as the five of the charged across the open space
Have they been charged with Badass?

even as they touch their psalm to one another.
If you wanna impress chicks, you've gotta have a long psalm.

She blurred through the exit tunnel and slapped the open with her hand as she passed it.
It would not cut through the beast, it would not be a telling blow.
I don't have a good pun for these.

[X] Take the woman prisoner. Hisana can't guarantee that the research wasn't already passed on, or that the woman is the sole inverter. Konoha needs to know how to counter these corpse puppets.
[X] Take the woman prisoner. Hisana can't guarantee that the research wasn't already passed on, or that the woman is the sole inverter. Konoha needs to know how to counter these corpse puppets.
Contact 8.5
Contact 8.5

"Come to kill me, Ucihia?" the woman asked, her hands shaking as she leant on her cane. Now that the rush of battle had faded, Hisana could see her gnarled and twisted left leg. She sheathed her sword, the chakra flow flickering away.

The knowledge of this technique had almost certainly spread beyond this base by now. Killing this woman would accomplish nothing - it would just let Hisana pretend that she had dealt with the problem. Let Konoha pretend too, maybe.

Instead, Hisana's eyes flashed with chakra for a moment and her Sharingan genjutsu overwhelmed the woman's near-civilian chakra system. She dropped bonelessly to the ground, her cane clattering down the mountainside. Wincing at every step she took, Hisana made her way over to the woman, restrained her, and hefted her over one shoulder.

Then she felt a tremor, nearly falling thanks to her injured leg. She extended her chakra sense to try and work out what was going on, but she only had a moment to bring up a wall of earth to hide behind as something exploded out of the side of the mountain. A huge amalgamation corpse puppet, far larger than the one Hisana had fought, emerged from the dust and then a second, much smaller figure. Jiraiya. Golden chains were wrapped around the corpse puppet, binding its arms and legs - Naruto's work, Hisana realised.

Bits of broken stone went flying across the valley and some of them smashed into Hisana's summoned wall with great force. Hisana risked a glance over the wall and saw natural energy swirling around Jiraiya as he leapt with immense strength through the air. He slammed punch after punch into the corpse puppet, sending it higher and higher - then he kicked off of it, soaring up above it.

It roared, ready to unleash a blast even more powerful than the one that had nearly killed Hisana, but the two toad sages on Jiraiya's shoulders begin to emit a powerful genjutsu, momentarily rendering the corpse puppet slack and unresponsive.

Jiraiya used the time wisely. Hisana's bloodline allowed her to focus on what would be a tiny speck to a normal human and see what he was doing. It allowed her to see how his hands moved, how chakra flowed between them - nature chakra, the mark of a sage. She saw it build and build, saw a Rasengan form - but one far larger than she had ever seen.

The corpse puppet fought off the genjutsu, but it was too late - Jiraiay was already falling through the air towards it, a titanic Rasengan outstretched in front of him. The corpse puppet roared and fired off a beam of sickly purple chakra, but the gigantic Rasengan shielded Jiraiya and cut through the beam without so much as slowing down.

It struck the creature - and was the size of its torso. Such massive amounts of sage chakra, concentrated and given an incredible amount of rotation, was more than enough to entirely annihilate it even before the justu detonated and utterly obliterated any trace of the creature.

After that, there was only the long and painful walk back up the mountain and into the facility. Hisana handed over her prisoner to Jiraiya, saw a bunch of newly freed prisoners being watched over by a number of Naruto clones and then promptly fell unconscious.

When she woke, Hisana found herself high in the air on the back of a Hawk. Sasuke was sitting up by its head, and a nervous Naruto was sitting next to her on a little wooden platform. In the distance, she could spot two more of the birds - one carrying Jiriya and a number of ominous-looking samples, the other carrying the Fuma clan prisoners.

"You're up!" Naruto shouted, loud even over the wind. Hisana smiled weakly at him.

"That I am. Is everyone alright?" she asked him.

"Well there was this massive evil puppet thing, but Pervy Sage kicked its butt - I helped. Um, Sasuke got caught in some kind of seal, but Sasame got him out. What happened to you?" he asked.

"I fought a smaller version of that big puppet Jiraiya destroyed. It got me with its jutsu."

"That big purple laser beam broke your leg?" Naruto asked, confused.

"No, uh, falling out of the sky did that. I fixed the damage from the beam," Hisana said.

"Idiot," Sasuke said.

