Votes Locked

Adhoc vote count started by Tekomandor on Oct 15, 2022 at 12:10 PM, finished with 198 posts and 83 votes.
Guess we're going to Sword stuff harder then. Not terribly upset, since the option is useful, but kinda hoping the Spiral Consuming Seal gets another shot at some point down the line.
IRL stuff kept me from voting this time around, but I'm glad to find that the upgrade I wanted got voted in ^.^
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
[x] Sealing Art: Chakra Burst Network. This network of extremely thin seals, corresponding to Hisana's muscles, allows the use of explosive bursts of chakra for physical enhancement and reinforces the body to withstand them. Each precisely controlled burst of chakra gives the user a burst of strength, acting like an early version of Tsunade's Chakra Enhanced Strength. Though inferior to beginning-of-part-two Sakura's usage of the technique, it can be improved.
You're late, voting is done and decided.
Votes Locked

Adhoc vote count started by Tekomandor on Oct 15, 2022 at 12:10 PM, finished with 198 posts and 83 votes.
And just like that our quest for getting even more awesome ink on Hisana continues:V...

At this rate when she reaches 15 she will have more tattoos than an old sailor, an old biker, and an old rocker combined...
Last edited:
Noncanon Omake: Better Nature
Better Nature

Hisana gripped her weapon tighter, staring into the red eyes of the enemy. She was tense as a coiled spring, watching, waiting for any movement.

Sasuke grimaced as his own stance tightened. He knew he had to get through her to make it to his goal. He also knew how unlikely that was- but it didn't matter. It had to be done.

Naruto should have been there, but she couldn't spare a thought- until he arrived, it was just between them.

The air between them felt charged with intent- this was it, he was set on his course, there was no turning back now.

The door banged open with a crash.

The tension shattered and they lunged- Hisana speared the target through before Sasuke made it halfway there-

"Hisana! Sasuke!" Naruto cried as he entered the room-

Hisana's eyes flickered over to Naruto, momentarily distracted by his distress, which Sasuke had no qualms about taking advantage of. His own strike came in-

Too slow.

Hisana jerked back, her prize won, and smirked as she brought it to her mouth-

Only to bite through nothing.

A quick pulse of chakra showed the last of dinner disappearing down her brother's gullet as he looked extremely pleased with himself. Her eyes narrowed, promising retribution at the next meal.

Mourning the loss of the last bite, she turned to Naruto. He looked on the verge of tears.

"Bird! Help!" He got out, before turning and bolting back out the way he came- though not before swiping his own untouched dinner from the table.

Sighing, Hisana looked back across the table at Sasuke as she nonetheless got up and prepared to follow. She found nothing but tired agreement in his eyes;

This was definitely going to be the rest of their day.


Hisana looked down at the… bird?

What was left of one anyways.

It appeared to be missing most of a wing, a foot, a variety of feathers- and was making some pretty worrisome noises.

Even as she prepared to give Naruto the likely news, she still kneeled down to do a quick diagnostic and absentmindedly listened to his explanation.

"I was trying to create a tornado so I made a bunch of clones and fired off a ton of wind jutsu all at once in a spiral and it didn't really work but this guy got caught in the crosswind and there was some tree pieces flying everywhere and maybe some shuriken-" He rambled on, shifting nervously from foot to foot.

The jutsu returned largely returned the expected results, though she was surprised to note that the internal injuries were likely survivable with help.

She deftly avoided an attempt to take a bite out of her hand.

"Naruto, even if I heal it, it's not going to survive. I can't replace missing parts-" She cut herself off as she looked up into his desperate eyes. Already knowing where this was going, she started stabilizing the bird.

She wasn't going to give in without a fight. She wasn't.

She wasn't about to let the bird bleed out during the coming argument, regardless.

"Please? It was my fault he-"

"She-" Hisana corrected without thinking.

"She got hurt and can't you do something with seals?! You can do anything with seals!"

Well that was pretty flattering, but unfortunately inaccurate.

Not to mention- well, she felt bad for the bird, sure… but she didn't exactly have a lot of free time. She had to keep up with her training, manage the clan, practice more with combining her new attempt at imitating Tsunade's strength jutsu with her combat style- one bird really just didn't compare to the coming storm and the preparations she needed to make for that.

The bird gave a piteous cry and she involuntarily started drawing up plans in her head.

