That could actually be a point against Hinata. You're coming at this from a political angle and while this particular point should be a plus, it's only a sure thing on paper.
The woman's first comment was about whether the studio cheaped out and hired kids.
I'm saying that ego is very much a factor, even if she won't admit it.
Considering that this woman got ran out of her house and home, lost her family, had to change her name and spent the last decade (or so) on the run because of the games of the nobility... Hinata's regal disposition might rub her the wrong way.
It might remind her too much of her childhood, too much of herself at one point in her life and I don't think it's unreasonable to think that Koyuki would lash out at someone that made her uncomfortable on such a raw level.
And compared to that, Karin lacks the temperament for tact entirely, as well as the training, which seems to be an Uzumaki thing.
And she doesn't have Talk no Jutsu to compensate.

And Hisana is one of only two survivors of a famous family massacre.
By one of her own clan members at that, which draws uncomfortable parallels with Yukie's family getting murdered by her uncle for power.
If we're worried about rubbing her the wrong way, we most certainly don't want Hisana playing close protection.

Only if she's willing to open up. That woman has been a closed book for a long time.
That conversation could definitely happen, should definitely happen. It'd be good for them both relate as they can over being/feeling powerless.
But that requires emotional honesty from someone who's really not in the mood for that, at the moment.
She's about to go into a very stressful situation.
One she isn't trained for. I don't expect her to be any better at hiding her feelings now than she was in canon.
Unless she's been eaten and impersonated by a Zetsu.

/conspiracy theory
The woman's first comment was about whether the studio cheaped out and hired kids.
I'm saying that ego is very much a factor, even if she won't admit it.
No no, I don't mean that she doesn't have an ego. I mean that having a noble in her security detail wouldn't appeal to her.
Hisana's introduction stressed their effectiveness and experience. Having notable shinobi guard her would be what appeals to her in this situation.
That's what I meant by that.
And Hisana is one of only two survivors of a famous family massacre.
By one of her own clan members at that, which draws uncomfortable parallels with Yukie's family getting murdered by her uncle for power.
If we're worried about rubbing her the wrong way, we most certainly don't want Hisana playing close protection.
I didn't vote for Hisana. If you're just throwing this out there for the sake of conversation then I agree. Hisana could be an issue.

In that situation though, there's the factor of whether Koyuki (I keep deadnaming this woman) knows about the Uchiha Clan massacre. Enough to use it in conversation or ask about.
It's famous, sure, but I would wager that the farther removed you are from the Land of Fire or from shinobi circles, that particular bit of news doesn't carry the kind of weight that would take to commit to memory.

Without more detailed information (she is a civilian) "Uchiha" is just a name and Hisana's just a shinobi, neither of which are necessarily something she'd be interested in prying into.

The thing about Hinata is that I would think that her upbringing and history would show in her disposition in a way that'd be more obvious to Koyuki. She's already lived a similar life. She knows what to look for and what she doesn't know to look for she'll probably be reminded of.
Unless she's been eaten and impersonated by a Zetsu.
We should throw some wood chips at her and see what happens.
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The woman's first comment was about whether the studio cheaped out and hired kids.
I mean, they are kids. Someone who's not familiar with ninja could be forgiven for looking at them and wondering how a bunch of kids who can't be older than 14 could possibly be dangerous; someone who is familiar with ninja could be forgiven for looking at them and wondering how a bunch of probably-genin who can't have graduated more than a couple years ago can possibly be suitable for an A-rank mission.
I mean, they are kids. Someone who's not familiar with ninja could be forgiven for looking at them and wondering how a bunch of kids who can't be older than 14 could possibly be dangerous; someone who is familiar with ninja could be forgiven for looking at them and wondering how a bunch of probably-genin who can't have graduated more than a couple years ago can possibly be suitable for an A-rank mission.
And given that we're probably being compared to Kakashi in her mind, we're not going to cut the same mold as what she's expecting in the first place.
[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
Hinata is a melee tank, Karin is a mobility tank, and Hisana is an interceptor. Between the three, Hinata needs to be within arms reach of Yuki while Karin only needs to keep them within reach of her chains to be effective. Hinata is also better suited to remaining stationary during a fight. If Hisana is ever on point defence then somebody screwed up badly.
[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

There are so many ways things could go wrong, and we don't know who we can trust. This applies equally to Sandayū, assuming his actually himself and that he is actually protecting Yuki. Going around poking everyone we see with a stick to check for Zetsu clones would be funny, but I'm not certain that it would inspire confidence.
[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
What does this word mean? I've seen it once or twice, but I'd rather not guess if I can clarify.

Have you seen the Matrix? Thomas Anderson is Neo's "deadname". A name they have abandoned, representing a person they no longer wish to be. Like when Agent Smith does it to Neo, calling someone by their deadname is an attack on their very sense of self.

Most people who have deadnames RL are trans.
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[x] Karin would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Hinata would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.
[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
Have you seen the Matrix? Thomas Anderson is Neo's "deadname". A name they have abandoned, representing a person they no longer wish to be. Like when Agent Smith does it to Neo, calling someone by their deadname is an attack on their very sense of self.

Most people who have deadnames RL are trans.
I see. Thank you.

The word itself sounds incredibly weird in my ears, because it implies that somebody was killed.
[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.
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[x] Hinata would be responsible for close protection of Yukie, staying by her side. Hisana and Karin would be responsible for intercepting threats before they could make contact, and patrolling around the boat.

[x] Hisana was wary of changes already made, and decided to wait and see.

