Probably goes back to the first boats. Actually, vehicles in general tend to be anthropomorphized as female. How often has someone given a name to and referred to their car, a train, the plane they pilot regularly, and so forth as a girl? Heck, even I've found myself referring to my bicycle as a female. My mom tends to refer to her cars as "Nelly". My dad has referred to his mini-van as a female on multiple occasions, often without even noticing that he's doing it.
Probably goes back to the first boats. Actually, vehicles in general tend to be anthropomorphized as female. How often has someone given a name to and referred to their car, a train, the plane they pilot regularly, and so forth as a girl? Heck, even I've found myself referring to my bicycle as a female. My mom tends to refer to her cars as "Nelly". My dad has referred to his mini-van as a female on multiple occasions, often without even noticing that he's doing it.
They take you places, protect you, shelter you from the rain, and if something is wrong there's no hesitation to fix it, and in regards to ships specifically, they give you food and a warm bed at night. Ships are mothers.
More will be heard about things like saddles after Arc 6 in Arc 7, which is the summertime arc.
What do young dragons, heros and heroines do in the summer? Find out!
(And no, getting trolled by a Family of lizards from a couple of dimensions zornward won't happen unless someone else writes it...)
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More will be heard about things like saddles after Arc 6, which is the summertime arc.
What do young dragons, heros and heroines do in the summer? Find out!
That summer arc will (by my prediction) see Taylor heal completely from the mental abuse of the Trio, the introduction of some new dragons and possibly a few transfers to Brockton....
Personally, I'd like to see Lady Duckweed solo the Slaughterhouse 9 or Ellisburg.

She's had centuries to learn new tricks on top of being a Kyuubi. I think Tamamo would be more than capable of handling either of those situations.
Slight Teaser: The Fate™ of the Slaughterhouse 9 has already been decided, and will happen.... Soon.

I haven't figured out anything for Nllbog... Yet.
Slight Teaser: The Fate™ of the Slaughterhouse 9 has already been decided, and will happen.... Soon.

I haven't figured out anything for Nllbog... Yet.
Does it involve Bonesaw's pathogens being burned to oblivion, like how Alexstrasza burned away The Plague at the Wrathgate?

EDIT: Also, if the attack on Nilbog doesn't look like something out of Lord of the Rings, I will be sorely disappointed.
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personally I found it weird and confusing seeing as traditionally all HMS ships are female no matter the name some examples are: King George V, Prince of Wales, Duke of York, Nelson, Rodney
All Ships are Female. Even when they are clearly not. This is why there will be no Ship Boys.

That's because in English speaking countries Jean is a common woman's name. If the name was John Bart instead, everyone constantly calling her John would be...odd. And confusing for some time. See the difficulty? Prince is like John, to an English speaker it is clearly masculine.
Which is Ironic, Because in French, "Jean" and "John" are pronounced exactly the same. Poor girl is probably frustratingly tired of all the English mangling the pronouncement of her name.
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I vote for Missy to take Dinah out to see a movie via Twisting Space-time into a crying ball so that they both can watch said movie while safe in Dinah's house with Dinah's parents in the room with them.

I also vote for Amy and Taylor to be sat together in a restaurant because the former majordomo over reserved the restaurant.
Ah, now I shall have to follow the example of CmptrWiz, and subvert all your expectations!
( All your tropes, are belong to us! :)

I just found Scaling Up this week. It's been really enjoyable, lots of good ideas, I particularly liked the way you handled Coil, he's really hard to do well and deal with in a way that makes sense, but then creating another antagonist who gets his power and is meant to be worse could be a mistake, particularly considering how little we have seen of that individual.
Saint is the same, really good and makes complete sense how he got taken out, hopefully we don't see any more weirdness involving him like other characters.

While I really enjoyed the fic there were some unfortunate habits, mostly in the first two arcs but not exclusively, I nearly dropped it before getting past arc two because of this issue.
It revolves around needless repetition and scenes that have far too many words dedicated to them when they aren't important.
She focused her concentration, and after a second, the ring began to glow. The ring in front of her was glowing brightly enough to illuminate the room.
This is an example and it occurs far too often in this fic. The repetition that it is glowing feels like a stutter or a thought that got restarted half way through.
It should read something like this instead:
She focused her concentration, and after a second, the ring began to glow, brightly enough to illuminate the room.
Most of these issues can be resolved by proof reading and editing or getting someone to beta for you.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned these points but I wanted to because critique helps to improve.
That said I'm definitely looking forward to more chapters, there is a lot of potential
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@Exorsus : Hi, and thank you for reading along.

I do have a couple of (much abused) editors, but I will humbly present the 85% rule of quality control:

"100% Inspection is only 85% effective." (Attributed to Dr. E. Edwards Demming, PhD, father of statistical process control.)

I do two passes before I send the story to my first editor, which gets posted elsewhere. Then, I give it to my editor here, who mulls it over. . By the time that's done, 99.7% of my goofs have been found, which leaves that last, pesky .3% lurking in the text. Fortunately, edits here are easily done. (Out of 160,000 words, that means 540 words are in error...)

Thank you, and I'll get it fixed.
This is an example and it occurs far too often in this fic. The repetition that it is glowing feels like a stutter or a thought that got restarted half way through.
It should read something like this instead:
She focused her concentration, and after a second, the ring began to glow, brightly enough to illuminate the room.
Most of these issues can be resolved by proof reading and editing or getting someone to beta for you.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned these points but I wanted to because critique helps to improve.
That said I'm definitely looking forward to more chapters, there is a lot of potential
Damn it, it's always something. I'm annoyed that I missed that one now. Although looking over my marked up copy I did catch other instances of awkward phrasing.

It's been my experience that stutters/repetitions like that tend to be caused by one of two things. Either the writer gets distracted and comes back having forgotten what they just wrote so they repeat it without meaning to, or it's an artifact of one sentence or part of a sentence being edited without another dependent sentence or fragment getting fixed to match it. It's a pretty common thing to see at least occasionally. I know I've done it in my writing without meaning to many times.
(Out of 160,000 words, that means 540 words are in error...)
That probably pretty accurate. I should also note that its likely because I binged it that I even noticed those 540 words in the first place.
Haven't heard of the 85% rule and never written more than a 4k stand alone (though I've written about 25-30 of those), I'm currently planning my first fanfic which I intend to start actual writing on soon so that's something fun to look forward to.
Either the writer gets distracted and comes back having forgotten what they just wrote so they repeat it without meaning to, or it's an artifact of one sentence or part of a sentence being edited without another dependent sentence or fragment getting fixed to match it.
Yeah those are the main reasons I find something like that happening in my own writing, I'm guessing it's a lot easier to catch when your only playing with 4k words, hopefully when I start my fic I won't miss too much.
@Exorsus : My recommendation - Get a buffer going before you start posting. That way, your editors/proofreaders aren't working to get things ready at the 11th hour, right before deadline. They will appreciate it. :) When you do start posting, do it on a schedule, always at a certain time and day. Readers appreciate that. :)

And yes, I'm easily distract.... Oooh, shiny! (more like an interruption, like feeding my feline overlord and mistress, or taking care of something for the landlady...)