Here are the badniks shepard has designed so far, have been added to the informational badnik page. Thanks to Shepard for all the hard work on this.

Egg Fighter - A mass produced badnik made to fight along side the Egg Pawn, these frontline bruisers can take more damage and deal it back much harder.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +8 to combat rolls
Brawny: Bare Failures to damage this unit become Failures and Bare Successes in combat by this unit become Successes

Crabmeat - A mass produced badnik in the likeness of a crab that is a surprisingly effective anti-aerial combat unit with its missile launchers.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to combat rolls against aerial units.

Egg Magician - A mass produced badnik designed to support the other badniks with a light bit of magic and drain foes of their own vitality.
Metal Cost: 20
Requires Rings
Bonus: +5 to non-research Occult rolls.
I Need Healing: This unit can take an action to restore one hp to an injured badnik unit. If used on a badnik with a max of one hp, it gains an additional hit point until this ability is used again.

Egg Knight - A mass produced variant of the Egg Pawn designed to be the leader of the weaker baniks without needing a super badnik.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Lesser Commander: This unit can be assigned to lead a group of badniks with a combined power total of 10 or less.
Horde Commander: All badniks with a power cost of 5 or less gain +2 to all bonuses when assigned with this troop.

Hotaru - A mass produced badnik designed in the shape of a firefly and uses their lighted ends to shoot lasers at their foes. In large numbers, they can combine.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +5 to scouting rolls
Clear As Light: The first time any unit of Hotaru would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen to one Hotaru once per scene.

Hotaru Hi-Watt - A collective of multiple Hotaru that have combined together to become a much larger and more powerful badnik.
Metal Cost; N/A
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +10 to scouting and patrol rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
We Are Many: If two or more Hotaru are assigned to a single action, they combine into this unit. For each Hotaru beyond the second, this unit gains another use of the Clear As Light ability.
Clear As Light: The first time this unit would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen once per scene.

Klagen - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a jellyfish with a specialty for capturing targets whole and intact.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to all capture rolls
Abduction: If this unit reduces another unit to 0 hp, instead of destroying or killing it, this unit captures the target in a stasis field and will attempt to flee with them.

Mega Choppers - A small mass produced badnik designed similarly to a piranha, this unit is made to latch onto a target and drag it down into deep water.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +0 on land. +15 to combat rolls in the water.
Drag Them Down: After making a successful attack roll on a unit, this unit attaches to their target and does not let go until destroyed. Each turn this is attached to a target, it will attempt to drag it deeper into the water.

Tunnelbot - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to dig through the ruins of Marble Garden Zone's temples, this drilling robot is rocket propelled and made to excavate.
Metal Cost: 25
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls, +25 to all excavation rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp

Cluckoids - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a rooster, it inhales large amounts of air before releasing a bellowing gust of wind to blast away enemies.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls.
Blowhard: This unit gains +10 to any combat rolls against light targets or units that are gliding or flying.

Turtloids - A set of mass produced turtle badniks that act as heavy air support by launching energy spheres and are quite durable.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Duable: This unit has two hp.
Aerial Superiority: This unit has +10 to combat rolls against enemies that can't attack aerial units.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Spinners - A mass produced bat badnik that uses their wingblades to slash at any opponent that draws close.
Metal: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Dervish of Blades: If a unit touches this unit, this unit gets to make an attack against them with +5 to its normal roll.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Ice Ball - A mass produced badnik which pilots a small vehicle that sprays a freezing cold blast at foes to freeze them solid,
Metal: 10
Bonus: +7 to combat rolls.
Chill Out: If this unit rolls a 90+ on its attack roll, the opposing unit is frozen solid and misses its next turn.

Big Icedus - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to control the IceCap Zone, this Super Badnik creates enormous floating blocks of ice to attack foes with.
Metal: 25
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to any climate control rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp.
Flying: This unit can fly, gaining +5 to all pursuit or flee rolls.

