Forgotten Realms.
If she makes Giant Space Hamsters for a drive system, they must figure out some way for the Hamsters to use Family Math Techniques in order to shrink when they're not on duty. And then lose one while visiting the Forgotten Realms.

Coming this Fall! They're a team of crazies from all over the multiverse, troubleshooting problems from the trivial to those that shatter entire realities. Featuring:
  • Mouse Protector!
  • Deadpool!
  • Fred and George Weasley!
  • Harley Quinn!
  • Minsc and his miniature giant space hamster, Boo!
  • Fred Burkle!
They'll save the universe, but can the universe survive them? Note: Rated for Mature Audiences.
Chapter 29: Recruiting
Chapter 29: Recruiting

The Ship of Fools was sitting in orbit of the Earth of Daniel Jackson's universe. The man in question was on board, along with Sarah Gardner. The two of them has spent several weeks with the Nox while Sarah gradually recovered her equilibrium. The two had also received permanent symbiotes from Ianthe, which was an important safety precaution for the upcoming mission.

"Anything new on the ground?" asked Daniel.

Metis shook her head. "The initial rounds of protests and riots have died down. The reveal to the media was well coordinated, so it was only the fringe groups that resorted to violence. There was a small uptick when the Asgard revealed Loki's criminal activities, but that died down when the plan for compensating the victims was revealed."

"Compensation?" asked Sarah.

"The victims were granted shares in the corporation set up to teach humanity Asgard sciences and technology, and their families were guaranteed priority placement for education," explained Metis.

"Isn't that corporation non-profit?" asked Daniel.

Metis nodded. "It is, but the shares still pay dividends. It was incorporated that way to serve as a mechanism for exchange in local currency without having to trade raw materials. The Asgard don't really have a monetary system any more."

Randall, who was along to provide mission support, asked, "What about the political situation?"

"Most of the major governments already knew about the Stargate program, so the public reveal wasn't a huge issue for them. North Korea is claiming that the Asgard are a myth created by America as a way of undermining their glorious revolution. There's also evidence that some of the more regressive countries are quietly panicking over the implications of Asgard technology being shared out. The Asgard have been sharing medical and anti-pollution technology with many of the poorer countries, which has made them surprisingly popular in some unexpected places. The leaders of the major world religions were also introduced to the Asgard before everything went public, and they issued statements to the effect that they were on the side of the angels, so to speak." Metis was actually rather impressed with the degree of thought that had been put into place prior to revelation.

"Honestly, that's better than I expected. Well, I guess we should get to it," said Daniel. "Are we set to talk to the SGC?"

Miles, who was, as usual, manning the con, said, "You're ready. We've got a tight beam straight to the SGC's radio receivers."

Daniel pressed a button on one of the consoles to open a channel. "SGC, this is Daniel Jackson aboard the Ship of Fools. Do you read me?"

"Doctor Jackson? This is General Hammond. While it's good to hear your voice, I'm curious as to where you're calling from?"

"I'm actually in orbit aboard a cloaked ship, General. I'm here with Sarah Gardener, who was rescued by some friends of mine. We would like to transport down to the SGC, if that's acceptable." Daniel looked over to Sarah, who was smiling encouragingly.

"Are you on an Asgard vessel?" asked Hammond, slightly confused.

Another voice came on the line. "General Hammond, this is Heimdall. The ship ferrying Doctor Jackson belongs to a known ally of the Asgard. We vouch for them." Heimdall was in charge of the Asgard task force charged with guarding Earth and its system from aboard his O'Neill-class cruiser.

"Very well. You can transport down to the Gate Room, Doctor," said the General.

Sarah and Daniel stood side-by-side as Metis transported the two of them down. They were met by General Hammond, Colonel O'Neill, and a large number of armed airmen who kept their weapons pointed away but ready. Daniel smiled slightly at the familiar bland functionality of the room housing Earth's Stargate.

"Doctor Jackson, Ms. Gardner, welcome back to Earth," said General Hammond.

Jack smiled. "Daniel, you're not still..." O'Neill waved his hand like it was a demented pigeon flying around the room.

"No," said Daniel with a sardonic smile. "I got kicked back downstairs because of what happened on Abydos. Before you ask, the same folks who rescued me from where I was stranded also saved Sarah and removed Osiris."

"Well, Doctor, it sounds like quite the story," said Hammond. "Report to the Infirmary. We can debrief after Doctor Frasier has cleared you both."

The two reported to Frasier, who was both pleased and surprised at exactly how healthy they both were. Daniel's poor vision and his allergies both appeared to have been corrected, something which the man in question found to be a relief. Other than the typical Naquadah saturation, there was no sign that Sarah had ever been a host. After the Infirmary, the two went to brief Hammond and the rest of SG-1. Daniel gave a history of what had happened to him, while Sarah described what she remembered of Osiris' activities.