We can rebuild her, we have the technology.

Shaking the clearly delirious thought from her head, she looked up towards Naruto before quickly changing her mind about staring at his begging expression and turning her gaze instead to Sasuke, hoping to find backup.

He, however, was staring down at the bird with a conflicted look.

"It's a hawk." He said plaintively before turning his own wide gaze to Hisana.

She really, really, did not have time for this.

They continued to stare.

She had so much on her plate already.

The hawk cried out again.

One bird definitely was not worth the enormous delay this would surely bring. Forget the rest of her day- this would be the rest of her week, at least.

Absolutely not.

"I named her Aka?"


Sealing notes were scattered all across the room that was definitely not a lab because only mad scientists had underground labs and she was certainly not one of those, thanks.

Aka, currently laid up on a cloth covered table, was being kept calm by one of Sasuke's genjutsu to prevent her from hurting herself while Hisana tried to figure out when she'd forgotten how to say no to these two and then how to fix that.

She also needed to figure out how to replace a good chunk of a bird with some decent medical expertise and seals that mostly didn't work on anyone except herself. This was likely going to be a far easier problem to solve than the other one, so she decided to tackle it first.

Re-attachment was right out, unfortunately. While normally the best option the missing wing and foot were nowhere to be found.

Regrowth was also not an option. As far as she was aware the only techniques capable of replacing so much missing flesh were personalized regeneration jutsu that couldn't even be used on other people, let alone a bird. She also refused to ask the Hokage to use her secret ultimate technique to heal a hawk because she still had some lines in the sand.

That left prosthetics. Options there were slim at best even for injured ninja- as far as she was aware there'd never even been an attempt at making replacement limbs for animals. Most people with the relevant skills were more sensible than Hisana, clearly.

Or maybe they just didn't have to deal with trying to say no to Naruto and Sasuke.

Even drawing on her knowledge of the original timeline didn't give her much in the way of ideas- Zetsu based prosthetics were years and an apocalyptic war in an alternate future away. Sasori had managed an effective full body prosthetic, but the internal mechanisms of puppetry were largely a mystery to her.

So she'd be starting from scratch.

She looked up from her notes and over to Aka.

"What do you think, wood or metal?"


Hisana quickly discarded the idea of wood- while easier to work with, she wouldn't be able to manage the necessary weight to strength ratio without whatever techniques the puppeteers of Suna used to harden their puppets.

The problem, of course, was that both materials were a lot heavier than hollow bones and feathers and muscle. Even if she could get all of it working properly Aka wouldn't be able to fly with it- her muscles just weren't made for that kind of job.

The obvious solution was to make her stronger, then.

Better, faster, stronger.

She shook the thought from her head again and considered her own arm- and the thin lines of the seals enhancing her blows in bursts. Applying those to another person was something of a non-starter, not to mention that she needed sustained strength- not wild bursts of it. No, she needed something else- something new.

She took a moment to consider the morality of making some kind of cyborg super hawk and letting it loose on the world.

"Hisana! Aka! I got the bird food!" Naruto barged in, arms overflowing with bird feed, a stand, and… toys?

Previous thoughts forgotten, Hisana slowly lowered her face into her hands. Sending Naruto to the pet store was probably a mistake.

Sasuke followed in after him at a more sedate pace- quickly checking that his genjutsu was still being maintained before casting his gaze across the workshop. He soon decided that he had little chance of making sense of the sealing notes scattered around and turned to ask the source directly.

"Making any progress?"

"Define progress." Hisana spoke into her hands, before looking up to see Naruto slowly hand feeding the bird.

He paused to flash her a wide grin. "I know you can do it, sis! "

Hisana let out a slow breath. She could do it, she thought. She couldn't make a seal that multiplied Aka's strength like her own did, at least not consistently enough to matter- but she didn't need to. She just needed a more measured, additive boost. Something smaller than would ever be useful to her. The chakra cost would be prohibitive for a regular animal, but absolutely tiny compared to her own seals- a properly made chakra storage seal could fuel it for months, maybe. She'd still need to draw it in line with the musculature- and the methods to actually control the prosthetics would of course have to be wired into the nervous system. Then she'd need someone actually capable of forging the metal parts- something she had no experience with.

Then they'd somehow need to teach Aka how to use it.

Her eyes narrowed in thought as she quickly tallied what she needed for this project, and came to an unfortunate conclusion.