Badniks Power Values (Basically the cap of how many badniks can be assigned to an Action/adventure):
Egg Fighter: 3
Crabmeat: 2
Egg Magician:4
Egg Knight: 6
Hotaru: 5
Hotaru Hi-Watt: N/A
Klagen: 4
Mega Choppers: 5
Tunnelbot: 8
Spinners: 5
Ice Ball: 6
Big Icedus: 10

One warning, is that, as Shepard said before, we wont' be accepting more recommendations for now for badniks, except for possible tier 3 badniks. Shepard has made a lot of them and its not fair you you just end up building a few of them while ignoring the rest. So yeah, until either you have build at least one of each current badnik or advanced long enough and used them, this will be your final badnik list for now.
Cluckoids - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a rooster, it inhales large amounts of air before releasing a bellowing gust of wind to blast away enemies.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls.
Blowhard: This unit gains +10 to any combat rolls against light targets or units that are gliding or flying.

Love the update list and thank you for the hard work

Still @ShepardCom should the Clukoids not be static defense like the Blastoids?

They don't exactly give the impression they can move in the games.

A bit flavor, don't even need to put if you want, but if going by Sonic Mania the Cluckoids can also act like weather forecasters, it obvious would have no mechanical advantage of this but it's pretty funny if Eggman designed them to act as weather forecasters too just because he's sick the news network get the weather wrong.
Hmm, maybe mechs that Eggman piloted turn into badniks, cause I remember seeing the Egg Breaker as a Badnik in the idw comics.
Here are the badniks shepard has designed so far, have been added to the informational badnik page. Thanks to Shepard for all the hard work on this.

Egg Fighter - A mass produced badnik made to fight along side the Egg Pawn, these frontline bruisers can take more damage and deal it back much harder.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +8 to combat rolls
Brawny: Bare Failures to damage this unit become Failures and Bare Successes in combat by this unit become Successes

Crabmeat - A mass produced badnik in the likeness of a crab that is a surprisingly effective anti-aerial combat unit with its missile launchers.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to combat rolls against aerial units.

Egg Magician - A mass produced badnik designed to support the other badniks with a light bit of magic and drain foes of their own vitality.
Metal Cost: 20
Requires Rings
Bonus: +5 to non-research Occult rolls.
I Need Healing: This unit can take an action to restore one hp to an injured badnik unit. If used on a badnik with a max of one hp, it gains an additional hit point until this ability is used again.

Egg Knight - A mass produced variant of the Egg Pawn designed to be the leader of the weaker baniks without needing a super badnik.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Lesser Commander: This unit can be assigned to lead a group of badniks with a combined power total of 10 or less.
Horde Commander: All badniks with a power cost of 5 or less gain +2 to all bonuses when assigned with this troop.

Hotaru - A mass produced badnik designed in the shape of a firefly and uses their lighted ends to shoot lasers at their foes. In large numbers, they can combine.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +5 to scouting rolls
Clear As Light: The first time any unit of Hotaru would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen to one Hotaru once per scene.

Hotaru Hi-Watt - A collective of multiple Hotaru that have combined together to become a much larger and more powerful badnik.
Metal Cost; N/A
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +10 to scouting and patrol rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
We Are Many: If two or more Hotaru are assigned to a single action, they combine into this unit. For each Hotaru beyond the second, this unit gains another use of the Clear As Light ability.
Clear As Light: The first time this unit would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen once per scene.

Klagen - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a jellyfish with a specialty for capturing targets whole and intact.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to all capture rolls
Abduction: If this unit reduces another unit to 0 hp, instead of destroying or killing it, this unit captures the target in a stasis field and will attempt to flee with them.

Mega Choppers - A small mass produced badnik designed similarly to a piranha, this unit is made to latch onto a target and drag it down into deep water.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +0 on land. +15 to combat rolls in the water.
Drag Them Down: After making a successful attack roll on a unit, this unit attaches to their target and does not let go until destroyed. Each turn this is attached to a target, it will attempt to drag it deeper into the water.

Tunnelbot - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to dig through the ruins of Marble Garden Zone's temples, this drilling robot is rocket propelled and made to excavate.
Metal Cost: 25
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls, +25 to all excavation rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp

Cluckoids - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a rooster, it inhales large amounts of air before releasing a bellowing gust of wind to blast away enemies.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls.
Blowhard: This unit gains +10 to any combat rolls against light targets or units that are gliding or flying.