Finally, after several hours of questions and clarifications, Daniel and Sarah were allowed to leave the base. Jack offered to put the two of them up, as Daniel's apartment had been packed up and his things put into storage after his death. Sarah politely begged off from that, asking for a hotel room. Daniel said he intended to stay with her, which prompted some raised eyebrows among his team. Eventually, they settled into a nice hotel in downtown Colorado Springs.

Around two in the morning, a group of masked men made their way down from the hotel roof to the hallway outside of Daniel and Sarah's room. Communicating through hand signals, they arrayed themselves for a forced entry. Their plans were interrupted as they started to collapse one by one. When they were all unconscious, Saurial appeared in the hallway and knocked on the room's door.

Daniel opened it. "Did you get them all?"

"Yep. We should head back to the ship before your team shows up," said the grinning reptilian.

When the other members of SG-1 showed up a few minutes later, both the hallway and the hotel room were empty.


Saurial, Dragon and Daniel teleported into a subterranean complex. Daniel looked around. "Well, I wasn't exactly expecting to come back here."

"Don't worry, we'll make sure we still have the original with us when we leave," said Saurial with a teasing grin.

"I'm pretty sure Harlan isn't going to be making any more new copies of me after the last time," replied Daniel.

As he said this, the man in question arrived at the room. "Comtrya!" he exclaimed. "Daniel Jackson, welcome back. Who are your friends?"

"Harlan, these are my friends, Saurial and Dragon. We've come to talk to my duplicate and his team," explained Daniel.

Harlan's eyes widened. "Your team never returned from their mission to fight Cronus," he said with a slight stammer.

"Of course," spoke Dragon, "but I'm sure you restored them from backup?"

"Backup? do you mean?" stammered the portly-appearing android.

A familiar voice spoke up from outside the room. "It's all right, Harlan. We knew somebody might figure it out eventually." The four android copies of SG-1 quickly entered the room. The android Jack said, "You caught us out, so what do you want?"

"Nothing that would be to your disadvantage," said the lizard-woman. "We actually would like to hire you."

Daniel's robotic duplicate said, "No offense, but we don't actually have much use for money anymore."

"How would you like a portable power supply for your bodies that could last indefinitely, along with assistance in repairing and restoring this complex?" said Dragon.

The android SG-1 glanced at each other, which was mostly for effect as they undoubtedly could communicate via internal means. "We're listening," said Sam. "What kind of work are you looking for us to do?"

"We know of a group of young people who could use your expertise. They're fighting a secret war against alien invaders who have already infiltrated their Earth," said Saurial.

"'Their' Earth?" queried Sam.

The human Daniel Jackson explained. "Saurial and Dragon here are actually from an alternate reality, and the people we're talking about are in yet another. And before you say it, don't worry about entropic cascade...their universe is far-enough removed from this one that it won't be an issue."

"We will explain the situation in detail before we expect your answer," said Saurial. "We just want you to listen to our offer."

"I think we can do that," said android Daniel. He looked at his human counterpart. "How did you meet up with them?" he asked.

"Saurial and her friends rescued a group of us that were wandering between dimensions. I got hooked up with them after I descended," explained Daniel.

"You died?" asked his android counterpart.

Daniel looked slightly sheepish. "I got better...and you're one to talk."

Jack interjected, "Fair enough. Why don't we go sit down and talk about these folks you want us to help? Who are they, by the way?"

The group started to head off to find a conference room. Dragon's head kept turning to observe the visible aspects of the complex's technical infrastructure. Saurial said, "Colonel O'Neill, did you ever see a television show named, Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

Harlan, who had gone back to his maintenance tasks, soon heard Jack's exclamation of, "For crying out loud!" even from the other side of the complex.


Jack O'Neill had a beer in one hand and his television remote in another. He had been getting ready to watch the new episode of the Simpsons. That obviously wasn't happening, as he was now standing in the middle of an eclectic group of people in what looked to be some type of storage area. In front of him, he could see the recently found and then missing again Daniel Jackson. Flanking him were two...lizard people. One was tall, but still approximately human-sized. The other was much larger and very dangerous looking. Turning his head to the left, he could see...his team, SG-1, including a copy of himself and a copy of Daniel. Turing his head to the right, he could see a robot, or maybe somebody in some kind of power armor, as well as two people he didn't recognize (although one of them looked like that Irish actor...Cold Meaney, or something like that?). "Did I fall asleep before the Simpsons even started?" he asked.

"Not quite," said the Daniel in front of him. "We're sorry for pulling you away, but we have some things to tell you that can't go through official channels."

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but who is we? And what is so important to make me miss a new episode of the Simpsons?" he asked snarkily.

"Oh please," said his copy. "You know you're going to buy the boxed set anyway."

"Not the point," he said with an annoyed glare.

Daniel rubbed the back of his head with his hand. "Sorry. These two beings here are Saurial and Raptaur. They're part of the group of...aliens...that rescued Sarah and me." He gestured to each of them as they said their name, and they nodded in greeting.

