@Tekomandor - Please put my 10xp into Chakra Control.

Sure it's not as exciting as speed but Chakra Control extends our endurance and I'm sure the A-Rank reward will be awesome once we get it.
Which a cursory glance would suggest is 'only' sealing, chakra control, and chakra capacity, but there are a few things verging on 90 that we could bring up to verging on A-rank as well.
Huh, didn't notice Fuinjutsu.
But since we only just upgraded it a little while ago IC, no need to focus on it.
Something that will give an interesting A-rank perk is the way to go.
Should we put it all in speed?
Nah. Still a ways off S-class there.
And we probably need control for Sage Mode, sooner or later.
At this point, I'd go for A-Rank Chakra Capacity though, rather than control. We're expecting a slog, so making sure we have as large reserves as possible will really help.
We have a backup seal that gives us effective S-class reserves.
Capacity isn't really the issue at the moment, I think.
Ah, well, irrelevant at this point anyway- If we want to get the A-rank bonus right off, we'll need to throw it in control or have someone do a new fanart in order to do so.
H-holy shit!

I mean, it's not like I did the work: The ai did the heavy lifting. I just put down a dab of color here and there to give it guidelines.

(For ref, here's the site/tool I used PaintsChainer - it works pretty good for coloring lineart, but it's a little tricky to get the hang of. Works a lot better now than when I first checked it out a couple months ago, but that's AI for you.)
Canon Omake: Right

The academy didn't spend very much time going into inner village politics and history. The assumption, she figured, was that clan children who needed to know that information would be taught by the family, and the civilian-born ninja trainees didn't really need to know that information. What information on the founding there was, was fairly prefunctory and whitewashed, and history more than a hundred or so years pre-founding was so mythologized it was practically nonexistent. A bit of culture shock, coming from the well documented world she had, that even the private Uchiha archives she had access to only partly sated.

But even the very low-depth Academy lecture was able to impress something on the students present for it. Her clan, the Uchiha Clan, was old. Very, very old - as a group, it had existed for much, much longer than the organized village system in general and Konoha in particular. And being so storied, and so tied to the founding of Konoha, it had been granted certain privileges that only the Senju shared.

Priviledges like the room she was in now, and the rest of the extensive tunnel network that underlied the entire complex. It was a statement of trust, and a statement of power - trust, that Konoha had allowed the founding clans free access to entrench themselves into the very grounds of the fledgling village without undue scrutiny, and power, that the clans could make use of those networks to their best advantage in case of warfare or invasion, using their experience with the passages to great effect.

Both the trust, and the power, had died. The Uchiha clan numbered only single digits, now, even if you were inclined to include the rogues, and Hisana had little doubt that both ANBU and Root had tried to map the tunnels out following the attempted coup - as best they could, anyhow, considering how many of the defenses were tied to the Sharingan. Kakashi and Danzo had to have limits on their time, surely?

And so this was the decision she needed to make: in the case of an invasion, the Uchiha clan no longer had the manpower to secure their district's underground themselves, and yet, they (she) had never officially transferred that responsibility onto the overall village government. Yet.

It should have been an obvious choice. And yet.

And yet.

For the past few years, she'd tried to minimize the amount of direction her edicts really put on the clan's future. She'd make the common-sense decisions that maintained influence, certainly, but... This wasn't- this wasn't really her inheritance. By rights, Sasuke's place in the line of succession was so much higher than a clan outcast that it made her head spin, and... Mary Kingston was even less of an Uchiha than Hisana was.

She'd taken things over because Sasuke couldn't, but she'd always thought (expected) that would be a temporary arrangement. She'd taken the diction lessons and bought a few higher quality kimonos, and it was all just putting on a mask. And yet... years had gone by.

And now she was standing under the Naka shrine, considering her options. This information wouldn't stay with just Konoha's official groups - ROOT would snatch up any plans in an instant, and giving Danzo the blueprints to crawl around under her feet was a disturbing thought. If he shared it with his buddy, Orochimaru, it could easily make the eventual invasion worse, not better.

But then, on the other hand, Danzo knew far too many secrets of the Sharingan for her to imagine he had never been down here. Bypassing defenses keyed to those eyes would be trivial for him. And if she really wanted the Uchiha to make a clean break with their sordid past...

She looked up at the tablet, the vast majority of its contents still obscured to her still incomplete Sharingan, and her grimace spoke volumes. This tablet, this shrine, this secret meeting room... it all had to go. The inscription had been modified to bring grief by the servant of Kaguya, and that's precisely what it had done - to everyone that had read it. She didn't remember the exact phrasing of what was hidden from her, but that didn't matter - she knew the generalities, and the actual truth behind the words besides. If it wasn't for concern over Sasuke's reaction to losing their heritage, she'd have destroyed it herself long ago. As it was, if it disappeared into a Leaf vault somewhere, she wouldn't shed any tears.

