Itachi's 'Go and live in an unsightly manner' directive to Sasuke is a reference to the Japanese cultural touchstone of the story of the 47 ronin. (The story of the 47 ronin is originally based on a real historical incident, but AIUI the version in cultural memory has become somewhat mythologized.)

The story, as I was originally told it, goes like this: a beloved feudal lord was forced, via the political manipulations of a rival, to commit seppuku for a misdeed he did not commit. His 47 loyal samurai retainers offered to commit seppuku with him, but he instead ordered them to 'Go and live in an unsightly manner' until they could take revenge. They obeyed, spending a full year acting as if the loss of their lord had broken them: drinking heavily, neglecting their training and duties, and allowing their swords to rust. Once their lord's enemies were fully convinced the ronin were harmless and stopped paying attention to them, they met up, stormed the house of the rival who had gotten their master killed, and executed him. 46 of them then committed seppuku, while the last volunteered to surrender himself to the authorities so that their story might be told - even though this would likely result in him being executed for murder. However, the court was so impressed with the 47 ronin's display of loyalty that they allowed the last samurai to commit seppuku as well.

I'm sure you can see the parallels to Itachi's 'Sasuke kills me and restores the Uchiha name' plan, so the reference make it pretty clear Kishimoto intended it all along. I've also been told there are other, more subtle hints, but I don't know what they are.
Huh, neat.
So I was rereading this. I decided to look up the forty year old genin with the glasses and tie in the first test. Apparently his name is Manabu Akado, he entered the academy at the same time as Kakashi, this is his 18th attempt at chunin. He passed the first stage but gets knocked out in the second, we never see him again. Because he is probably within a couple years of Kakashi in age he's probably around 30 because Kakashi is 27 currently. Kakashi was 5 when he entered the academy so this would make him three years older at 8 when he entered, same age as Hisana.
Edit: You know. This made me think about the canon knowledge skill. So, Hisana has a 50/C rank in it. I can't really imagine what she could do to train that, other than talking to Karin or sorting through her old memories. So, what would be the explanation for say an omake bonus being applied there?
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A stock Isekai action is to write down as much of the plot as you can remember before memory fades.

One of those diaries
You mean like:
Her final problem was recording her foreknowledge somehow, and not getting discovered doing it. She initially thought English might have been a useful code, but the use of latin characters throughout the manga had dissuaded her from that. Her only other idea was to somehow copy the effect of the stone tablet containing the instructions for the Moon's Eye Plan. Text readable only by those with a Sharingan and then encoded into english (transcribed as katakana) sounded about as secure as she could make it without being overly suspicious.
something Hisana already thought about the second she got out of the hospital? Maybe expanding upon that in an omake covering how she actually ended up going about doing it, since her two ideas weren't exactly practical, covertly would work?
You mean like:

something Hisana already thought about the second she got out of the hospital? Maybe expanding upon that in an omake covering how she actually ended up going about doing it, since her two ideas weren't exactly practical, covertly would work?
When I read that I was more thinking finding someone else's diary. For one that is uncrackable, Hisana could write it in any language, look at it with sharingan and then proceed to burn it.
Contact 8.9
Contact 8.9

"Did you all get the hang of that water-breathing jutsu?" Kakashi asked and Hisana grinned.

"We can all hold it long enough," Hisana replied. If they weren't able to use chakra to enhance their senses, none of Team Seven could have possibly heard one another over the sounds of the battle.

"They're about to assault the trench lines. Now's our best chance to slip away," Sasuke said.

"We've seen enough. Back to Konoha, as quickly as we can," Kakashi ordered.

The invaders were indeed forming up for an assault, as far as Hisana could tell. The walkers took the front position and some of the slower, quad-legged walkers projected a field of shimmering green chakra to protect the infantry behind them. One final barrage from the artillery went in and then the Americans (judging by the flag) charged out of their cover.

Samurai arrows bounced off the chakra fields, despite the crackle of lightning chakra flow or the whistling razor-edge of wind chakra flow. Several of the quad-legged walkers had more of the gattling railguns mounted on them, and they sent out a constant crack-crack-crack of fire that suppressed the samurai. The bipedal walkers rushed ahead of the general assault, using their human-like agility to clear the outer trenches.

As Team Seven reached the water, the bipedal walkers smashed into the samurai trenches. They used huge white-hot blades and flamethrowers to clear a path, though several were lost. One brave samurai managed to cut through a burst of fire with several chakra slashes and leap through the hole. He landed on the walker's cockpit and cut through the weaker glass with one strike. His next slew the pilot, but that made the controls spark and explode - and sent the machine stumbling wildly. It toppled over and the samurai was flung free of it as it collapsed into a shell crater.