Jack frowned. "Yes, and how is Sarah? We were watching your hotel room...nothing creepy, so don't worry...when you had company and then everybody vanished. I had to deal with a lot of really, really annoyed people, not to mention paperwork. Do you know how much paperwork I had to deal with, Daniel?" He had also been worried about his friend, but he wasn't about to say that in front of a bunch of strangers, and copies of him and his team, and lizards...

"Those visitors were agents working for the Trust, Colonel O'Neill," said the larger lizard. "They were there to kidnap Ms. Gardner and Doctor Jackson. We took them into custody and interrogated them, which has revealed an insidious network of agents that stretch to the top levels of various governments."

Daniel handed Jack a piece of paper. "Unfortunately, some of those agents include people working at the White House, the Pentagon, the U.S. Senate and a number of other sensitive government bodies, and that's just in the United States."

Jack's eyebrows rose when he saw some of the names on the list. "Any idea if any of these are actually Goa'ulds?"

"The agents weren't privy to that information," said Saurial. "We could tell if we were present."

"We could scan for Goa'uld life signs," suggested the actor look-alike.

Jack watched as all of the people and lizards glanced back and forth at each other.

"I suppose that was the obvious option in retrospect," said Saurial with a slightly embarrassed tone.

There was a short pause, and then Jack pointed at the doubles and said, "So, what's the deal with the duplicate SG-1? Are they clones, robot doubles, or alternate universe counterparts?"

"We've actually met before," said Sam. "We're the android copies that Harlan created?"

Jack looked inscrutably at her. "Didn't you all die in the attack on Cronus?"

"Indeed, O'Neill," said the robot Teal'c. "Harlan recreated us from the recordings of our minds."

"We made backups before going on missions," added Carter.

Jack considered that for a moment. "Huh. Neat trick. So, where do we go from here?"

"Well we," said the robot Daniel, pointing to himself and his team, "are going to another reality to help some friends of Saurial and the others."

"Anybody I know?" asked Jack.

The copy of O'Neill shook his head and just said, "Don't ask."

"We're going to be clearing out the members of the Trust and turning them over to the Asgard," said Saurial. "What we would like you to do is to take our information and let the authorities know what's going on while we do it."

"You know that a lot of people are going to get their undies in a twist over this? Especially with the whole Loki kidnapping thing?" Jack was already anticipating the yelling.

The larger lizard -- Raptaur? -- acknowledged this. "Unfortunately, any attempt by the proper authorities to try and arrest the members of the Trust is likely to result in a large number of them going to ground and either hiding or leaving the planet. We can wrap them all up in just a few hours."

"A few hours?" questioned O'Neill. The lizards just smiled at him. "Can you give me a couple of hours to get in touch with folks first?"

Saurial nodded. "Just be careful not to tip off the wrong people."

"All right. Daniel, are you coming back with me?" asked Jack.

Daniel shook his head. "There are still a couple of things I want to do before heading home for good. Do you think you could take my stuff out of storage, though, and put it back in my apartment?"

Jack looked slightly annoyed, but said, "Sure, not a problem. OK, beam me down, Scotty!"

"Actually, I'm Irish," said Miles with a grin. Jack opened his mouth to reply, but disappeared before he could actually say anything.

"I'm probably going to pay for that," said Daniel with a rueful shake of his head.

"I'm glad I'm going to another dimension, personally," said the android version of Daniel.

Saurial clapped her hands togther. "All right. We've got some untrustworthy Trust to gather up, and then we have other errands to run."

Randall looked at Dragon as folks went off to do their own tasks. "They didn't even bother to introduce us," he grumbled.


"Do you want the top bunk, or the bottom bunk?" asked Bonnie.

"Can I have the top one?" asked the younger girl.

She smiled at Maggie. "Of course you can." The younger girl smiled. "We should unpack our things and put them in the drawers." The staff of the research outpost had setup living quarters to their specifications, including appropriate furniture. The two girls started unpacking their bags, each of them naturally gravitating to a different dresser.

"Bonnie," said Maggie, "can you tell me about your mother?"

Bonnie froze at the question, unsure how to reply. "Why do you ask?"

"Mama never told me I had a half-sister. She told me about my papa some...and why we didn't live with him. I just wondered if maybe he was living with you?" She looked slightly sad when she said that.

The older girl winced. "Not exactly. My mother and I were spirits. We lived in dad's head."

Maggie put down the shirt she was folding to put in a drawer, and walked over to Bonnie. She reached out her hand and poked her older sister in the belly.

Bonnie giggled and pushed her hand away. "Stop that!"

"I don't think you're a spirit," said Maggie with a very serious expression.

"I'm not now. The Family made a body for me and put me inside." It was strange how normal that sounded to her.

Maggie seemed to accept this, as saying, "the Family did it," was pretty much a rational explanation for almost anything. She did say, "What was your mama like?"

"She was actually dad's enemy. Her job was to try and turn him evil. He turned her good instead. She sacrificed herself to save him." Bonnie didn't say that she was a Fallen Angel, and that she had to wall off most of her mother's knowledge to avoid being corrupted or going insane.

