Ah...okay yeah that's a lot more managable than a True Super mode.

Still makes things difficult, but we should have something ready by the time we face them.

The Valkov however is an issue.

Any ideas on how to deal with it?
Well, there's always giant robot versus rail Canon or we could send in our newest metal Valkyrie against it

We still need to collect data for it. That's another reason to infiltrate the empire. If we're lucky, we can get both the chaos emerald, even though it might be more difficult to get it now. Plus bio data for our new metal.
his competence was never the issue, it's his personality. Starline is very overconfident, views himself as Eggmans equal, and is excessevily cruel. not only do I genuinely not trust his decision making ability, his leadership style is the kind of shit we're trying to move Eggman away from. I still want a villain Eggman but it is very obvious that if we want to both keep all our hero units and actually rule the world we'll need to get him to atleast be a "benevolent" dictator.

edit: this doesn't even address that I fully expect Starline to go behind our backs and do something absolutely moronic because he thinks he can't possibly make a mistake, like when he tried to recruit the Zeti in the metal virus arc.
Which is why we need to at least give him some leadership position. The reason why he went behind Eggman's back was because Eggman precisely didn't acknowledge his opinion like what you are suggesting we are doing. His concerns during the Metal Virus were valid, and yet Eggman kept brushing him off. The only reason his plan fail back then was lack of information he couldn't dealt with due to the urgency of the situation. If we let him have his chance to shine from time to time he won't resort to doing things sneaky for his plans, he instead will be open about it to us.
So one problem I am realizing. Kicking off the Black Arms and Zetis out of Green Hills will be good but it wont be their total defeat unless we manage to kill the Zeti. Black Arms have the Arc from where they can restart the invasion and Zeti do have their own little planet to retreat too. But no matter we are the Eggman and we do have the master plan!
So one problem I am realizing. Kicking off the Black Arms and Zetis out of Green Hills will be good but it wont be their total defeat unless we manage to kill the Zeti. Black Arms have the Arc from where they can restart the invasion and Zeti do have their own little planet to retreat too. But no matter we are the Eggman and we do have the master plan!
keep in mind the Zeti have no technology of their own, in the idw comics they literally couldn't get back to lost hex because they had no ship, and once Sonic and Tails sent them back there they were stuck.
You know I had forgotten one specific detail about super forms.

They tend to use up energy quite a bit.

Like even with the seven Sonic is barely able to maintain the super form unless he constantly gather rings.

That is a tibbit we could use in our favor.

Especially since I don't doubt Selvaria super form should be quite volatile compared to Sonic.
That's a game only limitation
There's no real time limit in the comics I don't think
So one problem I am realizing. Kicking off the Black Arms and Zetis out of Green Hills will be good but it wont be their total defeat unless we manage to kill the Zeti. Black Arms have the Arc from where they can restart the invasion and Zeti do have their own little planet to retreat too. But no matter we are the Eggman and we do have the master plan!

Remember the QMs said that for the Black Arms invade Green Hills again if they were kick out, they would need to pass a high roll action. It's actually easier to expand territory than invade so we at last would have a breathing room in that front.

Specially since they make significant progress in search for the Blue Chaos Emerald, we have the opportunity of a life time to expelled them and deny all that progress that will stay locked until they establish a foothold in Green Hill again.

Plus Eggman attacking the Black Arms may make the Restoration and GUN look more favorable for us since we at least want to play nice.
Remember the QMs said that for the Black Arms invade Green Hills again if they were kick out, they would need to pass a high roll action. It's actually easier to expand territory than invade so we at last would have a breathing room in that front.

Specially since they make significant progress in search for the Blue Chaos Emerald, we have the opportunity of a life time to expelled them and deny all that progress that will stay locked until they establish a foothold in Green Hill again.

Plus Eggman attacking the Black Arms may make the Restoration and GUN look more favorable for us since we at least want to play nice.
Yes, if we take out the black arms for good, it will allow us to get a alliance with both gun and the restoration And after we kinda point them towards the Zetti and the Empire and once all three of them soften each other up we take out the Zetti get back our Empire and then provide the restoration. Some support to take out the empire and once we do.

We backstab them hard
Nix the arm lead that into an alliance then Zeti and Empire...

Yeah that might work. We still have a mutal grudge but since our Heart units will be taking the lead...a frosty if workable relationship should be possible.

I mean Belle and Isara? Frankly if the Doctor is honestly helping them it should raise some doubts.

