Semi-Canon Omake: Mist Bingo Book Entry
2) Black Zetsu can hijack bodies, including the bodies of Sharingan users. This doesn't disprove the claim that it can't be read without the Sharingan.
BZ is obvious when he rides other people's bodies to the best of my knowledge.
And AFAICR, his bodyjacking people only extends to motor control, not to sensory perceptions ie he can use your body and its abilities/bloodlines, but he cant actually use your senses.
I'm announcing a bounty of 10 extra xp for an omake consisting of Hisana's entry in another nation's bingo book, and/or reactions to said entry, as you have now hit A-rank notoriety. Trait choice for that will be in the next update.
Mist Bingo Book

uchihahisana.jpg said:

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Aliases: Akaihane no Hisana, Last Daughter of the Uchiha,
Rank: Chuunin Special Jounin
Threat Rating: A

Age: 10-17 years est.
Sex: F
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Height: 147-150cm
Weight: ???
Kekkei genkai or other inherited ability: YES. Activated sharingan, both eyes.
Identifying marks: Red diamond-shaped fuinjutsu seal on forehead. Uchiha crest on outfit.

Known Associates
Hatake Kakashi
Uzumaki Naruto
Uchiha Sasuke

Uchiha Clan
Konoha Genin Team 7

Known Abilities
Sharingan user
Sword user
Wind-elemental ninjutsu, up to A-rank
Fuinjutsu enhancile
Possible summons use, unsubstantiated

Known Incidents
Konoha Invasion
Kazahana Counter-Coup, Land of Snow

Personal History
Known living family are Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi. Jounin-sensei is Hatake Kakashi; genin team members are Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Along with Uchiha Sasuke, serves as figurehead clan heads of the Uchiha.

First public appearance immediately subsequent to the Sandaime Hokage's extermination of the old Uchiha clan.

Genin mission history above D-rank classified by order of the Sandaime Hokage.
Participated in chuunin exams six months after official Academy Graduation, and made it to the finals. Fought in the Konoha Invasion, and is documented to have killed multiple members of Orochimaru's personal guard.

Led reprisal mission against then-daimyo Kazahana Doto of the Land of Snow for supplying the armor technology used by [REDACTED] during the Konoha Invasion, engineering his deposal and very public assassination, in favor of his replacement by his niece.

The holes in her pre-Academy paper trail point at her being another product of a covert Leaf supersoldier program forced to break cover, and call into question her official age. Documented fuinjutsu enhancile markings indicate significant chakra-metabolic modifications of unknown functionality in addition to her documented Sharingan doujutsu.

Her placement with the Fourth Hokage's sole surviving apprentice imply she's being groomed for future responsibility.
Her being trusted to deliver Konoha's very public retaliation against the Kazahana adminisration suggests that Konoha's ruling councils have a high degree of confidence in both her combat ability and her political judgement.

She is known to be a proficient swordswoman with a large repertoire of Wind-aspected ninjutsu and upper tier speed and maneuverability.
Video footage of her solo duel and kill of Snow jounin Muranaka Amaya demonstrated both shadow clone and chakra flow use in her repertoire.

If encountered in the field, assume you are facing a jounin-tier combatant out of one of Leaf's black programs, regardless of her official rank.
There is also a significant chance that Hatake Kakashi is in close proximity.

Standard Sharingan protocols apply.
Do not engage without numerical superiority or jounin support
Capture is contraindicated
Doujutsu salvage is requested where possible

Funny enough, the people who would have the most comprehensive Bingo Book entry on Hisana would be Grass.
Because they had a genin available when she fought Orochimaru and went all out, and probably had ninja in Konoha during the Invasion.
People like Mist are gathering information at second and third hand.
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To put some of the Bingo Book entry into perspective:

1) Mist just fought a civil war where their Kage and his supporters were wiping out bloodlines for one reason or the other. It makes sense from their PoV to suspect that the Uchiha Massacre was basically Sarutobi doing much the same thing, and scapegoating Itachi for it, rather than Itachi wiping out a clan and getting away without a scratch from the middle of Konoha.