They needed to outsource.


Tenten leaned over the scribbled designs of metal talons and wings.

"How did I get involved in this again?" She asked as she made alterations.

"You have a giving heart." Hisana reminded her, before glancing at the other two.

Sakura was slowly and painstakingly drawing out the musculature of the hawk, her own diagnostics managing far more detail than Hisana herself could. She needed to know Aka's biology in nearly as much detail as she knew her own if this was to work- and that just wasn't something she could do in any reasonable timeframe. Sakura had no such limitations.

The bird was slowly moving from one pose to another to aid in Sakura's mapping, courtesy of the final member of their impromptu hawk saving squad.

Ino's body sat limply in a chair, her mind otherwise occupied.

"And also I'm paying you." Hisana amended at Tenten's unimpressed look.

"That's better." She said, with some amusement coloring her voice, "And luckily for your giving heart I can definitely do this."

"That's not- this is for those two idiots I call brothers." Hisana felt the need to argue, lest they think spent all her time turning random injured animals into seal-enhanced cyborgs.

Said brothers were currently out on a mission to buy the smallest brush they could find. She had only asked Naruto to go look with his clones, but Sasuke was willing to take any excuse to not be trapped in a room with Ino and Sakura- no matter how much they had changed from the academy.

The possessed hawk let out a cry that sounded vaguely disbelieving. Hisana chose to ignore it.


The first test went well.

Yes, the prosthetic wing launched one of the feathers hard enough to imbed in a wall, but nothing caught on fire or exploded and she was pretty sure she could make it happen on purpose instead, so-


After going back to the drawing board and discarding the idea of giving a bird the ability to launch pieces of its wings as makeshift kunai (the chakra cost would be prohibitive, and she would quickly lose the ability to fly), the next version looked a lot more promising.

Then the wing froze up mid flight and Hisana had to catch a struggling, far too sharp hawk out of the air and break both of their falls with her own wings.


Hisana fought against a giddy smile as she watched Aka fly. Naruto had no such restraint and cheered loudly beside her. He was also maybe, definitely crying.

Sasuke looked… content.

It wasn't any great thing, really. None of the problems and threats pressing in from all sides had gone away- really, they had only got more pressing.

Even this wasn't, truly, perfect. She'd managed to make it all efficient enough that the chakra battery should last the bird for the rest of its life, but she couldn't truly be sure. The hawk would stick out like a beacon to anyone with enough of a chakra sense- though animals with significant enough chakra to matter weren't terribly uncommon around Konoha to begin with. The process was also certainly not applicable to humans missing limbs.

But to have a project, to see it through to the end, to see it succeed, to do it all for no real reason other than that they had wanted to- it made it all seem just a little bit more doable.

It made it seem a little bit more worth it.


The next time they were eating dinner and Aka swept in through an open window and distracted her siblings, Hisana stole the last bit of dinner out from under them.

It was delicious.

Well that happened. It was gonna be shorter but then it wasn't.

I imagine the bird comes back everyone once in a while but not that often. Its still a wild bird, not a pet, despite Naruto's wishes otherwise.

Its also definitely a menace to all the other woodland critters.

I blame this on all the comparisons to Orochimaru's sealing specialty and wanting to write Hisana making a crime for nature rather than a crime against nature.

Also I thought it'd be nice to write them all just generally enjoying themselves with something that doesn't really matter. Hisana especially, who is far more aware of all the stakes and really needs to be encouraged to relax every once in a while.

Yes a mad scientist project to make a cyberhawk is relaxing, shut up.
Contact 8.2
Contact 8.2

"These guys sure do grow a lot of rice," Naruto said, as Team Seven and Jiraiya walked down a long, winding road. It was cut into the side of a mountain, and rice fields did indeed stretch out before them - a vast, criss-cross plain of grass-covered dividers and pools of water. Even Hisana's Sharingan, when she activated it for just a moment, couldn't let her see beyond them - they stretched from the border mountains to the horizon. The Land of Rice Fields had a number of powerful rivers running through it, providing the water, but still...

"It's in the name, brat," Jiraiya said.

"Yeah, but it's not like the Land of Fire is full of fire, is it," Naruto replied.