The samurai got to his feet and for a moment he faced off against the entire assault, his sword held resolutely up. Then one of the gattling railguns on the slower walker tracked its fire across to him and cut him apart into a fine red mist.

Hisana ducked under the water after that. She shaped chakra around her mouth and nose as she activated her personal refinement of the water-breathing jutsu. A faint red glow lit up the water around her for a moment, but then it faded and she kicked down into the depths. Team Seven made sure to stay in visual contact as they dove deep, but the lack of light made that difficult.

A dozen Narutos shimmered into existence ahead of them and spread out, forming a shell around Team Seven in every direction. Then, as an extra flourish, they all transformed into various forms of sea life. Most were fish but Hisana couldn't help but smile, despite everything, when she saw one turn into a shark.

About a minute after they'd started to swim, Hisana felt the first explosion. There was no chakra signature, so it had to be a chemical explosive - and judging by the flash she saw in the water ahead, she had a fair understanding of what it was.

Quickly, she signed for the rest of the team to head and that she'd meet back up with them at the rendezvous point on land. Kakashi hesitated for a moment, but he did give her the affirmative sign. The rest of Team Seven swum away, deeper and faster, whilst Hisana headed to the surface to take care of any pursuers.

Her seal activated, slowing the water around her to a standstill. Her chakra shroud covered her, pushing the water away from her. As it surrounded her she formed a hexagonal orange shield from one of the jutsu formula on her forearms and held it above her. Then she made the pseudo-handseal of her flight jutsu and activated her body flicker.

She exploded out of the water with incredible speed and violence, the shield above her head pushing the water out of the way and allowing her to form a bubble of rapidly vapourising water around herself.

A bulbous-looking flying machine, like one of the attack craft but swollen and rounded, hovered above the water. Something extended down from it, attached by a cord, into the water. Another two of them were spread out in what was clearly a search pattern. The pilot of the craft was reacting, but he was reacting far too slowly as Hisana blurred past the slow-moving craft. She left behind touch-blast seals that expanded in her wake like spider webs of ink.

Her seal cut off, and all three of the craft exploded in a trio of tremendous fireballs - that whatever explosive they had put into the water soon amplified, lighting up the sky with balls fo orange flame.

Then she saw it, only the foresight of her sharingan allowing her to react in time. She unsheathed her sword and sent out a crescent slice of wind chakra that cut the missile in two moments before it would have reached her. Both halves slid past her at multiple times the speed of sound and exploded behind her. A few pieces of burning missile impacted her, but her wind shroud and reactive chakra armour stopped them easily enough. If she had been looking in the wrong direction, Hisana was sure she'd have died.

More missiles followed the first, and they moved just as fast. Now that she was prepared for them, though, it was a different matter. Her seal activated, the cycle time just met, and Hisana's hands blurred through seals.

"Water Release: Gunshot Bararge!" she shouted as dozens of deadly spears of water rose from the sea and roared towards the missiles. The missiles were much faster than the jets of water, but the water was much more maneuverable - and there were a dozen to each missile. It took time, but well before the last missile would have reached Hisana it slammed into a jet of water in its path and exploded.

She pushed chakra into her eyes to increase their magnification, but she couldn't see whatever had launched the missiles. She had been afraid of something like this - it was why she'd suggested they go out over water some distance first before taking to the air. She also couldn't see any more bulbous submarine-hunting craft - that was what she assumed they were - and ducked back beneath the waves, safe from any air-to-air missile she could think of.

Hisana's escape from the Land of Sea was cold and lonely. The depths under the ocean were dark and only her sharingan allowed her to see through them. She could only swim through them so fast, too, but they hid her from any further attack by the invaders.

She had a lot of time to think as she swam for safety. Her mind raced through terrors and dreams as she tried to think about what had happened. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach like the feeling one got after missing a step. An awful lurch. A part of her thought that what she had just seen was the signal for the end of her world - the one of ninja she had come to know.

Another part of her remembered what the Nine-Tails' chakra had felt like. Remembered what she had seen it, and all the other Tailed Beasts, do in the cheap ink of manga pages. Remembered what little had been written down of the First Great Ninja War.

As she broke the surface of the ocean one more and lazily took her hands through the seals of the summoning jutsu, a part of Hisana's mind couldn't help but worry that soon enough she would see the eye-searingly bright flashes of a Bijuu Dama on the horizon.