"Mama had to sacrifice herself, too." Maggie was looking down at this, but then she looked up at Bonnie. "Do you think Karrin is going to be all right?"

Bonnie smiled down at her. "I think Karrin is tough, and part of why we're here is to learn magic to protect ourselves and keep our family safe."

Maggie leaned into her and hugged her. Bonnie put her hand on the back of her head and brushed her fingers through the girl's hair.

The girls finished unpacking and went out to see what their father and the other adults were doing. The group of them were living in a large apartment suite that was built into the residential section of the research complex in Bolivia. Molly, Karrin and Harry were in the main living area talking to one of the men from the ship, Randall.

Randall was speaking when the girls entered. "We managed to capture most of them, anyway. Oh, wait, I have something for you." He reached into a bag that was sitting by his feet and pulled out a box that looked larger than the bag. "Your brother gave me a...skull?" he said, looking inside the box.

Harry reached out and pulled the skull from the box. "It's OK, Bob, you can wake up now," said Harry.

The skull's eyes started to glow orange, and a voice came from it. "Harry, it's about time. I was getting tired of sitting in that box. Where the hell are we, anyway?"

"We're in Bolivia with Molly, Karrin and my daughters, Bob." Harry held the skull up so it could see the people in the room.

The skull's eyes glowed slightly brighter in a way that somehow conveyed surprised. "Wait, daughters, as in plural? Did Susan have twins?"

"No," replied Harry. "Bonnie is Lash's daughter."

"Lash? But, Harry..." The skull grew quiet. Bonnie could feel its eyes boring into her. "Harry, you've been holding out on me."

"I didn't find out about her myself until after Chichén Itzá, Bob," said Harry with a little exasperation.

"That's not what I'm talking about," said Bob, crossly. "When were you going to give me my own body?"

Harry stopped for a moment and tried to think about what the perverted skull would get up to with an actual human body. "I hadn't actually thought about it, honestly. I didn't even know it was possible for Bonnie."

"How did it happen?" asked Bob with a plaintive note.

Harry looked over at Randall, who said, "That would be Ianthe's doing. She's the bioshaper for the Family."

"The Family? Harry, are you working with the mafia now?" asked the skull, confused.

Randall chuckled. "The Family is just what they call themselves. They're not mafia. They're a family of giant lizards."

"Like dragons?" asked the skull in an even more confused voice.

"They're aliens, not dragons, Bob," said Harry with a sigh.

The skull was quiet for almost thirty seconds. Harry was about to say something when Bob spoke. "Let me get this straight. You had a daughter by the shadow of a Fallen Angel, and that daughter was given a human body by alien giant lizards."

"I know it's hard to..." Harry started to say.

Suddenly, the skull just started laughing. He was cackling. He laughed for the better part of a minute, then said, "How the hell do these things keep happening to you, Harry."

Harry looked over at Karrin, asking her to rescue him. She sighed. "He has a point, Harry. You do seem to end up in the weirdest situations."

"So Harry," continued Bob. "Can I have a body?"

Harry just put his face in his palm and shook his head.


Lieutenant Paris was pointing out the severe lack of deuterium fuel to Captain Janeway when Kim raised an alert. "We've got a contact -- a ship just appeared about five-hundred thousand kilometers ahead of us. It looks like they dropped out of an artificial wormhole!"

"Hail them," ordered Janeway.

On screen, there appeared the image of reptilian alien. Of more immediate interest to the crew, however, was a man standing next to him in a Starfleet uniform.

"USS Voyager, this is Saurial on board the Ship of Fools. Are you in need of assistance?"

"Captain Saurial, this is Captain Janeway. We are indeed in need of assistance, but I have to ask if the gentleman standing next to you is a member of Starfleet?"

"Captain Janeway," replied the man in question. "I'm Chief O'Brien, posted to Deep Space 9. If we can beam over, we have quite a story to share. I think you'll consider it good news, though, that these folks can help get your ship and crew back to the Alpha Quadrant."

Based on the reactions of the bridge crew, that was good news indeed.


"You wished to speak with me?" asked Seven of Nine. She was in a conference room on board Voyager with Chief O'Brien, as well as two alien members of the other ship's crew. One was the reptilian, Saurial, while another appeared to be a felinoid, similar to but not identical to the Caitians.

"Seven, are you familiar with the briefings on our ship and crew?" asked Saurial.

The former Borg drone looked impassively back at her. "I have reviewed the various reports filed by Captain Janeway."

"Then you know that we have access to people and technology from a variety of dimensions, some of which have variant physical laws," continued Saurial. "Vectura here is an expert in transportation, including starships, and she has a project that could use your assistance."

The cat-woman held out a data pad for Seven to examine. The cybernetically-enhanced woman took it without comment and began quickly reading the specifications on the pad. "Impressive," she admitted. "I'm not certain what assistance you could need from me, however. While I'm familiar with Borg technology, which includes the technologies of many assimilated species, you appear to already have a functional and practical design."