"The forest fires used to be really bad, before the Shinobi Firefighting Corps. There's also the volcanoes," Hisana said. The firefighting corps was one of Konoha's most profitable long-term mission contracts, and most Leaf ninja with a water affinity did a rotation or two with them. There were some ninja who stayed with it full-time, though. They used massive water-sealing scrolls and ninjutsu to fight fires, and were very efficient and stopping forest fires these days.

"Heh, I guess. Where are we going anyway, pervy sage?" Naruto asked.

"A small town, near the border. Well, I'm going in - you three are gonna hang back, keep watch with those eyes," Jiraiya said.

"My eyes are just normal," Naruto said as he crossed his arms.

"Have one of your clones transform into some inconspicuous - but listen up, all of you. Keep out of sight and don't go splashing around obvious ninjutsu if you can help it. Actually..." Jiraiya said and turned his gaze towards Hisana.

"What?" she asked.

"You're good enough with that quickdraw iaido crap to fake it as a samurai. Runaway samurai princess turned merc to make it... change of plans. You're coming into town with me," Jiraiya said.

"I learnt it from a samurai - but I'm not exactly dressed for the part," Hisana said.

"Don't do it, sis. He's just gonna go to a brothel or something," Naruto said, shaking his head.

"Excellent place to pick up information, brothels. Besides, all she needs to do is stand near me and loom - I've got some armour that'll work in a storage scroll somewhere," Jiraiya said.

"I can loom," Hisana replied.

"Excellent -"
"But I want something in return," Hisana said, smiling sweetly.

"You do, do you?"

"I want you to look over this seal for me, make sure it works safely - that sort of thing, and then tell Tsunade you said it was okay," Hisana said as she unsealed a scroll with her notes on a certain something she'd been working on.

"She's already checking your work, kid. I'm not bad with your sort of personal seals, but - ah, I see," Jiraiya said, as he read the scroll. "Sure, kid, I'll check it out for you. Want my advice? Offer her your notes on it for her own use, and she'll probably let you jacking her technique pass," Jiraiya continued.

"Thanks, sensei," Hisana said.

"Believe me, kid, you don't want to put that curse on yourself," Jiraiya said.


They camped that night in a cave in the mountainside, one that bore evidence of regular use by travellers. Naruto set some alarm traps, and Hisana smiled as she saw how elaborate they were. He might be loud and boisterous, but Naruto was practically a genius when it came to trapmaking.

There was a bend in the cave that could act as a sort of partition, so Hisana summoned a shadow clone, unsealed a full-length mirror, her ink, and her sealing brushes from a storage scroll in her pack.

"Your formulas are good. Not nearly as good as Tsunade, of course, but... it'll work. You sure you want that much ink on you, though?" Jiraiya asked.

"I'll compress it, like my armour seals. Can't even see them when they're like that - I'll have to extend them to use them, like my pseudo-coils, but..." Hisana replied and waved her hand in a so-so motion.

"I'll leave you to it," Jiraiya said, and walked back around the bend. Hisana made a single hand seal, and a copy of her shimmered into existence. A portable light from her storage seal, and she was ready to work.

Inscribing the seals along her muscles took hours of careful, precise work. At first, she and her shadow clone worked at the same time, working chakra ink in long, thin lines of characters along her muscles. The control seal, located just over the Fifth Inner Gate - the Gate of Limit, was a spiral of kanji that ended in the interface with her chakra network.

Soon enough Hisana had to simply stop, stand still, and let her clone work. Her clone stepped back as the last seal was finished, and Hisana channelled chakra through the seal. The interface worked, and she felt a grin spread across her face. The seals compressed themselves, receding into the control cluster on her abdomen - lust a tiny spiral - and then she triggered the expansion.

Pseudo-coils, lines of crimson ink, spread across her body. Seals branched off them in places, jutsu formula that would channel the chakra she needed - to enhance her strength and fortify her muscles. To let her strengthen herself to heights beyond even a ninja for just the moment of impact - a vastly more efficient technique than standard ninja strength enhancements.


The next morning, Hisana swapped her forehead protector and her flak jacket for a set of dingy, ill-fitting samurai armour. It was genuine samurai armour - chakra metal, covered by a chipped black lacquer - but Hisana didn't know the chakra flow technique intended to be used with it. Enhancing armour was the most common use of Earth Release chakra flow, which strengthened things it was run through. It was difficult to use without the correct chakra nature and had fallen out of favour as powerful Lightning Release jutsu had begun to rapidly proliferate during the Great Ninja Wars.

