
Since Hisana's current advancement pace is already stretching credulity, I'd like to bank 10 of the XP you provide for my last few omakes for use during the month long training session/ timeskip leading up to the final exam. The rest, I give to you to distribute among the original Konoha 12, Kiba's new teammates, and their respective Sensei, as you see fit.

(Maybe give it all to Kurenei, it'd be nice to see her kick some ass for a change in a Naruto story. :p)

Since Hisana's current advancement pace is already stretching credulity, I'd like to bank 10 of the XP you provide for my last few omakes for use during the month long training session/ timeskip leading up to the final exam. The rest, I give to you to distribute among the original Konoha 12, Kiba's new teammates, and their respective Sensei, as you see fit.

(Maybe give it all to Kurenei, it'd be nice to see her kick some ass for a change in a Naruto story. :p)

She can already kick ass...just not against Itachi. She'd need a lot more XP to go toe to toe with him.

I think the kids need the points more at this point, to be honest. Though I hope Team 7 being more motivated has positively influenced the other teams at least somewhat.

Edit: I just noticed Tomato Hisana's sharingan has three tomoe, isn't she still only at two?
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I think she can already kick ass...just not against Itachi. She'd need a lot more XP to go toe to toe with him.

I think the kids need the points more at this point, to be honest. Though I hope Team 7 being more motivated has positively influenced the other teams at least somewhat.

Edit: I just noticed Tomato Hisana's sharingan has three tomoe, isn't she still only at two?

At some point we'll have three tomoe, so i feel it's better to plan for the future than have it suddenly become invalid once it inevitably evolves.

Edit: Ninja'd
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Some estimated statblocks for some other characters:

Bloodline: Uzumaki
Element: Wind

Ninjutsu: 50 [C-Rank]
  • Basic Ninjutsu: 50 [C-Rank]
Taijutsu: 70 [B-Rank]
  • Konoha Military Combatives: 50 [C-Rank]
  • Mass Brawling: 70 [B-Rank]
Genjutsu: 30 [C-Rank]
  • Basic Genjutsu: 15 [D-Rank]
Intelligence: 30 [C-Rank]
  • Schooling: 30 [C-Rank]
  • Street Smarts: 50* [C-Rank]
Strength: 80 [B-Rank]
Speed: 60 [C-Rank]
Chakra Capacity: 400 [S+ Rank]
  • XP from 150-310 gives double capacity increase
  • XP from 310+ gives triple capacity increase
  • Converted Chakra Capacity: 740
Chakra Control: 10 [D-Rank]

  • Konoha Genin
  • Team Seven Member
  • Village Pariah: Penalty to certain social interactions, bonus to Street Smarts subskill.
  • Uzumaki Vitality: Bonus to Chakra Capacity, Chakra and Stamina recover faster, rapid healing.
  • Namikaze Legacy: Major bonus to Intelligence in certain situations, reduced technique learn times, can learn techniques above skill/stat caps.
  • Jinchuruki of the Nine-Tailed Fox: You know what this does.
  • Reincarnation of Asura: Gain double XP.
  • Child of Destiny: Increased success chances when it matters.
Notable Techniques:
  • Sexy Jutsu
  • Multiple Shadow Clone Technique
  • Wind Release: Great Breakthrough

Bloodline: Sharingan [Two Tomoe]
Element: Lightning

Ninjutsu: 70 [B-Rank]
  • Basic Ninjutsu: 60 [C-Rank]
Taijutsu: 70 [B-Rank]
  • Konoha Military Combatives: 70 [B-Rank]
  • Uchiha Clan Style: 70 [B-Rank]
Genjutsu: 90 [B-Rank]
  • Basic Genjutsu: 75 [B-Rank]
  • Sharingan Genjutsu: 90 [B-Rank]
Intelligence: 50 [C-Rank]
  • Schooling: 50 [C-Rank]
  • Visualization: 50 [C-Rank]
Strength: 70 [B-Rank]
Speed: 70 [B-Rank]
Chakra Capacity: 100 [B-Rank]
Chakra Control: 150 [A-Rank]
  • 80% Technique Cost Reduction
  • Perk: Subtle Killer - Signifigantly reduces chakra disruptions from Genjutsu probes.
  • Konoha Genin
  • Team Seven Member
  • Two Tomoe Sharingan
  • Hawk Summoner I
  • Avenger of the Uchiha: The last loyal son of the main branch of the family, Sasuke will do anything to bring his brother, Itachi, to justice.
  • Reincarnation of Indra: Double XP gain. Unlocks possibility of eventually gaining the Rinnegan.
Notable Techniques:
  • Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
  • Chidori