2)Note that Hisana did not have an Uchiha surname until after the Massacre, and didnt even attend ninja school. All reports of an Uchiha Hisana date to after the Massacre, making all claims by Leaf about her ancestry automatically suspect to foreign intelligence. There's noone left alive to dispute any of the official story. Doesnt mean other villages will believe them.

They might not even believe that she's actually Uchiha; with all the dead Uchiha, transplanting a set of eyeballs would be elementary.
Which would also explain why she has so many seals on her body.

3)Fuinjutsu seals on your body and tools =/= Being able to use fuinjutsu.
All jinchuuriki have seals; not all of them know how to use fuinjutsu. All Hyuuga Branch Family members have forehead seals, which doesnt make them sealmasters. Orochimaru's enhanciles all have bodymods, but that doesnt translate to an ability to make them.

So until Mist has a reliable source see Hisana actively use fuinjutsu in the field, its just a report, not confirmed.

4) None of her skills with iryojutsu are public knowledge, so its not in her bingo book entry.
Same with her summon contract.

5)Vacuum Talon remains incomplete, so she isnt going to be known for it

Killing Doto was a team effort, so doesnt count; three chuunin-tier combatants are supposed to be able to threaten a jounin-tier combatant.
However, she killed a veteran jounin with a Storm Release bloodline on film using chakra flow and shadow clones, so she'll be known for that as a jounin-tier combatant.

6) Snow is the only known source of chakra armor and technology.
The Trenchcoats who helped Sand and Sound invade Konoha? Helped kill the Third? Were all wearing chakra armor. It makes sense from the PoV of foreign intelligence that Konoha would respond....harshly, and would seek to make an example of Doto for proliferating that armor to Leaf's enemies.

Doing it with a team of three genin in order to replace Doto the former military dude and politician with his niece, whose only life experience is as an actress, just rubs the point in harder.
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They might not even believe that she's actually Uchiha; with all the dead Uchiha, transplanting a set of eyeballs would be elementary.
The funny thing is, they're right about that! They're just looking at the wrong individuals and motives.

I would laugh hilariously if someone read this, found Evidence of ROOT (Hypothetically), and came to the 'obvious' conclusion that Hisana is a member of it.
Wait, how do enemy shinobi know about Hisana's seal work? Isn't it one of the most subtle skills she has?
Probably Konoha advertising it for missions that specifically require someone who knows seals.
Especially in the aftermath of the Konoha Invasion, where they are going to be making displays of strength to show that getting invaded and losing Sarutobi did not materially weaken them.
It's written on her face.
And her sword.
And the massive storage scroll she lugged back from Snow.
(Also probably vague information leaked/released around the Exams for advertising purposes.)
All Hyuuga Branch Family members have seals on their foreheads; doesnt make them sealmasters, just that someone else cared enough to apply those seals to them. Same with ROOT members and the seals on their tongue. Or people with curse seals.

Ditto the weapon and scroll; using something doesnt imply a capability to produce it, or we'd think the scrolls used during the Forest of Death exam implies every genin can use fuinjutsu. Or Naruto's use of a summoning scroll in the Pain fight means he could use fuinjutsu.
Or that Hisana's use of a sword makes her a blacksmith :V

Official Konoha information release/advertisement is probably the correct option there.
Only thing I'd suggest is changing "bodyguard" to "personal guard". It would drive home her threat rating a little harder.
Fair point. Changing.
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[X] The Last Daughter of the Uchiha: Hisana is known for her status as the de-facto head of the Uchiha clan. Improves Hisana's abilities with esoteric Sharingan skills (genjutsu, etc.)
BZ is obvious when he rides other people's bodies to the best of my knowledge.
And AFAICR, his bodyjacking people only extends to motor control, not to sensory perceptions ie he can use your body and its abilities/bloodlines, but he cant actually use your senses.

Mist Bingo Book

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Aliases: Akaihane no Hisana, Last Daughter of the Uchiha,
Rank: Chuunin Special Jounin
Threat Rating: A

Age: 10-17 years est.
Sex: F
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Height: 147-150cm
Weight: ???
Doujutsu: YES. Activated sharingan, both eyes.
Identifying marks: Red diamond-shaped fuinjutsu seal on forehead. Uchiha crest on outfit.

