Hisana is using Water techniques in a dry area.
That will be noted, especially since she did it in front of the Kazekage's children, and within camera range of the tower.
Wasn't one of Tobirama's claims to fame the ability to pull water from the air?
Kind of, he was renowned for the utterly absurd amounts of water he generate and control without a source other than the air
Using what sounds like the Gunshot/Teppodama technique without a water source isn't really notable. It and techniques like Water Bullet Technique are intended for use without a direct water source. Unless we start throwing around stuff like Great Waterfall or Water Dragon without a water source, we're within what normal people can do.
How many prongs come off of our chakra storage seal again?

I know that all canon seals have 4 prongs, but i'd just like to check beforehand - Also, I've already drawn an image with 8 prongs (I was sleep deprived at the time), so i'm pretty worried about it's validity.
How many prongs come off of our chakra storage seal again?
I've gone through and found every quotation about the seal:
She released the seal, red markings appearing on her face as she put almost all of her own chakra and almost all that the seal held into one jutsu.
Mustering what seemed like all her remaining strength, she sent a pulse of chakra towards the seal on her forehead. The world suddenly felt right again, as red markings descended down her face.
"Final Hurricane Seal: Release!" She shouted, red lines running down her face. A massive influx of chakra pumped through her system; the extended pseudo-coils formed by the seal the only way her body could use such a large amount of chakra without serious damage.
Lines of red ink spread across her face and down her torso as the seal on her forehead expanded, chakra rushing through artificial coils as Hisana exploded into motion.
Her Final Hurricane seal receded, once more a mostly empty red diamond on her forehead.

So we know it's different from Tsunade's seal in that it extends beyond Hisana's face and down onto her torso. We also know it's different in that it's a red diamond rather then black. Other then that I'm fairly sure it's entirely up to you.
How many prongs come off of our chakra storage seal again?

I know that all canon seals have 4 prongs, but i'd just like to check beforehand - Also, I've already drawn an image with 8 prongs (I was sleep deprived at the time), so i'm pretty worried about it's validity.
Artist interpretations of Sakura releasing her seal.
I don't think the GM will hold it against you that Hisana's seal looks different.
Besides, she is still modifying her seal, so it's appearance might still be changing.
I'm not satisfied with either of those images, so i will get started drawing new ones.

What do people think of the pattern, though? (Other than them being too thin, of course)
Can i get a pseudo vote going?

Sharingan Genjutsu vs Speed increase - I can't choose which to get this time. :oops:

(just say which you prefer and i will choose which ever looks most desired)

Scratch that, i'll just go speed again - I'm hoping to draw more fan art later anyway.
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Genjutsu, we recently hit A rank speed and are in a situation where being able to mind-whammy Bijuu may be needed.
Karin is vastly less physically capable than one would assume, given her chains.
Hisana saved her butt there.
I suspect it is more along the lines of Karin is the opposite of Hisana on the Strength vs Speed scale, which is to say she is slow, but hits hard. This would fit very well with her primary weapon being chains, and the fact that she punched Orochimaru through a giant tree.
Hisana activation:

(I bought some new artsy pens, yay! :))
Is the first picture meant to be Hisana's face when she sees Orochimaru standing next to Sasuke? As to your other question Sharingan Genjutsu for reasons I've already mentioned in past posts.
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Can i get a pseudo vote going?
1XP into Iryojutsu please, to make it 60.
That way it only takes another 10XP to make it to B-rank.
I suspect it is more along the lines of Karin is the opposite of Hisana on the Strength vs Speed scale, which is to say she is slow, but hits hard. This would fit very well with her primary weapon being chains.
Hisana had to catch her.
That goes beyond being slow.
Besides, the chains don't really have anything to do with Strength, since they're a ninjutsu/fuinjutsu unique ability.
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