Element: Earth, Water

Ninjutsu: 30 [C-Rank]
  • Basic Ninjutsu: 30 [C-Rank]
Taijutsu: 40 [C-Rank]
  • Konoha Military Combatives: 40 [C-Rank]
  • Juuken (Chakra Scalpel Variant): 20 [D-Rank]
Genjutsu: 60 [C-Rank]
  • Basic Genjutsu: 55 [C-Rank]
Iryojutsu: 90 [B-Rank]

Intelligence: 160 [A-Rank]
  • Schooling: 130 [B-Rank]
  • Visualization: 70 [B-Rank]
Strength: 35 [C-Rank]
Speed: 30 [C-Rank]
Chakra Capacity: 30 [C Rank]
Chakra Control: 320 [S-Rank]
  • 90% Chakra Cost Reduction
  • Perk: Steady Hands- Medical Techniques have greatly reduced failure rates.
  • Perk: Know Thyself- Automatically notice Genjutsu probes, regardless of subtlety level.
  • Konoha Genin
  • Team Eight Member
  • Split Personality
  • Medical Prodigy
Notable Techniques
  • Hiding In The Mist Technique
  • Chakra Scalpel
  • Mystical Palm Jutsu

Bloodline: Hatake White Chakra, Implanted Sharingan [Three Tomoe]
Elements: All

Ninjutsu: 370 [S-Class]
Basic Ninjutsu: 370 [S-Class]
Ninjutsu Creation: 320 [S-Class]
Advanced Ninjutsu Theory: 320 [S-Class]

Taijutsu: 190 [A-Rank]
  • Konoha Military Combatives: 170 [A-Rank]
Genjutsu: 190 [A-Rank]
  • Basic Genjutsu: 190 [A-Rank]
  • Sharingan Genjutsu: 150 [A-Rank]
Kenjutsu: 170 [A-Rank]
  • Hatake Family Style: 170 [A-Rank]
  • Leaf Style: 150 [A-Rank]
Fuinjutsu: 70 [B-Rank]
  • Storage Seals: 40 [C-Rank]
  • Explosive Seals: 40 [C-Rank]
Intelligence: 210 [A-Rank]
  • Schooling/Experience: 210 [A-Rank]
Strength: 100 [B-Rank]
Speed: 190 [A-Rank]
Chakra Capacity: 75 [B-Rank]
  • Implanted Sharingan: In addition to lowering his total chakra, Kakashi's chakra also takes longer to regenerate.
Chakra Control: 170 [A-Rank]
  • 80% Cost Reduction
  • Perk: Efficiency - Additional 20% cost reduction on certain techniques, applied multiplicatively.
  • Konoha Jonin
  • Elite Jonin
  • ANBU Captain (Retired)
  • Team Seven Sensei
  • A True Prodigy
  • Hatake Bloodline
  • Sakumo's Legacy
  • Implanted Sharingan
  • Obito's Legacy
  • Kakashi of the Sharingan
Notable Jutsus
  • Kakashi of the Thousand Jutsu
  • Chidori

This is all my best guesses, of course, with quite some interpolation on my end of what's happening offscreen. Kakashi's statistics, on the other hand, were practically straight out of the first databook. Make no mistake, Hisana has a looong way to go to match Kakashi, and Kakashi himself isn't all that relevant at the levels that the plot will eventually reach.
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I've always wondered what a meeting between all the most famous/well-written Naruto SI/OC's would look like. Considering their varying power levels, mental states and combat styles, there might be a few sempai kohai relationships developing as well as the occasional rare, perfectly matched spar.

It would be nice to see their differing personalities interact with each other, including those of the more damaged shinobi (Yes, i'm looking at you Rei) - Who knows, maybe they could even help each other out?

I dunno, i just think it would be nice to see Hisana meet one of the more experienced individuals for advice, or comfort a younger, less prepared SI.
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Yes, I'm looking at you Rei.

Rei and Hisana would haaaaate each other.

From Rei's perspective, Hisana has the Sharingan and can thus powerlevel way better than her, has no adult supervision telling her to tone stuff down, and has a giant pile of money and clan artifacts just waiting around for her to use to get more powerful.

And what does she do? Just fall in line with Konoha and play by their dictatorial rules, even though she knows they murdered her family and tried to cover it up.

From Hisana's perspective, Rei has everything she could possibly want - a living, loving, well adjusted family; a position that both gives her comfort and lets her stay the fuck away from Naruto's plot; and a complete lack of massive international conspiracies that desperately want to kill her and/or steal her body.