Turtloids - A set of mass produced turtle badniks that act as heavy air support by launching energy spheres and are quite durable.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Duable: This unit has two hp.
Aerial Superiority: This unit has +10 to combat rolls against enemies that can't attack aerial units.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Spinners - A mass produced bat badnik that uses their wingblades to slash at any opponent that draws close.
Metal: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Dervish of Blades: If a unit touches this unit, this unit gets to make an attack against them with +5 to its normal roll.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Ice Ball - A mass produced badnik which pilots a small vehicle that sprays a freezing cold blast at foes to freeze them solid,
Metal: 10
Bonus: +7 to combat rolls.
Chill Out: If this unit rolls a 90+ on its attack roll, the opposing unit is frozen solid and misses its next turn.

Big Icedus - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to control the IceCap Zone, this Super Badnik creates enormous floating blocks of ice to attack foes with.
Metal: 25
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to any climate control rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp.
Flying: This unit can fly, gaining +5 to all pursuit or flee rolls.

Badniks Power Values (Basically the cap of how many badniks can be assigned to an Action/adventure):
Egg Fighter: 3
Crabmeat: 2
Egg Magician:4
Egg Knight: 6
Hotaru: 5
Hotaru Hi-Watt: N/A
Klagen: 4
Mega Choppers: 5
Tunnelbot: 8
Spinners: 5
Ice Ball: 6
Big Icedus: 10

One warning, is that, as Shepard said before, we wont' be accepting more recommendations for now for badniks, except for possible tier 3 badniks. Shepard has made a lot of them and its not fair you you just end up building a few of them while ignoring the rest. So yeah, until either you have build at least one of each current badnik or advanced long enough and used them, this will be your final badnik list for now.
Did we seriously forget the metroplis zone deadly trio...
Hmm tier 3, the Krudzu Hybrid Hydra though that may be a bit too high end.
Can we suggest eggman mechs?
Did we seriously forget the metroplis zone deadly trio...
Don't know what those are but I only took the one list. If you guys manage to make a bunch of these badniks, I'll be willing to stat out more of them.

Hmm tier 3, the Krudzu Hybrid Hydra though that may be a bit too high end.
Unfortunately yes AND it's currently locked behind Archie Shattered Memories as well. I like the plant and its really resilient but it's also just a tad too strong lol.

Can we suggest eggman mechs?
If they can be considered badniks and not just things Eggman piloted, those work.
If we can retrofit it to use power cores.

E-121 Phi

E-121 (E-121, Í-Wan-Tsu-Wan?), codenamed Φ (ファイ, Fai?), is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was a mass-produced, E-Series robot model created by Dr. Eggman that was based on Emerl. During the Emerl incident, the Phis were sent by the doctor to get Emerl, who was with...

This should count as a high tier.
hmm, tier 3 badniks would probably mostly come from bosses. but off the top of my head, the mosasaurus would definitely qualify, Rexxon probably would too but we don't really see much of what it's capable of.

E-91 Lady ninja would either be a tier 3 or a hero unit, I'm not sure which.

I'm not sure if the Red Eye would qualify but it only ever appears as a late game boss so I could see an argument.

there's the Heavy Egg Hammers, literally just an upgraded Egg Hammer

the Uber Caterkiller was just a giant caterkiller, the original was made by the phantom ruby but it's not that complex so I see no reason we couldn't just build one.

there's the Mech Dragons, we don't have many flying super badniks

there's the mass produced Death Egg Robots, they're actually robots and not mechs.

the E-3000 doubles as a mech and multiple times grabbed space ships out of the air.

this list is kinda all over the place in terms of power levels because I wasn't sure what qualifies a tier 3 badnik.
If we are counting stuff locked behind memory unlocks, since Lady ninja and e-3000 are behind Sonic X eggman.

Think the high tier 3 badnik baseline should be most of the hardboiled heavies.

Heavy King of course being more of a hero unit, but his lackeys no doubt would fit the tier 3 definition at high cost.
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Huh, found this, pretty useful so we can check around all of Sonic game adventures bosses.

List of Sonic bosses

This is a list of bosses in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Egg Wrecker Egg Scorcher Egg Stinger Egg Mobile Egg Spiker Egg Crusher Green Hill Zone boss Bridge Zone boss Jungle Zone boss Labyrinth Zone boss Sky Base Zone boss Pit Master Hiyoko Master Balance Master Dohyo Master Charge Master Mecha...

