Took me a little to catch up on all the replies but come on guys! Try the DC160 action! You can do it I believe in you all! Finish grandpa's work and genuinely find a cure for one of the most horrible illnesses in the world! (Seriously look up what it did to Maria, that shit is rough.)
But genuinely, do whatever ya'll think is best but remember the world turns with or without you. If you hide too long GUN and The Restoration might just manage to kick everyone else out and then you've only got that united front to fight.
You know what you're right
[] The man with the master plan
-Launch Attack On Black Arms Base DC120 - Clove + Badniks(Power Cap 30): 1x Egg Pawn, 1x Blowfish(2x Toxomister), 1x Egg Hammer, 1x Burrowbot ,1x Hey Ho
-Hire A New Minion: Piastol DC45 - Belle
-Create a Metal Mine DC: 65 - Orbot&Cubot
-Make a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms DC:65 - Isara
Further Research Cassia's Disease DC160
Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/100
Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
Persona Actions
-Dr.Eggman: Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals) - Launch Attack On Black Arms Base
-Dr. Eggman: Search for Maria
-Dr. Starline: Search This Base
-Rusty Rose: Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
-Metal Sonic: Observe The Faker's Defeat
-Agent Stone: Make Coffee for the Doctor
-Belle: Tinker Time
-Clove: Get Some Ice Cream
-Canaan: Look for Maria yourself.
-Isara: Find Your Fellow Prisoners
Adventure: "Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" (Limited, available just for this turn only!)
-Time to steal the Relic!
--Stealthy (Heist Time): Canaan(Leader), Agent Stone, Dr. Starline
We are Dr Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik and we will finish our grandfather's work and cure nids