"I didn't go and caught up in a seal trap while I had the Sharingan, did I?"

"All in all, another successful mission for Team Seven. Granny Tsunade has to send us to the next chunin exams, right? Obviously not you, sis, since you got promoted but Sasuke and me are, like, way better than any genin," Naruto said.

"I'm sure she will. How far are we from Konoha?" Hisana asked.

"We're almost at the border. I'll set the Fuma clan down and then it'll be a few hours' flight. Might as well go back to sleep," Sasuke said, and Hisana nodded. Hisana curled back up in her sleeping bag, trying not to wince at the feeling of moving her leg. She had definitely not healed it right.


Naruto shook her awake as they started to descend over Konoha and Hisana started as she realised that the two Hawks were going in different directions - Jiraiya's was headed towards T&I with the prisoner, whilst the one the rest of them were on was turning away towards the hospital.
"Granny Tsunade said over the radio that she'd meet us at the hospital, sis," Naruto explained quietly. A few clones shimmered into existence beside him and as the hawk landed they gently helped her down from the hawk's back.

Tsunade was indeed standing on the hospital roof, with a half dozen medical ninjas, Shizune, and a very nervous-looking Sakura. She did not, Hisana thought, look pleased. In fact, judging by her crossed arms, gigantic scowl, and look of intense disapproval, Hisana suspected that her medical skills might be rather loudly called into question.

"Lady Hokage," Hisana said, trying and mostly succeeding in bowing whilst standing on one foot.

"Oh no. I'm not letting your social graces fool me, Uchiha. You're just as bad as the rest of your team. Brat, get her onto a stretcher and go wait for your useless lump of a mission commander at the tower," Tsunade ordered, and Hisana found herself gently but firmly helped onto a waiting stretcher.

Sasuke and Naruto departed with a final worried look at her, and then Hisana's stretcher was wheeled inside.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Tsunade asked, and Hisana tried not to look away.

"I performed... emergency medicine, Lady Hokage. Directed medical chakra via my circulatory system rather than -"

"To fix your leg?"

"Oh. Um, no. To fix my chakra system and a few major arteries. The leg... I just shoved the bone back in there and di a good enough mystic palm," Hisana explained.

"And I assume the injury that resulted in needing said internal fix was the cause of those neat little holes?" she asked. Hisana nodded.

"And the leg, really. I fell out of the air," she added.

"Right. Lastly, out of professional curiosity, what would those new seals I can spot happen to be for? I distinctly remember ordering you to clear all such seals with me first."

"Well, you see, Lady Hokage the exigencies of the mission - uh, I got Jiraiya-sensei to look over them first?" Hisana said, switching tracks halfway through her sentence.

Tsunade looked at Hisana, her arms still crossed.

"I have all my notes in, uh, in this seal. I think. Wouldn't it be so interesting to look over, Lady Hokage?" Hisana tried.

Tsunade took the offered notes and gave them a quick once over.

"Interesting methodology. You're faced with some conversion loss thanks to the seals, but if inscribed accurately, the jutsu formula should execute with enough precision to emulate having that level of control yourself. You don't mind if I keep these do you?"

"Not at all, Lady Hokage. I have a second set."

"Hmph. Haruno, prep your friend for anaesthesia. Judging by the hackjob she did on her leg, we'll have to go in and fix the arm and circulatory system too."

"I did a better-" Hisana began, but Sakura's glowing green hands gently cradled her head and medical chakra started to disperse through her system. In moments, she was unconscious again.


Hisana woke in a depressingly familiar hospital room. Someone had neatly piled her belongings on her bedside table, along with a vase containing a number of lilies. She smiled as she saw the card from Karin.

"We shouldn't keep meeting like this," Kakashi said, and Hisana turned to see him sitting in a chair by her bed. An orange book rested page down on his lap.

"Ah, no we shouldn't, sensei. Either of us."

"You know, Tsunade was actually pretty impressed with the fix you did on your chest. Generating medical chakra in your coils and using your circulatory system to distribute it is pretty clever," Kakashi said.

"I thought it was pretty clever too. Did... did she manage to fix my leg?" Hisana asked. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. She knew any competent medic could have fixed the damage she'd done in a hospital setting, let alone the greatest medic-nin to ever live.

"All good as new. Although judging by how her little apprentice looked, they had to cut it open pretty severely to get at everything - maybe ask her how the inside of your leg looks."

"I'm already familiar. That's it, all fixed?"