She placed her hand on the ocean, a tiny drop of blood extending into a web of chakra ink, and a raven wearing black lacquered samurai armour appeared. He nodded his head towards her and cawwed in greeting.

"Time to leave, lady Uchiha?' he asked and she nodded. Hisana leapt atop his back, keeping an eye on the horizon, and the raven winged into the air with a burst of speed and chakra.

The setting sun lit the ocean up a brilliant orange, a burning disk on the horizon as Hisana flew for home.

When she returns to Konoha, what will Hisana work on? Choose two of the following.

[x] Work on her Iaido

[x] Analyze the sealing tech recovered from the Camo Cloaks and reverse engineer...

[x] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.

[x] Have a set of existing Uchiha chakra metal armour fitted to her and learn Earth Release chakra flow.

[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.

[x] Analyse what she knows of the Gentle Fist and its techniques to create a style of taijutsu suited to the use of touch blasts instead of strikes at chakra points.
[x] Work on her Iaido

[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.
[x] Analyze the sealing tech recovered from the Camo Cloaks and reverse engineer...
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.

[x] Have a set of existing Uchiha chakra metal armour fitted to her and learn Earth Release chakra flow.

Let the armor flow.

[x] Analyze the sealing tech recovered from the Camo Cloaks and reverse engineer...
[x] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu.

But analyzing both of the camo cloaks stuff is fine too. They are about to become something of a priority.
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Yeah, canon is fuuuuuucked.

I wonder how the "canon cultists" will react to this? In theory it depends a great deal on how sincere they are in their desires, I guess - if they were only trying to keep stuff close to canon so they could try to steal the Ten Tails or something, then I could see them smoothly pivot into being more pro-active.

[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.

Hisana needs artificial Sage Mode ASAP.
She had a lot of time to think as she swam for safety. Her mind raced through terrors and dreams as she tried to think about what had happened. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach like the feeling one got after missing a step. An awful lurch. A part of her thought that what she had just seen was the signal for the end of her world - the one of ninja she had come to know.

Another part of her remembered what the Nine-Tails' chakra had felt like. Remembered what she had seen it, and all the other Tailed Beasts, do in the cheap ink of manga pages. Remembered what little had been written down of the First Great Ninja War.

Do feel like whatever person got Isekai'd and is responsible for this faction was familiar with a lot of 'industrialisation, fuck yeah' stuff about the power of the modern military vs warriors, without the requisite understanding of what was actually required for that. Industrialisation had centuries of build-up of trade, expansion, land development, education etc. to work on top of in order to sustainably produce the force it had.

I suspect that the Camo-cloak's force is fragile. They don't have the support infrastructure to actually properly support what they're using. Either break their forces, and they 'll find that everything collapses from under them without the stolen resources/manpower they're going to be relying on, or hit their logistics and it'll similarly collapse.
[x] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.

Knowmthe enemy by learning theyre sealing tech.

Do feel like whatever person got Isekai'd and is responsible for this faction was familiar with a lot of 'industrialisation, fuck yeah' stuff about the power of the modern military vs warriors, without the requisite understanding of what was actually required for that. Industrialisation had centuries of build-up of trade, expansion, land development, education etc. to work on top of in order to sustainably produce the force it had.

I suspect that the Camo-cloak's force is fragile. They don't have the support infrastructure to actually properly support what they're using. Either break their forces, and they 'll find that everything collapses from under them without the stolen resources/manpower they're going to be relying on, or hit their logistics and it'll similarly collapse.

This was probably centuries in the making, with multiple reincarnated across various times contributing their knowledge base. I don't think it's going to be that fragile. They should be able to field as many numbers as they can arm.

Edit: Their weaknesses is the supply lines they have to rely on. Since this is intercontinental they're safe opfrom reprisal on their home continent.

Camo Cloak Style Sealing: 25 [D-Rank]

Ya think we should raise this. There's going to be more contact with their sealing arts and the leaf village might have to play catch up. Mc is te only person on the continent that knows the mythology.

[x] Analyze the sealing tech recovered from the Camo Cloaks and reverse engineer...
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[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.

[x] Analyse what she knows of the Gentle Fist and its techniques to create a style of taijutsu suited to the use of touch blasts instead of strikes at chakra points.
[x] Work on her Iaido

True A rank kenjustu. I believe this is nessasary.

[] Analyze the sealing tech recovered from the Camo Cloaks and reverse engineer...

