[X] Just try and dash out past the invaders' line of sight and summon flying mounts once they've gained some distance without the clone distraction.
Hmm, "America".

So either a particularly patriotic self-insert showed up quite a ways back, and their "American" movement ended up having staying power, or it really was an ISOT of some small American town which slowly expanded and teched up.

Also, yeah, Hisana's status is being suspected I think. It does make sense that after this much time, the whole "transmigrant" thing would become a known phenomenon.
[X] Just try and dash out past the invaders' line of sight and summon flying mounts once they've gained some distance without the clone distraction.
[X] Just try and dash out past the invaders' line of sight and summon flying mounts once they've gained some distance without the clone distraction.
Several of them were gattling versions of the railgun staves, which seemed to just be several of them attached together on a rotating platform. Several walkers, some bipedal and some quad-legged, were also formed up with the infantry.
The have chakra mechs? That is unforgivably cool.
Or more specifically, the flag they were carrying. The arrangement of the stars was different, and there were fewer of them, but the stars, the red and blue stripes - all of it was extremely distinctive.
And that is unforgivably cringe. If you're making your own nation, make your own flag assholes. There's symbolic means behind that one, and I doubt any of it applies to you guys.
The hints that Hisana's alibi is fraying are increasing.
That could be incredibly fun.
Hmm, "America".

So either a particularly patriotic self-insert showed up quite a ways back, and their "American" movement ended up having staying power, or it really was an ISOT of some small American town which slowly expanded and teched up.
How'd they get chakra if a whole town just showed up? Hisana pointing out that the native population across the sea doesn't have chakra would at least explain how conventional military technology could be useful and survive up until now, but not where the chakra they clearly have now came from. Definitely not where they got the Wood Release.

... which admittedly we haven't seen since that first attack. Something strange happened with all of this.
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Loved the fight scene, was pretty creative and i like how spooky it makes the ninja seem. Whereas the camo cloaks are out of context for the elemental nations, the ninja are out of context for the camo cloaks and should present an extreme upset to their militaristic method of warfare. Bombing runs that they used against team seven might be effective agaisnt chunin, but tactics may evolve to counter that, and the abilities that ninja can use might be very surprising to the camo cloaks.

On an unrelated note, in this chapter we get confirmation that the camo cloaks are the work of a patriotic insert. As people mentioned, either it was an isot situation where the lack of chakra allowed them to survive and spread their nation, or it was a singular insert who built up a massive nation on their own. Both would likely take a huge amount of time to achieve, and if there is indeed no chakra on the continent, that presents even more time for them to first visit the elemental nations and gain access to chakra in some ways. So maybe 100 years or even 200 years minimum. Or maybe less if they were lucky.

I wouldn't be surprised if the initial flag was american with american ideals from the founders, but then over those centuries the culture changed as events occurred that altered the nations identity. Either way we are definitely facing something that is it's own, unique beast.

One thing that i'm most intrigued about is the opinions of people like kakashi who have been so immersed into ninja modes of war for so long. Obviously there are all kinds of bizarre forces in the naruto series that they have gone up against, not had too much surprise over, and then overcome. But i didn't expect them to be all that affected anyway. What i'm most curious about is their thoughts about what this is, how it came to be, and more. Like, what do the ninja decide to do in order to counter this, and what do they compare the attack craft to so that they can have some ideas that might counter them?

And like other posters have mentioned, it seems kakashi either is proud of hisana's deductions or is suspicious. Since Hisana's perspective seems way too aware of the enemies way of war and is a bit reaching, even if it's correct. Either she is a prodigy when it comes to strategy or she has some way of knowing. I mean maybe it coul;d be explained away by the fact she is running the uchiha clan and has researched into how warfare and supply lines work, but that's kinda differrent to the mechanized warfare they are up against now. Hisana likely seemed certain and very confident, which might be strange if there is really not much reason to be. But at the same time what she said is not too differrent to what must be known about ninja warfare and could be educated guesses. So maybe kakashi is indeed just impressed and deferring to her good sense?