"Well, your chakra system needs a week or so of light duty to heal. No extensive ninjutsu, so you're on leave for a week. Maybe you'll have time to buy that pony you wanted, and discover why they're awful animals," Kakashi said, and Hisana laughed too loudly for a hospital.

While Hisana has a week of leave, she concentrates on which project?

[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

[x] Work on her Iaido

[x] Analyze the sealing tech recovered from the Camo Cloaks and reverse engineer...

[x] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.

[x] Have a set of existing Uchiha chakra metal armour fitted to her and learn Earth Release chakra flow.
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[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
"Well, your chakra system needs a week or so of light duty to heal. No extensive ninjutsu, so you're on leave for a week. Maybe you'll have time to buy that pony you wanted, and discover why they're awful animals," Kakashi said, and Hisana laughed too loudly for a hospital.

Huh. Not the first time he's brought up the pony.

I wonder if he's starting to suspect a few things.

Or I might just be paranoid.
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I like all of them but I like these the most in this order.
[x] The Insectoid Armour. This armour uses chakra to reinforce the armour, rather than the shield projected by chakra armour. Its technique could be applied to a personal seal, or to nintaijutsu.
(Probably makes her body physically stronger and more durable, first step to making the wind chakra shroud more like the raikage chakra armor thing)(gives the most benefits I think)
[] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow. (Make either better armor or enhance her shield I think) (Very close second)
[] Work on her Iaido (probably A rank laido, so a perk I think) (tied for third)
[] The Chakra Railgun. This could be adapted to a simpler jutsu formula given Hisana's ability to convert lightning-natured chakra, or even to a jutsu. (Long range attack plus possibly of laido railgun sheath jutsu) (tied for third)
[] Have a set of existing Uchiha chakra metal armour fitted to her and learn Earth Release chakra flow. (Immediate tankyness) (Actually kinda dislike this because it's something that is specificly outdated, nobody uses it anymore for a reason. Moving it to last place)

Hisana needs tankyness. Okay she doesn't nessasaryly need tankyness, she's already more tanky than an oddly high number of S classes. But Hisana's build seems to need tankyness.
Edit: moved around choices, specifically moved insectoid armor to first place.
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Tsunade seems to be on to Hisana's shit, smart of her to know that Hisana is just as batshit insane as the rest of Team 7, she's just able to hide it better. Tsunade did seem pretty impressed with Hisana's Seals and Medical Justsu so that's good.

[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

Hisana hits more than hard enough, what she needs is a way to buff her defenses. Figuring out how some of the best chakra armor in the setting works, and then trying to reverse engineer it seems like the best choice in the long term. After that we can do The Insectoid Armour and then create a Seal for defense allowing Hisana to be insanely tanky.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

Huh. Not the first time he's brought up the pony.

I wonder if he's starting to suspect a few things.

Or I might just be paranoid.
Or perhaps a pony once destroyed an Icha Icha book within his sight, leading to an (irrational) eternal vendetta against them all? :V

As for voting, hm.
[X] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.

It's really high time we start on this project we've had it for so long, although... we are supposed to be chakra-light for a week, and examining chakra armor could be more chakra intensive than we should risk. Eh, I'm sure if there was complications they'd be called out in this vote or another.
I think we should focus on what we already know. Bring up our low rank skills and jutsu up a rank, and refine our seals. An idea I had for the Final Hurricane Seal, is to make the "Spiral" fit the golden ratio, as well as use prime numbers. To see if doing so would raise the efficiency and how much chakra we can store. My first thought is that using the golden ratio would cause nature chakra to naturally collect in or near the golden ratio seal.

For chakra control, I was thinking of shaping our chakra into different constructs. From simple stuff like geometric shapes to chakra figurines of people. Unless we passively get stronger as we use our stats, skills, and jutsus. Otherwise:

[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.
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Something I thought of for nature transformation is to try to cut harder and harder alloys for wind.
I'm not sure but I think that Hisana has brought her pure wind transformation as far as it will go. Only way further is more chakra or additional elements. Or sage mode. Also efficiency. Maybe ease of use, her wind talon sounds kinda unwieldy currently when it's described. But she's not going to really make her wind flow cut harder I think.

Anyway, the character sheet was updated about 45 minutes ago. Was that just regular editing or did one of Hisana's stats go up?
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I just want to point out that we have three different durability increasing options here- Hisana's priorities are pretty clear right now, I think. :V

[x] Analyze the Chakra Armour recovered from the Land of Snow.