Both for Badniks and machines.
I haven't brought this up before, but one of the ideas I had was to take advantage of the railroad tracks the empire is building into green hills, namely by sticking one of the Armored Trains onto it and just letting it go wild, they're already designed to ram things so it should work out pretty well. and we could rig it to self destruct so they can't try to screw with it once they inevitably take it down.
I haven't brought this up before, but one of the ideas I had was to take advantage of the railroad tracks the empire is building into green hills, namely by sticking one of the Armored Trains onto it and just letting it go wild, they're already designed to ram things so it should work out pretty well. and we could rig it to self destruct so they can't try to screw with it once they inevitably take it down.
We also have the conductor as a hero unit we can recruit. Along with his train, which also is a badnik
He might have some synergy there
Don't know what those are but I only took the one list. If you guys manage to make a bunch of these badniks, I'll be willing to stat out more of them.

Unfortunately yes AND it's currently locked behind Archie Shattered Memories as well. I like the plant and its really resilient but it's also just a tad too strong lol.

If they can be considered badniks and not just things Eggman piloted, those work.
Archie eggman didnt even make it technically it was prime robotnik who made that nukeproof monstroscity.
The metropolis trio refers to the badniks of metropolis zone who were infamously difficult to deal with Slicers especially having a long storied career as a result.
What about Tails Doll?

That thing was fast as Sonic. Plus thanks to it's disarming appearance serve as a good infiltration tool against those unware of it's nature.

I don't know if should be considerate a Super Badnik or Tier 3.
Archie tails doll might be a hero unit given how high calibur it is?
Metal knuckles is another borderline one arguably.
Of the archie metals, metal tails and Amy are probably rank 3s.
If we decided to go full fleetway we could make mass produced metals, certainly better then pre reboot archie metal sonic who captain metal and shard aside where complete jokes(the actually good archie metal exist for 1 issue before the reboot).
@ShepardCom Tier 3 Badniks could be Metal Knuckles, Metal Amy and Metal Tails from Sonic Superstars. Although all them likely need modifications on they designs for modern times.

Basically the Metal Series (that includes future Metal Selvaria) should be Tier 3 Badnik Units as standard.

I think the Death Crab, Death Queen and Death Egg Robot (mass produced version) could be Tier 3 Badniks as well due to they sheer size and firepower that call8ng them Super Badniks is incorrect.
Here are the badniks shepard has designed so far, have been added to the informational badnik page. Thanks to Shepard for all the hard work on this.

Egg Fighter - A mass produced badnik made to fight along side the Egg Pawn, these frontline bruisers can take more damage and deal it back much harder.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +8 to combat rolls
Brawny: Bare Failures to damage this unit become Failures and Bare Successes in combat by this unit become Successes

Crabmeat - A mass produced badnik in the likeness of a crab that is a surprisingly effective anti-aerial combat unit with its missile launchers.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to combat rolls against aerial units.

Egg Magician - A mass produced badnik designed to support the other badniks with a light bit of magic and drain foes of their own vitality.
Metal Cost: 20
Requires Rings
Bonus: +5 to non-research Occult rolls.
I Need Healing: This unit can take an action to restore one hp to an injured badnik unit. If used on a badnik with a max of one hp, it gains an additional hit point until this ability is used again.

Egg Knight - A mass produced variant of the Egg Pawn designed to be the leader of the weaker baniks without needing a super badnik.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Lesser Commander: This unit can be assigned to lead a group of badniks with a combined power total of 10 or less.
Horde Commander: All badniks with a power cost of 5 or less gain +2 to all bonuses when assigned with this troop.

Hotaru - A mass produced badnik designed in the shape of a firefly and uses their lighted ends to shoot lasers at their foes. In large numbers, they can combine.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +5 to scouting rolls
Clear As Light: The first time any unit of Hotaru would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen to one Hotaru once per scene.

Hotaru Hi-Watt - A collective of multiple Hotaru that have combined together to become a much larger and more powerful badnik.
Metal Cost; N/A
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +10 to scouting and patrol rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp
We Are Many: If two or more Hotaru are assigned to a single action, they combine into this unit. For each Hotaru beyond the second, this unit gains another use of the Clear As Light ability.
Clear As Light: The first time this unit would be reduced to 0hp, it instead becomes intangible and untouchable, returning to its normal state on its next turn. This effect can only happen once per scene.

