Al has tried to help her, but she clearly doesn't have any gratitude, goes out of way to show it, and has even attempted to murder him for bringing her only real friend back to life for her (and for Leslie himself).

Al has gotten to the point where he's helping to his own detriment, and she just keeps asking for more.

I hope things get better for both of them after this.
Al has tried to help her in the most obtuse and condescending ways possible. He speaks down to her while using inside jokes and misleading language and leaves after dusting his hands with a "job well done" for confusing her.

Her violence to him was unreasonable and wrong. But he was puppeting around the dead body of her best friend who she helped drive to suicide. Like tell me that didn't appear sinister as hell?

She needs to be removed from the toxic situation and put with people who can explain things to her/help her get through her issues. Al is apparently the only one who just noticed how fucked over she's been but probably shouldn't be involved beyond removing her from the situation given how terrible he is with people.

Edit: Even when Alchemist is being forthright with his advice its been buried in between so much circuitous bs that no one can tell if he's serious or not. His "play video games" and "avoid angry Aquaman and zombie female Bruce Wayne" come out in the same tones.
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Edit: Even when Alchemist is being forthright with his advice its been buried in between so much circuitous bs that no one can tell if he's serious or not. His "play video games" and "avoid angry Aquaman and zombie female Bruce Wayne" come out in the same tones.

Too be fair, only Ganthet, John, and Batman have seemed to realize that the best way to get info from Alchemist is to just flat out ask him. He has the answers, He is willing to explain. But if you are not willing to ask why would he assume you need the information.
Too be fair, only Ganthet, John, and Batman have seemed to realize that the best way to get info from Alchemist is to just flat out ask him. He has the answers, He is willing to explain. But if you are not willing to ask why would he assume you need the information.
Valid, for an adult. For a thirteen year old abuse victim who is still being gaslit by the "trusted" adults in her life? Probably asking for too much.

Not that Alchemist owes the girl anything, answers or otherwise. But I'd sure like to see him drop her off with someone who wouldn't fuck her over. Especially seeing as everyone else has managed to mismanage her more than the socially obtuse eldritch dragon.
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So question, how would going to a Previous game's world work if alchemist has already been to a future game And/Or a Prequel, I.E going to Oblivion or the other Pre-Skyrim Elder Scrolls games.
In some TT fanfics, Control Freak is a variant Libromancer who can enter stories but his magical powers use TV as a medium rather than books, so the villain's rage might be subconsciously fueled by anger at Dream's imprisonment, hyper-aware that the world has been deprived of creativity and imagination.

The closest comparison I can think of (aside from the Joker's meta-sanity) is Neil Gaiman's retcon where Wesley Dodd's prophetic dreams and sleep-inducing gas gun are explained as an attempt by reality to fill the void left by Dream's absence from The Dreaming for most of the 20th century.

Seriously, imagine being attuned to the TRUTH that some fundamental aspect of reality has gone missing but nobody else can sense it, and the only way to alleviate the itch scratching at your brain is promote public awareness of movies, TV shows, and comic books like an obsessed fanboy.

Control Freak would probably break down into tears of relief if Alchemist told him he wasn't insane and that his obsessions were fueled by a multiversal entities' imprisonment.

Control Freak: (crying tears of relief) :cry:
Control Freak: "…I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy…"

Alchemist: (awkwardly pats Control Freak on the back)
Alchemist: Well no more than anyone else.

Player One: 'eyebrow twitch at his wording'
I'm glad for a change. Some more light hearted events would certainly be appreciated. Don't know if it's the author's intention but Alchemist reads like someone with clinical depression.
I'm glad for a change. Some more light hearted events would certainly be appreciated. Don't know if it's the author's intention but Alchemist reads like someone with clinical depression.
I'm really hoping he'll focus on some fun things for a while. My suggestion over at CaerAzkaban was to promote magic by purchasing a lot of entertainment (movies, games, books, etc) from the Game Shop and start selling them, and then put on magic shows similar to the movie attractions at Universal Studios and such, only more so. Imagine a Harry Potter attraction using real magic to create special effects and "monsters" (actually illusions) and selling wands that produce illusory magic, or even real spells that are generally harmless, such as a Light spell (Lumos). Or the original Star Wars movies where people can fight a light saber battle using a "real" (harmless) light saber and The (illusionary) Force? How awesome would that be?