As said by a lot of people Hinata is good at body guard work and we are good at being fast. We just don't know enough to rely on canon, and we have made a point not to do so in general.
Hopefully Hinata will go full Naruto to pay it forward instead of despising her for taking the other choice.
Ultimately this vote pair is having faith in other people.
Sure Hisana is the best person to control the situation, but that would take her away from where she is best suited. We have also chosen to view the inhabitants of this world as people not pawns. So we will have to do our best and trust that we have done enough.
Edit Also i made it before the vote closed. Huzzah! For someone who checks SV like every five days that's lucky.
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Noncanon Omake: Family
So I had some inspiration and wrote an omake from Sasuke's pov involving how the whole Itachi thing might have affected his view of Hisana. I'm not 100% satsfied with Sasuke's characterization in it, but this is the first omake I've ever written, so hopefully it's decent.

Sasuke Uchiha was scared of his cousin.

It had been a little thing; nothing too major, but always there. He'd never admit it to anyone (it was hard enough admitting it to himself) but especially not her. She was his sister in all but name, (and even a little of that) and he knew it would break her should she ever find out, so she never would. The fear was subtle at first, and he wrote it off as simply being scared that she would end up dead too (a fear he could admit he also had) but it was more than this. She was essentially the perfect big sister: strong, always present, always willing to help-to make time for Sasuke... like Him.

In the beginning he could play it off, look at how they were different and see Hisana as herself. She worked herself to the bone, taking any and all advantages that she could - no pride, no simple ease, no natural genius to guide her... and that was enough. She was touchable-human. She wasn't him. Then, she became untouchable. He felt like it happened overnight; one day she went from a caring sister he would one day surpass to an insurmountable wall - like him.

He still tried to comfort himself, looking at her lack of pride; her clawing at anything that could help. She was wasn't him. Then the invasion happened and he couldn't comfort himself anymore. When her sword was covered in wind - when she flew through the air and killed that freak like it was nothing: he didn't see Hisana. For a split second he saw Itachi effortlessly doing some maneuver even his father would marvel at, and she was him.

It was shameful, to look at his own cousin that way, to dare compare the two. But he did.

When he heard about the Uchiha that had helped kill the Third though, he had instanly looked for his cousin. Her pain, fear, anger, and determination were the same as his, and he once more saw his cousin, in all her desperate glory, marveling at how he could ever see her as something else.

Itachi had messed him up; Sasuke had the self awareness to at least admit that. He may always see Itachi in her, despite knowing how utterly different they are. But no matter how much they overlapped or how much he saw Itachi in her, She. Was. Not. Him.

Itachi had killed his family once. He refused to let his mere shadow do it again.
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So I had some inspiration and wrote an omake from Sasuke's pov involving how the whole Itachi thing might have affected his view of Hisana. I'm not 100% satsfied with Sasuke's characterization in it, but this is the first omake I've ever written, so hopefully it's decent.

That was really good. And I think that captures Sasuke's paranoid inferiority complex to a T.
You might want to break up that wall of text though.
That was really good. And I think that captures Sasuke's paranoid inferiority complex to a T.
You might want to break up that wall of text though.
Thank you! I'm always scared I'm either giving too much or little information when writing, so you're comment about his characterization is really comforting. Sharing it was honestly really nerve wracking for me lol.
You're definitely right that I should break it up, I'll try editing it a bit and see how it looks.
This is one honestly my favorite quest, so I wanted to try and contribute something to it.
You're definitely right that I should break it up, I'll try editing it a bit and see how it looks.
You've gone too far in the other direction, now. Each paragraph should express a complete thought, with breaks at logical places, not every 2-3 sentences:
Sasuke Uchiha was scared of his cousin.

It had been a little thing; nothing too major, but always there. He'd never admit it to anyone (it was hard enough admitting it to himself) but especially not her. She was his sister in all but name, (and even a little of that) and he knew it would break her should she ever find out, so she never would. The fear was subtle at first, and he wrote it off as simply being scared that she would end up dead too (a fear he could admit he also had) but it was more than this. She was essentially the perfect big sister: strong, always present, always willing to help-to make time for Sasuke... like Him.

In the beginning he could play it off, look at how they were different and see Hisana as herself. She worked herself to the bone, taking any and all advantages that she could - no pride, no simple ease, no natural genius to guide her... and that was enough. She was touchable-human. She wasn't him. Then, she became untouchable. He felt like it happened overnight; one day she went from a caring sister he would one day surpass to an insurmountable wall - like him. He still tried to comfort himself, looking at her lack of pride; her clawing at anything that could help. She was wasn't him. Then the invasion happened and he couldn't comfort himself anymore. When her sword was covered in wind - when she flew through the air and killed that freak like it was nothing: he didn't see Hisana. For a split second he saw Itachi effortlessly doing some maneuver even his father would marvel at, and she was him.

It was shameful, to look at his own cousin that way, to dare compare the two. But he did.

When he heard about the Uchiha that had helped kill the Third though, he had instanly looked for his cousin. Her pain, fear, anger, and determination were the same as his, and he once more saw his cousin, in all her desperate glory, marveling at how he could ever see her as something else.

Itachi had messed him up; Sasuke had the self awareness to at least admit that. He may always see Itachi in her, despite knowing how utterly different they are. But no matter how much they overlapped or how much he saw Itachi in her, She. Was. Not. Him.

Itachi had killed his family once. He refused to let his mere shadow do it again.
Does anyone know how old the person who became Karin was before she transmigrated over and how long it's been since that happend?

I've been thinking about the whole reincarnation/transmigration thing and possible rules behind it. Considering Karin's the only other transmigrator we have access to, I want to know more about her circumstances, especially compared to Hisana's.