And what does she do? Completely neglect all that and throw it away, going far crazier in the same situation then the freaking Uchiha did. She can see the value of Konoha in this world even after what happened in the Uchiha coup, so why can't Rei? Does she think the other villages are better?

They'd hate each other because they're so similar to each other - much more so then someone like Shikako, in my opinion.
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Rei and Hisana would haaaaate each other.

From Rei's perspective, Hisana has the Sharingan and can thus powerlevel way better than her, has no adult supervision telling her to tone stuff down, and has a giant pile of money and clan artifacts just waiting around for her to use to get more powerful.

And what does she do? Just fall in line with Konoha and play by their dictatorial rules, even though she knows they murdered her family and tried to cover it up.

From Hisana's perspective, Rei has everything she could possibly want - a living, loving, well adjusted family; a position that both gives her comfort and lets her stay the fuck away from Naruto's plot; and a complete lack of massive international conspiracies that desperately want to kill her and/or steal her body.

And what does she do? Completely neglect all that and throw it away, going far crazier in the same situation then the freaking Uchiha did. She can see the value of Konoha in this world even after what happened in the Uchiha coup, so why can't Rei? Does she think the other villages are better?

They'd hate each other because they're so similar to each other - much more so then someone like Shikako, in my opinion.

The fireworks would be beautiful.

They would also improve each other by leaps and bounds during their fighting because of how their combat styles interact. Hisana is exactly the type of opponent that Rei wants experience against and Rei is the annoying type that would push Hisana to her limits constantly.

Yep. Deconstruction of the "Dreaming of Sunshine" inspired wave of self-inserts. The character's (justified and realistic) flaws interact astoundingly poorly with the environment of Konoha, leading to a very poor situation for everyone involved.

The SI (the Rei we're discussing) just had a full on psychotic break in the last chapter.

The fireworks would be beautiful.

They would also improve each other by leaps and bounds during their fighting because of how their combat styles interact. Hisana is exactly the type of opponent that Rei wants experience against and Rei is the annoying type that would push Hisana to her limits constantly.

As they are right now Hisana is much, much better than Rei. Given that she's chronologically older in universe, had the Sharingan for four years where Rei didn't, and trains nearly as obsessively, that shouldn't be surprising.

Rei can annoy Hisana (she's really good at being annoying), but it still wouldn't end well for her.

Is Rei a missing nin?

She explicitly plans to become one as soon as she thinks she's strong enough to discourage Hunter-nin pursuit. Despite being the older sister of Ino and thus a clan heir, with all attendant privileges. Yeah. Since she's still an academy student, it's still quite a ways off, and things may change by then.
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As they are right now Hisana is much, much better than Rei. Given that she's chronologically older in universe, had the Sharingan for four years where Rei didn't, and trains nearly as obsessively, that shouldn't be surprising.

Rei can annoy Hisana (she's really good at being annoying), but it still wouldn't end well for her.

I was assuming they would be vaguely on the same level. If they are taken from the same point in the timeline, Rei is a year older.
I was assuming they would be vaguely on the same level. If they are taken from the same point in the timeline, Rei is a year older.

I suspect Hisana's advancement speed is faster then Rei's by enough to make up for a year's lead fairly quickly. The Sharingan is simply too good a training multiplier, and by the time Rei gets her hands on one (as some of SixPerfection's omakes hint to), the lead in the other direction will be nearly insurmountable.

The earlier the match takes place in the timeline, the bigger advantage Rei will have, up to the extreme where a nine-year-old at genin level is beating up an eight year old civilian.
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I was assuming they would be vaguely on the same level. If they are taken from the same point in the timeline, Rei is a year older.

Although Hisana probably outmatches her out in terms of raw power, through dint of her elite Jounin speed + special Jounin other abilities. Hisana is kind of prodigious tbh.

Would make a good rivalry though - Rei isn't strong enough to truly threaten Hisana as it stands, meaning that she can't hit Hisanna where it hurts like she may honestly try to. As Rei improves due to constant 'sparing' with Hisana, Their comparative power-levels might even out somewhat - Not enough to ever truly endanger Hisana, but enough that they take each other seriously and get to know each other like true rivals would.

Edit: Ninja'd again.

So, reading the summary my interest in that story is approximately zero. Is Rei a missing nin?

It's worth reading for the mental aspects alone. I don't think i've read a better depiction of psychosis and mental breakdown before in my life, which is damn impressive from a fanfic.
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