...Though let's not backstab them.
Yes, if we take out the black arms for good, it will allow us to get a alliance with both gun and the restoration And after we kinda point them towards the Zetti and the Empire and once all three of them soften each other up we take out the Zetti get back our Empire and then provide the restoration. Some support to take out the empire and once we do.

We backstab them hard
...Though let's not backstab them.

We still need them to invade the Space Colony Ark. Plus going by last Interlude Eggman is trying a new method to assume control of the world thanks to his talk with Belle.

Eggman is rarely someone that return to old plans and the brute method of military conquest didn't pan out in Sonic Force, so he will try something else.

Not to mention there are some very powerful Kings in the setting too that, such as John Admas, that crazy King that wants to bring eternal darkness and Commander Galcia are at the top of my head.

Anyway now, we just need to wait for Turn 3 now.
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I disagree trying to ally with GUN and Restoration after booting out the Dark Arms(assuming we succeed). It will have even higher DC most likely, and I'd rather some insurance in terms of our Empire being back under our control against any trickery.

GUN and Restoration are smart enough to know not to trust us as far as they can throw us.
*We NEED to gain enough power, but also show just enough to guarantee a sort of armistice. They don't stab US in the back, we don't backstab them. We will always be watching. We deal with the bigger fish...and they get to live a peaceful life WITHOUT the rest of this madhouse of a planet causing trouble.

Again...this requires a GREAT amount of firepower to dissuade them from backstabbing us...
Hm...so we need to put Zavoc down along the rest of his gang to get enough power...and then extend the Olive Branch. Just, point that the Empire could become a trouble and make a deal that one side won't fuck the other so long the partnership is up.
Honestly, I'm iffy on even allying with G.U.N/The Resistence.

I can't honestly see Eggman working well with them long-term, or them with Eggman. There'd be constant friction between us and them.

I'd say it'd probably be better to just agree with them to live and let live, while we figure out the state of the world.

To stab other people in the front?

Like Henrich. He's very stabable.
But I was going to use my face-stabbing claws for that. This is my back-stabbing knife.
Any truce with the restoration and gun is litteraly gonna be the embodiment of that kangaroo meme
"We can be friends until black doom is gone
After that it gets difficult"
Honestly, I'm iffy on even allying with G.U.N/The Resistence.

I can't honestly see Eggman working well with them long-term, or them with Eggman. There'd be constant friction between us and them.
It'll only be on as long a terms as Black Doom is kicking around.

Once he's kicked out of this realm we call Life, that's when the Alliance will end.
Also wouldn't be the first time Eggman pulls a ruse under an alliance only to pull the rug at the last minute.

Despite everything Dark Chronicles makes it clear Eggman can play ball until he gets what he wants.

After that he takes the ball and pulls the fake grass revealing a shit ton of traps.
It'll only be on as long a terms as Black Doom is kicking around.

Once he's kicked out of this realm we call Life, that's when the Alliance will end.

There are a lot of threats around the world, not just Black Doom besides it will take a while either way until we are ready to storm the Ark and we kinda need they help to locate the Seven Chaos Emeralds. Long enough at least for they opinion of Eggman to change and the doctor's as well.

Honestly, I'm iffy on even allying with G.U.N/The Resistence.

I can't honestly see Eggman working well with them long-term, or them with Eggman. There'd be constant friction between us and them.

I'd say it'd probably be better to just agree with them to live and let live, while we figure out the state of the world.

Well the Restoration and GUN will start to donate resources to Eggman once we approach them, like tributes. Make no mistake they will be part of the Eggman Empire either by diplomacy or conquest, it's just this way we will not to constantly deal with rebellion inside our borders and Eggman will be finally be force to hear other people people's opinion and actually start to develop his skills ruling over population instead of just ignoring them and expect total obedience.

Either way he also try a new method thanks to Belle's talk to see how he can approach his World Domination business since military conquest cleary didn't work last time and Eggman is not someone that repeat past tactics and plans easily.

Like crushing the Restoration and GUN, Eggman will simple continue the same tactics that didn't work and make some of our hero units to leave. Belle among them and she's critical to Eggman actually start to develop a conscience.
There are a lot of threats around the world, not just Black Doom besides it will take a while either way until we are ready to storm the Ark and we kinda need they help to locate the Seven Chaos Emeralds. Long enough at least for they opinion of Eggman to change and the doctor's as well.
Dude this is a VILLAIN quest
We're not going to make nice woth them
We're going to turn around and conquer them once black doom is delt with
We may be nicer than before but we're still a villain
Mostly until Black Doom and whatever else is still kicking around try to cause trouble.

I feel like we will be making enemies of Gouji Rokkaku in very little time.

Without counting J6 from Virtua fighter.