We shall see.
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I don't remember other people knowing of transmigration, I mean , Hisana and Karin know of course, but other people in Konoha aren't aware (mind, i could be misremembering, the quest has been running sometime)

What I mean with this is, there is no reason for Kakashi to suspect Hisana of something, as she has both lived in Konoha all her life and been a loyal Shinobi the majority of it. The one who I think could get suspicion would be Karin, simply because she came from outside the village.
I don't remember other people knowing of transmigration, I mean , Hisana and Karin know of course, but other people in Konoha aren't aware (mind, i could be misremembering, the quest has been running sometime)

What I mean with this is, there is no reason for Kakashi to suspect Hisana of something, as she has both lived in Konoha all her life and been a loyal Shinobi the majority of it. The one who I think could get suspicion would be Karin, simply because she came from outside the village.

We know that Transmigrants at least aren't common knowledge, but secrets are abundant in Konoha and 'aware that some people have past lives in another world' could easily be one of them.
Considering how long this seems to have been going on, and how many transmigrants are running around, it'd be stranger if someone hadn't let it slipped they have memories of another world.

Plus Hisana is inherently suspicious, what with Itachi having spared her for no reason, and her insane growth. Some of the other stuff she prepared for in the past wouldn't help either. Each thing on there own might not mean much, but added up? Something's up with her.
I'm kinda curious about what Hisana was like as a kid and what Sasuke remembers about how she acted then vs how she acts now.

Considering the size of the clan, Sasuke and Hisana's relative positions in the clan, and Sasuke's general anti-socialness even before the massacre due to the weight of Expectations- its entirely possible that he never met her, or if he did it was only in passing and he doesn't even remember.
Considering the size of the clan, Sasuke and Hisana's relative positions in the clan, and Sasuke's general anti-socialness even before the massacre due to the weight of Expectations- its entirely possible that he never met her, or if he did it was only in passing and he doesn't even remember.
Oh damn i forgot that she was a random side uchiha. I need to reread again. That makes me even more curious about why she was spared though.
Plus Hisana is inherently suspicious, what with Itachi having spared her for no reason, and her insane growth. Some of the other stuff she prepared for in the past wouldn't help either. Each thing on there own might not mean much, but added up? Something's up with her.
i think that is applying our OOC Knowledge to what the characters would IC know. There are more eccentric ninja than Hisana.

That makes me even more curious about why she was spared though.
That's still a mystery, maybe the original Hisana did die, and Mary transmigrated after itachi moved on, who knows :p
Oh damn i forgot that she was a random side uchiha. I need to reread again. That makes me even more curious about why she was spared though.

My theory is that she wasn't- Itachi and/or Tobi killed Hisana and then transmigrant shenanigans happened and Mary entered the now unoccupied body, sort of merging with what was left of Hisana.

She could make out details that she'd never even known were missing. She looked up and saw a blur of dark clothing and red eyes vanish into the night.

She did see one of them passing over head when she woke up, but crucially it was exactly when she woke up, before she moved at all. If we assume Itachi was on his way out after having already finished the massacre (and Tobi just warped out, as he does), he was probably quite busy being even more traumatized than usual and wasn't especially looking out for definitely murdered corpses opening their eyes- especially when he isn't exactly enthusiastic about the whole murder thing to begin with and therefore might have been specifically not looking at all the bodies.

In other words, she might have just slipped through the cracks.

(Frankly its more surprising that Danzo didn't pick her up, since as far as I know ROOT was the first on the scene and Danzo would goddamn love a deniable Uchiha soldier. But maybe Danzo was slightly less dumb than usual and decided she was too old to train with his usual methods, and that she'd wind up a shinobi anyways.)
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[X] Just try and dash out past the invaders' line of sight and summon flying mounts once they've gained some distance without the clone distraction.