I just found Scaling Up this week. It's been really enjoyable, lots of good ideas, I particularly liked the way you handled Coil, he's really hard to do well and deal with in a way that makes sense, but then creating another antagonist who gets his power and is meant to be worse could be a mistake, particularly considering how little we have seen of that individual.
Saint is the same, really good and makes complete sense how he got taken out, hopefully we don't see any more weirdness involving him like other characters.
While I really enjoyed the fic there were some unfortunate habits, mostly in the first two arcs but not exclusively, I nearly dropped it before getting past arc two because of this issue.
It revolves around needless repetition and scenes that have far too many words dedicated to them when they aren't important.
She focused her concentration, and after a second, the ring began to glow. The ring in front of her was glowing brightly enough to illuminate the room.
This is an example and it occurs far too often in this fic. The repetition that it is glowing feels like a stutter or a thought that got restarted half way through.
It should read something like this instead:
She focused her concentration, and after a second, the ring began to glow, brightly enough to illuminate the room.
Most of these issues can be resolved by proof reading and editing or getting someone to beta for you.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned these points but I wanted to because critique helps to improve.
That said I'm definitely looking forward to more chapters, there is a lot of potential