"Your knowledge of transwarp and nanotechnology is impressive, even for us," said Vectura. "You also have a great deal of experience in starship operations in general."

"There is one other thing to consider," added Miles. "There are a lot of people in Starfleet who have lost friends and loved ones to the Borg. They may not take too kindly to a former drone. I wouldn't be surprised if Starfleet Command had their concerns as well. You may do better working with these folks." Miles was willing to help Saurial here, both because he knew what he said was true, and because he also knew what wasn't being said. The poor woman could use a stay with the Nox while she actually dealt with her experiences as a member of the Collective.

"I can guarantee you that we have an organization that cares very little about your past. We only care about your behavior and contribution in the future," said Saurial kindly.

Vectura nodded her head. "I can personally vouch for that."

Miles looked at her curiously, but he hadn't really spent any time with the cat-woman. They had gone back to get her from Saurial's world, but she had been avoiding the rest of the crew. He couldn't help but think that something about her was strangely familiar, however.

Seven considered the information presented. She knew there would be mistrust back on Earth, and she also was legitimately impressed by the schematics of the ships being built. "I will consider your offer. When do you need an answer?"

"We'll give you a communicator that you can use to contact us. Consider it an open offer. We're going to be here slightly longer to deal with another Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant that is likely to be...slightly more problematic than Voyager. After that...well, it's easy enough for us to come back to this universe to pick you up," said Saurial with a smile.

Seven knew the offer was very tempting. It wouldn't hurt to spend some time considering things, and perhaps she could get some advice from the people she trusted.


Across the Earth, members of the Family and their friends and associates made contact.


"You are not affiliated with Order," said the man in the metal helmet. He had felt the being appear outside his tower.

"Nor am I affiliated with Chaos. I do, however, have a proposal for you that is greatly in favor of the Lords of Order," said the large lizard creature.

Kent Nelson considered the being before him. This creature was obviously very powerful, but it also seemed to be talking instead of attacking, which was a refreshing change.

"Very well," he replied. "I'm listening."


The two reptiles pulled themselves up onto the shore of the island. "It is quite beautiful here," said Ianthe.

Metis looked around at the natural beauty and nodded her head. "I agree. Let's hope the welcoming committee is reasonable. We still have to get to Atlantis after this."

At that moment, two Amazons stepped out of the treeline. "Who dares set foot upon Themyscira?"

Metis stepped forward. "I am Metis, and this is my sister Ianthe. We seek audience with Queen Hippolyta."


Randall and Kevin were trying hard not to stare. A quick introduction by Jimmy had led to a meeting, which had led to this conference on the Watchtower. The comics really didn't do the members of the League justice, no pun intended. Batman had a serious, brooding presence that no actor had quite captured on film. Superman seemed to radiate a degree of wholesome power, if that made any sense. Martian Manhunter quite clearly was not even the slightest bit human in his native form. The Flash was easygoing, but in costume, he had a tendency to vibrate parts of his body, or move his position instantaneously, both of which were disconcerting to see when you were speaking to the man. Wonder Woman was essentially beauty incarnate, every bit the demigoddess.

"You're sure they're correct?" asked the Dark Knight of the Manhunter. The green Martian nodded affirmatively and said, "I have scanned them and they are telling the truth."

Batman sighed. "Very well. BAT MITE!"

With a pop, the little Fifth Dimensional being appeared. "You called?"

Randall could swear he heard Batman give a sub-vocal groan.


Linda walked into the bar in Los Angeles. It was nice enough...nicer than the kind of place she and Adam used to frequent back when they did that kind of thing. Her eyes adjusted almost instantly, another nice little perk of Ianthe's work, and she found the person she was looking for reloading an ice machine, of all things. She walked over.

The dark-haired man behind the bar was handsome in an intense kind of way. He looked up at her as she came into the bar. "We're not open yet. Is there something I can help you with?"

Linda smiled at him. "Are you Lucifer Morningstar?"

His eyes narrowed. "That depends on who's asking."


Newter looked around nervously at the castle as it formed around him. "Are you sure about this, Elle?"

She smiled at him. "You know we owe Saurial a favor, and this is simple enough."

Newter was about to complain about Elle's definition of simple when his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He raised an arm and pointed at the pale-skinned being dressed in black who had just appeared.

"I am unaccustomed to casual mortal visitors to my realm," said

Elle turned and bowed. "Lord Morpheus, I come as a messenger on behalf of another..."


At the knock on the door of the hotel room, Buffy yelled out from the bathroom, "Dawnie, get the door!"

Dawn put her book down and got up, then went over to the door and opened it. She squealed when she saw who was outside. "Xander!" She jumped forward and gave him a huge hug.

"Hey, Dawnie," he said quietly.

Anya was standing behind Xander slightly awkwardly. When Dawn looked up, she gave a small wave. Dawn detached herself from Xander and grabbed Anya in a similar hug. Xander smiled at how surprised Anya looked at that turn of events, though that didn't stop her from returning the hug.