Human imagination has tanked since Dream's incarceration, so Alchemist could fulfill his goal of improving magic by inflaming imagination, while having fun with solving problems involving fun events for everyone. Oh, and making tons of money while doing so.
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Is this an actual Instant Quest, where time stops in the DC universe? It looks like they used a Gate spell to get there instead of accepting a quest? I'm a little confused.
Is this an actual Instant Quest, where time stops in the DC universe? It looks like they used a Gate spell to get there instead of accepting a quest? I'm a little confused.
They're using the Gate spell to go back in time when they travel between universes, but in order to do so, they had to find a weak spot in the fabric of reality, which is why they were in the graveyard with a dowsing crystal. Jinx and Kary opened a portal into the place between universes, Alchemist reverted to his dragon form (which is the only form capable of surviving there out of everyone in their group), he opened a portal to his demiplane, everyone else jumped in, and then Al dove into the portal to the between space.
I'm not going to blame Player One for being tempted: everyone gets tempted. (Alcohol, fabric and yarn and book and rpg pdf purchases, sleeping in too late in the morning...) She realised it was a Bad Idea and was - at least when we saw her - looking for something to distract her from the temptation. That's fair enough.

I do hope, however, that she doesn't go anywhere near Slade/Deathstroke, given how much he likes mentoring apprentices with potential...
it could be a moment to show her growth? her helping to arrest the creep.

Or to actually give her a meaningful choice in the direction of her life for once, and something she could look back to and know she did the right thing.

We've seen she's trying to cope with having her power reduced/removed. What might happen if someone apparently supportive offers her an easy alternative? (Yes, this is one of the classic plotlines which occurs in stories, superhero or otherwise. It keeps on occurring because it _is_ a classic.)
Weird. I've got this absurd urge to laugh maniacally but I'd also like to think that I know better than to actually do that.

Jump City Subway
Deathstroke: "Hello little Terra. How are you today?"
pauses briefly, while staring at Deathstroke

Deathstroke: "Now thats hu-GRCK!"
Every male in that segment of the subway train dogpiles him
Alchemist and Terra(invisible at a distance):
"See Terra, Exhibit A of how to deal with weirdos."
Terra in nerd glasses dutifully taking notes
"Aren't you a weirdo sensei?"
"…sniff…They grow up so fast."
So, it occurred to me randomly that alchemist could free Elder scrolls Dagon from the curse that makes him desire to destroy everything ever like a mustache twirling madman… might get Him to punch Mora in the face for him?
Idk just random shower thoughts
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I don't know why, but the thought of Al meeting Trigon made my mind jump to a following question: Are there any instant quests leading to the SCP universe? (probably made the leap thanks to Trigon always reminding me of the Scarlet King) And if there are any, what would be enough to motivate Al to go there?
"So, there's this time bomb that's going to destroy the universe. I don't have the ability to disarm or destroy it. Putting it in stasis isn't an option. Any ideas?"
"Take it to a universe that's already doomed and unsalvageable?"
I am still unsure about any of those two being worse then the SCP universe. Also just think how many objects warranting an instant quest the SCP universe must have ! SCP-914, for example, could be really usefull!
They also appear to be extraordinarily competent at containing beings even more versatile and dangerous than Alchemist. I don't think he should ever go there. That could very well be of the bad, even if he happens to have an encyclopedic memory of everything there and how to use and/or negate it.
I am still unsure about any of those two being worse then the SCP universe. Also just think how many objects warranting an instant quest the SCP universe must have ! SCP-914, for example, could be really usefull!
doesn't SCP have anti-memes and other hazards that might effect him still? Some that have aura effects that just wonder around and unlike worm don't have known patters that they stick to?