My biggest question is what is the goal of the Trench Coats and the Camo Cloak dudes?

The Camo people may of put together their own Zetsu colonies to create disposable shock troopers and the Trench Coats seem to port in or summon troops as needed, in large quantities. However the troops themselves do not seem to be the skill level needed to accomplish the goals presented in the conflicts with Hisana.

Do they want to preserve canon? Pervert canon? Create their own side? Heck it could be that some of them are people that picked up transmigrant information later in life so the personality was not a combination like Hisana's or Karin but instead information added to already older people that would likely be bitter.

If you lived your life for 20 or 30 years and got memories dumped in your head showing how useless your life would be in the end, it might be possible to be manipulated badly. After all in the 4th war very few people truly mattered other then handling and reducing the zetsu trash.

All the soul work could also mean a way for people to save point themselves too, especially if the side owns or manages a Zetsu colony.
My biggest question is what is the goal of the Trench Coats and the Camo Cloak dudes?
Consider how long it took us to figure out what the Akatsuki were truly after.
Expect them to lie and obfuscate as much as possible.

The Camo people may of put together their own Zetsu colonies to create disposable shock troopers and the Trench Coats seem to port in or summon troops as needed, in large quantities. However the troops themselves do not seem to be the skill level needed to accomplish the goals presented in the conflicts with Hisana.
Hisana is a cheating, optimizing freak of nature, and her teammates are Chosen Ones; using her or them as a benchmark for realistic threat is a mistake.
Against more normal opposition, any of the forces we've seen would have crushing superiority.

Furthermore, do not fall into the mistake of assuming that the guys we've seen are representative of the elite of those factions.
Konoha is not likely to be their sole focus, let alone where they send their best.
Heck it could be that some of them are people that picked up transmigrant information later in life so the personality was not a combination like Hisana's or Karin but instead information added to already older people that would likely be bitter.
As far as we know, transmigration involves souls moving and merging.
Not just getting information. That's why it's transmigration, not memory transferral.

If you lived your life for 20 or 30 years and got memories dumped in your head showing how useless your life would be in the end, it might be possible to be manipulated badly. After all in the 4th war very few people truly mattered other then handling and reducing the zetsu trash.
Actually, if you've lived thirty-some years and have the life experience thereof, you have even fewer excuses for being manipulated.
Canon Sasuke could at least claim youth and PTSD as an excuse. Even now, most shinobi do not matter in a throwdown of S-classers; I'm not really seeing the revelation that some other S-classers are stronger being some paradigm-shattering reveal for someone who was never going to pass chuunin or special jounin.
I think that the 'canon crusaders' theory for the Trenchcoats has some massive gaping holes in it. They have enough reach to know a lot of shit, like that we were going to save Hayate. But canon's already been really, really derailed. Naruto got attacked by an army of Zetsu, he has a big sister, his cousin is defecting to Konoha, and Orochimaru didn't Curse Seal Sasuke. Why intervene in the relatively minor death of one Special Jonin and not any of those other events?

Edit: And why intervene at all when canon's already gone off the rails? It's not like Hayate's death matters all that much in the grand scheme of things.
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[x] - You let them go, focusing solely on saving Hayate.

I'm just curious how they would've gotten her name. A psychic, perhaps?
So question for people. Our character sheet says that our Hurricane Seal is finalized. I assume that means in terms of being a chakra battery? I think I vaguely remember somewhere talking about possibly turning it into nature chakra as well, sort of like the curse seals but not all souly and evil?
So question for people. Our character sheet says that our Hurricane Seal is finalized. I assume that means in terms of being a chakra battery? I think I vaguely remember somewhere talking about possibly turning it into nature chakra as well, sort of like the curse seals but not all souly and evil?

It doesn't actually say that it's finalized anywhere: Its name is the "Final Hurricane Seal", and has been since the first iteration.

That said, if/when we eventually get Sage Mode and come up with a storage seal for nature chakra, it'll be enough of a qualitative change that Hisana might give that seal a new name (to go with its S Class Technique designation).
It doesn't actually say that it's finalized anywhere: Its name is the "Final Hurricane Seal", and has been since the first iteration.

That said, if/when we eventually get Sage Mode and come up with a storage seal for nature chakra, it'll be enough of a qualitative change that Hisana might give that seal a new name (to go with its S Class Technique designation).
Please no "Final Hypercane Seal" :p
Edit: And why intervene at all when canon's already gone off the rails? It's not like Hayate's death matters all that much in the grand scheme of things.
One of the tags for this quest used to be deception IIRC.
There is absolutely no reason to take anything those guys say at face value.
That said, if/when we eventually get Sage Mode and come up with a storage seal for nature chakra, it'll be enough of a qualitative change that Hisana might give that seal a new name (to go with its S Class Technique designation).
Please no "Final Hypercane Seal" :p
Hypercane Hisana.
If it wasn't for the fact that there is no word for hypercane in Japanese, that might actually work.

More likely simply go with the established naming scheme for sealwork: Final Hurricane Step 2.
If it was good enough for Namikaze Minato and Hiraishin, it's good enough for us.
If it was good enough for Namikaze Minato
So were "Spiraling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three" and "Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero".
I'm not saying "Final Hurricane Step 2" is a bad name (it's pretty good), but I am saying that Minato's standards for names are bad.
I bet he named "Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique", too.
So were "Spiraling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three" and "Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero".
I'm not saying "Final Hurricane Step 2" is a bad name (it's pretty good), but I am saying that Minato's standards for names are bad.
I bet he named "Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique", too.