Known Associates
Hatake Kakashi
Uzumaki Naruto
Uchiha Sasuke

Uchiha Clan
Konoha Genin Team 7

Known Abilities
Sharingan user
Sword user
Wind-elemental ninjutsu, up to A-rank
Fuinjutsu enhancile
Possible summons use, unsubstantiated

Known Incidents
Konoha Invasion
Kazahana Counter-Coup, Land of Snow

Personal History
Known living family are Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi. Jounin-sensei is Hatake Kakashi; genin team members are Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Along with Uchiha Sasuke, serves as figurehead clan heads of the Uchiha.

First public appearance immediately subsequent to the Sandaime Hokage's extermination of the old Uchiha clan.

Genin mission history above D-rank classified by order of the Sandaime Hokage.
Participated in chuunin exams six months after official Academy Graduation, and made it to the finals. Fought in the Konoha Invasion, and is documented to have killed multiple members of Orochimaru's personal guard.

Led reprisal mission against then-daimyo Kazahana Doto of the Land of Snow for supplying the armor technology used by [REDACTED] during the Konoha Invasion, engineering his deposal and very public assassination, in favor of his replacement by his niece.

The holes in her pre-Academy paper trail point at her being another product of a covert Leaf supersoldier program forced to break cover, and call into question her official age. Documented fuinjutsu enhancile markings indicate significant chakra-metabolic modifications of unknown functionality in addition to her documented Sharingan doujutsu.

Her placement with the Fourth Hokage's sole surviving apprentice imply she's being groomed for future responsibility.
Her being trusted to deliver Konoha's very public retaliation against the Kazahana adminisration suggests that Konoha's ruling councils have a high degree of confidence in both her combat ability and her political judgement.

She is known to be a proficient swordswoman with a large repertoire of Wind-aspected ninjutsu and upper tier speed and maneuverability.
Video footage of her solo duel and kill of Snow jounin Muranaka Amaya demonstrated both shadow clone and chakra flow use in her repertoire.

If encountered in the field, assume you are facing a jounin-tier combatant out of one of Leaf's black programs, regardless of her official rank.
There is also a significant chance that Hatake Kakashi is in close proximity.

Standard Sharingan protocols apply.
Do not engage without numerical superiority or jounin support
Capture is contraindicated
Doujutsu salvage is requested where possible

Funny enough, the people who would have the most comprehensive Bingo Book entry on Hisana would be Grass.
Because they had a genin available when she fought Orochimaru and went all out, and probably had ninja in Konoha during the Invasion.
People like Mist are gathering information at second and third hand.
This is really good, but, uh... @Tekomandor kinda gave the bounty to me earlier... although yours is way better...
Capture is contraindicated
Just a couple of things, if the Mist suspect she could be part of Konoha's Black Ops program it would make lots of sense to try to get Hisana alive, the Intel that they could extract from her could be even more valuable than her Sharingan, and I am pretty sure that most Villages would have someone as qualified as Ibiki to do the interrogations.

And besides that, even if the Mist suspect that Hisana may not be a "natural born Uchiha", the possibility that she could be one of them is still out there... And in that case there are terrible implications better left unsaid that would also apply here.
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Just a couple of things, if the Mist suspect she could be part of Konoha's Black Ops program it would make lots of sense to try to get Hisana alive, the Intel that they could extract from her could be even more valuable than the Sharingan.
You try to capture people that you can reasonably overpower.
You dont try to capture a jounin-tier combatant unless you're like Tobi or Pain or an Akatsuki pair or Fourth Shinobi War!Kabuto.
And if Hisana is an enhancile with documeted fuinjutsu seals, you dont really want to risk what other party favors are in her enhancement package.

The risk-reward ratio of trying to capture someone with demonstrated jounin-tier abilities is just too poor. Recovering a body, salvaging eyes? Sure.
Taking her alive? Nope.
Thats how you lose your capture team, because while you are pulling your punches, she isnt.