Klagen - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a jellyfish with a specialty for capturing targets whole and intact.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls, +10 to all capture rolls
Abduction: If this unit reduces another unit to 0 hp, instead of destroying or killing it, this unit captures the target in a stasis field and will attempt to flee with them.

Mega Choppers - A small mass produced badnik designed similarly to a piranha, this unit is made to latch onto a target and drag it down into deep water.
Metal Cost: 15
Bonus: +0 on land. +15 to combat rolls in the water.
Drag Them Down: After making a successful attack roll on a unit, this unit attaches to their target and does not let go until destroyed. Each turn this is attached to a target, it will attempt to drag it deeper into the water.

Tunnelbot - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to dig through the ruins of Marble Garden Zone's temples, this drilling robot is rocket propelled and made to excavate.
Metal Cost: 25
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls, +25 to all excavation rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp

Cluckoids - A mass produced badnik designed similarly to a rooster, it inhales large amounts of air before releasing a bellowing gust of wind to blast away enemies.
Metal Cost: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls.
Blowhard: This unit gains +10 to any combat rolls against light targets or units that are gliding or flying.

Turtloids - A set of mass produced turtle badniks that act as heavy air support by launching energy spheres and are quite durable.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to combat rolls.
Duable: This unit has two hp.
Aerial Superiority: This unit has +10 to combat rolls against enemies that can't attack aerial units.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Spinners - A mass produced bat badnik that uses their wingblades to slash at any opponent that draws close.
Metal: 10
Bonus: +5 to combat rolls
Dervish of Blades: If a unit touches this unit, this unit gets to make an attack against them with +5 to its normal roll.
Flying: This unit has +5 to all pursuit and flee rolls.

Ice Ball - A mass produced badnik which pilots a small vehicle that sprays a freezing cold blast at foes to freeze them solid,
Metal: 10
Bonus: +7 to combat rolls.
Chill Out: If this unit rolls a 90+ on its attack roll, the opposing unit is frozen solid and misses its next turn.

Big Icedus - A mass produced badnik first deployed on Angel Island to control the IceCap Zone, this Super Badnik creates enormous floating blocks of ice to attack foes with.
Metal: 25
Bonus: +15 to combat rolls, +20 to any climate control rolls
Super Badnik: This unit has two hp.
Flying: This unit can fly, gaining +5 to all pursuit or flee rolls.

Badniks Power Values (Basically the cap of how many badniks can be assigned to an Action/adventure):
Egg Fighter: 3
Crabmeat: 2
Egg Magician:4
Egg Knight: 6
Hotaru: 5
Hotaru Hi-Watt: N/A
Klagen: 4
Mega Choppers: 5
Tunnelbot: 8
Spinners: 5
Ice Ball: 6
Big Icedus: 10

Thanks @ShepardCom!

Hmm...Looking at our new troops I think Hotaru, Klagen, and the Ice series look really good. They fill in a few things we don't have yet and are pretty strong as is.

Though we might need an explanation on what some of these actually do.

Does Badnik Commander allow more badniks to be brought or am I misunderstanding?

We probably should make some air units as well...

Hmm tier 3, the Krudzu Hybrid Hydra though that may be a bit too high end.
What about Tails Doll?

What?! NO! Why would we want those monstrousities?!
Thanks @ShepardCom!

Hmm...Looking at our new troops I think Hotaru, Klagen, and the Ice series look really good. They fill in a few things we don't have yet and are pretty strong as is.

Though we might need an explanation on what some of these actually do.

Does Badnik Commander allow more badniks to be brought or am I misunderstanding?

We probably should make some air units as well...

Nope,only way to bring more badniks to a fight is with the Blowfish:
Blowfish Transporter: A mass produced troop transport in the shape of a blowfish, these floating flagships are actually made with hammerspace technology to allow more troops than should be possible.
Metal Cost: 20
Bonus: +10 to patrol rolls
Durable: This unit has two hp
Troop Transport: Up to (10) power of badniks can be loaded into the Blowfish Transporter to make them move at double speed and over any ground based obstacles.
Flying: This unit has +15 to escape any unit that doesn't have a ranged weapon and cannot fly.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.