"Did you say Xander?" asked Buffy as she came out of the bathroom, drying her hands on a towel. When she saw Xander and Anya, she rushed with slayer speed across the room and glomped onto both of them, catching each of them in an arm for a hug. "Where have you guys been? How did you get your eye back?" Buffy pulled back to look at him.

"That is a long we probably should get everybody together," said Xander.

Shortly thereafter, the group of them were gathered in a private meeting room in the hotel. Giles, Robin, Faith, Buffy, Willow and Kennedy were seated around the table, with Anya and Xander at the head of the table. Andrew, Dawn and the baby slayers weren't present.

Willow was sitting with her hand in Kennedy's. "So, where did you guys go? Xander, what happened in Sunnydale."

"Well, the short version is I got kidnapped by aliens," he said jokingly.

"Ha!" said Faith loudly. She held her hand out and Robin reluctantly put a five-dollar bill into her palm.

Xander smirked at the two of them. "The longer story is that when the Hellmouth collapsed, some of the ruins and I got sucked into a Hell dimension. Luckily, it was a remarkably empty Hell dimension..." Xander continued to explain what had happened to him up until meeting the Family.

"Now, I have to warn the slayers," he said, looking between Buffy, Faith and Kennedy, "the Family are not human. They're actually giant reptiles. They are not demons...they're aliens."

Buffy laughed. "You don't want us slaying them, I get it."

Anya started to laugh while Xander winced. At the questioning looks, he explained, "Ladies, I'm not worried about what you would do to them. Honestly, in a match between Glory and pretty much any member of the Family, I'd put my money on the Family."

"Are they really that powerful, Xander?" asked Giles.

"Giles," said Anya, surprisingly seriously, "I wouldn't have tried to operate as a Vengeance Demon on their world. They are much older, effectively invulnerable, and they have both powerful magic and other powers."

"What do you mean by other powers?" asked Robin.

"Saurial and her sister can create pretty much any kind of matter," said Xander. "Those swords that I left for you were made by them, and they weren't forged. They simply will them into existence."

Willow waved her hand. "Oh, what are those made of, anyway? I haven't been able to figure it out with science or magic."

"They call it EDM, which stands for Electron...?" he looked to Anya.

"Electron Degenerate Matter," she supplied.

He smiled thanks at her. "That. It's supposedly made inside neutron stars."

"Good lord, and they can make that at will?" asked Giles.

"Giles, they can make anything they want. Gold, other precious metals, gemstones..." said Anya.

"Complicated technical components, furniture, weapons, hummus, pretty much anything," agreed Xander. "Her cousin, Ianthe, can do the same thing, but for biology. The squeakers, those healing tablets, were made by her."

Faith whistled. "Hell, X, those things are cool. One of them fixed Robin up almost immediately." She smiled at the bald black man, who smiled back at her.

"So they have lots of stuff?" asked Kennedy skeptically.

"They also turn invisible, teleport, climb walls, have super strength, move at highway speeds, and I saw a video of one of them catching and eating a rocket-propelled grenade," added Xander.

"You mean he got hit by an RPG?" asked Robin.

Xander shook his head. "No, I mean Raptaur reached out with a hand and caught an RPG as it was flying past, then bit it in half and ate it."

"Sounds badass," said Faith. "When do we get to meet these folks?"

Xander took a metal badge of some kind out of his pocket and said, "I can call Saurial down right now to talk to you, if you're ready."

The group looked around at each other. "Do you have any idea what these Family want, before we meet with them?" asked Giles.

"What I've seen so far, Giles, is that they mostly seem to go around the multiverse and fix problems for people who have gotten the short end of the stick." Xander went on to describe what he had witnessed in Daniel's and Ellen's universes. "They've helped two different Earths, one of which was being attacked by body-snatching aliens, and another which had problems with aliens that use humans as incubators."

"If you think about it," added Anya, "vampires are just dimensional aliens that take over human corpses."

"They're mystical, though, not technological," protested Willow. "While FTL travel is cool, I'm not sure how much it will help against demons."

"They know magic, too. Apart from the cleansing rituals Xander and I went through, the Nox were telling me about a ritual they did to migrate a Spirit of Knowledge from a birthing host to a repository. Then they bound the repository into a human body so it could live as a human," said Anya.

"They stole somebody's body?" asked Buffy, horrified.

"No, one of the Family bioshapers created it from scratch to host the spirit," clarified Anya. "It was really impressive."

Giles began to rub his eyeglasses. "Who are the Nox?"

"They're a different group of aliens. They're pacifists who have advanced to the point that magic and technology are basically the same thing. Anya and I have spent the last few weeks staying with them," explained Xander.

"Didn't you two just bug out like, last night?" asked Faith. "And how many different kinds of aliens have you met?"

"We've been moving between dimensions, so time is relative," said Xander. "As for the aliens, well, there's the Family, the Nox, the Asgard..."

"The Asgard? As in, the gods of the Norse pantheon?" interrupted Giles.