There's a reason why all the snatch stories we've heard of were of children and genin.
And besides that, even if the Mist suspect that Hisana may not be a "natural born Uchiha", the possibility that she could be one of them is still out there... And in that case all the terrible implications that the capture of Kunoichi with rare Kekkei Genkai from other Villages to produce shinobis with that Kekkei Genkai would also apply here.
*points at Shin Uchiha and Orochimaru's clone children*
You dont need a female to fuck around with horrible abominations of nature. The problem is that you could very easily start a major war that way, or make it open season on your own children. And there is at least one S-class Uchiha walking around out there who might take offense to your attempted fuckery, and the legend of Uchiha Madara is still within living memory.
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All Hyuuga Branch Family members have seals on their foreheads; doesnt make them sealmasters, just that someone else cared enough to apply those seals to them. Same with ROOT members and the seals on their tongue. Or people with curse seals.

Ditto the weapon and scroll; using something doesnt imply a capability to produce it, or we'd think the scrolls used during the Forest of Death exam implies every genin can use fuinjutsu. Or Naruto's use of a summoning scroll in the Pain fight means he could use fuinjutsu.
Or that Hisana's use of a sword makes her a blacksmith :V

Official Konoha information release/advertisement is probably the correct option there.
It's the nature of the seals that make a difference, though. The storage seal and the one on her sword could, theoretically, have been applied by someone else and it wouldn't be unbelievable - merely expensive.
The FHS, though? That's hooked into her chakra network and - IIRC - she wasn't willing to apply it to Naruto or Sasuke because she'd have to run through a large chunk of the development again on someone else's chakra system.

As a point of reference, Cursed Seals have about a 10% survival rate. There are other factors for that seal, but that's the kind of danger you're looking at with a seal that interacts directly with the chakra network being applied to large group without altering it for each individual. It could be produced by someone else, but it would be an extremely difficult and dangerous process. This is why Tsunade called Hisana a "lucky idiot" because the FHS works as intended.
I believe the point there was: a) Who can tell, just by looking at Hisana's marks, what exactly are those seals on her body? b) Of those, who can tell that she applied them herself?
Kumo did not seem to mind to start a war over an especially interesting bloodline, and I doubt that this is something unique to that village.
Kumo tried this twice, with Kushina and Hinata. Hinata seemed like a wildcat scheme by one faction.
Kushina OTOH is Uzumaki, and there were Uzumaki around the Elemental Nations post-destruction of Uzu. If the kidnappers had gotten away, there wouldnt have been a trail afterwards.

It's the nature of the seals that make a difference, though. The storage seal and the one on her sword could, theoretically, have been applied by someone else and it wouldn't be unbelievable - merely expensive.

The FHS, though? That's hooked into her chakra network and - IIRC - she wasn't willing to apply it to Naruto or Sasuke because she'd have to run through a large chunk of the development again on someone else's chakra system.

As a point of reference, Cursed Seals have about a 10% survival rate. There are other factors for that seal, but that's the kind of danger you're looking at with a seal that interacts directly with the chakra network being applied to large group without altering it for each individual. It could be produced by someone else, but it would be an extremely difficult and dangerous process. This is why Tsunade called Hisana a "lucky idiot" because the FHS works as intended.
What @Not in Person said.

None of those things can be ascertained from looking at them from the outside in passing.
The Hyuga seals certainly hook into the body's chakra network somehow, with sufficient intricacy to prevent post-mortem salvage of details from a Hyuga body, and yet they're mass applied safely.

Our PC being unwilling to apply them is in part a gameplay contrivance, and in part because she wasnt an S-class sealmaster and medic-nin.

As for the Curse Seals, I will point out that Orochimaru did not necessarily want them to be safe for everyone.
Just those strong enough to survive the process, and who had access to him and his resources.
The lethality rate was a feature, not a bug.
As a point of reference, Cursed Seals have about a 10% survival rate.

I mean the Cursed Seal:

a) Injects Natural Energy into the user, NE being obscenely dangerous and only really useable by Sages, almost no people who attempt to become Sages succeeding. Even with developing it based on research on Jugo and his bloodline, the fact that Orochimaru managed it to any degree whatsoever, and it even doesn't rely on being stationary is a sign of his genius. (Although the effects on personality are severe, and Orochimaru doesn't use this effect himself as it's way too unsafe and impossible to refine further.)

b) Has the secret primary purpose of letting Orochimaru come back from the dead using the small fragment of his soul that the Cursed Seal contains.