What are you talking about, all of those names are awesome! :V
So were "Spiraling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three" and "Scorch Release: Halo Hurricane Jet Black Arrow Style Zero". I'm not saying "Final Hurricane Step 2" is a bad name (it's pretty good), but I am saying that Minato's standards for names are bad. I bet he named "Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique", too.
Hey, he had to come up with those on the fly! Cut the man a little slack.
Those he had time to name were much better.

Besides, it probably sounds better in Japanese.
Certainly Hiraishin Goshun Mawashi sounds better than Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique.
Hey, he had to come up with those on the fly! Cut the man a little slack.
Those he had time to name were much better.

Besides, it probably sounds better in Japanese.
Certainly Hiraishin Goshun Mawashi sounds better than Flying Thunder God Mutually Instantaneous Revolving Technique.
He had plenty of time to name Rasen Senkō Chō Rinbukō Sanshiki (Spiraling Flash Super Round etc.).

There was, she thought, a certain beauty to the Shadow Clone jutsu that she wasn't certain Naruto fully appreciated. Oh, to be sure, he had advanced it to levels she couldn't dream of, and his usage of it was so constant as to be almost reflexive. There were undoubtedly depths to the jutsu that she hadn't even scratched the surface of, which he knew better than anyone.

Yet, as she watched Hisana - the real, original, Hisana, pout and walk away... this heady feeling wasn't something he felt, she thought.

Nothing could hurt her - so long as Hisana Prime was intact, her memories and experiences would be preserved, no matter what happened. And, she considered (her smile growing wider), she didn't have to worry about bullshit chakra gods or evil organizations or whatever - she'd long have dissipated by then. No, she had some paperwork and administrative duties, and some sealing practice, and that was it. And if something did ambush the real Hisana... well, she was tough. She'd just trust herself to handle it.

She'd felt this rush of euphoria from her own shadow clones' memories in the past before, and found it mildly annoying at the time. Now, though, experiencing it from the other end, in the moment? This was, perhaps not freedom, but a tiny, tantalizing glimpse of the existence she could have had, if the future was not so mind-numbingly vast and terrifyingly imminent. As it was... Hisana would not, could not, let that future sweep her up in its tide without preparing for it, and her clone could only look at her with pity for having to face it.

And then, with an air of deep satisfaction at the privilege, she let her mind drift away from the future to more pleasant things, like the tenancy reports from her district, as she made her way down the moderately busy streets. A few of the civilians turned to wave at her as she went by, which she returned - even stopping to chat for a bit with old lady Nanako when she greeted her. She felt loose, and giddy, despite the cloudy sky above. Some interaction with the new residents would be good for maintaining relations with the new Uchiha clan once it got established, she rationalized, and a few extra memories of casual conversation from her would do Hisana some good.

Still, even her good mood had its limits, and after a few minutes, she politely excused herself, and continued towards the office of the accountant she'd hired to keep track of the details she couldn't, along with his own assistants. It was a stately building, one of the new constructions that maintained some of the old Uchiha stylings while letting the residents of the district feel like they were living somewhere other than a mass grave.

Shiro wasn't the first, her original selection (more a volunteer, for the aid the Uchiha had given him in times past) having retired a few years ago, but he'd come highly recommended from both his predecessor and the Hokage. Hisana still half-suspected him of reporting to Danzo, and personally checked a random portion of his reports for accuracy from time to time, but at this point, it was more on principle than anything else.

The man looked up as she quietly knocked beside his door, and dipped his head into a respectful bow. "A pleasure to see you once again, Uchiha-sama." She'd requested a less stiff form of address a few times, but he'd hear nothing of it - she was the Lady Uchiha, and to hear him say it, to treat her any less formally than any other clan head would be an insult to her station.

Neither of her original sets of memories had prepared her for this sort of responsibility, but she was the one in the best position to make the new Uchiha clan actually mean something, someday. Sasuke had been... well, flatly incapable, and while she could have simply handed control over the whole thing to the Hokage... being a recognized, active clan head, even of a clan as drastically diminished as the Uchiha, would open doors to her and Sasuke that would otherwise remain closed. So Hisana had once again buckled down, and forced herself to learn the skills that were needed.

She'd originally been amused when she realized that the old Police Force had ruthlessly exploited the Sharingan for paperwork organization, which had lasted right up until she had to do serious bookkeeping of her own. Now, she was just consistently amazed that people without perfect photographic memories were able to keep this sort of thing going at all - the copy eyes just made it so much easier. Shiro was, of course, still better at it then her - memorizing documents only did so much to make up for decades of honed mental skill - but then, that was why she'd hired him in the first place.

She kept smiling, as he expertly flipped through his files to the Uchiha accounts - with her mood as positive as it was, it was impossible to be anything other than content with letting him demonstrate his area of expertise. "Mmm. Most payments are in order, three are left outstanding, I'll note those down for you." Three? A bit above average, but nothing too concerning. Hisana (or another shadow clone, knowing herself) would speak with those tenants later. She nodded for him to continue. "No new news from the administration, but it's been two months since-"

"Since the last groundskeeping sweep, right. It didn't look bad at all on the way in, we've had decent weather. Pencil that in for, hmm, starting the 20th, then? I'll release the funds for the D-Ranks." He flipped through a few more pages, then presented her with the forms to sign, and she let out a deep breath as she slowly began to unwind. Just a few hours paperwork, and maybe sketching out a few fuinjutsu ideas if she had the time? Pure bliss.

AN: Yes, this is a hideously unhealthy coping mechanism, why do you ask?
Canon, 10xp.