The first of the Great Ninja Wars had ended the Samurai as a power outside of the Land of Iron. Every great elemental nation at that time had still commanded vast (compared to ninja villages) forces of them, making up the larger portion of their chakra adepts, but they had suffered hideously on the battlefield. The deployment of large scale co-operative ninjutsu, of whole armies of ninja pooling their powers to summon tsunamis or kilometre-long firestorms, had overwhelmed the samurai when they had, as was their way, met the ninja on the field. When they tried to fight small unit actions, they found that fighting shape-shifting chakra users as skilled as they were was rather different than raiding effectively helpless peasants.

Then someone deployed the first Tailed Beast in combat. The fragmented histories that had survived that conflict reminded Hisana a lot of the plans some countries had in Mary's world to keep fighting after a nuclear war. After that first army was destroyed in an energy burst more powerful than a thermonuclear bomb, the age of the samurai was done. There were still families of them, some noble lines and others mercenaries, but no longer did they make up a sizeable portion of any major nation's forces.

Jiraiya looked the part, too, wearing a set of loose-fitting silk robes that hid his muscular body. The robes were nice, but not that nice - and a little faded. He definitely looked the part of a down-on-his-luck noble or merchant, the kind of person who might hire a young samurai runaway as a bodyguard.

"Wow sis, you really do look like a samurai," Naruto said.

"Where did you get the armour?" Sasuke asked Jiraiya. The armour would have fit all three of them, and Hisana thought it was probably originally intended as a disguise for Naruto - at least recently.

"Bought it in an estate sale. Some grand old noble lady died without an heir, and the local daimyo sold all the furnishings off," Jiraiya said with a shrug. Sasuke shrugged in return, and went back to sharpening his kunai.

"We better be going, kid. You two - follow us to the post-marking and then keep watch, but don't get seen. No obvious ninjutsu either,"

"Yeah, yeah. We get it," Naruto said.

Hisana and Jiraiya walked out in the open, and Hisana's mind wandered a little. Chakra armour in the vein of the Land of Snow's was probably a very difficult project, but either learning or making a jutsu formula for Earth Release chakra flow was a much simpler affair. The Uchiha vaults had some chakra-metal armour, and whilst she had once avoided it because of how it would've slowed her, she was strong enough these days that it was basically a footnote.

She would have to work on it after the mission was over. She knew that Earth Release chakra flow would let exceptionally well-made chakra metal weapons stand up to the impacts of even the highest levels of ninja combat. It only made sense that it could do the same for armour.

The town they arrived at was built on a small plateau jutting out of the side of a valley and surrounded by a forest. All the buildings were built from a uniform-ish greying wood, with the occasional stone structure. There was a wall blocking off the only path of entry, as well as a watchtower, but no other defences. Bandits or raiders would only be able to approach from that direction, true, but anybody who could use chakra could simply walk up the cliff face.

Hisana could, to her surprise, feel quite a few chakra signatures. Most of them were very weak, around academy student level, but a few were stronger. One or two were very strong. That suggested bandits and ronin to her - the more successful bandits tended to pick up a few things from the ronin and missing ninja they worked with.

"I'm sensing a lot of weak chakra signatures, and a few decent ones," Hisana said quietly to Jiraiya as they approached.

"I'm not surprised. Town's about as sketchy as they come, but the comp - the beer's cheap," Jiraiya said, and Hisana tried not to laugh at the self-censorship.

"I guess it makes sense for criminals like that to congregate in a country without a ninja village. Oh, sensei, you said no ninjutsu - I do know the Samurai Sabre technique..." Hisana said.

"You do, huh? Well, I guess your cover probably should know it. Feel free on that, but no elemental stuff," Jiraiya replied.

The two of them arrived at the gates of the town, which opened after only a few brief words from Jiraiya. The guards at the gate were dressed in shabby clothing, but their swords looked new, and Hisana could sense that they'd had a bit of chakra training. She kept her hands resting gently on the hilt of her sword.

Hisana followed Jiraiya into the town, and she almost expected a tumbleweed to blow down the street. It was a dirty, squalid place with dirt roads and buildings caked with dried mud. Men with shabby clothes and fine swords watched Hisana and Jiraiya as they walked through the main street of the town, and Hisana could guess what they were thinking. Guess how they were gauging if killing her and mugging Jiraiya was worth the risk.