It's not really a good comparison point for normal sealwork applied to people, although since it's almost never used it might be more accurate to say that there are no good generalisations to be made.

The only commonly used seal that comes up in Canon is the Hyuuga slave brand. (The argument about protecting the secrets of the Byakugan is bunk, because if that were the case every Hyuuga would have one, and it's also useless for that purpose if you just remove the eye whilst the victim is alive, which is presumably what Ao did)
As for the Curse Seals, I will point out that Orochimaru did not necessarily want them to be safe for everyone.
Just those strong enough to survive the process, and who had access to him and his resources.
The lethality rate was a feature, not a bug.
If there was an inversely proportional relationship between the lethality rate and the strength, growth potential or uniqueness of certain genes I would agree, but since it doesn't seem to work that way, it is a terrible bug...

As it is explained in the Manga, you could apply an extremely powerful dude that would die if he loses a metaphoric toss in a d10...
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Kumo did not seem to mind to start a war over an especially interesting bloodline, and I doubt that this is something unique to that village.
Well as my omake alluded to there is an argument for the fact that kumo was trying to start a war and Hinata was a side benefit. There is the slight kink in the theory that Kumo did not declare war, but to be fair Konoha committed the real politic version of suicide and Kumo just went "... Sure dawg. We'll take it. Wouldn't be worth kicking your asses any way."
BZ is obvious when he rides other people's bodies to the best of my knowledge.
And AFAICR, his bodyjacking people only extends to motor control, not to sensory perceptions ie he can use your body and its abilities/bloodlines, but he cant actually use your senses.

Mist Bingo Book

Name: Uchiha Hisana
Aliases: Akaihane no Hisana, Last Daughter of the Uchiha,
Rank: Chuunin Special Jounin
Threat Rating: A

Age: 10-17 years est.
Sex: F
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Height: 147-150cm
Weight: ???
Kekkei genkai or other inherited ability: YES. Activated sharingan, both eyes.
Identifying marks: Red diamond-shaped fuinjutsu seal on forehead. Uchiha crest on outfit.

Known Associates
Hatake Kakashi
Uzumaki Naruto
Uchiha Sasuke

Uchiha Clan
Konoha Genin Team 7

Known Abilities
Sharingan user
Sword user
Wind-elemental ninjutsu, up to A-rank
Fuinjutsu enhancile
Possible summons use, unsubstantiated

Known Incidents
Konoha Invasion
Kazahana Counter-Coup, Land of Snow

Personal History
Known living family are Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi. Jounin-sensei is Hatake Kakashi; genin team members are Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto. Along with Uchiha Sasuke, serves as figurehead clan heads of the Uchiha.

First public appearance immediately subsequent to the Sandaime Hokage's extermination of the old Uchiha clan.

Genin mission history above D-rank classified by order of the Sandaime Hokage.
Participated in chuunin exams six months after official Academy Graduation, and made it to the finals. Fought in the Konoha Invasion, and is documented to have killed multiple members of Orochimaru's personal guard.

Led reprisal mission against then-daimyo Kazahana Doto of the Land of Snow for supplying the armor technology used by [REDACTED] during the Konoha Invasion, engineering his deposal and very public assassination, in favor of his replacement by his niece.

The holes in her pre-Academy paper trail point at her being another product of a covert Leaf supersoldier program forced to break cover, and call into question her official age. Documented fuinjutsu enhancile markings indicate significant chakra-metabolic modifications of unknown functionality in addition to her documented Sharingan doujutsu.

Her placement with the Fourth Hokage's sole surviving apprentice imply she's being groomed for future responsibility.
Her being trusted to deliver Konoha's very public retaliation against the Kazahana adminisration suggests that Konoha's ruling councils have a high degree of confidence in both her combat ability and her political judgement.

She is known to be a proficient swordswoman with a large repertoire of Wind-aspected ninjutsu and upper tier speed and maneuverability.
Video footage of her solo duel and kill of Snow jounin Muranaka Amaya demonstrated both shadow clone and chakra flow use in her repertoire.