Anya shook her head. "They're not the real Asgard. They're just advanced aliens that pretended to be gods while they protected humanity from the other aliens. Xander actually met the real Thor, though...or at least one of the real ones."

"Look," interrupted Xander before the questions could keep coming, "Let me call Saurial down here. She can give you more detailed answers than we can about a lot of things, enough to explain things in detail to Willow and Giles, at least."

The Scoobies looked at each other. Giles finally spoke. "I don't see why not. Xander and Anya vouch for them." They also had a Watcher, possibly the world's most powerful witch and three slayers. If they couldn't handle this Saurial if she became a problem, then he wasn't sure what else would be able to do so.

Xander tapped the metal badge in his hand and said, "OK, Saurial, you can come down to our position."

There was a flash of light, and when it passed, there was a reptilian woman standing in the room. She was clearly female, despite having scales. She was very tall (which Buffy noticed with a twinge of annoyance), and was wearing a trench coat with a fedora. A long tail trailed out from beneath the coat. Buffy could feel her skin tingle a bit at the sense of hidden power. Xander handled the introductions. When he was done, Saurial said, "You missed one." Everybody looked at her with confused expressions. She said, "Ah." Then she vanished and reappeared in the corner of the meeting room. When she reappeared, she was holding a portly man in a tacky suit in a headlock. "I take it you guys didn't know he was here?" she asked.

Buffy's face clouded over. "Whistler."

The Balance Demon looked over at the Golden Slayer from where he was bent over and raised his hands placatingly. "Whoa, slayer, hold on a minute. There's stuff I need to tell you."

"Oh, there's stuff you need to tell me, all right," Buffy snarled. "You can tell me what the powers were thinking. Do you know how close we came to having an army of vampires running loose out of the Hellmouth? Do you know how many people we lost?"

"That wasn't the plan, slayer! Angel was supposed to bring his people to help out. You weren't supposed to be on your own," said the demon.

Saurial let Whistler stand up and pushed him against the wall. "Angel was the one who was supposed to use the amulet, wasn't he?"

Whistler's eyes widened. Saurial could literally hear Buffy's teeth grinding together. The Balance Demon focused his attention on Saurial. "You ain't supposed to be here in this dimension. Your presence is going to mess up a lot of important plans."

Saurial gave the demon an excessively toothy smile. "Plans of the powers? Plans of Wolfram and Hart? Maybe you're talking about Jasmine?"

There was a rushing noise, and people's heads turned to see that Xander was now armed with a vicious looking axe. A bright red gemstone glowed from an amulet on his chest. Buffy also had summoned the Slayer Scythe. Willow and the slayers could all feel the sudden jump in magical energy in the room. For once, Whistler seemed to be rendered speechless.

"Let me give you some advice," said the reptilian woman. "I suggest you go back and tell your bosses that their chess pieces have developed wills of their own. You can tell them that the Family is here, and that we do not look kindly upon those who use adolescents as tools in their war." Saurial let a certain amount of power slip out, causing her eyes to glow even more than usual. Whistler got a panicked look on his face and vanished. Unfortunately, Willow also swooned and fell, causing Kennedy to jump in and catch her.

Saurial looked over. "Sorry about that. The Powers in your universe kind of piss me off."

Buffy snorted. "Yeah, I know that feeling."

Kennedy got Willow into a chair. Giles recovered his wits and said, "Well, now that that's over with, maybe we can get back to things."

Xander said, "Giles, we have a couple of major problems. The first has to do with the fact that when Willow activated the potentials, she didn't just activate the ones on the Hellmouth. She activated all of them, everywhere."

Giles looked at him, stunned, and muttered, "Oh, dear."

"You folks are going to have to create a new and improved version of the Watcher's Council," said Saurial. "Luckily, I have some friends who can help with the organization and training, and we can help with resources and weapons and such."

"We've also got to save Angel and Cordelia," added Xander.

Buffy grew concerned at that. "What's wrong with Angel?"

Xander ignored the fact that she didn't ask about Cordelia, although he could hear Anya snort quietly. "He's about to make a deal with the devil...actually, the three demons who run Wolfram and Hart, an evil law firm that's a front for demons in this dimension."

"And Queen C?" asked Faith.

"Let's just say she's on a bad path," said Xander evasively.

Anya added, "No woman is going to want to experience what the Powers have planned for her."

Faith's look turned grim, and even Buffy looked angry rather than worried after that was said.

"It's almost lunch time," said Saurial, glancing at the clock on the wall of the meeting room. "Why don't you folks come up to our starship and have something to eat, and I'll introduce you to the folks we've recruited to help you out and we can talk about plans."

Everybody was generally of the opinion that eating would be good, getting to see an actual starship would be cool, and that they needed to get the others to come along or they would never hear the end of it. The fact that Saurial volunteered to mind Andrew caused a few looks of misplaced pity, but Xander and Anya both found it very amusing.