She focused herself, sending minuscule whisps of chakra out and projecting a sense of cold, dispassionate threat through it. Killing intent, the one surviving remnant of ninshu. Even most ninja didn't understand that it was a chakra technique, and not simply something that happened.

The men averted their gaze, and Hisana smiled. Jiraiya walked into the livelest-looking building in the village, a bar of some kind, and Hisana followed him. There was a bouncer at the door, a huge man with a wooden staff, but one look into Hisana's ink-black eyes and he stood aside without question.

Hisana found a spot to loom, and Jiraiya found a table. He was quickly inundated with women and rice wine, and Hisana was surprised to overhear what sounded like actual information being passed to him. She'd known he maintained a spy network, but she'd always thought it had been... not like this.

Then she sensed it - a strong chakra signature, approaching at combat speed. Her whole body tensed, and she had to fight an instinctual reflex to activate her Sharingan. Defeating the person that signature belonged to without revealing herself as a ninja would be difficult, she knew, but maybe if she struck first, she could do it.

Does Hisana...

[x] Strike First, because no one approaching that fast has friendly intentions.

[x] Wait and see what happens - because they're here to gather information.
Better Nature

Hisana gripped her weapon tighter, staring into the red eyes of the enemy. She was tense as a coiled spring, watching, waiting for any movement.

Sasuke grimaced as his own stance tightened. He knew he had to get through her to make it to his goal. He also knew how unlikely that was- but it didn't matter. It had to be done.

Naruto should have been there, but she couldn't spare a thought- until he arrived, it was just between them.

The air between them felt charged with intent- this was it, he was set on his course, there was no turning back now.

The door banged open with a crash.

The tension shattered and they lunged- Hisana speared the target through before Sasuke made it halfway there-

"Hisana! Sasuke!" Naruto cried as he entered the room-

Hisana's eyes flickered over to Naruto, momentarily distracted by his distress, which Sasuke had no qualms about taking advantage of. His own strike came in-

Too slow.

Hisana jerked back, her prize won, and smirked as she brought it to her mouth-

Only to bite through nothing.

A quick pulse of chakra showed the last of dinner disappearing down her brother's gullet as he looked extremely pleased with himself. Her eyes narrowed, promising retribution at the next meal.

Mourning the loss of the last bite, she turned to Naruto. He looked on the verge of tears.

"Bird! Help!" He got out, before turning and bolting back out the way he came- though not before swiping his own untouched dinner from the table.

Sighing, Hisana looked back across the table at Sasuke as she nonetheless got up and prepared to follow. She found nothing but tired agreement in his eyes;

This was definitely going to be the rest of their day.


Hisana looked down at the… bird?

What was left of one anyways.

It appeared to be missing most of a wing, a foot, a variety of feathers- and was making some pretty worrisome noises.

Even as she prepared to give Naruto the likely news, she still kneeled down to do a quick diagnostic and absentmindedly listened to his explanation.

"I was trying to create a tornado so I made a bunch of clones and fired off a ton of wind jutsu all at once in a spiral and it didn't really work but this guy got caught in the crosswind and there was some tree pieces flying everywhere and maybe some shuriken-" He rambled on, shifting nervously from foot to foot.

The jutsu returned largely returned the expected results, though she was surprised to note that the internal injuries were likely survivable with help.

She deftly avoided an attempt to take a bite out of her hand.

"Naruto, even if I heal it, it's not going to survive. I can't replace missing parts-" She cut herself off as she looked up into his desperate eyes. Already knowing where this was going, she started stabilizing the bird.

She wasn't going to give in without a fight. She wasn't.

She wasn't about to let the bird bleed out during the coming argument, regardless.

"Please? It was my fault he-"

"She-" Hisana corrected without thinking.

"She got hurt and can't you do something with seals?! You can do anything with seals!"

Well that was pretty flattering, but unfortunately inaccurate.

Not to mention- well, she felt bad for the bird, sure… but she didn't exactly have a lot of free time. She had to keep up with her training, manage the clan, practice more with combining her new attempt at imitating Tsunade's strength jutsu with her combat style- one bird really just didn't compare to the coming storm and the preparations she needed to make for that.

The bird gave a piteous cry and she involuntarily started drawing up plans in her head.

We can rebuild her, we have the technology.