If encountered in the field, assume you are facing a jounin-tier combatant out of one of Leaf's black programs, regardless of her official rank.
There is also a significant chance that Hatake Kakashi is in close proximity.

Standard Sharingan protocols apply.
Do not engage without numerical superiority or jounin support
Capture is contraindicated
Doujutsu salvage is requested where possible

Funny enough, the people who would have the most comprehensive Bingo Book entry on Hisana would be Grass.
Because they had a genin available when she fought Orochimaru and went all out, and probably had ninja in Konoha during the Invasion.
People like Mist are gathering information at second and third hand.
15xp for a well done omake! Some interestingly wrong guesses.
I believe the point there was: a) Who can tell, just by looking at Hisana's marks, what exactly are those seals on her body? b) Of those, who can tell that she applied them herself?
A) Hisana has a diamond on her forehead that extends lines across her face when she uses it. This probably sounds familiar to anyone who is interested in famous Konoha ninja.
B) Boy, I wonder if the girl who has a seal on her forehead, and on her sword, and carried around a big storage scroll on her last mission along with a bunch of smaller scrolls, produced these incredibly personalized things herself.
(Note that I'm not pointing at the seals that aren't very obvious, like the storage seals on her hands that hold a bunch of kunai and some rock spikes or the Lightning Blood Seal.)
The FHS isn't a sword. Copying it onto a different person won't give you the same results because that person isn't Hisana. It's like a prosthetic. Studying it can help you figure out how to make one for someone else, but the FHS on Hisana's forehead is Hisana's and won't work right for anyone else.

Sure, she might not be the one making these seals. But she's got a bunch of personal seals - which her adopted brothers don't - that it's weird to keep treating "someone else made this" as a reasonable conclusion.

The Hyuga seals certainly hook into the body's chakra network somehow, with sufficient intricacy to prevent post-mortem salvage of details from a Hyuga body, and yet they're mass applied safely.
Only potentially correct in the most superficial sense. The four things the Hyuuga seal does are 1) cause pain, 2) prevent its own removal, 3) destroy the eyes, and 4) kill the sealed person.

It's also really weird you're still arguing about this while admitting the group that could reasonably expected to develop something like this and apply it to someone else is largely populated by the Sannin.

At this point, you might as well start arguing the conclusion foreign intelligence is coming to is she's a surviving product of Orochimaru, because that might actually make sense for why she has personal seal enhancements someone else applied to her but her teammates don't.
A) Hisana has a diamond on her forehead that extends lines across her face when she uses it. This probably sounds familiar to anyone who is interested in famous Konoha ninja.
B) Boy, I wonder if the girl who has a seal on her forehead, and on her sword, and carried around a big storage scroll on her last mission along with a bunch of smaller scrolls, produced these incredibly personalized things herself.

Okay, first? Curb your attitude. Its completely unnecessary and it weakens your argument.

Second, Hisana is effectively the heiress of a major clan, the fact that she has the money/connections to hire a seal master should come as a shock to no one.

Third, is Tsunade renowned for her seal work canonically? How about Sakura? There's as much proof of her being a budding medic-nin as her being a seal master based on the FHS.

Fourth, would they actually be able to see the seal work on her sword, or would they only be able to see the effects? Could those effects only be produced by seals, or could she have used stolen jutsu to create them? These are actual questions, I can't think of many non-Konoha ninja with sensory abilities that run in that direction. Its not as though they could ask to examine her personal weapons. That would be liable to get them shanked even if the ninja they were asking was from their own village.

Fifth, we see Tenten use a storage scroll canonically, is she a seal master? Again, actually asking. I don't remember anything to hint at it, and I don't entirely trust wikis.

Sixth, the Snow-nin made extensive use of chakra armor, seal work can't be as personalized and finicky as you're saying or at least half of their number would need to be experts in order to build and maintain all of their gear.

I don't think enemy shinobi would have anything aside from the FHS (which I admit I had forgotten to consider initially) to indicate aptitude for seal work, and one data point does not a pattern make.