Victor von Doom raised his eyebrows at the results of his analysis. While the sword itself was an exquisitely designed weapon, he was unable to identify the material that formed the blade. It was strong, strong enough to withstand any force, mystical or mundane, that he could apply to it. The edge was formed to a molecular-level of thinness. At least, he assumed it had been formed that way, as there was no way he could see that such a blade could be honed. He also couldn't get any sensor readings from x-ray, sonogram, or any other approach that might reveal the internal structure. Short of requesting divine intervention, it seemed like the only way to get some answers would be to accept the request for an audience that accompanied the blade. He would be curious to see what this Saurial had to say.
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Victor von Doom raised his eyes at the results of his analysis. While the sword itself was an exquisitely designed weapon, he was unable to identify the material that formed the blade. It was strong, strong enough to withstand any force, mystical or mundane, that he could apply to it. The edge was formed to a molecular-level of thinness. At least, he assumed it had been formed that way, as there was no way he could see that such a blade could be honed. He also couldn't get any sensor readings from x-ray, sonogram, or any other approach that might reveal the internal structure. Short of requesting divine intervention, it seemed like the only way to get some answers would be to accept the request for an audience that accompanied the blade. He would be curious to see what this Saurial had to say.
Are we going to see the benevolent dictator Doom? That's always been my favorite version.

I don't remember if this was a fanfic or an issue of What If? but I remember a story where Doom won and actually took over the world. It wound up being a complete Utopia. :D
For gods sake Angel has always been evil. Spike too and then they get whitewashed; Angel after essentially raping and making Dru go crazy and Spike the Slayer Serial were the writers thinking when the evil becomes the only thing the protag can trust?

Did the family fix the Asgard's issues? Out of all of the xeno's out there only the Asgard seem to be trustworthy.
Seven stay away from the Federation, its corrupt and seething with hypocrisy. Those same people who cried/angry about the borg will treat you like crap. You'd have to wonder what they would do if their borg family members came back.

Dr. Doom if he gave no fucks about Reed Richards and bettered the world he'd get the recognition he wants.
Richards is a idiot. Liking the realities they hit, but the clones would have to change their faces.....I hate clones!:sour::sour::sour::lol
Welcome aboard the "Ship of Fools". With the smartest fools you ever did see. Look at all the problems that they fix concurrently.

Outing an international intergalactic secret and all the bad guys that are hiding on Earth hoping to exploit said secret for cash money.
Help young warriors who shouldn't have been warriors as long as they have and training them and guiding them away from the Path of Bad Endings.
Saving a civilisation from an evil mega-corporation by starting their own and showing the rotten underbelly of the mega-corporation whilst also buying it up piece by piece.
Showing heroes that, while they see a lot of the world, they don't know as much as they think they do.
Showing villains that they are only villains because of their own poor choices in how they act and what they show the world.
And many other things that I can't think of right now.
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Oh, unholy crap... they're recruiting Lucifer?
There won't be a virgin left! :lol

Excellent chapter! I especially love the smack to Whistler.

You know, I sometimes wonder if the "Powers That Be" are actually the Wolf, the Ram, and the Hart.
Will Taylor meet Doom while wearing a Lizard Doom costume?
Even if she's going for maximum troll, I don't think Saurial would go that route. It's more of a mocking move than a jesting one. Besides, I suspect that Doom has trademarked the look, and we know that the Family respects that sort of thing. ;)
With the way the time runs between universes who knows?
The problem is that Sela is a known quantity in the 2370s. You cannot just jump back to the Battle of Khitomer and grab Tasha before the Romulans can and expect there not to be a time paradox. There actually has been a fairly massive time paradox in Trek; all the way back in the 23rd century. It ended up eliminating the Federation entirely. Kirk and Spock had to go back themselves, with nothing but their wits and one tricorder to not only figure out what got changed, but change it back. So no, there isn't going to be a rescue mission for Tasha Yar. Either one.
You cannot just jump back to the Battle of Khitomer and grab Tasha before the Romulans can and expect there not to be a time paradox.
Technically speaking you could, in a multiverse, as that would simply divide into a separate universe. I suspect though, that the Continuum would object strongly, seeing as how temporally unstable that region of the omniverse is.
Are we going to see the benevolent dictator Doom? That's always been my favorite version.

I don't remember if this was a fanfic or an issue of What If? but I remember a story where Doom won and actually took over the world. It wound up being a complete Utopia. :D

It was a graphic novel "Emperor Doom" pub was some time in 90's you can look it up. It was some of the then current female members of the Avengers who defeated him. It has been 20+ years since I last read it.
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Is this TV series Lucifer? Or the far superior comic one?
Well, Peter seems to be a comic Peter rather than MCU or Sony Spider-Man, and Morpheus doesn't seem to be a big part of the TV show, so I'm guessing we're safe.

Man, I was trying to figure out how they were going to ride the line with all the religious stuff, and which interesting parts of the comic they would include. Then I heard a thousand voices suddenly cry out in terror as some producer said "I know... we'll make a police procedural!" It was pretty okay for what it was, but what a boring direction to take things.