Shaking the clearly delirious thought from her head, she looked up towards Naruto before quickly changing her mind about staring at his begging expression and turning her gaze instead to Sasuke, hoping to find backup.

He, however, was staring down at the bird with a conflicted look.

"It's a hawk." He said plaintively before turning his own wide gaze to Hisana.

She really, really, did not have time for this.

They continued to stare.

She had so much on her plate already.

The hawk cried out again.

One bird definitely was not worth the enormous delay this would surely bring. Forget the rest of her day- this would be the rest of her week, at least.

Absolutely not.

"I named her Aka?"


Sealing notes were scattered all across the room that was definitely not a lab because only mad scientists had underground labs and she was certainly not one of those, thanks.

Aka, currently laid up on a cloth covered table, was being kept calm by one of Sasuke's genjutsu to prevent her from hurting herself while Hisana tried to figure out when she'd forgotten how to say no to these two and then how to fix that.

She also needed to figure out how to replace a good chunk of a bird with some decent medical expertise and seals that mostly didn't work on anyone except herself. This was likely going to be a far easier problem to solve than the other one, so she decided to tackle it first.

Re-attachment was right out, unfortunately. While normally the best option the missing wing and foot were nowhere to be found.

Regrowth was also not an option. As far as she was aware the only techniques capable of replacing so much missing flesh were personalized regeneration jutsu that couldn't even be used on other people, let alone a bird. She also refused to ask the Hokage to use her secret ultimate technique to heal a hawk because she still had some lines in the sand.

That left prosthetics. Options there were slim at best even for injured ninja- as far as she was aware there'd never even been an attempt at making replacement limbs for animals. Most people with the relevant skills were more sensible than Hisana, clearly.

Or maybe they just didn't have to deal with trying to say no to Naruto and Sasuke.

Even drawing on her knowledge of the original timeline didn't give her much in the way of ideas- Zetsu based prosthetics were years and an apocalyptic war in an alternate future away. Sasori had managed an effective full body prosthetic, but the internal mechanisms of puppetry were largely a mystery to her.

So she'd be starting from scratch.

She looked up from her notes and over to Aka.

"What do you think, wood or metal?"


Hisana quickly discarded the idea of wood- while easier to work with, she wouldn't be able to manage the necessary weight to strength ratio without whatever techniques the puppeteers of Suna used to harden their puppets.

The problem, of course, was that both materials were a lot heavier than hollow bones and feathers and muscle. Even if she could get all of it working properly Aka wouldn't be able to fly with it- her muscles just weren't made for that kind of job.

The obvious solution was to make her stronger, then.

Better, faster, stronger.

She shook the thought from her head again and considered her own arm- and the thin lines of the seals enhancing her blows in bursts. Applying those to another person was something of a non-starter, not to mention that she needed sustained strength- not wild bursts of it. No, she needed something else- something new.

She took a moment to consider the morality of making some kind of cyborg super hawk and letting it loose on the world.

"Hisana! Aka! I got the bird food!" Naruto barged in, arms overflowing with bird feed, a stand, and… toys?

Previous thoughts forgotten, Hisana slowly lowered her face into her hands. Sending Naruto to the pet store was probably a mistake.

Sasuke followed in after him at a more sedate pace- quickly checking that his genjutsu was still being maintained before casting his gaze across the workshop. He soon decided that he had little chance of making sense of the sealing notes scattered around and turned to ask the source directly.

"Making any progress?"

"Define progress." Hisana spoke into her hands, before looking up to see Naruto slowly hand feeding the bird.

He paused to flash her a wide grin. "I know you can do it, sis! "

Hisana let out a slow breath. She could do it, she thought. She couldn't make a seal that multiplied Aka's strength like her own did, at least not consistently enough to matter- but she didn't need to. She just needed a more measured, additive boost. Something smaller than would ever be useful to her. The chakra cost would be prohibitive for a regular animal, but absolutely tiny compared to her own seals- a properly made chakra storage seal could fuel it for months, maybe. She'd still need to draw it in line with the musculature- and the methods to actually control the prosthetics would of course have to be wired into the nervous system. Then she'd need someone actually capable of forging the metal parts- something she had no experience with.

Then they'd somehow need to teach Aka how to use it.

Her eyes narrowed in thought as she quickly tallied what she needed for this project, and came to an unfortunate conclusion.

They needed to outsource.


Tenten leaned over the scribbled designs of metal talons and wings.