Sealing skills, possibly making better equipment for Konoha ninja. In the future, we did this last training session.

[] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu.

Guns, possibly better than the camo cloaks guns. Possibly a jutsu but I think that a gun would be better and fit Hisana's whole thing better. She would probably hit especially hard because she can learn to put kyujutsu chakra flow on the bullets and possibly the equivalent of razorwind. This is actually really tempting...

[] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.

Probably nintaijutsu progress. Possible better armor for Hisana. Less likely but possibly of mass production of seals to make Konoha armor better. Future tankyness.

[X] Have a set of existing Uchiha chakra metal armour fitted to her and learn Earth Release chakra flow.

Chosing because there have been a number of times where Hisana almost died because she isn't tanky enough yet. Instant tankyness. I actually really want this. I want it about as much as I want better restriction seal.

[] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.

Stats. All the stats. Probably better the earlier we get it but Hisana's almost died from lacking tankyness so many times now it's kinda scary. Also, stat gains will probably be over time.

[] Analyse what she knows of the Gentle Fist and its techniques to create a style of taijutsu suited to the use of touch blasts instead of strikes at chakra points.

Get a form of gentle fist taijutsu subskill. Useful but we have three B rank taijutsu already. Skill would probably work off of speed and maybe seals or chakra control stats.
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She exploded out of the water with incredible speed and violence, the shield above her head pushing the water out of the way and allowing her to form a bubble of rapidly vapourising water around herself.

A bulbous-looking flying machine, like one of the attack craft but swollen and rounded, hovered above the water. Something extended down from it, attached by a cord, into the water. Another two of them were spread out in what was clearly a search pattern. The pilot of the craft was reacting, but he was reacting far too slowly as Hisana blurred past the slow-moving craft. She left behind touch-blast seals that expanded in her wake like spider webs of ink.

Her seal cut off, and all three of the craft exploded in a trio of tremendous fireballs - that whatever explosive they had put into the water soon amplified, lighting up the sky with balls fo orange flame.

Then she saw it, only the foresight of her sharingan allowing her to react in time. She unsheathed her sword and sent out a crescent slice of wind chakra that cut the missile in two moments before it would have reached her. Both halves slid past her at multiple times the speed of sound and exploded behind her. A few pieces of burning missile impacted her, but her wind shroud and reactive chakra armour stopped them easily enough. If she had been looking in the wrong direction, Hisana was sure she'd have died.

More missiles followed the first, and they moved just as fast. Now that she was prepared for them, though, it was a different matter. Her seal activated, the cycle time just met, and Hisana's hands blurred through seals.

"Water Release: Gunshot Bararge!" she shouted as dozens of deadly spears of water rose from the sea and roared towards the missiles. The missiles were much faster than the jets of water, but the water was much more maneuverable - and there were a dozen to each missile. It took time, but well before the last missile would have reached Hisana it slammed into a jet of water in its path and exploded.
whoever commands these forces just got the chills.

They tried to depth charge some running ninjas.

In response Hisana:
  • burst out of the water
  • somehow blew up the flying craft before it could react while barely touching it
  • instead of getting killed by the missile strike she cut one of them in half and made sure the others exploded prematurely
  • vanished before they could send anything else
That might be one of the very first look at a highish-level ninja they got.
Yet I doubt their intercontinental supply lines are stable.

They'll have to build up on the islands they just conquered.
I suspect that building up will be pretty difficult for them. Their biggest advantage is technological, but that's sort of a hindrance when it comes to building up new conquests, because it means they have that much more improvement that needs to be done before things can become useful to them.

As for what to do, I think reverse engineering some of their armor could be good--their tech is good, but us making sure our forces can use tech+regular ninja stuff would give us an advantage.

At the same time, personal combat skills are also important, so we should work on those too.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.

[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.
Actually, Tekomandor? Some of these feel like they would be mostly mental tasks. So Hisana could do them with a shadow clone. Obviously not all of them but would some of these not work as well with each other because shadow clone training wouldn't stack as well? I feel like both of the reverse engineering projects could have a shadow clone thrown at them and be done that way while Hisana does something else. Probably not the restriction seal because that is probably longer term and needs to see the effects over a couple days.
Edit: Or am I just trying to min max and this won't be taken into account...
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[x] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.
[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.
[x] Work on her Iaido
[x] Knowing that if she wants to be a Sage, she'll need enormous reserves of physical and mental energy, Hisana works on something better than a standard resistance seal for physical training.

Wrong Franchise, but I desperately want to see our MC become a Sword Sage.