Ship of Fools: A Taylor Varga Omake (Complete)

Luthor in at least some of the comic versions is someone who with slightly different motives could be a very effective force for good. The Superman V Batman DCU movie one is a raving nutcase, but in print he's often not that far gone. He is also absolutely brilliant, and highly driven to succeed. So yes, I could easily see fixing his more annoying mental issues leaving behind someone who you'd want working for you.

Earth 2 and Earth 3 come to mind, along with the somewhat double-agenty version from the Injustice game/comics. I also like Dogbertcarroll's fanfic about a Lex Luthor who swapped with Xander Harris during the Buffy Halloween episode, even if it is a little unclear how much was a swap versus a merger of the two personalities. (Lex Marks the Spot)
As far as Q goes, I think he's actually Wesley all grown up. He did separate himself from the timeline all on his own, then left to pursue further studies with The Traveler. Then much later, he does his stint to educate his father figure by launching the Enterprise at the Borg.

*Dons Asbestos Suit*

I like Wil Wheaton a lot more as a media personality in geekdom than I did as his character was written on Star Trek. I prefer to think Wil Wheaton eventually evolves into Q and then migrates to the Star Trek universe to try and correct some things.
Honestly, Taylor's bug-pack should be a working ecosystem, just get Ianthe's help and done, given they are not inches away from Taylor they sheer size they could be, multiple ones with different ecosystems, she could just bee.

Ianthe is likely to have something to say when Taylor goes and asks for some more relay and other custom bugs. Even without an ecosystem, though, having a portable swarm in a box is hella useful for a bug controller.
How much you wanna bet Bug!Taylor will get Peter's powerset on top of hers? :cool:

Taylor arguably already has a superior set of power. Sure, she doesn't have the enhanced strength, durability and flexibility, but that is fairly easy for Ianthe to add. Crawling on walls is...fine, though arguably duplicated by Saurial's strength and claws.

Peter's big deal is the spider-sense...which becomes slightly problematic when you add it in to Taylor's omniscience within the area of her swarm. I would be really wary of adding a hyper-sensitive danger alarm into an area controller's power set without understanding exactly how the two would interact.
One of the changes mpPIp made from canon Worm is the DWU (Dock Workers Union) as opposed to the canon Dockworkers Association. You could change your canon Worm to have a DWU, not a DWA, but I thought I'd mention this.

I like your use of Lex Luthor, as a local Family associate - a sane(er) Lex is potentially incredibly useful. Nox counselling for him is good...

If Ianthe gets to check-out Jessica Drew/Spiderwoman, then her flight/gliding ability could be rather useful... And her venom blasts... Peter being from the Spider-verse should know, at least a bit, about the various sorts of Spider powers...

The new costumes for canon Taylor and Peter are nice... If he can fit it in Peter might want a portable chemical lab, for forensics, and developing traditional (analogue) film, in his... An electronics lab, for his spider trackers, would also be good... As would things like a UV lamp, for tracking, and a load of other support stuff...
I also like Dogbertcarroll's fanfic about a Lex Luthor who swapped with Xander Harris during the Buffy Halloween episode, even if it is a little unclear how much was a swap versus a merger of the two personalities. (Lex Marks the Spot)

Chapter 20 addressed some of the points about Xander vs Lex. My personal take on Chapter 1 was that Xander was trading on his comic knowledge of Lex rather than any leftover personality or memory fragments. Cannon BTVS Halloween had the costume personalities unable to access the host memories. The hosts were able to remember their actions post bust breaking but the entirety of the costume's memories and personalities started to get fuzzy.

And I agree about how great the Dogbertcaroll story is to read. version

Update: Except Xander was able to log into Lex's computer in Ch 1 to read the economic forecast, so some knowledge must have transferred.
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The new costumes for canon Taylor and Peter are nice... If he can fit it in Peter might want a portable chemical lab, for forensics, and developing traditional (analogue) film, in his... An electronics lab, for his spider trackers, would also be good... As would things like a UV lamp, for tracking, and a load of other support stuff...

It would be nice to see Peter actually use his intelligence for more than canon tends to show. The guy is genuinely brilliant, probably genius level, and there aren't many people in the MarvelVerse as smart or smarter as far as I can remember. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner may be two of those, but they both have... issues... that he doesn't.

He's basically a nice and genuine guy with an extremely high intelligence, a remarkably effective powerset even if for the most part it's somewhat low key, and more of a real heroic bent than many of his peers. And he tends to be underutilized in my view.
Spidey's intelligence is indeed impressive. What's even more impressive is how his deliberate demeanor has lead every single one of his opponents to underestimate just how smart he is.....

I have no doubt Spidey would benefit from having a portable lab or two; however, he'd do even better with a small but well-equipped lab back home and a set of sample collection gear for in the field; a few random lines about calling in favors to have Reed check them out will help maintain the illusion of his lower intelligence, and keep his opponents underestimating him.
It would be nice to see Peter actually use his intelligence for more than canon tends to show. The guy is genuinely brilliant, probably genius level, and there aren't many people in the MarvelVerse as smart or smarter as far as I can remember. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner may be two of those, but they both have... issues... that he doesn't.