There had been no official map of the tunnels, when she had first gone looking for it - when the district was being rebuilt, she'd had to look for potential tunnels beneath new foundations herself, much of the time. The architectural maps she had now were still quite possibly incomplete, and she had little idea how they compared to what village intelligence had dug up themselves. But just the trust that it would show in the village leadership to hand that over, and ask for their help... she hoped it was the right decision.

She hoped there was a right decision.

AN: Intentionally written to be somewhat ambiguous on when this took place, but I really do think that Hisana would have done something with the Naka tablet at some point.
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The academy didn't spend very much time going into inner village politics and history. The assumption, she figured, was that clan children who needed to know that information would be taught by the family, and the civilian-born ninja trainees didn't really need to know that information. What information on the founding there was, was fairly prefunctory and whitewashed, and history more than a hundred or so years pre-founding was so mythologized it was practically nonexistent. A bit of culture shock, coming from the well documented world she had, that even the private Uchiha archives she had access to only partly sated.

But even the very low-depth Academy lecture was able to impress something on the students present for it. Her clan, the Uchiha Clan, was old. Very, very old - as a group, it had existed for much, much longer than the organized village system in general and Konoha in particular. And being so storied, and so tied to the founding of Konoha, it had been granted certain privileges that only the Senju shared.

Priviledges like the room she was in now, and the rest of the extensive tunnel network that underlied the entire complex. It was a statement of trust, and a statement of power - trust, that Konoha had allowed the founding clans free access to entrench themselves into the very grounds of the fledgling village without undue scrutiny, and power, that the clans could make use of those networks to their best advantage in case of warfare or invasion, using their experience with the passages to great effect.

Both the trust, and the power, had died. The Uchiha clan numbered only single digits, now, even if you were inclined to include the rogues, and Hisana had little doubt that both ANBU and Root had tried to map the tunnels out following the attempted coup - as best they could, anyhow, considering how many of the defenses were tied to the Sharingan. Kakashi and Danzo had to have limits on their time, surely?

And so this was the decision she needed to make: in the case of an invasion, the Uchiha clan no longer had the manpower to secure their district's underground themselves, and yet, they (she) had never officially transferred that responsibility onto the overall village government. Yet.

It should have been an obvious choice. And yet.

And yet.

For the past few years, she'd tried to minimize the amount of direction her edicts really put on the clan's future. She'd make the common-sense decisions that maintained influence, certainly, but... This wasn't- this wasn't really her inheritance. By rights, Sasuke's place in the line of succession was so much higher than a clan outcast that it made her head spin, and... Mary Kingston was even less of an Uchiha than Hisana was.

She'd taken things over because Sasuke couldn't, but she'd always thought (expected) that would be a temporary arrangement. She'd taken the diction lessons and bought a few higher quality kimonos, and it was all just putting on a mask. And yet... years had gone by.

And now she was standing under the Naka shrine, considering her options. This information wouldn't stay with just Konoha's official groups - ROOT would snatch up any plans in an instant, and giving Danzo the blueprints to crawl around under her feet was a disturbing thought. If he shared it with his buddy, Orochimaru, it could easily make the eventual invasion worse, not better.

But then, on the other hand, Danzo knew far too many secrets of the Sharingan for her to imagine he had never been down here. Bypassing defenses keyed to those eyes would be trivial for him. And if she really wanted the Uchiha to make a clean break with their sordid past...

She looked up at the tablet, the vast majority of its contents still obscured to her still incomplete Sharingan, and her grimace spoke volumes. This tablet, this shrine, this secret meeting room... it all had to go. The inscription had been modified to bring grief by the servant of Kaguya, and that's precisely what it had done - to everyone that had read it. She didn't remember the exact phrasing of what was hidden from her, but that didn't matter - she knew the generalities, and the actual truth behind the words besides. If it wasn't for concern over Sasuke's reaction to losing their heritage, she'd have destroyed it herself long ago. As it was, if it disappeared into a Leaf vault somewhere, she wouldn't shed any tears.

There had been no official map of the tunnels, when she had first gone looking for it - when the district was being rebuilt, she'd had to look for potential tunnels beneath new foundations herself, much of the time. What she had was still quite possibly incomplete, and she had little idea how it compared to what village intelligence had dug up themselves. But just the trust that it would show in the village leadership to hand it over, and ask for their help... she hoped it was the right decision.

AN: Intentionally written to be somewhat ambiguous on when this took place, but I really do think that Hisana would have done something with the Naka tablet at some point.

Your omake game is on point recently, plus i love the mental image of serious-face!Hisana looming over the Naka tablet.
AN: Intentionally written to be somewhat ambiguous on when this took place, but I really do think that Hisana would have done something with the Naka tablet at some point.
I don't think she would actually.
And I'm pretty certain that Danzo did not know about the Naka shrine. Or the Uzumaki shrine for that matter.
The more mystical parts of clan lore are lost on him.

If Orochimaru the research-specced pack rat didn't know about it as of the Invasion, Danzo won't either. And Hisana is not likely to be so cavalier about destroying portions of her brother cousins clan history. Or, frankly, revealing the dimensions of the clan tunnels to the same village structure that was compromised by Orochimaru and ROOT in canon, and which has been demonstrably compromised by at least the Trenchcoats.

At best she'd note that there's evidence of tampering on the tablet.
I mean, there wouldn't be? Black Zetsu is pretty good at his job, and he designed this thing to be stared at by boatloads of people with Sharingans...
And she just has to make the tampering more blatant.
I mean, if the wiki is correct, he only added one thing: The Infinite Tsukiyomi will save the Uchiha.
Edit via Earth manipulation, or just add enough signs around that passage to make it evident there was an attempt at revisionism.

After all, Hagoromo intentionally passed the original tablet down.
There is a reason for that. It's part of clan heritage; no reason to destroy it.
And she just has to make the tampering more blatant.
I mean, if the wiki is correct, he only added one thing: The Infinite Tsukiyomi will save the Uchiha.
Edit via Earth manipulation, or just add enough signs around that passage to make it evident there was an attempt at revisionism.

After all, Hagoromo intentionally passed the original tablet down.
There is a reason for that. It's part of clan heritage; no reason to destroy it.

She doesn't actually have a high enough level Sharingan to properly look at the thing - most of it is behind a triple tomoe minimum lock, iirc. That kind of edit is this out of her reach - and if Black Zetsu snuck in once to edit it, he can do it again.
She doesn't actually have a high enough level Sharingan to properly look at the thing - most of it is behind a triple tomoe minimum lock, iirc. That kind of edit is this out of her reach - and if Black Zetsu snuck in once to edit it, he can do it again.
Black Zetsu doesn't have a Sharingan either, yet he managed to edit the thing. I suspect it's not as much of an issue as you think.
Besides, while she doesn't have maxxed out haxigans, neither does the Sauce.
And I will point out that in multiple generations of Uchiha, noone's actually taken the note about Infinite Tsukiyomi seriously.

The Uchiha have their issues, but megalomania is not generally one of them; it took Madara and Zetsu intentionally and with malice aforethought marinating Obito's brains in several years of crazy for him to think IT was a good idea.
She's undercover on an infiltration mission, so ssshhhhhhhhh!

Don't blow her cover.
"Undercover". With the big-ass Uchiha clan symbol in the middle of her chest. Right, what was i thinking ? ...

More seriously, i know it's canon, and the flashy colors are already bad enough, but having lowly genins wear their clan symbols seems all kind of "bad idea" to me. It's like having a giant target and sign saying "valuable kidnap target here". Or breeding-stock, if the setting is a bit more grim/realistic. Doubly so for Uchihas.

And she just has to make the tampering more blatant.
I mean, if the wiki is correct, he only added one thing: The Infinite Tsukiyomi will save the Uchiha.
Edit via Earth manipulation, or just add enough signs around that passage to make it evident there was an attempt at revisionism.

After all, Hagoromo intentionally passed the original tablet down.
There is a reason for that. It's part of clan heritage; no reason to destroy it.
Or make tampering herself, and just claim it was always there. It doesn't really matter how it's modified, or by whom, once it becomes apparent it has been modified in anyway everything written on it becomes suspect.
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More seriously, i know it's canon, and the flashy colors are already bad enough, but having lowly genins wear their clan symbols seems all kind of "bad idea" to me. It's like having a giant target and sign saying "valuable kidnap target here". Or breeding-stock, if the setting is a bit more grim/realistic. Doubly so for Uchihas.
I suspect it's more a declaration of badassery than anything else. You don't walk around yelling your affiliation like that if you can't back it up.
I suspect people have tried to do the whole kidnap thing, and the Uchiha have sufficiently registered their displeasure that it has lapsed as a strategy.
You come at the king, et cetera, et cetera.
She doesn't actually have a high enough level Sharingan to properly look at the thing - most of it is behind a triple tomoe minimum lock, iirc. That kind of edit is this out of her reach - and if Black Zetsu snuck in once to edit it, he can do it again.
You don't need to be able to read it shape the stone in a way that could have happened while tampering with the tablet.
Though, frankly, I don't think the tablet is as big of a concern now, especially if Sasuke sees it for the first time with Hisana.

Black Zetsu doesn't have a Sharingan either, yet he managed to edit the thing. I suspect it's not as much of an issue as you think.
This is some wild speculation to fill in poorly-conceived backstory, but Black Zetsu is part of Kaguya, right? And the Sharingan is a mutation of the Sharinnegan on Kaguya's forehead. So, if Black Zetsu's is close enough to a Sharingan-user to bypass the illusion, that would explain it.
Or Black Zetsu went "fuck you, I'm a better wizard than you" and just brute-forced his way in.