"How did I get involved in this again?" She asked as she made alterations.

"You have a giving heart." Hisana reminded her, before glancing at the other two.

Sakura was slowly and painstakingly drawing out the musculature of the hawk, her own diagnostics managing far more detail than Hisana herself could. She needed to know Aka's biology in nearly as much detail as she knew her own if this was to work- and that just wasn't something she could do in any reasonable timeframe. Sakura had no such limitations.

The bird was slowly moving from one pose to another to aid in Sakura's mapping, courtesy of the final member of their impromptu hawk saving squad.

Ino's body sat limply in a chair, her mind otherwise occupied.

"And also I'm paying you." Hisana amended at Tenten's unimpressed look.

"That's better." She said, with some amusement coloring her voice, "And luckily for your giving heart I can definitely do this."

"That's not- this is for those two idiots I call brothers." Hisana felt the need to argue, lest they think spent all her time turning random injured animals into seal-enhanced cyborgs.

Said brothers were currently out on a mission to buy the smallest brush they could find. She had only asked Naruto to go look with his clones, but Sasuke was willing to take any excuse to not be trapped in a room with Ino and Sakura- no matter how much they had changed from the academy.

The possessed hawk let out a cry that sounded vaguely disbelieving. Hisana chose to ignore it.


The first test went well.

Yes, the prosthetic wing launched one of the feathers hard enough to imbed in a wall, but nothing caught on fire or exploded and she was pretty sure she could make it happen on purpose instead, so-


After going back to the drawing board and discarding the idea of giving a bird the ability to launch pieces of its wings as makeshift kunai (the chakra cost would be prohibitive, and she would quickly lose the ability to fly), the next version looked a lot more promising.

Then the wing froze up mid flight and Hisana had to catch a struggling, far too sharp hawk out of the air and break both of their falls with her own wings.


Hisana fought against a giddy smile as she watched Aka fly. Naruto had no such restraint and cheered loudly beside her. He was also maybe, definitely crying.

Sasuke looked… content.

It wasn't any great thing, really. None of the problems and threats pressing in from all sides had gone away- really, they had only got more pressing.

Even this wasn't, truly, perfect. She'd managed to make it all efficient enough that the chakra battery should last the bird for the rest of its life, but she couldn't truly be sure. The hawk would stick out like a beacon to anyone with enough of a chakra sense- though animals with significant enough chakra to matter weren't terribly uncommon around Konoha to begin with. The process was also certainly not applicable to humans missing limbs.

But to have a project, to see it through to the end, to see it succeed, to do it all for no real reason other than that they had wanted to- it made it all seem just a little bit more doable.

It made it seem a little bit more worth it.


The next time they were eating dinner and Aka swept in through an open window and distracted her siblings, Hisana stole the last bit of dinner out from under them.

It was delicious.

Well that happened. It was gonna be shorter but then it wasn't.

I imagine the bird comes back everyone once in a while but not that often. Its still a wild bird, not a pet, despite Naruto's wishes otherwise.

Its also definitely a menace to all the other woodland critters.

I blame this on all the comparisons to Orochimaru's sealing specialty and wanting to write Hisana making a crime for nature rather than a crime against nature.

Also I thought it'd be nice to write them all just generally enjoying themselves with something that doesn't really matter. Hisana especially, who is far more aware of all the stakes and really needs to be encouraged to relax every once in a while.

Yes a mad scientist project to make a cyberhawk is relaxing, shut up.
This was a really good character piece, 10xp to you.
I wonder who it could be and why they're rushing here

also what is "combat speed" in this case? d-rank speed? a? s? how much faster could we move if we wanted too? could we blitz in a split second if needed too? how big is the chakra compared too us? basically I'm asking how much of a threat this signature seems too be in her split second assessment

oh ok fast enough too be able to blow our cover apparently which is worrying....
I say
[x] Wait and see what happens - because they're here to gather information.
because Jiraya ain't no bitch and can protect himself if need be, not worth blowing a potential cover for no gain more then a "first strike"
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[x] Strike First, because no one approaching that fast has friendly intentions.

Time to stab people, I've been the voice of reason too many times this week.
[x] Strike First, because no one approaching that fast has friendly intentions.

Our disguise is a bodyguard. Reflexively attacking is in character more than letting a potential attacker past.

And they're too fast to be civilian
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