He's basically a nice and genuine guy with an extremely high intelligence, a remarkably effective powerset even if for the most part it's somewhat low key, and more of a real heroic bent than many of his peers. And he tends to be underutilized in my view.

So, could you get a Tricorder into Spidey's helmet? :)
Actually, Spidy's intelligence is shown quite regularly. He manages to create various Spider-Gadgets on a shoestring budget. This includes the creation and refinement over the years of his webshooters, developing the web fluid using household chemicals (although that may have been an aspect of his powers), and the fact he's regularly able to analyze a fight in moments to find a badguy's weakness. Not to mention how often over the years he's figured out how to stop various technological and scientific threats. Including developing a way originally to revert Doc Conners back to being human after the man had accidentally mutated himself into The Lizard. Sure his genius isn't called attention to very often. Then again in a world with the likes of Reed Richards and Doctor Doom, a genius of Peter's level wouldn't appear to be exceptionally smart.
Can we please not rehash the "Peter Parker is actually smarter than every other super-genius in Marvel" plot derail?

He's not, but may have more common sense. :)

He's never been billed as a Super Genius. Smart, but not Super Genius levels of smart. Just a regular genius, which gets massively under valued due to the Tony Stark level intellects in that world.
Can we please not rehash the "Peter Parker is actually smarter than every other super-genius in Marvel" plot derail?
Oh, not even close. Heck, while Spidey has earned his first Doctorate recently, that's not really all that impressive.

Just as a point of comparison, She-Hulk has multiple Doctorates in various Legal fields. Reed has who knows how many. Heck, I suspect (but can't prove) the Thing has one in Aerospace Engineering. PhD smart is impressive in Marvel, sure, and Peter is PhD smart. But in setting he's no super-genius.
I suspect that the web shooters and web fluid are in part due to his powers. Otherwise he's a talented scientist, and a skilled engineer. And very skilled due to long practice with making complex devices on a shoestring budget. But none of that makes him a super genius, just very smart.
I always like the scrapped ending to the Clone Saga where it turned out that not even Ben Riley was the Original Peter Parker. He was the original Spider-Man, yes. But the Real Peter Parker, whom everyone else is based off of, was Peter Petruski. Paste Pot Pete is Spider-Man without the spider-powers!

I mean, I can see why they didn't go for it, but it would have been great to me.
Luthor in at least some of the comic versions is someone who with slightly different motives could be a very effective force for good. The Superman V Batman DCU movie one is a raving nutcase, but in print he's often not that far gone. He is also absolutely brilliant, and highly driven to succeed. So yes, I could easily see fixing his more annoying mental issues leaving behind someone who you'd want working for you.
I remember in the Gods and Monsters movie that Luthor wasn't a nutcase, and aside from his more justified paranoia regarding that version of the Justice League, was more interested in helping humanity as a whole. (Disclaimer: It's been a while since I've seen it, so I may be misremembering.)
I remember in the Gods and Monsters movie that Luthor wasn't a nutcase, and aside from his more justified paranoia regarding that version of the Justice League, was more interested in helping humanity as a whole. (Disclaimer: It's been a while since I've seen it, so I may be misremembering.)

Eh, he was more adopting the role of Metron from the New Gods. AKA an impartial observer. I liked Gods and Monsters, and it was an interesting take on the DC mythos. But eh, didn't like how the ending played out.
It would be nice to see Peter actually use his intelligence for more than canon tends to show. The guy is genuinely brilliant, probably genius level, and there aren't many people in the MarvelVerse as smart or smarter as far as I can remember. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner may be two of those, but they both have... issues... that he doesn't.

He's basically a nice and genuine guy with an extremely high intelligence, a remarkably effective powerset even if for the most part it's somewhat low key, and more of a real heroic bent than many of his peers. And he tends to be underutilized in my view.

He's under-estimated enough that in the Secret Wars cartoon, he had the totally appropriate line, "Hey, I'm not The Tick, you know!"
He's not, but may have more common sense. :)

He's never been billed as a Super Genius. Smart, but not Super Genius levels of smart. Just a regular genius, which gets massively under valued due to the Tony Stark level intellects in that world.
I'm pretty sure we've actually had this derail once in this thread already. We really don't need it again.
As far as Q goes, I think he's actually Wesley all grown up. He did separate himself from the timeline all on his own, then left to pursue further studies with The Traveler. Then much later, he does his stint to educate his father figure by launching the Enterprise at the Borg.

*Dons Asbestos Suit*

I'm going to pretend that I NEVER saw this post.:o:o:o:lol I can tell you that big mouth Wesley acted like he was a Q every time I saw him. And he was on every week.:sour: He with the Traveler driving other people in other dimensions/universes crazy cuz he's special.:drevil: