Point of order: The Guardians generally are very good at making things better. Their plans generally work.

Except when they don't, at which point the sheer scale they're working at means things go HORRIBLY WRONG.
It's true! Krona has made himself a perfectly nutritious and edible breakfast literally hundreds of thousands of times, and the only one people remember and keep pointing out to him is that one time the oatmeal got loose and devoured half of the prisoners in the science cells. He had to re-write half of history to get people to stop talking about it!
A breakdown of new or original characters
Name: @**&@%$#%
Alias: Alchemist, Tracy Whittaker, Alec Mist
Description: Image
A relatively unassuming individual at first glance. Whilst being of average height at five feet, ten inches (1.78 Meters) tall he's often dwarfed by the various members of the Justice League and will likely continue to be so as the Young Justice team grows to their full heights. He has wavy brown hair kept relatively short for ease of maintenance. The most striking feature are his yellow eyes. Whilst already an uncommon color, these stand out especially as they actively glow in the dark.
His build leans towards wide and heavy, another oddity in comparison to the various other men around him that trend towards broad chests and broader shoulders.
When engaged in serious combat he dons a suit of heavy black armor with silver whorls and highlights, often using ballistic weaponry to make up for a lack of skill in melee. This suit can transform to match whatever form Alchemist chooses to utilize, from an unassuming toad to a large and threatening dragon.

Powers: Alchemist leans strongly towards magic, though in truth his power could have developed in nearly any direction. His preference towards having the correct tool for a job can be seen in his selections that leaned towards healing and utility spells. In comparison, his directly offensive options, while incredibly powerful, have been relatively limited.

Whilst rarely used, Alchemist has shown some capability as a shapeshifter. The Green Lanterns associated with the League were the first to discover that he could maintain sapience when transformed into a toad. The apprentice of Aquaman, Aqualad was the first to report that Alchemist had an alternate form that appeared to be a dragon. Notable features included pitch black scales with small white spots spread throughout the form. Assumed to be a nocturnal predator due to coloration.

Threat rating: Assumed to be low, avoid line of sight to avoid being turned into a toad. As a medic using meta-human capabilities, it is thought that he represents the largest threat when part of a team that he can support beyond their normal capabilities.

Name: Tiffany White
Alias: Player One, Penny
A teenage girl with long brown hair. She stands at a height of five feet, two inches (1.57 Meters) tall. Her eye color is blue. Slim build.
Often seen wearing a red and black leather suit, though she previously wore a grey one. Both offer full body concealment which makes identification significantly more difficult.
She seems to prefer melee weaponry, she has been seen using a standard Louisville Slugger as well as an especially large sword made of some kind of stone carved in the form of a spadone. Some reports have indicated the use of a compound bow but no corroboration of this fact is readily available.

Powers: Super Strength roughly matching an individual enhanced with Kobra Venom. Stealth skills that appear to slowly be approaching those exhibited by Robin (See- Gotham POI 02 DG). Short-term speed enhancement.

Threat rating: Moderate. Bruiser and tool user. Nothing too special. Keep out of range and watch out for arrows, should not prove too difficult to handle for an experienced team.

Name: Jinx?
Alias: Jinx
A girl with grey skin, pink hair that is usually maintained as a short ponytail and pink eyes with slitted pupils. Likes dressing in pinks, purples and blacks. Willowy build, height at five feet, six inches (1.68 Meters).
Current ward of Dinah Lance (See- Black Canary)
No further information is currently available.

Powers: Some magical powers have been noticed. May be linked to moderate bad luck powers. Further data unavailable.

Threat rating: Assumed low. No recordings of expressed powers are available for review.

Name: Kar'Yashlan
Alias: Kary
A diminutive being of infernal origin. Species has been identified by occult experts as a type of Imp. Especially short and slender as is normal for her species, she stands at three feet, eleven inches (1.2 Meters) and has messy black hair, green eyes. Long tail with spade-tip is present extending from her posterior.
Notable features include sharpened claws, apparent carnivore dentition and digitigrade lower extremities with hooves that appear to be sharpened at the tips.

Powers: Data unavailable. Expert opinions suggest no powers of note should be expected from an imp.

Threat rating: Unknown.

AN/ I'll add more pictures as I get them figured out.
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Name: @**&@%$#%
Alias: Alchemist, Tracy Whittaker, Alec Mist
Description: Image
A relatively unassuming individual at first glance. Whilst being of average height at five feet, ten inches (1.78 Meters) tall he's often dwarfed by the various members of the Justice League and will likely continue to be so as the Young Justice team grows to their full heights. He has wavy brown hair kept relatively short for ease of maintenance. The most striking feature are his yellow eyes. Whilst already an uncommon color, these stand out especially as they actively glow in the dark.
His build leans towards wide and heavy, another oddity in comparison to the various other men around him that trend towards broad chests and broader shoulders.
When engaged in serious combat he dons a suit of heavy black armor with silver whorls and highlights, often using ballistic weaponry to make up for a lack of skill in melee. This suit can transform to match whatever form Alchemist chooses to utilize, from an unassuming toad to a large and threatening dragon.

Powers: Alchemist leans strongly towards magic, though in truth his power could have developed in nearly any direction. His preference towards having the correct tool for a job can be seen in his selections that leaned towards healing and utility spells. In comparison, his directly offensive options, while incredibly powerful, have been relatively limited.

Whilst rarely used, Alchemist has shown some capability as a shapeshifter. The Green Lanterns associated with the League were the first to discover that he could maintain sapience when transformed into a toad. The apprentice of Aquaman, Aqualad was the first to report that Alchemist had an alternate form that appeared to be a dragon. Notable features included pitch black scales with small white spots spread throughout the form. Assumed to be a nocturnal predator due to coloration.

Threat rating: Assumed to be low, avoid line of sight to avoid being turned into a toad. As a medic using meta-human capabilities, it is thought that he represents the largest threat when part of a team that he can support beyond their normal capabilities.

Name: Jinx?
Alias: Jinx
A girl with grey skin, pink hair that is usually maintained as a short ponytail and pink eyes with slitted pupils. Likes dressing in pinks, purples and blacks. Willowy build, height at five feet, six inches (1.68 Meters).
Current ward of Dinah Lance (See- Black Canary)
No further information is currently available.

Powers: Some magical powers have been noticed. May be linked to moderate bad luck powers. Further data unavailable.

Threat rating: Assumed low. No recordings of expressed powers are available for review.

Name: Kar'Yashlan
Alias: Kary
A diminutive being of infernal origin. Species has been identified by occult experts as a type of Imp. Especially short and slender as is normal for her species, she stands at three feet, eleven inches (1.2 Meters) and has messy black hair, green eyes. Long tail with spade-tip is present extending from her posterior.
Notable features include sharpened claws, apparent carnivore dentition and digitigrade lower extremities with additional claws.

Powers: Data unavailable. Expert opinions suggest no powers of note should be expected from an imp.

Threat rating: Unknown.

AN/ I'll add more pictures as I get them figured out.
wow just wow, They're really lowballing Alec, Jinx, and kar. I can't even feel sorry for whoever reads those threat ratings and goes, "yeah I can take them" I'd pull out the popcorn and watch the fireworks
Alias: Alchemist, Tracy Whittaker, Alec Mist
Threat rating: Assumed to be low

Alias: Jinx
Threat rating: Assumed low.

Alias: Kary
Powers: Data unavailable. Expert opinions suggest no powers of note should be expected from an imp.

I can't wait to see their reactions when they find out what the actual power levels are. Although, knowing Alchemist and co. it'll still be way undershooting their actual capabilities considering they tend to use the minimum necessary power to deal with their problems and they have an absurd growth rate compared to anything else in the local dimensional cluster. So even if they do get an accurate read on their abilities it'll be hopelessly outdated by the end of the month.
You'll see that when the publicly available information has been specifically kept inaccurate.

Alchemist has only been known to turn villains into toads inside the Source Wall. Jinx has never been part of a serious altercation. Kary was only a Marilith for a short while in-reality before she jumped species into something that was less Other.

Discovering that Alchemist is an experience planet buster, that Jinx has the kind of magic that would let her be anyone, at anytime or that Kary could feasibly shank her way through a small army even in a body that she feels is reduced and that's without mentioning her growing expertise with elemental magics... Well, whoever learns these things will likely not be in any condition to update the report.

As to the claws- That was a mistake on my part. They do have cloven hooves, though in at least one episode it looked more like a trio of claws on one character. I'll correct it.
Batman asked, observing the building- The home. The decorations were sparse, mostly oriental, but he could see several reminders pinned to the fridge and a half-checked list under several other notices.

Including a bill from the Metropolis Hospital that Batman picked up, glancing at it.

They were charging Alchemist almost thirty-thousand dollars for using their facilities?
Was that from the attack by the Injustice League? If so I bet Clark would love a second interview from Alchemist where he learns the hospital is charging him for his life saving heroics.
Was that from the attack by the Injustice League? If so I bet Clark would love a second interview from Alchemist where he learns the hospital is charging him for his life saving heroics.
That hospital is about to get blacklisted by basically everyone for that.


You gain: $30,000 (once).

You lose: Approximately $150,000,000 (per annum).

Well done!
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Couldn't that bill be used as tax write-off as charity? Not, for Alchemist, for hospital? So - just why?
Name: @**&@%$#%
Alias: Alchemist, Tracy Whittaker, Alec Mist
Description: Image
A relatively unassuming individual at first glance. Whilst being of average height at five feet, ten inches (1.78 Meters) tall he's often dwarfed by the various members of the Justice League and will likely continue to be so as the Young Justice team grows to their full heights. He has wavy brown hair kept relatively short for ease of maintenance. The most striking feature are his yellow eyes. Whilst already an uncommon color, these stand out especially as they actively glow in the dark.
His build leans towards wide and heavy, another oddity in comparison to the various other men around him that trend towards broad chests and broader shoulders.
When engaged in serious combat he dons a suit of heavy black armor with silver whorls and highlights, often using ballistic weaponry to make up for a lack of skill in melee. This suit can transform to match whatever form Alchemist chooses to utilize, from an unassuming toad to a large and threatening dragon.

Powers: Alchemist leans strongly towards magic, though in truth his power could have developed in nearly any direction. His preference towards having the correct tool for a job can be seen in his selections that leaned towards healing and utility spells. In comparison, his directly offensive options, while incredibly powerful, have been relatively limited.

Whilst rarely used, Alchemist has shown some capability as a shapeshifter. The Green Lanterns associated with the League were the first to discover that he could maintain sapience when transformed into a toad. The apprentice of Aquaman, Aqualad was the first to report that Alchemist had an alternate form that appeared to be a dragon. Notable features included pitch black scales with small white spots spread throughout the form. Assumed to be a nocturnal predator due to coloration.

Threat rating: Assumed to be low, avoid line of sight to avoid being turned into a toad. As a medic using meta-human capabilities, it is thought that he represents the largest threat when part of a team that he can support beyond their normal capabilities.

Name: Tiffany White
Alias: Player One, Penny
A teenage girl with long brown hair. She stands at a height of five feet, two inches (1.57 Meters) tall. Her eye color is blue. Slim build.
Often seen wearing a red and black leather suit, though she previously wore a grey one. Both offer full body concealment which makes identification significantly more difficult.
She seems to prefer melee weaponry, she has been seen using a standard Louisville Slugger as well as an especially large sword made of some kind of stone carved in the form of a spadone. Some reports have indicated the use of a compound bow but no corroboration of this fact is readily available.

Powers: Super Strength roughly matching an individual enhanced with Kobra Venom. Stealth skills that appear to slowly be approaching those exhibited by Robin (See- Gotham POI 02 DG). Short-term speed enhancement.

Threat rating: Moderate. Bruiser and tool user. Nothing too special. Keep out of range and watch out for arrows, should not prove too difficult to handle for an experienced team.

Name: Jinx?
Alias: Jinx
A girl with grey skin, pink hair that is usually maintained as a short ponytail and pink eyes with slitted pupils. Likes dressing in pinks, purples and blacks. Willowy build, height at five feet, six inches (1.68 Meters).
Current ward of Dinah Lance (See- Black Canary)
No further information is currently available.

Powers: Some magical powers have been noticed. May be linked to moderate bad luck powers. Further data unavailable.

Threat rating: Assumed low. No recordings of expressed powers are available for review.

Name: Kar'Yashlan
Alias: Kary
A diminutive being of infernal origin. Species has been identified by occult experts as a type of Imp. Especially short and slender as is normal for her species, she stands at three feet, eleven inches (1.2 Meters) and has messy black hair, green eyes. Long tail with spade-tip is present extending from her posterior.
Notable features include sharpened claws, apparent carnivore dentition and digitigrade lower extremities with hooves that appear to be sharpened at the tips.

Powers: Data unavailable. Expert opinions suggest no powers of note should be expected from an imp.

Threat rating: Unknown.

AN/ I'll add more pictures as I get them figured out.
Who's writing this report and how badly are they being fired?
Looks like the League ignored Alchemist's security concerns. Someone is going to jail. I'm laughing at the low ball rating. Alchemist is the most dangerous being the League is associated with.
Or they did listen to his concerns and the low balling is intentional. Hard to make accurate threat profiles if the data you steal from the justice league is bad.
Catching up with: Lex Luthor
Project: Gamer Ver. 2 Alpha Build Sidestory - Catching Up: Lex Luthor

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.


Alchemist was not typically the vindictive sort.

It took too much energy and honestly just wasted his time.

With that being said? With power came options and he was making use of a few.

He'd Scryed his way through the Lexcorp building a handful of times, written down every P.I.N. and password he'd spied Luthor using to get around his building. Alchemist wouldn't make any kind of idiotic claim to being better able to navigate the building than someone that had been there for years, but... He could at least get into a lot of places he wasn't supposed to be.

If he was willing to use Knock on I.D. badge protected doors, he'd be able to get everywhere in the building.

That, unfortunately, would give the game away.

Underneath of everything, Luthor was an arrogant coward. He believed that his concepts of strength and power were absolute, that all others were pretenders and fools. Idiots to one degree or another.

Klarion and Wotan had likely done wonders to reinforce that.

Lex had no respect for the mystic arts. It was not that the man doubted the existence of such things, instead he doubted the reliability of anyone foolish enough to engage in them. To trust the indecipherable and often contrary artistry of the arcane.

Technology. Science. Those were reliable, solid foundations by which to manipulate the world. They wouldn't suddenly fail because whatever deity loaned their power to it had simply been forgotten by the world at large. They were consistent, repeatable forces that suffered no such nonsense.

Alchemist understood the man's position. He even appreciated it, to some degree.

Not enough to give the man a pass for plotting Alchemist's murder. Not nearly enough to overlook Luthor's hand in the ever-downward spiral the Earth was set in.

Not nearly enough to overlook the countless deaths the brilliant fool had helped orchestrate. The graves full of bodies that were far, far too small...

The Justice League had their hands tied in dealing with men like Luthor. And while Alchemist didn't have the same restrictions he still knew that if he overstepped, the League would take the ropes binding their hands and wrap them around his own neck.

Metaphorically. Except for Wonder Woman who had the fetish gear on-hand to do so literally.

Alchemist broke from his thoughts as he stepped into the elevator in Luthercorp headquarter, in Metropolis. He adjusted the tie on his disguise and ran a hand over his bald scalp.

Adjustable Disguise was the one illusion spell he actually made use of regularly.

There was no special password or any other such nonsense that prevented the elevator from taking him up to the top floor. It did stop briefly on other floors as it ascended but the would-be passengers tended to go rather pale at seeing him looking their way with general antipathy.

Oddly enough, they chose to wait instead of joining him.

Well, they were working in an office. If he recalled correctly, somewhere between one-third and one-half of the work they did was so the mindless middle management felt like the actual employees were making them look good.

The top floor was actually a nice location. Sparsely decorated with a few still-life paintings of innocuous things like fruit bowls or a landscape here or there, it shifted a little too much in the wind for Alchemist's comfort but to each their own. The elevator was at one end of a hallway. To the left was a set of doors, marked as Men and Women. On the right was one door, sealed tight with an identification scanner.

That would be Luthor's on-site apartment. Basically a small studio set-up where he had a bed, microwave and mini-fridge with an equally cramped bathroom. So far as Alchemist knew, it didn't see much use.

Mercy spent more time there than Lex did.

No, Alchemist's destination was on the opposite end of the hall. Lex Luthor's office. He didn't have a badge to scan in with...

But Luthor had a special little contingency for that. One that Alchemist had caught the man using a few different times, each one preceding a meeting with his fun little group of Freemasons.

Digging a fingernail into the seam between the bottom of the scanner and the wall, Alchemist popped a hidden panel loose, revealing a keypad. Punching in the eight-digit code, 97136842 had the lock disengage and the door swung open freely.

It swung open to... An empty room?

A confused look spread across the face of a much older, much wrinklier looking Lex Luthor as he surveyed the space he knew Lex had been occupying just an hour past. He pursed his lips, looking around the room for some clue.

Alchemist was... Irked. He'd had a rough idea for an encounter that would have filled Lex Luthor with doubt and existential dread. Acting as though Alchemist were the real Lex Luthor whilst the man in question was just a clone. An obese fool that had hyper-fixated to the point of stupidity, proving clearly that the project that made him was obviously and fatally flawed.

Inhaling deeply, the wizard sighed explosively and glared around the room.

"Well..." Luthor's voice came from Alchemist's lips as he extracted a diamond from his pocket. "I suppose I can still salvage something from this."

Exiting and closing the door behind him, Alchemist put the the gemstone back in his pocket and focused on the door itself.

Limited Wish not only gave access to the complete library of spells beneath it, with some caveats of course, but it could even be used to create new effects wholesale. Provided they were within the general range of power for a sixth tier spell or lower.

Illusions and enchantment spells were not among his specialties. In this particular case, Jinx would be far more effective.

There were spells made to hide doors, making them blend in seamlessly with the surrounding surfaces. Others that would put a literal barrier around them. Alchemist could, if he so chose to, simply lock the door beyond the capabilities of anyone to unlock.

None of those quite matched his desires. An Enchantment effect could be passed off as psionics, one of the few powers that Lex Luthor respected as much as he feared it. It would also further obfuscate the origin of the effect.

More potential leads led to more branches of research and thus more time wasted pursuing dead ends.

Alchemist focused on his Limited Wish, testing the parameters to make the spell fit within the given structure.

~~ Fakery ~~
~~ Target: Object ~~
~~ Duration: 30 Minutes/Level ~~
~~ Saving Throw: Will negates ~~
~~ Effect: Those looking at an affected object are convinced that it is not real. They may believe it to be a painting, a trick of the light, a forgery or some other such thing that will fail to work if used. ~~

Still disguised as Lex Luthor, Alchemist nodded and turned to walk away, the diamond in his pocket now a pile of black ashes. It was hardly what he'd initially intended and was far, far from perfect but...

It should keep Luthor out of his office for a week or so while sending him off on a wild goose chase for whatever psychic would dare tamper with his brilliant mind.


Stepping out of his private washroom, Lex Luthor shook his hands to dry them as he sat down at his desk.

He worried he was starting to get old. Using the toilet was taking longer and longer these days.

With that thought in mind, Lex began composing another email. Project Phoenix may well be able to help with that...

Looking up from his computer, something was bothering him. Something he couldn't quite place.

Nothing looked to be tampered with. A quick glance out the windows behind him showed a lack of flying men in blue suits.


Hours later, Lex began the process for leaving. He shut down his computer, double checked the papers... A suspiciously small amount, he hadn't received any deliveries throughout the day.

Perhaps his managers were finally figuring out how to handle the basics?

...Probably not. The incompetents that he'd had to uplift to improve productivity of the rank and file had likely just called in and left the paperwork piling up on their own desks. Again.

Putting his suit jacket on, Lex Luthor froze. He looked around the room, his dark eyes blinking in confusion.

How was he supposed to leave?

"How... Did I get in?" He asked after a long moment, his mind jumping, glitching over that particular moment in the morning.


By the second day of Luthor's absence, Mercy Graves was becoming concerned.

It wasn't unheard of for him to disappear, to devote days at a time to a project... But usually there were a few indicators.

This time? This time there hadn't been any sleepless nights pouring over blueprints. No hours spent analyzing the contours of Superman's butt in flight-

She was interrupted by her phone ringing. Her boss, according to the caller I.D.

"Mercy!" The man shouted in her ear as soon as she clicked accept. "Help! I'm stuck and I can't get out!"

"Sir?" Luthor was panicking. Luthor never did that! "Where are you?"

"My office! I can't get out!" That... How?

"I'm on my way, sir." How was he stuck in his office?

Power walking to the elevator, she picked the top floor and swiped her badge across the access panel, activating the express mode. The speed as it accelerated up left her feeling queasy, her ears hurting, but it sounded like her boss was having an emergency!

Stepping out of the elevator, Mercy blinked in confusion as she realized there was something wrong. Everything was right where it was supposed to be... The bathrooms, the apartment, the various paintings and decorative door... She pulled her phone back out of her pocket.

"Sir?" She started as soon as her call went through. "Where's your office door?"

"I don't know!"


Patrolling was mostly unnecessary in Metropolis, at least for threats that actually required aid by Superman.

Still, it helped people to see him in the sky, it made them feel safe knowing that he was nearby.

With that being said? Superman was often witness to some of the absolutely strangest things imaginable.

"Help me!" Like Lex Luthor, banging on his very expensive, very bullet proof windows and shouting in Clark's general direction. "Superman! Help me!"

Rather than go for what may well be the most obvious trick he'd ever seen, Clark chose to pretend he hadn't noticed the mogul.

"Superman! You blue alien prick! I know you can hear me!" And that plan went up in smoke. "I'm trapped! I need your help!"

Floating over, Clark could more clearly see that Luthor was looking rather haggard. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked like he'd been wearing the same outfit for several days.

"Luthor!" Clark shouted, loud enough to be heard through the roaring winds and bulletproof glass... Which, judging by the equipment nearby, Lex's own workers hadn't been able to cut through. "What do you mean you're trapped?!"

"My office door is missing! My maintenance team doesn't have the equipment to get through the meta-human proof shielding on my windows!" That... Was a bit more paranoid than Clark had been expecting. "I've been in here for days!"

"Well..." Clark tried to find something to say, struggling to speak at a normal volume that he knew Luthor couldn't hear. "Huh."

How Luthor was missing the door set right into the wall opposite the window? And he'd somehow not seen it for several days?

Clark couldn't even begin to guess.

"Days, Superman!" Luthor continued, his fists slamming against the glass. "Days!"

"I'm so... Hungry."
His build leans towards wide and heavy
Does that mean Al has Dad-bod, or do you mean more as a strongman build? I'd assume this would be someone's description of a strongman, since most of the male League member has either athlete or bodybuilder looks.
Especially short and slender as is normal for her species, she stands at three feet, eleven inches (1.2 Meters) and has messy black hair, green eyes. Long tail with spade-tip is present extending from her posterior.
Notable features include sharpened claws, apparent carnivore dentition and digitigrade lower extremities with hooves that appear to be sharpened at the tips.
You forgot about her beautiful horns.
Does that mean Al has Dad-bod, or do you mean more as a strongman build?
Given that he has described himself as being more likely to do a caber-toss than gracefully dodge incoming attacks, most likely the latter.

Goddamn. Al is surprisingly pretty. Got that bishie face
At first I thought you misspelled 'petty,' but then I realized...

Yeah, that face does not match the description of him, nor of my internal picture of him. That's the face of someone with a very slim build, not someone who is "wide and heavy." That, and his hair is rather large and poofy, which looks...odd... And isn't he supposed to be a redhead?
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