I'd rather not ally with G.U.N. or Restoration either.
We ally with them till black doom is gone then we stop
What Snek said, but also: Eggman has been trying to take over the world the entire time he's been on-screen.Dude this is a VILLAIN quest
We're not going to make nice woth them
We're going to turn around and conquer them once black doom is delt with
We may be nicer than before but we're still a villain
I feel like 'how are we going to treat the only nearby factions, that aren't hyper-evil', is a pretty relevant thing to talk about.We're arguing over irrelevant things again guys.
Focus on those who are our enemies, not those who might be.
There are a lot of threats around the world, not just Black Doom besides it will take a while either way until we are ready to storm the Ark and we kinda need they help to locate the Seven Chaos Emeralds. Long enough at least for they opinion of Eggman to change and the doctor's as well.
Well the Restoration and GUN will start to donate resources to Eggman once we approach them, like tributes. Make no mistake they will be part of the Eggman Empire either by diplomacy or conquest, it's just this way we will not to constantly deal with rebellion inside our borders and Eggman will be finally be force to hear other people people's opinion and actually start to develop his skills ruling over population instead of just ignoring them and expect total obedience.
Either way he also try a new method thanks to Belle's talk to see how he can approach his World Domination business since military conquest cleary didn't work last time and Eggman is not someone that repeat past tactics and plans easily.
Like crushing the Restoration and GUN, Eggman will simple continue the same tactics that didn't work and make some of our hero units to leave. Belle among them and she's critical to Eggman actually start to develop a conscience.
Dude this is a VILLAIN quest
We're not going to make nice woth them
We're going to turn around and conquer them once black doom is delt with
We may be nicer than before but we're still a villain
So you want Eggman to act the opposite of how you are right now? Because you've just been ignoring how everyone has been telling you EXACTLY WHY they will not happily allow Eggman to rule the world.
Few things that need ti be clear. Eggman is undergoing bit of character develpment, but that os not enough to change his Core personality, you Can grow as a person but he will still be Eggman, thats what the quest os about, indint like Just static characters but that doesnt mean complétely changing who they are.
Also reminder, i said only way GUN and Restorarion would join Eggman is the threat of Black Doom. Thats all that will work.
Also, Dont expect them to change theirnopinion of Eggman, Sonic isnt Here to blab about second chances, they Wont forget the crimes Eggman did.
And as for saying, joining together against greater threats? Well, you Dont know of those.
Also but of IRL is keeping us busy but i Hope turn 3 starts this weekend.
You missed the opportunity to call him 'Doctor Eggdoom'.Fair enough, and good to have it confirmed.
If nothing else their constant opposition will give us a consistent way to shrapen our skills.
we should definitely be using the Egg Hammers, they get bonuses for siege attacks, and the egg pawns can be added on to a team without counting towards the limit so they'll just be thrown on. other than that it depends on what the power limit for this attack is.If we going to take our badniks to battle, regardless if we are to seize a factory or expelled the Black Arms.
We should avoid send the Moto Bugs since we need them to help search for the Conch and would be a pain to have them lost before we could do that.
we should definitely be using the Egg Hammers, they get bonuses for siege attacks, and the egg pawns can be added on to a team without counting towards the limit so they'll just be thrown on. other than that it depends on what the power limit for this attack is.
actually it's really wierd that's a thing, Eggmans army is all about overwhelming numbers it's strange we even have a limit.
Like I said, I'm taking the first list I was given and rolling with that one specifically because a lot of badniks end up being +5/+10 to combat roll and a weird extra thing. If I make every badnik that has appeared, ya'll would have a list of 80+ baniks and only make the 10 really really good ones.
We need that conch tbh, send starline working on it perhaps?So one problem I am realizing. Kicking off the Black Arms and Zetis out of Green Hills will be good but it wont be their total defeat unless we manage to kill the Zeti. Black Arms have the Arc from where they can restart the invasion and Zeti do have their own little planet to retreat too. But no matter we are the Eggman and we do have the master plan!
I'm preety sure we have idw eggman is game eggman, but hmm could we do the metal virus again, its dangerous but sometimes you may need to spray and pray.Fair enough.
Well at least we aren't causing a metal induced undead apocalypse in this timeline.
Nah that is the guy across the sea doing.
On the other hand we have done some pretty big stuff, like blowing up half of the moon, shattering the planet, slaving an entire alien species.
Like I said, I'm taking the first list I was given and rolling with that one specifically because a lot of badniks end up being +5/+10 to combat roll and a weird extra thing. If I make every badnik that has appeared, ya'll would have a list of 80+ baniks and only make the 10 really really good ones.
Probably most of the e-series bar some outliers like omega. See my post on the extended archie lineup and this log on on the preboot incarnation of them. From the Databanks of E-102 GammaDoing some work on the badniks and I've got a question for ya'll
What would you consider a tier 3 badnik to be? Something above the level of a Super Badnik but not as strong as Metal or Rusty. Something along the lines of the Metal Series in power, like Silver Sonic.
Probably the E series robots from sonic adventure and anime.Doing some work on the badniks and I've got a question for ya'll
What would you consider a tier 3 badnik to be? Something above the level of a Super Badnik but not as strong as Metal or Rusty. Something along the lines of the Metal Series in power, like Silver Sonic.
Doing some work on the badniks and I've got a question for ya'll
What would you consider a tier 3 badnik to be? Something above the level of a Super Badnik but not as strong as Metal or Rusty. Something along the lines of the Metal Series in power, like Silver Sonic.