YES! More Scaling Up! Plug the D&D Crossover straight into my nerdy, Dr.Pepper filled veins!

Blasphemer! How dare you besmirch the good name of our Lord and Savior, Pepsi Cola!


And before anyone worries... he normally works retail, that's about the average caffeine intake for someone working there in an hour... or if they're a security guard. And being that I am a security guard... yeah, truth.
Dr.Pepper filled veins!
I see you are upon the path of the enlightened programmer.

Blasphemer! How dare you besmirch the good name of our Lord and Savior, Pepsi Cola!
To think I would hear such vile blasphemy. Good day sir, and should I hear this again I will have to ask that you meet me on the field of honor to settle the matter with Coke & Mentos.

How dare you besmirch the Good Doctor! I am Dr.Pepper Fan #1 and I shall not tolerate such an attack on the character of the best soft drink! I shant!
Hear hear!
I wonder if Ashram is unkillable? Because this is going to go badly for him, and his arrogance in stating to a dragon that he's killed dragons before and therefore they aren't a worry for him ... well, that strikes me as the kind of hubris that leads to his last thoughts being "Maybe I bit off more than I can chew?"

Because if he survives the battle, it'll just add to his arrogance. "I faced all THAT and walked out alive!"
Bah! I say to your wimpy beverages! I drink...

The Devil's Venom.(Which is totally not UDMH & IRFNA. It's simply diet Mt. Dew., and never after 2200 UTC)
It's simply diet Mt. Dew., and never after 2200 UTC)

Eh, could be worse. It could be Diet caffeine free Mt. Dew. At which point, what's the freaking point?

I will never understand the point of caffeine free Mountain Dew (or similar soft drinks), let alone the point of decaf coffee. I mean, removing the caffeine removes the only real reason to drink it.
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There is only One True Soft Drink: the Ambrosia that is Real Sugar Mountain Dew.

(Unless you can find some Jolt Cola, which fueled many game sessions and last minute cram sessions in college.)

Coffee must be freshly ground and HOT, just like Tea. Either of those in an instant or iced version is the sparkling vampire of drinks.
Spoiler for the CTC thread: So this is how the Lady of Pain's swords-everywhere thing started, then, huh?